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Pandemics and the changing of behavior.

Pandemi dan perubahan perilaku.

Introduce my name is A Khazelia Putra NIM 2011604108, okay here I want to

give an opinion about the pandemic and changes in people's behavior.

It doesn't feel like it's been a year since the first Covid-19 case entered Indonesia
and caused a national and global pandemic. The longer the case of covid is
increasing, even in Indonesia, there are more than 1 million people infected with
COVID-19. The government implements various efforts to break the chain of
covid 19 such as lockdown, 3M Action wash your hands, wear a mask and keep
your distance, Large-Scale Social Restrictions, Preventing foreigners from
entering, but there are still people who still don't want to take care of their health,
they think that covid doesn't exist, covid is just a trick of the government, and
covid is a conspiracy. Even though the government has been aggressively taking
various measures to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes in people's behavior, such as
staying at home, a new lifestyle appears in the community, where they carry out all
their activities from home, from work, study, to worship. Usually parents and new
children will meet at night after completing their respective activities outside the
home, in this pandemic period parents and children can meet at any time. This new
habit has a positive impact in the form of closer ties between family members.

We know that this pandemic has brought many negative impacts such as a
completely paralyzed economy, distance learning or online, tourist attractions
being closed, and a significant impact on the business world so that many
employees are laid off. But pandemics also have positive impacts, for example
making people more aware of human vulnerability to disease, people being diligent
in washing their hands, and starting the use of digital technology. Starting from
children to parents now starting to use digital technology, even children are
encouraged to have gadgets to support school activities. Giving gadgets will also
change children's behavior, if not supervised by parents, children will easily access
things that they don't deserve to know, therefore parents must be smart so that
children can use gadgets well. Changes in behavior that occur in children make
them more passive, and unable to socialize
The use of technology that used to be more as a support for secondary work or
even recreation, has turned into a main work facility. During a pandemic like now,
everything has turned online, such as online schools, work from home, and many
online shop businesses. This is a good start for the Indonesian nation, because
people are starting to be able to take advantage of rapidly developing technology.
Of course, with the advancement of the technology era, it will have a negative
impact, on children if they are not limited to using gadgets, it will have a bad
impact on children.

The government is starting to implement the new normal, which is trying to restart
life as usual but we are required to maintain health protocols, apply 3M rules, wash
hands, wear masks, and maintain distance. With the New Normal, people's
behavior will return to normal but it will be a little different because here people
must continue to maintain health protocols, and try to avoid crowded areas. Now
that shopping centers have started to open, places of worship have started to open,
and markets have also started to open, hopefully covid in Indonesia will pass
quickly and we can live life as usual.

Well maybe that's all I can convey regarding changes in people's behavior during
the pandemic
Tugas 2 - Membuat Rekaman Video Pidato Topik Terkait Era Pandemi

c. Dampak Pandemi di Masyarakat

Tidak terasa sudah satu tahun sejak pertama Kasus Covid-19 masuk ke indonesia dan
menyebabkan pandemi nasional dan juga pandemi global. Semakin lama kasus covid semakin
naik bahkan di indonesia tercatat terinfeksi covid 19 sudah mencapai 1 juta lebih orang.
Pemerintah menerapkan berbagai macam upaya untuk memutus rantai covid 19 seperti
lockdown, gerakan 3M, Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, dan Mencegah orang asing masuk.

Pandemi Covid 19 menyebabkan beberapa dampak yang merugikan bagi masyarakat. Pandemi
menyebabkan perekonomian masyarakat indonesia menjadi kacau, banyak toko yang ditutup,
pemutusan kontrak kerja yang besar besaran, tidak bisa mengirim barang ke luar daerah, pusat
perbelanjaan ditutup, dan melemahkan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah. Hal tersebut sangat
merugikan untuk masyarakat, karena itu bisa menyebabkan tingkat kemiskinan di indonesia naik.
Dalam menghadapi krisis ekonomi ini, Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengeluarkan sejumlah paket
stimulus fiskal skala besar melalui Program Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (PEN), tetapi realitas
nya dana yang diperuntukkan untuk orang orang yang membutuhkan, banyak disalahgunakan
oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Pandemi juga berdampak pada bidang pendidikan, sejak maret 2020 sekolah diliburkan dan
siswa belajar melalui online. Menurut saya pembelajaran secara online ini memiliki dampak
negatif dan dampak positif. Dampak positif nya siswa menjadi lebih rileks dan nyaman dalam
belajar, siswa bisa untuk mengembangkan potensi diri, memiliki banyak waktu di rumah untuk
keluarga, dan metode belajar yang variatif. Tetapi pembelajaran secara online juga memiliki
dampak negatif misalnya, anak menjadi kurang untuk bersosialisasi, keterbatasan handphone dan
kuota internet, memunculkan sifat yang tidak sportif, dan banyaknya anak yang tidak bisa
menyerap pembelajaran dengan baik.

Pemerintah terus berupaya untuk mengurangi berbagai macam dampak pada semua bidang,
Pemerintah coba untuk menerapkan New Normal untuk memulai kembali kehidupan seperti
biasa akan tetapi kita diharuskan untuk tetap menjaga protokol kesehatan. Sekarang pusat
perbelanjaan mulai dibuka, pasar dibuka, bisnis usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yang terus
dikembangkan, dan sektor pariwisata mulai dibuka. semoga covid di indonesia cepat berlalu dan
kita bisa menjalani kehidupan seperti biasa.

Baiklah mungkin itu saja opini yang bisa saya sampaikan tentang dampak pandemi di
masyarakat, semoga covid di indonesia cepat berlalu dan kita bisa menjalani kehidupan seperti

Saya pamit dulu


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