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A. Thavalingam et al.

/ Computers and Structures 79 (2001) 1821±1830 1825

systematic approaches with ecient mesh arrangements

[30,37], which may be useful in searching for critical
failure mechanisms. Here the discretisation of the ®ll
was improved by generating randomly shaped DDA
blocks with di€erent sizes. One way of developing an
automated procedure to provide randomly shaped ele-
ments is to generate the Voronoi polygons [38]. An al-
gorithm based on the Delaunay triangulation procedure
[39,40] has been developed, to generate polygonal shape
elements with random sizes to model the back®ll and in
order to improve the load dispersal. The Delaunay tri- Fig. 3. The PFC model of the back®lled semi-circular masonry
angulation is de®ned for an arbitrary collection of points arch experiment.
in a two-dimensional plane such that the circumcircle of
a triangle de®ned by any three points cannot contain controlled loading process. The parameters were taken
any other point. Fig. 2 shows a back®lled semi-circular similar to that of the DDA analysis.
masonry bridge model where the area of the back®ll is The PFC model developed for the above semi-
discretised using the randomly shaped polygons. Ini- circular arch experiment is shown in Fig. 3. The model
tially the area of the back®ll was covered with randomly was initially assembled with particles joined with high
distributed points. Then a triangular mesh was created strength bonds to construct a single barrel of arch
using these points based on the Delaunay triangulation without providing any provisions for mortar joints. The
technique and ®nally the polygons were obtained by spherical particles were positioned by de®ning each of
connecting circumcentres of each adjacent triangles. their centre co-ordinates and the radius. Both ends of
This type of modelling is also useful in providing the ®ll the arch were supported with two ®xed horizontal walls.
as randomly distributed particles of a de®nable average Here the vertical reaction forces on both walls were
size. monitored throughout the process in order to control
In order to simulate the timber sidewalls used in the steady state at the end of each stage of modelling.
the experiment, the model sidewalls were discretised The arch was then allowed to settle under the gravita-
with deformable DDA blocks, fully constrained only at tional force until it reached the new equilibrium posi-
centroids (as shown in Fig. 2) in order to simulate the tion. The voussoirs were then de®ned by creating joint
sidewall deformability. As the DDA framework used for planes (to represent mortar joints) using the `joint
the analysis implied the constant stress state over each plane'option available in the PFC.
block, each of the arch voussoirs was discretised into The two sidewalls were modelled at either sides of
eight sub-blocks connected with very strong joints in the model (as in experiment) to retain the back®ll. The
order to improve the stress representation and stress back®ll was modelled with unbonded particles added in
concentrations during the rotation of voussoirs. The several layers, where each layer was allowed to settle
mortar joints between the voussoirs were given the `real' under gravity, in order to decrease the void ratio of the
(weaker) joint properties. The model is analysed using back®ll. After that, mortar joints were given their ``real''
the Shi's original DDA source code, which has been (weaker) interface properties, allowing the masonry arch
enhanced by the authors recently. A displacement con- to adjust to its new position, working together with the
trolled loading procedure has also been developed and back®ll. In this way the arch was divided to 24 voussoirs,
included in the algorithm for monitoring the structural each containing a cluster of 16 fully bonded particles.
response beyond the collapse and to identify the collapse Then the back®ll, modelled with 2175 particles, were
mechanisms [30,32]. given the actual properties and further iteration cycles
were carried out in order to produce an appropriate
stress state for the whole structure prior to the applica-
3.2. Particle ¯ow code model tion of the external load.

Here the PFC, developed for the three-dimensional

analysis (PFC3D ) [34], is used to create the current two- 3.3. DIANA model
dimensional model. As PFC provides spherical particles,
the model was constructed with a single layer of particles The ®nite element based model, developed using the
in the third direction to approximate the two-dimen- DIANA FE software [36], is shown in Fig. 4. Here the
sional model. Here several existing modelling de®nitions four-node quadrilateral isoparametric plane stress ele-
(called `macros') and algorithms (written in `C ' like ments were used for modelling arch voussoirs and the
`F I S H ' language) were used to construct the present joints between voussoirs were modelled with L8IF in-
back®ll±arch model and to simulate a displacement terface elements. The interface between arch and the ®ll

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