Tantric Massage For Beginners! The Ultimate Tantric Massage Techniques & Tantric Move Making Guide

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Tantric Massage For Beginners!

The Ultimate Tantric Massage

Techniques & Tantric Love Making
Copyright 2016 – James Argyle - All rights reserved.This document is
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Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – What Tantra Is All About

Chapter 2 – The Promises of Tantra

Chapter 3 – Tantric Breathing Techniques
Chapter 4 – Setting the Tantric Mood
Chapter 5 – Additional Tantric Preparation Tips
Chapter 6 – Balancing of the Chakras
Chapter 7 – Performing the Tantric Massage
Chapter 8 – The Lingam Massage
Chapter 9 – The Yoni Massage
Chapter 10 - Tantric Sex Positions

I want to thank you and congratulate you for purchasing the book, “Tantric
Massage for Beginners! The Ultimate Tantric Massage Techniques &
Tantric Love Making Guide”.
This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to perform tantric
massage and how it can have a deep positive impact on your romantic
You will find here a long list of suggestions, a step-by-step guide and
various other tantric techniques that you can easily apply to your
lovemaking session. As a woman, you will learn how to please your man in
so many ways. As a man, you will learn how to control your ejaculation and
give yourself fully to your woman every step of the way. You will gain a
better understanding of your bodies, learn to control your impulses and
selflessly give to your partner.
To give you a glimpse of what this book has in store for you, here’s a quick
-Learn about tantra and the principles surrounding it
-Understand how you as an individual can benefit from the practice of tantra
and how you can use it to bring back romance in your relationship
-Find out how much breathing contributes to more satisfying orgasms and
-Learn to set the mood right for a romantic evening with your romantic
-Understand the use of aromatherapy and the role it plays in love making
-Understand the chakras, and their impact on various aspects of your life
-Learn through basic instruction of tantric massage
-Find out how you can give your man the most orgasmic experience of his
-Understand the yoni and how to give your woman perfect bliss
-Try out different tantric sex positions that will help you last longer in bed
and share more intimate moments with your loved one And so much more!
Thanks again for purchasing this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 – What Tantra Is All About

There are plenty of misconceptions about tantra. It is often used

synonymously with erotic massage. But the two cannot be any more
different from each other.
Tantra is not necessarily all about sex. If you are only after sexual pleasure
however, you may be better off seeking erotic massage. The benefits of
tantra massage are more profound than sexual pleasure. So if you want a
different kind of experience, tantra is the way to go.

Image Source: http://sakshalholistichealing.blogspot.com/2015/09/tantric-


Tantra and Spiritual Awakening

More than anything else, tantra's main goal is spiritual awakening. Ancient
texts about tantra practice suggest various methods of awakening.
Awakening can be achieved through mindful eating, through meditation, as
well as through meditative sexual union.
It relies on the power of touch. According to ancient tantric texts, the realm
of everlasting life can be achieved through touch.
Tantra: Yin and Yang
Tantra promotes harmony of energy, the yin and yang. In tantra, these
opposites meet and unite. Through tantric massage, these opposites can
dance together in perfect harmony. Tantra caresses the bodily senses and
encourages energy flow.
We know yin energy as it pertains to relaxation. A state of total relaxation
can be achieved through a regular massage like the one you would normally
get from a spa. With tantric massage however, you get both relaxing
energies or yin, and stimulating energies or yang. Through the divine union
and the weaving of these polar energies, tantric massage can bring the
receiver a profound sense of peace and that of completeness.
Tantra and Orgasm

Like we emphasized earlier, tantra is not about the achievement of sexual

pleasure. The climax is not the main goal here. As a matter of fact, the union
of relaxing and stimulating energies can be achieved even without touching
the private parts. Energy flow rests in different parts of the body after all. It
is the union that yields what tantra calls as a full body orgasmic experience.
It is absolutely something you may never have experienced before if you are
new to tantra.
This does not also necessarily mean that tantric massage excludes the sexual
organs completely. The body should be treated as a whole, no one part
should be treated exclusively or separately. Given the right conditions, a
recipient may choose to have his/ her sexual organs united with the rest of
his/her body. This is especially encouraged between couples.
The Tantric Approach
As we mentioned previously, tantra can bring you to spiritual awakening.
That's because it is focused on expansion. It does not only help promote
connection between couples. It also helps enhance one's connection to the
wider universe. In other words, tantra can bring you to a whole new world
of enlightenment, a different perception of reality.
Whereas a regular massage works the different muscle groups in order to
ease the body from stress and tension, tantra does not rely on just the power
of touch. Rather, it harnesses and incorporates other techniques such as
relaxation and breathing techniques, among others. With the inclusion of
these methods, we can better achieve the path to awakening.
In this "reality," we are heavily influenced by our preconceived notions. In a
new reality, in awakening, we can let go of the bind. And when we become
free of our preconceived notions, hesitations and inhibitions that come with
them, only then can we truly feel. When we are truly free, our senses are
empowered to see and experience various kinds of sensations. Although
these sensations may be unfamiliar, they make us feel a sense of peace and
By tapping into our energies, tantric massage helps enhance our bodily
senses. Now, there are seven principles surrounding tantra practice. A true
tantric massage taps into these principles to create a complete tantric
experience. The said principles are as follows.
1. Surrender

Pleasure has earned a bad reputation. Most people define pleasure as sinful.
There is a feeling of guilt that comes with it. And it should not be the case.
Pleasure, in itself, is not a bad thing. Tantra believes that pleasure is
something that we should embrace rather than avoid. What prevents us from
feeling and experiencing meaningful pleasure is our inhibition. If we are to
maximize the benefits of tantric massage, we must learn to surrender
ourselves to pleasure. We must learn to let go. We must learn to stop holding
Everybody wants control. But our need for control also serves as a barrier to
our personal growth. More often than not, control is tied to fear and other
negative habitual responses. Our decisions are bound by biases. In tantra, we
must be open and welcoming to a brand new perspective. We can do this by
surrendering. This is one of the first things the giver of tantric massage
should help the receiver with.
That is to create a safe space for the receiver. The receiver, in turn, should be
open to the idea. Otherwise, he/she cannot reap the full rewards of the
2. Awareness
Mindfulness is something that is lost in the modern society. We have
become heavily influenced by technology around us including social media
that we forget to experience the moment. While some are completely lost in
the past, others are consumed by thoughts of the future. Along the way, we
disregard what is right before us. We forget to live in the moment.
We do not only need to be physically present. We must be emotionally and
mentally present as well. Complete awareness is the key to true experience.
This is one of the main goals of tantra. That is to bring us back in the
moment. It serves to remind us the benefits of mindfulness, of being aware,
of living every moment. This way, we can have a more vivid and
meaningful experience.
Surrender and awareness goes hand in hand. We must surrender our worries
of the past and future so we can become more aware of what is going on in
our present.
3. Movement
Tantric massage practitioners move with such grace. The elegance in their
movement comes from awareness. Every movement is equivalent to a flow
of energy. At rest, our bodies store energy. When we are on the move,
energy flows freely throughout our bodies.
Energy flow caused by movement is not exclusive to our physical beings. It
also affects our emotional and spiritual state. This is why it is one of the
main principles of tantra, the awareness of movement.
4. Breathing
Breathing has become automatic for us. We are often unaware of it. If we
pay close attention though, we will recognize its strong connection to
The act of breathing is nourishing. It strengthens our physical connection. In
tantric massage for couples, breathing can strengthen intimacy. It can
encourage a deeper connection between two people. In tantra, inhaling
fosters awareness and exhaling represents surrender.
5. Sound
There is nothing wrong with minding our words. But because we are too
afraid of being judged, we often keep to ourselves. Our inhibitions stop us
from speaking the truth. Tantra encourages us to express our feelings, free
from inhibitions. Couples should talk to each other and listen without any
kind of judgment. It is essential for true and deep intimacy. This is one of
the best reasons why tantric massage can benefit couples.
6. Intention
When we learn to surrender and let go of control, we are bound to attain a
new consciousness. We can see things more clearly. With this new state of
mind, we can discover and experience pleasure in each and every moment.
It is a beautiful thing.
7. Acceptance
Tantra encourages liberation. With liberation comes pleasure and
satisfaction at the purest form, untainted by biases. In Tantra, there is no
good or bad act. Rather, each and every act must be accepted and embraced
equally. Every act is divine. When we learn to welcome every experience,
we can achieve freedom. Freedom only comes with acceptance.
So we've talked about its meaning and principles but what can it offer
you exactly?

Well, you do not necessarily have to subscribe to the belief system in order
to reap the benefits. If you are to take something from tantra, that is to
prolong love making and make the most of your orgasmic energies.
The problem with modern culture is that sex is only seen as a form of
recreation. Tantra believes it is a form of transformation. The purpose of sex
for an individual is to please oneself. We are all about our individual
pleasure and more often than not, we take our partner for granted.
Connection is only secondary. Tantra encourages something different. That
is, the goal should be to please our partner, more than ourselves, to connect
on an emotional level.
Another major difference between modern view of sex and tantra is the idea
of a beginning and ending. In Western culture, sex has a clear beginning and
end. Climax happens for a woman in between the act of lovemaking and it
occurs at the end for the male partner. The act may last around only ten or
fifteen minutes at most which is unfortunate for women because they
require around twenty minutes to achieve full arousal. This is why sex is a
rather unsatisfying act for most women.
With Tantra, love making is a dance without a specific beginning or ending.
There is no particular goal but to focus on the present moment of love
making. In this case, the sexual experience is treated as a form of
meditation. It must be open, couples must be close and communicative. This
will benefit couples the most because among the important teachings of
tantra is the prolonging of sexual ecstasy. In other words, tantra can make it
possible for both men and women to experience multiple orgasms in one
sexual encounter. Imagine that.
As a matter of fact, the practice of tantra can even help men who are
suffering from premature ejaculation. With the help of tantra, these men can
extend their orgasmic experience and at the same time, enjoy several
orgasms. Who would not want that, right?
In the next chapter, you will learn more reasons to start practicing tantra.
Chapter 2 – The Promises of Tantra

For 9,000 years, tantra has been in practice. The art of tantra originated from
the Himalayan Mountains. Tantra is seen as a tool for attaining liberation
and enjoying ecstasy. The principles of tantra, as discussed in the previous
chapter, are incorporated into the massage. This paves the way to an
exceptional physical, emotional and spiritual experience. So why should you
start practicing the art of tantra? Here are some of the best reasons you
would want to consider.

Image Source: http://www.tarynharvey.com/tantra-bodywork/tantric-


Stress Relief
The stresses of daily life can take a toll on our health. One of the best ways
to get stress relief is through a relaxing massage. Any other massage can
effectively ease physical tension but tantric massage can do much more than
More than making you feel relaxed and stress free, tantric massage can help
provide mind relief and at the same time, make you feel lighter physically. It
can unburden you of your emotional, physical and spiritual troubles. As we
mentioned before, tantric massage helps promote harmony.
After a session of tantric massage, you will feel refreshed, renewed and
revived. You have a new and improved sense of self. This can prove to have
a lasting effect as you can learn to manage stress more effectively.
Absolute Relaxation and Satisfaction

Some massages focus on one specific area of the body. If you are
experiencing back pain, the masseuse may focus on that area. With tantric
massage however, the focus is the entire body. It is one of the things that set
it apart from all massage techniques.
Every single part of the body gets equal attention. Every area is addressed as
part of the whole. This is why with tantric massage, you will feel absolute
relaxation and satisfaction.
Improved Breathing
Breathing is crucial to bodily responses. In tantra, breathing techniques are
incorporated to the massage. It provides a different dimension to the
experience. Improved breathing means better control of natural responses. It
does not just have a physical effect. It also helps with emotional healing.
Pure Pleasure
Tantric massage is an arousal experience. Although orgasm in not the main
goal in tantra; the heightened arousal often leads to it. If you try tantric
massage, you will become acquainted with the different levels of pleasure.
Pleasure is achieved from the ultimate relaxation of the muscles. It also
comes in the form of spiritual balance as well as in the fulfillment and
replenishment of sexual energy.
Emotional Fulfillment
The satisfaction from tantric massage is not merely on the physical level. As
a matter of fact, the main goal is emotional fulfillment. The principles of
tantra incorporated in the massage helps enhance your emotional well being.
By teaching us to receive and welcome pleasure wholeheartedly, we are
empowered. The experience itself strengthens our sense of self-worth. It
helps improve our self-esteem. This significantly contributes to our overall
Increased Self-Awareness
Surrender and awareness work hand in hand. We will only be completely
aware by surrendering control, by letting go of our inhibitions and
insecurities. Free from our preconceived notions, we open ourselves up to
the experience, an experience where our body is cared for.
Through the process of receiving pleasure, we allow ourselves to learn new
things about our bodies. It paves the way to self-discovery. It goes beyond
physical awareness. It involves our inner being. This is one of the reasons
why many people find the practice of tantra so uplifting.
Improved Overall Health

As we are meticulously cared for, as we learn to manage stress in a more

effective manner, both our physical and emotional wellbeing gain benefits.
We gain a much better outlook in life. And it has a huge impact on our
overall health.
Tantric massage allows us to regain our energy through balancing the yin
and yang. It allows our spirits to be rekindled as we feel harmony within us.

We’ve talked about the benefit of tantric massage for us as individuals. Now,
you are probably dying to know how it can make a difference to you and
your partner. Tantra can help enhance your sex life. It can even encourage a
healthy, happy and lasting relationship.
Enhanced Sensuality
Because tantra teaches us awareness, we become in touch with our own
body, what gives us the most pleasure and what does not. The common
misconception is that pleasure can only be achieved by focusing on certain
parts of the body. Tantra begs to differ. The tantra belief system is all about
involving every single part of the body. The belief is that each part
contributes to pleasure. Every body part plays a role in giving us sensual
In this way, we are encouraged to discover new sensual zones. We gain
various insights on how sensation can be felt even in the most unexpected
areas of our body. Couples that practice tantra massage can discover new
ways to please each other. They work together to improve each other’s
sensuality. With encouraged interaction, they become both educated on each
other’s pleasure zones. They both learn to give and receive pleasure.
Greater Pleasure
A woman’s body and sensuality is more complex than that of a man’s. This
is why most women are dissatisfied during sexual activity. Women, in
general, are too conscious of themselves that they block pleasure.
The way tantric massage makes someone safe and comfortable, the way it
encourages the person to open up is powerful. When a woman learns to
abandon her inhibitions, say what’s on her mind and become more
expressive of her desires, she can experience pleasure like she has not
experienced before.
The sexual pleasure experienced by a couple in the way they selflessly give
to each other and openly accept pleasure can have a huge impact on their
satisfaction level. It benefits both more than you can imagine.
Improved Performance

Nature dictates that men are supposed to be hunters. Men are expected to be
at their peak performance. It creates great pressure and it serves as a burden.
It leads to stress and it may even cause sexual issues such as premature
In tantric massage, there is no pressure. It is the unburdening of stress. As
you learn to surrender your inhibitions, you also learn to let go of
expectations. This allows you to enjoy the present moment.
As you become aware of the wonderful gifts that every moment offers, you
earn a new perspective - that not everything has to be treated as a means to
an end. The pleasure of sexual activity is not just in the climax. It is in the
weaving and the dancing of two people in perfect harmony.
With this, you learn to enjoy the process and avoid over thinking it. You
become focused in the pleasures of the moment. In addition, the breathing
techniques that are incorporated in tantric massage help you better control
your natural impulses. This can lead to prolonged activity, better
performance and greater pleasure for both.
Enhanced Creativity
When you apply the same approach, do things in the same manner all the
time, it is bound to get dull. This is one of the reasons why sexual intimacy
in long term relationships often fades away. What are couples supposed to
do to maintain the excitement so that no matter how many years have
passed, they can still feel like they are in the honeymoon phase? Tantric
massage has the answer.
The magic in tantra is that it is unconventional. It shows you different
perspectives. Through tantra, you can discover endless ways to keep your
sexual intimacy alive and kicking. It encourages couples to be creative in
giving and experiencing pleasure at so many levels.
Experience Full-Body Orgasm
When you hear about orgasm, there is one specific body part you think of.
We should make it clear that tantra is not just after touching the genitals.
The arousal experience provided by this technique is not focused down
there. Arousal in fact, can be experienced at different levels in multiple
areas of the body.
We also need to point out that this is the main difference between what is
called an erotic massage and tantra. Erotic massage solely focuses on the
private areas. The main purpose is orgasm. Tantric massage, on the other
hand, recognizes the sexual pleasure that can be experienced through the
touching of the privates but does not zero in on that. Rather than focusing on
one, tantric massage involves every single part of the body. Every part is
mindfully touched. This contributes to a complete body experience.
Sexual energy lies in each body part. Tantra is in no rush to provide orgasm.
Rather, it slowly builds up powerful and raw sexual energy from each part to
contribute to the whole. It promotes a full body experience, a complete
pleasure, a full body orgasm.
Deeper Connection between Couples
There is no question about it. Sex can draw two people together. Tantric
massage can be used in different ways. It can be incorporated to the sexual
activity as part of foreplay. Its biggest impact on couples has to do with its
ability to promote a deeper connection between two people. It brings them
closer in ways sex cannot.
It’s in the eye contact. It’s in every sound and movement. It’s in the
synching of breathing. All these small things create harmony between two
people. Remember that tantra unites the opposites. It feels like a rhythmic
dance that fosters unity. It has the power to take down walls and blur the
lines of separation. It celebrates oneness. Intimacy occurs not just in the
physical sense. It unites two people in every aspect, in physical, spiritual
and emotional levels.
Promotes Patience
We are used to rushing things even our sexual activity that we forget to
enjoy the moment. Tantric massage takes it slow. This encourages a more
conscious connection between two people. It may make couples feel
awkward at first but with time and practice, they can learn to appreciate
what tantra has to offer them. Being an imperative skill, patience is
something that one can develop through the art of tantra. And this patience
can encompass other aspects of the relationship.
Enhance Problem Solving
Some of the tantric positions are rather confusing and challenging. With
time, practice and patience, couples can figure it out. Rather than
complicating the sexual act, the tantric positions encourage couples to work
together. As they learn to prolong the experience, increase pleasure and
enhance their connection, couples also learn to value each other's
contribution when it comes to solving challenges they face.
Encourages Selflessness
Couples benefit more from tantra when they learn to curb their impulses and
withhold orgasm. What tantra offers at the most goes beyond pleasure and
procreation. Rather, the sexual act is deemed as a form of liberation. By
learning to please the other and focus on giving rather than receiving,
couples can better appreciate each other. The selfless act of giving embodies
pure and genuine love.
We can go on and on about how tantric massage can do you much good. But
these are benefits that are more appreciated when truly experienced. You
have to remember that to truly reap the benefits of tantra, you need to keep
an open mind. If you allow it, tantra can change your life in ways you
cannot even begin to imagine.
In the next chapter, we will focus on one of the most important principles of
tantra, breathing.
Chapter 3 – Tantric Breathing Techniques

There seems to be nothing sexy about breathing but believe it or not, it is

essential in orgasmic pleasure. We inhale and exhale, never realizing the
power of breathing. If we only pay more attention to the way we breathe
under the sheets, we will transform our experience. With proper breathing
techniques, you can turn your mediocre sex life into a mind blowing one.
Even simple breathing techniques can lead to extraordinary results. It has a
myriad of health benefits. For instance, breathing deeply through the belly
can help ease stress, relieve tension and promote relaxation. At the same
time, by breathing deeply, more oxygen makes it to the bloodstream and this
has a pleasurable effect.
Breathing techniques are essential to various practices including meditation
and yoga. It is even helpful in controlling blood pressure levels and exercise.
There are various kinds of technique that can be used. While deep belly
breathing can promote relaxation, charging breaths can help with focus.
Image Source: http://tantricthoughts.tumblr.com/page/2

Slow Breathing
A lot of women breathe shallowly and rapidly during sexual activity. When
they are about to reach climax, they hold their breath. It is not something
that they think through. It just happens naturally. The intensity of their
orgasm however, can be increased by slowing down their breathing.
If you want to increase your pleasure, you need to learn to take deliberate
deep and slow breaths as you become more sexually aroused. Slow
breathing will allow you to delay orgasm and at the same time, build up the
pleasurable tension. Call it delayed gratification but the rewards will be
much more pleasurable when you finally let it go.
The same thing actually happens to men. As the arousal intensifies, men
also have a tendency to breathe inconsistently. They pant, gasp and hold
their breath as they reach the point of ejaculation. It does not help at all with
control. By breathing inconsistently, they cut off their body's energy source
which puts them out of control, driving them to let go even when they don't
want to yet. With the help of controlled deep breathing, men can deal with
problems of premature ejaculation, delay the climax and do it over and over
until they are ready to reach the peak.
Men can practice this type of controlled breathing technique by slowly
inhaling and exhaling during masturbation. You have to be more conscious
of your breathing pattern. When you can control your breath, you become
able to control your urge to climax. You can start to build it all up again,
control and go through the motions again. It may feel like depriving yourself
but the pleasurable feeling is much more intense when you finally let it go.
Deep Breath Down
This breathing technique is best for getting you in the mood. Get yourself in
a comfortable position on bed lying down on your back. Place one hand on
your abdomen and start taking deep breaths. Breathe through your nostrils.
Pay attention on how your hand rises and falls with every breath you take in
and out until you feel completely relaxed.
Now, imagine with every breath you take in, you are drawing it down into
your privates, filling it with energy and completely awakening it. This
technique helps because it actually encourages an increased blood flow into
your private area. This is an excellent way of intensifying sexual arousal and
sensations of pleasure.
Breathe Together
This would seem awkward at first but if you give it a real chance, it will do
your relationship some good. Breathing in and out together is one of the
simplest and yet most powerful things you can do to strengthen your
emotional connection. Experts say, it can even help create simultaneous
orgasms. You can do this breathing exercise before, during or after sexual
Get yourselves comfortable in bed. Lie down with your face to each other.
Keep eye contact.
Breathe normally and be more aware of your partner's breath. Sync your
breathing so it matches each other's. Together, inhale and exhale. Try
breathing a little more deeply. Watch your partner intently. Listen closely
and feel the way you're breathing in unison.
As you are breathing together in sync, imagine melting into each other. Free
your mind and focus on the current moment. There is no beginning or end
here, just the present moment. This exercise will make you more in tune
with each other, physically and emotionally. You become more sensitive to
each other's feelings. You learn to enjoy and appreciate each other's
Breath Counting
Used in Zen practice, this breathing exercise helps with mental clarity. It
will relieve your mind from your worries and ease tension from your body.
Begin by sitting comfortably. Keep your spine straight and bend your head
forward. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Let it flow quietly and
naturally. Gradually get yourself ready to breathe slowly.
When you’re ready, count ‘one’ as you exhale. Breathe in deeply. Count
‘two’ as you breathe out. Breathe in again and count ‘three’ as you let the air
out. You should perform this breathing exercise until you complete five
counts to complete a cycle.
Begin another cycle by counting from ‘one’ to ‘five.’ Continue performing
the exercise for about 10 minutes. It will help you prepare for a tantric
massage session as it enhances your self-awareness. You can also do this
with your partner so you can both maximize the benefits of your tantric
4-7-8 Breathing
One of the biggest challenges that beginners face is relaxation. They are
either too skeptical about the process or they cannot help but feel awkward
doing it. This breathing exercise is meant to help you ease in and relax to the
There are two ways to do this exercise, either lying down on your back or
sitting down. When you do this in a seating position, make sure to keep your
spine straight. Let’s begin.
Put the tip of your tongue against the tissue ridge at the back of your upper
front teeth. Get comfortable as you are to maintain this tongue position for
the exercise. You know you are doing it properly when you feel the air flow
around your tongue as you breathe out. At anytime your tongue starts to feel
uncomfortable, you can slightly purse your lips, give your tongue a little rest
and move it back to the same position.
Remember, keep your tongue in position and close your mouth. Inhale
deeply through your nose. Mentally count to ‘four’ as you breathe in. Keep
the air in and do a mental count to ‘seven.’
Open your mouth while your tongue is in position and slowly breathe out to
a count of ‘eight.’ As you exhale, you will hear a whoosh sound. Make sure
to let the air out completely. This completes a cycle. You can do this
exercise for 10 minutes or to complete a total of four cycles.
So why do you have to count longer for when you breathe out? This is the
key to deep breathing. It is not on how much air you let in. Rather, it is
about completely letting all the air out.
With this deep breathing exercise, you can relieve both physical and internal
tension. It is an excellent way of teaching your mind and body to relax. It is
not just useful for tantric practice. It is also quite beneficial for other issues
like sleeping problems. Give this exercise a try and feel more relaxed.
Bellows Breath for Stimulation
The goal of this breathing exercise is stimulation rather than relaxation. It is
good for increasing alertness and vital energy. It is a rather noisy exercise as
you are encouraged to make quick breathing in and out.
Close but relax your mouth. Breathe normally through your nose. Do it
naturally and do not attempt to hold your breath. In fact, you should do the
breathing cycle as short and quick as possible. You also need to make sure
that you breathe in and out in equal duration.
Inhale and exhale rapidly three times. One breathing cycle should be
completed in a second. You should also try to do it faster if you can. You
will notice a quick movement in your diaphragm. Three quick breaths
complete a cycle. After each cycle, return to your normal breathing.
Start another cycle and continue until you complete a total of 15 cycles for
15 seconds. This is the ideal starting point for beginners. Increase the
intensity of the exercise by adding five seconds at each attempt. When you
have become accustomed to the exercise, it should be easy for you to do this
for a whole minute.
This breathing exercise specifically targets the diaphragm, abdomen, chest
and neck. It is a great energy boost. You may even find it as invigorating as
a cup of coffee.
Tantra Breathing Practice
This breathing exercise requires a little bit of preparation. First, you should
avoid having anything for at least 2 hours before performing the exercise.
That means no drinking or eating anything. Second, it is important that you
are perfectly comfortable. Avoid wearing tight clothing. Your chest and
tummy should be given enough breathing room. Wear comfortable and loose
Begin the exercise by lying down on your back. To keep your spine straight,
your head and back should be properly aligned. Slowly move your knees up
close to your chest.
Close your mouth and inhale through the nose. Let in as much air as
possible to fill your tummy up. You should feel your tummy rise while your
ribs are flat. Slowly take in more air until you feel your ribs rise as well. Do
not forget this order. Your tummy should rise first before the ribs. This is a
full inhale.
Breathe out slowly through the mouth. Show your lower and upper teeth as
if you are smiling. Feel free to let out a breathy “hah” sound as you let all
the air out. You can continue the exercise for about 10 or 20 minutes. When
you have completed the breathing exercise, do not make sudden movements
yet. Give yourself a few seconds of rest. Bring your knees down and keep
These breathing exercises can be done individually or with your partner.
When you decide to do them together, it is important that you lie side by
side. Breathe together in harmony.
Chapter 4 – Setting the Tantric Mood

Spontaneity is desirable but there is something more special about a planned

out romantic evening. Planning it in advance allows you to make thoughtful
decisions and set the mood right. When you take the time to dress up a room
with candles and natural aromatics, it makes your partner feel more
appreciated and special. It takes a little effort to create an unforgettable

Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/73324300154627246/

There are a lot of things that can contribute to a beautiful moment. You will
be provided with suggestions in this chapter. Before we get started however,
let me remind you that everyone is unique. Each person's taste is different.
We react differently according to the sensory cues that surround us.
Our senses and awareness are unique. While some may completely embrace
new sensations around them, others may find it more challenging to do so.
Be mindful of your choices, especially if your partner has allergies. You
know best when it comes to his/her preferences. With the options that you
have, you can still capture your partner's romantic interest.
Now let's talk about aphrodisiacs. These are substances that may come in
the form of aroma, food or anything that can work to stimulate or enhance
passion or sexual arousal. Aphrodisiacs help remove blockages that may
hinder desire and arousal. The most common form of aphrodisiacs is
essential oils.
Aromatherapy for Romance
Keep this in mind: less is more. It is better to start with fresh, light and
energizing aromas. Tease the senses a bit before you proceed to more exotic
and sultry blends. Avoid selecting aromas that are too overpowering. Here
are a few things you may need.

1. Room Mists or Spray

A naturally fragranced room is a good way to bring out sensuality. It is also
a quick way to romantically enhance the room even at spontaneous
moments. The planning requirement is minimal. All you have to do is to
keep one close.
There are plenty of room sprays that are readily available. If you want to
make it a little more special and personalized, you can make your own
alluring blend. This will allow you to incorporate sensual and seductive
essential oils that you and your man/woman both find appealingly special.
Here's a sample air freshener recipe you may want to give a try.
Things You'll Need:
4 ounce spray bottle
30 to 40 drops of essential oil blend
1.5 fluid ounces of hydrosol or distilled water or combination of both
1.5 fluid ounces of high-proof alcohol, preferably Everclear or Vodka

Just a few reminders here: alcohol helps keep the aroma linger for longer.
Avoid using alcohol substances that contain additives. Such includes
rubbing and isopropyl alcohol. These things should be avoided because they
may only overpower the aroma of the essential oils.
If you notice, the above combination will leave around 1 fluid ounce on the
4 ounce spray bottle. This is to make sure you have enough room to shake
inside. Note that the suggestion is 30 to 40 drops of essential oil. If you or
your partner are sensitive to strong aromas, you should feel free to reduce it
to 20 drops combination. If the scent is too weak, you can then add more as
you wish to complete or come close to the 30 to 40 drops requirement.
As for the combination of essential oils, you can use your favorite blend. If
you don't have one yet, you can use the following suggested combinations.
15 drops of spearmint + 15 drops of bergamot
2 drops of spearmint + 4 drops of peppermint + 8 drops of grapefruit + 20
drops of rosemary
6 drops of lavender + 9 drops of lemon + 15 drops of clary sage
2 drops of rose + 4 drops of ylang ylang + 14 drops of bergamot + 20 drops
of lime

1. Pour the distilled water or hydrosol in the spray bottle followed by the
2. Add the essential oil combination.
3. Shake and spray.
4. Allow the scent to set in for a day. This will give the essential oils enough
time to blend and the spray enough time to sit.
Do not overfill the bottle. Shake it well before each use. Lightly mist the
room and avoid spraying it into open beverages, food and furniture.

2. Linen Spray
Clean sheets may be enough but if you want to make it a little more special,
you may also want to consider using a linen spray.
If you want to make your own, follow the same guide for making the room
mist. For essential oil combinations, there are plenty you can try. The choice
depends on what you want to achieve with the linen spray. Here are some
For a sensual linen spray, you can try these combinations.
3 drops of lime + 10 drops of bergamot + 3 drops of ginger + 2 drops of
ylang ylang + 2 drops of jasmine + 10 drops of sandalwood
2 drops of jasmine + 2 drops of rose + 15 drops of bergamot or grapefruit +
15 drops of sandalwood

For a relaxing or calming effect, you can use any of the following
combinations instead.
30 drops of Roman chamomile
15 drops of bergamot + 20 drops of Roman chamomile
10 drops of bergamot or mandarin + 10 drops of clary sage + 10 drops of

Precautions: Lightly mist the sheets. Avoid the mist from touching your
skin, furniture and food. Use lightly colored oils. Darker ones may only
stain the linens. Shake the spray bottle before every use.

3. Diffusion
Here's another one you can try. Disperse essential oils through aromatherapy
diffusers. There are different types of diffusion. Some of the simplest ones
can be found in your household. Others require devices. We'll get into them
one by one so you know exactly what your options are.
Tissue Diffusion
All this process requires is a tissue paper and a few drops of your favorite
essential oil. Put 3 or 4 drops of the essential oil on tissue. Place it by the
bed or anywhere near you. The flowing air will allow the aroma to waft
through. The downside in this method is that the aroma may not be enough
to fill a room.
Steam Diffusion
If you want a quicker way to diffuse aroma into a room, you can use this
method. Start by boiling 2 cups of water. Pour the hot water into a medium
bowl. Add around 10 drops of essential oil to the bowl. The steam from the
hot water makes it easier for the scent to evaporate and diffuse. You can use
both relaxing and energizing oils for this method.
The recommendation is 10 drops but if you are using stronger scents like
cajuput, thyme, pine, rosemary, eucalyptus or cinnamon, you should add
fewer drops. The downside to this method of diffusion is that it does not last
as long.
Candle Diffusion
You need a pure soy candle for this type of diffusion. Allow the candle to
burn for 5 minutes. Extinguish the light and add a drop of your favorite
essential oil to the melted wax. Light the candle again. Keep in mind that
essential oils are flammable. You should take extra care when using this
method. It is also not as long lasting but it is a good option to have.
Alternatively, you can invest in a candle diffuser that uses tea light. These
candle diffusers are made of either metal or ceramic built with an opening
for the candle and a small tray for the essential oil. They come in interesting
shapes that can be pleasing to the eyes too. Replacement candles are
essential in this type of diffuser. Make sure you have enough ready.
Electric Heat Diffusers
These things use heat to disperse the scent. It is ideal for larger areas. They
are good enough to heat and diffuse thicker essential oils like patchouli and
Fan Diffusers
The air from the fan works to disperse the aroma. This device however, only
works for smaller rooms and may not work as efficiently on larger spaces.
Some brands work on batteries and others use electricity. They are quite
portable too.
Fan diffusers come with a tray to pour the essential oil into. Or they may
require disposable absorbent pads. A major downside for most brands is that
they make some noise. Choose carefully when you opt for the diffusion
method. Too much noise can kill the romantic mood.

4. Incense
These are burned dry aromatics. They come in different forms from cones to
powders and sticks. They slowly burn and the aroma disperses into a room.
For relieving stress and stimulating arousal, the following scents are
recommended: frankincense, cinnamon, aloe wood, sandalwood along with
sensual herbs and woods.
Use incense made from natural ingredients. Avoid those with synthetic
ingredients as much as possible. Choose the scents carefully. Pick those that
are enough to tease the senses without overpowering the entire room.

5. Candles
Aromatic candles are a treat not only for our sense of smell. With their
flickering soft light, they also entice our sense of sight. In addition, the
warmth emitted feels good on our skin.
Choose aromatic candles made from essential oils. Those with synthetic
fragrance oils tend to be overpowering. Choose those with light notes,
delicate, arousing and mysterious.
6. Fresh Flowers and Rose Petals
The mood can be more romantic if you can get your hands on fresh flowers.
Their natural fragrance and their delicate beauty are more special. It will
certainly complete a promising night of passion with your loved one.
One special flower that is especially sensual is rose. Their velvety soft petals
and delightful aroma can be used in several ways. You can spread the rose
petals on the bed, on the bath, on the floor or you can even use it to tease
your lover's skin.

7. Bath Oil
What about an aromatic bath shared with your romantic partner? You can
use a blend of essential oil for this too but you have to mix it with carrier oil
to avoid sensitization. By adding carrier oils, you also make the fragrant
bathwater more nourishing and moisturizing to the skin. A challenge here is
keeping the oils mixed with the water. Now, you can get yourself
commercial bath oil but those are most likely filled with synthetic agents. If
you're up to making your own, you can try this suggestion.
Things You'll Need:
15 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil
2 fluid ounces of jojoba or any carrier oil
1. Mix the oils in a bottle. Feel free to increase the portions as long as you
follow the same ratio.
2. To use, shake the bottle first and add 7 to 8ml to the tub filled with water.
Mix the bathwater before hopping in.

Precautions: Check on the essential oil first. Some are skin irritants. Use
skin-safe ones like lavender.
8. Bath Salts
This is another option to add to your sensual bath. Dead sea salt, sea salt,
Epsom salt and Himalayan Pink salt are a few great options. They come in
different grain sizes. The bigger chunks are more visually appealing but the
challenge in using them is that it proves much harder to dissolve them.
When they don't dissolve properly, it may cause you a great deal of
discomfort in the tub. Feel free to use the chunky salt kind as long as you
dissolve them completely. Here's a mix you may want to start with.
Things You'll Need:
1 tablespoon of carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba
15 to 24 drops of essential oil
3 cups of salt or combination of salt types
1. Pour the salt mixture in a bowl.
2. Add the carrier oil and mix using a spoon.
3. Pour in the drops of essential oil. Mix again.
4. Transfer the mixture into an airtight container. This is to make sure the
salts aroma is kept intact. You can also keep extra stash in a pretty jar and
use them as decoration. It adds another visual appeal to your romantic
5. Give it 24 hours to make sure the salt and oil are well combined. Give it
another mix to incorporate well.
6. Run the bathwater while adding 1/2 to 1 cup of the salt mixture. Again,
you have to make sure the salt has completely dissolved before hopping in.
9. Massage Oil
Of course, you should not forget the massage oil. Essential oils can
complement the massage but do use them wisely. You can use the suggested
sensual massage oil recipe below.
Things You'll Need:
2 drops of jasmine
8 drops of sandalwood
1 fluid ounce of sweet almond oil, jojoba or your preferred carrier oil
1. Pour the oil into an airtight container. Use a dark glass jar.
2. Increase the portions as necessary but follow the same ratio.
3. Do not use the oil too liberally. Half a teaspoon may be enough for each
massage or body area.
Chapter 5 – Additional Tantric Preparation Tips

There are more things you can do than just ensuring that the room is
pleasant and fragrant. You should also consider the following tips before
scheduling your tantric session.

Image Source: http://heartradiantwomen.com/couples-tantra-essentials-


Clean up.
Do not mask the foul odors around with aromatherapy. Make sure you take
out the garbage and clean up the mess. Use clean sheets and linens. Prepare
a bunch of towels. You need some to cover the pillows. You also need rolled
up towels to support your partner’s neck, knees and hips to make sure he/she
is comfortable during the massage.
Check out the atmosphere.
Proper air circulation is crucial. You would not want to suffocate. You have
to absolutely make sure that the surrounding is clean, inviting, relaxing,
comfortable and romantic. Make sure it is cool enough but not too cold as to
make you and your lover shiver.
Everything has to be just right including the lighting. Avoid bright lights. If
you’re using candles, dim the lights so the room is illuminated by the
flickering soft lighting.
Don’t forget the music.
All the senses must be teased. Choose romantic and sensual music. It should
be something that can be played softly in the background as you relax in
each other’s arms. You also have to make sure it plays continuously so the
moment is not interrupted. There are plenty of tantric music selections you
can sample on the internet. Choose what you think you and your partner will
like best.
Keep distractions away.
Put away anything that may distract your tantric session including
computers, cell phones and other gadgets. Keep the doors locked. Put up a
‘do not disturb’ sign if you must. The point is your moment together should
be uninterrupted. Otherwise, it would be a terrible mood killer.
Prepare food and drinks.
This is an experience that you won't enjoy on an empty stomach. At the
same time, it is not advisable to do it right after meals. If you have the whole
night, you may want to think about starting with dinner early. Be creative
with the meals.
Design your dinner so that it leads seamlessly to tantric experience. Prepare
food aphrodisiacs like asparagus, cocoa, avocado and oysters. Use scents
that complement the meal. Start with subtle notes and build it up with sultry
ones as the evening progresses. Take your time to enjoy the food and each
other's company on the table. Pick a good wine to complement the meal.
If not a meal, you can also prepare snacks. Try bite-sized fresh fruits.
Raspberries and strawberries are excellent aphrodisiacs. Do not forget the
cheese and wine. Your snack should be simple. Stay away from complex
foods. Make an effort to create a visually appealing plate. Do not forget to
keep cold water nearby. Make sure you and your partner are properly
Collect different textured objects.
These things will come handy during the massage. Prepare a silk scarf,
marbles, feather and any other soft and hard textured objects. You can tease
your lover’s sense of touch with these objects. It is an important aspect of
the massage as well, as you will learn in the succeeding chapters.
Talk about it first.

Communication is important before, during and after the tantric massage.

Both of you should be fully prepared, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Relaxing into and surrendering to the experience is a must to maximize the
promised benefits. If either one of you is hesitant, it simply won't work just
as well. Hesitations lead to mental and emotional block. It may only create a
gap between the two of you instead of bringing you closer together.
Discuss tantric massage. It is important that you are on the same page.
Otherwise, you will be making a great effort for nothing. Educate yourselves
about the topic. Decide on which one of you will be the giver and receiver.
Connect with your partner.
Before you begin the session, you must establish a connection with your
partner. Talk to each other quietly. Look into each other’s eyes. A level of
comfort must first be achieved before you begin. This will make it much
easier for you both to ease in to the process.
Use proper massage techniques.
You don’t have to go to a massage school. You only need to learn the basic
techniques. It requires a lot of practice but most of it is about mindful
touching. As the giver of the tantric massage, you should follow these rules.
1. Keep your hands warm and slightly moist with massage oil. You have to
make sure that your hands are as moist and warm as your lover's body.
2. Use the tips of your fingers and your palms alternately. This will give
your partner different sensations with the alternating texture of your touch.
3. Ideally, you should begin the massage at your partner's back. Then, move
on to his/her shoulders, arms, buttocks, thighs and calves before you turn
him/her over.
4. Use long light strokes. Tease your lover's body with your touch.
5. Always be aware of your partner's state of relaxation.
6. Talk softly during the massage. Ask him/her if he/she likes the touch. Just
talk about what is happening at the moment. Talking will help maintain your
connection and the rhythm of the massage.
7. Use your body weight for deep strokes. Avoid relying mainly on your
upper body strength. It will tire you out easily.
8. Avoid chopping the movements. Remember, the strokes should be long
and continuous. Glide your hands against his/her skin in smooth and fluid
9. Meticulously care for each body part. Do not focus on one area. Each part
of the body should be treated equally as they all contribute to overall
10. If you decide to do the genital massage, you have to maintain eye
contact. Massage your partner lovingly and keep the connection intense
through your eyes.
Enjoy the after-moments.
If you do things right, tantric massage can be a heartfelt experience for you
and your lover. It will strengthen your bond. Make the most of the moment
by spending time in each other’s arms after the tantric session. Talk lovingly
to each other. Stay as positive and intimate as possible. This will further
enhance your connection.
Chapter 6 – Balancing of the Chakras

We have already mentioned that tantra is focused on energy. It is about

creating a balance of the energies. The chakras are the center of these
energies. Do not forget to incorporate them into the massage.

Image Source: http://www.yogiupdate.com/tantra-yoga

What does chakra mean?

The literal meaning of "chakra" is flowers or wheels. It is said to be the path
that connects our bodies to the universe. These chakras are what make it
possible for us to have a full experience of human consciousness.
In other words, chakras are the center of energy. Indian Mysticism believes
that these chakras produce vibrations to send to the universe and at the same
time receive from the cosmos.
There are seven main chakras. We will focus on these seven. It is important
that you understand what each means. Before we delve into the instructions
on how to create or restore balance, let me give you a quick overview of
these chakras first. Let’s begin from the top down.
Crown Chakra

Aptly called the crown chakra, it lies at the crown of our head. This chakra
represents wisdom and supreme light. It is also often associated with
detachment and holiness.
Third Eye Chakra
If you had a third eye, this is where it will be. This chakra lies between your
eyebrows. It represents intellect. It is associated with concentration and
mental powers.
Purity Chakra
Located in the throat, this chakra represents spiritual drive. It is associated
with aesthetics, harmony, intuition, purity and other abstract concepts.
Heart Chakra
Do you know where your heart is? The heart chakra is located at the right
side of the heart. It stands for an individual’s love, hope, compassion,
aspiration, authenticity and drive.
Power Chakra
The power chakra which lies in the navel represents will power. It is also
associated with ambitions, leadership, confidence and control.
Sexual Chakra
Found above or behind the genitals, this chakra represents a person’s sensual
drive. It draws its connection from sexuality, pleasure, artistic expression,
social skills and reproduction.
Base Chakra
This chakra lies right above the anus. It represents an individual’s material
drive. It is associated with tribal impulses and primal energies. Such
includes the human raw instincts for security, safety, sex, killing, fleeing and
Image Source: http://www.healthyselfsanctuary.info/2014/08/27/what-is-

You can refer to the image above for the proper location of the seven
chakras. Now you know what each means and represents. It’s time you learn
how to bring the balance back to your chakras.
Restoring Balance
The strongest force in the human body comes from sexual energy. It does
not merely yield physical pleasure. It can also create a powerful spiritual
experience. Tantric massage delves into sexual energy. It teaches people to
use it with greater awareness, with love and respect. When the energy is
harnessed this way, it can have a huge positive impact not only on a physical
but also on a deeper level, emotionally and spiritually.
According to tantra, everything that is sourced from nature carries energy.
When these energies are balanced, they result to peace and harmony. And
yet for some reasons, the balance within us becomes disrupted. The lack of
balance in the chakras can result to a series of problems that take a toll on
one’s physical, emotional and mental well being.
Among the problems that individuals are troubled with is unsatisfactory
sexual performance. It does not just affect the person per se. It affects
his/her romantic relationship. With the help of tantric massage, specifically
by restoring the balance in the chakras, this problem may be corrected.
A tantric massage session usually begins with the masseuse working on the
chakras. You can apply the same techniques to help your partner heal
physically, emotionally and spiritually.
What to Expect from the Process?
This will take around 45 minutes. Each step laid out here will take 5
minutes. Do not think about the time. Relax into the process. Before you
start with this, it is advisable that you perform deep breathing exercises. It
will ensure that you and your lover are completely relaxed going into the
As the giver, apply fluid movements. Slowly and gently touch your partner.
Do not hesitate to lay your hands where they should be. The receiver of the
massage should stay open and be willing to receive.
1. Move into position.
As your partner is lying on his or her back, you should move into a seating
position to his/ her right side. Make sure that he/she is relaxed with legs
spread apart. To ensure his/ her comfort, put a rolled up towel under his/her
If you extend your left hand, you should be able to reach his/her head you’re
your right arm is extended, it should reach his/her genitals. Stay comfortable
and make sure that you can move your hands freely without disrupting the
2. Breathe deeply.
Assuming you both performed a deep breathing exercise earlier, you should
on your own take a few more deep breaths before you begin. Clear your
mind and relax your belly. As you relax and steady your breathing, rub your
hands together. This is to make sure they are warm enough. Shake off the
nerves and keep your hands steady. Flick your fingers towards your lover’s
body as if energy sparks right through your fingers.
3. Begin with the heart and base chakras.
Put your left hand gently over his/her heart chakra. This is at the center of
the chest. Remember what this chakra represents. It is an intimate part of the
As your left hand settles on the heart chakra, slowly place your right hand
on his/her base chakra. This is located in between the genitals and the anus.
A powerful force lies in this chakra.
Keep your hands where they are for 5 minutes. Continue taking deep
breaths. Your energy now travels to your partner. You should feel
completely relaxed and at ease. Imagine taking energy from the universe
and sending them to your lover’s body. Allow the energy to flow into his/her
4. Place your hand on your lover’s genitals.
Keep your left hand on his/her heart chakra as you slowly place your right
hand to his/her genitals. If your man is the receiver, cup his penis and
testicles with your right hand. If your woman is the receiver, gently slide
your fingers in between the lips to touch the clitoris and vulva. Keep your
hands steady for a good 5 minutes.
Alternatively, you can awaken the chakra with slow movements of the hand.
Rock it gently. This may lead to arousal. It is a sign that energy is moving
within him/her. Do this a few times but not all the time.
5. Work on the power chakra.
With your left hand still placed over his/her heart chakra. Move your hands
from the genitals to the power chakra. It is right below the navel. You are
now working to recreate the balance in the heart and lower chakras. This is
essential for sending love and wisdom to the receiver’s human life form.
Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
6. Put your hand back to the heart chakra.
Your left hand still rests on the heart chakra. Now place your right hand over
the left. You are now giving everything that you can give as a friend, healer
and lover. Imagine the energy flowing from within you to your warm and
gentle hands and right into your lover’s heart. Keep your hands steady for 5
7. Continue with the purity chakra.
Now, slowly move your left hand at the top of your right. Your right hand
now rests on his/her heart chakra. Move your left hand to your lover’s purity
chakra. This chakra is associated with creative expression and
Gently place your hand over the throat. Avoid applying any pressure. Stay
relaxed. Keep your hands where they are for a full 5 minutes.
8. Lay your hand on the third eye chakra.
With your right hand still resting over your partner’s heart chakra, slowly
move your left hand to his/her third eye chakra. Remember that this chakra
represents intellect. Rest your hand gently over his/her forehead in between
the eyebrows. Keep the gentle touch for 5 minutes.
9. Work on the crown chakra.
From the third eye chakra, move your left hand to the crown chakra located
at the top of your partner’s head. Keep your right hand steady over his/her
heart chakra. Rest your hands in these chakras for 5 minutes.
10. Remove your hands with total awareness
You have completed the balancing of the chakras. Slowly and gently remove
your hands from his heart and crown chakras. Be as gentle as possible. You
should do it in a way that your partner would not even notice the movement.
Slowly move away. Stand to his/her side and shake your fingers once more.
Allow your partner to relax. Remain still, quiet and observant.
You can incorporate the balancing of the chakras at any given point during
the massage. In the next chapter, we offer you suggestions on how to begin
the tantric massage.
Chapter 7 – Performing the Tantric Massage

Men are egotistical by nature. They are too focused on strength and
prowess. They treat it as a proof of their manhood. They are uncomfortable
in quietness. They have a problem keeping still without feeling awkward.
This can prove to be quite a challenge during a tantric massage. Gradually
however, with their consent and willingness to participate, men can begin to
appreciate calm and quietness. You can help your man become aware of
pleasures not involving merely his proud member.
On the other hand, most women are clueless about their bodies or what
gives them pleasure. Through tantric massage, you can help your woman
discover pleasure zones. Do take note that it is important to make your
woman feel safe and secure. If she’s comfortable, she will better enjoy the
tantric experience.
What to Expect from Tantric Massage
The entire session may last for two hours or more. It is important that the
process is not rushed. Do not just breeze through it. So, you better free up
your schedule. Allot plenty of time for cuddling too.
This is an opportunity to please and appreciate each other. Touch your lover
lovingly. Allow your partner to enjoy full-body sensuality. Tease his/her
senses. Try different textures and different aromas. Give him/her a good
combination of softness and firmness.
We’ve talked about aroma. Just remember that subtle scents are better. The
objective is to stimulate your lover’s senses. Avoid anything that may irritate
him/her. Finally, as the giver, you should wear comfortably soft clothing. So
now, we begin.
Start with a warm, fragrant bath.
Give your partner enough time to appreciate what you prepared in the bath.
Guide him/her into the tub. Use a soft scrub and run it through your lover’s
body. Caress his/her skin gently. Run the fragrant water through his/her
body. Imagine as if you are washing away the stress and tension so he/she
can feel completely relaxed.
If he/she wants you to join him/her in the tub, feel free to do so. Be
reminded however, that this is only foreplay. It is not the main event yet.
You can both feel aroused. You can enjoy it but resist the temptation to go
all the way. Remember, you have an entire evening planned out. You can
face each other and perform the deep breathing exercises here too.
After the bath, dry his/her body with towel. Cover him/her up with a soft
and comfortable robe. Then, you can lead him/her into the room.
Use a blindfold.
You can take the excitement up a notch by putting your lover in a blindfold.
Make use of a silk scarf. Lead him/her into the room. Make your partner sit
on the area where the massage will take place. It could be on the bed or the
Tease his/her sense of smell.
Prepare 3 to 5 scented items. Remember the suggestions from the previous
chapter. The safest is to go from the subtle scents. With the blindfold still
on, hold out the most subtle scented item under your lover’s nose. Make
him/her smell it for 10 seconds. Do this with the rest of the scented items
you prepared. Avoid holding it too close or too far. Make him/her smell the
rest from the subtle of smells to the more exotic or sultry ones.
Lay him/her down.
Guide your lover into the massage table or the bed. Make him/her lie on
his/her stomach. Rub your hands together and keep it moist with oil. Place
one hand with palm flat over the mid portion of his/her back.
Tease his/her sense of touch.
With one hand still resting on his/her back, take a firm textured object with
the other hand. Rub the object gently against your partner’s skin, from
his/her left shoulder to the back, buttocks and down to his/her left feet. Do
this slowly. Let him/her feel the sensation.
Next, take a soft textured item and run it from his/her right shoulder to the
back, buttocks all the way down to his/her right foot. Stroke lightly and

Image Source: http://tantra-healing.co.za/

Prepare at least 3 soft and another 3 rough textured objects. Run them one
by one, alternately through your lover’s skin. As you are stroking his/her
body with these objects, pay attention to his/her responses. You need to
understand what he/she enjoys the most. You can stroke his/her body with
the items once more. Remember to do it alternately. Begin with rough then
switch to a soft textured item. You may even switch hands if you must. Do
this for the next 15 to 20 minutes.
Give him/her a full-body massage.
After the tease, give your partner a few seconds to take in the moment.
Then, you can begin with the massage. Again, it is important that you
observe his/her reactions, listen to the cues he/she is giving you. These cues
will help you determine whether to apply more pressure or less against
his/her body.
Do not be nervous about massaging your partner’s back. As long as you
avoid the spinal area, everything is safe. Start with light strokes. If you feel
that he/she likes it a little harder, you can apply pressure as necessary. Do
the massage with long fluid strokes.
1. Neck and Shoulders
Pour oil on your hands and rub your palms together. Keep your hands moist
and warm. Begin by stroking your lover’s neck and shoulders. Massage
these areas in continuous circular motion starting from the neck and moving
slowly toward the shoulders. From the shoulders, work outward to his/her
arms. Apply firm but broad strokes. Massage the areas for the next 10 to 15

Image Source: http://www.yogatrail.com/event/tantric-massage-the-art-of-


2. Side of the Spine

Pressure should not be applied directly to the spine. Tackle the side of the
spine instead. You can begin from left to right or right to left. It does not
matter as long as you meticulously care for both sides.
Stroke the side of his/her spine in a continuous movement. From massaging
his/her shoulders, continue the movement to the side of the spine and down
to his/her hips.
Image Source: http://peacefulwarriors.net/
Use your fingertips for light stroking and the heels of your palms to add
more pressure as necessary. Add more oil if needed. This will help make
your strokes smoother and more fluid. Keep working on his/her back for the
next 10 minutes. Take your time. Do not rush the movements.
3. Back of the Legs
Do not apply a kneading technique in any part of your partner’s body.
Remember, tantric massage is about slow, long and firm strokes. When
working on his/her legs, you should apply gentle pressure only. It will be a
good idea to stroke his/her legs once again with a rough and soft textured
item. Pick his/her favorites. Continue stroking his/her legs gently and
Image Source: http://buyaromatherapyonline.com/add-aromatherapy-to-for-

Work your way down until you reach his/her feet. Circular and continuous
stroking is essential in this area. Massage each foot one by one. It is best to
use your thumb for the stroking. Massage your lover’s legs and feet for the
next 15 minutes. Focus more on the legs as you can work further on his/her
feet once he/she is turned over.

Image Source: http://www.holisticyogaandayurvedagoa.com/ayurveda-


4. Turn him/her over.

After mindfully touching your lover’s back, rest your left hand on his/her
tailbone. Your right hand should be placed at the back of your partner’s
Breathe in deeply through your nose and breathe out slowly through the
mouth. Keep your hands steady as you continue to breathe deeply. Take a
few minutes before you gently ask the receiver to turn over and lie on
his/her back.

Image Source: http://massage-girls-london.com/author/miquel/

5. Restoring balance in the Chakras

Once your partner is lying on his/her back, make sure he/she is comfortable.
Provide a rolled up towel to support the neck and back of the knees. Now
you can begin with incorporating the balancing of the chakras as you
learned from the previous chapter.

6. Feet
You worked on the feet just a little from the back. Now, you can thoroughly
care for it. Using the thumb is ideal in this area but if your lover is ticklish,
you can opt for using the palms instead.
This is a sensitive area filled with nerve endings. Your warm touch on
his/her foot is enough to give your partner a different kind of sensation.
With your fingers and palms stroking it gently and continuously, you can
imagine the ecstasy.

Image Source: http://youtalkin.com/how-to-enhance-your-tantric-massage-


Start from the back of his/her toes. Find the fleshy mound. Massage it gently
then continue at the back of the foot. Avoid applying too much pressure on
the arch. Stick with firm yet gentle touching. Continue stroking from the
toes down to the heel. Spend at least 3 minutes on each foot.
7. Front of the Legs
Like you’ve tackled the back of the legs, apply firm and long strokes from
your lover’s ankles to the thighs continuing the stroke from the feet. The
thighs and calves need gentle massaging only. Remember that your goal is
to provide a pleasurable massage.
Image Source: http://sollachi.massagetherapy.com/benefits-of-chi-nei-

8. Belly
From the front of his/her legs to the thighs, continue stroking him/her
meticulously to the hips until you reach the belly. Lay your hands flat and
massage this area in circular strokes in a clockwise motion. Avoid applying
any pressure in the belly. It is not necessary. Try slow and gentle touching
instead with your palms. Your touch should give your partner comfort. Keep
caring for this area for the next 3 to 5 minutes.

9. Chest
Before continuing the massage, rest your right hand over your lover’s heart
chakra. Take a few minutes here. Breathe in through your nose deeply and
out through your mouth slowly.
Image Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD0grIz6YN8
After a few minutes, rest both hands on his/her chest. Stroke lightly and
apply light pressure. Keep your palms flat as you massage his/her breasts.
Gently touch the lymph nodes and apply tender pressure to the nipples. Try
various kinds of strokes and pay attention to what he/she likes best.
Continue with the chest massage for 10 minutes.
10. Head and Shoulders
From your lover’s chest, move your hands to his/her head in a continuous
movement. Use your fingers to stroke the scalp. Spend a few minutes in this
area before you run your fingers to his/her forehead. With your index and
thumb fingers, apply gentle strokes to the area. Do not rush the movements.
If you need more oil, apply some on your hands as necessary to keep the
strokes smooth and fluid.
Image Source: http://www.tantramasaze.com/en/tantra-massage-prague-

From the forehead, move your hands to the side of your partner’s face down
to the neck and shoulders. Apply the same motion like you did when
massaging the back of his/her shoulders - long, broad strokes.
11. Arms
Move your hands slowly from the shoulder to the arm. Again, use firm and
long strokes in the area. Work all the way down to the wrist. Spend equal
time on each arm. Light kneading in the arms is welcome. Feel free to apply
the massage technique in this area.

Image Source: http://www.tantricjourney.com/therapists/mal/

Continue from the upper arms to the wrist all the way to the fingers. Keep
your partner calm, relaxed and connected.
Image Source: http://www.expats.cz/prague/directory/tantra-massage/?

Do not forget to meticulously care for each body part. It is all about
mindfully touching your lover’s body.
Genital massage is an option that some masseuse may offer. Since you’re
doing this for your romantic partner, you can feel free to involve the
genitals. Again, it is something you should talk about so he/she can know
what to expect and relax into the process. We will tackle genital massage for
men and women in the succeeding chapters.
Chapter 8 – The Lingam Massage

Lingam means "wand of light". It is the Sanskrit term for the male sexual
organ. As emphasized in the previous chapters, orgasm is not exactly the
main goal of tantric massage. However, it is a pleasant and welcome effect.
After all, it is the product of the present moment. The lingam massage
involves working on the testicles, perineum and external prostate.

Image Source: http://lingammassagem.com.br/

With the help of tantric massage, men can learn patience. They can
understand that they do not have to be in the constant mode of doing. They
can enjoy relaxed, calm moments and still experience pleasure, a higher
level one at that. It is the goal of this massage to help men discover and
embrace their soft receptive side. Through this massage, they can realize
that pleasure has plenty of sources. It does not rest in a single area alone.
With all these said, tantric massage can become a complete experience for
your man with the lingam massage. It is important that your man remains in
a lying position. His legs should be slightly spread apart. His knees should
be bent. Remember to place a rolled up towel at the back of his knees so he
stays comfortable during the entire process. Lying in this position, your
man’s private parts are completely exposed, giving you full access.

Parts of the Lingam

Before we go into the instructions, let’s have a quick lesson on the male
anatomy. The lingam has an upper and lower part. The upper side of the
lingam can be compared to the back of his body. This is the active side. It
represents a man’s sensitive and emissive side. The lower area of the lingam
on the other hand, is associated with his front body part. This is the passive
side of a man. It is the receiving end.
Stroking the upper side of the lingam makes a man feel supported and
nourished. Touching him gently on the lower side of his lingam makes him
feel emotional. There is something more intimate in this area. Caressing it
will help strengthen the intimacy between you. And it works much better as
you maintain eye contact.
Beginning the Lingam Massage
Take your time in applying these steps. It is important that you avoid
rushing. Touch him lovingly and respond to his cues accordingly. Repeat the
strokes if he seems to like it.
1. Pour a generous amount of oil on the shaft on the shaft of the lingam and
let the oil drip into the testicles.
2. Begin by touching the testicles gently. Apply light strokes. This is a very
sensitive area so pressure is unnecessary.
3. Slide your hands slowly to your man’s scrotum. Gently stroke it. Apply
just enough pressure and make him feel relaxed.
4. In a continuous motion, move your hands to his pubic bone. Caress the
area firmly but slowly.
5. Slide your hands from the pubic bone to the testicles until your reach the
perineum or that area between his anus and testicles. Massage him gently.
6. After teasing the perineum, move your hands in a continuous motion
towards the shaft. Stroke the shaft in different speeds and amount of
pressure. For instance, squeeze the shaft with your right hand starting from
the base. And with care pull your hand up with a gentle squeeze until your
hand completely slides off the shaft. Apply the same steps using your left
hand. Do it alternately with your right and left hands. And take your time.
Speed it up a little then slow it down again.
7. From the shaft, it’s time to care for the head of the lingam. Gently
squeeze the area, slide your hand down and slide it off. If you ever used a
manual juicer, you should recreate the same motion. Again, use your hands
alternately in different amounts of pressure and speed.
8. You can also try another technique which involves circular stroking. From
the shaft, stroke the head in circles and down to the shaft again.
9. Move your hand back to the sacred spot, the perineum. You slight
caressed this spot earlier. It’s time to pay more attention to it. As you lay
your hand on the spot between his anus and testicles, you will that small
indentation. That’s where the sacred spot lies. Use your fingers to gently
push the indentation. It is perfectly alright if he feels uncomfortable. That’s
just in the beginning although you have to be careful not to apply too much
pressure. As you push the perineum in an inward motion, it will start to
Working on your man’s sacred spot is essential. It is an effective way of
helping him take control of his ejaculation. It also prolongs his orgasms.
Now use your right hand to stroke the shaft as you continue to work on his
perineum with your left hand.

Handling the Male Pleasure Zones

The lingam has different pleasure zones. If you look at the illustration
below, Point A is the root, B is the neck and C is the top or head of the
lingam. Handle these pleasure zones properly with the following
Image Source: http://www.lovers-secrets.com/lingam-massage-the-3-zones-

Caring for the Neck of the Lingam

This part of the lingam is what connects him to the present. It enhances his
awareness of what is currently going on. It keeps him comfortable with
Wrap your fingers around the neck. Begin by gently squeezing from the
base of the neck up as if you are milking it. Do it a couple of times more.
Put your fingers in the neck’s mid portion at the back. Apply gentle pressure
to the area. You’re doing it right if you feel some vibration. It means the
massage is working.
Working on this pleasure zone teaches him to enjoy receiving in the
moment. It also helps him achieve mental clarity. It will create a positive
emotional change in him.
Stroking the Top of the Lingam
One of the most sensitive areas of the lingam, the top of lingam needs soft
touching. You can start by cupping the lingam. Hold the head with your
right palm. Let your hand rest here while your right hand moves up and
down the shaft. Touching the shaft while working on the head softens the
pleasure zone.
Next, you have to find the pressure points of the head. They are located
below and above the urethra opening. Use your fingers to press on the points
lightly. This benefits your man by giving him better control of his
ejaculation. It is beneficial for you too. Massaging the head gives a woman
tremendous effects during love making.
Caressing the Root of the Lingam
Among the pleasure zones, this is the most intense part. The root of the
lingam is located at the merging point of the testicles and the pelvic bone.
This area is associated with erection and vitality. Your touch helps your man
feel awakened and recharged.
Begin by wrapping your fingers around the base. Apply gentle pressure. Let
your hand rest on the area for a few minutes as you continue squeezing and
releasing the pressure.
Ending the Massage
Work by instinct. Slow down and speed up. When you feel that your man is
about to explode, you should slow down again or take your hands off for a
few moments. Repeat the same motions only when the lingam softens. Take
from his cues and respond accordingly. You should stop gradually when he
seems to feel complete.
After the lingam massage, take your hands off him slowly and cover him up.
Because of the intensity of the massage, he would need time to rest. Let him
have it and stay quiet.
Eye contact is crucial during the lingam massage. For the duration of the
massage, the lingam may turn hard and soft. Do not worry about it. He feels
pleasure even when the lingam is soft. And you should take pleasure in
giving him a sensual experience.
Chapter 9 – The Yoni Massage

Yoni means "sacred temple." It is the Sanskrit word used to refer to the
female sexual organ. Now, the lingam may have 3 major pleasure zones, the
yoni has more. When you’re giving your woman a yoni massage, you
should always handle it with great care. Touch her with love and respect.

Image Source: http://zensuality.us/tag/couples-massage/

Beginning the Yoni Massage

As your woman lies down on her back, spread her legs apart. Put a pillow
under her head and let the back of her knees rest on a rolled up towel. Both
the yoni and lingam massage should be performed in a continuous motion
right after the full body tantric massage is completed. Your right hand will
do most of the work in this massage.
1. Pour a generous amount of oil over the yoni. Let the oil drip from the
mound to the outer lips of the yoni. Make sure the entire outer portion of the
yoni is moist with oil.
2. Cup the yoni with your hand. Allow her to feel comforted by the warmth
of your hand.
3. Start stroking the mound and the outer lips. Keep caressing the yoni in
long and slow strokes.
4. After a few minutes caressing the outer part of the yoni, gently squeeze
on the outer lip now using your thumb and index finger. Slide your fingers
up and down along the outer lip. Do this several times over. Make sure both
sides are equally cared for. Don't rush your movements.
5. From the outer lip, carefully slide your fingers to stroke the yoni's inner
lips. Try various amounts of pressure, depth and speed. Keep watching her
reaction. Look her in the eyes and respond to her cues accordingly. Speed up
and slow down.
6. The clitoris, also known as the crown jewel, is one of the pleasure zones
of the yoni. It is connected with pleasure which is why it's important to take
your time stroking and teasing this area. Stimulate the clitoris in a circular
motion. Begin with clockwise strokes then switch to a counter-clockwise
7. With your thumb and index finger, gently squeeze on the clitoris. The
gentle pressure and continuous stroking will put your woman in a state of
arousal. When you feel her being aroused, remind her to relax by breathing
8. Position your right hand with palm facing up. While your thumb and
index finger are still squeezing on the clitoris, use your middle finger to
slowly enter her. Let your finger slide right through.
9. Once you've entered the yoni, move your middle finger up and down
inside her. Apply sideway motions too. Enter as deep as you can. Apply
varying amounts of speed, depth and pressure.
Image Source: http://www.martynjoseph.co.uk/

10. Try the "come here" motion with your middle finger inside her. As you
do this, you will feel a soft and spongy spot. This is the back portion of her
crown jewel. It is found right below the pelvic bone. It is commonly referred
to as the G-spot. Continue the "come here" motion. Keep reminding her to
relax and apply deep breathing.
11. Continue working inside the yoni in upward, downward, sideways and
circular motions. Do it slowly first then speed up and slow down again.
12. After several minutes inside, slide your ring finger inside her too. With
both middle and ring fingers inside the yoni, she will feel extra stimulation.
At this point, the stimulation is so intense that she may feel like urinating.
As she practices deep breathing, she'll soon relax and enjoy the powerful
13. Let your left hand rest on the mound of the yoni. With your right hand,
continue stroking her inside as your thumb and index finger are still teasing
the clitoris. Allow your left hand to move freely on the mound of yoni or on
her breasts and abdomen.
14. There's something that tantra refers to as "one of the mysteries of the
universe." You can try to caress this mystery. Move your right hand
sideways so that your palm is facing the side of her leg. Keep your middle
and ring finger inside her, your thumb on her crown jewel. With your pinky
finger, gently stroke the ring of her anus. Make sure the area is moist. Apply
more oil if necessary.
15. Slowly slide your pinky finger inside her anus. Pull your fingers out and
let them slide through again. This movement will intensify her arousal and it
may lead her to reach climax. Slow down when she is close or back off.
When the intense feeling subsides, enter her again. Continue to build up a
new wave of intense pleasure.
Ending the Yoni Massage
Mind your movements but maintain eye contact with your woman. It is your
turn to play the part of a giving and selfless lover. Pay attention to her
response with every touch. You can end the yoni massage gradually when
she seems to feel fulfilled and complete.
Remove your hands and cover her up with a towel. Give her time to relax
and rest. Because of the intensity of the pleasure, she may still feel some of
the afterglow. Lie beside her and hold her in your arms. Make the most of
the quiet moment, cuddling and comforting each other with the warmth of
your bodies.
Chapter 10 – Tantric Sex Positions

It doesn’t really take extortionists to enjoy tantric sex. Keep in mind that the
tantra experience is about enhancing intimacy and fostering togetherness.
This level of intimacy yields a more intense feeling of satisfaction on both

Image Source: http://tantra-temple.com/useful-information/

The Ultimate Union

The Yab Yum pose as illustrated in the image above is referred to as the
"ultimate union." It is one of the most traditional tantric poses. It promotes
intense connection and intimacy between two people. Get into this position
as you are resting or after a few moments of cuddling.
The man sits with his legs crossed in front of him. The woman moves in to
sit at the top of the man's legs. As you rest in this position, look into each
other's eyes. Wrap each other in a warm and loving embrace. Breathe
together deeply. Allow your bodies to merge.
Appreciate the moment of togetherness. Let yourselves be filled up with
affection. This is a special moment that should be celebrated.
While looking in each other's eyes, say what you appreciate about each
other. You can start your statements with the following phrases.
"You bring me joy when you..."
"I deeply desire..."
"I truly appreciate you for..."
"I deeply love..."
You can then share a slow and sensual kiss. Remember what you learned
from tantra. Resist aggression. Take it slow. Move and breathe in harmony.
Enjoy the dance of love in the yab yum pose.
In addition to the yab yum pose, you can also try the following suggested
tantric positions. One of the secrets to lasting longer during lovemaking is to
keep switching positions and rocking slowly in unison.

Image Source: http://old-neurologyofkansas.org/the-best-sex-position-for-

The Missionary
Simply classic, that’s what this sex position is. With the man taking charge,
the missionary is one of the best positions that are most pleasing to a
woman. It also allows the couple to keep eye contact and kiss in a sensual
manner. As the man sets the pace, the woman can guide his man’s hips to
either go slower, faster or deeper. She can also grind her hips as her man
moves on top of her.

Image Source:

The Valedictorian
The woman lies on her back with her ankles resting on his shoulders. The
major advantage of this position is deeper penetration. He can move
sideways, upward and downward to access her G-spot.
Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/125256433360316055/

The Hot Seat

Woman kneels in front of her man, her legs resting between his. With their
bodies so close, they can move their hips in a harmonious circular motion.
To access the G-spot, he can slightly lean backwards and let his woman lead
the pace.
Image Source:

The Cowgirl Gets Help

A variation of the cowgirl position, the woman kneels on top of the man,
hands resting on his chest as she slides up and down on his thighs. While
she may be in control, her man grabs her by the hips and raises his hips to
make the thrust deeper. This is ideal because it makes the woman reach the
peak easier and at the same time, delays the man's ejaculation so they can
explode together. By alternating between deep and slow thrusting, the
lingam can stimulate various pleasure zones of the yoni.

Image Source: http://uncova.com/sex-and-love-5-awesome-sex-positions-


The Spooning
This is another intimate position that allows you as a couple to be
affectionate. The man has full access on his woman’s body. When she twists
her body and head slightly, they can even share a sensual kiss. It is perfect
position for cuddling too when the deed is done.

Image Source: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-


The Supernova
The couple can begin in a woman-on-top position. Gradually, she can lean
on her knees and push him to the edge of the bed until a portion of his upper
body hangs backward before she rides him again. The woman is in complete
control. The position allows deeper penetration. It is ecstasy for the man as
well. He will experience an erotic inversion that sends an otherworldly type
of pleasure.
Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/560064903630417834/

The G Force
The reins are over to the man. Lying on her back with knees close together
towards her chest, her man grabs her by the feet and thrusts deep inside her.
This position also creates better stimulation for the man with a little more
friction. As a bonus, he can free one of his hands to tease her crown jewel. It
is a win-win situation.

There are plenty of other positions you can try, each special in their own
right. Do not forget to be present and enjoy the moment. Finally, when you
both reach the peak, share a sensual kiss and a warm embrace.

Thank you again for purchasing this book!

I hope this book was able to help you understand what tantra is all about and
how you can apply it to strengthen the connection between you and your
loved one. Aim to embody the teachings of tantra and you will not only
have a more intense lovemaking experience. You will also strengthen your
bond as a couple, emotionally and spiritually for a stronger, lasting and more
passionate relationship.

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