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Narrative Story

Write a story which begins or ends with the following sentences

He slammed the door behind him. He knew that it would be for the last time.

Main character: Marcus Secondary character: Vanessa

Setting: UWI CAMPUS Plot: Relationship ends due to Vanessa being unfaithful


Marcus started the new year with great expectations and a new positive outlook on life. He
had just turned eighteen and was ready to explore the wonders in life but there was one problem.
Marcus was very shy and had no experience making new friends. All of his previous high school
friends either attended a different university or left the country, meaning he had to start from
square one. In the past year he’d gone through a lot of stress due beginning university and not
being able to make friends. Marcus was your average student who had decided on attending UWI
St. Augustine to pursue a degree in accounting and was now in his second year at university.
Marcus’ class was made up of mostly females but no matter how much he wanted to strike
up a conversation, he always doubted himself. While in class, he noticed a new girl he’d never
seen before. She was short, had short bleached braided hair and the most attractive hazel eyes
he’d ever seen. He lost all common sense and forgot about his shyness. As the class concluded,
he waited for an opening and with complete confidence he approached her and began a
conversation. He complimented her hair, asked her name then her number. The world froze as he
awaited her reply. “Sure!” she enthusiastically replied, “I’ve been waiting what feels like forever
for you to ask.” She commented. His brain couldn’t even process the situation as he heard her
soft-spoken words. Standing in complete shock, he gave her his phone as he gazed into her eyes
with his heart beating out of his chest. Marcus arrived at his dorm and thew himself into a pile of
clothes on the floor. He couldn’t believe what he had just accomplished and didn’t even know
how to act.
Later that night after texting for a while, he decided to facetime Vanessa. She answered the
call and once again he froze at the sight of her enchanting appearance. As they conversated the
began to realize that they had a lot in common and instantly formed a connection. As the months
passed, they began spending a lot of time together, they went on fast food dates, had movie
nights and studied together. Marcus developed a new personality along with strong feelings for
Vanessa but was unsure if he should make it known. He sat confused in his dorm room as he
wondered if she felt the same way, reflecting on all the fun memories they had shared together in
the past months. He facetimed her and began pouring his heart out to her as she sat there with her
eyes wide open. Tears flooded out of her eyes as she began to share her feelings towards him.
After sharing their feelings, they both sat in silence. Marcus finally broke the silence by asking
her to be his girlfriend but without warning she ended the call. Ten minutes past, when he heard
a soft knock at the door…he slowly got off his bed and swung open the door.
Vanessa, with open arms ran into the room, throwing them both unto the floor. “Yes of
course I’ll be your girlfriend!” she screamed into the air as she sat on his stomach…. Months
passed as they grew into the perfect couple. It seemed like it would last forever until Marcus
began noticing a trend, Vanessa would try to hide her phone every time they hung out and act
suspicious when she would get texts. He shrugged it off and decided to ignore it. A week passed
and Marcus began his regular morning routine after having a movie night with Vanessa when he
found her phone in the bathroom…he saw this as an opportunity to look into her suspicious
behavior as he knew her password. After scrolling through her phone for 10 minutes, he got
dressed and walked to his car with her phone in hand.
He pulled into her apartment complex and saw a second car in her driveway. Marcus was
always a calm person but his mind was in a different place as he opened the door to her
apartment. Quietly, he made his way to her bedroom and slowly opened the door. As he looked
inside, his stomach turned and his heart turned to stone. He threw her phone into the room and he
slammed the door behind him, he knew that it would be for the last time.

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