MA CBCS Sellybus - PBF

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(From the Session 2020-2021 Onwards)

सं कृ त ाकृ तभाषािवभागः
लखनऊिव िव ालयः
उ र देशः
एम्.ए.(सं कृ तम्)
पा म-संरचना
ातको र(एम्.ए.) सं कृ तपा मे ष णवितः (९६) आकलनाधृतम् ( े िडट् बे ड)

ष मासस चतु यम् भिवता। थमवष ष मासस यं ि तीयवष च ष मासस यम् भिवतारौ।

थमष मासस े ित प म् आकलनचतु याधृतािन (०४ े िडट् बे ड) स प ािण

भिव यि त अनेन कारे ण थमष मासस म् अ ा वंश याकलनाधृता मकं (२८ े िडट् बे ड)

भिव यित। थमेि मन् ष मासस े प चतु यं मु यिवषया मकं (कोर्), प यं

शा िविश िवक पा मकं (िडिसि लन् पेिस फक् इलेि टव्/ इ ा िडपाटमे ट) तथा च प मेकं

सामा यिवक पा मकं (जेने रक् इलेि टव् / इ टर िडपाटमे ट) भिव यित। ि तीयष मासस ं

चतु वश याकलनाधृतम् भिव यित। स ेऽि मन् ित प म् आकलनचतु याधृतािन (०४ े िडट्

बे ड) ष प ािण भिव यि त येषु प चतु यं मु यिवषया मकं (कोर्), प मेकं

शा िविश िवक पा मकं (िडिसि लन् पेिस फक् इलेि टव् / इ ा िडपाटमे ट) तथा च प मेकं

सामा यिवक पा मकं (जेने रक् इलेि टव् / इ टर िडपाटमे ट) भिव यित।

तृतीयचतुथष मासस योः वेद-सािह य-दशन-पािलवगषु अ यतमः एक एव वगः

िविश शा ा ययन े पेण (इ ा िडिसि लन् इलेि टव्) चेत ः। तृतीयष मासस े

आकलनचतु याधृतािन (०४ े िडट् बे ड) ष प ािण भिव यि त अनेन कारे ण

तृतीयष मासस म् चतु वश याकलनाधृता मकं (२४ े िडट् बे ड) भिव यित। प यम्

मु यिवषया मकं (कोर्), प यं शा िविश िवक पा मकं (िडिसि लन् पेिस फक् इलेि टव् /

इ ा िडपाटमे ट) तथा च प मेकं सामा यिवक पा मकं (जेने रक् इलेि टव् / इ टर िडपाटमे ट)

भिव यित।

चतुथष मासस ं वंश याकलनाधृतं प चतु या मकं भिव यित। स ेऽि मन्

आकलनचतु याधृतािन (०४ े िडट् बे ड) ीिण प ािण भिव यि त येषु मु यिवषया मकं

(कोर्) प मेकं, शा िविश िवक पा मकं (िडिसि लन् पेिस फक् इलेि टव् / इ ा िडपाटमे ट)

प मेकं तथा च प मेकं सामा यिवक पा मकं (जेने रक् इलेि टव् / इ टर िडपाटमे ट)

भिव यित। स ेऽि मन् अ ाकलनाधृता मको मौिखकपरी ापुर सरो लघुशोध ब धः (िडजटशन)

अिनवायतया तोत ः।

The M.A. programme is two years fulltime programme and divided into
two parts as under. Each part will consist of two Semesters. First part is to be
known as Semester-I (28 Credits) and Semester-II (24Credits) and second part
is to be known as Semester-III (24Credits) and Semester- IV (20 Credits). The
entire course is designed as per UGC norms adopted by LU in credit system
framework of 4semester duration and for evaluation too, each student must
complete 96 credits to qualify for the Masters degree. There are three types of
courses for MA.
 Core Course: This is compulsory course for the MA (Sanskrit) students in
various semesters. Department offers four (4) Core courses in Semester I
and II, three (3) core courses in Semester III and one (1) core courses in
Semester IV. In IV semester dissertation (8 Credits) is compulsory.
 Discipline Specific Elective/ Intra-Departmental Course: These are
elective courses where students choose courses of their choice from the
various courses. Department offers 04 optional groups covering the
specialized fields of Sanskrit studies so that students may choose any
one group for these papers according to their area of interest. Each
student has to opt the courses from the same group in semester III and
IV. Student has to choose one Discipline Specific Elective/ Intra-
Departmental paper in semester I, II, IV and two papers in semester III.
 Generic Elective/ Ability Enhancement/ Inter-Departmental Course:
The Department offers 2 Generic Elective/ Inter-Departmental Course in
each semester. Student has to choose any one course according to their

एम्.ए.(सं कृ तम्)

थमष मासस म् (FIRST SEMESTER)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid End –

Name Term Semester
Semester Marks
CORE SKC01 वेदो वेदवा य 04 30 70
SKC02 का ं का शा 04 30 70
SKC03 तकभाषा 04 30 70
SKC04 भाषािव ानं ाकरण 04 30 70
DSE/ SKDSE01 पािलसािह यम् 04 30 70
MOOC SKDSE02 पुराणेितहासः 04 30 70
two MOOC
GEC SKGE01 ावहा रकसं कृ तम् 04 30 70
Anyone SKGE02 सं कृ तं िव ान 04 30 70
Total : 28

ि तीयष मासस म् (SECOND SEMESTER)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKC05 वेदो वै दक सं कृ ित 04 30 70
SKC06 का ं का काश 04 30 70
SKC07 सां यत वकौमुदी 04 30 70
SKC08 ाकरणं महाभा य 04 30 70
DSE/ SKDSE03 ाकृ तसािह यम् 04 30 70
MOOC SKDSE04 04 30 70
सं कृ तं संगणक
GEC SKGE03 धमशा ीया ययनम् 04 30 70
Anyone SKGE04 सं कृ तसािह येितहासः 04 30 70
Total : 24

तृतीयष मासस म् (THIRD SEMESTER)

Note: Student may choose any one Group from the following Groups.

Group: A (वेदवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKAC09 ऋक् संिहता भा यभूिमका च 04 30 70
SKAC10 िश ा गृ सू 04 30 70
SKAC11 िन ं ाितशा य 04 30 70
DSE/ SKADSE05 ा णं मीमांसा च 04 30 70
MOOC SKADSE06 का यायन ौतसू म् 04 30 70
(Any SKADSE07 04 30 70
अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद
GEC SKAGE05 वै दकवा य येितहासः 04 30 70
Anyone SKAGE06 सामा यकमका डिविधः 04 30 70
Total : 24

Group: B (सािह यवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKBC09 का ाल कारशा म् 04 30 70
SKBC10 ना शा ं नाटक 04 30 70
SKBC11 रसिस ान्तो 04 30 70
भारतीयसौ दयशा
DSE/ SKBDSE05 पा ा यसौ दयशा म् 04 30 70
MOOC SKBDSE06 ऐितहािसकमहाका म् 04 30 70
SKBDSE07 अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद 04 30 70
GEC SKBGE05 का शा ेितहासः 04 30 70
Anyone SKBGE06 मातृकािव ानम् 04 30 70
Total : 24

Group: C (दशनवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKCC09 यायशा म् 04 30 70
SKCC10 पूवमीमांसो रमीमांसा च 04 30 70
SKCC11 िविश ा त ै दशनम् 04 30 70
DSE/ SKCDSE05 िशवा तै दशनम् 04 30 70
MOOC SKCDSE06 का मीरशैवागमः 04 30 70
SKCDSE07 अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद 04 30 70
GEC SKCGE05 पात लयोगसू म् 04 30 70
Anyone SKCGE06 भारतीयदशनप रचयः 04 30 70
Total : 24

Group D: (पािल ाकृ तवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks

CORE SKDC09 पािलबु वचनसािह यम् 04 30 70

SKDC10 पािलका म् 04 30 70
SKDC11 ाकृ तका म् 04 30 70
DSE/ SKDDSE05 जैनागमसािह यम् 04 30 70
SKDDSE06 ाकृ त ाकरणम् 04 30 70
SKDDSE07 अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद 04 30 70
GEC SKDGE05 ाकृ तभाषेितहासः 04 30 70
Anyone SKDGE06 04 30 70
Total : 24

चतुथष मासस म् ( FOURTH SEMESTER)

Note: Student may choose any one Group from the following Groups.

Group: A (वेदवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKAC12 ऋ वेद ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका च 04 30 70
SKAC13 िश ा क पशा 04 30 70
DSE/ SKADSE08 िन ं ाितशा य 04 30 70
MOOC/ SKADSE09 मीमांसाशा म् 04 30 70
SKAAE07 ौतयागप रचयः 04 30 70
SKAAE08 सं कारप ितः 04 30 70
Total: 20

Group: B (सािह यवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKBC12 का शा मीमांसा 04 30 70
SKBC13 ना शा मीमांसा 04 30 70
DSE/ SKBDSE08 आधुिनकसं कृ तका ं 04 30 70
MOOC/ का शा
AEC SKBDSE09 रसग गाधरः 04 30 70
(Anyone) MOOC 04 NA NA
SKBAE07 आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह येितहासः 04 30 70
SKBAE08 मातृकास पादनकौशलम् 04 30 70
Total: 20

Group: C (दशनवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKCC12 बौ यायिवमशः 04 30 70
SKCC13 मीमांसा वेदा त 04 30 70
DSE/ SKCDSE08 वै णवदशनम् 04 30 70
MOOC/ SKCDSE09 वै णवागममीमांसा 04 30 70
SKCAE07 योगदशनम् 04 30 70
SKCAE08 का मीरशैवदशनम् 04 30 70
Total: 20

Group: D (पािल ाकृ तवगः)

Paper Paper Code Paper Title Credit Mid Term End –

Name Semester Semester
Marks Marks
CORE SKDC12 पािलबु वचनम् 04 30 70
SKDC13 पिलका सािह यम् 04 30 70
DSE/ SKDDSE08 ाकृ तका सािह यम् 04 30 70
MOOC/ SKDDSE09 ना ाकृ तम् 04 30 70
SKDAE07 पािल ाकरणम् 04 30 70
SKDAE08 ाकृ तभाषाकौशलम् 04 30 70
Total: 20

एम्.ए.(सं कृ तम्)
थमष मासस म् (FIRST SEMESTER)
वेदो वेदवा य
(Vedo Vedavanmayancha)
Code: SKC01

The purpose of this paper is to give students a broad introduction of Vedic literature and
vedanga also. This paper includes some important hymns from Rig Veda, Sama Veda and
Atharva Veda. It comprises the vedic grammar, the history of Vedic literature and Vedanga
also. Study of Vedic grammar helps to understand Vedic etymological science and
uniqueness of Vedic language.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will know about the nature, action and representation of some Vedic deities.
 will be able to explain meaning of the Vedic hymns according to some famous
commentaries of ancient and modern commentators.
 will try to recite Vedic mantras in their true form with the knowledge of Vedic Svara
and grammar.
 will be able to understand Vedas as our valuable ancient heritage.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for exploring other Vedic texts.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ऋ वेदः - अि मा तसू म् 1.19, व णसू म् 1.25, सूयसू म् 1.115, िव णुसू म् 1.154,

इ सू म् 2.12, इ येतेषां म ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

सामवेदः - य ाय ीयसू म् 1.4,,अथववेदः - मेधाजनसू म् 1.1, रा ािभवधनसू म् 1.29,

रा सभासू म् 7.12, सामन यसू म् 3.30, इ येतेषां म ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)
पदपाठिनयमाः वै दक ाकरण

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वै दकवा य येितहासः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
वेदा गानां प रचयः

सं तुत- थाः
1. ऋ सू स हः - डॉ. ह रद शा ी
2. ऋ वेदसंिहता - पं. दामोदरपाद सातवलेकर
3. वेदामृतम जूिषका - डॉ. यागनारायण िम ः

4. वै दक ाकरण - डॉ. रामगोपाल

5. वै दक सािह य और सं कृ ित - ो. बलदेव उपा याय

6. वै दकसािह य और सं कृ ित का बृहद् इितहास - ो. ओम् काश पा डेय

7. सं कृ तवा य का वृहद् इितहास वेदा गख ड - ो. ओम् काश पा डेय
8. सं कृ तवा य का वृहद् इितहास वेदा गख ड - ो. बलदेव उपा याय

9. Selection from the Rigveda - Peterson

का ं का शा
(Kavyam Kavyashastrancha)
Code: SKC02

The objective of this Paper is to give the students glimpses of the rich Sanskrit literary
tradition through the reading of very important literary composition of Naiśadhīyacarita
(Mahākāvya) of Sriharsha. Kavyaprakash of Mammata represents the height of the tradition
of ancient literary criticism. It has a balanced approach towards the conceptual discussion
on Salient Features of Kavya, types of Kavya, Shabda Shakti etc. The purpose of this Paper is
to introduce the various dimensions of Indian critical analysis through the text of


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will know about the rich Sanskrit literary tradition.

 will be able to appreciate the aesthetical, political, social, cultural values expressed
in prescribed literary composition.
 will form a deep understanding of the fundamental terminologies of kavya as
presented by Mammata.
 will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the theories of meaning, the importance of
suggestive meanings and rasa in poetry.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis in the light of
suggestive meanings.
 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing the prescribed texts.
 will be able to appreciate and enjoy the expressions of poetry.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

नैषधीयच रतम् ( थमसगः) 1-35 ोकपय तं ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

नैषधीयच रतम् ( थमसगः) 36-70 ोकपय तं समी ा मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

नैषधीयच रत य समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

का काशः (1-3 उ लासाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
भारतीयका शा ीयस दायाः

सं तुत- थाः
1. नैषधीयच रतम् ा या - डॉ. काशिम शा ी
2. नैषधीयच रतम् नारायणीटीकोपेतम् - उ र देश सं कृ तसं थानम्, लखनऊ
3. नैषधीयच रतम् - शेषराज शमा रे मी

3. नैषधप रशीलनम् - डॉ. चि डका साद शु ल
4. का काशः - वामनझलक करटीकोपेतः

5. का काशः - िह दी ा याकारः, आचाय िव े रः

6. का काशः – डॉ. गं गानाथझाकृ ता लानुवादसिहतः
7. सं कृ तका शा का इितहास – पी. वी. काणे

8. A Critical study of Sriharsha’s Naishadhiyacharitam – Prof. A. N. Jani

Code: SKC03

The primary objective of this Paper is to introduce the students to some fundamental
theories, concepts and principles of the Nyaya Philosophy through the reading of the texts
of Tarkbhasha. It will also help the students acquire the basic intellectual understanding of
analyzing the various theories of the Indian philosophical systems.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to critically analyse and examine the fundamental concepts of Nyaya
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the conceptual terms
 will be able to critically analyse the prescribed theories.
 get to know the scientific approach of Nyaya-Vaisheshika philosophers in the
analysis of the phenomenal world and its process of evolution.
 understand the contribution of Nyaya-Vaisheshika philosophers in the
epistemological studies, application of which is very important in the day to day life
situations; helping them in the proper judgment of the Truth.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

तकभाषा- आ दतोऽनुमान माणे हे वाभासपय तम् , मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)
तकभाषा- उपमान माणात् माण करणसमा ं यावत् , मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

तकभाषा- मेयिन पणादार य थसमाि पय तम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

तकभाषायाम् ितपा दत यायदशनािभमतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
भारतीयदशनानां सामा यप रचयः

सं तुत- थाः
1. तकभाषा - के शविम ः, आचायिव े रः
2. तकभाषा - गजाननशा ी मुसलगांवकर
3. तकभाषा – आ ा सादिम ः

4. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पांच भाग) – एस्. एन्. दासगु

5. भारतीयदशन - उमेशिम ः

6. भारतीयदशन – डॉ. राधाकृ णन्

7. भारतीयदशन - चटज एवं द

भाषािव ानं ाकरण
(Bhashavijnanama Vyakaranancha)
Code: SKC04

The objective of this Paper is to introduce the students to some important concepts and
theories of philology and modern Linguistics and help them observe and analyse Sanskrit
language on their light. The paper will familiarise the learners with Sanskrit phonology,
morphology, syntax and semantics. This paper intends to the students to some very
important concepts of commentary of Ashtadhyayi i.e. Mahābhāsya.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to observe and analyse Sanskrit language with reference to the
development's taken place with the advent of modern linguistics.
 understand the basic concepts of historical linguistics and we'll know the rules of
language change and their application in Sanskrit.
 will be able to observe and appreciate the contribution of the ancient Indian thinkers
of the philosophy of language and linguistic.
 Will be able to understand the important relevant and their purposes of the study of
the grammar.
 Will be able to understand the nature of the word, meaning and their relation.
 Will be able to understand the Sphota theory of the grammarians.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िस ा तकौमुदी (कारक करणम्- थमािवभि त तुथ पय तम्)

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

भाषािव ान य भािषक पं भािषकदृ य लोक-भाषा, भाषा, ऐितहािसक-समसमाियक-रचना मक-
जनक-स ेषणाि मका भाषादृ यः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

भाषािव ान य शाखा - विनिव ानम्, पिव ानम्, पदवा यिव ानमथिव ान

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

सं कृ तभाषािव ानम् – उपभाषा व पम् – पािलः - ाकृ तमप ंश , वै दकभाषा – लौ ककसं कृ त

प मो वगः (Unit V)
ी ययाः, लघुिस ा तकौमु नुसारम्

सं तुत- थाः
1. भाषािव ान - भोलानाथ ितवारी
2. भाषािव ान एवं भाषाशा - किपलदेव ि वेदी

3. सं कृ त का भाषाशा ीय अ ययन - भोलाश कर ास
4. भाषािव ान क भूिमका - देवे नाथ शमा
5. पािलमहा ाकरण - जे. क यप

6. ाकृ त भाषा का ाकरण - एच्. सी. जोशी

7. पािल- बोध - आ ाद ठाकु र
8. िस ा तकौमुदी कारक करणम् - आचाय तारणीश झा
9. कारकदशनम् – डॉ. कलानाथ झा

10. िस ा तकौमुदी कारक करणम् – डॉ. सुलेखा देवी

11. लघुिस ा तकौमुदी (भैमी ा यासिहतम्) – भीमसेन शा ी

12. लघुिस ा तकौमुदी – लालबहादुर कु शवाहा

13. Introduction to Comparative Philology – Gune
14. Phonetics in Ancient India – W. S. Allen


पािलसािह यम्

This course is designed to help students to learn the basics of Pali grammar and vocabulary
through direct study of selections from the Buddha’s discourses. Pali is closely related to
Sanskrit, but its grammar and structure are simpler. Traditional Theravadins regard Pali as
the language spoken by the Buddha himself, but in the opinion of leading linguistic scholars,
Pali was probably a synthetic language created from several vernaculars to make the
Buddhist texts comprehensible to Buddhist monks living in different parts of northern India.
It is rooted in the Prakrits, the vernacular languages, used in northern India during
the Middle period of Indian linguistic evolution. As Theravada Buddhism spread to other
parts of southern Asia, the use of Pali as the language of the texts spread along with it, and
thus Pali became a sacred language in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and
Vietnam. Pali has been used almost exclusively for Buddhist teachings, although many
religious and literary works related to Buddhism were written in Pali.


After completion of the Paper,

 the Students will learn the basics of Pali grammar and vocabulary through direct
study of selections from the Buddha’s discourses.
 It thus aims to enable students to read the Buddha’s discourses in the original as
quickly as possible. The textbook for the course is Dhammapada which includes.
 The students will know the relation between Sanskrit and Pali Language.
 The students will enable to read ancient Buddhist scriptures.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ध मपदम् (1-5 व गाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मक ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ध मपदम् (6-10 व गाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मक ययनम्
तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)
ध मपद य समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पािल ाकरणा यासः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
पािलसािह येितहासः

सं तुत- थाः
1. ध मपदम् - क छेदी लाल गु
2. ध मपदम् – डॉ. अ णा शु ला

3. पािलमहा ाकरण – जे. क यप

4. पािल- बोध – पं. आ ाद ठाकु र
5. Dhamma Padam – Dr. P. L. Vaidya

6. Introduction to Pali – A. Bhikhchu

7. Pali Language and Literature - Geiger

Code: SKDSE02


The objective of this course/paper is to present a thorough picture of valuable cultural

heritage of India as preserved in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata. The individual
characters of the epics, social, economic, geographical, political, philosophical and
educational systems as reflected in the epics will be the major highlighting points. It also
describes the characteristics of Puranas.


After the completion of this the course students:

 will be able to learn about the behavioural values, ethics and belief patterns through
the individual characters of the epics.
 will be able to explain the aesthetic and poetic beauty and style of presentation of
the texts of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
 will get the knowledge of the historic value of Ramayana and Mahabharata.
 will learn about the social, economic, geographical, political, philosophical and
educational aspects of Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

पुराणेितहासल णम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पुराणानां भेद- भेदाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ीम ामायणम् – सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (IV)
ीम महाभारतम् – सामा यप रचयः

प मो वगः (V)
पुराणेितहासयोः ासि गकता वतमानस दभ

सं तुत- थाः
1. पुराण-िवमशः - बलदेव उपा यायः
2. पुराणसािह यदशः - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
3. ीम ामायणम् - गीता ेस, गोरखपुरम्
4. ीम महाभारतम् - गीता ेस, गोरखपुरम्
5. Mahabharata- The Great Epic of India – V. S. Sukthankar


ावहा रकसं कृ तम्
Code: SKGE01

Sanskrit is an ancient and classical language of India in which ever first book of the world
Rigveda was compiled. As per the Indian tradition Sanskrit Language has no beginning and
no ending. It is eternal. Self-born God has created it. It is divine. It is everlasting. It was first
used in Vedas and thereafter it has been the means of expression in other fields. Sanskrit is
the most scientific language. It is said that all the modern Indian languages used in north
part of India are evolved from Sanskrit and the other Modern Indian Languages of South
India. The South Indian MILs are well enriched and nourished by Sanskrit language.


After the completion of this the course students:

 will be able to know the importance of the Sanskrit language.

 will be able to know the basic principles of Sanskrit Syntax.
 will be able to speak Sanskrit fluently.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः(Unit I)
सं कृ तभाषायाः व पं मह व

ि तीयो वगः(Unit II)

सं कृ त-वणमाला, पदसंरचना तथा वा यरचना

तृतीयो वगः(Unit III)

स धयः कारकिवभ यः समासा

चतुथ वगः(Unit IV)

उपसगाः मुख यया

प मो वगः(Unit V)
सं कृ ते प वहारो िनब धलेखन

सं तुत- थाः
1. सं कृ त ाकरण वेिशका – डॉ. बाबूराम स सेना
2. ौढ़ रचना अनुवाद कौमुदी - किपलदेव ि वेदी
3. बृहद् अनुवाद चि का - च धरशमा नौ टयाल
4. िनब धशतकम् - किपलदेव ि वेदी
5. भाषािव ान – भोलानाथ ितवारी


सं कृ तं िव ान
(Sanskritam Vijnanancha)

This course is designed to help students to know the Scientific literature in Sanskrit. This
Paper has an objective to indicate the ancient Indian genius which touches almost all the
comprehensible topics of human necessity.


After the completion of this the course students:

 will be able to know the importance of the ancient mathematics, astronomy and
architecture science.
 will be able to know significance of the ancient Physics, Chemistry and Military
science in Sanskrit.
 will be able to know the Ayurveda, Botany and Zoology in Sanskrit literature.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः(Unit I)
सं कृ तवा ये गिणत- योितष-वा तुिव ानम्

ि तीयो वगः(Unit II)

सं कृ तवा ये भौितक अिभयाि क रसायनं सै यिव ान

तृतीयो वगः(Unit III)

सं कृ तसािह यािभमतं भूगभ-वन पित- पयावरणिव ानम्

चतुथ वगः(Unit IV)

सं कृ तसािह ये ािणशा मायु व ान

प मो वगः(Unit V)
सं कृ तवा ये कृ िषवािण य- ब धिव ानम्

सं तुत- थाः

1. वृहि मानशा म् - भर ाज
2. योित व ानस दभसमालोचिनका – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
3. समरा गणसू धार - भोज
4. सं कृ त वा य म िव ान का इितहास - एन.सी.ई.आर.टी.
5. राजमात ड - भोज
6. वै दक सृि उ पि रह य - डॉ. िव णुका त वमा
7. िह दु के मे ी - फु ल च राय
8. भारतीयिव ानवैभवम् - सु ु आचाय
9. अिधिव ानं दशनशा - सु ु आचाय

10. वै दक ा ड – डॉ. च मिण संह
11. दशनशा क पर परा म भौितकिव ान - सु ु आचाय
12. वै दक वा य म िव ान - िग रधर शमा चतुवदी
13. वेद और उसक वै ािनकता - रामे र दयाल गु
14. आयुवद का वृहद् इितहास - अि देव िव ाल कार
15. आयुवद का सामा य प रचय - ताराच शमा
16. य िच क सा - वचस
17. भुवनकोशत वमीमांसा - अिनल कु मार पोरवाल
18. वै दक सािह य एवं सं कृ ित - बलदेव उपा याय

ि तीयष मासस म् (SECOND SEMESTER)
वेदो वै दक सं कृ ित
(Vedo Vaidikisanskritishcha)
Code: SKC05


The purpose of this paper is to give students a broad introduction of Vedic literature and
vedic grammar. Study of Vedic grammar helps to understand Vedic etymological science and
uniqueness of Vedic language.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know about the Mantras useful to Darsha Paurnamasa Yajna with
other Shrauta-yajna.
 Will be able to know the basic principles of accents (Vedic Svara).
 Will try to recite Vedic Mantras in their true form with the knowledge of Vedic Svara
and Vedic grammar.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit -I)

शु लयजुवदः ( थमोऽ यायः) 1-15 म ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः(Unit -II)

शु लयजुवदः ( थमोऽ यायः) 16-31 म ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः(Unit-III)
वै दकय ानां सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit-IV)

वै दक वराणां सामा यप रचयः

प मो वगः (Unit-V)
वै दकसं कृ ितः सं कारा

सं तुत- थाः

1. शु लयजुवदसंिहता (1-3 अ यायाः) – ो. वृजिवहारी चौबे

2. शु लयजुवदः – दामोदरपाद सातवलेकर
3. वै दक वरमीमांसा – पं. युिधि र मीमांसक
4. वै दक वरबोध - डॉ. वृजिवहारी चौबे
5. वै दकवा य का िववेचना मक इितहास - डॉ. सूयका त
6. वै दक ाकरण – डॉ. रामगोपाल
7. वै दक सािह य और सं कृ ित - पं. बलदेव उपा याय
8. आप त बीय ौतयागमीमांसा – डॉ. यागनारायणिम
9. िह दू सं कार – डॉ. राजबली पा डेय
10. कमकौमुदी – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
11. आप त बीय कममीमांसा – डॉ. यागनारायणिम ः
12. का यायन य प ित िवमश - मनोहरलाल शमा
13. धमशा का इितहास – पी. वी. काणे, अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप

का ं का काश
(Kavyam Kavyaprakasashcha)
Code: SKC06

The objective of this Paper is to give the students glimpses of rich Sanskrit literary tradition
through the reading of two very important literary compositions of Naiśadhīyacarita
(Mahākāvya) of Sriharsha and Gopigeetam from Bhagavat Mahapuran. Kavyaprakash of
Mammata represents the height of the tradition of ancient literary criticism. It has a
balanced approach towards the conceptual discussion on Rasa, types of Rasa, etc. The
purpose of this Paper is to introduce the various dimensions of Indian critical analysis
through the text of kāvyaprakash.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will know about the rich Sanskrit literary tradition.

 will be able to appreciate the aesthetical, political, social, cultural values expressed
in prescribed literary composition.
 will form a deep understanding of the fundamental terminologies of Rasa Dhvani as
presented by Mammata.
 will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the theories of meaning, the importance of
suggestive meanings and rasa in poetry.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis in the light of
suggestive meanings.
 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing the prescribed texts.
 will be able to appreciate and enjoy the expressions of poetry.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit -I)

नैषधीयच रतम् , थमसगः (71-105) ोकानां ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit -II)

नैषधीयच रतम् , थमसगः (106-145) ोकानां ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit-III)

ीम ागवत य दशम क ध य पूवा अ याय 31 - गोपीगीतम्, ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit-IV)

नैषधगोपीगीतयोः समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit-V)
का काशः (4-5 उ लासौ) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- थाः
1. नैषधीयच रतम् - नारायणीटीकोपेतम्, उ. . सं कृ तसं थानम्, लखनऊ
2. नैषधीयच रतम् ( थमसगः) - आचाय शेषराज शमा रे मी
3. नैषधप रशीलनम् – डॉ. चि डका सादशु लः
4. ीम ागवतम् (ि तीयो भागः) दशम क धः - गीता ेस, गोरखपुरम्

5. ीम ागवतम् ीधरीटीकोपेतम् – स पादकः, पं. वंशीधर शमा
6. का काशः – ा याकारः आचायिव े रः
7. का काशः – ा याकारः डॉ. स य त संहः
8. ीम ागवतमहापुराणत विवमशः – ो. ग गाधरप डा, ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
9. गोपी-गीत-दाशिनक िववेचन – अन त ी वामी करपा ी जी महराज

सा यत वकौमुदी
Code: SKC07

The primary objective of this Paper is to introduce the students to some fundamental
theories, concepts and principles of the Sankhya Philosophy through the reading of the text
Sankhyakarika with the commentary Sankhyatattvakaumudi. It will also help the students
acquire the basic intellectual understanding of analyzing the various theories of the Indian
philosophical systems.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to critically analyse and examine the fundamental concepts of Sankhya
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the conceptual terms
 Will be able to critically analyse the prescribed theories.
 get to know the scientific approach of Sankhya Yoga philosophers in the analysis of
the phenomenal world and its process of evolution.
 understand the contribution of Sankhya Yoga philosophers in the epistemological
studies, application of which is very important in the day to day life situations;
helping them in the proper judgment of the Truth.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit -I)

सा यत वकौमुदी 1-25 का रका- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit -II)

सा यत वकौमुदी 26-50 का रकाः - मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit-III)

सा यत वकौमुदी 51 का रकातो था तपय तम्, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit-IV)

सा यत वकौमुदीिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit-V)
सा यदशन याऽ ये मुखिस ा ताः

सं तुत- थाः
1. सा यत वकौमुदी - ा याकारः, गजाननशा ी मुसलगांवकरः
2. सा यत वकौमुदी - ा याकारः, आ ा सादिम ः
3. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पाँच भाग)- एस्. एन्. दासगु ा
4. भारतीयदशन- उमेशिम ः
5. भारतीयदशन- डॉ. राधाकृ णन्
6. भारतीयदशन- चटज एवं द
7. Outline of Indian Philosophy - Hiriyanna

ाकरणं महाभा य
(Vyakarananam Mahabhashyancha)
Code: SKC08

The objective of this Paper is to introduce the students to some important concepts and
theories of philology and ancient Linguistics of Indian Grammarians and help them to
observe and analyse Sanskrit language on their light. The paper will familiarise the learners

with Sanskrit case, phonology, morphology and semantics. This paper intends to the
students to know the structure of Panianian Grammar and some very important concepts
like importance of Panianian Grammar to Vedas from commentary of Ashtadhyayi i.e.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to observe and analyse Sanskrit language with reference to the
development's taken place with the advent of ancient linguistics.
 understand the basic concepts of Shabdanushashan and they will know the rules of
Karaka-vibhakti and their application in Sanskrit.
 will be able to observe and appreciate the contribution of the ancient Indian thinkers
of the philosophy of language and linguistic.
 Will be able to understand the important relevant and their purposes of the study of
the grammar.
 Will be able to understand the nature of the word, meaning and their relation.
 Will be able to understand the Sphota theory of the grammarians.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit -I)

िस ा तकौमुदी (कारक करणम्) प मीिवभि तः स मीिवभि पय तम्, ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit -II)

महाभा यम् - प पशाि नकम्- ार भतः िस े श दाथस ब धे इ य य पूवग ं यावत्,
ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit-III)

महाभा यम् – प पशाि नकम् - िस े श दाथस ब धे इ यतः थमाि नकसमाि पय तम्,
ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit-IV)

महाभा य य प ठतांशानां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit-V)
स गणके सं कृ तम्- योगिवधयः

सं तुत थाः

1. िस ा तकौमुदी- कारक करणम्- आचाय तारणीश झा

2. कारकदशनम् – डॉ. कलानाथ झा
3. महाभा यम् (नवाि नकम्)- पं. युिधि रमीमांसकः
4. महाभा यम् (प पशाि नकम्)- मधुसूदन सादिम ः
5. महाभा यम् (प पशाि नकम्)- डॉ. राज कशोरमिण ि पाठी
6. क यूटर- एक प रचय- िवनय कु मार ओझा
7. Sanskrit and Computer – Dr. Keshab Chandra Das
8. Computer Processing of Sanskrit Nominal Inflections-Subhash Chandra, Girish Nath


ाकृ तसािह यम्
Code: SKDSE03


The objective of this paper is to present a thorough picture of Prakrit language which is the
Middle Indo-Aryan Language formerly used in India. The King Ashoka’s inscriptions enriched
by this ancient language. This paper intends to the students to know the Jain Literatures
written in Prakrit languages. This language was being used in Sanskrit dramas composed by
various scholars. The richest composition of Rajshekhar i.e. Karpurmanjari has its own
aesthetical value.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to observe and analyse Prakrit language with reference to the
development's taken place with the advent of ancient litrature.
 understand the basic concepts of Sattak and they will know aesthetical value of
Prakrit kavya.
 will be able to observe and appreciate the contribution of the ancient Prakrit Scholar
and Poetics.

Contents and Unit wise division
थमो वगः (Unit I)
कपूरम री ( थमि तीयजविनके ) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

कपूरम री (तृतीयचतुथजविनके ) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

कपूरम रीस क य ितपा दतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

ाकृ त ाकरणा यासः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
ाकृ तसािह येितहासः

सं तुत- थाः
1. कपूरम री- राजशेखरः, ा याकारः आचायरामकु मारः
2. कपूरम री- राजशेखरः, ा याकारः चु ीलालः
3. ाकृ त ाकरणम् वेिशका – कोमलच जैन
4. ाकृ त काशः - वर िचः
5. ाकृ तभाषा का ाकरण- डॉ. एच्. सी. जोशी
6. ाकृ तसािह य का इितहास – डॉ. जगदीशच जैन
7. Introductions to Prakrit - Woolner
8. Pischel’s Prakrit Grammar, Translated by Subhadra Jha


सं कृ तं स गणक
(Sanskritam Sanganakancha)
Code: SKDSE04

The objective of this paper is to present Sanskrit is the perfect language for computer
programming. Sanskrit Shabdbodh and Vaisheshik philosophy may be accepted as
fundamental concept of NLP. Sanskrit is the medium of instruction to computing system to

enhance artificial intelligence efficiency. Students may know many tools and applications
which are designed for learning Sanskrit easily.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know that the structure of Sanskrit language is very useful to develop
programming language for computer.
 will understand the basic principles of Natural language processing (NLP).
 will be able to observe and appreciate the contribution of the Scholars who has
provided basic ground of computer programming.
 will know many tools and applications which are designed for learning Sanskrit

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

स गणकम् - व पमं मह व

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

स गणके ा लनं सं कृ तिस ा ता

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

सं कृ ताऽ ययने स गणक याव यकता

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

स गणके सं कृ तम्- योगिवधयः,सं कृ ताऽ ययनेऽ तजालमा यमेन
स गणक यिश णोपकरणानामुपयोगः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
सं कृ ताऽ ययने स गणक योगः, सम याः समाधान

सं तुत थाः
1. क यूटर- एक प रचय- िवनय कु मार ओझा
2. Sanskrit and Computer – Dr. Keshab Chandra Das
3. Artificial Intelligence (A Modern Approach)- Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig

4. Computer Fundamentals – Pradeep K. Sinha, Priti Sinha
5. Computer Processing of Sanskrit Nominal Inflations - Subhash Chandra,
Girish Nath Jha


धमशा ीया ययनम्
Code: SKGE03

The course intends to provide expose the students to the Dramashastric injunctions and
views regarding the disciplines, duties, conducts, and other aspects of the role of four
Asramas through the reading of the history of dharmashastra. The course gives an
understanding of the ancient Indian legal, political and religious, constitutional institutions
through the study of the text of Yagyavalkyasmruti.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to learn the ancient legal system.

 will be able to acquire the knowledge of political and religious institutions.
 will be able to compare ancient Indian legal, political, religious and constitutional
systems with modern Indian systems.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

धमशा ीय थानां सामा यप रचयः

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

धमशा ीयाचायाणां सामा यप रचयः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

या व य मृितः आचारा यायः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)
वणा म व था, पु षाथचतु यम्, सं कारा

प मो वगः (Unit V)
धमशा ािभमतनैितकसामािजकमानवीयमू यािन

सं तुत थाः
1. धमशा का इितहास – पी. वी. काणे, अनुवादक, अजुन चौबे का यप
2. िह दू सं कृ ित – राधाकु मुदमुखज
3. ाचीन भारतीय सािह य क सां कृ ितक भूिमका- डॉ. रामजी उपा याय
4. या व य मृितः िमता रसिहता – डॉ. उमेशच पा डेयः
5. पराशर मृितः – अ ादश मृितगत
6. आप त ब मृितः – डॉ. यागनारायणिम ः
7. जय तभ कृ त आगमड बर के का शा ीय आयाम- डॉ. यागनारायण िम
8. िह दू सं कार – डॉ. राजबली पा डेय
9. सं कार काश – भवानीश कर ि वेदी
10. सं कृ तवा य म मानवािधकार – अिखल भारतीय सं कृ त प रषद, लखनऊ
11. सं कृ तवा य म नीितत विवमश – ो. रामसुमेर यादव


सं कृ तसािह येितहासः
Code: SKGE04
The objective of this course is Enhancing and advancing the knowledge of history of Sanskrit
literature. The student should know the chronological development of Sanskrit Poetry,
Drama and other various poetic traditions from Vedic period.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the chronology of Sanskrit literature from Vedic era.
 Will be able to determine the period of Ramayana, Mahabharat and other classical
Sanskrit literature.

 Will be able to know the richest heritage of Sanskrit literature.
 Will be able to understand the deep knowledge of Sanskrit literature.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

वेदाः वै दकवा य

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पौरािणकमैितहािसक सािह यम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

सं कृ तका सािह यम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

सं कृ तशा सािह यम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह यम्

सं तुत थाः
1. सं कृ तवा य का बृहद् इितहास(1-18 भाग) – पं. बलदेव उपा याय
2. सं कृ तसािह य का इितहास – पं. बलदेव उपा याय
3. पुराणिवमश – पं. बलदेव उपा याय
4. वंशित शता दी सं कृ त का ामृत - ो. अिभराज राजे िम
5. पुराणसािह यादशः – ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
6. सुरगवी समालोचिनका – ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
7. वा यी शेमुषी - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
8. वै दकवा गमय का बृहद् इितहास – पं. भगव एवं स य वा
9. सं कृ त सािह य बीसव शता दी – ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
10. सं कृ तसािह य का इितहास – वाच पित गैरोला
11. अवाचीन सं कृ त सािह य - राजमंगल यादव
12. History of Classical Sanskrit Literature- M. Krishnamachariar
13. A History of Sanskrit Literature – A. Berriedale Keith
14. History of Sanskrit Literature – Gauri Nath Shastri

एम्. ए.(सं कृ तम्)
तृतीयष मासस म् (THIRD SEMESTER)
Group – A
ऋक् संिहता भा यभूिमका च
(RikSamhita Bhashyabhumika cha)
Code: SKAC09

The purpose of the Course is to give students a broad introduction of Vedic literature
beginning from Rig Veda’s Philosophical Hymns. It also introduces the Indian Vedic
commentators like Sayana, Skandaswami, Mahidhar, Uvvatta and Maharshi Dayananda
Saraswati who gave the true meaning of Vedas.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will form a basic understanding of some fundamental concepts of vedic philosophy.

 will be able to explain philosophical meaning of the vedic hymns according to some
famous commentaries of ancient Indian bhasykaras.
 will be able to understand vedas as our valuable ancient heritage.
 Will be able to know the introduction of Rigveda.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ऋ वेदसंिहता(1.1-5 सू ािन) सायणभा यानुसा र ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

दाशिनकसू ािन- िहर यगभसू म् (ऋ.वे. -10.121), नासदीयसू म्(ऋ.वे. -10.129), वा सू म्
(ऋ.वे.-10.125), कालसू (अथव-19.5-3)

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका सायणः - आ दतोऽथवाद ामा यिवचारं यावत् समी ा मकं
ा यातमक ा ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)
पा मे िविहतांशानां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
भारतीयवेदभा यकाराणां प रचयः

सं तुत- थाः

1. ऋ सू स हः - डॉ. कृ णकु मार तथा ह रद शा ी

2. ऋ वेदसंिहता- उमाश करशमा ऋिष
3. ऋ वेदः - दामोदरपाद सातवलेकर
4. अथववेदः - दामोदरपाद सातवलेकर
5. ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका - सायण, ा याकार- राम अवध पा डेय
6. वै दकवा य का वृहद् इितहास - पं. भगव एवं स य वा
7. सं कृ तवा य का वृहद् इितहास - वेदख ड- ो. वी. वी. चौबे

िश ा गृ सू
(Shiksha Grihyasutrancha)
Code: SKAC10


The course has two fold objectives of exposing the students to the knowledge of proper
pronunciation of Syllables of vedic mantras and ancient Indian science of rituals


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the correct of Syllables for recitation of vedic mantras.
 Will be able to learn about the Kalpa Vedang in detail though different Samskaras
depicted in Paraskara Grihyasutra.

Contents and Unit wise division
थमो वगः (Unit I)
या व यिश ा ( 1-35 ोकाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

या व यिश ा (36-70 ोकाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

पार करगृ सू म्( थमका ड य दशमीकि डकापय तम्) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पार करगृ सू म्( थमका ड य एकादशीकि डकातः एकोन वंशीकि डकापय तम्) मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
उपयु यो योरधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः

1. या व यिश ा- िव ाधर पा डेय

2. या व यिश ा- डॉ. नरेश झा
3. िश ास हः -राम साद ि पाठीण
4. पार करगृ सू म्- प भा योपेतम्
5. पार करगृ सू म्- ो. ओम् काश पा डेय
6. िह दु सं कार- डॉ. राजबली पा डेय
7. धमशा का इितहास- थमभाग- पी. वी. काणे,अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप
8. आप त बीय कम-मीमांसा – डॉ. याग नारायण िम
िन ं ाितशा य
(Niruktam Pratishakhyancha)
Code: SKAC11

The purpose of this course is to covey students a brief knowledge of vedanga Nirukta. Study
of some portions of Nirukta helps to understand vedic etymological science while
Pratishakhya explains uniqueness of vedic language.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to appreciate the role of Nirukta for understanding the essence of Vedic
verses through application of Nirukti or etymology.
 Will be able to understand vedic mantras in their true form with the knowledge of
Svara and Grammar.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िन म्- थमोऽ यायः ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

उपयु थ याधीतांश य समी ा मकम ययनं िनवचनािन च

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ऋ वेद ाितशा यम्(उ वटभा यसिहतम्) थमपटलम्- ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

ि तीय-तृतीयपटले ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
वै दक ाकरणं वरा

सं तुत थाः

1. िन म् (दुगाचायभा यसिहतम्)
2. िन म्- डॉ उमाश करशमा ऋिषः
3. िन म्- डॉ किपलदेव ि वेदी
4. िनघ टु एवं िन - ल मण व प
5. िन मीमांसा- िशवनारायणशा ी
6. वै दक ाकरण- डॉ रामगोपाल
7. वै दक ाकरण- डॉ उमेशच पा डेय
8. ऋ वेद ाितशा यम्- ो. वीरे कु मार वमा
9. ऋ वेद ाितशा यम्- ो. वी. वी. चौबे

ा णं मीमांसा च
(Brahmanam Mimamsa cha)
Code: SKADSE05

The course is intended to be an exposition of the Indian traditions of the Vedic

interpretation. It introduces thoughts and functional application of mantras in Yaga. This
course is to provide knowledge of the Vedic intellectual and cultural thoughts to the
learners. Another objective is to signify the role of Mimansa shastra explain Vedic mantras
with different parts of ritual in special context of Arthasangrah.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know about Vedic concept of Yaga.

 will be able to know comprehensive vision of Vedic Rishi through Brahmana.
 will be familiar with many important Mimansa terminologies.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ऐतरेय ा णम्- थमपि कायाः थमोऽ यायः, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ऐतरे य ा णम्- थमपि कायाः ि तीयतृतीयाऽ यायौ, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ऐतरे य ा ण य िविहतांश य समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अथस हः -िविनयोगिविधपय तम्, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
अथस ह य िविहतांशोपिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- थाः

1. अथस हः - ए.बी. गजे गडकर

2. अथस हः - दयाश करशा ी
3. अथस हः - कामे रनाथिम ः
4. ऐतरेय ा णम् - सायणभा यसिहतम् -सुधाकरमालवीयः
5. ऐतरेय ा णम् – सुख दावृि सिहतम्- ष गु िश यः
6. ऐतरेय ा ण एक अ ययन- नाथूलालपाठक
7. ऐतरेयलोचनम् – ो. म गलदेव शा ी
8. आप त बीय ौतयागमीमांसा -डॉ यागनारायणिम ः
9. धमशा का इितहास- पी. वी. काणे- अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप


का यायन ौतसू म्
Code: SKADSE06

The course is intended to be an exposition of the Indian traditions of the Shrautayaga in

reference of Darshpaurnamaseshti. It introduces functional application (Viniyoga) of
mantras in Yaga. Another objective is to signify the role of Katyayana Shrauta sutram.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know about the tradition of Darshapaurnamasa Yaga.

 will be able to understand the importance of Vedic ritual and culture.
 will gain the knowledge to perform Yajna according to Shukla Yajurveda.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

का यायन ौतसू म्- ि तीयोऽ यायः 01-04 कि डका, ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

का यायन ौतसू म्- ि तीयोऽ यायः 05-08 कि डका, ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit IV)
का यायन ौतसू म्- तृतीयोऽ यायः 01-04 कि डका, ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

का यायन ौतसू म्- तृतीयोऽ यायः 05-08 कि डका, ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
का यायन ौतसू याऽधीतांशिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः

1. का यायन ौतसू म् -ककभा यसिहतम्- थमो भागः, स पादकः – प ािभरामशा ी

2. देवयाि कप ित- देवयाि क, चौख भा सं कृ त सीरीज, वाराणसी
3. का यायन ौतसू - चौख भा सं कृ त सं थान, वाराणसी
4. ौतपदाथिनवचन – नागे र शा ी
5. ौतयागमीमांसा – युिधि र मीमांसक
6. आप त बीय ौतयागमीमांसा - डॉ. यागनारायणिम ः
7. का यायनय प ितिवमश – डॉ. मनोहर लाल ि वेदी
8. य त व काश - पं. ए. िच वामी शा ी


अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद
Code: SKADSE07


The course intends to train the students in the art of Sanskrit essay writing and translation
from other language to Sanskrit. The paper will be taught with an aim to inculcate in the
students the skill of Sanskrit Language which, in turn, will enhance their ability of writing
good essay and translation in Sanskrit.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the heiger techniques of translation into Sanskrit.

 Know the application of case, compound, verb, adverb and other components in
Sanskrit sentence.
 Will know how to express their idea or thoughts in Sanskrit language.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

वेदिवषयमिधकृ य सं कृ तेन िनब धः

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

सं कृ तेन वशा िवषयको लघुिनब धः
तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)
अप ठतसं कृ तांश य िह ाऽऽ लभाषयानुवादः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वेदिवषयकािभमतानां सं कृ तेनाऽनुवादो

प मो वगः (Unit V)
वेदाऽ ययन य ासि गकता

सं तुत थाः

1. ौढ़ रचना अनुवाद कौमुदी- डॉ. किपल देव ि वेदी

2. बृहद् अनुवाद चि का - च धर शमा नौ टयाल
3. सं कृ तिनब धशतकम् – डॉ. किपल देव ि वेदी
4. ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका - सायण
5. वेदाथ िवचार – सीतारामशा ी
6. ऋ वेदा दभा यभूिमका – दयान दसर वती
7. वै दक वा य म िव ान - रामे र दयाल गु

वै दकवा गमय येितहासः
Code: SKAGE05


The Paper elaborates the history of vedic literature describing its various text issues.
Another objective of this course is to provide knowledge of the vedik intellectual and
cultural thoughts to the learners.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 Will have a clarity about the vedic wisdom and vedic concepts.
 Will be able to understand various theories of interpretations according to
some important ancient and modern Indian commentators.
 will have a comprehensive vision about the basic nature of wide-ranging
Vedic texts and history of Vedic literature.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः(Unit I)
वै दकम संिहतानां प रचयः

ि तीयो वगः(Unit II)

ा णवा यम्- सामा यप रचयः

तृतीयो वगः(Unit III)

आर यकोपिनषदां प रचयः

चतुथ वगः(Unit IV)

वेदा ग-िवमशः

प मो वगः(Unit V)
वै दकवा य य मह वं सा ितक ासि गकता च

सं तुत थाः

1. वै दक वा य का बृहद् इितहास - पं. भगव एवं स य वा

2. सं कृ त वा य का बृहद् इितहास - वेद तथा वेदा ग ख ड, उ. . सं कृ त सं थान, लखनऊ
3. वै दक सािह य और सं कृ ित - पं.बलदेव उपा याय
4. वै दक सािह य और सं कृ ित का व प - ो. ओम् काश पा डेय
5. योित व ान स दभ समालोचिनका – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
6. History of Dharmshastra - P.V. Kane
7. History of Ancient Sanskrit Leterature - Maxmullar
8. The Science of Shulbas - B.B.Dutta


सामा यकमका डिविधः
Code: SKAGE06


The course is intended to be an exposition of the rituals in reference of Veda. It introduces

functional implementation (Viniyoga) of mantras in daily life.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 Will know the dos and don’ts according to veda.

 Will know the Vedic karmakanda by direct method.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः(Unit I)
िन यनैिमि क- कमािण
(स या-प य -तपण-जपिविधः,गोदान-तुलादान-छायादान-श यादानिविधः)

ि तीयो वगः(Unit II)
( वि तवाचनम्,पु याहवाचनम्,व णकलश थापनम्,षोडशोपचारपूजनम्, अ यु ारणदेव ित ा च)

तृतीयो वगः(Unit III)

होमकम-कु शकि डकािविधः,होमिविध ,कु डम डपिनमाणम्

चतुथ वगः(Unit IV)

अनु ानकमािण-
( ािभषेक,महामृ यु यम जपिविधः,नवच डी,शतच डीिविधः,गाय ीम पुर रण

प मो वगः(Unit V)
शाि तकमािण-
(नव हशाि तः,मूलग डा तशाि तः,दुः व शाि तः,वैध योगशाि त )

सं तुत थाः

1. कमकौमुदी - ो. ृजेशकु मारशु लः

2. कमठगु - मुकु दव लभिम ः
3. हशाि त योग - दौलतरामगौड
4. पौरोिह यकम िश क - उ. .सं थान,लखनऊ
5. आप त बीय कममीमांसा - डॉ. यागनारायणिम ः

तृतीयष मासस म् (THIRD SEMESTER)

Group – B
(सािह यवगः)
का ाल कारशा म्
Code: SKBC09

The course intends to familiarize the learners with the theory of rasa or aesthetic relish.
Dhvanyaloka, Vyaktiviveka and Alamkara-Sarvasva are the most valuable works amongst the

Sanskrit poetics tradition. It talks about the idea of dhvani, Alankara or suggestion to be the
most important gist in the expression of poetry.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of the theories of Rasa and Dhvani.
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the terms therein.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis in the light of
suggestive meanings in drama and poetry.
 will be able to appreciate and enjoy the expressions of poetry.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

व यालोकः (लोचनसिहतः) थमो ोतः ( थमका रकातः एकादशका रकापय तम्)-
ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ि िववेकः – थमिवमशः ( थमका रकातः ा वंशितका रकां यावत्)- ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

अल कारसव वम् – ( थमसू तः अ मसू पय तम्)- ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अल कारसव वम् – (नवमसू तः प दशसू पय तम्)- ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
उपयु थ योपिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः

1. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः- डॉ. रेवा साद ि वेदी

2. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः ( थमिवमशः) – डॉ. िवभारानी दुबे
3. व यालोकः (लोचनयु ः) – आन दवधनः – डॉ. जग ाथपाठकः
4. व यालोकः ( थमो ोतः) - डॉ. रामसागर ि पाठी
5. व यालोकः – आचाय िव े रः

6. अल कारसव वम् – यक – डॉ. रे वा साद ि वेदी
7. िह ी आफ सं कृ त पोय ट स - एस. के . डे.
8. िह ी आफ सं कृ त पोय ट स- पी. वी. काणे
9. भारतीय सािह यशा – पं. बलदेव उपा याय
10. अल कारमीमांसा – डॉ. रामच ि वेदी
11. मिहमभ – डॉ. जमोहन चतुवदी
12. सं कृ त का शा को मिहमभ के देयांश का मू या कन– डॉ. ीमती ानदेवी ीवा तव
13. आन दवधन- - डॉ. रे वा साद ि वेदी
14. विनगाथापि का- ो. बृजेशकु मारशु ल

ना शा ं नाटक
(Natyashastram Natakancha)
Code: SKBC10

The purpose of this course is to introduce the learners various components like plot, actor
and Rasa of dramaturgical criticism. The second part of this course is Comparative study
between two dramas Venisamhar and Ratnavali which intends to familiarize the students
with the important theoretical contributions of the famous Poets.


Upon Successful completion of this course students:

 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing of the prescribed texts in the
light of commentator Dhanika.
 will be able to know the depth knowledge about of various terminology i.e. plot,
actor and rasa, etc. for criticism a dramatic composition.
 will be able to understand the comparative study between two dramas Venisamhar
and Ratnavali.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

दश पकम् सावलोकम्- ( थम काशः)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्
ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

दश पकम् सावलोकम्- ( ि तीय काशः)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

दश पक याऽधीतांशानां समी ा मकमनुशीलनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वेणीसंहारर ाव योः ा या मक ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
िविहतनाटकयोः समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- थाः

1. दश पकम् – धन यः – आचाय ीिनवासशा ी

2. सं कृ तना सौरभ – जी. के . भ
3. ना शा (िह दी अनुवाद-सिहत) - डॉ. बाबूलाल शु ल
4. िह दीना शा - डॉ. ( ीमती) सुधा र तोगी
5. सं कृ तनाटक (क थ) िह दी अनुवाद - डॉ. उदयभान संह
6. सं कृ त ामा ट ट - के . पी. कु लकण
7. दश पकम्- (अवलोकटीकायुतम्) – धन यः- डॉ. भोलाश कर ासः
8. वेणीसंहारनाटकम् - भ नारायणः- पं. परमे रदीनपा डेयः
9. र ावलीना टका – हष - पं. परमे रदीनपा डेयः

रसिस ा तो भारतीयसौ दयशा
(Rasasiddhanto Bharatiya Saundaryasastrancha)
Code: SKBC11


The purpose of this course is to introduce the multi–facetedness of Indian dramaturgy

through the reading of the Rasa theory from Natyashastra with the commentary of
Abhinavagupta i.e. AbhinavaBharati.


After completion of this course the students:

 will form a basic understanding the discussions on Rasa sutra by Bhattalollatta,

SriShankuka, Bhattanayaka and Abhinavagupta.
 will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of the theories of Rasa.
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the terms therein.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

अिभनवभारती (रससू ा या) भ लो लट य रसिस ा त य ा या मकम ययनं समी ण

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

अिभनवभारती (रससू ा या) श कु क य रसिस ा त य ा या मकम ययनं समी ण

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

अिभनवभारती (रससू ा या) भ नायक य रसिस ा त य ा या मकम ययनं समी ण
चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)
अिभनवगु य रसिस ा त य ा या मकम ययनं समी ण

प मो वगः (Unit V)
भारतीयसौ दयशा म्

सं तुत थाः

1. वत कलाशा ( थम भाग, भारतीय) - डॉ. के . सी. पा डेय

2. कला िववेचन- डॉ. कु मार िवमल
3. अिभनव रसिस ा त (अिभनवभारती)- डॉ. दशरथ ि वेदी
4. सौ दयशा – ममता चतुवदी
5. भारतीयका िस ा त – डॉ. नगे
6. का त वमीमांसा – जयम त िम
7. Western Aesthetics - Dr. K. C. Pandey

8. Principals of Literary Criticism - I. A. Richard
9. Aesthetics - B. Croce


पा ा यसौ दयशा म्
Code- SKBDSE05


The objective of the Paper is to intend the learners difference between the Indian Aestheics
and western aesthetics. It also helps the readers to know the chronological developments of
western aesthetics.


After completion of this course the students:

 will know the views of western aestheticians viz. Kant, Hegel, Plato and Aristotle.
 Will be able to understand the difference between Indian Aestheics and western

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

पा ा यसौ दयशा यो वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पा ा यसौ दयशा य ारि भक-म य-पुन थान-नवशा ीय-पर पराः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

अनुभववादी-बुि वादी-सौ दयशा म्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)
पा ा यसौ दयशा ेऽिभ नावादः, भौितकवादो मा सवाद

प मो वगः (Unit V)
मनोवै ािनकं कला मक सौ दयशा म्

सं तुत थाः
1. वत कलाशा (भाग-दो पा ा य) - डॉ. काि तच पा डेय
2. सौ दयशा - डॉ. ममता चतुवदी
3. कलािववेचन - डॉ. कु मार िवमल
4. सािह यशा - डॉ. नगे
5. Western Aesthetics - Dr. K. C. Pandey
6. Aesthetics - B. Croce


ऐितहािसकमहाका म् अिभलेखा
(Aitihasikamahakavyam Abhilekhash)
Code: SKBDSE06


The objective of this course is to introduce the students to historical, cultural, religious,
social and literary significance of the inscriptions of the Gupta period and Post Gupta
period. A special attention is to be given to the mastering of the ancient scripts.


After the completion of this course the students will:

 Know the historical importance of VikramankaDeva Charitama Charitama of Billhana

and Harshacharitam of Banabhatta.

 be aware of the social, religious, administrative and political conditions of the time
of the reign of Gupta kings.
 be thoroughly able to decipher, understand and interpret all the facts available
regarding Rudradaman Period.
 be well grounded for perusing the advance learning in the field of archaeology.
 acquire the knowledge of the features of ancient Scripts.
 be thoroughly skilled for explanation and transliteration of the inscriptions.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

हषच रतम्- ( थमो छवासः)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

िव मा कदेवच रतम् ( थमसगः)- ( ार भतः षि प पय तम्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

उपयु थ य य समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अिभलेखस हः ( दा ो िग रनार-अिभलेखः, क दगु य जूनागढ़िशलािभलेख )- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
अिभलेखस ह य समी ा मकम ययनम्, अिभलेखानां प रचय

सं तुत थाः
1. िव मा कदेवच रतम् Vol. I, II तथा III (B.H.U. Publications)
2. िव मा कदेवच रतम् िव हण ( थमसगः)- पं. हरगोिव द शा ी
3. गु कालीन अिभलेख- वासुदेव उपा याय
4. ाचीन भारतीय अिभलेख स ह- ीराम गोयल
5. हषच रतम्- बाणभ - आचाय जग ाथ पाठक
6. अिभलेखमाला- झा ब धु
7. सेले टेड इि स श स, भाग-1 – डी. सी. सरकार
8. History of Sanskrit Literature – A. B. Keith
9. History of Sanskrit Literature-Classical Period - S. K. Day and S. N. Das

अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद
Code: SKBDSE07


The course intends to train the students in the art of Sanskrit essay writing and translation
from other language to Sanskrit. The paper will be taught with an aim to inculcate in the
students the skill of Sanskrit Language which, in turn, will enhance their ability of writing
good essay and translation in Sanskrit.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the techniques of translation into Sanskrit.

 Know the application of case, compound, verb, adverb and other components in
Sanskrit sentence.
 Will know how to express their idea or thoughts in Sanskrit language.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

सािह यिवषयमिधकृ य सं कृ तेन िनब धः

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

सं कृ तेन वशा िवषयको लघुिनब धः
तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)
अप ठतसं कृ तांश य िह ाऽऽ लभाषया वाऽनुवादः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

सािह यिवषयकािभमतानां सं कृ तेनाऽनुवादः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
सािह या ययन य ासि गकता उपयोिगता च

सं तुत थाः
1. ौढ़ रचना अनुवाद कौमुदी - डॉ. किपलदेव ि वेदी
2. बृहद्-अनुवाद-चि का – च धर नौ टयाल ‘हंस’ शा ी
3. सं कृ तिनब धशतकम् - डॉ. किपलदेव ि वेदी
4. सािह यशा ीयो िनब धः - वेद ासशु लः
5. सं कृ तिनब धावली - डॉ. रामजी उपा यायः
6. अल कारसारः - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
7. अल कारम री - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
8. तदेव गगनं सैव धरा - डॉ. सीतानाथ आचाय शा ी
9. का वं शुभे - ो. सीतानाथ आचाय शा ी
10. रयीशः - ो. रामकरण शमा
11. सुरगवी समालोचिनका – ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
12. वा यी शेमुषी - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
13. ुितम री - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
14. गु नम रीम् - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
15. व मिणः – ो. रामसुमेरयादवः
16. कबीरवचनामृतम्- ो. रामसुमेरयादवः
17. इि दरासौरभम् - ो. रामसुमेरयादवः
18. जय तभ कृ त आगमड बर के का शा ीय आयाम - डॉ. यागनारायण िम


का शा िे तहासः
Code: SKAGE05


This course namely Survey of Sanskrit poetics intends to familiarize the students with the
important theoretical contributions of the famous rhetoricians of Alaṁkaraśastra.


Upon Successful completion of this course students:

 will have a broad perspective of the field of famous rhetoricians of Alaṁkaraśastra.

 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

सं कृ तका शा यो वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

अल कारशा म् औिच यस दाय

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

रीितस दायो व ोि स दाय

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

विनस दायो रसिस ा त

प मो वगः (Unit V)
का शा याऽ याः वृ यः आधुिनकका शा

सं तुत थाः

1. भारतीय सािह यशा - पं. बलदेव उपा याय

2. अल कारशा का इितहास - कृ णकु मार
3. सं कृ त सािह य क मुख वृि याँ - कृ णकु मार
4. ना शा – पारसनाथ ि वेदी
5. भारतीयका िस ा त - डॉ. नगे
6. का त वसमी ा - डॉ. नगे नाथ चौधरी
7. सािह यशा - डॉ. स यदेव चौधरी
8. का त वमीमांसा - जयम त िम
9. आन दवधन - डॉ. रे वा साद ि वेदी
10. का शा और का - ो राधाव लभ ि पाठी
11. अिभनवका ाल कारसू - ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
12. ीबालकृ णभ - णीत अल कारसार-समी ण - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
13. अल कारसार - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
14. अल कारम री - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
15. सािह यिवमश – ो. रहसिवहारी ि वेदी

मातृकािव ानम्
Code: SKAGE06


To promote research and interest in Indian knowledge system with particular emphasis on
manuscripts. the objective is not only to know about the existing information and practices
about the manuscripts but also to bring to light relatively unknown knowledge. This Paper
tires to develop and incorporate these insights into its activities.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the techniques how to preserve the Manuscripts.

 will be able to read the ancient scripts.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

मातृकािव ान यो वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पा डु िलिपः – व पं भेद भेदाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

पा डु िलिप – संर णिवधयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पा डु िलिपस पादने पाठालोचन िविधः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
वतमानस दभ पा डु िलिपिव ानं सम या समाधान

सं तुत थाः
1. पा डु िलिपिव ान - डॉ. स ये
2. पाठालोचन - डॉ. एस्. एम्. क े
3. ाचीन िलिपमाला - गौरीश करह र ओझा
4. कै टलागस कै टलोगोरम् - योडर ए े च
5. आधुिनक सं कृ त सािह य स दभ सूची - डॉ. राधाव लभ ि पाठी, डॉ. रमाका त पा डेय

तृतीयष मासस म् (THIRD SEMESTER)

Group – C
यायशा म्
Code: SKCC09

The objective of this paper is to bring the deep knowledge of Nyaya Philosophy by reading
and understanding of Nyayasiddhantamuktawali and Nyayabindu. By reading of these
philosophical books the important object of this paper is to develop the capacity of
analysing the facts in specific light of Nyaya principles.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to understand the Nyaya traditions with Baudh Nyaya.

 Will be able to analyse and explain the principles and theories of Nyaya Philosophy.
 Will be able to explore the important factors of Baudh Nyaya tradition in specific
reference to Nyayabindu.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िस ा तमु ावली ( य ख डः) ( थमका रकात स दशका रकां यावत्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

िस ा तमु ावली ( य ख डः) (अ ादशत तु ंश का रकां यावत्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

िस ा तमु ावलीप ठतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

यायिब दुः ( य ख डः) ( थमसू ादेकादशसू पय तम्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
यायिब दुप ठतांशिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. यायिस ा तमु ावली - ा याकार- धम नाथ शा ी
2. यायिब दुः ा याकारः - ीिनवास शा ी
3. पदाथशा (भाग-1) – पं. आन द झा
4. भारतीयदशन - डॉ. उमेश िम
5. Nyaya Theory of Knowledge - S. C. Chatterjee
6. Outlines of Indian Philosophy - Hiriyanna
7. A Critic of Indian Realism - D. N. Shastri

पूवमीमांसो रमीमांसा च
(Poorvamimamsottarmimamsa cha)
Code: SKCC10


The objective of this paper is to bring in light the rich tradition of Poorvamimamsa and
Uttarmimamsa in form of Vedanta Philosophy. By reading the text Arthasangrah,
Bramhasutra-shankarbhashhyam and Vedantaparibhasha, a perfect theory of
Poorvamimamsa and poorvottarmimamsa will have to be gained by this paper.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to make the proper interpretation of the Mimamsa and Vedanta
 Will be able to understand the logic of different activities useful to Yaga and Indian
 Will be able to practice to ignore the sense enjoyment by realising the existence of
soul and divine empowerment.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

अथस हः (आ दतो िविनयोगिव धं यावत्) - मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

अथस ह याधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकमनुशीलनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

सू शा करभा यम् – (आ दतो ‘ज मा य यतः’ इित सू भा यपय तम्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वेदा तप रभाषा (आ दतोऽनुमान माणं यावत्), मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
उपयु प ठत थ योपिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. वेदा तप रभाषा - पं. आन द झा ( ा याकार)
2. अथस हः - ए. बी. गजे गडकर
3. अथस हः - डॉ. वाच पित उपा याय
4. अथस हः - डॉ. कामे र नाथ िम
5. अथस हः - डॉ. दयाश कर शा ी
6. सू - चतुःसू ी - आचाय िव े र
7. सू - चतुःसू ी - डॉ. कामे र नाथ िम
8. Vedantic Epistemology - G. R. Malkani
9. Philosophy of Advaita - T. M. P. Mahadevan
10. Outlines of Indian Philosophy - Hiriyanna
11. Lectures on Vedanta - Dr. Ganga Nath Jha
12. Purvamimamsa in its Sources - Dr. Ganga Nath Jha

िविश ा तै दशनम्
Code: SKCC11


The objective of this paper is to achieve real knowledge of God in the glorious form of
Vishnu. By reading Shribhashyam of Ramanuja it is also the objective of this paper is to
realise the supreme authority of Vishnu. By reading of Shrivachanbhushanam it may be also
obtained the tradition and power of prayer. The Vishistaadvaita Philosophy is the specific
school of Advaita Vedanta stablish by Vaishnav Acharyas.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to know the unique existence of Vishnu in Advaita philosophy.

 Will be able to know the different principles and theories of Vishishtaadvaitdarshan.
 Will be able to analyse and stablish facts of Indian philosophy.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ीभा यम् (1.1.1)- ार भतो महापूवप पय तम्- ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ीवचनभूषणम् (1-15 सू ािण )- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ीवचनभूषणम् (16-30 सू ािण )- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

ीभा य ीवचनभूषणयोः प ठतांशानां समी णम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
आलवाराणामाचायाणां च च रतालोचनम्
(भूतसरोमह ि सारशठकोपमधुरकिवनाथ-यामुनरामानुजाचायाः)

सं तुत थाः
1. ीभा यम् – रामानुजाचायः, ा याकार - लिलत कृ ण गो वामी
2. ीवचनभूषणम् – लोकाचाय (वरबरमुिनटीकायुतम्) - ीगदाधर रामानुज
3. भारत के बारह आलवार – पा. वे कटाचारी
4. ीम ागवोपपुराणम् अ ययनं स पादन - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
5. ल मीत -धम और दशन – ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
6. पा रा प रशीलन - ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
7. History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. III – S. N. Dasgupta
8. Philosophy of Visistadvaita – P. N. Srinivasachari
9. Vedanta- Desika, Works and Philosophy - Dr. S. V. Singh

िशवा तै दशनम्
(Shivaadvaita Darshanam)
Code: SKCDSE05


According to Shaiva Philosophy Shiv is the Supreme and sovereign authority of the Universe.
Abhinavagupta has great contribution to Kashmir Shaivism. Ishwarpratyabhigya Vimarshini
is the most important book of Shivadvaita Philosophy.So the objective of this paper is to
bring the important knowledge in light of students with its fundamental concepts.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to gain the perfect knowledge of Shivadvaita Philosophy.

 Will be able to bring in light contribution of Abhinavagupta as well as other scholars
of Shaiva Philosophy.
 Will be able to analyze and explore the concepts of Shaiva Darshan.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) – थमख डः – ानािधकारः
( थमका रकात तुदशका रकां यावत्) – मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) – थमख डः – ानािधकारः
(प दशका रकातः एक वंशितका रकां यावत्) - मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) – ि तीयख डः – आगमािधकारः ( थमाि नकम्) -मूलपाठ य
ा या मकमनुशीलनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) – ि तीयख डः – आगमािधकारः (ि तीयाि नकम्) -मूलपाठ य
ा या मकमनुशीलनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
अधीत थांश य समी णा मकम ययनं िशवा त
ै िवषयाणां समी ण

सं तुत थाः
1. िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) अिभनवगु ः - ो. अ यर तथा डॉ. के . सी. पा डेयः
2. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (प म भाग) - डॉ. एस् एन् दास गु
3. यिभ ा दयम् – डॉ. जयदेव संह
4. तांि क िशवा यवाद म िनयमनवाद तथा इ छा- वात य - डॉ. मीरा र तोगी
5. History of Indian Philosophy – S. N. Dasgupta
6. Bhaskari Vol III, English Translation
7. Abhinavagupta – Dr. K. C. Pandey
8. History of Indian Philosophy – Radhakrishnan


का मीरशैवागमः
Code: SKCDSE06


Agamas are the most important composition of Indian philosophy. In the tradition of
Agama Philosophy Agamas are able to be recognised as Apaurusheya just like Vedas.
Agamas may be divided in three kinds Shaiva, Shakta and Vaishnav. According to scholars
Kashmir has privilege to stablish and publish Agamas, so the Kashmir and the scholars of
Kashmir has a original contribution in the development of Agama tradition, so bring in
knowledge and explore the ideas of Kashmir Shaivagama is the very useful objective of this


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to know the contribution of Abhinavagupta and Utpaldeva with other
Shaiva scholars of the Kashmir.
 By reading of Shaivagama philosophy the student will be able to analyse and explore
the unique tradition of Kashmirshaivagama.
 Will be able to know about unique supreme strength of Shiva.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

का मीरशैवागम यो वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

का मीरशैवागम य मुखभेद- भेदाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

का मीरशैवागम थाः आचाया

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

का मीरशैवागम य मुखिस ा ताः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
का मीरशैवागमे िशवत विवमशः

सं तुत थाः
1. यिभ ा दयम् – डॉ. जयदेव संह
2. तांि क िशवा यवाद म िनयमनवाद तथा इ छा- वात य - डॉ. मीरा र तोगी
3. त ालोकः – अिभनवगु
4. का मीरशैवदशन का इितहास - ो. के . सी. पा डेयः
5. का मीर क शैवसं कृ ित म कु ल और म मत - ो. नवजीवन र तोगी
6. ताि क सािह य – पं. किवराज गोपीनाथ
7. Abhinavagupta – A Historical and Philosophical Study - Prof. K. C. Pandey
8. Abhinava Perspectives on Abhinavagupta – Prof. N. J. Rastogi
9. An Outline of History of Shaiv Philosophy - K. C. Pandey, R. C. Dwivedi


अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद
Code: SKCDSE07

The course intends to train the students in the art of Sanskrit essay writing and translation
from other language to Sanskrit. The paper will be taught with an aim to inculcate in the

students the skill of Sanskrit Language which, in turn, will enhance their ability of writing
good essay and translation in Sanskrit.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the techniques of translation into Sanskrit.

 Know the application of case, compound, verb, adverb and other components in
Sanskrit sentence.
 Will know how to express their idea or thoughts about Indian Philosophy in Sanskrit

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

दशनिवषयमिधकृ य सं कृ तेन िनब धः

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

सं कृ तेन वशा िवषयको लघुिनब धः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

अप ठतसं कृ तांश य िह ाऽऽ लभाषयाऽनुवादः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

दशनिवषयकानामिभमतानां सं कृ तेनाऽनुवादः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
दशनशा ा ययन य ासि गकता उपयोिगता च

सं तुत- थाः
1. दशनोदय - ल मीपुर ीिनवासाचारी
2. िच िनब धावली - पं. रघुनाथ शमा
3. ाक् रामानुजीयम् - डॉ. टी. िवजयराघवः
4. भारतीयं दशनम् - डॉ. शिश भा कु मार
5. हे वाभासिवमशः - डॉ. हरे राम ि पाठी
6. जय तभ कृ त आगमड बर धा मक तथा दाशिनक आयाम - डॉ. याग नारायण िम

7. आप त बीयम या मपटलम् - डॉ. याग नारायण िम
8. सवदशनस हः, माधवाचाय – ो. सुरेशच ीवा तव
9. िनब धशतकम् – डॉ. किपलदेव ि वेदी


पात लयोगसू म्
Code: SKCGE05

Yoga is the most important and contextual scientific philosophy in present context.
Acharya Patanjali has composed Yogasutram to produce and stablish fandamental of Yoga
Philosophy. The object of this paper is to bring in light the principles and theory of Yoga by
exploring the facts.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to bring in practice the principles and elements of Yoga.

 Will be able to bring in light and let the society to know the practical and academic
important of Meditations and Yogaasana.
 Will be able to compare the facts between concepts of Modern and Ancient Yoga in
scientific way.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

पात लयोगसू म् (साधनपादः) 01-15 सू पय तं मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पात लयोगसू म् (साधनपादः) 16-30 सू ाणां मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

पात लयोगसू म् (साधनपादः) 31-45 सू ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पात लयोगसू म् (साधनपादः) 46-55 सू ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
पात लयोगसू य योगदशन य चाऽधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. पात लयोगसू म् – ासभा यसिहतम्- ो. सुरेशच ीवा तव
2. सवदशनस हः - माधवाचाय-उमाश कर शमा ऋिष
3. योगिस ा त एवं साधना - डॉ. ह रकृ णशा ी दातार
4. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पाँच भाग) – एस् एन् दास गु ा
5. भारतीयदशन – डॉ. राधाकृ णन्
6. पात लयोग दीप - गीता ेस, गोरखपुर
7. The Foundations of Contemporary Yoga – Prof. R. H. Singh


भारतीयदशनप रचयः
Code: SKCGE06


The objective of this paper is to stablish the importance of uniqueness of Indian philosophy.
Indian Philosophy is a perfect group of different schools. The objective of this paper is to
bring in knowledge all over important ideas of Shaddarshan with Nastikdarshan.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to know the different schools, principles and facts of Nyaya, Samkhya,
Vaisheshika, Vedanta, Mimamsa and Yoga Philosophy.
 Will be able to distinguish the different between Indian and Western philosophy.
 Will be able to improve their internal values and emotions with their expressions in
light of great Indian Philosophy.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

भारतीयदशन य व पं वैिश य

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

नाि तकदशन- प रचयः – जैन-बौ -चावाकदशनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

सा य-योग- याय-वैशिे षकदशनानां-सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पूवमीमांसो रमीमांसादशनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
आगमदशनम्-शैव-शा -वै णवदशनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. भारतीयदशन – डॉ. राधाकृ णन्
2. भारतीयदशन - डॉ. उमेश िम
3. भारतीयदशन - चटज एवं द
4. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पाँच भाग) – एस् एन् दास गु ा
5. ल मीत -धम और दशन – ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
6. पा रा प रशीलन - ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
7. जय तभ कृ त आगमड बर धा मक तथा दाशिनक आयाम - डॉ. याग नारायण िम
8. History of Indian Philosophy – S. N. Dasgupta

तृतीयष मासस म् (THIRD SEMESTER)
Group – C
(पािल ाकृ तवगः)
पािलबु वचनसािह यम्
Code: SKDC09

The objective of this course acquaints the students with the knowledge of Buddhist culture
reflect in Pali literature. Special focus will be given on exploration of religious tradition
spoken by Buddha in the reference of text Buddhavachan.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will learn about the origin development and doctrines of the Buddhism.
 Will know the various aspects of Buddhist culture.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

सु िनपात: (उरगवग्गं - 1-6 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

दीघिनकाय: (महाप रिनब्बानसु ं - 1-3 भाणवारािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

संयु िनकाय: (कोसलसंयु ं - 1-6 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

संयु िनकाय: (कोसलसंयु ं - 7-12 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
थ य याधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत था:
1. सु िनपात: - िभ ु धमरि त
2. दीघिनकाय: - िभ ु जगदीश क यप
3. संयु िनकाय: - ा रकादास शा ी
4. मि झमिनकाय: (1-5 भाग) – िह दी अनुवाद बौ भारती – सुधी काशन, वाराणसी
5. Pali Literature and language- Dr. W. Geiger

पािलका म्
Code: SKDC10

The objective of this course is to give the students glimpse of the rich Pali literary tradition
through the reading of two very important literary compositions of Mahavansh and
Milindpanho. This course has also included general introduction of Pali grammar.


After completion of the paper the student

 will be familiar with the individual style of the two Pali literary texts.
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

महावंसो (तृतीयचतुथप र छेदौ) ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

उ थ य िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)
िम लंदप हो (बािहरकथा) ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

उ थ य िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
पािल ाकरणम्-श दधातु पा दस बि धिनयमाः

सं तुत था:
1. िम लंदप हो - िह दी अनुवादसिहत बौ भारती – सुधी काशन, वाराणसी
2. महावंसो - ा रका दास शा ी
3. क ायन ाकरण – ल मीनारायन ितवारी
4. पािलमहा ाकरण – िभ ु धमरि त

ाकृ तका म्
Code: SKDC11


The general objective of this course is to explore the students to the Gathasaptashati,
Gaudbaho and Setubandh three literary text of Prakrit language.


After completion of the paper the student

 will find themselves well acquainted with the highest forms of poetry writings with
its poetic beauty.
 will be explored to the art of writing of Arya chhand in poetry.
 will be able to know the Prakrit Kavya tradition.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

गाहास सइ (गाथास शती) 1–50 गाथा: ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

गाहास सइ 51–100 गाथा: ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

गउडवहोचयिनका (1–95 गाथा:) ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

सेतुब धं ( थमा ास:) 1–32 गाथा: ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
थ य योप र समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत था:
1. गाथास शती - हाल, िह दी अनुवादक – डॉ. जग ाथ पाठक
2. गाथास शती - हाल, िह दी टीकाकार – ी नमदे र चतुवदी
3. गउडवहोचयिनका – डॉ. स य त संह
4. सेतुब धम् – वरसेन (रामदासभूपित टीका), स पादक– पं. िशवद
5. सेतुब धम् – वरसेन (रामदासभूपित टीका), स पादक– डॉ. रघुवश

6. सेतुब ध एक सामा य अ ययन– डॉ. राजाराम जैन
7. गउडवहो – वा पितराज – स पादक – ो. नरह र गो वंद
8. सेतुब ध महाका का आलोचना मक अ ययन – डॉ. रामजी राय

जैनागमसािह यम्
Code: SKDDSE05

The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental concepts of
theories of Jainagamas. The course intends to give the learners a very good grounding in
Jainagam literature.


 will able to know behavior of ascetic life describing Acharanga sutra.

 will form a clear understanding of some essential concepts of Jain agamas.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

आचारा गसू म् ( थमो े यक:) ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

आचारा गसू म् (ि तीयो े यक:) ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

आचारा गसू ोप र समी ा मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

समणसु म् 1–50 गाथा: ा या मकं समी ा मकं चाऽ ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
ाकृ त ाकरण य सामा यम ययनम्

सं तुत- था:
1. आचारा गसू म् – सागरान दसू र स पादक, टीकाकार – मुिन ज बू िवजय जी
2. आचारा गसू एक अ ययन - डॉ. परमे ी दास जैन

3. ाकृ त काश: – वर िच – हंदीटीकाकार – मथुरा साद, स पादक – जग ाथ शा ी हो शंग
4. ाकृ त वेिशका – डॉ. कोमलच जैन
5. ाकृ त ाकरणम् – हेमच , स पादक– डॉ. के . वी. आ टे
6. समणसु म् – िजने वण


ाकृ त ाकरणम्
Code: SKDDSE06

The objective of this course is enhancing and advancing the knowledge of Prakrit grammar
through the reading of the texts Prakrit prakash and Siddhhem-shabdanushasan.
Familiarising the learners with the origin and development of word of prakrit language.


 will learn the structural pattern and formation of Prakrit words.

 will have the knowledge of primary Prakrit suffixes.
 will have a thorough idea of the Prakrit prakash of Vararuchi and Siddhahaim-
shabdanushasan of Hemchandra Suri.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

ाकृ त ाकरणम् (िस हेमश दानुशासनम्) – अ मोऽ याय: – चतुथपाद: 260–328 सू ाणां
ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

ाकृ त काश: – थम–प र छेद:, सू ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

ाकृ त काश: – ि तीय–प र छेदः, सू ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)
ाकृ त काश: – ादश: प र छेद:, सू ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
उपयु थ य याऽधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत था:
1. ाकृ त काश: – वर िच:
2. िस हेमश दानुशासनम् – हेमच :

3. ाकृ त वेिशका – डॉ. कोमलच जैन

4. ाकृ त दीिपका – डॉ. सुदशन लाल जैन
5. ाकृ त शब्द दीिपका – नर संह शा ी


अप ठतांशोऽनुवाद
Code: SKDDSE07


The course intends to train the students in the art of Prakrit and Pali essay writing and
translation from other language to Pali and Prakrit. The paper will be taught with an aim to
inculcate in the students the skill of Prakrit Language which, in turn, will enhance their
ability of writing good essay and translation in Pali and Prakrit.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the techniques of translation into Pali and Prakrit.
 Know the application of case, compound, verb, adverb and other components in Pali
and Prakrit sentence.
 Will know how to express their idea or thoughts in Pali and Prakrit language.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

ाकृ तेन, पािलभाषया सं कृ तेन वा िनब ध: पािल ाकृ तिवषयमिधकृ य

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

ाकृ तेन, पािलभाषया वा वशा िवषयको लघुिनब ध:

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

अप ठत ाकृ तांशा: पािल ाकृ तिवषयकाः

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

ाकृ तेन, पािलभाषया सं कृ तेन वाऽनुवाद:

प मो वग: (Unit V)
पािल ाकृ ताऽ ययन योपयोिग वम्

सं तुत- था:
1. प मधु – डॉ. कोमलच जैन
2. पािलिनब धावली - डॉ. ह रश कर शु ला
3. पािलसािह य का इितहास – डॉ. भरत संह उपा याय
4. ाकृ त भाषा और सािह य का आलोचना मक इितहास – डॉ. नेिमच शा ी
5. व ाल गं– जयव लभ, िह दी अनुवादक – पं. िव नाथ पाठक
6. समराइ कहा – ह रभ सू र, स पादक – डॉ. हमन याकोबी


ाकृ तभाषेितहास:
Code: SKDGE05

The course is intended to be an exposition of the history of Prakrit language. It introduces

thoughts and literary work of some of the well-known ancient scholars of Prakrit language.
This course also elaborates the history of Prakrit language.


 will acquire some thorough knowledge of Prakrit language from its origin to
 will be familiarized with the individual contribution of Acharyas in the making of rich
Prakrit literature.
 will gain a thorough knowledge of the various types of Prakrit language like Magdhi,
Sauraseni, Maharashtri etc.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

ाकृ तभाषाया उ वो िवकास

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

ाकृ तभाषाया भेद – भेदा:

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

ाकृ तभाषासािह य यम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

ाकृ तभाषाया िवकास मे स कानां योगदानम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
सं कृ तनाटके षु ाकृ त– योग:

सं तुत था:
1. ाकृ त भाषा और सािह य का आलोचना मक इितहास – डॉ. नेिमच शा ी

2. ाकृ तसौरभम् – ो. िवजय कु मार जैन

3. ाकृ त सािह य का इितहास – डॉ. जगदीशच जैन
4. ाकृ त वेिशका – डॉ. कोमलच जैन

5. ाकृ त दीिपका – डॉ. सुदशन लाल जैन

6. ाकृ त सूि कोश – डॉ. राका जैन
7. पाइयं बो लउ – डॉ. पि का जैन

Code: SKDGE06


The objective of this course is to introduce the students to some important aspects of origin
and development of Pali language. The paper will familiarize the learners with Pali
phonology morphology and syntax. The paper also intends to train the students in the art of
writing in Pali and translation from Pali to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to Pali.


 Will learn the techniques of translation in Pali and from Pali.

 will understand the important causes and directions of phonetic changes with
reference to Pali.
 will know the rules of case compound and primary secondary suffixes of Pali and
their uses in actual language situations.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

पािलभाषाया उ वो िवकास

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

पािल वणमाला, श द-रचना, वा यसंरचना च

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

पािल ाकरण य सामा यिस ा ताः

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

खु कपाठः – ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)

खु कपाठ य समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- था:
1. पािल महा ाकरण - िभ ु धमरि त
2. पािल वेिशका – डॉ. कोमलच जैन
3. पािल ाकरण - िभ ु धमरि त
4. पािल सािह य का इितहास - िभ ु धमरि त
5. पािल सािह य का इितहास – भरत संह उपा याय
6. खु कपाठः – नीिलमा मािणकराव च हान

एम्. ए.(सं कृ तम्)
चतुथष मासस म् (FOURTH SEMESTER)
Group – A
ऋ वेद ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका च
(Rigveda rigvedabhashyabhumika cha)
Code: SKAC12

The purpose of the Course is to give students a broad introduction of vedic literature from
beginning of Rig Veda’s hymns with some Samvad suktas. It also introduces the Western
vedic commentators like Wilson, Peterson and Smith who gave the true meaning of Vedas.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will form a basic understanding of some fundamental concepts of vedic philosophy.

 will be able to explain philosophical meaning of the vedic hymns according to some
famous commentaries of ancient Indian bhasykaras.
 will be able to understand vedas as our valuable ancient heritage.
 Will be able to know the contribution of Western commentator of Vedas.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ऋ वेदसंिहता(1.6-10. सू ािन) सायणभा यानुसा र ा या मकमनुशीलनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

संवादसू ािन- िव ािम नदीसंवादसू म् (ऋ.वे. 3.33) ,यम-यमी-संवाद(ऋ.वे.1..1.), सरमा-पिण-
संवादसू म् (ऋ.वे. -1..13.), पु रवा-उवशी संवादसू म् (ऋ.वे. 1..85) मं ाणां ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका - सायणः - वेदानामपौ षेयिसि तो था तं यावत्, ा या मकम ययनम्
चतुथ वगः (Unit -IV)
अधीतांशानां समी ा मकमनुशीलनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
पा ा यवेदवेदभा यकाराणां प रचयः

सं तुत थाः

8. ऋ सू स हः - डॉ. कृ णकु मार तथा ह रद शा ी

9. ऋ वेदसंिहता - उमाश करशमा ऋिष
10. ऋ वेदः - दामोदरपाद सातवलेकर
11. ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका - सायण , ा याकार- राम अवध पा डेय
12. ऋ वेदभा यभूिमका – ी जग ाथपाठक
13. वै दकवा य का वृहद् इितहास - पं. भगव एवं स य वा
14. सं कृ तवा य का वृहद् इितहास - वेदख ड - ो. वी. वी. चौबे
15. वेदामृतम जूिषका – डॉ. याग नारायण िम
16. Vedic Collection – Prof. V. V. Chobey

िश ा क पशा
(Shiksha Kalpashastramcha)

The course has two fold objectives of exposing the students to the knowledge of proper
pronunciation of Syllables of vedic mantras and ancient Indian science of rituals
(Samskaras). By reading of Yajyavalkyashiksha and Paraskargrihyasutram.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the correct pronunciation of Syllables for recitation of vedic
mantras with their rules.
 Will be able to learn about the Kalpa Vedang in detail though different Samskaras
depicted in Paraskara Grihyasutra.

Contents and Unit wise division
थमो वगः (Unit I)
या व यिश ा ( 163-180 ोकाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

या व यिश ा (181-199 ोकाः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

पार करगृ सू म् 2.1-4 कि डका, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

पार करगृ सू म् 2.5-8 कि डका, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
उपयु यो यो थयोरधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः

9. या व यिश ा - िव ाधर पा डेय

10. या व यिश ा - डॉ. नरे श झा
11. िश ास हः - राम साद ि पाठी
12. पार करगृ सू म् - प भा योपेतम्
13. पार करगृ सू म् - ो. ओम् काश पा डेय
14. िह दु सं कार - डॉ. राजबली पा डेय
15. धमशा का इितहास – थमभाग - पी.वी. काणे,अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप
16. योित व ान स दभ समालोचिनका – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
17. कमकौमुदी - ो. ृजेशकु मारशु लः
18. आप त बीय कम-मीमांसा – डॉ. याग नारायण िम

िन ं ाितशा य

(Niruktam Pratishakhyamcha)


The purpose of this course is to covey students a brief knowledge of vedanga Nirukta. Study
of some portions of Nirukta helps to understand vedic etymological science while
Pratishakhya explains uniqueness of vedic language with specific grammer.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to appreciate the role of Nirukta for understanding the essence of Vedic
verses through application of Nirukti or etymology.
 Will be able to understand vedic mantras in their true form with the knowledge of
Svara and Grammar.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िन म्- ि तीयोऽ यायः – मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

िन म्- स मोऽ यायः – मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

िन य समी ा मकम ययनं िनवचन

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

ऋ वेद- ाितशा यम् – चतुथपटलम्, ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
ऋ वेद- ाितशा यम्- ादशं षोडश पटलम्, ा या मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः

10. िन म् (दुगाचायभा यसिहतम्)

11. िन म् - डॉ. उमाश करशमा ऋिषः
12. िन म् - डॉ. किपलदेव ि वेदी
13. िनघ टु एवं िन - ल मण व प
14. िन मीमांसा - िशवनारायणशा ी
15. वै दक ाकरण - डॉ. रामगोपाल
16. वै दक ाकरण - डॉ. उमेशच पा डेय
17. ऋ वेद ाितशा यम् - ो. वीरे कु मार वमा
18. ऋ वेद ाितशा यम् - ो. वी. वी. चौबे


मीमांसाशा म्

The course is intended to be an exposition of the Indian traditions of the Vedic

interpretation. It introduces thoughts and functional application of mantras in Yaga. This
course is to provide knowledge of the Vedic intellectual and cultural thoughts to the
learners. Another objective is to signify the role of Mimansa shastra in criticism of Vedic
mantras and Yajnas.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know about Vedic concept of Yaga.

 will be able to know comprehensive vision of Vedic Rishis through Brahmana.
 will be familiar with many important Mimansa terminologies useful to Vedic Ishti
and Yajna.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ऐतरे य ा णम्- थमपि काया तुथप माऽ यायौ, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)
ऐतरे य ा ण य प ठतांश य समी ा मकमनुशीलनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

अथस हः - योगिविधतः प रसं यायाः दोष यपय तम्, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अथस हः – नामधेयिवभागतो था तपय तं, मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
अथस ह य िविहतभागोपिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः

10. अथस हः - ए.बी. गजे गडकर

11. अथस हः - दयाश करशा ी
12. अथस हः - कामे रनाथ िम ः
13. ऐतरेय ा णम् - सायणभा यसिहतम् - सुधाकरमालवीयः
14. ऐतरेय ा णम् – सुख दावृि सिहतम् - ष गु िश यः
15. ऐतरेय ा ण एक अ ययन - नाथूलालपाठक
16. ऐतरेयलोचनम् – ो. म गलदेव शा ी
17. आप त बीय ौतयाग मीमांसा - डॉ. याग नारायण िम ः
18. धमशा का इितहास - पी. वी. काणे, अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप


ौतयागप रचयः

The course is intended to be an exposition of the Indian traditions of the Shrautayaga in

reference of Darshpaurnamaseshti. It introduces functional application (Viniyoga) of
mantras in Yaga. Another objective is to signify the role of Shrauta sutra and Brahman Texts
in Vedic Literature.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know about the tradition of Darshapaurnamasa Yaga.

 will be able to understand the importance of Vedic ritual and culture.
 will gain the knowledge to perform Yajna according to Shukla Yajurveda.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ौतयागः - व पं मह व

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ौतयागानां भेद- भेदाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit IV)

पाकय ानां सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

हिवय ानां सामा यप रचयः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
सोमयागानां सामा यप रचयः
सं तुत थाः

1. देवयाि कप ित - देवयाि क, चौख भा सं कृ त सीरीज, वाराणसी

2. ौतपदाथिनवचन – नागे र शा ी
3. ौतयागमीमांसा – युिधि र मीमांसक
4. आप त बीय ौतयाग मीमांसा - डॉ. याग नारायण िम
5. का यायनय प ितिवमश – डॉ. मनोहर लाल ि वेदी
6. य त व काश - पं. ए. िच वामी शा ी
7. धमशा का इितहास - पी.वी.काणे, अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप
8. य पा म् - सी.जी.काशीकर
9. य सर वती - मधुसूदन ओझा
10. ए टकल टडी आफ का यायन ौतसू - डॉ. के .पी. संह
11. ौतकोश - भाग-1 - आर.एन्. दा डेकर

सं कार-प ितः



The course is intended to be an exposition of the rituals in reference of Veda. It introduces

functional implementation (Viniyoga) of mantras in daily life.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 Will know the dos and don’ts according to veda.

 Will know the Vedic karmakanda by direct method.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

सं कारः – अिभ ायः व पं मह व

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ा ज मसं कारिवधयः -गभाधानम्, सीम तो यनम्, पुंसवनसं काराणां योगिविधः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

शैशवसं काराः -जाततकम-नामकरण-अ ाशन-चौलकमा द- सं कारिवधयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

शै िणकसं काराः- उपनयनम्, वेदार भः, के शा तः,गोदानम्,समावतनसं कार योगाः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
गृह थ वेशसं कारोप माः, अ यगृ कमािण च

सं तुत थाः
8. कमकौमुदी - ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः
9. कमठगु - मुकु दव लभिम ः

10. पौरोिह यकम - िश क - उ. .सं कृ त सं थान,लखनऊ
11. आप त बीय कममीमांसा - डॉ. याग नारायण िम
12. िह दू सं कार - डॉ. राजबली पा डेय
13. सं कार काशः - डॉ. भवानीशंकर ि वेदी
14. धमशा का इितहास – थमभाग - पी.वी.काणे, अनु. अजुन चौबे का यप
15. आप त बीयम या मपटलम् – डॉ. याग नारायण िम

चतुथष मासस म् (FOURTH SEMESTER)

Group – B
(सािह यवगः)
का ाशा मीमांसा
Code: SKBC12

The course intends to familiarize the learners with the theory of rasa or aesthetic relish.
Dhvanyaloka, Vyaktiviveka and Alamkara-Sarvasva are the most valuable works amongst the
Sanskrit poetics tradition. It talks about the idea of dhvani, Alankara or suggestion to be the
most important gist in the expression of poetry.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of the theories of Rasa and Dhvani.
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the terms therein.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis in the light of
suggestive meanings in drama and poetry.
 will be able to appreciate and enjoy the expressions of poetry.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

व यालोकः (लोचनसिहतः) थमो ोतः ( ादशका रकातः एकोन वंशितका रकापय तम्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ि िववेकः – थमिवमशः (एक वंशितका रकाग तः थमिवमशा तं यावत्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)
अल कारसव वम् – (16-23 सू पय तम्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अल कारसव वम् – (24-32 सू पय तम्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
थ योपिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः- डॉ. रेवा साद ि वेदी
2. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः ( थमिवमशः) – डॉ. िवभारानी दुबे
3. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः ( थमिवमशः) – डॉ. ान द ि पाठी
4. ि िववेकः – मिहमभ ः ( थमिवमशः) – डॉ. देव ष सना ः
5. व यालोकः (लोचनयु ः) – आन दवधनः – डॉ. जग ाथपाठकः
6. व यालोकः ( थमो ोतः)- डॉ. रामसागर ि पाठी
7. आन दवधन- डॉ. रेवा साद ि वेदी
8. अल कारसव वम् – यक-(स ीवनी टीका)-डॉ. रामच ि वेदी
9. अल कारसव वम् – यक – डॉ. रे वा साद ि वेदी
10. िह ी आफ सं कृ त पोय ट स- एस. के . डे.
11. िह ी आफ सं कृ त पोय ट स- पी. वी. काणे
12. भारतीय सािह यशा – पं. बलदेव उपा याय
13. अल कारमीमांसा – डॉ. रामच ि वेदी
14. मिहमभ – डॉ. जमाहन चतुवदी
15. सं कृ त का शा को मिहमभ के देयांश का मू या कन– डॉ. ीमती ानदेवी ीवा तव
16. ीबालकृ णभ - णीत अल कारसार-समी ण- ो. बृजेशकु मारशु लः

ना शा मीमांसा
Code: SKBC13

The purpose of this course is to introduce the learners various components like plot, actor
and Rasa of dramaturgical criticism. The second part of this course is Comparative study
between two dramas Mudrarakshas and Mrichhakatikam which intends to familiarize the
students with the important theoretical contributions of the famous Poets.


Upon Successful completion of this course students:

 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing of the prescribed texts in the
light of commentator Dhanika.
 will be able to know the depth knowledge about of various terminology i.e. plot,
actor and rasa, etc. for criticism a dramatic composition.
 will be able to understand the comparative study between two dramas
Mudrarakshas and Mrichhakatikam

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

दश पकम्,सावलोकम्-(तृतीय काशः)-मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

दश पकम्,सावलोकम्-(चतुथ काशः)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

मृ छक टक य ना शा ीयम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

मु ारा सनाटक य ना शा ीयम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
सं कृ तना पर पराया ऐितहािसकमनुशीलनम्

सं तुत थाः
1. दश पकम् (अवलोकसिहतम्)- धन यः – आचाय ीिनवासशा ी
2. दश पकम्- (अवलोकटीकायुतम्)- – धन यः- डॉ. भोलाश कर ासः
3. सं कृ तना सौरभ – जी. के . भ
4. ना शा (िह दी अनुवाद-सिहत)- डॉ. बाबूलाल शु ल
5. िह दीना शा - डॉ. ( ीमती) सुधा र तोगी
6. सं कृ तनाटक (क थ) िह दी अनुवाद- डॉ. उदयभान संह
7. सं कृ त ामा ट ट- के . पी. कु लकण
8. दश पकम्- (अवलोकटीकायुतम्)- – धन यः- डॉ. भोलाश कर ासः
9. मु ारा सः-िवशाखद ः- पं. परमे रदीनपा डेयः
10. मु ारा सः(सं कृ तिह दी ा यासिहतः)-डॉ. स य त संह
11. िवशाखद - डॉ. मातृद ि वेदी
12. मृ छक टकम्-शू कः-डॉ. जगदीशच िम ः
13. महाकिव शू क- डॉ. रमाश कर ितवारी
14. Mrcchakatikam of Sudraka- R. D. Karnadhar
15. Mudrarakshas of Visakhadutta- R. D. Karnadhar


आधुिनकसं कृ तका ं का शा
(Adhuniksanskritkavyam Kavyashastrancha)
Code: SKBDSE08

The course aims at showcasing the continuity of Sanskrit poetry in its traditional genres of
prose and poetry. It also highlights historical, nationalistic and religious trends of modern
Sanskrit poetry after independence. The course seeks to introduce contemporary theories
on Sanskrit poetics, dealing with traditional and modern questions. It seeks to show how
Sanskrit poetics is a living tradition.

After completion of this course the students:

 Will acquire the knowledge of leading samples of modern Sanskrit prose and poetry.

 Will become aware of Indian value-system and cultural heritage which is useful to
social harmony;
 Will become aware of the ideas of Indian personalities like Sita, Rani Padmini and
Sivaji to develop a sense of nationalism.
 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing the prescribed texts.
 Will have an understanding of the new approach in the realm of Sanskrit Poetics;
 Will acquire knowledge of the different dimensions of poetry i.e. effects (Prayojana),
cause (Hetu), definition (Lakshana) and forms (Kavya-bheda), blemishes
(Kavyadosha), poetics -Excellences (Kavya-guna) etc. through the reading of the texts
of Abhinava-Kavyalankarakar-sutravritti of Radha Vallabha Tripathi.
 Will become aware of new concept of Alamkara as soul of Poetry.
 will be able to compare modern and ancient thoughts of poetics.
 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing the prescribed texts.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

पि नी- थम काशः ( थमिवकासः) मूलपाठ य ा या मकमनुशीलनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

िशवराजिवजयम् ( थमो िन ासः) ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

जानक जीवनम् ( थमसगः)- ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

अिभनवका ाल कारसू म्- थमािधकरणम्- ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
स ब ाधुिनकका का शा िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः
1. अिभनवका ाल कारसू म्- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
2. पि नी – पं. मोहनलालशमापा डेयः
3. जानक जीवनम्- ो. अिभराजराजे िम ः
4. िशवराजिवजयम्- के दारनाथिम ः
5. वंशित शता दी सं कृ तका मृत- ो. अिभराज राजे िम
6. सं कृ त सािह य का अिभनव इितहास- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
7. का शा और का - ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी

8. वा य शेमुषी – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
9. सुरगवी समालोचिनका- ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल


रसग गाधरः
Code: SKBDSE09

The course intends to familiarize the learners with the theory of rasa or aesthetic relish in
Rasagangadhar. Rasagangadhar of Pandit-raj Jagannath is the most valuable work amongst
the Sanskrit poetics tradition. It talks about the new idea about Kavya and Rasa suggestion
to be the most important gist in the expression of poetry.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of the theories of Kavya.

 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text and the terms therein.
 will be successful in applying this knowledge for critical analysis in the light of
suggestive meanings in poetry.
 will be able to appreciate and enjoy the expressions of poetry.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

रसग गाधरः ( थमाननम्)- विनसामा यभेदपय तं मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

रसग गाधरः ( थमाननम्)- रस व पतः शा तरसपय तं मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

रसग गाधरः ( थमाननम्)- भाव विनिवमशः मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

स ब थ य का व पा दिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
स ब थ य रस- विनिस ा तानां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः
1. रसग गाधरः ( थमाननम्)-पि डतराजजग ाथ- पि डत बदरीनाथ झा
2. रस व प-िन पणम्- डॉ. मदनमोहन अ वाल
3. भारतीय सािह य क परेखा- डॉ. भोलाश कर ास
4. भारतीय सािह यशा और का ाल कार- डॉ. भोलाश कर ास
5. का शा और का - ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी


आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह येितहासः
Code: SKBAE07

The course seeks to introduce contemporary theories on Sanskrit poetics, dealing with
traditional and modern questions. It seeks to show how Sanskrit poetics is a living tradition.

After completion of this course the students:

 Will acquire the knowledge of leading samples of modern Sanskrit prose and poetry.
 Will have an understanding of the new approach in the realm of Sanskrit Poetics;
 will be able to compare modern and ancient thoughts of poetics.
 will gain the ability to explaining and critically analyzing the prescribed texts.
Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह यिवकास मः

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

आधुिनकसं कृ तना सािह यम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

आधुिनकसं कृ तप का सािह यम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)
आधुिनकसं कृ तग का सािह यम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
आधुिनकसं कृ तका शा पर परा
सं तुत थाः
1. वंशित शता दी सं कृ त का ामृत- ो. अिभराजराजे िम
2. सं कृ त सािह य का अिभनव इितहास- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
3. सं कृ त सािह य- बीसव शता दी- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
4. सं कृ त सािह यसौरभ- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
5. नया सािह य नया सािह यशा - ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
6. सं कृ त किवता क लोकधम पर परा- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
7. आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह यस दभसूची- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी, रमाका त पा डेय
8. का शा और का - ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी
9. आधुिनकसं कृ तसािह येितहासः- देव ष कलानाथ शा ी
10. आधुिनक सं कृ त मिहला नाटककार-डॉ. मीरा ि वेदी
11. आधुिनकसं कृ तका पर परा- के शवराव मुसलगाँवकर
12. आधुिनकसं कृ तका शा समी ा- ो. रमाका त पा डेय
13. सं कृ तका शा का आलोचना मक इितहास- डॉ. रे वा साद ि वेदी
14. सुरगवीसमालोचिनका- ो. बृजेशकु मार शु ल
15. वा य शेमुषी – ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
16. सािह यानुस धानावबोध िविधः- ो. रहसिवहारी ि वेदी
17. अवाचीनसं कृ तमहाका ानुशीलनम्- ो. रहसिवहारी ि वेदी
18. सं कृ तमहाका का समालोचना मक अ ययन- ो. रहसिवहारी ि वेदी
19. सािह यिवमश- ो. रहसिवहारी ि वेदी
20. अवाचीनसं कृ तसािह य- राजमंगल यादव
21. आधुिनक सं कृ त नाटक- राम जी उपा याय
मातृकास पादनकौशलम्
Code: SKBAE08
To promote research and interest in Indian knowledge system with particular emphasis on
manuscripts. the objective is not only to know about the existing information and practices
about the manuscripts but also to bring to light relatively unknown knowledge. This Paper
tires to develop and incorporate these insights into its activities.


After completion of the Paper the Students

 will be able to know the techniques how to preserve the Manuscripts.

 will be able to read the ancient scripts.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

पा डु िलिपिव ानं मातृका व प

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

पा डु िलिपः – भेद- भेदाः, संर णिवधय

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

मुखिलपीनां सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

मातृकास पादने पाठभेदलेखन िवधयः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
मातृकास पादने यो या िविवधस के ताि ना कन
सं तुत थाः
1. पा डु िलिपिव ान- डॉ. स ये
2. पाठालोचन- डॉ. एस् एम् क े
3. ाचीन िलिपमाला- गौरीश कर ह र ओझा
4. कै टलागस कै टलोगोरम- योडर ए े च
5. आधुिनक सं कृ त सािह य स दभसूची- ो. राधाव लभ ि पाठी, डॉ. रमाका त पा डेय

चतुथष मासस म् (FOURTH SEMESTER)
Group – C
बौ यायिवमशः
Code: SKCC12

The objective of this paper is to bring the deep knowledge of Nyaya Philosophy by reading
and understanding of Nyayasiddhantamuktawali and Nyayabindu by reading of these
philosophical books the important object of this paper is to develop the capacity of
analysing the facts in specific light of Nyaya principles.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to understand the Nyaya tradition with Baudha Nyaya.

 Will be able to analyse and explain the principles and theories of Nyaya Philosophy.
 Will be able to explore the important factors of Baudh Nyaya tradition in specific
reference to Nyayabindu.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

िस ा तमु ावली ( य ख डः- प ंश का रकातः ख डसमा ं यावत्)- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

अधीतिस ा तमु ावलीिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

यायिब दुः ( य ख डः- ादशसू ा समा ं यावत्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

प ठत यायिब दुिनब िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
बौ यायदशनिवमशः
सं तुत थाः
1. यायप रचय- फिणभूषणतकवागीश- कशोरनाथ झा
2. यायिस ा तमु ावली- ा याकार- धम नाथ शा ी
3. यायिस ा तमु ावली- िव नाथतकप ानन टीकाकार- ीगजाननशा ी मुसलगाँवकर
4. यायिस ा तमु ावली- िव नाथतकप ानन-पं. वाला साद गौड
5. यायिब दुः- ा याकारः - ीिनवास शा ी
6. उ ोतकर का यायवा तक- एक अ ययन- डॉ. दयान द शा ी
7. यायदशनम्- गौतम, िह दीटीकाकार- ठाकु र उदय नारायण संह
8. Nyaya Theory of Knowledge- S. C. Chatterjee

मीमांसा वेदा त
(Mimamsa Vedantashcha)
Code: SKCC13

The objective of this paper is to bring in light the rich tradition of Poorvamimamsa and
Uttarmimamsa in form of Vedanta Philosophy. By reading the text Arthasangrah,
Bramhasutra-shankarbhashhyam and Vedantasaar, a perfect theory of Poorvottarmimamsa
will have to be gained by this paper.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to make the proper interpretation of the Memamsa and Vedanta
 Will be able to understand the logic of a different activities useful to Ygya and Indian
 Will be able to practice to ignore the sense enjoyment by realising the existence of
soul and divine empowerment.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

अथस हः ( योगिविधतः प रसं यादोषं यावत्) - मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)
अथस हः (नामधेयिवभागतो थसमा ं यावत्)- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

सू -शा करभा यम् – ( शा योिन वात्, त ु सम वयात् चेित सू य य भा यम् )- मूलपाठ य
ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वेदा तप रभाषा ( उपमानप र छेदाद् अनुपलि धप र छेदं यावत्)

प मो वगः (Unit V)
थ योपिनब िवषयाणां प ठतांशानां समी ा मकम ययनम्
सं तुत थाः
1. वेदा तप रभाषा- पं. आन द झा ( ा याकार)
2. वेदा तप रभाषा - ीगजाननशा ी मुसलगाँवकर
3. अथस हः- ए. बी. गजे गडकर
4. अथस हः- डॉ. वाच पित उपा याय
5. अथस हः- डॉ. कामे र नाथ िम
6. अथस हः- डॉ. दयाश कर शा ी
7. सू - शा करभा यम्- िह दी भा यकार- यितवर भोले बाबा
8. सू - शा करभा यम्- अन तकृ णशा ी
9. The System of the Vedant- Dr. Paul Derssen


वै णवदशनम्
Code: SKCDSE08

The objective of this paper is to achieve real knowledge of God in the glorious form of
Vishnu. By reading Shribhashyam of Ramanuja it is also the objective of this paper is to
realise the supreme authority of Vishnu. By reading of Shrivachanbhushanam it may be also
obtain the tradition and power of prayer. The Vishistaadvaita Philosophy is the specific
school of Advaita Vedanta stablish by Vaishnav Acharya.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to know the unique existence of Vishnu in Advaita philosophy.

 Will be able to know the different principles and theories of Vishishtaadvaitdarshan.
 Will be able to analyses and stablish facts of Indian philosophy.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

ीभा यम् (1.1.1)- महािस ा ततः थमसू ा याना तपय तम्- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

ीवचनभूषणम् (31-45 सू ािण )- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

ीवचनभूषणम् (46-63 सू ािण )- मूलपाठ य ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

ीभा य ीवचनभूषणयोः प ठतांशानां समी णम्

प मो वगः (Unit V)
आलवाराणामाचायाणां च च रतालोचनम्
(कु लशेखरिव णुिच गोदाभ ाि रेणुमिु नवाहनपरकालवेदा तदेिशका ेयरामानुजलोकाचायवरवरमुनयः)
सं तुत थाः
1. ीभा यम् – रामानुजाचायः, ा याकार- लिलत कृ ण गो वामी
2. ीवचनभूषणम् – लोकाचायः (वरवरमुिनटीकायुतम्)- ीगदाधररामानुजः
3. भारत के बारह आलवार – पं. वे कटाचारी
4. ीम ागवोपपुराणम् – अ ययनमं स पादनम - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
5. प ामृतम्- अन ताचायः
6. ाकरामानुजीयम्- डॉ. टी. िवजय राघवाचायः
7. आ ेयरामानुज- दशन- डॉ. दीपक कु मार

वै णवागम-मीमांसा
Code: SKCDSE09

The objective of this paper is to achieve real knowledge about Vaishnavagama. The
Vaishnava Agamas are found into two main schools – Pancharatra and Vaikhanasas. While
Vaikhanasa Agamas were transmitted from Vikhanasa Rishi to his disciples Brighu, Marichi,
Atri and Kashyapa, the Pancharatra Agamas are classified into three: Divya (from
Vishnu), Munibhaashita (from Muni, sages), and Aaptamanujaprokta (from sayings of
trustworthy men).


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to know the unique existence of Vishnu in Advaita philosophy.

 Will be able to know the different principles and theories of Vaishnavagama.
 Will be able to analyse and stablish facts of Indian philosophy.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

वै णवागम- पर पराया उ वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

वै णवागम य भेद- भेदाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

आगम- ामा यम्, वैखानस-पा रा सािह यम्

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

वेदागम- स ब ध- िवमशः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
वै णवागम य मुखाः िस ा ताः

सं तुत थाः
1. ीम ागवोपपुराणम् – अ ययनमं स पादन - ो. बृजेश कु मार शु ल
2. त सािह य- पं. किवराज गोपीनाथ
3. आगम ामा यम् – यामुनाचाय
4. त ािधकारिनणयः – स पादक ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
5. भारतीय त शा - जव लभ ि वेदी
6. पा रा प रशीलन- ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
7. ल मीत धम और दशन - ो. अशोक कु मार कािलया
8. पा रा र ा – वेदा त देिशक
9. वै णव धम – परशुराम चतुवदी
10. Introduction to Pancharatra and Ahirbdhnyasamhita – F. Otto. Schrader
11. A Describe Bibliography of the printed text of the Pancharatragam Vol. I –
Daniel Smith




Code: SKCAE07

Yoga is the most important and contextual philosophy in present context. Acharya
Patanjali has composed Yogasutram to produce and stablish fandamental of Yoga
Philosophy. The object of this paper is to bring in light the principles and theory of Yoga by
exploring the facts.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to bring in practice the principles and elements of Yoga.

 Will be able to bring in light and let the society to know the practical and academic
important of Meditations and Yogaasana.
 Will be able to compare the facts between concepts of Modern and Ancient Yoga.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

योगदशन यो वो िवकास

ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)

योगदशन य थाः आचाया

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

पात लयोगसू म् – सामा यप रचयः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

योगदशन य मुखाः िस ा ताः योगासन
प मो वगः (Unit V)
योगदशन य सा ितक मह ा ासि गकता च
सं तुत थाः
1. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पाँच भाग) – एस् एन् दास गु ा
2. पात लयोगसू म् – ासभा यसिहतम्- ो. सुरेशच ीवा तव
3. पात लयोग दीप- गीता ेस, गोरखपुर
4. भारतीयदशन – डॉ. राधाकृ णन्
5. सवदशनस हः – माधवाचायः, पं. उमाश करशमा ऋिष
6. History of Indian Philosophy- Dr. Radhakrishnan
7. History of Indian Philosophy – S. N. Dasgupta


का मीरशैवदशनम्


Code: SKCAE08

According to Shaiva Philosophy Shiv is the Supreme and sovereign of the Universe.
Abhinavagupta has great contribution to Kashmir Shaivism. The objective of this paper is to
bring the important knowledge in light of society with its fundamental concepts.


After completion of the paper the student

 Will be able to gain the perfect knowledge of Shivadvaita Philosophy.

 Will be able to bring in light contribution Abhinavagupta as well as other scholar of
Shaiva Philosophy.
 Will be able to analyze and explore the concepts of Shaiva Darshan.
 will be able to analyses and explore the unique tradition of Kashmirshaivadarshana.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वगः (Unit I)

का मीरशैवदशन यो वो िवकास
ि तीयो वगः (Unit II)
का मीरशैवदशन य मुखा आचायाः

तृतीयो वगः (Unit III)

का मीरशैवदशन य मुखा थाः

चतुथ वगः (Unit IV)

का मीरशैवदशन य भेद- भेदाः

प मो वगः (Unit V)
का मीरशैवदशन य मुखाः िस ा ताः

सं तुत थाः
1. यिभ ा दयम् – डॉ. जयदेव संहः
2. ताि क िशवा यवाद म िनयमनवाद तथा इ छा- वात य- डॉ. मीरा र तोगी
3. त ालोकः – अिभनवगु
4. का मीरशैवदशन का इितहास - ो. के . सी. पा डेयः
5. का मीर क शैवसं कृ ित म कु ल और म मत- ो. नवजीवन र तोगी
6. ताि क सािह य – पं. किवराज गोपीनाथ
7. भारतीयदशन का इितहास (पाँच भाग) – एस् एन् दास गु ा
8. ई र यिभ ा िवम शनी (भा करीसिहता) अिभनवगु - ो. अ यर तथा ो. काि तच पा डेय
9. Abhinavagupta – A Historical and Philosophical Study- Prof. K. C. Pandey
10. Abhinava Perspectives on Abhinavagupta – Prof. N. J. Rastogi
11. An Outline of History of Shaiv Philosophy- K. C. Pandey, R. C. Dwivedi

चतुथष मासस म् (FOURTH SEMESTER)
Group – D
(पािल ाकृ तवगः)
पािलबु वचनम्
Code: SKDC12

The objective of this course acquaints the students with the knowledge of Buddhist culture
reflect in Pali literature. Special focus will be given on exploration of religious tradition
spoken by Buddha in the reference of text Buddhavachan.


 Will learn about the origin development and doctrines of the Buddhism.
 Will know the various aspects of Buddhist culture.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: ( Unit । )

सु िनपात: (उरगवग्गं – 7-12 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: ( Unit ।।)

दीघिनकाय: (महाप रिनब्बानसु ं – 4 - 6 भाणवारािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: ( Unit ।।।)

संयु िनकाय: (कोसलसंयु ं – 13 -19 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: ( Unit IV)

संयु िनकाय: (कोसलसंयु ं – 20 - 25 सु ािन) ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: ( Unit V)
उ थ य याधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- था:
1. सु िनपात: - िभ ु धमरि त

2. दीघिनकाय: - िभ ु जगदीश का यप
3. संयु िनकाय: - ा रकादास शा ी
4. मि झमिनकाय: (1-5 भाग) – िह दी अनुवाद बौ भारती – सुधी काशन, वाराणसी

5. Pali Literature and language- Dr. W. Geiger

पािलका सािह यम्
Code: SKDC13

The objective of this course is to give the students glimpse of the rich Pali literary tradition
through the reading of two very important literary compositions of Mahavansh and
Milindpanho. This course has also included general introduction of Pali grammar.


After completion of the paper the student

 will be familiar with the individual style of the two Pali literary texts.
 will be able to understand and explain the prescribed text.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

महावंसो (प मप र छेदः) ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

उपयु थ याधीतिवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

िम लंदप हो (ल खणप हो) ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

उ थ य िवषयाणां समी ा मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
पािल ाकरणम्- सामा या ययनम्
सं तुत- था:
1. िम लंदप हो - िह दी अनुवादसिहत बौ भारती – सुधी काशन, वाराणसी
2. महावंसो - ा रका दास शा ी

3. क ायन ाकरण – ल मीनारायन ितवारी


ाकृ तका सािह यम्
Code: SKDDSE08

The general objective of this course is to explore the students to the Gathasaptashati,
Gaudbaho and Setubandh three literary text of Prakrit language.


After completion of the paper the student

 will find themselves well acquainted with the highest forms of poetry writings with
its poetic beauty.
 will be explored to the art of writing of Arya chhand in poetry.
 will be able to know the Prakrit Kavya tradition.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

गाहास सइ (गाथास शती) 101-150 गाथा:, ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

गाहास सइ (गाथास शती) 151–200 गाथा:, ा या मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

गउडबहोचयिनका 96 गाथातः चयिनकापय तं, ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)
सेतुब धं ( थमा ास:) 33 गाथातः आ ासा तं यावत्, ा या मकम ययनम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
उ थ योप र समी ा मकम ययनम्

सं तुत- था:
1. गाथास शती - हाल, िह दी अनुवादक – डॉ. जग ाथ पाठक
2. गाथास शती - हाल, िह दी टीकाकार – ी नमदे र चतुवदी
3. गउडबहोचयिनका – डॉ. स य त संह

4. सेतुब धम् – वरसेन (रामदासभूपित टीका), स पादक – पं. िशवद

5. सेतुब धम् – (िह दी अनुवाद सिहत) स पादक – डॉ. रघुवश

6. सेतुब ध -एक सामा य अ ययन – डॉ. राजाराम जैन

7. गउडबहो – वा पितराज – स पादक – ो. नरह र गो वंद
8. सेतुब ध महाका का आलोचना मक अ ययन –डॉ. रामजी राय


ना ाकृ तम्
Code: SKDDSE09

Dramatic Prakrits were those standard forms of Prakrit dialects that were used
in dramas and other literature in medieval India. They may have once been spoken
languages or were based on spoken languages but continued to be used as literary
languages long after they ceased to be spoken.


After completion of the paper the student

 will be able to know the depth knowledge about of various terminology i.e. plot,
actor and rasa, etc. for criticism a dramatic composition.

 will be able to understand the comparative study between Sanskrit and Prakrit

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

मृ छक टकम् (1-6 अ काः) ाकृ तांशानां ा या मकम ययनम्

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

मृ छक टक य समी ा मकम ययनम्

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

िव मोवशीयम्( चतुथा कः) – ा या मकम ययनम्

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV )

िव मोवशीयनाटक य प ठतांशानां समी णम्

प मो वग: (Unit V)
ाकृ त ाकरण याऽ ययनम्
सं तुत- था:
1. मृ छक टकम् - शू क, िह दी टीकाकार - डॉ. जगदीश च िम
2. मृ छक टकम् - शू क, िह दी टीकाकार - डॉ. ग गासागर राय
3. िव मोवशीयम् – कािलदास - पं. परमे रदीन पा डेय
4. िव मोवशीयम् - कािलदास,अ ेजी अनुवाद- एस्. आर्. काले
5. ाकृ त काशः - वर िचः, िह दी टीकाकार - मथुरा साद, स पादक - जग ाथ ,शा ी हो शंग
6. ाकृ त भाषा का ाकरण - ले. रचड िपशल
7. ाकृ त - वेिशका – डॉ. कोमलच जैन
पािल ाकरणम्
Code: SKDAE07

The objective of this course is to introduce the students to some important aspects of origin
and development of Pali language. The paper will familiarize the learners with Pali

phonology morphology and syntax. The paper also intends to train the students in the art of
writing in Pali and translation from Pali to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to Pali.


 Will learn the techniques of translation in Pali and from Pali.

 will understand the important causes and directions of phonetic changes with
reference to Pali.
 will know the rules of case compound and primary secondary suffixes of Pali and
their uses in actual language situations.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

पािल ाकरणम् 01-08 पाठाः

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

पािल ाकरणम् -09-16 पाठाः

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

पािल ाकरणम्- 17-24 पाठाः

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

पािल ाकरणम्- 25-32 पाठाः

प मो वग: (Unit V)
पािल ाकरणम्- 33-40 पाठाः
सं तुत- था:
1. पािल ाकरण- िभ ु धमरि त
2. पािल वेिशका- कोमलच जैन
3. पािल महा ाकरणम्- िभ ु जगदीश क यप

ाकृ तभाषाकौशलम्
Code: SKDAE08

The objective of this course is to introduce the students to some important aspects of origin
and development of Prakrit language. The paper will familiarize the learners with Prakrit
phonology morphology and syntax. The paper also intends to train the students in the art of
writing in Prakrit and translation from Prakrit to Sanskrit and Sanskrit to Prakrit.


 Will learn the techniques of translation in Prakrit.

 will understand the important causes and directions of phonetic changes with
reference to Prakrit.

Contents and Unit wise division

थमो वग: (Unit I)

ाकृ तदीिपका- थमो भागः 01-06 अ यायाः

ि तीयो वग: (Unit II)

ाकृ तदीिपका- थमो भागः 07-12 अ यायाः

तृतीयो वग: (Unit III)

ाकृ तदीिपका- थमो भागः 13-14 अ यायौ

चतुथ वग: (Unit IV)

ाकृ तदीिपका- ि तीयो भागः 01-10 पाठाः

प मो वग: (Unit V)
ाकृ तदीिपका- ि तीयो भागः 11-20 पाठाः
सं तुत थाः –
1. ाकृ त - वेिशका - डॉ. कोमल च जैन
2. ाकृ त श द दीिपका - नृ संह शा ी
3. ाकृ तदीिपका – डॉ. सुदशन लाल जैन
4. ाकृ त बोध - डॉ. नेिमच शा ी

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