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DATE: 03/24/2021

Mining has the potential to effect the environment and communities
throughout the life cycle of a project. Obtaining access to land for the purposes of
mineral extraction is therefore becoming increasingly difficult and has developed into a
key risk for the industry. To ensure continued access, a mining companies must
demonstrate commitment for a sustainable development without misuse the mine site.
In order to forestall the problem of mine tailing disaster, we provide the following

 Mining companies site/area needs to rehabilitate and restored as a safe source

of food and livelihood for the local fishing villages.
 Large amount of waste rocks, tailings and overburden at the mines sites needs to
be removed or properly impounded, so that it ceases to threaten downstream
ecosystem and communities.
A studies that comes out with the evidences provided in preventing mine
problem as stated by Yancoal companies which was committed in pursuing this
process or technique, the successful rehabilitation of the area and worked to shape
the land and return it to state that benefited both the environment and the
community. As a result, in December 2020 Yancoal was proud to fully relinquish the
land to the government and open lake kepwari in Australia.
On the other hand, rehabilitation is a costly process and therefore needs
to be carefully planned and implemented and the objective itself are essential for
rehabilitations success. In addition, based on the study of Lu and Cai, removing
waste rock, tailings and other solid waste is an effective way of resolving the
problem of waste discharge, land occupation and protecting environment if the mine
solid wastes can be treated in new ways such as waste reuse, waste rock reduction
and waste and tailing backfill. In order to protect and manage the mining
environment, promote recovery for sustainable development of a mine sites.
The reality is, mining has been, and will still be around for every long
time to come. One way to combat the ever- dangerous mining environments is the
innovation of equipment and technology and more automation to use in mining
progress prevention. Not only does this prevent miners from being put into
potentially dangerous environments but it could open up new safer roles within this
ever changing industry.

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