Federalism Final Intro and Contents

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Submitted by Under the

Supervision of:
Irfan Nabi Sofi Dr. Nuzhat Parveen
LLM 1st Semester Associate Proffessor
Faculty of Law Faculty of Law
Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Millia

Table of Contents

I. List of Cases _____________________________________________________ i

1. Introduction: _____________________________________________________ 1
2. Federalism: Concept and Definition ___________________________________ 4

3. Importance of Federalism ___________________________________________ 5

3.1. Importance of Federal Principles in United States _______________________ 6

3.2. Importance of Federal Principles in Australia ___________________________ 6

3.3. Importance of Federalism in India _____________________________________ 7

4. Meaning of Co-operative Federalism _____________________________________ 9

4.1. Cooperative Federalism in America _____________________________________ 10

4.2. Co-operative Federalism in Australia ____________________________________ 11

4.3. Mechanism of Co-operative Federalism under Australian Constitution ___________ 14

4.4. Benefits of Reform_____________________________________________________ 17

4.5. Co-operative Federalism in India _________________________________________ 18

4.5.1. Co-operative Federalism under Indian Constitution _________________________ 19
4.5.2. Full Faith and Credit Clause ___________________________________________ 19
4.5.3. Inter State Council ___________________________________________________ 20
4.5.4. Zonal Councils ______________________________________________________ 21
4.5.5. River water Disputes __________________________________________________ 22
4.5.6. Planning and Finance _________________________________________________ 22
4.5.7. National Development Council __________________________________________ 23
4.5.8. Other Statutory Bodies _________________________________________________ 24
4.5.8. (a)   University Grants Commission _______________________________________ 24

4.5.8. (b)  Other bodies to coordinate higher education _____________________________ 24

4.5.8. (c)   Damodar Valley Corporation _________________________________________ 24

4.5.8. (d)    Drugs Consultative Committee _________________________________________ 25

4.6. Working of cooperative federalism in India- analysis______________________________ 25

4.7. Position in other Federations _________________________________________________ 25
4.8. India emerging into a “Cooperative Federation” _________________________________ 26
5. Conclusion _________________________________________________________________ 27

5.1.Suggestions ________________________________________________________________ 27
Biblography ________________________________________________________________ 28

List of Cases

 Keshavananda Bharathi v State of Kerala AIR 1973 SC 1461

 State of Rajasthan v. Union of India AIR 1977 SC 1361
 West Bengal v. Union of India AIR 1963 SC 1241
 S.R.Bomai V Union of India AIR 1994 SC 1918
 Printz v. United States 521 U.S. 898 (1997)
 California v. U.S.  438 U.S. 645 (1978)
 New York v. United States 505 U.S. 144 (1992
 Hodel v. Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Association 452 U.S. 264 (1981)
 Gade v. National Solid Wastes Management Assn. 505 U.S 88 (1992)
 Deputy Federal Commissioner of Taxation (NSW) v WR Moran Pty Ltd (1939) 61
CLR 735 at 774
 T.N. Cauvery Sangam v. Union of India (1990)3 SCC 440
 Dabur India Limited v. State of Uttar Pradesh AIR 1990 SC 1814

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