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Mid Term Assessment

Progress Report
Class: KG
Session: 2020-2021

Student’s ID: 2018023

Name: Mohammad Yasir Rahaman
Class: KG
Section: A

AIS Mid Term Assessment-20-21 Page 1 of 3 KG

Learning Area

English 1 2 3 4 5
Read fluently with understanding. 
Write meaningful sentences. 
Identify elements of a fiction story. 
Answer the questions by reading a text. 
Identify the verbs. 

Mathematics 1 2 3 4 5
Count and write the numbers and their names (51-100). 
Knows the shapes name, sides and corners. 
To understand the measurement involving length, breadth,

height and capacity.
Knows the concept of number sequence. 
To understand addition as putting 2 or more numbers together. 
Can identify the greater number and smaller number. 
Proper submission of home works and assignment. 

Bangla 1 2 3 4 5
¯^ieY© w`‡q kã ej‡Z I wjL‡Z cviv 
¯^ieY© w`‡q kãv_© ej‡Z cviv 
d‡ji bvg ej‡Z cviv 
cïi bvg ej‡Z cviv 
gv‡Qi bvg ej‡Z I wjL‡Z cviv 
K_vq (1-20) ch©šÍ ej‡Z I wjL‡Z cviv 
cÖ‡R± (dj w`‡q Avgvi cQ‡›`i Lvevi ˆZwi, µvdU IqvK© (jvj-meyR), kx‡Zi †cvkvK,

Avgvi cQ‡›`i kx‡Zi wcVv, gvQ cwiwPwZ) ˆZwi Kiv

Science 1 2 3 4 5
Can say the name of material, things are made of. 
Identify the texture of the objects. 
Know the sources and uses of water. 
Differentiate between hot and cold things. 
Able to distinguish between objects which use electricity. 
Draw and write the sources of light. 
Proper submission of home works and assignments. 

1. Not yet attempted in class 2. Beginner 3. Intermediate 4. Advanced 5. Expert

AIS Mid Term Assessment-20-21 Page 2 of 3 KG

Learning Area

Arabic 1 2 3 4 5
Able to say word meaning in English. 
Able to join the letters to make word. 
Able to say ‘Dua and Hadith’ for daily life. 
Able to perform short conversation with another using

different words.
Able to identify parts of Plant in Arabic. 
Able to say six colours name and know about using in

Able to recite rhymes (‫)غصن‬. 
Able to identify and say 10 animals name in Arabic. 

Al-Quran (Pre-Hifz) 1 2 3 4 5
Able to Spell. 
Knows the Makhraz 1-10. 
Know use of Izhar and Ikhfa. 
Recite Surah Asr to Surah Naas. 
Recite Surah Qariah& Surah Takasur. 

1. Not yet attempted in class 2. Beginner 3. Intermediate 4. Advanced 5. Expert

Teacher’s Signature: Afnan Zakaria

_______________________ _______________________
Sr. Coordinator Head of School

Date of Submission: 06/03/2021

AIS Mid Term Assessment-20-21 Page 3 of 3 KG

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