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University of Eastern Philippines Laboratory High School

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8

(Verbal and Non-verbal cues when delivering a persuasive speech)
June 2, 2021 1:00-2:00 PM
I. Objectives

Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as
mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies in
examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and
propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and

Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a

persuasive speech based on an information essay featuring use of properly acknowledged
information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

Learning Competencies:

EN8OL-IIIi-4.1: Using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues when delivering a persuasive

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Verbal and Non-Verbal cues when delivering a persuasive speech

B. References: Risonar, Christopher O. (2020). English-Grade 8 Alternative
Learning Mode (ADM) Quarter 3- Module 7: Oral Language and Fluency. Department
of Education – Division of Gingoog City.
C. Materials: Metastrips/flashcards, handouts/module, chalk, speaker, television

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Routinary Activities
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Sir!
Before we start, I want you to arrange your chairs
properly and pick up the pieces under your chairs.
Then, please go back to your permanent seats silently.
Your attendance will be checked from our short
exercise later. Do you have assignments? Please pass
your assignments in front without standing.

B. Review
Class, what did we discuss last meeting?
We discussed about important aspects of
presentation to keep in mind.

Great! Will you please give me an example?

Body language.
Nice! Why is body language important when delivering
a persuasive speech?
If your shoulders are sagging and your legs are
crossed, you will not appear as being sincere
and people just will not accept your message.
Very good! What are the other important aspects of
presentation that you need to keep in mind?
Articulation, pronunciation, pitch, speed,
pauses, volume, quality, and variance.
Excellent! How are these aspects important when
delivering persuasive speech?
They can make your speech/presentation more
appealing and convincing to the audience.

C. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Now, we are going to play the game ‘We have to move
now!’. I have here strips of paper in which each has a
corresponding mood or disposition on it like guilty,
happy, suspicious, paranoid, etc. One student will take a
strip of paper from this bowl and read this sentence:
“We all need to gather our possessions and move to
another building as soon as possible!” expressing the
mood they’ve selected. Meanwhile, the other students
will guess the emotion of the reader. Am I being clear?
Yes, Sir!
(The students will do the activity)
2. Presentation of the Lesson
Did you find the activity challenging? What do you
think is our topic today?
I think our topic today has something to do with
how a person expresses or communicates
himself to other people?
Nice! That’s close. Today, we are going to discuss
verbal and non-verbal cues when delivering a
persuasive speech. Here is the objective for our today’s
-using appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues
when delivering a persuasive speech
3. Activity
Class, you will be grouped into five. Each group will
present a short skit vividly demonstrating their assigned
type of verbal and/or non-verbal cues. You have 10
minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to present.
Group 1: Eye Contact
Group 2: Facial Expression
Group 3: Good Posture
Group 4: Gesture
Group 5: Direct and Indirect verbal cues
(The students will do the activity)

4. Analysis
Before we start your presentation let’s first differentiate
verbal and non-verbal cues. So, what do you think is the
difference between verbal and non-verbal cues?
The difference between verbal and non-verbal
cues is that former is a prompt that is conveyed
in spoken language from one person to another
while the latter is the use of body movements to
convey a message.
Very good! Now, let’s have your presentations. Group
1, you may begin first.

Well done, Group 1! What can you say about their

presentation? Were they able to able to demonstrate
“eye contact”?
It was good and they were able to demonstrate
“eye contact” clearly in their demonstration.
Great! What do you think is/are the reason/s that
speakers make eye contact to their audience?
First, it tells the audience that he is honest.
Second, it creates a bond of trust. Third, it tells
the audience that you are confident with the
material. Fourth, by maintaining eye contact the
audience will be more likely to remain engaged
because they believe in you.
Marvelous! Next to present will be Group 2.

Very good, Group 2! Let’s hear some comments from

the class about their presentation. Anyone who would
like to say something?
I really love their presentation. It was great.
They were able to portray different facial
Great! What are those facial expressions that they were expressions.
able to portray?
Arched eyebrows, frown, anger, fear and
Very good! Now, Group 3 you may start your

Well done, Group 3! Class, why do you think it’s

important for speakers to maintain a good posture?
It is important because the position that you are
in when you stand or sit tells a lot about you.
Moreover, leaning on the podium tells the
audience that you are not confident.
Absolutely! Next to present will be group 4.

Very good, Group 4! Class, what can you say about

their presentation? Were they able to portray clearly
“gestures” in their short skit?
Their performance was amazing. And yes, they
were able to portray clearly “gestures” in their
Alright! So, where do you put your hands or how do
you control your arm movements when delivering a
persuasive speech?
It is important that your hands should not be in
your pocket. Your arm movements should
depend/reflect the emotion you want to convey.
Nice! Now, let’s have the last group.

Well done, Group 5! Class, will you please differentiate

direct and indirect verbal cues?
Direct verbal cues ae used to make very clear
that the listener is expected to do or say
something. On the other hand, indirect verbal
cues are prompts that tend to be less obvious
about what is expected and might come in the
form of a question.
Perfect! Good job, everyone! Please give yourselves a
round of applause.

5. Abstraction
What significant learnings have you learned in class
Today I learned about the difference between
verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal cues are
prompts that are conveyed in spoken language
while nonverbal cues are conveyed through
body movement.

I learned that verbal and non-verbal cues are

important to make your persuasive speech
delivery more appealing and convincing.

6. Application
Class, each of you will write a short or brief (2-3
minutes) persuasive speech. You will look for a partner
and in front of your partner you are going to deliver
your speech. Your partner will rate your delivery. After,
you will be the one to rate this time while your partner
delivers his/her speech. You must remember to use
verbal and non-verbal cues to merit a high rating. I will
be providing a rubric for your presentation.
(The students will do the activity)

IV. Evaluation
A. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer before the

1. Non-verbal cues give more meaning to a message.

2. People rarely communicate unintentionally, whether verbally or nonverbally.
3. It is possible for verbal and non-verbal cues to contradict each other.
4. Physical appearance can play a large role in non-verbal communication
5. Tone of voice is not considered non-verbal communication because it involves

B. Encircle the letter of your correct answer.

1. Verbal cues are those that are conveyed through which of the following?
A. Spoken language B. Inflection C. Tone of Voice D. written words

2. Indirect verbal cues are those in which the expected response or reaction is what?
A. Unclear C. confusing B. Obvious D. unknown

3. A speaker with arched eyebrows conveys to the audience that he or she

A. Scared C. condescending B. Happy D. surprised

4.____________ is the use of body movements to send a message.

A. Posture C. nonverbal communication B. Eye contact D. hand gestures

5.“I want you to go wash the car” is an example of the following?

A. Direct use C. Phonetic prompt B. Indirect use D. None of the answers are

V. Assignment

Watch a persuasive speech online and write down at least five (5) verbal and/or non-
verbal cues used by the speaker.

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