Techm 5 Lessonplan

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Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)

Lesson Idea Name: What’s Your Story?

Content Area/Grade(s): ELA/1st
Content Standard Summarized: ELAGSE1W3 Students will be able to write a narrative about two or more
detailed sequenced events by using temporal words and provide a sense of closure.
Technology Standard Addressed: 6a. Students choose the appropriate platform and tools for meeting the
desired objectives of their creation or communication.

Selected Technology Tool: PowerPoint

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):
☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration:

☐ Infusion Level: Students may work at a higher Bloom’s Level, but they do not have any “Voice or Choice”
during the activity and most of the decisions are made by the teacher.

X Integration Level: We would like to see ALL lessons/activities reach this level. The project is student-
driven. Students have “Voice and Choice” in the activities, selecting the topic of study and determining the
technology tool to demonstrate mastery of the standard. All products of learning are unique and
personalized. The teacher becomes more of a facilitator walking around monitoring the student-led
☐ Expansion Level: The projects created are shared outside of the classroom, publishing student work and
promoting authorship. This could be reached by showcasing the project on the school’s morning
newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, or publishing via an outside source.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

Thinking about the UDL principles, this activity and the technology tool chosen will support and enhance the
learning experience for all students. This activity provides multiple means of representation. With the e-book,
they will incorporate (audio) of themselves reading the narrative, write, and provide pictures along with the
text. This activity also incorporates multiple means of engagement. It optimizes individual choice and
autonomy because the students will have a choice of what to write about. They will think about something
that they have done before. For example, they can write about what they did over the summer and then
write about it in sequence with temporal words. They will personalize their story by adding pictures of the
events or simply drawing pictures and adding it to PowerPoint. PowerPoint will allow them to read their own
book and draw or insert pictures. The software itself, PowerPoint, supports different learners. It has many
options that students can benefit from. For example, they can add images and text to a slide. This can be
considered multiple means of representation. It also has multiple means of expression because they can
present information in a variety of formats. PowerPoint allows you to insert audio. If a student finds it easier
to express themselves by talking, then this software allows them to do that. They are also able to collaborate
on PowerPoint. Students need to share Outlook emails and it automatically puts everybody in one page. I will
support a variety of learners in my classroom by allowing them to work together. They will share ideas and
support each other. I will also support student learning by allowing them to choose their topic. This will keep
the students engaged and support each learner.
Lesson idea implementation:
First, we will review what temporal words are. As we discuss, the words will be written on the board. We will
also discuss what a narrative is. Next, they will talk in their groups and think about a time when they went on

TFrazier, 2021
Basic Productivity Tools (BPT)
vacation or did something they enjoyed. They will share ideas. This is to hook their interest. Afterwards, I will
show the PowerPoint e-book I did. This will also serve as a hook. Then, I will tell them what the assignment is
about. They are to write a narrative about what they did on vacation or something they enjoyed doing. They
are to be descriptive, temporal words, have a sense of closure, and add pictures. They will do all of this on

After they finish writing their narrative on PowerPoint, they will use the “record slide show” option. This will
turn their narrative into an e-book. I will extend the student learning to a higher learning level by having the
students go back to their narrative and adding more details. When they are finished with the assignment, I
will have them go back to the e-book and add descriptive words to make it livelier. To conclude the lesson, we
will review what temporal words are. I will ask them to share what they wrote about and what their struggles
were. In conclusion, I will support the variety of learners by giving the students a choice of what they want
the narrative to be about. The students will be able to collaborate in groups and use PowerPoint to convert it
to mp4. They will help each other by discussing and giving each other ideas. After they get some ideas, they
will start to work on their narrative. Once they are done with the narrative, they will share their stories in the
same group that they shared their ideas with. Overall, the students will get to write their own narrative,
collaborate, share their work, and use PowerPoint as a tool.

Reflective Practice: This activity could impact student learning because the students are learning how to do
multiple things at a time. They will be learning how to use PowerPoint and use temporal words in a narrative.
They will understand that PowerPoint can be used to create e-books and more. To extend the lesson, I could
have the students share their story with a partner. They will listen to each other’s e-book and comment on
what they liked about it. After further revision, I could send the finished products to another grade level. The
other students that would receive their e-books could write back in form of a letter. The students would be
able to interact with their classmates as well as others outside of the classroom.

TFrazier, 2021

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