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Level Uniform T-Score Percentile Equivalent

Extremely High 85-90 >99.8->99.9
Very High 75-80 98->99
High 65-70 92-96
Moderately High 55-60 73-85
Average 45-50 34-55
Moderately Low 35-40 4-15
Very Low 30 <1

• MMPI-2 Manual Elevation Levels:

o Very High ≥ 76
o High 66-75
o Moderate 56-65
o Modal/Average 41-55
o Low ≤ 40
• 3,4,5,6,9,0 = character scales; 1,2,7,8 = symptom scales
• Acute: Elevated symptom scales, high F (out of ordinary distress), low K (feel
helpless in dealing with increased stress)
• Chronic: Lack of elevation on symptoms scales (or 1-8 > 2-7), moderately low K
(T= 45-55), lower F (T<60)

• Interrelationships of Scales:
o Hi F, Lo L & K: Client is admitting to personal and emotional problems, may be
asking for help, unsure of abilities to deal w/ problems, good tx prognosis
o Hi L & K, Lo F: Client is attempting to deny problems and feelings, underreporting
of problems, attempt to present self in most positive light, most likely using primitive
defenses, problems usually chronic and therefore may be built into personality,
adequate social adjustment to see world as either good or bad
o L < F < K: Appropriate resources to deal w/ problems and not experiencing much
o L > F > K: Client is naïve and unsophisticated but trying to look good, not
distressed by problems, usually uneducated or low SES, poor tx candidate
? (Cannot Say)

Raw Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

≥ 30 May be invalid Reading difficulties Examine percentage of
(MMPI Manual); Severe items answered on each
Invalid, do not psychopathology scale
interpret (Graham) Lack of insight
Items not relevant for
11-29 Some scales may Selective item Examine content/scale of
be invalid omission omitted items, don’t
interpret scale with ≥
10% of items omitted
0-10 Probably valid Items not relevant for Examine omitted item
pt content; cooperative,
willing to respond

VRIN (Variable Response Inconsistency) – pairs of similar or opposite items

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 80 Profile invalid Reading difficulties Profile uninterpretable
(Raw score Confusion
≥13) Intentional random
Recording error,
65-79 Profile valid, Carelessness Profile likely
characterized by Occasional loss of interpretable, make
some inconsistent concentration cautionary statement
responding about some inconsistent
responding present;
As T on VRIN
approaches 79, use
more caution
40-64 Profile valid Pt able to understand
and respond consistently
30-39 Profile valid Responding particularly
cautious & deliberate
• Hi VRIN – also expect F to be highly elevated; if F also high, increased likelihood
of inconsistent responding; if F low, probably reporting consistently true
TRIN (True Response Inconsistency) – pairs of items with opposite content (should
have 1 true, 1 false for each pair)

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 80 T Profile invalid Acquiescent Profile uninterpretable
(raw score response set
>12) Yeasaying, All True
65T-79T Profile valid, Partial acquiescent Profile interpreted
characterized by response set w/caution; pay particular
some acquiescence attention to L, K, and S –
scores may be
artifactually deflated d/t
response set
50-64T or Profile valid
50-64 F
(raw score 6-
65F-79F Profile valid, Partial Profile interpreted
characterized by nonacquiescent w/caution; pay particular
some response set attention to L, K, and S –
nonacquiescence scores may be
artifactually elevated d/t
response set
≥ 80F Profile invalid Nonacquiescent Profile uninterpretable
(raw score response set
<6) Naysaying, All False

S (Superlative Self-Presentation) – Defensiveness, underreporting; attempting to

proclaim overly positive self-presentation

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 70 Clinical May be invalid Faking good If TRIN >79F, protocol
≥ 75 Pervasive characterized by
Nonclinical nonacquiescence pervasive pattern of
If TRIN WNL, high S
reflects defensive test-
taking approach, may
indicate invalid protocol;
examine S subscales to
identify particular areas
of defensiveness
70-74 May be invalid Moderate If TRIN w/in 65F-79F,
Nonclinical defensiveness elevation on S likely
Moderate reflects moderate pattern
nonacquiescence of nonacquiescence, not
faking good;
If TRIN WNL, elevation
on S likely reflects
moderate pattern of
defensiveness; higher S,
greater likelihood profile
may not accurately
represent existing
examine S subscales to
identify particular areas
of defensiveness
≤ 69 Clinical Likely valid
≤ 69 Valid
• 5 Factors: (1) belief in human goodness, (2) serenity, (3) contentment with life,
(4) patience and denial of irritability and anger, (5) denial of moral flaws
• Positively correlated with K and L in normative sample
F (Infrequency) – tendency to claim highly unusual attitudes and behaviors as a
function of severe psychopathology, rare responses; seeking to place self in
unfavorable light, distress; difficulty completing inventory (reading problems,
random/careless responding); (true is deviant answer)

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 100 May be invalid Random/fixed If VRIN/TRIN > 79,
Inpatient responding profile
≥ 90 All True invalid/uninterpretable;
Outpatient Severe If VRIN/TRIN & Fp WNL,
≥ 80 psychopathology likely valid profile
Nonclinical Faking bad – reflecting severe
presenting problems psychopathology
even inpatients don’t (disoriented, confused,
clearly psychotic bx);
Fp >100, pt overreporting
psychopathology in
attempt to appear more
disturbed than he/she is
80-99 May be Exaggeration of Consider exaggeration of
Inpatient exaggerated, likely existing problems sx’s, perhaps “cry for
70-89 valid Resistant to testing help,” psychotic, severe
Outpatient procedure neurotic, socially or
65-79 politically deviant,
Nonclinical moody, restless,

55-79 Likely valid Pt. accurately reporting a

Inpatient number of psychological
55-69 problems; T 60-64
Outpatient deviance in some area of
40-64 life
≤ 54 Inpatient May be defensive Consider faking good Examine defensiveness
≤ 54 Socially conforming scales, esp. L, to
Outpatient Defensive determine whether pt
≤ 39 Free of Disabling may be
psychpathology denying/minimizing
• Implications for treatment: T 50-59 good for therapy, good insight, help-seeking
• Indicator of distress/chronicity: if F is low in 6-8 profile, person is used to their
symptoms and not in acute distress (poor treatment indicator)
• Higher F indicative of:
o Emotional turmoil, including anxiety, depression
o Feeling sad, hopeless
o Disturbed sleep
o Feel unable to cope with strains of life
o Often feel like failures
o Pessimistic about future
o No create favorable first impression
o Socially awkward, few or no friends
o See families as lacking in love
o Tend not to have strong motivation to achieve
o Easily frustrated, give up easily
o See selves as insecure, introverted, interpersonally sensitive
o Often feel getting raw deal from life
o Characterized by others as histrionic, suspicious, hostile, angry, resentful

Fb (F-back) – F scale for items 371-567

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 100 Consider profile Random Psychiatric patients may
invalidity All True be disoriented, confused,
Faking bad show clearly psychotic
80-100 Consider profile Malingering If valid, consider serious
invalidity Exaggeration of psychopathology
65-79 Consider serious
50-64 Average
50 Consider faking good

Fp (Infrequency-Psychopathology) – items even more pathological than inpatients with

severe psychiatric disorders

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 100 Likely invalid Random responding VRIN/TRIN >79, invalid
Faking bad and uninterpretable
profile; If VRIN/TRIN
WNL, pt. overreporting
psychopathology in
attempt to appear more
disturbed than he/she is
70-99 Likely exaggerated, Exaggeration of Consider exaggeration of
may be valid existing problems symptoms, perhaps “cry
for help”
≤ 69 Likely valid Pt. accurately described
current mental health
• Designed to detect infrequent responding in settings characterized by relatively
high base rates of serious psychopathology and psychological distress

L (Lie) – naïve attempts to place self in morally/culturally favorable light by denying

moral imperfections, naïve defensiveness, impression management; reluctance to
admit common shortcomings; lack of awareness faking good doesn’t make good
impression; (false is deviant answer)

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 80 Clinical Likely invalid Faking good If TRIN >79F, protocol
or Nonclinical Pervasive characterized by
nonacquiescence pervasive pattern of
If TRIN WNL, high L
reflects very strong
pattern of faking good,
likely invalid test protocol
65-79 May be invalid Moderate faking good If TRIN w/in 65F-79F,
Clinical Traditional elevation on L likely
70-79 background reflects moderate pattern
Nonclinical Moderate of nonacq, not faking
nonacquiescence bad;
If TRIN WNL, elevation
on L likely reflects
unsophisticated pattern
of faking good; higher the
L, greater likelihood that
scales not accurately
represent existing
65-69 Questionably valid Overly positive self- Pt likely minimized
Nonclinical presentation psychological/bx
underestimation of
≤ 64 Clinical Likely Valid
60-64 Likely Valid Unsophisticated Pt denied minor faults &
Nonclinical defensiveness shortcomings most ppl
Traditional acknowledge readily,
background perhaps d/t belief that in
his/her best interest
≤ 59 Valid
• T>60: Conventional, conforming, unoriginal, inflexible/rigid, moralistic, lack
insight, poor stress tolerance; repression, denial (“defended”), unsophisticated,
concrete, primitive
• Implications for treatment: Higher L indicates participation/responsiveness;
perfectionistic, rigid, unwilling to hear feedback
• Hi L: faking good will artificially lower scores on other scales to make individual
appear better psychologically adjusted
• Hi L descriptors (T >55):
o Trying to create favorable impression of selves by not being honest in
responding to items
o May be defensive, denying, and repressing
o Tend to claim virtues to greater extent than most people
o Little or no insight into own motivations
o Little awareness of consequences to others of their bx
o Overevaluate own worth
o Conventional and socially conforming
o Unoriginal in thinking, inflexible in problem solving
o Rigid, moralistic
o Poor tolerance for stress, pressure
• Lo L descriptors (T < 50):
o Probably frankly responding
o Confident enough about selves to be able to admit to minor faults and
o May be exaggerating negative characteristics
o Perceptive and socially reliant; self-reliant and independent
o Seen as strong, natural, relaxed
o Function effectively in leadership roles
o Communicate ideas effectively
o May be described by others as cynical and sarcastic

K (Correction) – tendency to control and limit disclosure of distress, discomfort, and

problems relating to others, denying problems, reluctant to admit symptoms; more
sophisticated/subtle defensiveness; (false is deviant answer)

T-Score ProfileValidity Reasons for Interpretation

Level Elevation
≥ 65 Clinical May be invalid Faking good If TRIN >79F, protocol
≥ 75 All False characterized by
Nonclinical Pervasive pervasive pattern of
nonacquiescence nonacquiescence,
If TRIN WNL, high K
reflects defensive test-
taking approach that may
indicate invalid protocol
65-74 May be invalid Moderate If TRIN w/in 65F-79F,
Nonclinical defensiveness elevation on K likely
Moderate reflects moderate pattern
nonacquiescence of nonacquiescence
Denial, intolerant, rather than faking good;
uninsightful, If TRIN WNL, elevation
on K likely reflects
moderate pattern of
defensiveness; higher
the K, greater likelihood
profile may not
accurately represent
existing psychopathology
40-64 Valid Balanced self- 56-65: trying to give
Clinical & evaluation, intelligent, appearance of adequacy,
Nonclinical well-adjusted control, effectiveness;
(capable of dealing hesitant about becoming
w/everyday probs), emotionally involved
independent, wide
interests, enthusiastic
<40 May be invalid Faking bad If TRIN >79T, protocol
All True characterized by
Pervasive pervasive pattern of
acquiescence acquiescence, invalid; If
Exaggeration TRIN WNL, low K may
Self-esteem issues be d/t faking bad, but
only if elevations on
Infrequency scales
• T <50: Dissatisfaction w/ self & others, critical of self & others; < 40: plea for
help, ineffective in dealing w/everyday probs, little insight, socially
conforming/compliant with authority, socially awkward, cynical, suspicious
about motivations of others
• Indications for treatment: High K – not open, determined to think well of
self/others, asserting positive mental health, not much to work with in therapy;
Lo K – willing to admit/discuss problems
• Positively correlated with SES/educational level
• 56-65: If clinical scales elevated, may be seriously disturbed psychologically,
but have little awareness; if not seriously disturbed psychologically, may have
above-average ego strength and other positive characteristics
• F – K (raw scores): If difference is ≥ 10, likely fake-bad


*Using Graham’s T-score levels; MMPI-2 Manual lists different levels

Scale 1 – Hypochondriasis (Hs): tendency to manifest physical symptoms as

expression of emotional discomfort, to be preoccupied w/ one’s health, to reject
nonmedical (i.e., psychological) explanations for sx’s

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>80 Very High Extreme/sometimes bizarre somatic concern, Avoid feelings,
consider somatic delusions, fear of physical somaticize, looking
breakdown, preoccupation on physical more for medical
functioning intervention – not
60-80 Somatic concerns, sleep disturbance, lack May develop somatic
Moderate/High energy, dissatisfied, demanding, sx’s in times of stress
complaining/whiny, cynical, pessimistic,
unhappy, immature
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low No interp
• Legitimate physical illness may add 1 SD (10 T-score points)
Scale 2 – Depression (D): aspects of symptomatic depression; dysphoria, distress,
pessimism, low morale, inhibition, intropunitiveness, physical discomfort, vegetative
sx’s, and problems in thinking; psychological distress, suicidal ideation

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>70 Very High Serious clinical depression, SI, psychiatric/Rx eval,
pessimistic/hopeless, preoccupied w/guilt, no energy/motivation,
death, suicide; feelings of helplessness
unworthiness/inadequacy w/pessimism about
60-70 Moderate depression/dysphoric, Some elevation
Moderate/High dissatisfaction w/life situation, worried, indicates distress and
somatic c/o’s, withdrawn, lack self- motivation for Tx
confidence, lack energy, anxiety, introverted,
restricted range of interests
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low No interp
• 2-7 profile is high indicator of current distress
• High 2 with moderate 9: high risk of suicide – has enough energy to do it
D1-Subjective depression: unhappy, depressed, lack energy for coping w/prob’s of
everyday life,
not interested in what goes on around them, feel inferior, lack self-confidence,
in social situations
D2-Psychomotor retardation: lack energy to cope w/everyday activities, feel
immobilized, avoid others, deny hostile/aggressive impulses/actions
D3-Physical malfunctioning: preoccupation w/own physical functioning, deny good
report variety of specific somatic symptoms
D4-Mental dullness: lack of energy to cope w/probs of everyday life, tension,
difficulties w/concentration, attention, memory; lack self-confidence,
feel inferior, little enjoyment out
of life, life no longer worthwhile
D5-Brooding: lack of energy to cope w/probs, life no longer worthwhile, brood, cry,
ruminate, feel
losing control of thought processes

Scale 3 – Hysteria (Hy): tendency to develop physical symptoms under stress

(conversion), to experience pain; to deny social friction or discord w/ others,
histrionic/indiscriminant socialization, gregarious; don’t handle stress well, lack
insight, maturity, problems w/anger expression (avoid, repress)

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>80 Very High Consider conversion reaction, extreme Difficulty w/deep issues,
somatic complaints, react to stress by use denial, defensive,
developing somatic symptoms, symptoms naïve, lack insight, want
may disappear when stress subsides attention, difficulty
tolerating anxiety
60-80 Somatic symptoms, sleep disturabance, lack
Moderate/High insight concerning causes of symptoms,
denial, demanding, immature, self-centered,
suggestible, low energy, feel sad/anxious;
physical complaints are way of getting
attention, not necessarily worries about
physical symptoms
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low No interp; conforming, inhibited, critical
Hy1-Denial of social anxiety: social extroversion, comfortable interacting w/others,
not easily
influenced by social standards and customs
Hy2-Need for affection: strong needs for attention/affection from others, fears that
needs will not be
met if honest about feelings/beliefs; others are honest, sensitive, reasonable –
deny negative
feelings about others
Hy3-Lassitude-malaise: uncomfortable, not in good health, weak/fatigued, difficulties
and sleeping, feelings of unhappiness
Hy4-Somatic complaints: multiple somatic c/o’s, deny expressing hostility toward
Hy5-Inhibition of aggression: deny hostile and aggressive impulses, feel sensitive
about how others
respond to them

Scale 4 – Psychopathic Deviate (Pd): alienation, social disinhibition, tendency to come

into conflict w/ family, authorities, and others thru rebellion, exploitation, misconduct,
poorly developed conscience, and lack of internalized moral standards; admission of
social maladjustment w/social poise, self-confidence; impulsive, hostile, poor
frustration tolerance; judgment compromised; SA risk, sensation seeking, acting out

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>75 Very High Asocial, antisocial behavior, trouble w/law Mandated, acting out –
(men) not sitting down and
tolerating anxiety
60-75 Trouble w/law (women), use nonprescription Externalizing – “I get a
Moderate/High drugs (men), family/marital probs, impulsive, raw deal in life”
dissatisfied, angry/irritable/uncooperative
(women), extroverted, superficial
relationships, energetic, creative, rebellious
toward authority, poor judgment, impatient;
may feel bored, empty, depressed;
unconventional, self-centered
40-59 Average Independent, energetic, assertive
<40 Low No interp
Pd1-Familial discord: describe family as lacking love, understanding, support; feel
families are/have
been critical and not permitted adequate freedom and independence
Pd2-Authority problems: resentment of societal and parental standards and
customs, definite
opinions about what’s right/wrong, stand up for own beliefs, admit to having
been in trouble
in school or with law
Pd3-Social imperturbability: not useful b/c only 6 items and not possible to obtain
score >65
Pd4-Social alienation: feel alienated, isolated, estranged; believe others don’t
understand them, get
raw deal from life
Pd5-Self-alienation: uncomfortable and unhappy, not find daily life
interesting/rewarding; express
regret, guilt, remorse for past deeds
Scale 5 – Masculinity-femininity (Mf): sex-role identification; broad patterns of
interests, activities, attitudes, and sentiments that tend to follow gender stereotypes

T-Score Interpretive possibilities Treatment

Level Implications
>75 Males Consider serious sexual problems >80 indicates narcissism
Very High
60-75 Males Lack traditional masculine interests
40-59 Males No interp
<40 Males Traditional masculine interests, “macho” Not good therapy
Low candidate, not
interested in disclosure,
discussing relationships
>75 Females Consider serious sexual problems
Very High
60-75 Lack traditional feminine interests
40-59 No interp
<40 Females Traditional feminine interests, may be May be ultra-passive,
Low androgynous dependent, self-
deprecating, self-

Scale 6 – Paranoia (Pa): personal/moral rigidity, interpersonal sensitivity, resentment;

ideas of being misunderstood, mistreated, persecuted, or controlled by others;
tendency to construe actions, intentions, and motives of others as unfair, degrading,
or hostile; paranoia, suspiciousness

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>70 Very High Consider paranoid psychosis, psychotic Think everyone working
symptoms, disturbed thinking, delusions of against them, even
persecution, ideas of reference therapist; trust issues;
hyperalertness –
sensitivity; concerned
about safety;
60-70 Paranoid predisposition, extremely sensitive, Ditto; guarded,
Moderate/High suspicious, angry/resentful, withdrawn, distrustful
grandiosity (center of others’
thoughts/behaviors), feel mistreated, blame
others, hostile/argumentative, emotionally
45-59 Average No interp
<45 Low Very low score may reflect paranoia d/t
extreme guardedness/vigilence, defensive
towards test administrator
• <35: callous, not interpersonally sensitive
Pa1-Persecutory ideas: describe world as threatening place, fell
misunderstood/unfairly treated,
delusions/ideas of reference
Pa2-Poignancy: more high strung and sensitive than others, fell lonely and
misunderstood, may seek
out risky or exciting activities to make themselves feel better
Pa3-Naivete: unrealistically optimistic attitudes about others, present selves as
trusting, having high
moral standards, and not having hostile/negative impulses
Scale 7 – Psychasthenia (Pt): tendency to express stress thru tension, anxiety,
apprehensiveness, worry, phobias, obsessions, rumination, compulsions, and fears of
losing control; willful and inflexible efforts to control such sx’s; psychological turmoil,

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>75 Very High Extreme fear, anxiety, tension, disturbing Tendency to
thoughts, misconceptions, unable to intellectualize,
concentrate, depression, fear of losing mind, obsessive, ruminating,
obsessive-compulsive symptoms (rituals, deemphasize rational
magical thinking), agitated thinking about problems
60-75 Moderate anxiety, depression, bad dreams, Some anxiety may be
Moderate/High lack self-confidence, guilt, indecisive, motivation to work in
perfectionistic, feels unaccepted, insomnia, therapy, openness to
fatigue, exhaustion, tension, therapy
meticulous/indecisive, shy/introverted
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low No interp
• Inability to resist specific actions or thoughts regardless of their maladaptive
pattern (e.g., OCD tendencies, abnormal fears, self-criticism, difficulties in
• Defenses not working, low ego-strength
• Tends to be correlated with scale 2
• 7>8: tenuous, may have brief psychotic reaction under stress; potentially
psychotic individuals can hold it together with rituals just enough to manage life
• 8>7: psychotic, distressed phase of illnes

Scale 8 – Schizophrenia (Sc): severe alienation, self-contempt, apathy, cognitive

disruption, inertia, feelings of unreality, alien impulses, motor and sensory
impairment; mental and emotional confusion

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>75 Very High Consider schizophrenic dx, psychotic sx’s, Problem-oriented focus,
social alienation/interpersonal difficulties, concrete; crisis oriented,
concentration difficulties, stabilization/support,
confused/disorganized thinking, unusual distress may motivate
sensory experiences/delusions, physical for therapy
health concerns, global dysphoric
thoughts/concerns, turmoil, distress,
overwhelmed, paralyzed, compromised
judgment and impulse control, impaired
contact w/reality
60-75 Schizoid life style (internally focused),
Moderate/High unusual beliefs, eccentric behaviors,
generalized fear/anxiety, confused, fearful,
bad dreams, aloof, uninvolved, excessive
fantasy and daydreaming, feel sad, somatic
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low No interp
• Overlap with F, correlated with K
• 7-8 within 10 t-score points: less likelihood of psychotic d/o, shows maintenance
of cognitive control
Sc1-Social alienation: feel mistreated, misunderstood, unloved; others are trying to
harm them;
avoid social situations/interpersonal relationships
Sc2-Emotional alienation: feel fear, depression, apathy; wish they were dead
Sc3-Lack of ego mastery, cognitive: report strange thought processes, feelings of
difficulties in concentration and memory; at times feel losing their minds
Sc4-Lack of ego mastery, conative: life is a strain, feel depressed; worry
excessively, respond to
stress by withdrawing into fantasy and daydreaming; wish they were dead
Sc5-Lack of ego mastery, defective inhibition: feel not in control of
emotions/impulses, restless,
hyperactive, periods of laughing/crying can’t control, episodes of not knowing
what they are
doing – can’t later remember what they’ve done
Sc6-Bizarre sensory experiences: feel bodies are changing in strange and unusual
ways, report skin
sensitivity and other unusual sensory experiences, have hallucinations, unusual
content, ideas of reference

Scale 9 – Hypomania (Ma): hi scores = rapid and energetic personal tempo,

hyperarousal, hyperactivity, stimulation-seeking, euphoria, imperviousness,
undercontrol, rebellious impulses; features of hypomanic disturbance (activity level,
excitability, grandiosity); low scores = lethargy, slowness, submissiveness,
vulnerability, scrupulousness, depression

T-Score Interpretive possibilities Treatment

Level Implications
>80 Very Consider bipolar disorder, manic type; manic Less insight-oriented,
High symptoms, excessive purposeless activity, distractible, less
hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, cooperative, restless,
confusion, flight of ideas impatient
70-80 High Excessive energy, lack direction, conceptual
disorganization, unrealistic self-appraisal,
impulsive, low frustration tolerance, bossy,
talk too much
60-69 Active, extroverted, rebellious, energetic,
Moderate creative, gregarious, seeks excitement,
40-59 Energetic, assertive, self-confident
<40 Low No interp; can indicate low energy level,
Ma1-Amorality: describe others as selfish, dishonest, opportunistic; thus feel justified
in behaving in
similar ways; derive vicarious satisfaction from manipulative exploits of others
Ma2-Psychomotor acceleration: accelerated speech, thought processes, and motor
activities; feel
tense, restless, excited; easily bored, seek out risk/excitement/danger to
overcome boredom
Ma3-Imperturbability: deny social anxiety, feel comfortable interacting w/others,
profess little
concern about opinions, values, attitudes of others
Ma4: Ego inflation: unrealistic evaluations of own abilities and self-worth, feel
resentful when
others make demands on them

Scale 0 – Social Introversion (Si): hi score = introversion, shyness, social anxiety,

social timidity and awkwardness, social avoidance; low score = extroversion,
outgoingness, social comfort and skill, social intrepidity, social stimulation-seeking

T-Score Level Interpretive possibilities Treatment

>75 Very High Extreme withdrawal, insecure, indecisive Difficulty expressing
feelings, reticence about
relationships, inhibited
60-75 Introverted/shy/timid, depressed, guilty, slow
Moderate/High personal tempo, lack self-confidence, lack
interest, submissive, compliant,
overcontrolled, reliable, dependable, values
work, passive; difficulty establishing
40-59 Average No interp
<40 Low Extroverted, gregarious, self-reliant, Action-oriented, not
energetic, competitive, undercontrolled, insight-oriented
manipulative, sociable, friendly, outgoing,
verbally fluent
Well Below 40 Very low: immature, impulsive, attention-
seeking, competitive, superficial, not able to
disclose emotionally (like scale 3)
Si1-Shyness/self-consciousness: feel shy around others, easily embarrassed, ill at
ease in social
situations, uncomfortable in new situations
Si2-Social avoidance: great dislike and avoidance of group activities and being in
crowds, avoidance
of contact w/ other people
Si3-Alienation-self and others: low self-esteem/confidence, self-critical, question
own judgment,
incapable of determining own fate, nervousness, fearfulness, indecisiveness,
suspiciousness of


*Trimboli, F. & Kilgore, R.B. (1983). A psychodynamic approach to MMPI

interpretation. Journal of
Personality Assessment, 47 (6), 612-626.

Defense Mechanisms Indicated by Scale Elevations:

3: Repression, channel conflicts into vague physical complaints
4: Externalization, acting out, rationalization, intellectualization
5: “Feminine” – sublimation (mild to moderate level), suppression (high elevation)
“Masculine” – assertive behavior (mild to moderate), inappropriate channeling of
aggressive impulses
6: Projection, externalization
9: Denial, distraction, acting out (especially 4-9)
0: Avoidance, withdrawal
K: Guardedness, unwilling to acknowledge psychological weaknesses, repression,
L: Primitive, repression, rigid denial (high elevation)
F: Lack of effective defensive functioning (high F, low L & K), repression, denial (low
F, high K & L)

Management of Anxiety Using Defenses: Elevations on symptom scales when defense

mechanisms are insufficient to bind anxieties aroused by difficulties
• 1: Displacement, channel emotional concerns into somatic complaints
• 2: Elevation is best single index of breached defenses
• 7-2: Less efficient uses of repression, magical thinking, rumination, rituals;
acute distress
• 8: Defenses deteriorate to great extent under stress (severe decompensation)
• 3-2-7: Intensified attempts to repress anxiety
• 2-7, with 4, 6, or 9: Neurotic decompensation
• 6-8-0: Psychotic decompensation
o 8-0 > 9: social/emotional isolation, apathy, withdrawal
o 8>7: fragmentation
o 6>7: gross projections (delusions)

Management of Aggression and Hostility:

• Direct expression:
o 4: Diffuse focus
o 4-9: Act out w/o regard for consequences
o 6: Focused anger, specific others
o 4 and 6 potentiate each other: dangerous because act out against others
directly, especially with increased 9
o 3: Inhibiting effect on 4
• Indirect expression:
o 3: Repress direct expression, covert expression
o 1-2-3: Use physical symptoms to punish caretakers
o 3-6: Less transparent – more overt expression (though individual is
unaware of anger they’re expressing)
o 3-4: Intense aggressive impulses (3>4: passive aggressive; 4>3:
overcontrolled with brief episodes of violent acting out)
• Aggression turned toward self:
o 2: Lack capacity to discharge aggression in adaptive/effective way, leads
to anxiety
o 2-7: Suicide risk, greater risk when paired with poor impulse control (4, 9)
or poor judgment (8)
o 5-8: primitive identification with aggressor

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