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Odontogenic cysts

KCOC Primordial cysts Dentigerous Periodontal cysts


Keratinizing and Odontogenic central, lateral, ) Inflammatory:

calcifying .keratocyst (circumferential a)apical
cyst, Gorlin's b)lateral
.cyst c)residual

Cysts of :Developmental

b) gingival cyst
of adults

c)gingival cyst of
newborn "
"bohn's nodules
Odontogenic cysts
Periodontal cysts
Developmental Inflammatory
Gingival cyst of new born Gingival cyst of .Lateral dev Residual Lateral Apical P.O.C

they are multiple white - Non inflammatory - Non - Inflammatory hyperplasia of epithelial rests- Etiology and
nodules of not more than developmental cyst inflammatory .of malassez .def
a few mm in diameter in occurring adjacent cyst occurs
the alveolar ridge of new to a vital tooth at adjacent to or Develop from pre-existing periapical-
.born .the gingival laterals to the .granuloma
root of a vital As proliferation occurs the central cells are-
They originate from - It's considered to - .tooth
remnants of the dental be the soft tissue separated from their source of nuitrition so
lamina which proliferate counterpart of the proliferation of- they become necrotic and liquefy. " akl akl
.to form small cysts .lateral dev. Cyst rests " akl :D
gingival cyst - epithelium at
arises from the lateral side
remenants of .of roots
dental lamina in
the soft tissue "
epithelial rests of
" serre's

.Asymptomatic - Any age. From 40 - any age. From- the- They form Age : adult life- Clinical
.to 60 .40 to 60 pulpless along the features
tooth from lateral Sex: men>-
males= females - male to - which a aspect of women
female 2:1 periapical the root as
small, well- Site: anterior-
circumscribed In the - cyst has a result of region of maxilla
painless swelling of mandibular arisen may opening of
the gingival, less premolar and be a lateral assymptomatic,-
.than 1cm canine region. extracted root canal discovered during
In the maxilla and the and routine
may involve free - lateral incisor cyst may irritation radiographic
or attached .region persist and of examination,
gingival and may cause periodonta painless and
involve the gingival asymptomatic- swelling of .l tissue slowly progressing
.papilla itself bla bla bla :D the .unless infected
The lesion has the - .jaw hard at first then -
same color as the a crackling
surrounding normal they - sensation is felt
mucosa but interfere on pressure then
sometimes larger with the at last it becomes
lesions erode fitness of soft fluctuant
underlying bone dentures swelling bluish in
and give bluish and may color beneath the
.discoloration cause .mucosa
fracture of
..the jaws the related tooth -
.is non-vital

ve because it's in- - radiolucent- round or oval- Radiographic

..a soft tissue .area well defined ally
small seldom - surrounded by a
.over 1 cm narrow
may or may - radioopaque
not be .margin
surrounded by The cyst ranges -
an radioopaque from 5mm to
.margin several cms in

The tooth often -

has a large
carious cavity or

Root resorption -
of the tooth or the
adjacent one may

Very large cyst -

Odontogenic cysts
Odontogenic cysts
Odontogenic cysts
Dentigerous cysts
P.O.C (central, lateral, circumferential ) Eruption cyst

Etiology and it orginates through cystic change of the reduced- uncommon superficial dentigerous cyst occurring in the soft-
.def enamel epithelium after complete formation of tissue of the gum or alveolar mucosa over a tooth about to
enamel of the tooth with accumulation of fluid .erupt
between reduced enamel epithelium and the tooth It is a dilatation of the normal follicular space above the -
.crown crown of an erupting tooth caused by accumulation of tissue
.fluid or blood
the attachment of the cyst lining at the -
.amelocemental junction suggests this origin

cysts appear to form between the layers reduced -

enamel epithelium the layer which remains
.attached to the enamel usually degenerates

expansion of the dentigerous cyst is related to -

secondary increase in cystic fluid osmolarity as a
result of degeneration of desquamated epithelial
.cells into the cyst lumen

mitotic undex for dentigerous cyst is low in -

.comparison with primordial cyst

Clinical Age: 20 to 30 years .Age: Children deciduous teeth or permanent molars

Sex: more common in males .Site: Gum overlying the unerupted tooth

Site: more in mandibular third molar and maxillary Shape: soft rounde swelling. If blood is present in the cystic
canines and it may involve a supernumerary tooth space the swelling appears deep blue and hence the name
.""eruption hematoma
.or an odontome

no symptoms and discovered accidentally but-

.when infected it becomes painful and swelled

As the cyst grows bone resorption and expansion

.occurs with subsequent facial asymmetry

Radiographic Well defined, radiolucent area surrounded by a

.sclerotic line
Central: the most common where the cyst
surrounds the crown of the tooth and the crown
.projects into the cyst

Lateral: associated with the mesioangular impacted

mandibular third molars that are partially erupted.
The cyst grows laterally along the root surface and
.partially surrounds the crown

Circumferential: the cyst surrounds the crown and

extends for some distance along the root so that a
significant portion of the root appears to lie within
.the cyst

a third molar may be displaced to the lower border-

.of the mandible or higher up into the sky

Histopatholog thin regular non keratinized stratified squamous-

ical .epithelium

features the epithelial connective tissue junction is flat but -

when inflammation or infection occurs epithelial
.hyperplasia with rete pegs may be noted

in the maxilla ciliated epi. And hyaline bodies may -

.be seen and it may keratinized

the connective tissue wall is rich in glycoprotiens -

and mucopolysaccarides. Inflammatory cells are

cholesterol clefts and giant cells may be seen with -

.epithelial discontinuities

:Cyst contents
Odontogenic cysts

P.O.C (Odontogenic keratocyst (primordial cyst KCOC

Etiology and definition it arises from enamel organ before tooth- it is believed to be derived from-
formation odontogenic epithelial remnants within
the gingival or within the mandible or
cyst which arise in an area without any -
missing tooth develop from supernumerary .maxilla
.tooth or rests of dental lamina

Clinical features Age: 20 to 30 years .Age: before 40 years

Sex: kolo zay b3do .Sex: common in females

.Site: mandible posterior portion Site: more in the maxilla and thea
.anterior part of the mandible
Asymptomatic unless infected and may
produce parasethia of the lower lip, pain of the cysts are intraosseous, 25% % 75-
.and swelling of the jaw are present in the soft tissue in the
.gingival or retromolar area

Appearance: painless swelling in the

gingival or the alveolar bone . as the
cyst enlarges it displaces roots of
adjacent teeth. If the cyst become
.infected the swelling becomes painful

Radiographic features Unilocular or multilocular radiolucency Intraosseous KCOC present as unilocular

or multilocular radiolucency with well
:Cyst contents
demarked irregular margins. Within the
Keratocysts contaic keratin, seen during radiolucency, scattered calcifications of
operation s dirty white or yellowish variable densities giving appearance of
material which is similar to the pus but "salt and pepper " 2y kalam b2a :D
.without the offensive smell
In some cases mineralization may
develop to such an extent that the
radiographic margins of the lesion are
difficult to determine. The size of the
.cyst varies from 1 to 8 cm in diameter

Histopathologic features Boso ana haktebo zay mal dr shara7eto lumen lined by stratified squamous-
:7asah easier ml malzama epithelium having coloumnar or cuboidal
layer of cells with their darkly stained
:types 2
nuclei away from the basement
:orthokeratinized-1 membrane. In more solid lesions
significant intraluminal epithelial
regular epithelial lining of stratified- proliferation will fill the cyst lumen, the
sqaumous epithelium 6-8 cells thick epithelial layer is irregular and variable
.arises from a flat basement membrane thickness. Lining is very similar to an
.ameloblastic type of epithelium
the nuclei of the basal cell is away -
from the basement membrane " zay el
"enamel organ
above the basal layer are more loosely-
mitotic index is more than other - arranged epithelial cells that resemble
.cysts .the stellate reticulum of enamel organ
orthokeratinized is less aggressive -
.with much lower rate of recurrence
the epithelium may proliferate, the -
:parakeratinized -2 cells become swollen with hyaline
homogenous cytoplasm that stains
the epithelial lining is irregular with-
deeply eosinophylic. Nuclei undergo
.rete pegs
karyolysis as keratinization progresses
the basal cell are coloumnar - such cells sre called ghost cells clusters
palisade with prominent polarized and of ghost cells may undergo dystrophic
intensly stained nuclei, the cells of the .calcification and become basophyilic
stratum spinosum show intercellular
in other areas of the cyst lining and in-
the surface is corrugated with a -
Odontogenic cysts
parakeratotic surface layer that can be the fibrous connective tissue wall, there
seen shedding individual or clusters may be irregular eosinophyllic masses
.squamous cells into the cyst lumen that are considered by some as
dentinoid if the full thickness of the
the lumen may contain large -
epithelium is affected by the ghost cell
.amount of keratin debris or clear
may be shed into the cavity of the cyst.
include budding of the basal layer - The ghost cells may be broken coming
.into the underlying connective tissue into contact with connective tissue
.component f the cyst
daughter cysts may form within -
connective tissue wall of the cyst, small :Differential diagnosis
or large islands of epithelial cells
Early lesions with no calcification show a
exhibiting central keratinization or
cystic radiolucency that must be
.micro-cyst formation
differentiated from ameloblastoma, later
it forms 85% to 95% of all - when a mixed radiolucent radioopaque
odontogenic keratocysts appearance is present the lesion must
be differentiated from adenomatoid
high index of mitotic division and - .adontogenic tumor
high rate of reccurence 40%

:reasons of recurrence *

thin epithelial lining may fragment -1

and may be partially retained as a weak
attachment between epithelium and
connective tissue leading to seading of
.viable epithelial cells into the tissues

satellite cysts may be left behind in-2

.the bone after the operation

.high mitotic index of the eoithelium-3

treatment .Simple enucleation

Odontogenic cysts

:7agat kont albaha fo2 :D

:Mechanism of enlargement of inflammatory periodontal cyst

Remnants of cellular debris are found within the cyst lumen producing an increase in osmotic pressure of the cystic fluid
as a result of the breakdown of complex tissue proteins into a larger number molecules of more simple proteins. The result is
fluis transport across the epithelial lining and connective tssue that act as a semi permeable membrane, in an attempt to
.equalize the osmotic pressure and so enlargement occurs

The growth stimulates osteoclastic bone resorptin and enlarging the bone cavity and allowing further expansion of the cyst.
Osteoclastic bone resorption also stimulated by bone resorbing factors from inflammatory cells and cellular elements within
.perioheral portion of the lesion

:Microscopic variation in cyst walls of periodontal cyst

Pseusostartified ciliated coloumnar epithelium: this may be seen in periapical cyst of maxillary
.teeth which involve maxillary sinus

Dystrophic calcification: as hemotoxiphyilic calcified deposits may be found in the epithelium and
.connective tissue

(Keratinized lining( ortho or para

Hyaline bodies or rushton bodies: may be found within the epithelial lining ( thin linear curved
bodies amorphous in structure eosinophyilic in reaction). The origin of such bodies is controversial. Some
believe that they are hematogenous origin arising from thrombus formation in some capillaries being
formed chiefly from their red blood cells as a rouleaux phenomenon. Others believe that they have an
..odontogenic origin

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