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Gateway 2nd Edition B1+

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1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between two and five

1 I got up and then I had breakfast.

I got up.
2 I enjoy eating vegetables more now than when I was young.
I eating vegetables much when I was young.
3 When I had cleaned the car, we went for a drive.
I we went for a drive.
4 During the making of the film, Nick felt ill and had to leave.
While the film, Nick felt ill and had to leave.
5 We missed the train because Ronnie got up late.
We the train because Ronnie got up late.
6 Have you always liked spinach?
Did you spinach when you were a child?
7 I did all the exercises and the lesson ended.
When the lesson all the exercises.
8 My grandmother liked playing chess with her friends.
My grandmother with her friends.
9 The man drove very fast and he had an accident.
When the accident happened, the man very fast.
10 Susan did her homework and remembered she had left her coat at school.
Susan remembered that she had left her coat at school her homework.

Score: / 10
2 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the diary entry.


Today has (1) such a busy day! We’ve been getting ready to move to the new house and I’ve had to sort out
my bedroom and pack up all my things. I’ve (2) moved house before so I don’t know what to expect. I
started sorting through things at 9 am this morning and I (3) haven’t finished. We’ve been in this house
(4) ten years and in that time I’ve collected loads of rubbish! I’ve decided to throw clothes away and give
them to charity. I’ve (5) packed up ten bags and I haven’t finished (6) . I’ve found clothes that I
(7) worn for years. Mum (8) in a bad mood all day because the removal lorry can’t get here
before two o’clock tomorrow. Dad’s been clearing out the garage and taking rubbish to the tip. He’s
(9) come back from his fifth trip to the rubbish tip! This is so stressful. Why did we (10) decide
to move?

1 A be
B been
C being
2 A ever
B never
C always
3 A still
B just
C already
4 A for
B since
C after
5 A already
B just
C ever
6 A already
B still
C yet
7 A have
B haven’t
C doesn’t
8 A have been
B has been
C is
9 A just
B already
C has
10 A never
B always
C ever

Score: / 10
3 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between two and five

1 We saw the film and then we had a burger at a fast food restaurant.
After the film, we had a burger at a fast food restaurant.
2 We always went on holiday to the beach when I was very young.
We on holiday to the beach when I was very young.
3 I met Danielle when we started school together in 2006.
I we started school together in 2006.
4 I was playing tennis earlier and I’m really tired now.
I’m really tired because tennis.
5 I started work here in 2014.
I 2014.
6 When my father was a young boy, he liked mending cars in his spare time.
As a young boy, my in his spare time.
7 When did you buy that laptop?
How long that laptop?
8 I played football for a long time this morning and now I’m really hot.
I’m really hot because football this morning.
9 Is this your first summer job?
Have a summer job before?
10 My mum booked rooms in the Sandy Hotel for two weeks.
We in the Sandy Hotel for two weeks.

Score: / 10

4 Complete the advert for a restaurant with one word in each gap.

A branch of our famous restaurant chain, Badger’s, will (1) opening on the 8th of July in Chilworth High Street, and
we hope you’ll be there to try our fantastic menu on our opening night. Because we believe that once you’ve tasted our food
you (2) come back again and again. We (3) offering a free meal to the first 20 people who come through
our doors! (4) you be one of those lucky people? We’re also (5) to give a free dessert to all customers in
our first week of business. (6) the time you leave us, you’ll (7) eaten some of the finest food in this area!
And we think you’ll be surprised by our reasonable prices. You’ll definitely (8) able to afford more than one visit!
We (9) be waiting for you on the 8 ! We guarantee that you (10) regret coming!

Score: / 10
5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between two and five

1 It’s not necessary for you to arrive before 9.30.

You arrive before 9.30.
2 It’s against the rules to bring food into the classrooms.
Students into the classrooms.
3 It’s not a good idea to eat too much junk food.
You too much junk food.
4 I can’t buy a new laptop because I can’t afford it.
If I could afford it, I buy a new laptop.
5 If you have enough money, you will be able to go on the school trip.
You school trip if you have enough money.
6 You have an exam, so go to bed early.
You bed early if you have an exam.
7 Training is important if you want to run in the marathon.
If you want to run the marathon, you as soon as possible.
8 It is illegal to ride a motorbike and not wear a helmet.
You if you ride a motorbike.
9 You have to wear a uniform until you are 16.
When you are 17 wear a uniform.
10 Eating fresh fruit every day is good for your health.
If you want to be healthy, you fruit every day.

Score: / 10
6 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between two and five

1 They asked hundreds of students to complete a survey.

Hundreds to complete a survey.
2 Decorators have repainted the classrooms.
The school repainted.
3 Will the school provide the coursebooks?
Will the the school?
4 How long ago did Edison invent the light bulb?
How long ago by Edison?
5 The hairdresser didn’t cut my hair yesterday because I missed the appointment.
I yesterday because I missed the appointment.
6 I want to ski in the winter. It makes me happy.
I in the winter.
7 Paul and his brother are almost the same.
Paul is his brother.
8 Gemma is not like her sister.
Gemma is sister.
9 I’m not interested in playing this computer game anymore.
I’m this computer game.
10 Are they interviewing the band now?
Is the band now?

Score: / 10
7 Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi Lucy,

How are you? I imagine you (1) revising for your final exams at the moment. Good luck with them! I
can’t believe you’ve been at university (2) three years already and that by this time next year you will
(3) working as a teacher! ! I’ve been trying for months to plan my future and I’m
(4) trying now! I just don’t know what to do.

(5) I apply for university this year or take a year off to travel? My parents and my teachers say that I
(6) to go straight to university to study languages. I’ve (7) getting good grades in French
and Spanish and I think I want to be a teacher, like you. However, I would really like to spend some time travelling and
maybe doing some work in another country. What (8) you do if you were me? Anyway, I don’t
(9) to decide until June. Perhaps we can have a chat sometime. I know you’ll give me good advice.

Once again, good luck! I know you’re (10) to be a fantastic teacher!



Score: / 10

8 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the text.

The football World Cup (1) always watched by millions of people around the world and there are inevitably
events that both excite and shock us. However, in every match, whether it’s at international or local level, there are always
questions and disagreements (2) decisions (3) have been made by the referee on the (4) . At
several world cups over the last few years these disagreements have become very public indeed. People around the world
saw (5) that clearly went into the net be disallowed because there was no technology in place near the goal line
to check. In other sports, such as tennis and cricket, special cameras are regularly (6) to detect whether a ball has
crossed a line or not, particularly in top competitions. For many years the use of this type of technology has been refused by
those powerful people who control the game of football internationally. There are many companies (7) have
invented ways of determining whether a goal has actually been (8) . One company has invented a
(9) to plant inside the football itself, and others focus on technology which is related to filming from different
angles. But one thing is certain – technology will soon be playing its part in top football (10) .
1 A is
B been
C are
D has
2 A about
B against
C for
D around
3 A who
B –
C that
D where
4 A court
B pitch
C field
D track
5 A rackets
B goals
C points
D players
6 A use
B using
C useful
D used
7 A whose
B that
C –
D what
8 A made
B scored
C won
D kicked
9 A software
B scientific
C gadget
D mouse
10 A events
B courts
C days
D teams

Score: / 10
9 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between two and five

1 ‘Don’t forget your phone charger,’ Jay said.

Jay my phone charger.
2 ‘I phoned you before,’ said Gemma.
Gemma said that she me.
3 ‘Write your answers on the board, Maria,’ the teacher said.
The teacher answers on the board.
4 ‘Did you know the answer, Marcos?’ the teacher asked.
The teacher asked Marcos the answer.
5 ‘Who made this pizza?’ asked Dave.
Dave asked who the pizza.
6 ‘You must listen to this track!’ said Gina.
Gina said that I track.
7 ‘Don’t use your skateboard on the road,’ said my dad.
My dad my skateboard on the road.
8 ‘I may go and see the play on Tuesday,’ Dan said.
Dan said he the play on Tuesday.
9 ‘Where is the exhibition?’ asked Sarah.
Sarah asked .
10 ‘Which seats have you booked?’ asked Freya.
Freya asked me booked.

Score: / 10

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