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THIS AORBEMBNT ii midi ll1d 1.n tnd into u ofthe 1s•h day of~ 2015 by lad between Boud ofhpatl ofthe Uniwnl~ ofWt1eonatn S}ltn on bebllf nfthl Univmtty of
~lln-Madi'°'1 Dlvialon of Intoroo119,ato Atbllttc1 (hnelufttr dellplld u ''Wiaccmaln"
or lho "hane tlim"), ancl Univcn!ty ofMonh Tm• (hcnlDdcr clellaaltOd 11 •lNodJl Te:itu" or
tho ''villtiq a.m").

Bl CCIDlldendm of the promlHI IDd mutull covml11UI c:omalnod beroiD, the putia •pee u

1. SV.BNT. n. puti• . . - to have their reaprotiw vmltyfooMl team• play CIC)b otbtr in
1ccordlllCO with tho term• of tbi1 Apemem. Thi pme lba1l beheld aa ~. October
5, 2019 In Maclt1on, WilGONln. with klakoft ItTBA.

2. R.ULBS OP THB CONTEST. Bach conltlt lhaU bo pamcd m.U 1•ptall, laoludiq the
ellalbJHty of tnm mcnbm, by the rules of th• Nltlonal Colleai• AOl.lttlc Aaooiltlon
(NCAA). tht llhlltlc c:onferenoe to whiah um te1m blloap. IDCI tho imlllntkmll ml• of
aah IJlllV.
3. OIPlCJALS. Offict.11 1blll be 1PPomted and plcl tbr by tho Sia Ten Confcnmcc.
4, COMPENBATION. Tho homa tnm aar- to pay the vi1idaa teun the fixed nm
otOAo MillioA Two Hundred 'Ibo1.1111Dd U.8. Dollm (llJ00,000.00), u 1bl1 ad aomplote
~- fbr pldiolpldaa ia laid pme, 1111 any emount dlld\&Oted. f'or \ll1Ulld tickets
over two h"'1cbecl {200) (other than compllmaatu)' tiabll) illlWd to 'YWdnt tam not
rctumed to home team by no later than threo (3) MDDd111 prtCodlaatbe cmtmt. The
par111te1 will b1 paid widdn thirty (30) 41)'1 of the contat.

5. TlCKBTS. lfnquastod. up IO tint thouaand (3,000) tloklta lhall be 11located 10 tho

vllilfna-.i no Jltlr tbln Aup l pncecJiDa the to1lldaltd oon&eei. 'l1nl hwtlrecl (300)
i.... ao lm tbln tho Jul-
otfhlle t~ lhall be compHmontuy. Tiobt prica lhlJJ bl utabliahed by the home
otMll'Clh p:eoedfaa tbe playlq ofthe acmtat, IDd tlcbta
lhall bt aocounttd fbr It tha price prinlo4 an Iha tlabt.
' ClDBJU BAD.BlllJBAMD MBMBBRS. Upon mubml qnammt of11w pldlta. tltt
Yidt1qtHm•1 daoedeadan, )'111 lCllda, mucotl, and mllnblrl of thl mucblnsblDd (d
hi~ Ind tho bind with inltnlmlntl) 1Ull bl·1dmi-4 to the pme at M OOlt-4 be
l*Slittecl io pdbrm, it llelna undtntoocl thn 1 recaun by tbt YilltlDI tlllll llr nch-m
qreemat llhalJ l11 mado no later than two moll1hl prior ta lhe date of die cxmttlt,
1. BXP.BNSB8. llxcopt U othtrWIM provided In tbl1 aoll1nat. tho YllltiDI tllm llhlll be
IWIJ'Omlble ibr dd.,ma uay ad 1111 ofita own ooltl inall.Xtiq. but mt lf.mtted eo.
b1nsp0rtatiem, mlll1 llld ladsiaa related to plrdolpltion in the pme. ·


---------~. --·-···-·-~- ·- - - - - - - - -· - -·
a. DAMAGES. Bttblr ,.ny tt.111111 to comply with tb1 condltlon1 of1hl1 AlfWlt. elth..
byOIDClllllltan or f&liure to 1ppear, •bill p1y tht aum of One Mlll[on Two Hun.dnld
1bo'lllllld U.8. l>olllrl (ll.200.000.00) to the otbar P1ft1 u reuonable usd cantemplaiod
llquldated d1m•P' 11 tho IOlt remedy, uni• lllOh canoeUldoa lhall b1 by mutual
coueat. ID whim GUO tb1I Aarcaant shin 1'o null md volcl.
9. RADIO BAOADCAIT RIGHTS. The l'ldto b'*-t of tht pmt lhlll be under control
ofthe home tllm. Thi vbtllq tam mu be ponntlled Olll (1) C9JDm1Nlll ozlalnltiq
mtion t.Bna th• ~•idna tum•• COA'UIUll'Clltl ndlo .utwark and 011e (I) oft\cill
no oharlD. Odl• radio orlafnatlmi ri_.
fnatltu1loul ar 1Ndent apel'lttd arlalnltlna stlltan f'lldlns th••1 oampus. at
and feos to be wlaned byiht home team with all
recetpta nmabdna th• propll'ty of the home team.


Ju TBL'EVISION: Vt11dna team 1aknowltdaa and .,ca that (I) an rips to telecut or
dt9'ribute (live or dll~. whole or oondcuod (lacl\K\Uia blthltgldl), tbroup\lt the
umvam, in ~ and Ill marbb, tn any •d Ill 1111pqq llld \'fa my lftd 1ll 1bnna of
media Ind mlthadl of dtmibution and dt1trlbudon \tctlnalolY) Wl11COD1in'1 hoa\t f'oatbalJ
. . . . 111d certlin pnCI pla)-cd It 1 awtnJ uto bolll ullpod by Wl1oommto 'Illa
Big T.1111 Codnnce, Inc. rth& Bl1 Ten'?, rum hu cnilrccl i • ,.,.._.with
cOltlln third pll'tle1 for tbe telecut or·dtltl'lbutlon of e\ICh ..-. (b) Wtaoouln bu no
ablllty to srat to vllttln1 tam ID)' riabls tbr Ilia Wleaut or cliltrlbutlon otpme1 pl1yod
putaaut t0 this .Awea•t in wlriab W"llClOlllln ia the hamo ibotball t11111 or of an•
pJ~,.S purlUl!lt to lhll Apement at '*11fn MUll'll lli.t and (c) Tb• Bia Ten •hall haw
tho aduatveriaht to retain 111 monuu dcrlvtd lam the 1ttaGut or dtltributlon of pmes
played pmnmt to thil Aaraomant in which Witc:onlfn ii th• homa filotball coun or of'
pmes played purwant ta thll Aarcmntmt st .Wn uutn1 alte9.

NolWltblllad_Lq thD tnpl.q. the NIJllGdve ri&bb, if ID)', of villtlq.toam with ra1p1at to
~ho··lllecut or diltributlon ofthe pine pl.,.S pursuant to dd1 Apllmlnt (and tlae nmm1lll
dmlvad thmdcm) 111111 bo IOYOmecl by I separate QIClmcat botwoml '11utBl,a Tc IJUI
'VllltlQI tam. wbiah ..,.m qnaent lhal'l aovem Cllltlln •IJllOll of Ill)' lbotball pm•
p~ 1*wwn th1 mtmblr fnttinatlon1 of'I1tt Bia Tm ad Yllltlna tam, provided. thlt in
dao ..._of•Y auoll 10Parat1 ..-net. the. tm ofthil AarGomant llhall control.
B. USB. OP GAME VJDBO: Vitltiq tum lhlU havo U. rl&bt to p!Qduae fi1ml llJ.dlor
~ ofdw tbotban pma playld pm1U1Dt ta this Aanalnt for ooahtq purpo•
mt tar uc m. a .weo1c1, coaoh•' 1how 0D111Dd lbr ao atbll' purposa. s~ fllml and/or
vidlotlpll may not be Np1a)'ad, URd or othlrwlle dJ1tdln&ted bJ the~ tam to any
pll'IOll olher thin thtl lncarpontim ofup to elaht mhtutu (8:00) ofldlhlt.lha afthl pm•
11 put of.a wte1cly couh•' show and io ltt tb01blll to1m aoacbea and j1aym. 1hl llOlt
lDldtudo,n ...- eo pnmde rwoa•l• r.cllltiu fbr ludJ. vmnma 11 may ba IWODlbly
t'lql&tnd by the vllltlq tlllll to pioduce Dh ftlm1 and/Dr vldlotap& Al\'/ otbel' unp 1'1
the vllltfna'tmn of tboiql otpm111 p1&11d punuut to thla Aaratmtnt lblll b1.plmld
by a nparata . ....u bttweln The 811 Tm Ind Wildq 1Um.
-----------··-· · ··-·~-- ·-- ·

c. ACCBBS TO TBUMSTONPRODUC'J'IONPBBDS: Vtlitlna ~ ..... to . . . or

,.... to 11181'111111. to Wf100nlln 1114 Th• asa Ta aoc• to a ·ot.D illMlkm produatlon
fled ofllob pma. Vllltlna tem ICkaowlodp 1blt T.111 B1a Tm•11m1clla~u
pro,llibtt ..... to wllVldon produatlcm f'fedl bJ thtrd putlel, ht vllilJea t11m m11 Hiii:
IOCell IO pme tbotqe ftom The Bl& Ttn thraup 1 aepm.'8 qroemabotw.a. Tb.o Bl&
Ta md Yilitina tmn.

11. IMPOSSlllLITY. I& i1 undmtaDd md IFClld Gttt n.ithar party ca fmaao thl mdpricfaa
b.,aad dm control of OIOh paty which bondar mllo by rauoa ofunlJIUll aCOUD.'Clal.
Aotis of<Jod and Nature. ml Aatl of aCornman Bntmy, and whioh would mlb Mnblo
Ol'JllOINll)' thl canctlll&lon ofthit ~or f/61 pbrllaa ~ ar ofa..-.
'l'blrdn, Ifaltbtr party. bllOIUIG of an Dac\lll'IDG8 af aab aa all"loy, lbauld Jndloam ill
wrftfq It• dtlirt to oanOll thf1 A81'en1nt. Ol ID)' portion thaot. or a pme. the
AIJ•11eat f4» that emnt lhlll be canceled uul my~ colll or obliptlom incum4
b)' mthar ,PldY ID comaoUoa with its pedbnnum hcmrmdar prior to lllah C11U11111b lhlll
be bom1 111111lly by die part!u.
12. SBVBRABll.JJ'Y. Ill tho event lbat 111y caadidan. covenant ar otbor pmiakm. heni.D
aantatnld II h11.d tQ be lllvalld o.riVOid by any cowt which h11 jurlldtcd°"' th• nmt 1b1ll be
• • .....Wi tram t'h11 nmllnder orihie A,....U llld lhl.11 mDD wsy .&at my
othar ocmdltiaa. oovcaam or other provialon heroin oontliDcd.
13. INTBORA.TION. 'I'hil AplllllDt CDJlltitutDI Ibo mtb .Apmnanl batwee thD puti11
hll'lto p~\~.-.whillar writttn or mil. No CCM111Dt.l'lpl'CICllllll or amditicm
nat exPrimlld in th11Aanement1h11l afliator be dllmlld to fnttrprtt. ohlna• ornltrl.GI die

14. NON·LIABJ.LlTY OF GOVER.NINO BOARD. No mtmber. tndMdualty ar coUICtlvely,

or omaer of tho Board ofR.epn11 ofthe UniVtl'llly atwtlODlllln S)'ltlllll or dao IDvcnina
body ottbe vt.ldaa U. lnaun or 111w:na1 any indMdulll orp~ 1ltbilttl by lb1s
execiullon otthl1 A.,....ent or by 1'll011 of dlfmk.of lids• p11tJto tlli1 ~ fft lhe
pdmDmlae of Ill)' aftho tarm1. All aucb H61Uty afmambm o: of!lacl of1he Baul of
a..-. oftlul Unlwrd)t ofW"°ODll• &71tom or·-.10vmninsbo4Y Df thG vilitins ~
u woh., ii hnby mutually retouocl u a ccmclleion ofand In constdenifan of the ~on
ofdtil Aplomont.

15. CKOJCI! OP LAw. The riahtl Incl o'bHlldona oftb• l*ti• •hall be govcned md
dttcmninod IDDDrdiq to th llWI of th• Btltl of WllCOBllD.
1.CS. WAIVl'ft OF RTG'frl'S, None ottho tenn1 or ~tkml hnfruh1ll in anym-~•
lltercd, mnlftded. waived or lltadcmtd. uctpt b)' wdtlol.1....-. oflbapmtl•. ud ao
~by-- tmm in eaforolna 1111 oflt1 r1P1I hommdor lblll bo delmtd a wllvtr of
noll riabtl.

17. OBNB)AL. 'l'ldl ApDmat lhl1l be ~lndlq upoa. ad lmn to the bmudlt of. . pll15•
an4 Steir nsplGdve maceuon. lqal 1op1CICllhld• 1nd llllpa. Thtp.,... .-Ung
this Agreement on behalf of the respective pW'tics hereby warrant thut they ate duly
authorized and empowered by the pQ1'tlcs to so cl(ecute.

IN WlTNESS HEREOF, the pnrties hnve 5et their hnnds effective ns of the d"y tmd ycnr first
11bov~ written.


. ,,,. /
.~;.,,· ...-:::. .. "'

I .•r_..-,...:.,,,;
/ J ,/ '

By. By; .- .. ·/,.:.

. ,,1,~ '
I ·'C.. ,..., - - 1
Paul Chryst. Football Conch Dan McCamey; Head Football Coach j
~- .:>.:> - I S' Ontc: 5" LI., / 16'"

D&.n'Cll Bazzell
By: <2~~Li)
Rick Villoncal
Vice Chanc.sllo1· for Fimmct:: and Di.rector of AthlatiQ& or Dcsigncc
Dale: >G-2{1>

D11te: _ c;-+-[ <3 t t;

____,[. ._ _,,..,_ __


THIS AMENDMENT 111. effective as of the 6th dny ol' .June, 2017. umtmds the agreement entered into on
the I51h dny of April, 2015. hy nnd between the University of Wisconsin System on behulf of fhe
University of Wisconsl11-Mndison Division of Intercollegiate Athletics ("Wisconsin") und University of
North Texns (Wisconsin nnd Notth Texns. collectively, the "partic~." and each. individually. 11 "party").

I. Event. The purties agree to change the dote of the 2019 gume from October 5. 20 I 9. to September 6.
2025. The location 1·emains in Madison. WI.

Te1·minntcd Dntcs New Conlmctcd Dates Location

Saturday, October 5, 2019 S11tur<IAy, September 6. 2025 Madison, WI

2. Compensrttlon . Section 4 is deleted and is reploecd in its entirety with this new Section 4.
4. COMPENSATION. The home team agrees to pay the visiting team the fixed sum of One
Million Three Hundred Thousand U.S. Dollars ($1 ,300.000.00). os full ond complete
compensntion for participating in said game. less 11ny amount deducted for l111used tickets over
two hundred (200) (other than complimentnl'y tickcti;) issued to visiting team not returned to
home team by no Inter than three (3) Mondnys preceding the comest. The guarnntee will be paid
within thiny (30) days of the contest.
3. Oamuges. Section 8 is deleted and is replaced in its entirety with this new Section 8.
8. DAMAGES. Either pn11y foiling to comply with the conditions of this Agreement. either by
cuncellntion or failure to appeal', shall pay the sum of One Million Three Hundred Thousand U.S.
Dollars ($1.300,000.00) to the other pntt)• 11s rcasonnble and contemplated liquidated damages 11s
the sole legnl remedy, unless such cnncellntion shnll be by mutual consent, in which case this
Agreement shall be null and void.
4. Miscellaneous. Subject on ly lo the changes set lbl'th in Sections I. 2 and 3 above. the agreement
entered into tis ol'the 15th day of April. 2015. remoins in fot'cc.

Nol'th Texas

Nu me:
l'ille: Chancello_r_ __

Uni vc\•si t;y of Wi£icnn11i u • In 1.0J·colhig'in1.<1 I\ 1:111 Hl:lc~'s

1,n1•1v11 tl;il' o t44ll Mll11f1i<· !->1rw11 • Mmlison W1.;1)01t:m1 !•:Ill I
!flf>H} :!h:1 fUfm • ''-'.'<'"·' u\~1:}:1dqtiHr,:.:um
l.\; l}, ,.,-;f..
.,. '.'
,,... \ ,,


THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDTNG is made ond enterccl into as of the :JOth day of
.June, 2017, by and among the Board of Regents of the lJniversily of Wisconsin System on behalf
of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of fnterc:ollegiate Athletics ("WisGonsin"), the
University of North Texas ("North Texas") and Kent Stat\! {Jniversily ("Kent State").

WHEREAS Wisconsin and North Texas lrnve contracted for their respective varsity football
teams to play each other in Madison. Wisconsin (the "North Texas G11mc") on October 5. 2019;

WHEREAS Wisconsin and North Texas wish to reschedule the North Texas Gaim~ for
September 6, 2025; and

WHEREAS Wisconsin and Kent Stille wish to contrac1 for their respective vnrsity football teams
to play each othP.r in Madison, Wisconsin (the ''K{mt Stute Game") on October 5, 2019.

NOW TI·TEREl'ORE it is understood thal Wisconsin and Kent Stale will enter into the attached
(or substanti-ally similar) Agreement for lhe Kem State Uamc. Upon excc:ution of lhe Agrcemenl
for lhe Kenl State Game, it is also understood that Wisconsin and North Texas will enter into the
altached (ol' substantially similar) Amendment to the Agmemcnl for lhe North Texas Game.


Wisconsin Nor th Tcxus

By / _
Daie: -Jt.~-·-
Namei .,:'.AJJ.IJ!!!l_Hel!fil:___
_ __ _
B :
?'"'U -
Date: _ (,
'-/~.o_L)_ __
Name: J1lr..L.l'l~.6--. .
· -- - - -

Titl<~: .:Vice febml!i~llor -·- --· Title·• - '".l)L ,..... of l'l.J.TT7 ·

ILL - f..l.l.C ·-·---·_f..:!I~I C .S

Kent Statt~

d'(uu ..
Name; _y_QeL.JY.lfilsfil_ __ .
Title: ~..rote. of f) t'Ol(?tic~:

Uulv1n•s1ty of Wii;uo1wJn ~ lnlol'l:ollcgiutH Al.hlc?t1c.<i

·'~t:Ht11" Mui • '44(l f':1c•uot !lir(;O. • ;"1no1:H~" 'Nmconsu' 53,-11
<6~8> ~ ·11:' n;CJ(l ' l/•'n','. 1etH1nt<:f~.(-:nn-1

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