Rice Content Inventory

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Content Inventory Example

Sarah A. Rice, rice@seneb.com

April, 2004

This is a example of a content inventory format I've used in the past. I decided to actually inventory a real site to provide an example of what an
inventory might look like. It doesn't make sense to provide a tool like this with no real example. The site I chose is http://www.aifia.org
A content inventory shows a number of things:
1. the content hierarchy. The hierarchy is slightly different than what a site map reveals. Where a sitemap shows each distinct page on
a site, a content hierarchy shows the hierarchy of that information. It may be the case that multiple levels of hierarchy are displayed on
a single page. This type of content inventory usually works well with an accompanying site map as well as a couple of representative
wireframes. All 3 things together provide a comprehensive look at a web site.
2. which items within the hierarchy are a distinct page (vs. which items are grouped together on a single page)
3. provides some basic information, such as location, format and content type. Deciding what sort of information should be captured on
an inventory is part of the planning process and should take into consideration what the inventory will be used for. My most recent
project dealt with a site redesign and a cms implementation. This content inventory example is modeled after the deliverables
developed for that project.
For more information about content inventories, see http://webtechniques.com/archives/2001/10/fraser/

About this inventory:

I chose to provide the following information in this content inventory:
name of page
location (url)
format (pdf, word, xls, etc. If this column is blank, assume html)
content type (I didn't fill this in, but it's useful information, especially for a cms migration project)
3rd party content (does the link go off the site being inventoried, is it out of scope for the project, etc)
is content pasword protected?
There are 3 sheets:
1. the intro (you're reading it now)
2. the content inventory
3. a final deliverable (to give you an idea of what the inventory can morph into)

How much detail should an inventory provide?

It depends. What is the nature of the project? What are the goals? What will the inventory be used for once the information has been
gathered and compiled?
For this inventory, I chose to include everything that was a distinct page, and major sections on the page. If links led to other distinct
pages, I usually included them. Some documents (like news items) that were numerous and repititive were grouped together on a
single line (since any migration into a cms might put them in a single location and use a common template).
For my previous project (site redesign and cms implementation), the content inventory was re-arranged and expanded and became a
final deliverable (in conjunction with a site map and wireframes) for implementation. I have included a section of the inventory as it
might look when it morphs into such a document.

Useful excel features

Group & Outline: One of the best features of this type of inventory is that it takes advantage of excel's grouping capability. The plus
and minus signs on the far left column allow you to expand and collapse groups of content. At the top of this column, you'll see a set of
numbers. Clicking on these numbers allows you to expand or collapse all groups which reside on that particular level within the
hierarchy. This feature is especially nice when dealing with large inventories. I prefer grouping over scrolling for line 3006.
How to Group & Outline: This feature is found in Data / Group and Outline / Group in (Excel 2002). Highlight multiple cells within a
single column that you want to group, then choose data/group and outline / group / rows and hit ok. To remove grouping, simply
highlight all rows you wish to ungroup and choose data / group and outline / ungroup. Play with it a little til you get the hang of it. In
order to get it to group the right way, you may need to adjust the settings (Data / Group and Outline / Settings)
Split Screen: when an inventory grows, I find it helpful to use the "split screen" feature (Window / Split) so that I can view different
columns more easily (sometime I want to see column A-C and AA-AC simultaneously. The double split screen allows me to do so.)
You can split the screen into 2 sections or 4. SImply keep chooseing window/split until you get the configuration you want.

Just because I have done inventories this way doesn't mean this is the definitive way to do them. This is just one of many ways, using
one of many tools. Make sure you take into account the nature of your project, the goal of the inventory, your audience, the technology
available to you and any other influencing factors as you craft your own inventory.
Most inventories are done in collaboration with others (stakeholders, other team members, consultants, etc), usually to ensure that it is
thorough and complete (especially if you are doing an exhausive one). This one was not done in collaboration with stakeholders, so
there may be content that is hidden or placed in sections where it might not actually live. Please remember that this is an example (and
was done for free). Glean from it what you need in order to do the project you are working on...

Thanks to Joanne Mendel for her contribution to my understanding of content inventories.
Project Name | Content Inventory
Page ID Level 1 Level 2 Leve 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Current Format Content 3rd Party Login
Number Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title URL Type Content Required

Text Color Key

Black Text: Page level content, or links that aren't in the left nav.
Green Text: Cross link (represented elsewhere on spreadsheet or on site
Red Text: outstanding questions

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/IAforBizAndTech_6x8.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/IAforBizAndTech_6x8.pdf
/IAforBizAndTech_8.5x11.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/IAforBizAndTech_8.5x11.pdf
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Books Devoted to Information Architecture
Information Architecture (in Italian) by Laura Caprio and Beatrice Ghiglionehttp://www.informationarchitecture.it/news/out_2003-10-20.shtml
Information Architecture: An Emerging 21st Century Profession by Earlhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0130967467/theasilomarin-20
Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web by Christina Wodtke http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/0735712506/theasilomarin-20
Information Architecture: Designing Information Environments for Purpose http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1856044874/theasilomarin-20
by Alan Gilchrist
Information Architecture for Designers: Structuring Websites for Business http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/2880467314/theasilomarin-20
Success by Peter Van Dijck
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Louis Rosenfeld and http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0596000359/theasilomarin-20
Peter Morville
Practical Information Architecture: A Hands-On Approach to Structuringhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201725908/theasilomarin-20
Successful Websites by Eric L. Reiss
Books Including Information About InformationArchitecture
The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web by http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0735712026/theasilomarin-20
Jesse James Garrett
Mapping Websites: Digital Media Design by Paul Kahn, Krzysztof Lenkhttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/2880464641/theasilomarin-20
Proven Portals: Best Practices for Planning, Designing, and Developinghttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0321125207/theasilomarin-20
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IAsk Community Surveys http://argus-acia.com/iask/index.html
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Leadership Seminar http://aifia.org/calendar/000053.php
Survey Notes
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Project Name | Final Deliverable Example
Page ID Level 1 Level 2 Leve 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Current Format
Number Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title Page Title URL

Fill Color Key Text Color Key

Blue Fill: distinct page Black Text: Page level content, or links that aren't in the left nav.
Yellow Fill: wiki page Green Text: Cross link (represented elsewhere on spreadsheet or on site
Rose Fill: form Red Text: outstanding questions
Purple Fill: AIfIA site

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Fundamental Concepts of Reuse
Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy
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Introduction to IA Brochures
/IAforBizAndTech_6x8.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/IAforB
/IAforBizAndTech_8.5x11.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/IAforB
Design Review Checksheets
DesignReviewChecksheets.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/Desig
Design Review Process
DesignReviewProcess.doc http://aifia.org/tools/download/Desig
Design Scope
DesignScope.doc http://aifia.org/tools/download/Desig
Project Overview
ProjectOverview.doc doc
Creative Brief
CreativeBrief.doc http://aifia.org/tools/download/Creat
Project Definition and Scope
ProjectDefinitionandScope.doc http://aifia.org/tools/download/Proje
Process Maps
DesignProcess_color.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/Desig
ExperienceDesignFlow_bw.pdf http://aifia.org/tools/download/Exper
Elevator Pitches http://www.aifia.org/tools/elevatorpit
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Livia Labate
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