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READING PART 5: Read the text below and choose the correct word (A, B, C or
D) for each space.
1. London Parks
London is famous (1) ... its parks and gardens. Some of them belong to the Crown
but they are all open to the public and the entrance is free of charge. In St James's
Park you can watch and (2) ... swans, ducks, geese and other water birds. Hyde
Park (3) ... to be a hunting ground and is still popular with horse riders.
Those who like a good argument should go to the Speakers' Corner to listen to
individuals (4) ... their speeches on various subjects. Regent's Park now houses
London Zoo and open-air theatre where Shakespeare's plays are staged in summer.
Not (5) ... the parks are in the city centre. Greenwich and Richmond are located in
the suburbs. All these areas of green give the city dwellers an excellent (6) ... to
enjoy some peace and quiet away from traffic and crowded streets.
1. A) by B) for C) from D) with
2. A) feed B) eat C) breed D) lead
3. A) should B) ought C) used D) have
4. A) doing B) giving C) taking D) talking
5. A) each B) whole C) every D) all
6. A) chance B) knowledge C) account D) source
2. Different Religions
From our earliest days, many people have believed in a power or powers greater
than themselves. This belief is known as religion. In ancient times, it was a way
to (1) ... sense of the mysteries of the (2) ... world; evil spirits were thought to be
responsible (3) ... bad weather and disease, for instance. Ancient peoples felt that
they had a measure of control over their lives when they made offerings and
prayed to friendly spirits, whom they believed could help them win battles or 4) ...
better crops.
Even today, when people know the scientific explanations for such things as
thunder or the eruption of volcanoes, (5) ... look to religion to explain some of the
other hard-to-understand things which we experience as humans – things like the
purpose of life or the reasons for tragedies. Although most religions spring from


the same basic human need to (6) ... in a great power or powers, the ideas,
practices, and traditions that religions involve can be very different.
1. A) make B) do C) take D) give
2. A) customary B) essential C) typical D) natural
3. A) of B) for C) by D) in
4. A) breed B) gain C) rise D) grow
5. A) many B) lots C) plenty D) much
6. A) consider B) admit C) accept D) believe
3. Elephants
When you think about the (1) ... of an elephant do you think of their amazing
trunks, beautiful ivory tusks, their large flapping ears, or just their immense size?
As you may already know, elephants are the largest land animals in the world
today. (2) ... part of their anatomy is helpful to the elephant to survive in their
environment. But it is the elephant's trunk that is the (3) ... important to them.
Because their trunk has over 40,000 muscles, it allows the elephant to move their
trunk in many different positions, and gives them the ability to grasp and to (4) ...
up objects. Their trunks are also very strong. In (5) ..., they could uproot large trees
from the ground if they needed to. The elephants also use their trunks to
communicate with, and for their sense of smell. Even though an elephant has a
total of 24 sharp teeth, they only (6) ... to use two or three of these teeth at the same
1. A) marks B) points C) features D) articles
2. A) None B) Both C) Each D) All
3. A) best B) most C) more D) worst
4. A) pick B) go C) raise D) grow
5. A) order B) fact C) advance D) case
6. A) make B) do C) set D) put
4. Stop the Invaders
Even if you take good (1) ... of your body, you can still get sick sometimes. Germs
can invade even a healthy body! Getting sick can make you feel miserable, but
there are some things that you can do to help yourself get better quickly and be

more comfortable. The first thing to do when you are not feeling well is to (2) ...
your parents know.
Sometimes it is hard to tell whether you have a cold, the flu, or something more
serious. So your parents may take you to the doctor. Your doctor can (3) ... tests
that will let you know what is making you sick. You may be sick because of
bacteria. Strep throat is an (4) ... of an illness caused by bacteria. If bacteria has
made you sick, your doctor (5) ... give you antibiotics. Antibiotics are medicines
that are designed to help your body get rid (6) ... the bacteria that is making you
1. A) care B) responsibility C) attention D) trouble
2. A) admit B) permit C) let D) allow
3. A) do B) put C) carry D) follow
4. A) case B) model C) symbol D) example
5. A) have B) will C) is D) had
6. A) for B) from C) of D) in
Where Were LOGO Bricks Invented?
In 1932, a carpenter named Ole Kirk Kristiansen started a company in Billund,
Denmark, that (1) ... wood stepladders, ironing boards, and toys. He named the
company LEGO, a word (2) ... by combining the first two letters of leg and godt,
the Danish word (3) ... "play well". Soon, Kristiansen was making only high-
quality toys out of wood.
After World War II, LEGO started producing plastic toys. In 1949, the company
launched Automatic Binding Bricks, its first interlocking construction blocks. In
the 1950s, the name was changed to LEGO bricks, and the company came out with
the LEGO System of Play, which included 28 sets and 8 vehicles. It (4) ... began
selling the toys (5) ... of Denmark for the first time. In 1958, LEGO received a
patent for the modern bricks so famous today. The new bricks not only had studs
on top, but tubes inside that lock onto the studs of (6) ... bricks and hold them
securely together.

1. A) did B) turned C) reached D) made

2. A) formed B) organisedC) sorted D) regulated


3. A) from B) for C) to D) after

4. A) too B) either C) also D) above

5. A) outside B) apart C) away D) outdoors

6. A) next B) another C) other D) others

6. Book Recommendation

I found Escape from the Moon by Jack Jones very exciting, and I really enjoyed
reading it. It's a story about a boy called Toby who goes on a journey to (1)
……..for his friend Josh. It wasn't what I had expected, although I am interested in
science fiction. I thought this story would be like films I had seen, but I (2)
…………..after a few pages that it was more interesting than a film.

Toby goes to many places and times. He (3) ………….his knowledge with
different (4) ………………..of people and learns new skills from them. Then he
moves on. The last part of the book describes the meeting between Toby and Josh
when they are both caught by some space criminals from the future. But that's
enough information from me (5) …………………..I don't want to spoil it for you.
It's really quite (6) ……………., too, with some excellent jokes about time travel
in it.

1. A. look B. ask C. follow D. find

2. A. showed B. realised C. explained D. believed

3. A. adds B. joins C. shares D. divides

4. A. qualities B. kinds C. variety D. range

5. A. unless B. when C. because D. if

6. A. funny B. shocking C. sad D. frigtening

7. Mountain Climbing

The Himalayas are the best-known mountain range (1) ……the world and Mt
Everest, with a (2) ……of 8,800 m is the highest mountain. Since Edmund Hillary
made the first ascent in 1953 mountaineers (3) ……many countries have managed
to climb to the peak.


Normally they (4) ……… take oxygen cylinders to help them breathe and other
special equipment, including ropes to (5) ………themselves to each other. It's a
dangerous sport and many people have lost their lives, not just on the way (6)……
but during the descent as well.

1. A. for B. in C. on D. at

2. A. measure B. high C. tall D. height

3. A. from B. by C. for D. with

4. A. give B. keep C. go D. need

5. A. follow B. connect C. match D. give

6. A. down B. over C. up D. below


There are many different kinds of computer game. Casual games are quick and
easy to play. People can pick up and play the game (1)………….they have a spare
minute or two. You can find them on your mobile phone and on your computer.
They include popular games (2)…………Solitaire, Chess and Candy Crush (3)
…….type of game is serious games. These games are designed to teach players
something useful. One of the longest-running serious games is Microsoft Flight
Simulator. It was made in 1982, and since then, many (4)…………have used it to
learn to fly planes. Other games teach police and firefighters what to do in an

Language learning software does not typically fall into this (5) ……., however.
These are educational games. In recent years, an increasing number of games have
been created to (6) ………the player’s skills and knowledge. They help younger
kids learn to count and spell and teach older kids about mathematics and science.

1. A. whenever B. since C. during D. while

2. A. example B. like C. such D. as

3. A. different B. other C. another D. one


4. A. pensioners B. pilots C. writers D. poets

5. A. system B. way C. game D. group

6. A. decrease B. improve C. change D. make


Film Information Online

One of the best websites I have ever visited (1) …..the Internet is called IMDb.
The website (2) ……… easy to see (3) ………..latest news about TV and films.
(4)……..are lots of pages with interesting posts and (5) …….categories to choose

Unfortunately, there are many advertisements, and some of (6) ………can be

annoying. However, I love this site, as it creates your watch lists. It has (7)
……..detailed information about famous actors. Also, you can see (8) ……the
latest films will be released.

To sum up, I would recommend this site to (9) …… lovers, as you will find
lots of interest things.

Plus, it is attractive to look at and very easy to find things. I would suggest that you
turn (10) …….the pop-up ads.

1. A. at B. by C. in D. on

2. A. goes B. has C. does D. makes

3. A. a B. this C. an D. the

4. A. There B. These C. Those D. Their

5. A. much B. many C. number D. lots

6. A. those B. these C. their D. there

7. A. already B. well C. just D. also

8. A. that B. when C. why D. what


9. A. much B. all C. many D. lots

10. A. in B. over C. off D. out


After the talk at school, we have discussed a (1)……..about if single or mixed-sex

schools are better. (2)…………students say that it would be better for girls and
boys not to study together. However, I think mixed-sex classrooms are the best
way (3)………..all of us.

Firstly, girls and boys (4)……….not always have a bad effect on each other. (5)
……fact, the opposite is often true as girls can calm (6)……..boys in the
classroom. Also, the sense of competition boys (7)…… the classroom can make
girls study harder.

Secondly, schools help us prepare (8)………the life outside school and our future
workplaces will not separate us along gender lines. Therefore, we need to practice
working with the opposite sex today if we are going to be any (9)…….at it in the

In the end, mixed-sex classrooms will not (10)……….everyone happy, but we

must learn how to work together because we will be doing it for a long time to

1. A. number B. lots C. lot D. few

2. A. Many B. Much C. May D. More

3. A. from B. for C. fore D. four

4. A. do B. let C. make D. have

5. A. At B. In C. A D. On

6. A. up B. round C. down D. over

7. A. have B. take C. bring D. give

8. A. for B. to C. from D. at

9. A. happy B. lovely C. better D. good


10. A. have B. give C. make D. do


Saving a tree

In late 1997, the Pacific Lumber Company was planning to cut down a 600-year-
old, 61-metre-tall redwood tree in California, USA. To (1)……..the tree, people
camped in tents near it but, as winter (2)………, they went home. Tree lover Julia
Hill decided that she had to stay to (3)…….the company cutting down the tree, so
she climbed it. Julia's 'home' was a 2-by-3-metre tree house where she slept,
cooked meals and (4)……….interviews on her phone. Friends visited her nightly
and (5)…….her with food in a bucket. (6)………..she had thought she might stay
up (7)……….for perhaps a month, she stayed much longer. (8)………two years,
Julia had (9)………famous all over the world. It ended on December 17. 1999.
The Pacific Lumber Company received $50,000, and the tree was (10)…….to live.
Finally, Julia was able to climb down and go home.

1. A. protect B. ensure C. hold D. care

2. A. approached B. entered C. closed D. reached

3. A. control B. get C. stop D. check

4. A. spoke B. told C. gave D. announced

5. A. offered B. supplied C. produced D. arranged

6. A. Since B. Although C. Except D. When

7. A. there B. that C. this D. then

8. A. Along B. Above C. After D. Across

9. A. recognised B. turned C. become D. acted

10. A. allowed B. let C. caused D. made


The ability to make a work (1)……art is one of the most creative things anyone (2)
………do. It doesn't matter, whether it is a painter creating a landscape painting,

(3)………a sculptor carving a marble statue, as all artists share the same passion to
capture a moment in (4)……… that has inspired them.

(5)…………..artist needs to start somewhere. The moment may be (6)…….home

with their first painting set, or in their first art class, but when it comes it will never
leave them. However, (7)……….is unique for every artist is the journey that drives
(8)…………….to complete their creation.

There are some artists who just (9)………..their art at home, whereas others try to
earn a living from it. You can take a visit to the local galleries to purchase one. If
you are fortunate, you may find yourself (10)………bargain. And who knows this
artist may be the next Picasso or Van Gogh?

1. A. at B. in C. on D. of

2. A. have B. has C. need D. can

3. A. or B. as C. but D. and

4. A. those B. there C. their D. this

5. A. Several B. Numbers C. Few D. Every

6. A. at B. on C. from D. in

7. A. why B. what C. when D. where

8. A. their B. there C. them D. it

9. A. give B. get C. take D. keep

10. A. an B. the C. one D. a

13. The Netherlands
Welcome to the Netherlands, a tiny country that only extends, at its broadest, 312
km north to south, and 264 km east to west - (1) ... the land area increases slightly
each year as a (2) ... of continuous land reclamation and drainage. With a lot of
heart and much to offer, 'Holland,' as it is (3) ... known to most of us abroad - a
name stemming (4) ... its once most prominent provinces - has more going on per
kilometre than most countries, and more English-speaking natives. You'll be
impressed by its (5) ... cities and charmed by its countryside and villages, full of


contrasts. From the exciting variety (6) ... offer, you could choose a romantic canal
boat tour in Amsterdam, a Royal Tour by coach in The Hague, or a hydrofoil tour
around the biggest harbour in the world - Rotterdam. In season you could visit the
dazzling bulb fields, enjoy a full day on a boat, or take a bike tour through the
pancake-flat countryside spiced with windmills. The possibilities are countless and
the nationwide tourist office, which is on hand to give you information and (7) ...
reservations. You'll have (8) ... language problems here, as the Dutch are true
linguists and English is spoken here almost universally.

1. A) so B) despite C) in spite of D) although

2. A) whole B) consequently C) rule D) result

3. A) regularly B) occasionally C) commonly D) unusually

4. A) in B) from C) on D) of

5. A) historic B) historical C) historically D) historian

6. A) at B) in C) on D) for

7. A) sit B) catch C) do D) make

8. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little

14. The Story of Gold
The story of gold is an adventure involving kings, queens, pirates, explorers,
conquerors, and the native peoples they conquered. Throughout history, gold has
woven a magic spell over those it touched. Gold is beautiful and rare; a soft shiny metal
that can be moulded into many (1) ... . It has been used for money, jewellery, and to
decorate special buildings such (2) ... palaces and places of worship. (3) ... the precious
metal was discovered, prospectors rushed to mine it, starting new cities and countries
as they went. Gold and the people who love it have helped shape the world we
live (4) ... today. Gold is one of many elements, or substances that cannot be changed
by normal chemical means, that are found in the Earth's crust. Gold has a warm, sunny
colour and (5) ... it does not react (6) ... air, water, and most chemicals, its shine never
fades. In its natural (7) ... , gold is soft and easily shaped. When heated to 1,062 Celsius
it melts and can be poured into moulds to form coins, gold bars, and other objects.
Stories have been told, movies (8) ... and legends born about the discovery of the
world's great gold deposits. It is a saga of dreams, greed, ambition and exploration.

1. A) formats B) outlines C) shapes D) lines


2. A) as B) like C) many D) to

3. A) Whoever B) However C) Forever D) Wherever

4. A) at B) in C) for D) on

5. A) yet B) despite C) because D) so

6. A) with B) in C) of D) at

7. A) estateB) stage C) state D) position

8. A) done B) made C) composed D) built

READING PART 6: For each question, write the correct answer.

Use only one word in each gap.
1. Our Holiday in Spain
Our trip to Spain was wonderful! First, we flew to Valencia, one of the (1) ............
beautiful cities in Spain. It's a nice and elegant port city. We stayed at Hampton by
Hilton there for three nights. We went sightseeing and just relaxed at the
swimming pool.
From Valencia, we flew to Ibiza, arriving (2) .................... Saturday morning. We
went to Las Salinas, (3) ........................... is one of the most popular beaches in
Ibiza. The next day, we had a go (4) ..................... water skiing or parasailing. One
night, we took a bus tour to a traditional Ibizan village and stayed for dinner and a
Flamenco show. We heard Spanish songs for voice and guitar, and we saw
traditional dances - it (5) ........................ a very special evening.
From Sant Jordi, we drove to San Rafael. We stayed there for two nights. The very
next day, we drove back to Ibiza and flew back to Valencia. We plan to come back
to Spain soon, (6) ....................... for now, we're on our way to Portugal!
2. My New House
Guess what! We moved to a new house last week. It's really great! It has two
floors. On the ground floor (1) ....................... is a spacious living room with a
stone fireplace. Next (2) ........................... the living room we have a big kitchen.
My mum likes spending her time there, as she loves cooking.


We have a bathroom on each floor. I'm very happy (3) ........................ I have my

own room. It's on the first floor, opposite my brother's bedroom. And my parents'
bedroom is on the second floor. We also have a beautiful garden in front of the
house. There aren't (4) ................trees or bushes in it because my mum loves tulips.
That's why this garden is full (5) ....................... tulips!
We also have a small backyard behind the house. It's a place (6) .................. I
usually spend my free time and play with my friends. But I can't ride a bike or play
with my dog there.
3. Something About Me
I'm Oliver and I live in a house with my parents, two sisters - Sophia and Alice and
a dog. We live near the railway station but my school is (1) ................... far from
my house to go on foot so it takes me about 25 minutes to get there (2) ..................
bus. There's a big park with green lawns opposite our house but there aren't any
My grandparents live in a small cottage (3) ................... the country. I often go to
visit them with my parents. When the weather's good, I go mountain biking in the
forest. There's also a big lake, (4) ...................... the whole family can sail a boat on
it. I love spending holidays with my grandparents.
Art is (5) .................... of my favorite subjects in school. I really enjoy painting and
drawing. My parents have a big collection of my landscape paintings. I'm going to
be (6) ......................... artist and have my own studio. I will not be a doctor like
Mum because it's a very difficult job. And I don't want to be an accountant like
Dad. Working in an office is not for me!
4. Saint Patrick's Day
It was really interesting to read (1) ...................... you celebrate the last day of
Carnival (Mardi Gras) in Italy. I'd love to come to see you at that time one year to
enjoy it. I'd like to tell you (2) ....................... our national Irish holiday that we
celebrate on the 17th of March, the traditional day of St Patrick's death.
It is celebrated in more countries than any (3) ..................... national festival. The
Irish usually go to church in the morning and then take part in a parade. Drinking,
dancing and music (4) ..................... also part of the festivities later in the day. You
can see the colour green everywhere. People paint their faces green, wear green
clothes and they even eat green food.
In Chicago, where people celebrate that day as (5) ........................, they even dye
the Chicago River bright green. The St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin is now part


of a five-day festival. Last year, more (6) ................... 500,000 people attended the

5. Beautiful Scotland
We're in Scotland! We're staying in a hotel in the centre of Edinburgh. We don't
usually come to Scotland on holiday, but we're having a wonderful time here. The
sun's shining (1) .................. the moment, so Mum and Dad are eating ice cream in
a cafe. My brother's writing postcards and I'm sitting in an internet cafe just round
the corner (2) ........................ our hotel.
Scotland is very beautiful but the weather is awful. It often rains in Scotland, but it
isn't raining today. (3) ……………... we are on holiday we always go to a different
place every day and we visit famous buildings, old castles (4) ................ historic
Last week we went to Loch Ness but we didn't see the monster, unfortunately. My
brother often (5) .................... photos of everything and Mum always writes a
diary. I'm sending you some photographs with this email and I hope you
like (6) ..............

Many universities around the world are proud to (1)…………..long histories and
strong traditions. However, very few universities can claim to be among the oldest
in the world.

According (2)…………..the Guinness Book of World Records, the University of

AI-Karaouine in Fes, Morocco, is the oldest surviving university in the world. It
was probably founded in 859 and became a famous place to study natural sciences.
In 1957, after (3)…………………than 1,000 years as a university, AI-Karaouine
added mathematics, physics, chemistry, and various foreign languages to (4)
…………….traditional list of subjects for study.

Today there are (5)……………..many universities that students don't need to go

far to study. They (6)…………..sure to find one close to home.

Hi James,

Thanks for your letter. It (1)……………….been a busy year at school, so I am

looking forward to having a bit of a break soon.


Next term, we also have to choose between ICT and DT. I love both subjects, but I
think ICT (2)………………be more useful for me in the future.

However, if it is too difficult for me, I can switch back to DT. My advice to you (4)
…………… to choose the subject that you (5)…………..the best and of course
the one with the best teacher.

Last year, my ICT teacher was so boring, and we didn't learn anything. It was a
complete waste of time! I hope this helps with your decision. Let me (6)
……………what you decide to do.

All the best,


Dear Peter,

Thanks for writing. It was so lovely to hear (1)………… again.

In my country, I think the (2)……………..important day is the first day of spring

when we welcome the new season. First, we have breakfast. We have special bread
with cinnamon, honey, cakes and fruit as (3)……………as sweet milk. There are
coins in the bread and the people who get (4)…………receive a gift.

After breakfast, we visit relatives and play games. Some people go around houses,
playing music, and people give them money. In the evening, (5)…………..are fires
in the town square to say goodbye to winter. Some people wear costumes and
dance. (6) …………….you celebrate a special day in your country?

Your friend,

If you would like a cheap new bike for Christmas, you may want to buy Stephen
Jones' fantastic bicycle. Guess what? It (1)………….made of cardboard, and it's
water-resistant too!

The inventor came (2)…………..with the idea after reading about a boat made of
cardboard. Stephen's biggest problem was making a bike that was strong enough


(3)………….anyone to ride. After many tests, he found out that if he folded the
cardboard in a certain way, it would (4)…………….much stronger.

Most cyclists need to use (5)……………..bikes in wet weather, so he had to work

out ways to protect the bike from water. The answer was to spray it with a special
waterproof substance.

(6)………….the result is a bike that looks and feels like it is made of lightweight
plastic. Steve's next project is to create a plane out of cardboard too.

New Year is one of the most popular festivals in the world, even though it is
celebrated (1)………….different times in different ways. In many western
countries, people get together with family and friends on December 31 to eat,
drink, and dance as they wait for January 1. Some of the biggest parties (2)
…………held on New Year's Eve. In many cities, crowds gather in the centre of
town to welcome the new year at midnight (3)…………fireworks.

For many Asian countries like China, Taiwan, and Vietnam, the New Year is based
on a lunar calendar. The date changes from year to year, but usually falls (4)
………..January 21 and February 21. It is traditionally seen as a time for family
reunions, with people travelling across the country and from overseas. Many
people wear red clothes, as it is thought to be a lucky colour. They also give "lucky
money" in red envelopes to friends and family, and (5)……………off firecrackers
to scare away bad luck. What's common among these celebrations is the meaning
of the new year; it is a time to (6)…………goodbye to the past and to think about
new beginnings.

Hi Harry,

Thanks for your email. I love music too, and I download a lot of tracks (1)
……………the Internet. I like finding out about different kinds of music, and I
listen to rock, dance music and pop music.

At the (2)……………I enjoy listening to the Ariana Grande. She on my phone all
the time! I've seen (3)………….in concert as well. It was a great experience, and I
loved it (4)…………she really entertained the crowd.

By the (5)……………, I play the guitar too, but I play the bass guitar. I've taught
myself how to play and this year. I'll join a band because I think I can play well (6)

I'll write again soon.


Hi Alex,

Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party on Saturday. It is incredible to

think that a year has passed (1)……………your last one.

I know your party starts at 3 o'clock, but I might be a bit late (2)………………I
have an important exam at school at 1 o'clock. I'm not sure of the directions (3)
………….your new house, so please send me the address and how to get there. I
don't want to get lost (4)………………the way.

I am (5)……………shopping at the mall tomorrow, so it would be great if you

could give me an idea of what you want for your birthday. Let me know (6)
………….you want me to bring anything too.

I look forward to seeing you again.

All the best,


Dear Sam,

Thanks very much for your email. It was great to hear from you again.

You asked me (1)……………… new school. Well, the school has more than
1000 students, and the buildings are very large. I got lost a few times at the
beginning (2)………….term! But it's a lovely school. The other students in my
class very friendly, and most of the teachers are not (3)……………strict.


There are several clubs to (4)………….to after school. I am going to join two of
them - the volleyball club (5)………….the art club. I think I will enjoy (6)

Take care and see you soon,


Dear Will,

I hope you are well. So, I have finally returned to Thailand after three years away
(1)……………the UK.

It is amazing to be back in Bangkok after so long. I have really missed the place.
The traffic is still pretty bad, but they (2)…………improved the subway system.
So, it's easier to get around.

Last night, I went out to a nightclub (3)……… friends. The music was better
than it used to be. It was a great night out.

My parents sold their house, so we are outside the city. It is quieter at night (4)
…………..before, and it is only a two-minute walk to the subway.

I am staying here (5)……………..a month and then go to Japan for a year to work
as an English Teacher. I hope you can make (6)……………….to Bangkok one

All the best,

15. Cats
Cats of all kinds are present in the legends, religion, mythology, and history
of (1) .................. different cultures. Cave paintings created by early humans
display different types of wild cats (2) ........................... are now extinct, or no
longer around. Many of these great beasts saw humans as food, but were hunted by
humans in return. Cats similar (3) ..................... the ones kept as pets today started
showing up in artwork thousands of years ago. For example, the ancient Egyptians
believed cats were the sacred, or special, animal of a goddess named Bast. They
believed that Bast often appeared as a cat, so many ancient Egyptians respected


and honoured cats and kittens. (4) ......................., other cultures feared cats or

thought that they brought illnesses and bad luck. Today, with millions kept as pets
in homes around the world, cats have become important members of many
families. No one knows for sure when or (5) ............................ cats became very
popular household pets. It's possible that people noticed how cats hunted mice and
rats, (6) ............................ they set food and milk out to keep the cats near their
homes. This helped to prevent (7) ....................... many of these
rodents (8) ......................... coming into homes and eating people's food or
spreading sickness.
16. Gutenberg
Before Gutenberg (1394 – 1468), all books had to be copied by hand. The so-
called ‘manuscripts’ of medieval times were laboriously hand-written, usually by
monks (1) ........................ devoted years (2) ......................... the work. Earlier
attempts had been made to produce printing ‘blocks’. The designs on playing
cards (3) ........................ example were carved from wooden blocks which were
inked and then printed onto cards. There are even examples of whole pages in
books being hand carved and printed. Gutenberg however came up with the idea of
printing using, not whole page blocks, but letter blocks. (4) ......................... he was
a goldsmith (5) ........................... trade, he knew how to mould metal into whatever
shape was needed. He made thousands of tiny blocks of
‘type’, (6) ......................with a letter raised on it, which could be lined up and
clamped into position in a ‘forme’ (page block). The type could be linked, paper
laid on top, and the whole thing compressed by turning a handle. When released,
the paper had the page printed on it. Years of work went into this invention.
Gutenberg (7) ........................... to make the letters, develop an ink which would
cling to metal (most didn’t), build the forme, and above (8) …………………. find
the money to do all this while not working as a goldsmith.


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