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Johnmar Abuan

Activity 1: Ready To Go
Situation 1

I will check the surrounding of my classmate if there is possible

objects that may fall again to him/her. Secure the surroundings to
avoid injury from broken glass and debris. Expect aftershocks

I will check the surrounding of my classmate if there is possible
objects that may fall again to him/her. Secure the surroundings to
avoid injury from broken glass and debris. Expect aftershocks

If my classmate is bleeding, i will put direct pressure on the

wound, use clean gauze or cloth if available. I will apply the first
aid kit that ive learn in this lesson.

. If i see that my classmate is in seriously injured, i will not try to

move him/her unless she/he are in further danger of injury.

I will seek medical help.

Situation 2

I will request to my classmate to go out for a while in our room so

that my classmate who has a burnt hand will not be confound
and can breathe enough air so that she/he can relax even more

Next is that i will remove her/his cloth from the burned areas,
except clothing stuck to the skin.

I will Run cool (not cold) water over the burn areas until the pain

I will lightly apply a gauze bandage or a clean, soft cloth or towe

. I will offer him/her ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain reliver.

Then call for medical help
Situation 3

I will call for medical rescue.

I will move my sister into a cool place, out of direct sunlight.

I will remove my sisters unnecessary clothing, and place

her side to expose as much skin surface to the air as

. I will cool my sisters entire body by sponging or spraying

cold water, and fan to help lower my sisters body

I will watch for signs of rapidly progressing heatstroke, such

as seizure, unconsciousness for longer than a few seconds,
and moderate to severe difficulty breathing. And i will Apply
ice packs in each armpit and on the back of my sisters
neck. And If my sisters has stopped breathing, begin
rescue breathing.
Processing Questions
1. The situation is the most important thing at all cause this is where you will know the side of the
killer, how she or he was killed this is where we know that the victims are telling the truth but if you
choose to hear the victims side than to look at the situation they might brainwash you
2. A primary survey is indicated in the evaluation of all trauma patients. [1][2][3][4] If the patient is too
combative for the primary trauma survey to be completed, often due to panic or intoxication, the
patient should be sedated and intubated so that an effective primary survey may be performed.
3. The secondary survey is performed once the patient has been resuscitated and stabilized. It
involves a more thorough head-to-toe examination, and the aim is to detect other significant but not
immediately life-threatening injuries.
4. It is good and great. It is life changing.
Activity 2: Share Your heroism
1. This situation is the first time that ive been in an emergency situation. This is when me and my
friends go to fishpond to catch fish but my friend lost his balance and he fell to the pond.
2. The moment when i saw my friend fell to the pound, i fell shock and at the same time im scared.
3. Yes. I apply the knowledge I know about medical or first aid kit.
4. I feel sacred and at the same time its fulfilling because I help him.

Activity 3: Dinnaniwan
Activity 4: Test Yourself
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C


My knowledge in first aid and safety awareness is important because knowledge of first

aid promotes the sense of safety and well being amongst people, prompting them to be more alert
and safe in the surroundings they dwell in. Awareness and desire to be accident free keeps you
more safe and secure, reducing the number of causalities and accidents.
Im confused about doing some first aid because there is times that It will lead to serious injury
I have learned that First aid training helps employees learn to be more conscious of safety in the
workplace, leading to a reduced number of accidents and injuries. Minimizing risk to workers and
decreasing workplace incidents is a benefit to everyone, but for employers it has implications within all
aspects of business operations.
Dressing and Bandages
Activity 1: Getting To Know You
1. Dressing and bandages
2. Yes
3. We have a first aid kit in our house.
4. Wearing by my dad
5. It covers the wound to prevent infection
6. Adhesive tape: Just tape the dressing in place.
Activity 2: Twist and Match
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. J
6. I
7. G
8. H
9. F
10. E
Activity 4: Rate Yourself
1. 5
2. 4
3. 4
4. 3
5. 4
Activity 5: Simulation On Video
Situation #1
I will immediately take the knife away from her. And give her a first aid. I will treat her wound or
injured body part. Wash her finger with water to remove the blood, put some antiseptic or alcohol to not
infect it. And put some healing materials. And afterwards, if the wound is a severe one, I will bring her to the
Situation #2
Apply cold compress at the burnt part to help it ease the pain and to let the injury cool down.
Situation #3
I will let him rest on the clean and safe ground or much better on a chair or bench. The next thing
to do is to call the hospital and take him to check for possible fractures or injuries. While waiting for the
ambulance to come, I will check his body if there are wounds and apply first aid.
The purposes served by dressings include protecting wounds; promoting healing; and providing,
retaining, or removing moisture. Bandages can be used to hold dressings in place, to relieve pain, and
generally to make the patient comfortable. That’s what I’ve learned.
Im not sure about the school materials as a replacement.
Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person
Activity 1: Bring me-To a Safe Place
Must Do Kind of Transportation
1 Lift the victim safely by arm carry One Person Arm Carry
1 Pass underneath a low structure Tied Hands Crawl
1 Transport the victim down the stairs One person Arm Carry
1 The victim is carried over one shoulder Firefighters Carry
1 Place both victim’s arms, grasping the victims opposite wrist One Person Pack-Strap Carry
2 Carry the victim down the stairs Chairs Carry
2 Both rescuers rise to a standing position Two Person Carry
3 The rescuers will then squat and lift the victim on the Hammock Carry
command of the persons nearest the head.
3 First aider will have to carry the victim on a narrow hallway Three Person Carry

Activity 2: Practice One

Observed Not Observed Remarks
1. √ Good
2. √ Good
3. √ Good
4. √ Good
5. √ Good

Activity 3: Practice Two

Observed Not Observed Remarks
1. √ Good
2. √ Good
3. √ Good
4. √ Good
5. √ Good

Activity 4: Practiced Three

Observed Not Observed Remarks
1. √ Good
2. √ Good
3. √ Good
4. √ Good
5. √ Good
First Aid for Common Unintentional Emergencies
Activity 1: Can I Be
1. Can a grade 9 student be a first aider? Why and How?
Grade 9 student can be a first aid because:
1. They have discussed in class the basics of first aid
2. They simulate on how to do first aid in case of emergency situation through role play and other
3. They have already know how on the first aid principles such as:
The first aider should survey first the scene; If the place is unsafe the first aider should not require
to attempt the patient.
- Never move the patient because it might cause serious injury.
- Check the consciousness of the patient.  
- Check the ABC's airways, breathing, circulation
- Remove any obstruction from the airways.
- Give artificial respiration.
- Check for severe bleeding and control immediately.
- Check if the patient is unconscious, check for head injuries and apply proper first aid .

2. Can a member of your family be a first aider? Why and How?

- Yes, anyone is capable of doing first aid, only the ones having the capability of training and
possessing such characteristics to avoid complications and errors.

3. Can an ordinary citizen in your community be a first aider? Why and how?
- Yes, an ordinary citizen in your community can be a first aider. It is encouraged that ordinary
citizens know how to do first aid as first responders in case of emergency, disaster, or any accident
in order to prolong life while waiting for a doctor or medical aid to arrive.

4. Can we all be first aider? Why and how?

- Emergency situations requires emergency solutions. When lives are at stake, basic first aid
knowledge and skills can help save people. No one can tell when and where the emergency or
accident might happen.
- Can we all be first aiders? Why and how?
- No. Not all can be a first aider. Why? To become first aider, person should be trained about first aid
basics because if a person has no idea about first aid it might lead to harm the victim.
- The first aider must know the general rules for first aid before they can implement first aid. How ?
1. The first aider should survey first the scene; If the place is unsafe the first aider should not require to
attempt the patient.
2. Never move the patient because it might cause serious injury.
3. Check the consciousness of the patient.
4. Check the ABC's airways, breathing, circulation
5. Remove any obstruction from the airways.
6. Give artificial respiration.
7. Check for severe bleeding and control immediately.
8. Check if the patient is unconscious, check for head injuries and apply proper first aid.

Activity 2: Emergency! Emergency! What will I do?

Actions To Be Taken
1. Call an Ambulance, If he/she can speak try and see if you can get his/her emergency information
to notify relatives and friends of him, comfort him without making things worse. Originally
Answered: A man in the street is bumped by a car. You should call the ambulance immediately.
2. Take off your shoes, and unnecessary clothes (to dry your cousin with after he/she gets out) swim
to him and save him. IF you have something that can float nearby its easier to swim with that and
let your cousin hold onto it so you wouldn’t get tired.
3. The first thing we should do is to seek medical assistance immediately. Then, we will make sure
that the victim will have someone to look up to him. And while waiting for the medics, be ready to
describe other medications he is taking and any information you have about the victim. And lastly,
if possible, find the substance package that is used by the victim.
4. Perform ABC check the Airway, if something is blocking his airway just tilt his head and then
remove it Check for breathing, put your face near his nose and feel if he is breathing, if not perform
5. I need to call an adult or an ambulance. I will not let my grandfather right arm move because it
might only get worse, one the ambulance came we need to lift grandfather carefully and bring him
to a hospital or clinic.
Processing Questions:
1. People who is likely to be victims of accidents are those who did not know precautionary measures
and never had information to how to act on that situation so people may make mistakes that life
besides them. Accident prone areas are those like the roads.
2. Accidents may happen anytime, anywhere. It is not preventable but it can be minimize by applying
the strategies to minimize accidents  in the school, in our home or in the workplace.
3. Immediate action is designed to meet existing and imminent urgent sanitation needs.
It should involve relatively simple emergency interventions that can be implemented rapidly. The
emphasis should be on preventing the spread of disease through the provision of basic services
and amenities.

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