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Johnmar B.

Abuan 9-Galelei
Neoclassical Period Romantic Period
Canova Barye
Thorvaldsen Delacroix
David Goya
Ingres Rude
The apotheosis of homer Gericult
Classical Block Liberty leading the people
Lion of lucerne Departure of the volunteers
Oath of the horatii Third of may
Palladian The raft of the medusa
Temple style

Individual Activity
Neoclassical Period Romantic Period
Napoleon Crossing the Alps Departure of the volunteers
The apotheosis of homer Liberty leading the people
Psyche Awakened by Cupid’s Kiss Charging Chasseur
White House Strawberry Hill, London

Individual Activity
Neoclassical Period Romantic Period
Lion of lucerne Theseus Slaying Minotour
Thorvaldsen Siliman University Hall
David Insane woman
Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne National Museum

1. What you can say about Neoclassical Period?
- Neoclassical period tried to imitate the style of the Romans and Greeks. Thus the combination of
the terms 'neo,' which means 'new,' and 'classical,' as in the day of the Roman and Greek classics.
This was also the era of The Enlightenment, which emphasized logic and reason.
2. What are the characteristic of the Neoclassical Paintings?
- Neoclassical painting is characterized by the use of straight lines, a smooth paint surface, the
depiction of light, a minimal use of color, and the clear, crisp definition of forms. The works of
Jacques-Louis David are usually hailed as the epitome of Neoclassical painting.

1. What are the characteristic of the Neoclassical sculptures?
- Neoclassical sculpture is defined by its symmetry, life-sized to monumental scale, and its serious
subject matter. The subjects of Neoclassical sculpture ranged from mythological figures to heroes
of the past to major contemporary personages.
2. How do the artists convey their ideas in their artworks?
- Artists convey their ideas in their artworks in many ways. They don't just simply do an artwork that
is nothing and senseless, and that don't resemble his ideals. The artworks contains the ideas and
whatever things that the artist had in mind, and the artist put it in the artworks that will it interesting
and known for its fame

1. What can you say about Neoclassical architecture?
-  is characterized by grandeur of scale, simplicity of geometric forms, Greek—especially Doric (see
order)—or Roman detail, dramatic use of columns, and a preference for blank walls. The new taste
for antique simplicity represented a general reaction to the excesses of the Rococo style.
Neoclassical Architecture is a product of the Neoclassical Art movement that began in 1760.
The Neoclassical movement is about the revival of Classical Art and getting inspiration from
Antiquities. Neoclassical architecture designs are simple yet elegant and the elements of design
are harmonious to each other.
2. What are the characteristic of each of the different styles of Neoclassical buildings?
- There are three main architectural styles of Neoclassical Architecture which are the Temple Style,
the Palladian, and the Classical block.

The architectural design of the Temple style was based on temples of the Greco-Roman
antiquities. The Temple style wasn’t a trend during the Renaissance until the Neoclassical Art movement
that began in 1760. The archeological discovery of the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneum in 1738 and
Pompeii in 1748. The dominant trait of the Temple style featured a Peristyle which is not common in
Rennaisance architecture.

The architectural design of the Palladian was based on the designs of Andrea Palladio often found
in villa, churches, and plaza ofof Venice, Italy. The Roman architect Vitruvius influenced Andrea Palladio's
designs in which it follows the Vitruvian principles of mathematical proportions.

The architectural design of the Classical Block is known for its rectuangular or square floor plan. It
features a flat roof with the exterior design filled with classical detail and patterns of columns. In summary, it
is a box-shaped building that is elegantly decorated.
3. Give some examples of buildings that have the influences of the architectural style of
Neoclassicism in our country?
- La Salle Hall, and Department of Tourism. Another example of neoclassical building in the
Philippines are Manila Central Post Office, Malacañang Palace, and Manila City Hall. While the
aforementioned buildings are all in Metro Manila, there are also buildings across the country that
are influenced by Neoclassicism

1. What can you say about Romantic period?
- The Romantic Era, or Romanticism was a cultural movement that started in Europe during the
1770s and reached its peak between 1800 - 1850s. It greatly affected philosophical thinking,
literature, music, and art during the Industrial Revolution which occurred during the same time
2. What are the characteristic of the Romantic paintings?
- The focus of romantic art is more on the feelings, emotions and moods of all kinds including
spirituality, imagination, mystery, and fervor. In terms of the subject matter, it is widely varied which
includes landscapes, religion, revolution, and peaceful beauty. The trend in the brushwork
for romantic art became looser and less precise.
3. What are the ideas or themes that were portrayed in their art?
- The four major themes of Romanticism are passion, emotion and imagination, nature, and social
4. How do the artists convey their ideas in their art?
- Artist convey their ideas in their art by simply showcasing and expressing it in a creative way.
We can express our thoughts and ideas through arts

1. What can you say about Romantic Sculptures?
- There is so much to learn about romantic sculpture. I believe it was a more nuanced art than most
because it evoked feelings similar to passion. I believe it was the best, because it was shaping a
2. What are the characteristic of Roman Sculptures?
- based on various thoughts, feelings, and moods, such as faith, fantasy, suspense, and fervor.
Landscapes, philosophy, revolt, and peaceful beauty were among the topics included.
3. How do the artists convey their ideas in their artworks?
- Artists can express their concepts through feeling and form in their work. They will employ a variety
of shapes, colours, depth, viewpoint, and lines.

1. What can you say about Gothic Revival architecture?
- You can recognize a Gothic Revival structure by several elements, including high pitched roofs,
windows with pointed arches, and houses that are cross-gables, with roof lines that intersect to
form a cross. Gothic Revival structures also tend to have decorative tracery, delicate pieces of
open woodwork.
2. What are the characteristic of the Gothic Revival architecture?
- The old style of Romanesque architecture, with its rounded ceilings, huge thick walls, small
windows and dim interiors had been replaced by soaring Gothic arches, thin walls, and huge
stained glass windows, which flooded the interiors with light.
3. Give some example of buildings that have influences of the architectural style of Gothic Rivival
here in the Philippines?
- There are many examples of buildings that have the influence of the architectural style of
neoclassicm in the Philippines such as National Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of
Anthropology, St. La Salle Hall, and Department of Tourism.
Tell Me

Last Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho  or The Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace  is a
famous 1884 history painting by Filipino painter namely Félix Resurrección Hidalgo.

The painting was a silver medalist (ninth silver medal award among forty-five during the 1884 Exposicion
General de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain, also known as the Madrid Exposition. According to Raquel A.G.
Reyes, Hidalgo’s winning the silver medal for the painting was a landmark achievement that proved the ability of
Filipinos to match the work of Spaniards and laid claim to Filipino participation in European Culture

Regarded as one of the national treasures of the Philippines, a copy of the painting is part of the art
collection of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. The original was destroyed in a fire at the University of Valladolid in
Spain. Since 2015, the painting is currently on a five-year loan to National Gallery Singapore as part of its
Southeast Asian art galleries.

The 'Planting Rice with Mayon Volcano,

Exhibits the happiness across from the difficulties in planting rice. The Filipino Villagers in their bright clothes and
straw hats plant together with a fresh and green landscape of plenty. behind the filipino villagers is the peaceful
flume of steam.

1. Were you able to identify the art period from which the artwork belongs?
- Yes
2. What are the visible Neoclassic or Romantic characteristic of the artwork?
- Romantic art was concerned with a wide range of thoughts, feelings, and moods, including faith,
fantasy, suspense, and fervor. ... Neoclassical art was distinguished by a more clean look, sculpted
shapes, a superficial depth of history, and a more realistic approach.
3. How does the art piece convey the idea of the period?
- Artists share their thoughts in their art by actually displaying and presenting them in an artistic
manner. Via the arts, we will share our opinions and ideas. We should paint or sketch whatever we
want in order to show our thoughts simply and creatively. Artists share their thoughts in their art by
actually displaying and presenting them in an artistic manner. Via the arts, we will share our
opinions and ideas.
Group Activity “Explorer”

Upon seeing this painting Spolarium by Juan Luna, the first thing that comes to my mind is it depicts of what is the life living
scenario by the Filipinos or how the Filipinos are being treated by the Spaniards. As you can see in this artwork the Filipino
suffered from social ills of the country like violence. Indeed, it emphasized the violation of Human Rights by the colonizers
of the Spain. They are being killed by the colonizers that were being portrayed in the painting. Look around the artwork you
will see their hardships and there's a lot of people crying and fighting for the rights of the Filipinos from abusive colonizers
before. And how creative Juan Luna is, he can persuade his message through painting. The use of color in the painting was
able to catch attention in the point of interest. He uses red in the center and a shade of green in the darkness. And the use
of shape created a bolder scene. The shape is also used with alternation, a dominance in the shape of the body is given
attraction. And of all the striking elements, the composition is the most evident. Because of its asymmetrical patterns, it
provides a comparison between light and darkness, the horror of dragged corpses against the mourning of a lady, the thin
almost skeletal bodies of aged men versus muscular soldiers slaughtered in their prime. With everything pointing to the
message: the carnage of human rights violation
What I learned about the history of Spolarium is that the purpose of Juan Luna why he made this artwork was to
awaken Filipinos from ignorance, blindness, and oppression from the colonizers. Indeed, the Spoliarium of Juan Luna gave
him the chance to tell the whole world that painting is not a mere art of mixing and integrating different colors; to make a
masterpiece livelier and more historically relevant. But it is an expression of one’s idea of liberty, self-respect, and his or her
dynamic views about the varying social ills of a nation like the freedom-loving Philippines had gone through the years. Also,
the corpses that are dragged is painted with a ration 9:1, the body is nine times bigger than that of the head. because Juan
Luna wants to express life thru the body. By painting the body larger than any other life emphasize life. And it is one of the
most popular painting in the Philippines, because it depicts the 19 Th Century horror experience of the Filipino.

Reflection Questions
1. How did you identify the artwork?
- I identify it using my visual sense.
2. What are the characteristic of the artwork that make it a part of such art movement?
- It’s General characteristics of Visual art/Fundamentals of Visual art : Space, form, size, shape, line,
colour texture, tonal values, perspective, design and aesthetic organization of visual elements
in art object (composition). The uses of two and three dimensions in visual art.
3. Why do you think that there is a need to value the artwork and art movements from the past eras?
- The need to value artworks from previous times. Art from the past holds clues to life within
the past. By looking at a work of art's symbolism, colors, and materials, ready to learn around the
culture that created it. Art both reflects and makes a difference to make a culture's vision of itself

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