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Q.1 what is the General Equation of Mass Balance?

A mass balance, also called a material balance, is an application of conservation of mass to the
analysis of physical systems. By accounting for material entering and leaving a
system, mass flows can be identified which might have been unknown, or difficult to measure
without this technique.

Q.2 what are the types of heat transfer?

• Conduction (Solids)
• Convection (Fluids)
• Radiation (Anything allows Radiation)

1. Conduction:
An energy transfer across a system boundary due to a temperature difference by the mech
anism of inter-molecular interactions. Conduction needs matter and does not require any
Bulk motion of matter.

2. Convection:
An energy transfer across a system boundary due to a temperature difference by the comb
ined mechanisms of intermolecular interactions and bulk transport. Convection needs flui
d matter.

3. Radiation:
Radiation heat transfer involves the transfer of heat byelectromagnetic radiation that arise
s due to the temperature of the body. Radiation does not need matter.

Q.3 what is Bernoulli Equation?

How the speed of the fluid relates to the fluid pressure.

It’s applicable when:

1. Steady State Flow

2. Density is constant
3. No work
4. No heat transfer
5. No change in internal energy
6. Two points in the same streamline (incompressible fluid)

Q.4 what is distillation column?

It’s used to separate chemicals based on their boiling points or in other word by the difference in
their volatilities.

*consists of:

1. Shell where the separation occur

2. Column internals such as trays/plates and or packing to enhance the component
3. Reboiler
4. Condenser
5. Reflux drum to hold condensed vapor so that liquid can be recycled to the column.
Q.5 what is the ideal gas law?


A gas behave ideally is it states can be described by the ideal gas equation.

• In case of non-ideal gases the equation will be as follows:

Where Z is the compressibility factor

Q.6 what are the thermodynamic laws?

1. The energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system but it can change from
one form to another.
2. The entropy of any isolated system always increases and never decreases. In other word,
it’s possible for any system to convert complete heat into work, there will be some heat
transferred to the colder body.
3. Entropy approaches zero at absolute zero kelvin temperature for crystalline.

• A substance: Its atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in a specific arrangement.

• Key terms:
o Absolute zero: the lowest temp. that is theoretically possible.
o Entropy: a thermodynamic property that is the measure of a system thermal
energy per unit temperature that is unavailable for doing useful work.
o The zeroth law of thermodynamic: consider three systems A,B and C. If A is in
equilibrium with B and A is also in equilibrium with C. thereby, B is also in
equilibrium with C.
*If two systems are in thermal equilibrium with the third system, then these
systems are in equilibrium with each other.


Q.7 what are polymers?

Polymers are materials made of long repeated chains of molecules. The materials have
unique properties depending on the type of molecules being bonded and how they’re
bonded. For example some polymers bend and stretch like rubber. And some are tough
like glass.
• Types:
o Natural Polymers: EX→Rubber + Wood.
o Synthetic Polymers: EX→Plastics.

Q.8 what is Reynolds Number?

It’s a dimensionless quantity used to know fluid’s behavior.

• Types Of flow:
1. Re <2000 the flow is Laminar
2. 4000>Re>2000 the flow is Transition
3. Re>4000 the flow is Turbulent


Q.9 what is pump?

It’s a machine or a devise that’s used to force a liquid or a gas to flow in a particular direction.

• Types of Pump:
▪ Rotodynamic pumps
1. Centrifugal Pumps (Mixed flow, Radial flow, Axial flow)
▪ Positive displacement Pumps(Piston pumps, Gear Pumps, Power Pumps)

Q.10 what is a heat exchanger H.E?

It’s equipment that’s used to transfer heat energy from one fluid to another. It contains two
streams hot and cold separated by thermally conductive tube/plates.
• Used in (Automotive Radiators, Boilers, Furnaces)
➔ Heat Transfer Process:

1. Indirect Contact: fluids are separated to avoid mixing or contamination.

2. Direct Contact: when fluids are immiscible i.e Gas and liquids

➔ Flow Arrangement:

▪ Single, multi,…,passes

▪ Counter Flow (the most efficient Pattern)

▪ Cross Flow (Perpendicular)

▪ Co-Current Flow (Parallel)

Typical heat exchangers utilize a combination of these flow patterns to maximize thermal

Q.11 what are the main types of Heat Exchanger?

1. Shell and Tube heat exchangers

2. Plate Heat Exchangers
3. Regenerative Heat Exchangers
4. Adiabatic Wheel Heat Exchangers

• Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: consists of shell and tubes in which liquid flows
(Cold,Hot) when designing this type, the corrected wall thickness must be considered,
and the tube diameter to allow optimum heat exchanging. * can assume any flow pattern.

• Plate Heat Exchanger:*counter flow: it consists of thin stainless steel plates joined
together. Rubber gasket is used to prevent the cold fluid from mixing with the hot fluid.
Where fluid flow through corners of plates extracting or giving heat as it flows by
*More surface area= more efficient.
• Regenerative H.E: the same fluid is passed along both sides of the exchanger. Because,
the fluid can get very hot. The existing fluid is used to warm the incoming fluid. A large
amount of energy is saved because the process cyclical.

• Adiabatic Wheel Heat Exchanger: a fluid is used to store heat, which is then transferred
to the opposite side of the heat exchanger. A large wheel with threads routers through the
fluid both “ Hot & Cold” to extract or transfer heat.

Q.12 what are the separation processes?

1. Adsorption: is the adhesion of atoms, ions, or molecules to a surface. This process creates
a film of adsorbate on the surface of the adsorbent (EX activated Carbon)

2. Absorption: In this process: atoms, ions, or molecules are transferred into same bulk
phase. Where the mixture is gonna contact with a chemical solvent (must be immiscible)
and at least one component is transferred to the other fluid.

Raffinate Solvent

Solute+Feed Extract + Solute

3. Cyclonic Separation: the method of removing suspended matter from a fluid without the
use of filters. *Hydrogen is used to separate liquids with different densities.

4. Crystallization: is the process by which a solid forms where the atoms, or molecules are
highly organized into a structure known as crystals either by solution precipitations,
freezing, or rarely gas deposition.

5. Deconcentraion: is the separation of a mixture of immiscible liquids or liquids and solids

such as suspension. *Based on density different.

Q.13 what is the Kinetic Energy and it equation?

It’s the energy that the object passes due to its motion.

K.E= ½ *m* V2 (J)

Organic Chemistry

Q.14 what is Molality?

Is the number of solute that is present in 1 Kg of a solvent.

Q.15 what is titration?

Is a process to determine the molarity of an acid or base.

Q.16 what is buffer?

Is an aqueous solution which has highly stable pH.

Q.17 what is aqueous solution?

Is the solution in which the solvent is water.

Q.18 How buffer works?

A buffer is simply a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and its
conjugate acid. Buffers work by reacting with any added acid or base to control the pH. ... As the
above example shows, a buffer works by replacing a strong acid or base with a weak one.

• EX: when H+ (Hydrogen) ion is added it will be neutralized by the base in the buffer,
same with the OH- (Hydroxide) Ion will be neutralized by the acid in the base.

Q.19 what is mole?

It is a unit used to define the number of chemicals present in a substance.

• How to calculate Number of moles in 320ml of 5.0M of glucose?

320 ml * 1 L/ 1000ml = 0.320 L

Use M*L → 0.320 L * 5.0 moles of glucose / 1 L (Kg)
Hence= 1.6 moles of glucose present in 320 ml solution.
Mole Molecular
(mol) weight Kg/mol
Q. 20 what is the difference between distillation and fractionation?

Both are methods for chemical separation.

• Distillation: used when boiling point of chemicals are different in the mixture.
• Fractionation: used when boiling point are close to each other in the mixture.

Q.21 what is the formula to calculate the pH of a solution?


Q.22 what is the difference between molarity and normality?

• Molarity: is the total number of molecules that present in 1 L of a solution.

• Normality: is the total number of reactive units present in 1 L equivalent of solution.

Q.23 what is valency?

Is the number of hydrogen atoms which can combine or displace one atom of an element forming
a compound.

Q.24 what is avogadro’s low?

Equal volume of all gases at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of

• Avogadro’s No. = 6.0.23* 10-23

Q.25 what makes molecule into organic molecule?

When hydrogen atoms are lower than the ratio of carbon atoms in a molecule then such a
molecule is called organic molecule.

Q.26 what is the formula you will use to calculate how many ml of 5.5M NaOH required to
prepare 400 ml of 1.5 M NaOH?


M1=5.5M, V1=?, M2= 1.5M, V2=400ml

➔ V1= ____1.5 mol*0.4L*L__ = 0.1 L = 100 ml

Q.27 Define, Reduction & Oxidation reactions?

• Oxidation: is the loss of hydrogen or electrons. Or the gain of oxygen.

• Reduction: is the gain of hydrogen or electrons. Or the loss of oxygen.

Q.28 what are the types of valves?

→ Valve is a device that is used to control, regulate the fluid flow.

1. Gate Valve: can be fully open or fully closed

2. Globe Valve: Provide better shut off than gate valve.
3. Check Valve: prevents backflow.
4. Plug valve: used in high pressure and temperature applications.
5. Ball valve: smaller and higher than gate valve.

Q. 29 what are the types of distillation columns?

1. Batch Column: the feed is introduced batch-wise.

2. Continuous Columns: the feed is continually feed into the column.

➔ Continuous Columns can be classified into:

• Feed Nature:
1. Binary Column: Feed only contains two components.
2. Multi-Component: Feed contains more than two components.

• Number of product streams:

1. Multi-product column: column has more than two product streams.

• Extra feed to help with the separation:

1. Extractive distillation: a solvent is introduced to the column to change the boiling
point of one component leading to recovering the distillate. Then, solvent recovery
column is used to recover the solvent.
2. Azeotrope distillation: an entrainer is fed to the column to separate aezotropes and
collect the product from the bottom.
• Azeotrope: mixture of liquids that has the same/ constant boiling point because the vapor
has the same composition of the liquid mixture.
• Azeotrope: is a mixture of two liquids that has the same boiling points and compositions
throughout the distillation.
Q.30 what are the types of column internals?

1. Tray Column: trays are used to holdup the liquid and provide better contact between
liquid and vapor.
• Its types:
o Bubble Cap Tray
o Valve Tray
o Sieve deck tray
o Flow dual tray
o Baffle tray

2. Packed column: Packing is used to force the fluid to take complicated paths through
the column. Hence, provides large surface area for contact.

Q.31 what is compressor?

is a machine that compresses/reduces gas into a smaller volume and at the same time pumps it
into somewhere else.

Q.32 what is feedback?

Feedback loop take the system output into consideration and try to adjust its performance to meet
a desired output response.

Q.33 what is heat exchanger fouling?

Is the deposition of any undesired material on a heat transfer surface.

• It can cause:
o Increase the overall thermal resistance.
o Decrease the overall heat transfer coefficient.
o Accelerates corrosion
o Increase pressure drop across heat exchanger.

Q.34 Check Your Senior Design Project SDP

(Abstract, methods, process, summary, results& economic analysis,..)

Q.35 Define the following?

• Adiabatic: no heat transfer in the process (Q=0)

• Bubble Point: is the temperature where the first bubble of vapor starts to form.
• Dew Point: is the temperature where the liquid starts to condense.
• Antoin Equation: is used to calculate the vapor pressure of a substance.

Log(P)*=A- B where A,B and C are constants (depend on the component)

C + T(K)
• Vapor pressure: is the pressure when the condensation is in equilibrium with evaporation
for a component in a closed system.
➔ Fixed Value.
➔ Depends on temperature.

• Partial Pressure: is the pressure extracted by a particular gas in the mixture.

• Dalton’s Law
PT=PA+PB+PC+… → Pi=yi*PT→ where Pi= Partial Pressure
yi= mole Fraction of i component in vapor phase
PT= Total pressure of the system.
• Roault’s Law
Pi=xi*Pi*→ where Pi= Partial Pressure
xi= mole Fraction of i component in liquid phase
Pi*= vapor pressure of i component.

• Energy Balance Equation:

General Energy Balance Equation:


• Heat Of Vaporization (ΔHVap): the required heat to convert liquid into vapor.

-ΔHVap=Vapor→ Liquid

• Energy:
Q=m*Cp* ΔT
• Heat Capacity (Cp): the heat required to raise the system’s temperature by one degree.
• Equipment Design:
o Distillation: Mecabe-Thiele method is used in binary system. And Fenske’s
method is used for multi-components systems.
o Heat Exchanger, assumption of:
- Diameter (In+Out)
- Length.

• Economical Method for study and analysis the cost estimation of a project:
- Factorial Method
1. Determine Equipment Cost
2. Determine Fixed capital Cost
3. Determine Operation Cost
4. Determine the product price and the interest rate
5. Calculate the payback Period (PBP)

Q36 Define Thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is the science that deals with the relation of heat with other forms of energy.

Laws of Thermodynamics:

1- Law of conservation of energy. “Energy can’t be created nor destroyed”

2- “The Entropy of any isolated system always increases”
3- “The Entropy of a system approaches constant value as the temperature approaches
absolute zero”

Zero Law “if two systems in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal
equilibrium with each other”

Entropy is a thermodynamic property measures system’s thermal energy per unit temperature
that is unavailable for doing useful work.


Q37 What is Flowrate?

Flowrate: is the rate at which a material is transported through a process. Unit: Mass/Time

1ft = 0.3048 m

1ft = 12 inches
SG = 𝜌 𝑟𝑒𝑓 ref: water at 4oC
Q 38 Process Classification and Definitions?

Process Classification:

1- Batch: Feed → Product, no mass cross system boundaries during process

2- Semi batch (only input) and Semi Continuous (only output).
3- Continues: Continues input and output during process.

1. Selectivity = moles of desired product / moles of undesired product

2. Yield is the amount of product obtained.
3. Conversion is the amount of feed reacted.
4. Purge is used in recycle stream to prevent accumulation in the system.
5. A Bypass Stream is a stream that skips one or more stages and joins another stream of a
stage further down the process. To control a process variable. If a reaction releases a
large amount of heat it makes the reactor hard and expensive to control thus the
concentration of the fed stream can the lowered by diluting the stream with a bypass
6. Enthalpy: is the total heat content of the system. H = U + PV
7. Gibbs Free Energy: is a measure of energy available to do work at constant pressure and
temperature. G = H- TS
8. PV = nRT for Ideal gas, applicable only at low pressure (1-2 atm).
9. Other use Equation of state (EOS) : RK, SRK, PR
10. Work and Heat are path functions.
11. Intensive = independent of mass. P , T
12. Extensive = dependent of mass. E , S, V
13. Fugacity is a corrected pressure. For ideal gases, fugacity is the same as partial pressure.
We can use these partial pressures to define the equilibrium constant Kp. However, in
mixtures of real gases the relation between partial pressure and the molar fraction isn't
always linear. Therefore, the concept of effective partial pressure - fugacity arises.
14. Conduction: Governed by Fourier Law q = - K A dT/dX
15. Convection: Governed by Newton Law q = - h A dT
16. Radiation: Governed by Stefan Boltzmann Law
17. A famous type is Shell and Tube heat exchanger. Conduction occurs through the wall
while convection occurs in each fluid Q = U A dTLM


1- Put high pressure in tube side to minimize the cost. When the tube diameter becomes
small the high its pressure rating.
2- Put high fouling in tube side to clean easier.
3- Put high corrosive in tube side to use expensive metal alloy for tube side only.
18. In the shell and tube heat exchanger, the tubes bundle can either be fixed inside the shell,
as in the fixed tube sheet heat exchanger, or it can be removable, as in the floating head
heat exchanger. The floating head heat exchanger is more preferable due to its
practicality because the tubes can be easily removed and cleaned from outside.

19. Counter-current flow provides a better temperature gradient (difference) and therefore a
better heat transfer rate.

20. Types of Mass Transfer:

1- Molecular mass transfer (Diffusion)
2- Convective mass transfer
Note: The medium in Diffusion is moving while the medium is stationary in convective and only
energy is transporting.
21. Distillation columns are one of the most often used types of separation equipment in
industry. Distillation is one of the most common liquid-liquid separation processes.
Distillation works by the application and removal of heat to exploit differences in relative
volatility. The heat causes components with lower boiling points and higher volatility to
be vaporized, leaving less volatile components as liquids. Mixtures with high relative
volatilities are easier to separate. This makes separations of close-boiling and azeotropic
feeds difficult, so special distillation techniques have to be used to separate these
mixtures. Distillation can be used to separate binary or multi-component mixtures. Many
variables, such as column pressure, temperature, size, and diameter are determined by the
properties of the feed and the desired products

The plate, or tray column is the most widely used type of distillation column. The number of
trays, or stages in the column is dependent on the desired purity and difficulty of separation. The
number of stages also determines the height of the column.

22. Downcomers: channel the liquid flowing from one tray down to the tray below.
23. Weir maintains desired liquid level on tray.
24. Weeping occurs when the velocity of the vapor through the tray open area is too low to
prevent liquid from leaking.
25. Fenske equation give the minimum number of stages at total reflux Nmin
26. Underwood gives the minimum reflux ratio (L/D)min
27. Gilliland gives the theoretical number of stages N.
28. To get the actual number of stages divide N by tray efficiency.
29. Constant Molal Overflow (CMO) assumes that all liquid and vapor flows in rectifying
section is equal and liquid and vapor in stripping section is equal.
30. Alpha = relative volatility
31. Liquid Liquid Extraction (LLE) the feed is raffinate and the other is extract.
32. Types of Reactors:
• Batch Reactor
• CSTR: Homogenous mixing, properties anywhere inside is the same.
• PFR: Absence of mixing on axial direction
• PBR: Absence of mixing on axial direction, catalyst

33. Types of Diagrams:

• Block Flow Diagram (BFD)
• Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
• Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
34. Classification of Chemical Reaction:
1- Phases
• Homogenous (single phase reactant)
• Heterogeneous (multiple phase reactant)
2- Reversibility
• Reversible (two direction)
• Irreversible (one direction)
3- Molecular
• Uni
• Bi
• Tri

35. Types of Chemical Reaction

• Combustion Reaction: It involves O2 , anything burns , usually exothermic.

• Redox Reaction: It involves a transfer of electrons between two species (Oxidation-
• Acid-Base Reaction. NaOH + HCL →→ NaCl + H2O

36. A catalyst is a substance that is used to enhance the rate of chemical reaction by lowering
the activation energy.
37. Components of Catalyst:
• Active Site where a chemical reaction takes place.
• Support provides efficiency, physical strength, selectivity
• Promoter to allow active sites to function at maximum

38. Catalyst Deactivation:

• Thermal Degradation
• Fouling (Coking) = Blockage of pores
• Poison (Sulfur)
• Loss of Mechanical Strength

39. Hazop analysis is carried to identify hazards and operability troubles in the plant. The
study evaluates problems that may occur and represents risks to equipment or personnel

40. Heat integration aims to utilize and integrate all energy streams in the plant and also to
decrease the cost of utilities needed in the system. Pinch technology is very useful
technologies in heat integration. Pinch point used to produce a network of coolers, heat
exchangers and heaters to exchange heat in excess between them so that there will be no
energy lost.

Draw the plant Ex:

Know all the reactions involved and all the process conditions (T, P).

Example: First Reactor: CSTR, 40oC, 2.4 Bar

Second Reactor: CSTR, 25oC, 1 Bar

41. Moving hydraulic fluid through a system requires either a pump or compressor. Both
achieve this goal, but through different operating methods. Pumps have the ability to
move liquids or gases. Compressors typically only move gas due to its natural ability to
be compressed. Pumps and compressors both rises the pressure.

42. Piping Design:

Important parameters: diameter, pressure, velocity and volumetric flowrate.

43. The Bernoulli equation between any two points on the same streamline:

44. Process Control

P: Proportional

I: Integral

D: Derivative

Control Loop

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