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Name: Lachica, Royce Anne Marie J.

Grade & Section: 11 ABM-C

(WEEK 6-7)
In many generations had passed, people never stop trying to deal with inequalities, like
men being superior to women, education is for the rich, and many other situations.
Nonetheless, inequality is still living in our society. It is still felt by many people, sometimes
even us had experienced it.
The phenomenon of unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among the
members of society is called inequality. It can be experienced because people were not
born to be the same. Each one of us has differences, such as race, status, culture,
education, and many others. These differences result in others thinking they were superior
than others.

1. What did the young Karl Marx notice with the people around him?
 The you Karl Marx would notice the people who are starving all over place, while
public are painting the town.
2. List down all the things that Karl Marx would have wanted to end with his
 No exploitation of worker or his kin, no discrimination with the color of skin, no
private property is allowed, no one could rise too high, no one could sink too low,
and go under completely.
3. Do you agree with the songwriter that the world is not fair?
 I somehow agree with the songwriter that the world is not fair. But at the same
time, disagree, because some people may be born in this world and have all the
privelege while others don't. However, those who are in the bottom have the
chance to rise from all the standards that were made by the people in past
generations. And those who are at the top, they may have all the power, wealth,
and influence, but they are still not exempted on the obstacles that life will give to

 As a lawmaker, there must be a team should focus on this matter about the use of
wealth and power to get an immediate access to testing services and do an
immediate response for those who are affected by this scheme. Our country was in
a tough situation because of pandemic and the gap between rich and poor widens

even more. In this times, we must prioritize those who needs and immediate action
and not those who have great power nor money. There shouldn't be any status in
giving health service to our people. We all need it, especially those who are
 The disparity in annual government research funding between these two cancers is
striking and discriminatory, it might be because breast cancer is the most known
cancer. So, as a lawmaker, I must make sure and fight for the rights of people to
have the best healthcare system our government and the Department of Health
must not overlook the funding for the research study of these two cancers.

 As a lawmaker, I would propose to conduct more livelihood programs and other

projects that could help every family and people there. This will help them with
their grow their economy and earn money for their needs.


Today, I have learned that the government's programs, projects, and
initiatives are very important for the people. It addressed the inequality in the
society because those people who are in the bottom of the class system to survive
and somehow closes the gap between the rich and the poor. The programs, project,
and initiatives that our government made help it possible for those who are in the
bottom to climb on the top.

Social class had always been one of the main reasons for inequalities that many of us are
currently experiencing. I am Royce Anne Marie Lachica, a 17 years old teenage girl. I came
from a big family. I had 4 siblings and my mother is an accountant staff while my father is
an electrician. And, I think our family is under the lower class division of the class system. I
think of that because my parents are both skilled workers. However, I don't think we are
that low like it was described in the lesson because we eat 3 times a day and our parents
provide us what we need and sometimes what we want.
But due to the gap of those who have power, wealth, and privilege, I had felt the society
was not equal. There was a time when Typhoon Ondoy had a strike in the Philippines, and
in Marikina where did we live before, had experienced its strength. We were forced to
evacuate and many of our things are broken and left in the dirt. It had been hard for us to
stand up again. We need to bear sleeping in the evacuation center while keeping up with
the small amount of relief good that we received. We are thankful for all the help of those
who can and the government. Despite that, I still can't stop with the thought of how much
difference we have with those who are in the upper class. It was the same in the pandemic
that we are experiencing now, we are all had been affected by this situation. But we are
not dealing with the same difficulties. Like how we are dealing with some financial issues
because you need to pay for the utilities and find money so you can eat for the day.
Indeed, it's hard to live at the bottom. You will experience many difficulties that no one at
the top had experienced. But our system didn't prohibit us from climbing to the top, so we
need to work harder to stop this cycle of inequalities. We might have started from the
bottom but it doesn't mean we needed to stay in that place, especially when no one
prohibits us from making ourselves and our lives better.

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. A
15. A

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