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Assignment No.

Introduction to Public Policy



Firstly, let us understand that advocacy is a long-term process. To introduce policy changes and
to succeed in these policies after implementation is not a simple task. Sometimes it takes years.
The implementation of Women's rights laws in Pakistan was possible after years-long of hard
work. Likewise, the freedom of information act and freedom of information laws were also
possible in provinces after much advocacy work. So, research is critical in the successful
implementation of these projects. When we design or implement an advocacy project, research is
very much important. Policy information and political information are also necessary before
designing and implementing advocacy projects. Being a student of Public Policy, there are four
skills that we should keep in mind:

Analytical skills: These are those skills in which we evaluate issues, like which topic is
necessary at the time, its scope, influence, and how much it affects people. Also, develop
different proposals for dealing with the issues. What kind of barriers can cause hindrance in
advocacy or the implementation of recommendations?

Political skills: The advocacy work is not academic. Many advocacies work as policy students
in our offices, teaching places, or fields, but it is not academic work. We cannot do it just by
sitting at our desks. In simple it is not a desk job. We have to meet people, convince them, form
coalitions, and make briefings, presentations, and answer questions. Also, sometimes people get
angry at you when you are doing advocacy work. So, you need to learn political skills and learn
to bring people together, solve problems.

Interactional skills: These are fundamental skills. Like how to organize meetings, minutes of
the meeting, forming committees, give speeches, and how to develop your credibility.
Establishing credibility in advocacy work is very important. The more credible you are, the more
people will trust you.

Value clarifying skills: Design your practices on cultural values or values formed based on
advocacy campaigns. People who are against gun violence in America do advocacy based on
these values. And also avoid violence in their personal life. The values on behalf of which you
do advocacy also practice them yourself. This also helps in establishing your credibility.

For designing effective policy advocacy, a person should be an expert in these skills.

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