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Sujet: Année: Programme (IF, Cadre):

Attentes du curriculum :

List overall and specific expectations that you are addressing and assessing.

Objectif d’apprentissage :
These must be based on your deconstructed curriculum expectations and must be written in student-friendly language. A learning goal commonly starts
with “By the end of this lesson/unit, I will be able to…”
Accommodations/ Materials

What activities/strategies can I use to activate students’ prior knowledge? Describe the start of your How will you alter the Tech and non-
lesson here: content, delivery or tech tools
product of the lesson - manips
Looks Like… for those who need - tech
 brainstorming different supports. - BLM
 mind map
 mini-task
 discussion
 reviewing previous material
 literacy ‘Before reading’ strategy

This section of the lesson describes how students will explore and investigate a new concept
(constructivist approach). This is a time when students can communicate, discuss, support each
other, construct new knowledge, develop concepts, and use higher order thinking skills. This is a
time when teachers can interact with students, differentiate instruction to meet all student needs,
identify and challenge student misconceptions and assess for learning. Describe your middle of the
lesson here:

Looks Like…
 an investigation
 small groups of students working together
 students asked to summarize and generalize
 includes appropriate use of manipulatives
 includes appropriate use of technology
 teacher circulating to keep students moving forward… may include providing hints, asking
students to hypothesize (ask ‘What If?’ questions), generalize, probing where misconceptions
are occurring
 teacher can identify student work that will be highlighted in the Consolidate part of the lesson

3-Part Lesson plan template

This section of the lesson is when the class comes back together with the teacher to highlight
the big idea(s), identify common errors, assess FOR learning for next steps, assess AS
learning, and have the students reflect on learning (meta-cognition). Describe the end of your
lesson here:

Looks like …
 teacher has students summarize and articulate their thinking to the group
 teacher identifies students’ responses that contain the ‘big ideas’
 may include an exit slip, presentation, gallery walk or other activity that allows the
educator to know where the student is in their learning

Évaluation (L'évaluation au service de l'apprentissage, l'évaluation en tant qu'apprentissage et l'évaluation de l'apprentissage)

How will you check in to see what students have learnt? This could include rubrics, scoring guides, checklists, observation notes, exit slips etc.

Prochaines étapes
What comes next in the student learning (based on what the educator has learnt from the assessment tools)
Looks Like…
 Application
 Differentiated exploration
 Reflection
 Concept Practice
Titre et description du livre d’images:
Write the title and author of the book, and provide a brief description.

Le plan de leçon identifie 2 enseignements clés des lectures (citez) et décrit comment ils sont incorporés dans la leçon.
What are the two learnings/key points from the course readings on critical literacy that influenced this lesson? How did they influence the lesson in
particular? Be specific.

3-Part Lesson plan template

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