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Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Design of floors :-
Water creep under hydraulic structures :-
The causes of hydraulic structures failure.
1-Failure of floor due to piping
2-Failure of floor due to uplift pressure

1- Failure by piping
Water seeps under the base of the structure , the flow line emerges out the
D/S end of floor. When the exit gradient (G.e) exceeds a critical limit for
the soil , the surface soil starts boiling and is washing out away by
percolating water .

Treatments :-
1-increase the depth of sheet pile at U/S and D/S.
2-increase the length and thickness of floor .
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

2-Failure of floor due to uplift pressure

If the uplift pressure was in counter balance by the weight of concrete
(floor) above it, the floor will fail by damaging apart of it ;

Treatments :-
1-provide floor with sufficient length.
2-increase the thickness of floor .
3-provide pile in U/S in order to decrease the uplift pressure at D/S .

Seepage and uplift pressure :-

Number of methods are available to analyze the problem of seepage and

uplift pressure, but the most useful methods are:-
1-flow net
2-lane's weighted creep theory .
3-Bligh's creep theory
4-khosla's method.
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Bligh Theory :-

By Bligh theory the seepage length (Lw)

Lw= vertical distances +horizontal distances .

1- Safety against piping with (Bligh theory ).

2- The hydraulic gradient must be kept under a safe limit in order to ensure
safety against piping .

(i)or(I) hydraulic gradient =

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

H=the seepage value (worst case ) [no water in down stream side] .(difference
between water levels at U/S and downstream . )
Lw=total creep length (seepage length)

i(found for structure) < safe hydraulic gradient (from table)

Table(7) Safe Hydraulic gradient .

No. type of soil S safe hydraulic gradient(i)

1 Fine sand 1/15

2 Coarse grained sand 1/12
3 Sand mixed with boulder 1/15---1/9
And for 1oam
4 Light sand and mud (Nile 1/8
soil ) for example

2-safety against uplift pressure .

The floor thickness (t) must resist uplift pressure , see figure below.

ɤy y

t*(ɤc-ɤw)= (h-y)*ɤw
t*(ɤc-ɤw)= submerged concrete
( )
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

h=uplift pressure in meter of water

y=depth of water on floor.
ɤc=density of concrete= 2.4 ton/
ɤw=density of water =1 ton/
 The critical condition in design is when the gate is closed.
 y=0 at downstream side .


from the gate of structure to D/S end , the thickness of floor is found by the
equation above .

h1 h2 h3

the head value or the uplift pressure value for each point on the structure base is
found as :-

h(point)= ( )

Lw point: the seepage length till that point .

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

for example the uplift pressure value h for point A is equal to

hA= ( )

The ratio which any point takes from the seepage head is :
( )


the thickness of floor before gate of structure = 0.33*thickness of floor under the gate
 The most important region is from the gate till D/S end .
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

(Lane's weighted creep theory)

According to lane's weighted theory the creep length or seepage length is given
N ;- is the sum of all horizontal contacts and all the slopping contacts less
than 45° (or equal)
V;- is the sum of all vertical contacts and all the slopping contacts greater than

1- Safety against piping

Lw >C.H
H=seepage head.
C=empirical coefficient depending on the nature of soil.
Value of C or safe weighted creep ratio's for different kinds of soil are given
in table (9) .
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Table (9)
material C (safe lane coefficient)
or safe weighted creep ratio
1-very fine sand or silt 8.5
2-fine sand 7
3-coarse sand 5
4-Gravel and sand 3.5-3
5-Boulder, gravel, sand 2.5-3
6-clayey soils 3-1.6
7-medium sand 6
8-fine gravel 4
9-medium gravel 3.5
10-coarse gravel 3
11-silty clay 3
12-medium clay 2
13-hard clay 1.8
14-very hard clay 1.6

2- Safety against uplift pressure .

from gate to D/S end .

( )

But the creep length's must be found using

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

EX:- design the floor of the hydraulic structure below by managing the thickness only
at points A,B,C using Bligh and Lane .


using Bligh theory :- 6m

LW=2*6+22+2*8=50m 6m
18m 8m

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

( )

Using lane theory :-

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

( ) m

( ) m

( ) m

Ex;- In the previous example check the safety against piping if you knew that the
structure is constructed on coarse sand material .
Sol./ Bligh theory

From table safe i=1/12=0.0833 greater than 0.08 ;. It is safe

Lane theory :-
C=5 for coarse sand
Lw(lane)=35.33 >20 :. Safe
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Ex;- the hydraulic structure which is shown below has safe exit gradient=1/6
a-check the structure exite gradient
b-check thickness of floor at A,C using Bligh and lane theory with Gcon.=2.4
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

2.58 27.29


1-find seepage head H
2-find sheet piles lengths and slopping contacts .
(d1) including the thickness of floor =23.91-18.1=5.81m
(d2)including the thickness of floor =24.23-16.1=8.139m
Slopping contacts;- (6.708, 2.236, 5.62)m
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

a-Lw Bligh
Lw=5.81 +(5.81-1)+4+6.708+2.236+4+5.67+4+(8.13-2)+(8.13)=51.494m

(i) For structure =H/Lw=4.88/51.494=0.0947 < 1/6=0.167

:. Safe structure
b- A ,C
By Bligh
Lw A=5.81+4.81+4+6.708+2.236=23.564

( )



( )


t for any point before gate = 1/3 *t under gate (A)= 1/3 *1.89=0.62m
By lane theory :-
Lw total=5.8+4.8+8.13+6.13+1/3*(4+6.708+4+2.236+5.67+4)=33.731

( )


Lwc =LwA+1/3(4+5.67) =18.133

( )
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.


For checking against piping

Lw > C.H

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

The figure above shows a hydraulic structure on a coarse sand material with
initial dimensions use lane theory to check safety against piping , find
thickness of floor under the gate at E, at F then at A

seepage head =75-70=5m
Lw total (lane)=1/3 N +V= 1/3 (22+3.605+10+3)+6.2+6.2+7.2+7.2+1.044=40.71m
C from table =5
Lw=42.31 > C*H=25 no piping

Lw at gate = 1/3 (22+3.605+1)+6.2+6.2=21.268m

Lw at E=Lw at gate +1/3 *9+1.044=25.312
Lw at F=Lw at E+1/3 *3=26.312

( )

( )

( )
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Khosla method :-

This method could be applied for any shape of structure by using a set of curves .
By using these curves the percentage of uplift pressure at some special points
which are (key points) can be found.
Plate No.1 in the figure ;-
This figure represents the percentage of head for each of key points in a simple
form of a structure

D' Key
D1' E c points

b d

Downstream sheet pile

E1 C1


Upstream side sheet pile

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Key point :- are special points on any sheet pile at u/s or d/s and middle of the
hydraulic structure floor.
For plate 1

Values of φc


Ratio of b'/b

Values of d/b=1/α



Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Using figures for upstream side sheet pile.

The key points for this case are E1 , D1 ,C1
; d1=sheet pile length at upstream side.
; b=the horizontal length of the floor. H

E1 C1



H;- seepage head (worst case)

Assume H=3.9m , d1=4m ,b=19.6m
ΦE1 :- is always =100 %
ΦD1 :- 100% -ΦD which will be found from the figure .
ΦC1 :- 100% -ΦE which will be found from the figure .


φD of φ

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

The steps to find φ 's for up stream side key points .

1- Find α=b/d , 1/α=d/b . here d=d1
2- Read ΦD from figure .
3- Find ΦD1 =100% - ΦD from figure
4- Read ΦE from figure
5- Find ΦC1 =100% - ΦE from figure
6- Apply ΦE1 =100%
For example


read ΦD=27/100 from figure


read ΦE =41%
φc1= 100%-41%=59%

using figure for downstream sheet pile use same figure . ( d2=d)
H , b :- are same as upstream side
ΦE :- is the same value on the figure .
ΦD:- is the same value on the figure .
ΦC :-zero
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

For the same example if d2=3m

Φ C= zero
Φ E=29%
Φ D=0.19%
h C=zero

for the case of the depressed floor

for d=thickness of floor at that point

read ΦD'
then ΦD'1= 100- ΦD' H

but for d/s read ΦD'

D1' D'
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Intermediate sheet pile


*b1 :- the horizontal length of floor from upstream side till intermediate pile.
*b:-the total horizontal floor length .
*d:- the sheet pile length (intermediate).

Values of
Values of α


b 1/ b
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

To find ΦE
1- Find b1/b , α=b/d
2- Subtract b1/b from 1 (1-b1/b)
3- Find Φc from figure
4- ΦE=100%-Φc that you found.

Ex:- d=4 , b1=10 ,b=30

Read Φc =0.3
To find ΦD
1- Find b1/b , if b1/b<0.5
Read ΦD for (1-b1/b) and subtract the value of ΦD from 100%
2- If b1/b >0.5
Read ΦD for b1/b , do not subtract from 100%
To find Φc read directly from (b1/b) and (α).
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

Correction of khosla theory :-

1-correction for interference of piles

let c be the correction value to be applied as a percentage of head ;
* b' : the distance between two piles .
* D : depth of pile , the influence of which has to be determined on the
neighboring pile of depth d.

D is measured below the level of which of interferences is desired

 d; depth of pile on which the effect is to be determined (without thickness)
note;- the depth here without thickness just in this correction

Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

See the figure below.

For the effect of 2nd pile on the 1st pile , the correction is found for C.

1st pile
2nd pile


Cm E C

D1 b'

b Dm
Flow direction

Correction sign for C1 ;-

The correction sign depends on flow direction and the point C , (back of flow )
(back water of flow ).
The correction will be +ve
Hydraulic structures Lecture Notes dr.Cheleng A. Arslan.

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