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Maxillary Nerve

By: Mohamed Alaa Abou Shaara

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery,
Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University
Maxillary nerve
• Maxillary nerve is one of the three divisions
of the trigeminal nerve, the fifth (V) cranial
• It comprises the principal functions of
sensation from the maxillary, nasal cavity,
sinuses, the palate and subsequently that of
the mid-face.
• Anterior to the trigeminal ganglion, the maxillary
nerve passes through the cavernous sinus and exits
the skull through the foramen rotundum into the
pterygopalatine fossa

In the cranium
1-Middle meningeal
nerve supply the
From the pterygopalatine fossa

1- Infraorbital nerve through Infraorbital canal.

2-Zygomatic nerve (zygomaticotemporal

nerve, zygomaticofacial nerve) supplies the skin
over the anterior temporal region and the
prominence of the cheek.
3-Branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion

• Orbital branches
• Nasopalatine nerve
• Greater palatine nerve
• Lesser palatine nerve
• Pharyngeal branch of maxillary nerve
4-The posterior superior alveolar nerve

• (or nerves, there may be two or three) arises

from the maxillary nerve in the
pterygopalatine fossa. It passes through the
pterygomaxillary fissure out into the
infratemporal fossa and onto the tuberosity of
the maxilla. After sending branches to the
upper gum and mucous membrane of the
cheek, the nerve enters the maxilla through
the posterior superior alveolar foramen
(foramina)to supply the maxillary molars.
In the infraorbital canal

• The infraorbital nerve provides branches to

the upper teeth and the lining of the maxillary
sinus. These are given off in the floor of the
orbit through:
• Anterior superior alveolar nerve
• middle superior alveolar nerve
Final branches on the face

• Inferior palpebral nerve supply skin of the

lower eyelid.

• Superior labial nerve supply skin over the

cheek, the upper lip and its labial glands, and the
lining of the oral vestibule.

• Lateral nasal nerve supply skin over the side of

the nose and the lining of the nasal vestibule.
Thank you

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