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International marketing

Unit: -1
1. International Marketing is dominated by ---------- countries.

a. Poor b. Developing c. Developed d. Rich

2. Group of countries formed on geographical basis --------------.

a. Trading blocs b. Trade barriers c. Free trade d. Free global trade

3. Franchising is a form of -------------.

a. Exporting b. Licensing c. Merger d. Strategic alliance

4. -------------- is basically a customs and economic union.


5. Customs regulations are -------------- barriers.

a. Tariff b. Economic c. Non- tariff d. Social

6. ---------- refers to ability and freedom to connect to almost anyone, anytime, anywhere.

a. Manufacturing b. Strategic alliance c. Liberalization d. Globalization

7. OPEC is an organization of ---------------- countries.

a. Software producing b. Oil producing c. Steal producing d. Comment producing

8. Non- tariff barriers include -----------------.

a. Import duties b. Protective duties c. Import quotas d. Specific duties

9. ---------- indicates regional economic integration of nations for mutual benefits.

a. International trade b. Internal trade c. Trading blocs d. Trade barriers

10. International marketing ensures -------------Utilization of resources.

a. Minimum b. Maximum c. High d. Low

11. The Headquarters of EU is at -----------------.

a. Paris b. London c. Brussels d. Berlin

12.------------is method for entering international markets.

a. International trade b. Trade barriers c. Trading blocs d. Joint venture

13. ------------ is basically a trade and investment agreement.


14. Regionalism in trade should be replaced by ------------.

a. Trading blocs b. Free Trade c. Trade barriers d. Multilateralism

15. SAARC accounts for over one fifth of world population but has only about ---------of worlds
land area.

a. 3.3 % b. 4.3 % c. 8.3 % d. 1.3%

16. Non- tariff barriers ---------- additional revenue to the government.

a. Provide b. Do not provide c. provide limited d. provide unlimited

17. Direct exporting ensures -----------------.

a. Low profit margin b. High profit margin c. Medium profit margin d. Normal profit

18. ASEAN was established on ----------- at Bangkok.

a. 9th Jan 1984 b. 6th Sep 1994 c. 8th Aug 1967 d. 4th Dec 1976

19. OPEC raised production Quota to ------------ million barrels per day.

a. 31.5 b. 13.5 c. 43.5 d. 34.5

20. Contract manufacturing Isa type of --------------.

a. Joint venture b. Outsourcing c. made to order agreement d. assembling activity

21. -------------is the most powerful trade bloc of world.


22. Quota system is a type of ------------ barrier.

a. Tariff b. Non-tariff c. Revenue d. Non- revenue

23. Trade barriers are ----------- to the growth of international trade .

a. Useful b. Harmful c. Supportive

24. ------------ is fastest growing global business.

a. Franchising b. International marketing c. Outsourcing d. Licensing

25. Trade barriers are ------------- obstacles imposed on imports from other countries.

a. Natural b. Artificial c. Political d. Revenue

26. Trading blocs give benefits to ----------- countries .

a. Member b. Nonmember c. Rich d. Poor

27. ---------------- is necessary and useful to all participating countries .

a. Trade barriers b. International Trade c. Tariff barriers d. Non-tariff barriers

28. In merger two companies come together and ------------- survives.

a. Only one b. More than two c. Both d. New company formed

29. The headquarter of OPEC is at --------------.

a. France b. Russia c. Germany d. Netherland

30. In India , takeovers are increasing since -------------.

a. 1990 b. 1890 c. 1980 d. 1880

31. ----------- maybe horizontal or vertical or conglomerate.

a. Merger b. Acquisition c. Joint venture d. Strategic alliance

Unit: -2

32. International economic environment is the result of economic factors operating at the
----------- level .

a. Local b. National c. International d. Business

33. Language is very significant element of ----------- environment .

a. Culture b. Legal c. Foreign d. Domestic

34. -----------is the simplest form of international economic integration .

a. FTA b. IFC c. USSR d. IMF

35. -------------- Research involves prediction of the quantity demanded at prices .

a. Promotion b. Pricing c. Distribution d. Pricing

36. International marketing environment is ----------- in character .

a. Stable b. Static c. Flexible d. Fluid and Flexible

37.Culture environment is --------------.

a. Static b. Flexible c. Stable d. Unstable

38. Individualism is highest in USA followed by ------------.

a. Japan b. UK c. Thailand d. India

39. International Finance Corporation (IFC) was established in ------------.

a. July 1956 b. July 1965 c. July 1659 d. July 1596

40. Dumping is a ---------- practice for entry in foreign markets.

a. Fair b. Unfair c. Easy d. Freely allowed

41. --------------Provides short term assistance to member countries .

a. IMF b. IFC c. FTA d. USSR

42. --------Research covers all aspects relating to manufacturing and marketing of product .

a. Product b. Distribution c. Promotion d. Pricing

43. IFC is one ------------ of world bank.

a. Sister institution b. Affiliate c. Financial agency d. Advisory

44. In International marketing research the use of ---------should be made liberally .

a. Primary data b. Secondary data c. Unpublished data

45. ----------Research relates to one variable in marketing mix .

a. Distribution b. Product c. Pricing d. Promotion

46. Collectivism is highest in Indonesia followed by -----------.

a. Thailand b. Australia c. USA d. UK

47. India is a ------------ of international finance corporation (IFC).

a. Founding member b. Associate member c. Full dialogue partner d. Shareholder

48. Democracy is regarded as the ---------- political system .

a. Worse b. Best c. Most ineffective d. corrupt

49. One objective of IMF is to promote -------------.

a. Exchange rate stability b. Industrial growth c. Infrastructure development

d. stable interest rates

50. -----------------is a legal system bases on religious doctrine & beliefs.

a. Legal law b. Theocratic law c. Civil law d. Common law

51. -------------is moving gradually from Marx to the market.

a. USSR b. IFC c. FTA d. IMF

52. International marketing research facilities -------------.

a. Initial entry in foreign market

b. Large scale import

c. Expansion of domestic marketing

53. World bank is owned by governments of ----------countries.

a. 182 b. 188 c. 185 d. 186

54. EU is best example of ----------------.

a. Economic union b. Free trade area c. Customs union d. Common market

55. International marketing research deals with ---------- markets.

a. Domestic b. Foreign c. Local d. Retail

56. Common law is found in -------------.

a. Canada b. Australia c. Japan d. India

57. International economic institutions mainly provide ----- to poor & developing countries.
a. Financial assistance b. Consultancy services c. Legal assistance

58. Traditional, Customs and Culture are used as based for -------law .

a. Civil b. Theocratic c. Common d. Criminal

59. IMF Started functioning from -------------.

a. March 1, 1946 b. March 1, 1947 c. March 1,1964 d. March 1, 1974

60. Legal environment relater to laws which govern --------------.

a. Political activities b. Economic activity c. Business activity d. Social activity


61. Entering a new price slot and new market segment is called line ----------.

a. Stretching b. Down c. Filling d. Up

62. ----------has the advantage of modifying it for each local market.

a. Branding b. Packaging c. Labelling d. Positioning

63. -------- segmentation is used for the allocation of territories of salesmen or distributors.

a. Socio-economic b. Geographic c. Psychographic d. Demographic

64. Counter trade uses foreign trade with ------use of foreign exchange .

a. High b. Minimum c. Low d. Maximum

65. ------ makes clear the vision & goals of advertising.

a. Message b. Mission c. Marketing d. Money

66. -------- is primary function of packaging.

a. Labelling b. Handling c. Presentation d. Identification

67. --------strategy can to large number of customers.

a. Undifferentiated marketing b. Multi segment c. Micro marketing d.

International marketing
68. ----- Strage is faced by inovating countries, the exporters meet hard times due to continuous
fall in exports .

a. Worldwide limitation b. Maturity c. Reversal d. Local innovation

69. Health and Safety warnings are included in -------.

a. Packing b. Branding c. Labelling d. Line pruning

70. ------ segmentation, the buyers are grouped on basis of their knowledge , user status , loyalty

a. Behavioristic b. Psychographic c. Demographic d. Socio economic

71. -----Strategy aims at getting higher sales volume with product varieties and stronger position
within each segment .

a. Multi-segment b. Mass Marketing c. Single segment d. Micro marketing

72. Product line specialization is ---- consideration solution of distribution channel.

a. Company b. Middlemen c. Environmental d. Market

73. ---cost is a part of marginal cost pricing.

a. Maintenance b. Variable c. Transfer d. Inventory

74. -----is an international price discrimination.

a. Counter trade b. Buyback c. Dumping d. Standardization

75. Intermittent dumping is also known as ----- dumping.

a. Sporadic b. Predatory c. Persistent d. Anti

76. ----- pricing method, market demand for a product is main consideration is price fixation .

a. Demand based b. Competition based c. Cost based d. Breakeven

77. Consumer buying habits is ---- consideration solution of distribution channel

a. Market b. Product c. Company d. Environmental

78. ---- includes local marketing & individual marketing.

a. Single segment b. Mass marketing c. Micro marketing d. Multi segment

79. ------External factors affecting international pricing.

a. Market opportunities b. Cost c. Delivery schedule d. Pricing objective

80. Product ----- gives confidence to customers.

a. Standardization b. Adaption c. Pruning d. Packaging

81. Packaging requires both ----- and mandatory hangs.

a. Compulsory b. Regulatory c. Discretionary d. Labelling

82. ------ pricing indicates product benefits.

a. Target b. Value c. Discount d. Promotion

83. ------is secondary function of packaging.

a. Containment b. Economy c. Attractiveness d. Preservation

84. -----Internal factor affecting international pricing.

a. Demand b. Credit policy c. Competitor d. Economic status

85.------represents plans to evaluate the effects off advertising.

a. Media b. Marketing c. Measurement d. Money

86. Promotional expenditures is limited in ----- pricing.

a. Skimming b. Penetration c. Differential d. Breakeven

87. Market segmentation is better than market -----.

a. Targeting b. Positioning c. Aggregation d. Stretching

88.----means giving specific name, design , symbol or sign to a product .

a. Branding b. Positioning c. Targeting d. Labelling

89. ----segmentation has become highly popular.

a. Geographic b. Gender c. Psychographic d. Product

90. -----innovation requires similar, culture and economic conditions.

a. Scientific b. Local c. Overseas d. Value

91. Product life cycle is an ---- factor influencing pricing.

a. Internal b. External c. Insider d. a & b both

92. Smart phones are marketed through ---- positioning.

a. Special interest b. High tech c. Product user

93. --------pricing is one more pricing option available to a company while fixing price.

a. Competition based b. Demand based c. Cost based d. Discount based

Unit: -4

94. International marketing plan must address payment and -----.

a. Credit b. Debit c. Paperwork d. Lien

95. Situation analysis is the ---- to prepare international marketing plan.

a. Start b. Finale c. Documentation d. Strategic alliance

96. ------Structure is known to employ a handful of employees.

a. International Division b. Networked c. Geographic area d. Worldwide functional

97.------is modern control technique.

a. Statistical control b. Break even analysis c. Return on investment d. Financial statement

98. Wipro has setup a global R&D center in-------.

a. Japan b. Bangalore c. USA d. India

99.----Strategy wants parent company to develop products.

a. Global b. Transactional c. Multi domestic d. Domestic

100.-----analysis computes financial statements.

a. Budgetary b. Breakeven c. Ratio d. Network

101. ----- structure violates principle of unity of command.

a. Matrix b. Networked c. Product d. Division

102. The foundation of ------ strategy is a global vision.

a. Transactional b. Multi domestic c. International d. Global

103. ----Indicates areas where remedial actions are required.

a. CPM b. ROI c. MBO d. MIS

104. Most commonly used control technique is called -------------.

a. Self-control b. Cost control c. Statistical control d. Budgetary control

105. International -----is attached to the parent company.

a. Business b. Department c. Division d. Market

106.Firms desiring to cut down financial loss opt for ------ exporting.

a. Canalized b. Direct c. Indirect d. Basic

107. Service sector act as --- of growth.

a. Barometer b. Division c. Engine d. Basic

108. ------is a technique of managerial control through budgets.

a. Budgetary control b. Self-control c. Cost control d. Statistical control

109. Multi domestic strategy is example ------.

a. Mc Donald b. Nokia c. BMW d. General motors

110. ------is traditional contro techiques.

a. MBO b. Cost control c. Self-control d. MIS

111.International strategies begin with analyzing the market and end with assessment of

a. Profit b. Loss c. Competition d. Environment

112. Management audit evaluates and measures systems of -------.

a. Progress b. Control c. Profit d. Loss

113. ----------structure represents an organization with two overlapping hierarchies.

a. matrix b. Geographic area c. International d. Product

114. ----------indicates that the product is unique.

a. Functional b. Differentiation c. Positioning d. Adaptation

115.-------Strategy helps to reduce costs with global integration.

a. Global b. Transnational c. Multi domestic d. International

116. Strategic control includes -------------aspects.

a. Audit b. Evaluation c. Functional d. Turnover

117. Multi domestic companies ------------ decision making.

a. Centralize b. Decentralize c. Delegate d. Canalized

118. Worldwide functional structure offers high ---------.

a. Remuneration b. Turnover c. Specialization d. Business

119. ROI was developed by DuPont corporation of USA in ----------.

a. 1919 b. 1929 c. 1939 d. 1949

120. Services are delivered through ---------- channels.

a. Direct b. indirect c. interactive d. distribution

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