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01 Follow Along


1. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?

2. Label: Language Acquisition or Language Learning

• subconscious process • direct instruction in the rules

• unaware of grammatical rules • they usually have a basic knowledge of grammar (in their L1)
• happens naturally • presupposes learners have a conscious knowledge of the new language and
• they repeat what is said and get a feel for right and wrong can talk about that knowledge (metacognition)
• child needs a source of natural communication
01 Follow Along

3 True or False and why?

T / F Children who have the ability to memorize grammar rules and complete pages of grammar drills will learn to speak and write English more quickly.

T / F The more time students spend soaking up English in the mainstream classroom, the faster they will learn the language.

T/F The emotional state of the learner interferes with the acquisition of a new language.

T/F Children learn a second language faster and more easily than teenagers and adults do.

Did any of these things surprise you?

01 Follow Along

4. Label and fill in the blanks

1 2 3

Grammar rules Not explained

Meaningful communication
Not important Limited

Use of translation
Central feature

Teacher-student roles
Teacher-centered Teacher-centered student to student interaction

Attitude to errors

Language skills emphasized

Based on learners' needs
01 Follow Along

5. Follow along with the video

Everyday, What/Where

walk to the park.

open the gate.

close the gate.

climb the trees.

look at the river.

smell the flowers.

sit on the bench.

read a book.

stand up.

open the gate.

close the gate.

go home.
01 Follow Along

• 6. A different story, your story

Every day, I…
action verbs
thank God
wear a smile
greet people nicely
walk calmly
speak softly
eat well
live healthy
01 Follow Along

7. A different story, your story

Location At Home
Every day, I…
action verbs
get up early in the morning.
give thanks to the Almighty.
start the day right.
log In the attendance.
work from home.
take care of my family members.
rest with a peaceful mind.
01 Assignment heads up!

You need the following documents in order to complete the assignment for week 01:

01 Assignment withChecklist.pptx
01 References and Resources.pptx

The assignment needs to be completed and posted before you next webinar.
Please follow any instructions in the assignment about commenting and/or reviewing other webinar attendees’ posts.

This is what I need to do after this webinar in order to be successful with my assignment:

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