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Submitted To: Ma’am Hamna Javed

Submitted By: Ayesha and Maria

Subject : IBM

Date: 17-11-2020

Program: BBAFALL 17 A

Class Assignment

NCBA &E Multan


Using suitable examples &theory , critically explore the strength & weakness of adopting an ethical
approach to leadership


 The present studyconductedfirm-levelanalysesregardingtherela-

tionshipbetweenchiefexecutiveofficer(CEO)ethical leadership an d ethical climate, and the
moderating effect of climate strength(i.e., agreement in climate perceptions)on the relationship
between ethical climate and collective organizational citizenship behavior(OCB).Self-report data
were collected from 223CEOsand 66,021employees in South Korea.

 The linkage between CEO ethical lead-ership and organizational ethical climate hasrarelybeen
ethicalnormsanddirectstheethicalpracticesandactivities of the firm
(CarlsonandPerrewe1995;PosnerandSchmidt 1992;Schminkeetal.2005),

 It is a meaningful endeavors explore the relationship between CEO ethical leadership and ethical

 , the ethical leadership literature has focused almost exclusively on Subordinate outcomes
examined mainly in business and educational contexts (Bedi et al., 2016), and few studies have
examined the boundary conditions of ethical leadership and Leader wellbeing in extreme
contexts (Bernerth & Hirschfeld, 2016).

 Ethical leadership is defined as “the demonstration of normatively appropriate Conduct through

personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such Conduct through
two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making” (Brown et Al., 2005, p. 120).

 Self control on the character strength -ethical leadership -outcomes relationships

 Self-control is defined as “the capacity to alter or override dominant response Tendencies and
to regulate behavior, thoughts, and emotions” (de Ridder, Lensvelt-Mulders, Finkenauer, Stork,
& Baumeister, 2012, p. 77).

 Self-control is a trait underlying the self-Regulation of cognition and behavior according to the
SCT of moral thought and action (Bandura, 1991a), and also serves as an important personal
resource that “may magnify or Diminish resource loss” in stressful contexts according to COR
theory (Hagger, 2015, p. 91).
 Baumeister and his colleagues (2007) argued that self-control assists in tasks that require the
Controlling of attention, emotions, impulses, thoughts, choices, and social processing. The
Strength model of self-control asserts that self-regulation requires the exertion of
energy/Willpower that becomes exhausted and results in ego depletion, a state of diminished
self-Control (Baumeister et al., 2007). Both the strength model of self-control (Baumeister et al.,

 COR theory posit that stress arises and performance diminishes when there is a Mismatch
between situational demands and the availability of personal resources required to Cope as
individuals use up their reserve of self-control (Hagger, 2015). Hagger (2015) Pointed out that
“self-regulatory skills…and personal traits such as trait self-control… have Been identified as
possible moderators of the effects of the limited resource on behavior” (p. 90), such as effects of
honesty/humility, empathy, and moral courage on ethical leadership Behavior.

 The present study has a number of strengths First, we examine the effects of ethical leadership
On important organizational (i.e., unethical behavior) and interpersonal (i.e., relationship
conflict)Group-level outcomes. Second, we examine ethical Leadership effects while controlling
for related Leadership constructs. Third, we address a gap in The ethical leadership literature by
examining Leader moral identity as an antecedent of ethical Leadership. Fourth, we examine a
process through Which leader moral identity influences employee Unethical behavior and

Similarities with and between ethical ,spiritual authentic and transformational theories of leadership

Similarities with ethical Leadership

 Concerned for others
 Ethical decision making
 Integrity

Difference from ethical Leadership

 Ethical Leaders emphasize moral management and others awareness

 Authentic Leaders emphasize authenticity and self awareness

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