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28/06/2021 Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride 2021 demanding equal rights for trans and

trans and non-binary people : unitedkingdom

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Posted by u/apple_kicks 13 hours ago

Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride

2021 demanding equal rights for trans and non-binary
people 


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710733 · 9h

Hey trans folks, before the inevitable 2 minutes hate kicks in, I just want you to know that
you're all valid and fabulous <3

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Selerox · 1h

Apart from Steve. He's a fuckwit.

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28/06/2021 Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride 2021 demanding equal rights for trans and non-binary people : unitedkingdom

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Hicko11 · 8h

who am i to judge how someone wants to live their life?? im not perfect and i dont expect
others to be.

as long as you treat people with respect then you do you

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s1ravarice · 4h

Ikr? Who are these people that care so much about how others are living their lives
unless it directly impacts them?

It’s literally so much effort

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pajamakitten · 6m

People who buy into this idea that those who are different are to be feared and a
threat to their way of life. In the case of the trans community, it seems to be this
weird fear that all trans women are desperate to sexually assault women in
bathrooms and that there is an attempt to indoctrinate children into being trans.

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GhostRiders · 9h

I genuinely believe that as each generation comes it will be become easier and easier for
Trans and Non-Binary people.

Just like at the outset if you were gay life was incredibly difficult, now it is nowhere as near
as bad, I'm not saying things are perfect, but massive strides have been made.

What people have to remember is that for thousands of years we as a species have defined
ourselves by our sex and that is now being challenged.

It will take time for acceptance to happen.

I look at my kids and they genuinely don't see colour, race, religion or sex as an issue, all
they see is people.

Yes a part of this is my and my wifes approach to life but also how schools teach young kids
is fantastic.

Unfortunately there will always be discrimination towards certain groups, but as each
generation comes along it becomes less and less and it ends up with it being very small
minority of idiots whilst the rest of society doesn't even think about it.

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28/06/2021 Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride 2021 demanding equal rights for trans and non-binary people : unitedkingdom

2localboi · 7h
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Gender binaries aren’t thousands or years old. There are, and have been, many cultures
that have a third gender and gender fluidity. Same applies to homosexuality generally as

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AndesiteSkies · 5m

Those examples of 'third genders' or 'gender fluidity' from niche cultures aren't
necessarily things to celebrate.

They're more often examples of rigid gender essentialism within those societies,
which means they have to invent new genders for those who have failed to live up the
expectations of the primary genders.

They are if anything the opposite of where we should be going, where it is dictated
what a man should be, and what a woman should be, and it is possible to not qualify
as one or the other regardless of what you identify as.

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pajamakitten · 2m

We definitely became more conservative about gender and sexuality as Christianity

and other organised religions took root. Things were more progressive when religion
based more on forms of paganism.

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borg88 · 10h

I wasn't sure if this was a problem with the article or the march itself, but it does seem to be
quite vague about exactly what they want. The Pink News article is a bit longer, but still not
very specific.

I can't help feeling that to get anywhere with things like this, you have to be very specific
about what laws and policies you want changed. Now seems to be the time that things
could start to happen, there seems to be a lot of momentum behind trans rights. I hope
there are some people with more legal knowledge involved in this.

Saying "fuck the tories" isn't going to help though. It is far from being a tory created

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2localboi · 9h

The purpose of Pride marches isn’t to primarily campaign for a change in policy, they are
primarily an expression of validity and community in a society that is hostile towards 3/6
28/06/2021 Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride 2021 demanding equal rights for trans and non-binary people : unitedkingdom

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Visual_Bison · 10h

I agree specificity about goals is a good rule of thumb for protests in general, and I
would say two things to your comment:

1. The UK trans community in general and the organisers of trans pride are actually
very specific about what they're fighting for. For example, see slide 5 of this post
from the trans pride Instagram page:
2. Pride events are not solely about protest. It's a big component, but it is also about
celebrating trans identity, visibility, self-acceptance, etc. In many ways, it's a form of
community catharsis.

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nevervisitsreddit · 9h

Well, for non binary people they want legal representation, currently in this country there
is no way for a person to legally be non binary, and that’s very harmful for those people.
Trans people in general want better and more effective reforms to our healthcare, the
legal proceedings around changing our legal gender, and better protection for young
trans people. It’s far from being a Tory created problem, but they’re the ones currently
denying us the shit we want (because too many trans people responded to their
consultation about what trans people want….)

Trans Liberation is probably more apt than trans rights, but yknow - shorthand is
common in marches and protests.

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AndesiteSkies · 3m

Well, for non binary people they want legal representation, currently in

this country there is no way for a person to legally be non binary, and

that’s very harmful for those people.

Okay, but what difference does it actually make, ultimately?

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Visual_Bison · 10h

A trainwreck of a comment section, as expected. A brief suggestion to those who came here
to complain about the trans "agenda" or otherwise belittle trans people: if you haven't
experienced something, you're far from qualified to tell people who have how they should
be living. Think how shamefully we, broadly speaking, look back on the rampant
homophobia of the last century (and this battle is still far from won) — think how much
disdain we hold for those who sanctioned the ostracisation and abuse of gay people. Is that
the side of history you want to be on now? 4/6
28/06/2021 Thousands took to streets of London for Trans+ Pride 2021 demanding equal rights for trans and non-binary people : unitedkingdom

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Hicko11 · 8h

A trainwreck of a comment section, as expected

1 saying they accept them all, 1 asking what they want from this as they thought they
were being explained (people then replying what they think/know they want), 1 saying
we are getting more excepting and 1 comment trail that has been delete.

im not sure you know what the word trainwreck means

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gyroda · 7h

Tbf, that comment was posted two hours before yours. The mods have probably
tidied up since then. They've applied the moderated tag if nothing else.

Even before the mods cracked down on this topic, this would happen. The story would
get posted, it would get filled with transphobia in the first few minutes, then slowly
the rest of the sub would start to downvote the worst offenders as they took a look. If
you joined the thread early, it would seem much worse than if you joined later.

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Hicko11 · 7h

this would happen. The story would get posted, it would get filled with
transphobia in the first few minutes

been posted 6 ish hours and the thread hasnt been filled with hate. The only hate i
see is people hating on comments that havent even be made

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gyroda · 6h

Like I said, perhaps the mods deleted them

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Hicko11 · 6h

you can see the 1 comment trail that got deleted. just 1

1 got downvoted for having a different opinion but he wasnt being hateful

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