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Task 2 Question & Introduction Examples

1) A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by

people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others
argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including
uses for food and research.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

discuss + opinion (still require)
Animals have feelings—can feel pain… Killing for food is unneeded / research
conducted through other means.
Meat has been part of human diet for millions of years—require protein
intake/some medical research can only be tested on animals

It is believed by some that exploiting animals is unacceptable and that they
should be treated the same as human beings; whereas there are those who
think that our requirements of nutrition and medical science warrant their use..
This essay shall discuss both viewpoints; however, in my opinion, I believe
humans still require the use of animals.

Points to note:
• The statements provide 2 clear opposing views. One opinion uses the
word ‘should’ while the other uses the word ‘must’; thus, our opinion can
only agree with one side or the other. We must choose.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! It is believed by some that
! ; whereas there are those who think that
! This essay shall discuss both viewpoints;
! ; however, in my opinion, I believe
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
treated the same as
requirements of
medical science
warrant their use/necessitate their use

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2) Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of
money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Opinion (both need investment)
Public services:
Are required to maintain a well-functioning society----schools & clinics
Investing in art allows a nation’s culture to thrive---and also contributes to the
overall happiness of the populace

It is considered by some that funding the arts is a needless expense, and instead
the authorities need to invest these funds in public services; however, though
these government community programs are essential, I believe the arts should
also receive government financial support.

Points to note:
• The opinion uses the words ‘is a waste of money’ and ‘must’. Both ‘is’ and
‘must’ are 100% decisive words, and so we must be sure to recognize this
for both the introduction and the conclusion.
• If we think both the arts and public services are important, then we will
show the importance of both. Then, in the conclusion, we state why we
think that investing in the arts is also very important and ‘should be funded;
hence, while public services are also important they should not be funded
to the detriment of the arts.’
• ‘the arts’ does not mean ‘art’, instead, it refers to music and plays (operas,
classical music concerts, and plays).
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! It is considered by some that
! ; however, though
! I believe
! should also
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:

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3) Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get
better jobs. Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education
for both individuals and society.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Discuss + opinion (in equal measure)
Better jobs:
Relevant theoretical knowledge/placements/occupational competencies/
Individual and society:
Individual and Society:
Interest-oriented education---focus on a student’s passions and interests, this in
turn allows for graduates to become stakeholders in society----society will have
more individuals reaching their full potential----increases ‘excellence’ within

It is felt by some that the purpose of tertiary education is to assist students to
attain a good job; whereas there are those who think that post-secondary
education should more broadly benefit both the student and society. This essay
shall discuss both viewpoints; however, I think both opinions are valid in equal

Points to note:
• This is a discuss + opinion essay, and so body 2 will cover the ‘benefits to
the individual and society’. Because they will be in the same paragraph, it
is logical to try to connect the wider benefits to the individual and wider
consequence of these benefits to society.
• The statement says ‘benefits’ so we need at least 2 benefits, and this fits
nicely with the objects we have to discuss, namely ‘the individual and
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! It is felt by some that
! ; whereas there are those who think that
! This essay shall discuss both viewpoints
! ; however, I think both opinions are valid in equal measure.
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
Tertiary education = post-secondary education = college/university
the purpose = the aim
broadly = widely

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“Learn new words by reading!”
4) Developed countries have created many environmental problems in the World,
particularly in their contribution to global warming.
What can be done to reduce the dangers of global warming?

Report style discussion essay
Reduction of Danger 1:
Adapt--- adaptation to a warmer climate is the priority. How? areas need to
prepare for floods and or droughts. A two pronged approach—adapt to
change…and make changes to root causes
Reduction of Danger 2:
Reduce causes of climate change. Focus on electrical production and emission
producing vehicles. Learn from the mistakes of others.

It is believed by some that a plethora of environmental issues caused by
developed nations have contributed to climate change. This essay shall offer
solutions for how to diminish the harm posed by a warming climate.

Points to note:
• This is a ‘report’ style essay. Be careful with this type of statement
question and do not be tricked by the mention of problems in the
statement presented as a fact. We need to refer to ‘problems’ but we are
not being asked about what the problems are. Instead, we are being
asked for solutions on how to overcome the bigger problem of ‘global
• Remember, the in this type of statement, the sentence is presenting the
context, or background, and is presented as a fact. The question is related
to this ‘fact’ but will be asking about something related but different. Our
job is to answer the question ‘referencing’ the statement where
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! It is believed by some that
! caused by
! This essay shall offer solutions for how to
! posed by
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
Many = a plethora of
Problems = issues = challenges
Countries = nations = nation-states
Global warming = climate change = a warming climate = the change in climate

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5) Currently there is a trend towards the use of alternative forms of medicine.
However, at best these methods are ineffective, and at worst they may be
To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Opinion (disagree, but can be ineffective and dangerous)
herbal remedies—but after processing into medicine form become inactive
(medical properties destroyed. Dangerous—vitamin supplements etc have
been shown can lead to death.
Some traditional medicines, such as traditional Chinese medicine --shown to
have some efficacy towards battling medical conditions. Other forms of
alternative medicine–massage/aromatherapy been documented to be effective

Recently, there has been a development in the usage of unconventional medical
treatments. It is believed by some that the use of these alternative medical
therapies is inefficacious or even harmful. Although this may be true, I do believe
some forms of alternative medicine contain a certain degree of medical efficacy.

Points to note:
• The phrase “although this may be true” is the same as saying ‘I agree but
also I disagree”.
• Be careful of the words presented in the opinion. It states ‘at best’ and ‘at
worst’, meaning the holder of this opinion DOES NOT BELIEVE that
alternative medical therapies are effective. The writer of the introduction
however, disagrees, and thinks alternative medicines can be effective.
• This means, in body 1 we will agree with the opinion in the statement, and
in body 2, we will put our ‘disagree’ part, as this is the aspect that we are
tying to argue.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! Recently, there has been
! It is believed by some that
! Although this may be true,
! I do believe
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
alternative forms of medicine = unconventional medical treatments/therapies
ineffective = ineffectual = inefficacious
tend = development

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6) Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in
today’s society.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

Opinion (agree)
Deceptive methods of advertising—advertising products that do not fulfill
their promised functionality---for example cleaning or hygiene products promising
outstanding results—but reality pales in comparison… advertising to
children—aiming to capture the children market though gimmicks etc.

It is believed by some that certain mechanisms utilized in advertisements push
the boundaries of acceptability and lack ethics in contemporary society. In my
opinion, I agree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.

Points to note:
• “Unacceptable” here means that when compared to today’s society in
terms of ethics and morality, most people would consider this not to be
acceptable to them.
• Be careful not to go off topic. The question does not say anything about
being ‘banned’ or ‘censored’.
• The opinion in the statement says ‘some’ methods. Therefore, if you think
‘some’ methods are unethical, then you would be agreeing. If so, you need
to explain why.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! It is believed by some that
! In my opinion, I agree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
Some ___ = certain ____
Method(s) = way(s) = mechanism(s)
Used in = utilized in
Advertising = advertisements
Unacceptable = pushing the boundaries of acceptability
Unethical = lack ethics
In today’s society = contemporary society = modern society = nowadays

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7) Nowadays, families are not as close as in the past and a lot of people have
become used to this.
Explain the reasons for this and discuss any possible effects it may have on

Report style discussion essay
Standard of living has increased (increase in wealth) = more freedom of choice.
Technology, from TV to the Internet—distractions
Possible Effects
Breakdown in the traditional family structure eg. Divorce and estrangement from
the family ---leads to depression and narcissistic behavior----long-term
effect--decline in birthrate

In modern society, family relationships have deteriorated yet many have adapted
to this situation. This essay shall explore the reasons for this phenomenon and
examine the effects caused by this situation.

Points to note:
• This is a report style essay. Note that the statement is NOT an opinion, but
stated as a fact. We are asked ‘why’ and about the ‘possible effects’.
• “Not as close as in the past” can be considered as ‘deteriorated’.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! In modern society
! This essay shall explore the reasons for this phenomenon and
examine the effects caused by this situation.
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
Have deteriorated = become worse (in some way)
Have become used to this = have adapted
This phenomenon = this situation

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8) In the last 20 years there have been significant developments in the field of
information technology (IT), for example the World Wide Web (the Internet) and
communication by email. However, future developments in IT are likely to have
more negative effects than positive.
To what extent do you agree with this view?

Opinion: advantages vs disadvantages type (agree)
Will continue to increase the time people save in doing tasks. Convenience will
also continue to increase.
Increasingly centralized as a news and information conduit. Meaning a decline in
reliable information as knowledge and information is controlled and regulated.
Virtual reality will become more popular, taking people further away from a
physical reality.

In the last two decades, information technology has witnessed dramatic
improvements, particularly in global connectivity and communications, yet it is
believed by some that the disadvantageous impacts of future advances in this
technology will outweigh the advantages; an opinion I concur with for the
following reasons.

Points to note:
• This essay is similar to the “advantages outweigh the disadvantages” type.
Be clear that this is NOT similar to the ‘positive or negative trend’ type,
which requires you to choose one side or the other.
• This essay expects you to ‘discuss’ both sides and to choose whichever
side you think ‘outweighs’ the other.
• The first statement is one of fact and gives context to the opinion
statement. The argument is about the future.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! yet it is believed by some that the
! an opinion I concur with for the following reasons.
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
20 years = 2 decades
there have been = have seen = have witnessed
significant = dramatic
for example = particularly
negatives = disadvantageous impacts = drawbacks
positives = advantages = benefits
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“Learn new words by reading!”
9) Genetic engineering is an important issue in modern society. Some people
think that it will improve people's lives in many ways. Others feel that it may be a
threat to life on earth.
Discuss both opinions and give your opinion?
Discussion + opinion (agree with both in equal measure)
Ability to cure diseases and make some crops resilient to extreme weather
Tampering with nature—may unleash (create) unknown but deadly
consequences for life---possibility of creating a two tier society…children that
have been genetically enhanced, and those who haven’t.

Gene editing technology is a controversial topic in today’s world, as it is felt by
some that humans’ lives will be enhanced in a variety of ways; whereas there
are those who believe this bio-technology could threaten the biology of the
planet. This essay shall examine both sides; however, in my opinion, I think both
viewpoints have the potential to be correct.

Points to note:
• This essay refers to ‘future possibilities’—note the verb structures used
(‘will’ and ‘may’). One opinion states that absolutely in the future,
improvements WILL occur, while the other states that genetic engineering
could, may, possibility, be a threat. We need to note these type of words in
our introduction and the body.
• Since both opinions are future oriented, it means that both are actually
‘potential’ results. So instead of saying ‘I agree with both “in equal
measure”, “have the potential to be correct” is used to show that both
remain future possibilities. This can be important for our body if we wish to
talk about ‘regulation’ in body 2 when we discuss ‘could cause a negative
impact on life’.
• Underlined phrases are ‘standard phrases’ we can use for many essays:
! as it is felt by some that
! whereas there are those who believe
! This essay shall examine both sides
! ; however, in my opinion, I think both viewpoints have the potential to
be correct.
• Highlighted words show paraphrasing
Key Vocabulary:
an important issue = controversial topic
genetic engineering = gene-editing technology
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