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Technical Note #13

Background Filtering in Fiber Optic Raman

Sampling Probes

Introduction configuration, one fiber is attached to with little attenuation from the fiber;
the laser excitation source and illumi- however the light output also contains

aman spectroscopy is a unique nates the sampling area. The other Raman bands arising from the silica
technique that is complemen- fiber collects the scattered light and fiber material itself. After excitation of
tary to infrared absorption transmits the energy to the spec- the sample, the large majority of
spectroscopy. For remote analyses, the trograph. The collection of light can scattered light intensity is at the same
Raman experiment has an advantage in be amplified by using more collection frequency as the incident laser beam
that it can be performed at wavelengths fibers or improving the overlap between (Rayleigh line). After collection and
shorter than the “mid-IR” region, excitation and collection fibers by subsequent transmission through a
enabling the measurement of funda- adding focussing optics. second fiber, the silica Raman bands
mental vibrational modes with more are significantly more intense than the
efficient fiber optic materials. For bands arising from a typical sample.
instance, when using an excitation Fiber Background Other than using spectral subtraction
source in the visible or near-IR region, after the measurement, there is no way

silica fiber optics are able to efficiently ilica fiber optics are readily to remove these interfering bands or
transmit the laser light and collect the available for transmission in the “fiber background” from the resulting
scattered radiation from the sample. near-IR and visible regions of data. Depending upon the scattering
the spectrum. In the Raman experi- intensity from the sample and the
The simplest design of a fiber optic ment, a laser source is shone through a length of the fiber optics, the silica
Raman probe consists of two single fiber optic cable. At the opposite end background can completely overwhelm
fibers mounted closely together. In this of the fiber, the laser line is transmitted the resulting spectrum.

A thorough method to remove fiber

background from a Raman spectrum is
precise optical filtering. The filtering is
a two step process since the bands must
be filtered/prevented from both fibers;
this is achieved by incorporating
Unfiltered Fiber Bundle various filters between the excitation
and collection fibers. These optics
allow only the laser line to impinge
upon the sample and also efficiently

remove the Rayleigh line before the

scattered light is transmitted through
the collection fiber.

400 900 1400 1900

Raman shift (cm -1)
Raman spectra of naphthalene
measured with filtered and
unfiltered fiber optic probes.

Copyright 1999 InPhotonics, Inc.

• The coaxial design ensures maxi-
mum overlap between excitation and
collection fibers by using a common
Collection Fiber Long-pass Mirror ; lens; the excitation and collection
(200 µm) fibers are imaged to the same point
in space.
• Having a focussed beam enables
precise positioning of the sampling
Excitation Fiber location; measurements can be made
(90 µm) Band-pass Dichroic through a thick glass container by
Laser path focussing beyond the vessel’s walls.
Scattering path
• Single fibers can be extended by
Common path direct coupling to an additional fiber;
this also enables broken probe cables
Focussing and filtering optics to be salvaged.
within the RamanProbe.

Coaxial Design with Efficient

sample, onto the outgoing fiber. All of nfiltered bundle probes are
Filtering these optics are contained in a 0.5” feasible over very short

(25.4 mm) diameter stainless-steel lengths (e.g. < 1 m) and when
he RamanProbeTM is based on a housing, ideal for hand-held use and
patented design (U.S. Patent measuring highly scattering samples.
amenable to custom modifications. In cases where scattering is weak and
5,112,127) that optimizes
optical throughput while completely longer cable lengths are required (e.g.
The filtering in the RamanProbe is so 100 m or more), a coaxial probe with
removing fiber background. It is a efficient that the complete spectral
coaxial, two-fiber probe; one fiber is efficient filtering can provide high
range, including laser line, can be quality Raman spectra without any
used for excitation and another for imaged onto a CCD chip without
collection. The overlap between the silica background. The RamanProbe
additional filtering in the spectrometer. incorporates a minimum number of
two fiber ends is optimized by using a The optical components are able to
lens to both focus the laser and collect optical components in a small, robust
withstand elevated temperatures (ca. probe-head for optimum performance
the scattered radiation. 200oC) and, with the addition of an and experimental versatility.
extension tube, can be moved further
The beam path is shown in the accom- away from the sample for even higher
panying diagram. At the end of the temperature applications.
excitation fiber, a lens is used to
collimate the laser light. A band-pass
filter removes the silica Raman bands,
transmitting only pure laser light. The Single-Fiber Versus Bundle
dichroic filter also transmits the laser Collection
line to be focussed by another lens onto

the sample. The same lens gathers the coaxial probe has numerous If you would like additional copies of this note,
light that is scattered 180o from the advantages over a bundle or if you would like to speak with a member of
laser direction (backscattering geom- design: our technical staff, please contact us at:
etry). The collected signal is then • Having optical filters in the colli-
reflected by the dichroic filter through mated beam path between the
a long-pass filter assembly that trans- collection and excitation fibers is the
mits only the Stokes scattered light. most effective way to eliminate fiber
This last filter set attenuates the background.
Rayleigh band by a factor of 108, 111 Downey Street
thereby preventing the observation of • Light leakage between the excitation Norwood, MA 02062
silica Raman bands that would arise in and collection fibers (known as Tel. (781)440-0202
the collection fiber. Finally, another “cross-talk”) is not possible since the Fax (781)551-0283

lens is used to focus the light, now fibers are inherently isolated from
consisting of bands only from the each other.

Copyright 1999 InPhotonics, Inc.

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