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Ma Chunling replied to the following questions from Patch Reporter Michael O’Connell

with the help of a translator:

1.What was your experience with the Chinese government?

I am Ma Chunling, born in Dongliao County, Jilin Province in Northeast China.

First of all, I am very grateful to the righteous US government for rescuing us from the
Thai immigration prison on September 29, 2020. Our family will never forget it.

The CCP is not the same as China. The 22 years of painful experience that our entire
family cannot bear to look back on is a historical testimony of the Chinese Communist
government’s persecution of Falun Gong.

In 1996, when I was studying at Dalian University of Foreign Languages, I began to

practice Falun Gong. ( After that, many of my diseases
disappeared, my family was happy, and my work environment was better. I brought the
beauty of Falun Gong home to my hometown, and my family, relatives and friends all
benefit from Falun Gong.

Between 1992 and July 1999, 100 million people in China learned to practice Falun
Gong, more than the number of Communist Party members. Jiang Zemin, out of his
villainous jealousy, used his power and the state apparatus to fabricated fake news
about self-immolation in Tiananmen Square and incited the world to hate Falun Gong.
The Central Committee used all kinds of cruel methods to torture these kind-hearted
people who follow truthfulness, compassion and forbearance and behave well. There
are too many to write, and people and gods are angry.

We followed the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, appeal to higher

authorities level by level, tell the truth about Falun Gong to people who have been
deceived by lies, and clarify the facts, but it is all a sham. I was followed, kidnapped,
harassed, and extorted many times. I was knocked down by the police, and I was
handcuffed to a chair and deprived of sleep. I was illegally detained in detention
centers, drug rehabilitation centers, and brainwashing centers many times.

I was sentenced to reeducation through labor twice for 3 years. I was detained in the
infamous Masanjia forced labor camp in Liaoning Province. Before entering the
reeducation center, I had a full-body examination and had *blood drawn twice, each
time about 30 ml. No results were given. I went to two hospitals for physical
examinations in one day, *chest X-ray, lungs, auscultation of heart, eyes, and squeezed
kidneys. Physical examination fees have to be paid by myself. I was fined 2 times. No
explanation was given for the bodily exams, but later when I got out of incarceration, I
learned that they were for preparation for live organ harvesting.

I was abused as a slave labor, accompanied by working with toxic industrial glue with
pungent odors and eyes burning. I often worked 16 or 17 hours without wages. The
torture was done by sitting on a *small stool for 7 days motionless (the CCP used it to
force Falun Gong practitioners to abandon their beliefs), 15 hours a day, often lower
limbs numbness, upset, nausea, and several times fainting. The butt was as painful as
needles stuck to it. Practice and study of Falun Gong books are not allowed, otherwise
extra torture will be added.

I saw with my own eyes: the scars on the soles of the female students' feet after being
burnt by electric batons, and the marks of toothpicks pierced on the tips of their fingers.
After bodily stretching, it was difficult to walk and cannot hold things in my hands. I know
of a female student was thrown into the male prison cell. A male practitioner called out
“Falun Dafa is good”, and the police swarmed him, knocked him down and dragged him
away. In that kind of evil, high-pressure, and horrible environment, that kind of mental
torture made my life worse than death. It's really about to collapse.

My 10-year-old son was frightened and cried when he witnessed six police officers
ransack our homes and took personal belongings. The husband was fired from the
water company without any explanation. My 70-year-old parents-in-law couldn't bear the
heavy blow and were both hospitalized. In the cold winter, my 60-year-old mother spent
two days at the correctional facilities to see me. She was rejected. She was worried
about my life and death, and two sisters were also imprisoned. She was in grief and
trance with her broken arm.

The three of our sisters were illegally detained in the Liaoyuan Detention Center when
they were held by the Chinese Communist Party. My father had all white hair overnight
and was admitted to the hospital. The mother lay under the police wheels, using her
body to stop the persecution of her daughter, and was dragged away by the police.
Mom went to the labor camp to visit her dying sister, but was beaten by the police on
the floor of the reception room. She almost broke down.

We were detained in detention centers, drug rehabilitation centers, and labor camps for
12 years. After experiencing all kinds of torture and mental torture, experiencing being
besieged, beaten and scolded, handcuffed, electric batons, deathbeds, small benches,
and poisoned injections, my sister desperately refused the persecution of taking bone
marrow tests. My family visits the labor camp every week for fear of being killed by

In that kind of evil, high-pressure, and terrifying environment, this kind of mental torture
made my life worse than death. The whole family is really about to collapse.
Eighteen Falun Gong practitioners my sister knew were killed. Meng Yanxi, who was
persecuted in a house with her sister, was carried out to the persecution. His
whereabouts are still unknown. Ten Falun Gong practitioners I knew were tortured to
death, and *84 Falun Gong practitioners we knew had their organs removed. My sister
and my sister were forced to go into exile overseas for fear that I would be killed. Since
2012, they have been calling all over the world to rescue me who was detained in
Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The United Nations torture accountability department
demanded compensation from the CCP, but the CCP denies me persecuted by them.
Under international pressure, Masanjia Forced Labor Camp was disintegrated, and I
came out alive. However, Masanjia became a prison, and the released practitioners
were arrested and taken back to aggravate the persecution. I didn't want to be arrested
in jail again, I didn't want to die in China, let alone be harvested alive, so I fled to
Thailand, but I fled to Thailand and the CCP didn't let me go, and I had to return to
China for persecution. I will never forget the life-saving grace of the just and kind-
hearted US government.

2. What concerns you most about how China treats its citizens?

Now, the CCP regards Falun Gong as its number one enemy, and the country is
carrying out a zero-clearance campaign. A Falun Gong practitioner has never let go of
the persecution again, and has kidnapped many people. After investigations of the
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). Live organ
harvesting is still being carried out secretly, and for at most years. The CCP has applied
the methods of persecuting Falun Gong and live organ harvesting to Uighurs, Tibetans,
and others. This will threaten the lives and safety of all Chinese and people around the

“Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence” is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing

the CCP’s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection
of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the
Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five
Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the
former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National
Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military
Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the "610 Office," courts,
on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from
41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a
comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP’s crime of live organ

As always, WOIPFG will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions,
organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such
investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to
search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; and to restore
and uphold justice in society.

3. Why is it important for more people to know about China’s detention and
torture of its citizens, and organ harvesting?

Because the CCP harvests organs alive, this is a crime that has never been seen on
this planet, and the evil is afraid of being exposed. Everyone has come to expose and
stop the CCP’s evils, and it will not dare to do evil again, and it will be able to save more
lives and stop the evils. Can maintain the human living environment.
The CCP is the third branch of the Communist International of the Soviet Union. It stole
the Chinese power in 1949. Because the power was illegal, it made a violent revolution,
carried out campaigns in peaceful years, and killed 80 million Chinese in order to
maintain the illegal regime. The CCP murdered and condemned people. The Cultural
Revolution destroyed five thousand years of divine culture. What instilled in the Chinese
was Marx's (devil) struggle and revolution theory. The Chinese had no human rights and
freedom. The CCP blocked the Internet and brainwashed all Chinese people. The
Chinese have become leeks arbitrarily slaughtered by the CCP. Is being drawn to hell
by the CCP.

The CCP speaks of universal unity. It deceives the world with lies, threatens the world
with violence, and infiltrates the world with money and beauty. The purpose is to destroy
the world. No one wants to be deceived and led to the abyss of evil. Many people don’t
know the truth. We let more people know the truth. People are not easy to be fooled, not
easy to be used by the CCP, and they cannot be accomplices in destroying mankind,
violating human rights, killing and organ harvesting.

For example, the CCP is like a malignant tumor in the human body. If it is not removed
immediately, people's lives are in danger. Only when more people recognize its evil
nature and its harmfulness, and make every effort to eliminate it together, can more
lives be saved. Only when the CCP is dissolved immediately can mankind be peaceful
and the world can be peaceful. So this is the most significant matter concerning the
survival of human beings.

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