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...ok, so what is this exactly?

A reflection log... ok... so I can use the reflection log to document and reflect on my contri-
butions to the group, the struggles my group faced, connections to theory in different ar-
eas, the way groups work, elements of collaboration, etc. Evidence can consist of written
entries, photographs, videos, artwork, communication between you and your group.
Reflections can be honest and personal. Challenges and struggles can and should be seen
as part of the learning process.
In Week 4.5, I will submit my Reflection Log for a preliminary check.
During Week 4.6, I will have a one-on-one meeting with James in which I will do a professional
presentation of my reflection log.

• A 15-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions from James

• A professional presentation about my experience and learning (practiced, not
reading, etc.) that comes from my reflection log.
• If my submitted Reflection Log and/or presentation are/is not adequate, you
will be asked to complete a reflective writing assignment. This is the re-sit; if the writing assign-
ment is insufficient, the re-sit is the following school year.

Ok then... let’s start, äns! :)

So first of all, as I know that someone (hi James) will read these
thoughts I will write this in a way like I am texting someone (again hi
James)... it will make this whole writing thing much more fun for me.

MESSAGE 24/03/21 16:06

Actually, I already started texting you James, but in a Whatsapp group
where I am the only participant... lol. It is not my biggest strength to
writing on a regular basis, so I thought it would make more sense to
send myself WhatsApp messages and voice recordings to capture my
thoughts faster and more deeply. And on days off, I take the time to
transform my bullet points into a Real Story.
/2 1
13 6 /02 Today was our first coach meet with u, James and
it was actally not as tough as I thought it would be.
I don’t know what I have expected, but I actually enjoyed it! Like having a

personal conversation with 4 other people, being able to ask anything that comes

to my mind - a totally different vibe than in a lecture.

Before we had the meet with u, we met a POWERPOD meet... we wanted to show u that we did prepare
ourselves for the meet... at least the handbook gave me the feeling as if this was like an important meet
where we have to shine. Anyways, something I learned in the last half of a year at uni, in tutor hour and the
participation council O&O, is creating an agenda and a minute page, which is a quite professional thing to do.
Plus it supports the leader in the meet - Plus you can always look back on what you talked about. The PowerPod
really liked that idea and apparently, we receive positive feedback from you too.

In the meet, you dropped open-answer-questions about the big idea and what exactly the value of it is,
which was tbh super cool, because I couldn’t even tell, at that point, what this big idea is actually about.
After the meet, I started to realize what the idea of a coach is and how it benefits our development
in critical thinking on our projects.

Sometimes I just float on all the “workload”, just doing my tasks as good as I can and don’t give
my intention to questioning things, philosophising and getting to the bottom of meaning...
which is actually very important to me. Especially, because this is so important for
my position as a teacher. Yet, sometimes it is just not possible if u have so
many things in mind.

how should I Start this . . .

/2 1
. 13 6 /02


I spontaneously started with being the leader, as I also created the agenda, so I could follow
by my own notes. Was super fun, I really like to be the leader,
I love to be the organizing part of the group, like preparing work and material we need...
However, I am not the kind of person in the group who is doing the writing, as my gramma stinks and I can’t
write as fast as my thoughts are going... something I definitely have to train. However, as I said, I was quite
confident being the leader and giving someone the role of being the minute taker.

After the meeting, I looked over the handbook again and noticed that there was actually a prepared agenda
for each meeting. Ahhhw! My mood went down for a moment, thought I failed on my very first day as a leader
*tears dropping* - but Saskia cheered me up and told me that following the handbook agenda is not terribly
important. (thanks Sas btw)

Kinda funny that we literally meet up as a pod to talk about

what we will talk about in the coach pod meet... lol
(something I shouldn’t tell u, bc u should think we are professionals,
but this needs to be a diary so AHHHHH).

Looking forward to next week!

☐ •
WEEK 3.4 02/03/21 struggle with something and I have
to find a good solution to it, as this
Or explaining over and over again
when we have what deadline, even
will definitely come across my way though I sent the handbook with
Apparently, Tuesday after the when I am a teacher. every bloody (sorry, where are
coach meets, it is the time I spend

my British manners?) detail on
on this reflection log. The situation is the following: it for the hundredth time. What
By the way, hi James. Hope you are I love to help and support others. should I do? What should I do as a
doing good. My plan was to start Totally. But in a way that I don’t teacher? You can’t let go of the
writing in this Log on our one week give them exact solutions or person and then being the one who
break, but as I moved into another answers, I create a way - I formu- is responsible, when the person/
flat + my little sister stayed late sentences, that bring them the student is laying on the floor.
with me, I did not do anything for to their own outcomes. However, Be stricter, like setting the tone?
university. Ugh. some people just want to be I could be a strict teacher, but in
breastfed. (did I really just write my current situation, I can’t be

I am not totally happy today. that, sorry). So I have this dilemma, mean to a friend. I want to be a
I realized that the knowledge that I want to help, because this is supporter. A good friend. Especially,
exam is coming up, that we still also the spirit of a teacher... but I in these hard times, when uni and
have 3 more numeracy cases to also don’t want to be used, spend- the whole daily life is a challenge.
go, we still working on the big idea, ing so many hours going through So the answer is, keep on spending
I am stressing, because I have a task, explaining every detail, double as much time on uni work,
the feeling that I still have to do that is actually given in the text, to help others? (This is only seen
something very important but I on tasks I have already done for by u and me, right? I really don’t
don’t know what (crazy huh?). myself. Or summarizing like every want to upset anyone) Can’t be a
lecture, explaining an exercise and permanent solution.
And also... Right now I am not only then explaining why something is
thinking for my own... I don’t want wrong and how it should have been I was talking to Poul (my boyfriend) v

to expose anyone... but I really done. about this, he said, that these
people will maybe realise that they in... no matter what I write, it just
are not doing their work because it has to be a crossed-out To Do
is too hard, or too much - they just point. That upsets me. Because it’s

maybe realise that they don’t burn pulling me down. Uni only works if
to become a teacher or maybe you work in a team, but if only 2 of

just not right now. 5 people really want to do the task,
it just doesn’t work. But that’s
And while I am pouring out all the problem with group work.
of my feelings rn, I want to add Groups in themselves. Groups are
something else. Regarding my only strong when everyone pulls
issue above, sometimes I get together. (And now please imagine
upset when group work is not here how two groups play “tug-of-
really working... I don’t mean the war”).
PowerPod... I mean other kinds of
group work with other students. Ok...ok... enough now haha.
I started ITEPS because I want to I need a conclusion.
learn to be a teacher, I actually
moved to the Netherlands for this, Issue 1) wanting to be a supporter,
I pay monthly an amount of money but don’t want to be used.
I could also spend on Ben & Jerrys Issue 2) improve group work, even
Ice cream. But I want to do ITEPS. if not everyone is up for it.
100%. Though, sometimes, when keep in
I work with some students, I get This is something I will think about
the feeling as if they don’t actually in the next weeks... mind !!
learn it, do the tasks or want to
understand it. And work will be
done because it as to be handed
WEEK 3.5 the work to the deadline.
Even starting to study
Let’s get back to
my thoughts of
08/03 early for an exam, is
something I still have Week 3.5
I have to admit – I am to work on, especially Immediate attention:

writing this here now as I want to become a SCREEN TIME!!! →
in Week 3.7. I don’t know teacher – In my job, I can- The most important to be online 24/7 – for
how clever it is to just not allow to delay work. point on my list is the incoming E-Mails, for
brief note my thoughts I want to be a Dream extremely high questions or organi-
within the week and Teacher: One to look up Number of Screen Time sation with the pod
then actually describing to. I certainly have to hours. members or because
¥ these thoughts weeks change this attitude. It is March – the weather family and friends must
÷ after. Why don’t I do it My next Goal: Write your is not the best, we are be able to contact me.
: directly in the particular still in Plus, my boyfriend Poul,

Reflection Log in each

week then, you asking? week! Lockdown, we have a lot who sits right next to


Well James, no idea – I How do I do that? Set to do for university and me at his desk, is strug-
think this a student gling with the same

Mini Deadlines and plan if I want

kind of skill – Pushing a time in each week to do something with problem and when he is
all the work up to the to do it. It should be friends and family – we working, I feel like I have
point where stress is a routine. To set Mini facetime. to work too.
knocking at your door. I Deadlines is something My whole day is filled Especially during coro-
believe under pressure you also do @James. It is with working in front of na-times, it is important
I work best, but maybe so helpful to break the my laptop. to keep a routine and
that is just an excuse. big project into smaller It is difficult to separate to separate the time.
After 14 years of going to tasks… which leads us to work (on my laptop) and That’s why I will take an
school/university, I think principles of scaffolding digital-free ice-cream break now –
I got used to pushing all again. time, as I feel like I have ciao.
WEEK 3.6 bad feeling afterwards…
I could not cope with
believe teaching it is not
as bad as I thought.
successful. This leads
me back again to my
15/03 the time, and I was not
happy with what I wrote.
Maybe it’s not the
subject itself that I
personal philosophy of
Let’s hope I passed! do not fancy, maybe it

This weeks’ goal: rock However, after the test was just the way one’s When I enjoy teaching –

the knowledge exam! I walked through Meppel taught it to me. This is The students enjoy the
After a very stressful with John and Emilia, we something I noticed in class. When students
week of studying for had ice cream and had a my TP – The students in enjoy class – I enjoy
the knowledge exam, lot to chat about – how my class loved maths teaching.
preparing the last nu- great to actually talk so much – They actu-
meracy case, working on to real persons I usually ally enjoyed doing the When I enjoy teaching,
the long-term project, just see via Teams. Flashback-Math cases I do my job best – When
starting each day with Unfortunately, Saskia every morning before students enjoy class,
a 45 min workout with could not join us, as she the lesson. My Mentor they learn best.
Emilia and trying to enjoy had her wisdom tooth teacher Ms Catherine But everything starts
the sun, outside with surgery. was always so enthusi- with the teacher – It
Poul – I finally hit the final On Friday I submitted astic when mentioning starts with me.
week of work (kinda). my last numeracy case Maths-Flashback – the
After we took our for mathematics. I can’t students adapted this !
knowledge exam almost
all the stress fell off. It
believe how helpful it
was – I improved my un-
positive vibe, I believe.
Really clever. Crazy how
was exciting to actually derstanding of creating much influence a mood
go to university, see my age-appropriate cases of the teacher has on
peers and have my very so much! Mathematics students – explains
first theoretical test. is definitely not my however why happy
I have to admit, I had a favourite subject, but I teachers are the most
WEEK 3.7 you ! ! ↳

25/03 Anna,
Random comments in random order...
Today I sent you @James
• I love the format. It’s full of thinking and also expresses who you are.
the first two weeks of
• You are definitely on the right track.
my Reflection Log, I real- • These next three go hand in glove...
ly want to keep on track • Page 3/4 are very important questions that teachers face all the time. You are
with this – otherwise, I connecting it somewhat to the classroom, but this is also an opportunity to connect

will have a lot of stress to important IDEAS about teaching like self-efficacy, holistic education, etc. I’m not
before the deadline. saying that you need to go back and change this but rather that you can make future
It is nearly April – I reflections even better by making these connections. Examples of what I
can’t wait for the good are questioning whether you should help people less/as much/more because you wonder
weather to come! I am if it’s actually helping them. At the same time, you are thinking holistically about the
glad that the Knowledge different needs (social/emotional, academic) people have.
Exam and the Numeracy • Now more personal...this is a struggle I face all the time. I try to balance that
with students and with colleagues. How much do you help? At what point do you let
Cases are finally com-
someone fail? I believe mistakes/failures are part of learning, but at the same time, this
pleted, and we can fully
crazy situation we are in has thrown people ‘off’ in many ways.
concentrate on our DBE • It’s not your job to get people through the programme. Saying no is difficult
Project now… Only two - especially within such a friendly group. If you ever feel like you are taking on too much,
more weeks until the please feel free to let me know. I have ways of helping individuals be more accountable.
deadline, I think we are How much people want this is always a big question because teaching is hard. It takes
good in time. some people a while to realize that.
I just realized that you Finally, you were one of the students I knew the least before all this ( just because of
sent me an answer to your individual circumstances), but I am very glad that I get to coach your group as you
my first example of the have proven yourself to be someone who seems to contribute positively to everything
Reflection Log: you do.

Enjoy the day,

Heyo James! – I am sorry helping them. And you
' to write every single It should not be taken
for not texting you back asked how much I help? sentence. So, I don’t just for granted that I will al-
directly – It seems as if …Well, I help by creating do my tasks and lesson ways help. And I am kinda
you have to wait until the right starting point, plans, but always do it a already in that role… And
I hand in my Reflection i.e. I create Pdf’s in which second time with and for the worst part is: I don’t

Log in, to see my answer I summarize the already my peer - which requires want to drop the person,
on your E-Mail. :D
given tasks and rubrics, another 3 hours of my because the person is
First of all, how are do- I create timetables day helping others. my friend. And when a
ing? Is everything good? and mini-deadlines and Ok, this shouldn’t sound friend, who is in contact
Thank you for your quick I send the appropriate like I am complaining, with you every day, is
response and great documents/blackboard because I chose to help, struggling with work,
feedback. folders to facilitate the but at the same time, it is just impossible to
I am glad that I am on start of the task for my I cannot not help. You “reject”. And at what
the right track – Writing peer. know? point I let someone fail?
a Reflection Log is so per- I do this for myself any- I love helping, I love being I wouldn’t say I would
sonal and at the same way, but often I describe the one who can help, I let someone fail… I am
time gives you so much it in a way that others love being this kind of not sure. After the first
space to unfold your can use it too – Because person, you can always two lesson plan assign-
thoughts and develop at the end of the day go to and know I will help ments I helped my peer,
them further. And still, I my peer always asks for you fully – I really want to I started just formulat-
receive a grade for it. it. The most time-con- stick to this impression. ing what in each chapter
You answered on this suming and sometimes The only downside of has to be included and
one important “issue” emotionally demanding this situation is, that I I avoided formulating a
of mine – whether I part is the 1 to 1 meeting don’t want it to become whole sentence. And I
should help people less/ where I go through the a regularity. I don’t want stopped repeating my-
as much/more because complete lesson plan to be the person “who self – I do give feedback,
I wonder if it’s actually with my peer in order will do the work for me”. but I stopped reminding
my peer to redo some- the leader retains the fi- ronment is while working it to be. I don’t want
thing, as I received the nal say when choices are with my peer. Now, I had to be an Authoritarian
feeling as if my peer just made. Group members a completely different Leadership, I think being

wanted to be done and tend to be encouraged outcome: Authoritarian a peer and later on being
not to be done properly. and motivated by this Leadership. a teacher who wants to


I feel bad talking about style of leadership. Authoritarian leaders, create a pleasant envi-
the person, even though This style of leadership also known as autocrat- ronment, requires being
I am not mentioning the often leads to more ic leaders, provide clear and thinking democratic.
name, just knowing you effective and accurate expectations for what Though being democrat-
are going to read this decisions, since no needs to be done when ic is only working when
makes me feel like I am leader can be an expert it should be done, and the opposite is cooper-
exposing someone. in all areas. Input from how it should be done. ating with you.
group members with This style of leadership
However, while writing specialized knowledge is strongly focused on Oh, James. I don’t know
and thinking about this and expertise creates a both command by the how to find a conclusion.
matter, I wander back more complete basis for leader and control of the This is clearly not the
to “Lewin’s leadership decision-making. “
followers. There is also best reflection on devel-
styles”. My result of the The outcome suits a clear division between opment. I think I ran into
test was: Democratic my expectation of the leader and the a much bigger problem
leader. friendly and democratic members. Authoritarian while writing this text.
„Democratic leaders, society in general, but leaders make decisions I have to structure

also known as partici- to be honest, it does not independently, with my mind again. I think I
pative leaders, accept match with the real-life little or no input from think best when I think
input from one or more and the real atmosphere the rest of the group. to myself. And after
group members when of my Uni-life. So, I did the thinking I should write it

making decisions and test again. Again, with But still, this is not the down. (Break)
solving problems, but the view on how the envi- outcome that I want
Wow. I think I have my
outcome now. Well, defi-
Oelegative nitely a new view on it.
There are three types

of people: Authoritar-
ian, Democratic and
When Democratic people
work together, their
outcome is fantastic.
But when a democratic
type works with a Dele-
gative type, it does not
work. The democratic
type must turn into an

authoritarian type to democratic type. But my group members as are still talking about
help the delegative type. right now, it is not my much as I can – And if the a friend. But at least I
But in my case, I cannot responsibility to turn delegative type does gathered a whole new
help the Delegative type, my peer into a demo- not follow up, it is not my viewpoint for my teach-
because I don’t want to cratic type. responsibility to turn er-hood!
be an authoritarian. into an authoritarian. At I believe mistakes/fail-
If I would be a teacher James!! Now I have my least for now. ures are part of learning,
and my student is a outcome!!! I should stay but at the same time,
Delegative type, I would in my democratic place Kinda? What a difficult this crazy situation we
probably try to turn and do what a democrat- topic! I am still not are in has thrown people

this type into a strong ic type does: Support pleased, because we ‘off’ in many ways.
WEEK 3.4 Try to do it now – if I fail,
I can just do it again – I
have such a great
atmosphere, and it is
is healthy for the
group, but sometimes
01/04 WSV surely won’t be giving
100% but maybe enough
always a lot of fun! If
you would ask Bruce
not healthy for the
Hello April!! Hello, quaran-

to pass – but could risk Tuckman, he would On the other hand,
tine! And Hello Corona! not recovering well and probably say that we group work allows
Quite perfect – right struggling even longer went through all of his us to share more
before the DBE long-term with my health + you stages successfully ideas and sometimes
deadline! (sarcastic) recommend doing it now. and that we are still group work increases
I am torn between climbing! efficiency. We can en-
handing the work in next As I told you in the E-Mail, I am not always a big courage and support
week or next resit… I will do as much as my fan of group work, as it each other, and we
health tells me to do. can make things more expand our knowledge
I could either… If I am totally unhappy complicated… like by understanding the
Chillax – Recover – do and not even close to “I for example including experience of the oth-
it again a month later, can hand it in” I will tell all the thoughts of ers (Heyo Vygotsky
while probably having you on Monday that I every member into one and Piaget!). "
other deadlines (maybe
even having more stress,
will definitely delay my idea and doing it in a Ms .

deadline. Yet, I will try to not time-consuming In a group of four, we

because I have to come work until Monday and way, is so difficult. sometimes bump into
up with new ideas, as I set my target to the Sometimes the main tasks where it is very
will work with another first deadline. : goal, the rubric and time-consuming and
group) + my coach ☒ resources get lost difficult to include
doesn’t recommend it In the last couple of during the process, be- all the ideas of every
(and I trust him with days, we had a lot of cause we concentrate member to one end
what he is saying) meetings with the pod. too much on including product. That’s why
OR I really like my pod. We every thought. Which we had the idea to
( .
. .
split our group in two – This DBE Long-Term The word “stress” I am happy that I have a
at least for the long- Project is a huge deal. 80 often is dropped in whole new definition of
term project – which Lesson ideas, some of conversation regarding “stress” - this will defi-
made a lot of sense. We them with the particu- university. nitely help me in future,

are quite happy with lar material - connecting Yesterday, however, to avoid panic.
this new organization. content with the my view on the word
We had the idea of curriculum and the Big “stress” changed. A P.S.: I choose my TP
dividing the group, after Idea. I expected it to be couple of weeks ago, I schools - YAAAAYY!!
the TH session with intense and it is. Though, and my pod had many
Wilfred. He showed us
Daniel Ofman’s theory
a lot of fun! When I
compare my study with
conversations about
being stressed, as the
of the „Core Qualities“. the study of my friends long term is coming
Based on these new in Germany (they also up and we still have so
findings we focused on study education), I am much work to do.
our personal strengths super happy that ITEps Now, actually being
and paired ourselves throws us into the cold in this peak week of
with someone who had water and starts right stressy, I don’t feel
the same strengths as at the beginning how stressed at all. Why?
our weakness. We used to plan a lesson best. I Well, the stress we
a theory for our benefit. mean, it is so smart - in had, the last couple of
Thanks, Daniel! these four years, I will weeks, was fear for the
develop unbelievably unknown. We knew a
in my creativity and lot of work is coming up
knowledge of creating and we have only a little
lessons. time, so we stressed.
WEEK T3.1 deadline for the Long-
Term project and we
ished yet. You could clearly
hear the tense voice of
the deadline, everyone
worked at this inter-
05/04 were actually quite good
in time. About 6 hours
everyone. But we calmed
ourselves down and tried
active PDF but as fate
would have it, the doc-

Hello @James – Hello before the deadline we to focus on our plan. As I ument broke down and
Reflection Log Book! had our last meeting to had time to do something nobody really managed
I am still positive. No, No discuss our last steps – else, I started writing our to work in it.
I am mean, I am positive. nearly everyone worked big idea and created our 23:58 – I sent the PDF to
Not the kind of positive on their justification final PDF and offered to the Whatsapp group and
I always am. I mean, I am and prepared the last be the one who would add said that we should at
still positive regarding couple of materials. We all the documents into least hand something
corona! I know, that’s arranged a meeting for the final PDF. Meanwhile, it in – I think only John and
not a positive message. pm
9:00 o’clock, latest, to was 10:30 pm and I worked I managed to send it in
Ahhh! I want to leave connect all our work on the PDF – But, I had time.
my apartment… I want into one PDF. I was quite problems with the word Well, that was an adven-
to enjoy the sun!!! Well, good in time, I actually program. That was the ture – Shit happens. We
hope you are positive, was finished with all of moment I started shaking ended the call and said
James and negative my work this Tuesday over stress. And I panicked good night.
regarding corona. morning so I spent the because we only had 1 1/2
rest of the day redo- hour left. So, I texted the Thank you, James. Thank
Actually. I should not ing my materials and pod with “HELP ME – IT’S NOT you so much for giving
start this entry like illustrating a cover page. WORKING”. That was a huge us a second chance. We
that. Actually, I felt not At about 9:30 PM we had mistake because I didn’t appreciate it so much!
too positive in the last our next meeting as a keep my emotions to
couple of days. pod, and we talked about myself but passed them On Wednesday we creat-
the next steps and that on to others. ed a new PDF, a complete
ähad our
On Tuesday way not everybody was fin- In the last hour before version and sent it off.

Friday she shared her !Really important for
For me, this topic was thoughts with us in the teacher-hood! Something
already history and I meet, unfortunately in like this should not happen
thought it would be for a way that upset me. as a teacher. We have to
my pod members too, Heavy words have fallen, be careful how we express
yet… which made me very ourselves to students.

uncertain. This kind of links back to
On Friday we had another It all ended with a one- my saying on page 6: When
group meet to talk to-one conversation, in I enjoy teaching – The
about the situation of which we talked about students enjoy the class.
Tuesday. However, this the issue. When students enjoy
meet was different as Sometimes words drop class – I enjoy teaching.
expected. out of emotions. Of
course, everything is When I enjoy teaching, .
(This next paragraph back to normal now. We I do my job best – When

is formulated with the are still good friends students enjoy class, they
knowing/approval from and we left that story learn best.
Saskia – It was import- behind. But everything starts
ant for us to add this with the teacher – It
situation to our Reflec- I think we both learned starts with me.
tion log, as it is part of out of this circum-
our development.) stance, that we have
to be careful which
Saskia was very upset emotions we show in
with my actions that front of another and
night, as I adapted my that we should not talk
stress onto her. On out of the emotion.
WEEK T3.2 The definition of nature
µ "

is something that is

natural – something
/ /

that comes from the

Heyo James! earth. So the outside is
nature, the forest is na-

Today’s Reflection Log ture and we are nature.
topic is all about our But isn’t everything
Big Idea: How we are that we create from
connected to the world ourselves also nature?
around us. To be detailed: Like a wooden table?
How are we connected When does something
to nature. stop being natural? If
we go into the city we
In my Reflection Log would not say that we
Whatsapp chat, I record- are in nature, right?
ed a conversation with Though, we created this
Poul. We had a great chat city – with materials
about: Are we nature or from nature and our own
do we have nature? hands.

While working on my
lesson plans I planned Corona update: Still
to go into nature with ill – I have to cancel the

the class, to talk about numeracy test. Oh lord!
nature. But aren’t we Hopes!
WEEK 4.2 29/04
Howdy James!

Really chilled kind of weeks.

And the holiday isn’t even
there yet.
Last we had the international
week – Great fun!
And this Monday we had our
demonstration lesson – even
more fun!
Ahhhhh! I actually loved it! It is
so cool to actually teach now!
I was really looking forward
to that.
We received meaningful
feedback and learned so
much on that day. Later Emilia
and I went back to Germany
to enjoy our little break.

Little Happy Power Pod! :) .

WEEK 4.3 not the teacher. But I
think, I did not have to
such a great team, in
which we can depend on
14/05 change my position or
my actions… because
each other and where
tasks are been solved
I had the feeling as if much better and faster
Reflection Log Reflection the person started be- than before. After

ing also a “democratic working on so many
person”! projects it is wonderful
Hi, Hallo, Servus! I don’t know what to end the last project
happened but the with creativity (book
I thought I use this week person was suddenly project) that lets us
to reflect on previous so encouraged in its expand our mind.
reflections. work! I am so happy We enjoy our meetings
One important update: about how well this a lot and weüe
a so much
i. „
Helping the peer. person is doing now. more confident with
As you are familiar with I don’t want to tell each other.
this event, I would like too much about the
to update you on the person but I am glad We went through all of
status @James. that everything went Tuckerman’s stages and "

Following my democratic well. it has strengthened us.
leader style of helping
as much as I can, is Next topic: Group work.
something I stuck to. I

PowerPod is more pow-
bared in mind that I am erful than ever before.
not responsible to keep I think I can speak for
someone on track and the group when I say,
that I am the peer and that we developed into
In the portfolio presen- School of Happiness. least not until 11th grade.
tation on Monday (which School of Happiness? I did
was amazing) I had the not enter teacher-hood The website should
chance to look back at yet, but up to now I always remind me of
the last nine months to would like to call my phi- my biggest wish when
reflect on my personal losophy of teacher-hood becoming a teacher,

development. “School of Happiness”. creating the “school
I will link my homepage of happiness” for my
here if you like to see it: I believe students students.

↳ https://school-of-happi-
← learn best when they
enjoy what they are
doing. When the teacher


(Gallery) enjoys teaching. My
→ '
goal for the future isPleasant
And one last mentioning to create the perfect

for this entry I want to environment for my

dedicate to the E-Mail students that they can
you sent me, yesterday. call their school “school
“Being always positive” of happiness”.
Thank you by the way – I For me, the school was
appreciate your E-Mail a place I had to go each

a lot. morning,iwhere I get

homework and where
I thought I could com-
ment on my website’s
name regarding this
I had to constantly
achieve something. I did
not connect the school
E-Mail. with “happiness” – at

& Welcome on the relaxing side of
Anna’s Reflection Log. Yon

ou Want to know what Anna is listing

to while wirting in this booklet?

d Scan this:

Hans makes me dive into my mind and intensivly think. Experience it yourself...

② !!
“Time” is my fav!!
WEEK 23/05 the chance to process
every thought in words. I
Additional entries for
the future will include
learned a lot out of this. the feedback for our
Good morning, James! Especially out of the book project by the

Today I have to hand this

situation with “helping I.
school of John, upcoming

the peer” (page 10). tests (knowledge test)
Reflection Log in. and a complete reflec-
Something that bothers tion on the past nine
I believe I have to say me though, is the fact months of ITEps.
some kind of “last that I get a grade for
words” (I know this is this. I understand that However, thank you and
not the end, but at least the grade is for the tschüssikovsky!
the last page you will connection between
read up to now.) Kind and sunny regards, ¥

theory and connection


to my teacher-hood, Anna
How did I experience but still, I expose my
the last two to three personal thoughts and
months doing this issues here. My last words:
documentation? To be continued.
((((But at the same Ciao
Well, I have to admit, time, I beg you to do this
reflecting on my daily reflection log thingy

life, my thoughts and again, because I really bye

my development are like it and I would not doi !
super super cool. Giving stick to doing it when it
myself time to focus would not be mandatory,
on the week, to have lol!!))))
BOOK project Status :

bye :)

Your notes :

( Jo hing)


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