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Game Designer: James Armstrong ISBN: TBD
Editor: Carson McGorry First Printing: TBD
Graphic Design and Layout: James Armstrong and Publisher: CRISPR Monkey Studios
Simeon Cogswell
Cover Art: Rashed Al Akroka Beta v1.0, November 2nd
Interior Art: Rashed Al Akroka, Cazrael, Shai
Daniel, Alex Garcia, Sehun Jeong, William Liberto,
EvgenyM, Enmanuel Martinez Lima, Sonnaz, Dean
Spencer, Teddy, Yoingco
Creative Consultants: Mark Grover, Carson
McGorry, William Poole, Brian Shiel

Contents Harbor of Busan....................................................16
Introduction.....................................................4 Factions................................................................18
Timeline................................................................ 6 Amaranthians...................................................19
Part 1: The City of Busan...................................9 At Any Cost (AAC).............................................19
Four Major Powers................................................. 9 Busan Police Department (BPD)........................ 20
Clashing Criminal Kingdoms.................................. 9 Cheong-Jeong....................................................21
Transgenic Hotspot................................................ 9 City Hall............................................................21
Hexie Stronghold................................................... 9 Fukuoka Yakuza................................................21
TNU (Tri Nation Union)................................... 9 Omnitech..........................................................21
Districts (Gu)........................................................ 10 Hexie............................................................... 22
Emergency Services........................................... 11 Little Sparta...................................................... 22
Buk-gu (북구).................................................11 Night Breed...................................................... 23
Busanjin-gu (부산진구)...................................11 North Jopok...................................................... 23
Dong-gu (동구).............................................. 12 Ronin International.......................................... 23
Dongnae-gu (동래구)...................................... 12 Shanghai Triad................................................. 23
Gangseo-gu (강서구)...................................... 12 Smiling Fish..................................................... 24
Geumjeong-gu (금정구).................................. 12 South Jopok...................................................... 24
Gijang-gu (연제구)......................................... 13 Tri Nation Union (TNU)..................................... 24
Haeundae-gu (해운대구)................................ 13 Tzelem Elohim.................................................. 25
Jung-gu (중구)............................................... 13 Vitruvian (Apollo Laboratories)......................... 25
Nam-gu (남구)............................................... 13 Part 2: Non-Player Characters.......................... 27
Saha-gu (사하구)............................................ 14 Narrative NPCs..................................................... 27
Sasang-gu (사상구)........................................ 14 Aldous Laplace................................................. 28
Seo-gu (서구)................................................. 16 Bao Zhai........................................................... 29
Suyeong-gu (수영구)...................................... 16 Cao Cao............................................................ 30
Yeongdo-gu (영도구)...................................... 16 Choi Eun Joo......................................................31
Yeonje-gu (연제구)......................................... 16 Daichi................................................................31
Feng................................................................. 33 Pronatalax Facility ......................................... 108
Gwoesu............................................................ 34 Murder Bounty................................................... 114
Ji Young............................................................ 35 Abducted Loved One........................................ 114
Junko Minami................................................... 35 Finding Seraph................................................ 114
Jungle Bungle................................................... 36 Storm Drains................................................... 115
Junsu................................................................ 37 Seraph's Lab..................................................... 118
Kang Suk Chul.................................................. 37 Cattle Rustling.................................................... 125
Kyung Joon....................................................... 37 Bratva Warehouse........................................... 125
Patrick Snelly................................................... 38 Warehouse Security............................................128
Markus............................................................. 38 The Raid..........................................................128
Maxim Lazovsky............................................... 39 Package Courier..................................................129
Mayor Noh.......................................................40 The Robbery....................................................130
Min Soo............................................................40 Dongsam Dong City Block ............................... 131
Miroslav...........................................................40 Intercept The Goods............................................ 134
Mr. Badger.........................................................41 Future Contracts................................................. 135
Mr. Quick..........................................................41 Part 5: New Rules...........................................137
Olya Zietzev...................................................... 42 New Class Archetypes......................................... 137
Qiaolian........................................................... 42 Biohacker - Cyberdoc....................................... 137
Sasha................................................................ 43 Codehacker - Neo.............................................139
Seraph.............................................................. 44 Crook - Grifter................................................ 140
Song Giduk....................................................... 45 Engineer - Armor Jock..................................... 141
Soo Jin.............................................................. 46 Gunfighter - Boomstick Maestro...................... 142
Sophia Choi...................................................... 46 Hardcase - Bangmangi Smasher....................... 143
The Stoker........................................................ 47 Samurai Daikōdo Bujutsu................................144
Tetsu................................................................ 48 Suit - Operator.................................................144
Traktor and Timur............................................ 49 New Genomes.....................................................146
Yong Chul......................................................... 49 Asura..............................................................146
General NPCs....................................................... 50 Dokkaebi......................................................... 147
Part 3: Encounters.......................................... 69 Haneul............................................................ 147
Random Encounters............................................. 69 Oknytt.............................................................149
Ecnounter Environments..................................... 69 Namukkun......................................................150
Encounters with cadres........................................ 69 New Goods and Services......................................150
Combat Encounters.............................................. 69 New Upgrades..................................................... 154
Part 4: Contracts............................................. 81 New Feats...........................................................156
Blood for Blood ....................................................81 LAN Security....................................................... 157
10 Feet Under Bar............................................. 82 Appendix A: Optional Hacking Rules..............158
Bust Some Mutts ................................................. 84 Sample Logic Puzzles.......................................... 158
Roadside Assistance ............................................ 84 Appendix B: ................................................. 160
Crash Site......................................................... 85
Elite Bouncers Wanted......................................... 86
Pain Circus Night Club ..................................... 86
The Attack........................................................ 88
Hired Muscle Wanted........................................... 89
Busan Bamboozle.................................................90
NPC Breakdown.................................................91
SK Gas Station.................................................. 92
Oni Autobody................................................... 95
Min Soo's Apartment........................................ 96
Bar Gochu........................................................ 98
Assassination of Soo Jin.................................. 100
Baikal Bay.......................................................101
Bratva Controlled Docks..................................102
Homocide Deputies.............................................105
The Crime Scene............................................. 106
Intro Introduction
his setting book is meant to provide a sandbox Reference Abbreviations
Part I.
City of
T environment for your GeneFunk 2090 story, some
sample contracts and battlemaps to get your feet
wet in the city of Busan, and some new rules that
Throughout this book there will be references to page
numbers in both this book and the GeneFunk 2090
Core Rulebook. Shadows of Korea will be abbreviated
capture the flavor of the region. Parts 1 through 4 are as "SoK" and the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook will be
Part II. content for the setting, and meant for the GM. They abbreviated as "CRB".
NPCs contain spoilers for anyone playing a game in this
setting. Part 5 contains new rules that can be useful for
Glossary of Terms
both the player and GM.
Part III.
Below is a list of terms and abbreviations that are
used in this book that might need some descrip-
A Sandbox for Busan tion.
Parts 1 through 3 is the sandbox section of this book,
BPD. Busan Police Department, a private mili-
focusing on the city of Busan, Korea. These sections
PART IV. tary corporation currently contracted by the city
provide details about the people, places, and factions
Contracts of Busan to handle law enforcement.
that a cadre might come across while doing merc work
Busan. The second biggest city in Korea, a port
in Busan. This includes a faction system, where cadres
town just a stone's throw away from Fukuoka (Ja-
PART V. will earn reputations that will affect their long term
pan), Vladivostok (Russia), and Shanghai (China).
New Rules standings with the various competing powers of Bu-
Chaebol. A Korean-based corporation that is
san. What they do, and who they do it for, will shape
run by a Korean family lineage. The large subsid-
their place in Busan. Part 1 and 2 can be used as a ref-
iaries of Hexie originating in Korea are all chaebol,
Appendices erence for the contracts outlined in Part 4, or for plan-
which are themselves conglomerates of even
ning your own stories in Busan. The random encoun-
smaller affiliate subsidiaries.
ters outlined in part 3 can be used to immerse the cadre
Chimera. A novel digital mind created by fusing
into immediate dramatic or violent conflicts. Having it
together mind-uploads from more than one per-
set up like a sandbox is useful for when the players de-
son. Recently pioneered by Aldous Laplace while
viate from what you had planned for a story, providing
working for Pronatalax and still a relative trade
context for whatever they might choose to do.
secret. The process is now owned by Phoenix
Interlinked Contracts CRB. The GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook.
Part 4 contains a variety of local contracts for the cad-
Dong. A Korean neighborhood.
re, enough to take the characters from level 1 to some-
Gu. A Korean administrative district within
where in the 6-8 range. Some of the contracts contain
a large city, larger than a neighborhood, more
links with each other that can tie into larger narratives,
analagous to a borough.
while others are relatively stand-alone other than the
Jopok. Korean gangsters, usually referring
effects they will have on faction relationships. GMs are
to organized crime, either North Jopok or South
encouraged to springboard off the narratives seeded
by these contracts into larger stories if that suits the
Little Sparta. A neighborhood in Jung-gu that
groups playstyle. The cadre will make a variety of re-
started as a housing project for military vets. It
lationships, from friends to bitter enemies, by going
has since become a transgenic ghetto, primarily
through these contracts. Many contracts are mutually
comprised of Spartan vets and their families.
exclusive, two-sides of the same coin, offering a choice
Psychomimetics. A field of research that
for which faction to work with.
studies mind-uploading and digital minds. A
bottleneck of this research is the non-disclosure
New Mechanics agreements any Phoenix Unlimited researcher
Part 5 contains rules for some new genomes, class
signs, as the process is a monopoly trade secret.
archetypes, feats, upgrades, and other features that
SoK. This book! Shadows of Korea.
players and GMs can use to supplement the GeneFunk
2090 Core Rulebook. Many of these new rules will re-
late to a Korean-specific setting.

4 // Introduction //
New to Game Mastering?
If you’re new to GMing, no worries! It’s fun to muddle
through with the players. A GM is an author, an impro-
visational actor, and a referee all rolled into a unique
gaming experience. But the players play just as import-
ant a role, and it’s on everyone to make a good experi-
ence at your table. The principles below can be useful
guidelines. You may not be able to achieve all of these
aims in every session, but they are useful guidelines,
especially the one about having fun!
The purpose is to have fun. The golden rule. It’s a
shared experience between you and the players. Even
though you will be challenging the players throughout
the game, this should never be considered adversarial
(unless that’s everyone’s fun).
Be clear about the tenets of your game. There is no
right or wrong here so long as everyone is enjoying
themselves. If violence and mayhem is your group's
preference, blast away. If you want violence to have
real and lasting consequences, that’s good too, just
make sure everyone understands that this is the case.
During character creation, ask your players what they
want in a game together, so everyone is on the same
page. Co-create the expectations.
Be consistent. Follow the rules the same way every
time. If you make a change, get agreement on it before
or after a session. Players can understandably get frus-
trated when something they want to do doesn’t work
like it had earlier in the game. That said, don’t be afraid
to wing a rule in the moment, instead of wasting valu-
able time searching for it. Just make a note and after
the game, when you find the rule, inform the players
as to how it will work in the future.
Involve all the players. You know your players and
what they want (if you don’t, ask), and they may all
have different desires. Ensure that each player shares
your attention equally. Moreover, try to not punish
characters for what they are good at. One secret to be-
ing a good Game Master is to let the players do what
they do well, but challenge them where they are weak.
This has the additional benefit of encouraging team-
work as they cover for each others’ deficiencies.
Flexible improvisation helps facilitate the story.
Maybe you have something planned, and the players
aren’t taking your bait, but they are talking as if some-
thing else is happening. Be flexible and use their ideas.
Maybe this requires you to change the location of the
henchmen you had waiting in ambush down by the
docks to be at the office building that these characters
are investigating instead.

// Shadows of Korea // 5
Timeline marketing teams work magic on public opinion, and
What follows is an abbreviated account of some im- a trans-national identity begins to emerge between
portant technological and political events that oc- the three countries, unified against external enemies.
Part I. curred in between now and the time the game takes Thus the seed for Hexie is planted.
City of place in Korea. Busan Fukuoka Tunnel. Part of this transnation-
Busan al identity emerges as the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel, an
2030--2040 underground highway beneath the sea that spans over
Taboo Optimization. While it becomes taboo in Korean 200 kilometers. It takes almost ten years to complete,
Part II. culture to genetically optimize children, it becomes a and greatly enhances trade between Japan and Korea.
NPCs secret widespread practice among families who can The two cities start to take on aspects of each other’s
afford it, since there is no way to detect it. Headlines culture and people, including South Jopok in Japan
often report the booming optimization business, but and Yakuza in Busan.
Part III. few own up to using it.
Fuel Cell Boom. With it’s low geographic area to 2061-- 2070
high population density ration, Korea is one of the Formation of Hexie. By 2063 the relationship between
first countries to widely adopt hydrogen fuelcell gas China, Japan, and Korea, is made manifest by their
stations and their automotive companies are amongst shared syndicate, Hexie, a conglomeration between
the first to mass produce these cars in the late 2030s. all of their major corporations. Nationalism remains
uel cell vehicles. strong in the three parent-nations, but their trans-na-
PART V. tional identity smooths things over. Hexie invests a
New Rules 2041-- 2050 great deal of resources in bridging the three countries,
The First Corporate Wars. The three main chaebol cor- mostly through marketing and the Tri-Nation Union.
porate families of Korea take this time to ally with each The Tri-Nation Union. The TNU emerges as a polit-
Appendices other, both fiscally and through arranged marriages. ical body that governs trade between the three nations
Post-plague Korea manages to rebuild its economy as well as external trading partners. The members of
more successfully than other countries due to the in- this trade coalition are all former executives in one
tense nationalistic drive of the merged chaebols. or more of the large Hexie subsidiaries, zaibatsu, or
Tri-Nation Friction. The international corporate chaebol families. It is an organization that manifests
competition between China, Japan, and Korea is some Hexie’s goals from the outset, by Hexie’s design. Each
of the fiercest manifestations of the corporate wars of the three nations contribute members from their
there is. Fueled by the historical tensions between respective corporate lineages, and over the years they
the three, incredible amounts of blood is shed in their function with increasing unity towards their ultimate
angling for dominance. The economic battles mirror goal of profit. They even develop a transnational cur-
the public opinion and without their mutual member- rency called the “hexie”, dissolving any pretense of sep-
ships with Aegis, war would have surely occured. aration between government and corporate influence.
Plummeting Birth Rate. The birth rate of Korea falls
2051-- 2060 well below 1 due to a variety of factors, including the
Unification of Korea. In 2054, North Korea is peaceful- increased prevalence of relationships with robots and
ly reunited with South Korea after a complete collapse anthroids. Government officials scramble to create in-
of North Korea’s economy and a public revolt. The new centives and policies to boost population replacement,
unified Korea suffers the expected economic drain as but none are sufficient.
South Korea’s wealth is partially reallocated to the inte- Crèche Culture. Already deep into the industry of
gration of North Korea’s population. breeding transgenic humans, Korea’s production in-
Rise of the North Jopok. Many of the alienated sol- tensifies once the TNU implements crèches as a solu-
diers and secret service of former North Korea consti- tion to the low birth rate problem. Laws are passed
tutes a new mafia, the North Jopok, one of the world’s that allow the TNU, Hexie, and Korea to act as legal
largest crime syndicates. guardians for transgenic children birthed and raised in
Transnational Identity. The corporate powers of crèches. A new generation of genetically engineered
China, Japan, and Korea start to transcend their indi- Koreans is born, and the falling birth rate is corrected
vidual national identities, allowing them to cooperate through these birthing facilities.
with each other to face the mounting threats of compe- Busan Police Department Forms. With the reimple-
tition from outside of East Asia. Over the coming years, mentation of antitrust laws, a savvy entrepreneur sets

6 // Introduction //
up a new private military corporation, and beats out 2081-- 2090
Ronin International to gain the exclusive contract as Transgenic Housing Projects. Transgenic military vet-
Busan’s law enforcement. Rumors claim that the BPD erans and workers from the first corporate wars protest
is an enforcement wing for Hexie, but no conclusive and public sentiment to recognize their service mani-
evidence has emerged to back it up. fests as government housing projects built specifical-
ly for transgenic workers and soldiers. "Little Spartas"
2071--2080 pop up throughout Korea. Being areas of concentrated
Armored Response Unit. The BPD develops the ARU to poverty, veteran genetically engineered soldiers, and
handle especially dangerous threats that emerge from shoddy construction, these ghettos mostly end up be-
cybernetic enhancement and bioengineering. They be- ing hotspots for crime and violence.
come famous throughout Korea, and other megacities Phoenix Unlimited Seoul Facility. After the terrorist
recruit their services for national threats. attack in Austin, the Seoul Phoenix Unlimited facility
North Jopok Expansion. The North Jopok becomes was built in 2088.
the dominant organized crime syndicate in Korea. Hub of Human Genetic Engineering. Korea has
There are estimated to be over a million members a higher proportion of genetically modifed humans
and they represent around 100 billion satoshi annu- than any other nation on the planet. There are over 40
al income through illicit trade. Busan stands alone million genetically modified humans in a population
as the megacity where they lack dominance, due to of 77 million. There are three times the global average
the iron-grip of the “Adjuma”, Choi Eun Joo, and her number of transgenic humans as well, courtesy of the
South Jopok. booming crèche culture and global demand. There
are popular nationalistic movements protesting the
production of transgenic humans and genoism is com-
mon. In contrast, certain jobs are very difficult to ob-
tain without genetic enhancement or specialization of
some type or another.

// Shadows of Korea // 7
Part 1: The city of Busan

he bustling port city of Busan, Korea, is filled with Transgenic Hotspot

T the sorts of intrigue, commerce, and crime that
has come to be expected of trade-node cities.
Though it is a megacity by itself, with over 10 million
Busan has a very sizable transgenic human popu-
lation, three times the global average, and Korea in
general has a booming biotech industry. Large ghet-
inhabitants, it is also the southern part of the Pyongbus tos of transgenic humans from Russian, Chinese, and
megalopolis, the continuous urban sprawl snaking Korean descent are part of the multicultural tapestry
through valleys from Busan on the Southern coast all of this diverse seaside megacity. There are over 1 mil-
the way to PyongYang in the North. Like the rest of lion transgenic humans in Busan, which is a source
Korea, Busan is a center for technological innovation, of genoism and tension. Transgenic birthing facilities
particularly with biotech and electronics. and crèches are common in this city.

Four Major Powers Hexie Stronghold

Despite competition, four dominant factions are un- Of the Big 9, Hexie is by far the
disputed bastions of local influence in Busan. City hall, dominant corporate presence
run by Mayor Noh, is the seat of governmental and throughout Korea, Busan being no
political power. He has the power of law behind him exception. A subsidiary of Apollo
and is more than willing to bind up corporations in Laboratories called Vitruvian is
red-tape or crack down on criminal factions if he feels seeking to make inroads into this lucrative port city,
the city needs it. The Busan Police Department, led but Hexie will apply every power they can to prevent
by Commissioner Song Giduk, is a private military this from happening. Hexie has several prominent
corporation that currently has an exclusive contract subsidiaries based in Busan, such as:
with city hall for Busan’s police work. With a roster of Proteome Diversified. A biotech R&D company spe-
officers numbering in the tens of thousands, Giduk cializing in transgenic life (including humans).
is more than willing to give lessons in power. South SK-Unity. A telecommunications, electronics and
Jopok, headed by the “adjuma” Choi Eun Joo, are software company
the lords and ladies of Busan’s underworld, the Hyun SAIC-Hyundai Conglomerate. An automotive and
crime family. She tolerates other criminal factions but aeronautics corporation.
stomps out any opposition that gets too ambitious.
Hexie is the dominant transnational corporation, TNU ( Tri Nation Union)
Union )
it’s influence woven throughout China, Korea, and Ja- Along with Japan and China, Korea is one of the three
pan. Hexie does everything it can to maintain and ex- member nations of the eastern economic juggernaut
pand profit and influence in Busan. that is the TNU. While it acts independently of any par-
ticular corporation in theory, in practice this trade con-
Clashing Criminal Kingdoms federation largely acts as the political wing of Hexie.
Busan is a hotbed of criminal activity, with six different Vitruvian is currently applying for trade contracts in
major crime syndicates constantly trying to expand the TNU and is making headway, marking a rare case
their borders in a zero-sum game with their competi- of tension between the TNU and Hexie.
tion. North Jopok, Fukuoka Yakuza, Vladivostok Laws. The TNU has the most liberal policies in
Bratva, and a Shanghai Triad all vie to displace the the world regarding the production of transgenic life.
South Jopok as the dominant criminal power. While Even basic firearms require registration here, and mil-
the factions involved in Busan's underworld general- itary weapons are banned. Narcotics, while common,
ly have understandings with each other, violent skir- are mostly illegal here as well.
mishes over turf and trade still occur very regularly and
build tensions. Busan is a tightly-coiled spring, ready
to explode into a full on gang-war between the criminal
factions. Control of the docks and the Busan-Fukuoka
tunnel, which allow for quick imports and exports of
illicit goods, are the most hotly contested areas.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 9
Districts ( Gu
Busan Locations Busan has fifteen major administrative districts, called
1. Gaedeok Island 17. North Port gu in Korean, each with their own pool of money, lo-
Part I. 2. Little Shanghai 18. Litte Russia cal government, interests, industries, and characters.
City of 3. New Port 19. Busan Train Station They are like microcities, or boroughs. Different crimi-
Busan 4. Gimhae Airport 20. Seomyun commerical nal, political, and corporate factions might have differ-
5. Ilsuk Island and transport hub ent levels of control amoungst the various gu.
6. Dadepo Port 21. University District
Part II. 7. Gamcheon Port 22. City Hall
NPCs 8. Geulimja Theatre 23. BPD Headquarters
9. Honhyeol dong 24. Dongnae spa
10. Cheong Jeong 25. Choi Eun Joo's Home
Part III. stronghold 26. Busan National Uni-
11. Seogu Port versity
12. Little Sparta 27. Vitruvian Busan Head-
13. Busan Port Au- quarters
thority 28. Proteome Diversified
14. Yama Sushi (Yaku- 29. Hoedong water re-
za stronghold) sevoir
PART V. 15. Dongsam dong 30. Haeundae Aquarium
New Rules 16. Busan-Fukuoka 31. Big 9 Towers
Tunnel 32. Jeonsa Academy



Guemjong 29
Buk 28

24 25
23 31
Busanjin 22 suyeong 30
Gangseo sasang 20
9 21
8 dong nam
seo 18
5 12 13
2 saha 10 ye
11 on
3 7 gd15
14 o
1 6

10 // City of Busan //
Disctrict Emergency Services
emergencies. The bright side of being in an area with
level Description low emergency services is that it can be very easy to
0 The service is completely absent in this do criminal activities. The support a particular level of
gu, and will have to be privately arranged emergency service provides is described in the District
through an adjacent gu. . Emergency Services table.
1 A basic level of service that is easily over-
whelmed in difficult situations. Wait times Buk-gu (북구)
for emergency services could be hours, and Area (km2): 39
they may not arrive at all in certain areas. Population: ~910,000
Per 100,000 people it means 50 police Emergency Services: 2
officers, 10 firefighters, 4 paramedics, and 1 Places of Note: Bridge to
half-time doctor.. northern Gangseo-gu.
2 A level of service that is adequate for most Buk-gu translates literally to ‘North District,’ and is
situations but abnormal events puts it out the most north central neighborhood in Busan. The
of its depth. Wait times could be minutes entire eastern portion of this district is undeveloped
to hours, depending on the circumstances. mountain, with the urban areas along the Nakdong
Per 100,000 people it means 250 police river. A bridge across the river connects it to northern
officers, 50 firefighters, 20 paramedics, and Gangseo-gu. There are rumors of both secret Hexie
2 doctors. labs and North Jopok dens of debauchery in the moun-
3 These services can address most situations tain regions here. Some people have made wild claims
but exceptional disasters or crimes can about a “Kuen-Dokkaebi”, an ogre-like man roaming
require more specialized resources and the rural forest (SoK, ???).
training. Wait times tend to be less than an
hour, and could be as fast as a few minutes. Busanjin-gu (부산진구)
Per 100,000 people it means 500 police Area (km2): 30
officers, 100 firefighters, 40 paramedics and Population: ~1,100,000
4 doctors. Emergency Services: 5
4 This level of service can accommodate Places of Note: Seomyeon
most situations, even major disasters and commercial region, train station.
high-powered criminal violence. Wait Busanjin-gu is the city center. A major hub of enter-
times tend to be less than 15 minutes, but tainment, shopping, and commerce. The Seomyeon
certain situations can cause it to be longer. commercial area houses some of the top fashion de-
Per 100,000 people it means 750 police signers in the world, numerous underground malls, a
officers, 200 firefighters, 60 paramedics and major subway station hub, and a maglev train station
6 doctors. to other cities. While once a traditional seafood market,
Bujeon Market no longer caters to the working people
5 A comprehensive and elite level of service
of the sea, but is rather a prestigious gu location for the
that can handle almost any situation inde-
rich, powerful, and famous to eat and shop. Hexie has
pendently. Emergency service will likely
great investments in this area and it is well guarded by
arrive within minutes. Per 100,000 people it
authorities. There have been an unusual amount of
means 1,000 police officers, 200 firefighters,
drug-overdoses in this district as of late, with atypical
80 paramedics, and 8 doctors.
victims; mostly rich fashionistas, media personalities,
and models. Rumor has it that they are the result of a
Emergency Services new designer drug, some type of nootropic.
Busan has privatized firefighting, ambulance, hospi-
tal, and police services. The service that a particular
district has reflects the district’s mean income, and
richer neighborhoods tend to get far better coverage
than poorer ones. Mosaic contracts often get posted
for emergency situations that a district finds them-
selves unequipped to deal with. City Hall might also
coordinate services from one gu to another for larger

// Shadows of Korea // 11
Intro Dong-gu (동구) Gangseo-gu (강서구)
Area (km2): 10 Area (km2): 182
Population: ~280,000 Population: ~370,000
Part I. Emergency Services: 2 Emergency Services: 2
City of Places of Note: Busan train Places of Note: Gimhae Airport,
Busan station, Russiatown, section of Gadeok island, New Port, Little Shanghai.
North Port, Baikal Bay hotel, Lux Tower. This enormous district is situated west of the Nakdong
One of the smaller neighborhoods but also one of the River. Gimhae International Airport and New Port
Part II. most important when it comes to shipping. Much of make it an important hub for international travel. The
NPCs North Port is in this district, and an incredible amount airport is controlled by Hexie and any efforts by any
of goods, materials, and people enter and exit the other faction to gain influence here are swiftly dealt
country at this point. It has a well-earned reputation with. A few mountain temples have been preserved
Part III. for being seedy and dangerous and you can get almost within the ever present megalopolis. Gadeok island is
anything you want here for the right price. The infa- largely rural, and bridges connect it to both the main-
mous Russiatown is located here, which is the center land and Geoje island, further west of Busan. A portion
of power for the Vladivostok Bratva, who also control of coastal land by the docks is called Little Shanghai
a sizable section of the docks in this region. South Jop- due to the large number of Chinese workers that live
ok control areas of the dock closer to Nam-gu and this there. New Port is an important hub for international
turf has a lot of tension between these two factions. shipping between China, Korea, Japan, and Russia. It
PART V. All illegal Russian imports and exports come through is the number one stop for Chinese imports and ex-
New Rules either this district, or northern Jung-gu. There have ports to and from Korea. The Shanghai triad and South
been many reports of missing children in this district Jopok both have a presence at this port, and current-
but the BPD lack the resources to properly investigate. ly have an understanding, mediated through Hexie.
Appendices There are legends of a literal Chinese dragon who runs
Dongnae-gu (동래구) the Busan-Shanghai triad and that they live in one of
Area (km2): 17 the mountain temples that has been turned into a Tri-
Population: ~800,000 ad stronghold.
Emergency Services: 2
Places of Note: Dongnae Spa, Geumjeong-gu (금정구)
Choi Eun Joo’s home. Area (km2): 65
Located in the north central area of Busan, Dong- Population: ~750,000
nae-gu is home to a variety of people across the spec- Emergency Services: 5
trum. It is not so rich as to be considered affluent, but Places of Note: Busan National
not so poor as to be a slum. The people of Dongnae are University, Vitruvian Busan
proud of the many historical sites in the area, which headquarters and lab, Proteome Diversified lab,
seem to give the local inhabitants a sense of communi- several transgenic crèches, Hoedong water resevoir.
ty. The luxurious Dongnae Spa is a hidden gem amidst This north-eastern neighborhood is Busan’s educa-
the clamor and busyness of the urban jungle and kings tion and research hub. Home to Busan National Uni-
of old Korea have bathed in these spring waters. The versity and other prestigious learning institutes, it is
spa is firmly controlled by Hexie and the South Jopok, no surprise that small and large corporations alike
and it is a very commonly used meeting place for pow- have set up their R&D divisions in this spot. Apollo
erful corporate and criminal interests to make deals Lab’s Vitruvian facility is here, as is Hexie’s Proteome
and hash things out. Busan’s South Jopok boss, Choi Diversified. The Amaranthians also wield power here,
Eun Joo, has her highly secure but modest home here. drawing upon individual researchers belonging to a
In the past year there have been several reports in this variety of labs. There are several transgenic crèches
district of people going missing for a day or two, only and training academies here, owned and operated by
to return with minor amnesia and no explanation for Proteome Diversified. Rumor has it that a new Spar-
their friends and families. Some families report that tan genome is on the horizon, one that would eclipse
their loved ones come back different somehow. Social older genomes in their capabilities, and many biotech
media is abuzz with conspiracy theories but officials industries and governments are paying close attention,
say it is nothing more than binge-drinking. their corporate espionage in full-gear. The Hoedong
water reservoir is a strategic location that supplies the

12 // City of Busan //
city’s water supply. It is also a transportation hub for Jung-gu (중구)
buses and trains traveling north along the east coast, Area (km2): 3
eventually to Vladivostok. A body of one of the water Population: ~140,000
treatment plants managers was recently found float- Emergency Services: 2
ing face down in the reservoir, his throat torn out. De- Places of Note: Section of Old
spite the high police services here, the BPD don’t seem North Port, Little Sparta, Spartan crèches and
to be highly motivated to investigate. military academy, new crèche for novel Spartan
genome (under construction).
Gijang-gu (연제구) At barely three square kilometers, Jung-gu is small
Area (km2): 218 but important. Adjacent to the sea, it is home to many
Population: ~500,000 export and import businesses. Its smaller harbour is
Emergency Services: 2 easier to get things into and out of the city so long as
Places of Note: Jeonsa Academy. you know the right people. The northern section of
This enormous northern region is the docks in this district is controlled by Bratva, while
the most rural area of all busan. It is largely forested South Jopok controls the rest. It is a site of considerable
hill-land with patches of agricultural areas and coastal violence between the two groups as they vie for greater
fisheries. Ronin International has a samurai academy port control. It is also where little Sparta is, a transgen-
here called Jeonsa Academy, it’s the only one in all Ko- ic ghetto mostly composed of Spartan genome soldiers
rea. Jeonsa Academy specializes in daikōdo, fighting or veterans. Several Spartan crèches and an associated
with diplomacy and a fierce social presence. Locals say military academy can also be found here, courtesy of
there are abnormally large predators in these woods, Proteome Diversified. A new crèche is currently under
larger than mere black bears, and that Jeonsa Academy construction and word on the street is that it will raise
uses them for training. kids of an entirely novel Spartan genome.

Haeundae-gu (해운대구) Nam-gu (남구)

Area (km2): 51 Area (km2): 27
Population: ~1,200,000 Population: ~850,000
Emergency Services: 5 Emergency Services: 3
Places of Note: Big-nine corporate Places of Note: Sections Old North
towers, Haeundae beach, Port, financial and academic institutions.
Haeundae Aquarium. Literally translated as the “South Neighborhood,”
An affluent beachfront neighborhood, Haeundae-gu Nam-gu is a large peninsula that makes up much of
is one of the most desirable and prestigious locales for the Busan harbour. This location is known for its high
the world's rich and powerful. Essentially a gated com- population density, financial district, universities, and
munity, people entering this gu need to prove that they cultural centers, such as the United Nations Memorial
either live or have a reason for being there. Glass sky- Cemetery. Seven small islands are situated just off the
scrapers are the norm as people live and work in some neighborhood’s shores. The official position is that
of the tallest buildings in the country. The famous they are uninhabited, but those in the know realize
Haeundae Beach is now exclusive real estate for the that there is more than meets the eye.
hotels and resorts which line its sandy shores. Some of
the finest chefs in the world prepare food here, and all
of the big-nine syndicates have corporate towers here
as a sign of prestige. The world’s largest aquarium is
also here, containing all manners of transgenic marine
life with guided tours being given by various aquatic
transgenic humans. A highly publicized attempt to
break into the Hexie tower has recently occurred, with
the offending cadre naming Apollo Laboratories as
their employer.

// Shadows of Korea // 13
Intro Saha-gu (사하구) Honhyeol Dong Locations
Area (km2): 42 1. Bar Gochu 9. Honhyeol market
Population: ~1,050,000 2. Oni Autobody 10. BPD station
Part I. Emergency Services: 2 3. Pronatalax facility 11. Cao Cao's scrapyard
City of Places of Note: Gamcheon port, 4. Ten Feet Under bar 12. Group of Smiling Fish
Busan ship repair yard, Dadepo port, Eulsukdo island. 5. Pajeon Storage 13. Blockchain Boys turf
This coastal neighborhood is on the western side of the 6. Min Soo's apartment 14. Paek Family turf
city. While it’s hard to find any nature in the metropolis 7. Soo Jin's apartment 15. Trash Bloods turf
Part II. that is Busan, this place has more trees than anywhere 8. Pain Circus club 16. Yamakazi Kings turf
NPCs else in the city, with one fifth of the land dedicated to
forest preservation. This is especially true on Eulsuk-
do island, which is connected to the mainland by two der the limited contract with the BPD that Sasang-gu
Part III. bridges. Saha-gu is also known as a fish and agricultur- has, the choked streets and gates often don't allow for
al hub. Both the north part of Gamcheon port and the speedy response times for an already minimal service
entirety of Daedepo port are here, and are controlled level. Officially this area is continuous with the rest
by South Jopok. Most of the food that comes into the of Sasang-gu, but it is encapsulated by a 3 meter wall
city comes through Saha-gu first. Coastal catches have and dozens of entry gates monitored by local gangs,
been pretty poor as of late. While they may simply especially the Smiling Fish. The gates aren't typically
be “big fish” tales, local fishermen have reported a sea locked, but if you look like you don't belong, a group of
PART V. monster plaguing their boats. thugs might try to shake you down with an entry fee.
New Rules City hall sees this area as a blight on the city but ev-
Sasang-gu (사상구) ery restoration project attempted thus far has been a
Area (km2): 36 short-lived disaster, always reverting to the urban jun-
Appendices Population: ~900,000 gle it was before. This neighborhood is the wild west
Emergency Services: 1 of Busan. This is a great place for urban slum random
Places of Note: Honhyeol dong, Bar Gochu, Oni encounters (S0K, p. ???).
Autobody, Pain Circus, Pajeon Storage, Protanalax, Gangs of Honhyeol dong. The Smiling Fish gang are
Ten Feet Under, Geulimja Theatre the dominant force here, with thousands of members,
Located in the lower southwest side of the city, Sasang but other smaller gangs have claimed turf as well.
-gu is home to many of the city's poor, derelicts, delin- • Blockchain Boys. A gang of dozens of codehackers,
quents, ne’er do wells, and mutts. While a rough and biohackers, and engineers. They prefer to fight
tumble kind of place, to the locals, it’s home, and peo- through manipulation and assassination rather
ple look out for each other. If you need to find some- than street warfare and are flexible with turf. They
thing or someone, and don’t want it known, Sasang are led by an adept hacker named Hexadecimal
may be the place for such inquiries. Sasang-gu is also (CRB, p. 278).
the main stronghold for the Night Breed, a gang of bio- • Paek Family. There are hundreds in the Paek Family,
hacked vampires part of a larger vampire subcultire in all blood related. They are violent opportunistic
Busan. They run business out of the Geulimja stage criminals, dabbling in everything. Paeks aggressive-
theatre and the Pain Circus nightclub. The murder rate ly guard their territory, charging tolls for strangers,
in Sasang-gu has recently spiked, particularly among but allow Smiling Fish through to avoid gang war.
the transgenic population. The almost utter lack of Their commander is a gang leader named Paek
emergency services here means that the crime rate Sung Ho (CRB, p. 283).
tends to be quite high, you can get away with things • Trash Bloods. These young punks are all mutts and
here that you couldn’t in other parts of the city. Cadres target non-transgenic people with violence for
can find a great deal of work in this district. fun. The Smiling Fish are keeping an eye on them,
Honhyeol dong. A notable gated neighborhood of worried about how wantonly brutal they are. A
Sasang-gu is a transgenic ghetto called Honhyeol dong, transgenic bruiser named Stomper runs the gang
which has hundreds of thousands of transgenic hu- (SoK, p. ???).
mans. Many buildings here aren't built up to code and • Yamakazi Kings. A parkour gang that happily snatch-
the narrow streets can only accomodate one-way traf- es purses and other expensive small items. They
fic from cars, so most people get around here on foot or focus equally on their athletics and their criminal
by motorcycles and mopeds. This area has the highest enterprise. It's comprised of 9 parkour aces (SoK, p.
homocide rate in all Busan, and while it does fall un- ???), and the leader is named Impala (+2 Dex, 55 hp).

14 // City of Busan //
14 12


6 5


13 12






12 12
12 12

Honhyeol Dong Slums 12 meters 6 meters

// Shadows of Korea // 15
Intro Seo-gu (서구) a small influence there as well. Dongsam-dong is a par-
Area (km2): 14 ticularly lawless area that is the center of a Yakuza and
Population: ~340,000 South Jopok turf war. Law enforcement tends to avoid
Part I. Emergency Services: 2 it and let the skirmishes playout, as their past attempts
City of Places of Note: Gamcheon port at getting involved were disastrous. Both criminal fac-
Busan (south-west side), Seo-gu port (coastal-east side). tions have a no-drone truce in this neighborhood, and
Seo-gu is a long, narrow peninsula-like gu that runs any drones flying more than 6 meters high are shot
north to south on the western side of the city. Its long down by thugs from either side. The Busan-Fukuoka
Part II. coastline makes it a popular place for smuggling. That undersea tunnel entrance is on this island making this
NPCs said it is tightly controlled by the Cheong-Jong gang, valuable turf for imports and exports. The Yakuza have
who don’t take kindly to anyone other than them- the strongest presence in all Korea in this district, and
selves bringing things in and out of the city (especially Tetsuo runs business out of Yama Sushi.
Part III. transgenics). While they have an understanding with
the South Jopok, this neighborhood is so tightly con- Yeonje-gu (연제구)
trolled by the Cheong-Jeong that most anyone coming Area (km2): 12
or going is tracked, and illicit or unapproved activities Population: ~620,000
does not go unnoticed. It’s rumored that a shipment of Emergency Services: 2
banned bioweapons has made its way into the port. Places of Note: Busan-Fukuoka
Tunnel, Old North Port, Dongsam-
PART V. Suyeong-gu (수영구) dong.
New Rules Area (km2): 10 Located in the heart of the city, the home of city hall,
Population: ~550,000 Yeonje is the political and bureaucratic center of the
Emergency Services: 3 city. Given its proximity to the political and municipal
Appendices Places of Note: Gwangan Bridge. levers of power, Yeonje is hotly contested by many of
Situated between Haeundae-gu and Nam-gu, this small the competing factions within the city. Bribery, black-
but highly dense district rests in a shallow bay on the mail, and assassination are the bread and butter of
eastern side of the city. Four bridges over the Suyeong life here. Despite the high police presence, especially
river connect it to Haendae-gu. One enormous bridge skilled cadres can often find high-paying work here.
in particular, Gwangan Bridge, is a 7km suspension The director of the Busan Port Authority was recently
bridge spanning over the bay and connecting to both fired due to a scandal, and there are questions about
Haeundae-gu and Nam-gu. Gwangalli Beach is a popu- the allegiances of the new director.
lar destination for both tourists and locals alike. With
a stunning view of the Gwangan Bridge, restaurants Harbor of Busan
and bars, and boutiques and shops, there leisure activ- The harbor of Busan describes a large hub of ports,
ity aplenty. Behind the fun, Suyeong is a combination spanning across over 15 km of coast through Seo-gu,
of intertwined residential and business highrises. Au- Saha-gu, Jung-gu, Dong-gu, and Nam-gu. City hall
thorities are concerned that the bridge will be targeted manages the legal side of things through the Busan
by terrorist activity. Port Authority (BPA), but it is rife with corruption
from Hexie corporate interest and illegal commerce.
Yeongdo-gu (영도구) Exports tend to be Hexie manufactured transgenic ani-
Area (km2): 14 mals and humans, electronics, ships, and automobiles.
Population:~375,000 Imports tend to be raw materials, fuel, automobiles,
Emergency Services: 2 weapons, and drugs.
Places of Note: Busan-Fukuoka Tunnel, Old North Various crime syndicates are constantly warring for
Port, Dongsam-dong, Yama Sushi. turf in the harbor as it allows them to conduct black-
The island. Yeongdo-gu is seperate from the city’s market imports and exports. They use bribery, black-
mainland by a freeway that was a simple bridge once mail, direct employment, and physical coercion to get
in earlier times. This gives Youngdo-gu a feel very dif- the dock workers on the right page. South Jopok con-
ferent from the rest of the city, which is exacerbated trols the lion’s share and generally have a mutual un-
by the constant turf war between the Fukuoka Yakuza derstanding with Hexie and the BPA stretching back
and the South Jopok. The north-east coastal portion of decades. Vladivostok Bratva control portions around
the island is largely part of North Port, and is primarily Russia Town, and the Fukuoka Yakuza have a small
controlled by the South Jopok, though the Yakuza have foothold of the docks of northeast Yeongdo-gu.

16 // City of Busan //
1. New port Transportation
2. daedepo port
Various factions vie for control over different spheres
3. Gimcheon Port GIJANG
of Busan’s transportation, with most of it falling into
4. Seogu port Guemjong
the hands of city hall and the Busan Police Department
5. North Port
Buk (BPD). People with power over these methods of trans-
dongnae port can generally restrict or deny access to services,
yeonje haeundae skip stops or alter routes, confiscate stored luggage, or
Busanjin even detain passengers in some cases.
sasang suyeong
Transport by boats and ferries to surrounding coun-
ye 5
tries and other coastal cities in Korea can be purchased.
1 4 o
Most of them depart from the North Port (see above).
3 Common destinations are Vladivostok, Fukuoka, Tai-
pei, and Shanghai. The BPD, Hexie, city hall (through
the BPA) and South Jopok have power, with the Vladi-
Dadepo Port vostok Bratva having influence on ships coming to and
Located in Saha-gu, this smaller port is controlled by from Russia. While pirates are not rampant, hijacking
South Jopok, and mostly hosts smaller fishing boats and pillaging of ships is not unheard of.
specializing in coastal fishing.
Gamcheon Port Entrances to the maglev subway can be found on al-
This port is mostly in Saha-gu, with a south-eastern most every block and it connects the entirety of the city
portion in Seo-gu. It supports cargo docks and vessels with quick and easy transport, the trains move at an
as well as deep-sea fishing vessels. It also has a ship re- average speed of 100 kph. City Hall and the BPD have
pair yard. It is controlled by South Jopok. official power here, and whatever criminal organiza-
tion happens to control the turf of a particular subway
New Port stop has unofficial power at that stop.
This modern area of Gangseo-gu can handle the enor-
mous modern ships of 2090 and is a trade center be- Trains
tween China, Korea, Japan, and Russia. The Shang- Most intercity civilian traffic to and from Busan comes
hai Triad and South Jopok share control of this port, by train. The Hexie-owned Beongae maglev line trav-
though neither is happy about it. Hexie plays the role els at over 600 kph and can get to Seoul in less than
of peacekeeper between the two. two hours, or Pyongyang in three. Hexie has power
over the trains, with City Hall or the BPD having offi-
North Port cial power at Busan Station (in Dong-gu), and South
By far the largest port, running along coastal areas of Jopok and Vladivostok Bratva having unofficial power.
Yeongdo-gu, Jung-gu, Dong-gu, and Nam-gu. It has Some trains on these lines also transport commercial
both cargo and container facilities as well as interna- goods within the country, which means they are occa-
tional passenger services for ferries and ships. The sional targets for robberies.
Busan naval base is here, in Nam-gu. The North port
also happens to be the most hotly contested section Bridges
amongst the crime syndicates. The Vladivostok Brat- Busan includes many bridges that cross bays or con-
va have majority control over the docks in southern nect islands to the mainland. City Hall controls these
Dong-gu and a bit of Jung-gu, being on the edge of bridges officially, though the BPD has the power to
“Russia Town”. The Fukuoka Yakuza have a small foot- restrict them and whatever crime syndicate that has
hold of the docks of northeast Yeongdo-gu. The South influence in the connected turf often have corrupted
Jopok controls the rest. booth attendants working for them.

Seo-gu Port Busan-Fukuoka Tunnel

While smaller than the North Port, Seo-gu port is the This is the most important hub of commerce between
largest fishing operation in Korea. Control of the port Japan and Korea. City hall and the BPD have official
is split between South Jopok and the Cheong-Jeong. control of the Busan end, but South Jopok perhaps

// Shadows of Korea // 17
Intro even more unofficial power. The Yakuza have control Factions
over the Fukuoka end of the tunnel, giving them lever- Busan is filled with different entrenched factions, each
age in Busan. Despite minor squabbles and occasion- with their own ambitions, alliances, areas of control,
Part I. al violence, they currently have an arrangement with and representatives. While contracts are often post-
City of South Jopok, where each is able to import and export ed on Mosaic by individuals, it is much more com-
Busan goods in each other’s respective countries. However, mon that the cadre will be working for (and possibly
the Yakuza want full control over the Busan-Fukuoka against) a faction when they take a contract. Cadres
tunnel, and any moves to further this goal may upset may be freelancers, but they still earn reputations and
Part II. their uneasy alliance with the Koreans. Hexie is the make relationships through the course of their work.
NPCs trump-card for the tunnel, having enormous influence Who they choose to work for can color their future.
in both Korea and Japan, and they can make whatever
they want happen with this tunnel.
Part III.

Faction ratings

PART IV. Rating Description

Contracts 5 You’re practically family and can boss around lower or even some medium ranking members. You gain a
+25% bonus to all contract payments from that faction, and a 25% discount on all purchases from them.
They will provide you refuge, protection, information, and favors. They may occasionally send you gifts.
4 You’re solid allies at this point, and can even boss around lower ranking members. You gain a +20% bo-
New Rules
nus to all contract payments from that faction and a 20% discount on all purchases from them. They will
provide shelter and safe houses unless the danger is too much. They’ll share some information freely,
Appendices and are happy to grant certain favors.
3 You’re considered friends of the faction and are welcome to conduct any business you like on their turf,
no questions asked. They are willing to provide some refuge to you, especially against rival factions.
You gain a +15% bonus to all contract payments from that faction and a 15% discount on all purchases
from them.
2 You’re welcome on their turf, and can freely conduct cadre business there as long as you give them a
head’s up if you’re conducting business there. You gain a +10% bonus to all contract payments from that
faction and a 10% discount on all purchases from them.
1 You’ve made some inroads with them, and gain a +5% bonus to all contract payments from that faction
and a 5% discount on all purchases from them.
0 They can take you or leave you.
-1 You’ve made a bad impression. They’re willing to work with you, but offer 5% less on contracts and
charge you 5% more on purchases.
-2 They downright don’t like you and it is obvious in dealing with them. They’re willing to work with you,
but offer 10% less on contracts and charge you 10% more on purchases. You are more likely to get into
scuffles with them on their turf unless you’re working for them.
-3 You’re considered enemies. It’s not a bridge too far to repair the damages, so they are willing to work
together, but offer 20% less on contracts and charge you 20% more on purchases. You aren’t allowed to
do business on their turf without permission.
-4 They feel betrayed and will work with you only if you take a 50% pay cut to repair your relationship. They
won’t sell to you, and conducting business on their turf will cause waves, unless it is officially sanctioned.
You have one more chance to get back in their good-graces.
-5 You are despised by them and getting rid of you is one of their higher priorities. They will send hit-squads
after you whenever they can and going into their turf will likely involve violent resistance. They refuse to
offer you contracts.

18 // City of Busan //
Faction Rating
Conflict between factions often occurs by proxy,
General Goals. To make it a human right that
through hired cadres. Factions tend to view cadres
people can have their minds uploaded, through
just as responsible for their actions as the people con-
any means necessary.
tracting them out. Being a cat’s paw does not provide
Specific Goals. Get members of the Busan Police
immunity from getting in a faction’s bad books if you
on their payroll and infiltrate Phoenix Unlimited
mess with them. Conversely, you can be showered
Current Tensions. Cheong Jeong, Tzelem Elo-
with rewards and praise by working for factions and
completing jobs for them. The relationships a cadre
Regions of Influence. Geumjong-gu, universities
has with the various factions of Busan are captured by
in Nam-gu, Pronatalax in Sasang-gu.
individual faction ratings. For instance, a cadre might
Relative Power. Low.
have a faction rating of 3 with the Vladivostok Bratva,
Notable NPCs. Aldous Laplace, Seraph.
making them solid allies, but have a faction rating of
-4 with the South Jopok, making them bitter enemies.
Faction ratings can vary between -5 to +5, and are al-
tered by doing contracts for or against the factions, academics and researchers count as members of their
or by working for or against their general or specific ranks. It’s rumored that some of them have been work-
goals. The consequences of different faction ratings ing on either replicating or reverse engineering the
are described on the faction ratings table. mind-uploading technology currently monopolized by
Phoenix Unlimited. They have active political lobbying
Faction Descriptions to advance universal mind-uploading, and are always
Listed below are the various factions of Busan that are looking to have one of their own as a mole working for
currently making moves for power, influence, territory, Phoenix Unlimited. Some members of this faction are
and technology. Their individual descriptions include quite extreme and are willing to go to any length to
both their general and specific goals, tensions and al- achieve their goal, including violence.
liances, regions where they have influence in Busan,
their relative power in the city, and any NPCs that ei- At Any Cost (AAC)
ther belong to, or have strong affiliations with the fac- AAC is an activist or terrorist group depending on
tion. Use the faction's goals to guide how they respond your perspective. They want to completely abolish any
to the player characters. Cadres that mave moves that capitalistic relationship with the birthing of transgen-
shift things in a direction of one of their goals will ic humans. As such, they want to shut down crèches,
have their faction ratings increased, while ones that disallow states and corporations from acting as foster
oppose a faction's goals will have their faction rating parents, and get rid of birthing facilities all together.
decreased. Specific goals of a faction can often be the Ironically, most of their members are not transgenic
basis for a contract.
As a GM, you’re encouraged to add more. Not all At Any Cost
of the factions listed below have contracts described General Goals. To make transgenic birthing
in Part 4, and some will be released in future supple- facilities illegal, repeal laws that allow the state
ments. The GM can construct their own contracts or corporations to adopt children, advance trans-
based on the faction’s goals. The four major factions genic rights, and shut down crèches.
in Busan are city hall, the Busan Police Department, Specific Goals. Prevent the new crèche in Jung-gu
the South Jopok, and Hexie. from being built.
Current Allies.None, though there is some sym-
Amaranthians pathy from the Smiling Fish
Like many people, the Amaranthians see Current Tensions. Busan Police Department,
death as the ultimate tragedy. Knowing Cheong Jeong, Tzelem Elohim.
that a technology currently exists that can Regions of Influence. Hohnhyul dong in Sa-
preserve consciousness indefinitely (Phoe- sang-gu, Busan uni students in Nam-gu.
nix Unlimited), they are deeply committed to mak- Relative Power. Very Low.
ing the service a basic human right. They consider ev- Notable NPCs. Gyuri Kim.
ery single life lost in the meantime a needless suffering.
Immortality, but only for the wealthy. Many influential

// Shadows of Korea // 19
at all. Well-off genetically optimized humans that are
Intro Busan Police Department
current or recent university students make up the ma-
General Goals. Maintain monopoly of police
jority of their ranks. They regularly engage in violence
service in Busan, increase scope of contracts,
to achieve their goals, though there are no recorded
Part I. maintain order and fight crime.
City of homicides as of yet. Transgenic humans are divided
Specific Goals. Keep Ronin from being awarded
Busan on what to think of this faction, though the efforts to
law enforcement contracts from the city, devel-
advance transgenic rights are well received. Gyuri Kim
op their Armored Response Unit (ARU) to handle
leads the Busan cell of AAC, and wants to take up their
high-level threats.
Part II. extreme measures a notch.
Current Allies. City hall, Hexie, Mosaic.
Current Tensions. All criminal factions and AAC,
Busan Police Department (BPD) though South Jopok gets softer treatment.
The BPD is a private military corporation that current-
Regions of Influence. Any district with a high
Part III. ly has a long-standing contract with the city of Busan.
Encounters emergency services rating (through patrol cars
Many are ex-military and most genuinely do want to
and aerial drones).
fight crime. Song Giduk is their commissioner, and
Relative Power. High.
while he is largely free of corruption, he has an un-
PART IV. Notable NPCs. Song Giduk, Sophia Choi.
derstanding with both Hexie and the South Jopok. It
employs tens of thousands of officers, though poorer
districts tend to get ignored more than richer ones due most concerned with maintaining law and order and
PART V. to the subcontracts they negotiated. Like any large or- maintaining or expanding their current contract with
New Rules ganization, there are various internal struggles, and the city of Busan (which means they have to play nice
some within the BPD are very willing to take bribes in with Hexie and city hall). They are currently compet-
order to look the other way. That being said, despite ing with Ronin International to see who gets a contract
Appendices pockets of corruption, the BPD is one of the major for dealing with high-level threats, with the BPD using
forces in Busan and they can shake the foundations the Armored Response Unit (ARU) for especially dan-
of power if they throw their weight around. They are gerous criminals.

20 // City of Busan //
able to use Busan as a portal for their profit. City hall
is at once beholden to Hexie while also able to enact
General Goals. To make the birthing of transgen-
impressive government autonomy and sway. Both fac-
ic humans illegal, shut down Phoenix Unlimited,
tions depend on each other and are equally at odds.
and to gain power through any means necessary.
They are mirror images of intense power, one polit-
Specific Goals. Destroy the Smiling Fish, shut
ical, one corporate. The BPD are city hall’s goto mus-
down the new crèche being built in Jung-gu.
cle, and city hall is happy to throw considerable legal
Current Allies. South Jopok, Tzelem Elohim.
power at any threat. They also have their own security
Current Tensions. At Any Cost, Smiling Fish.
and assassins.
Regions of Influence. Seo-gu, Seo-gu port, Ten
Feet Under bar (Sasang-gu).
Relative Power. Low.
Fukuoka Yakuza
The Yakuza have carved out a niche in Busan ever since
Notable NPCs. Junsu, the Stoker.
the Busan-Fukuoka underground tunnel has connect-
ed Japan to Korea. They are in direct competition with
Cheong-Jeong South Jopok and Vladivostok Bratva over control of the
Cheong-Jeong, meaning “purity” in Ko- docks and the tunnel. Despite minor squabbles and oc-
rean, is a street gang utterly opposed casional violence, they currently have an arrangement
to transgenic humans of every type, as with South Jopok, where each is able to import and
well as psychomimes. They are okay with export goods in each other’s respective countries. The
genetically optimized humans, but consider Yakuza want full control over the Busan-Fukuoka tun-
transgenics and psychomimes resurrected through nel, and any moves to further this goal may upset their
Phoenix Unlimited to be abominations. Their drug uneasy alliance with the Koreans.
and arms dealing paves the way for their larger goals,
though most of their ranks are more interested in Fukuoka Yakuza
quick-riches. They are led by The Stoker, a religious General Goals. Maintain imports and exports
figure who belongs to Tzelem Elohim, an even more from Busan to Fukuoka, and maintain control of
fanatical group with the same goals that operates the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel.
across the globe. Specific Goals. Gain control of the Korean end of
the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel.
City Hall Current Allies. City hall, South Jopok, Fukuoka
City hall is the seat of the political and legal power of Yakuza, Shanghai Triad.
Busan. Those working there do everything they can to Current Tensions. BPD, City hall, all Jopok.
mitigate external influences, but some corporate and Regions of Influence. Japanese end of the
criminal sources of corruption are unavoidable. Hex- Busan-Fukuoka tunnel, pockets of Yeong-do gu,
ie in particular is thoroughly enmeshed throughout Yama Sushi.
Busan’s government, lining pockets as necessary to be Relative Power. Low.
Notable NPCs. Tetsuo, Riku, Daichi.
City Hall
General Goals. Have low crime rates and have
people make money, increase legal and bureau- Omnitech
cratic power and diminish criminal and unofficial Omnitech is the most powerful
power. corporation on the planet, and
Specific Goals. Get rid of the Vladivostok Bratva despite playing in Hexie's backyard, they still have
presence in Busan. some significant power in Busan. One of their main
Current Allies. Busan Police Department, Hexie. aims in East Asia is to make in-roads with the TNU,
Current Tensions. All criminal factions, Hexie. hoping for trade agreements. A more covert aim is to
Regions of Influence. City hall, bureaucratic and get intelligence on the Phoenix Unlimited process of
legal influence over entire city, especially in dis- mind-uploading. Omnitech is chomping at the bit to
tricts with high emergency services ratings. gain access to this trade secret and will stop at noth-
Relative Power. Very high. ing to break Phoenix Unlimited's monopoly. They have
Notable NPCs. Mayor Noh. operatives trying to gain access at every Phoenix Unl-
mited facility site across the world, including Seoul's.

// Shadows of Korea // 21
Intro Omnitech Little Sparta
General Goals. Make in-roads into the TNU. General Goals. Keep Little Sparta safe, renew the
Specific Goals. Steal Phoenix Unlimited's trade community.
Part I. secret for mind-uploading from the Seoul facility. Specific Goals. Place community leaders in posi-
City of Current Allies. None (in Busan). tions of power in the new crèches, acquire all the
Current Tensions. Hexie. crèches and the military academy.
Regions of Influence. Omnitech corporate tower Current Allies. The Smiling Fish, Hexie.
in Haeundae-gu. Current Tensions. Cheong Jeong, Tzelem Elohim.
Part II.
Relative Power. Moderate. Regions of Influence. Jung-gu, the military acad-
Notable NPCs. Mr. Quick. emy, the local crèches, any military base.
Relative Power. Low.
Notable NPCs. Ji Yeong.
Part III. Hexie
Hexie is the ultimate cor-
porate power in Busan and Little Sparta
has ties throughout both Little Sparta is the slang term for a neighborhood in
political and criminal factions. Their main method Jung-gu that was built as a housing project for trans-
of influence is bribery and they have many people on genic military veterans in the early 2080s. While
the take in every institution of significance. As long initially an optimistic endeavor, the fresh paint and
PART V. as Hexie is increasing their profit margins and edging vaneer of newness has since dulled and chipped, and
New Rules out competitors, they are happy, and they will use any the cheap construction and cramped living conditions
method at their disposal to make this happen. Though now take the forefront.
Hexie does have a sizable roster of full time soldiers, This transgenic ghetto is mostly filled with Spartan
Appendices they prefer to use cadres and contractors for violence. genomes of one type or another, or their genetic ad-
Listed below are some of the relevant subsidiaries lo- mixture (mutt) offspring. The poverty is compounded
cated in Busan. by the short lifespans of the residents, as people tend to
Proteome Diversified. A biotech research and de- accumulate debt while young and wealth more in their
velopment company specializing in novel enzymes, later years. These later years never come for Spartans.
and transgenic plants and animals of all types (in- Little Sparta is not a formal faction, but geography
cluding humans). and a shared genetics and experience has forged a
SK-Unity. A telecommunications, electronics and tight-knit community with common goals and emer-
software company gent leaders. While only 10,000 residents, Little Spar-
SAIC-Hyundai Conglomerate. An automotive and ta punches far above their weight in terms of street in-
aeronautics corporation. fluence, mostly due to the nature of their population; a
Pronatalax. A transhuman body conversion service. neighborhood of genetically engineered soldiers with
combat experience are essentially a resident army.
Hexie Most legit income comes from working for the lo-
General Goals. Gain profit, solidify alliances, and cal Proteome Diversified crèches (one for each Spartan
have peace between all Hexie related factions genome), or the military academy, though the money
(including criminal factions from Korea, China, from crime and merc-work vastly outweigh it.
and Japan). Little Sparta is mostly insular, looking after their
Specific Goals. Acquire or bankrupt Vitruvian. own. Their relationship with AAC is complicated, as
Acquire Jeonsa Academy from Ronin Interna- they appreciate the activism, but many Spartans value
tional. their crèche upbringing, seeing communes of nearly
Current Allies. City hall, Fukuoka Yakuza, North genetically identical batch brothers and sisters as an
Jopok, Shanghai Triad, South Jopok, TNU. essential part of their culture. Little Sparta wants new
Current Tensions. City hall, Vitruvian, Ronin crèches, but ones run by members of their community.
Regions of Influence. Everywhere, especially in Little Sparta community leaders occasionally ally with
East Asia and the TNU member nations. the Smiling Fish, fellow transgenics, but their main
Relative Power. Very high. goals are simply to escape poverty and protect each
Notable NPCs. Mr. Badger. other. Woe to those who enter this neighborhood with
a reputation for being anti-transgenic.

22 // City of Busan //
Night Breed Ronin International
General Goals. Gain influence over the city’s General Goals. Gain monopoly over mercenary
medical emergency services as well as the black work and arms manufacturing, displace state-
market for weapons, drugs, and upgrades. armies.
Specific Goals. Displace Maxim as the head of Specific Goals. Supplant the BPD, acquire or ruin
the local Bratva and gain influence in Busan’s Mosaic.
hospital and ambulance services. Current Allies. Fukuoka Yakuza.
Current Allies. South Jopok. Current Tensions. Hexie, Mosaic, BPD.
Current Tensions. Vladivostok Bratva. Regions of Influence. Jeonsa Academy in Gi-
Regions of Influence. Pain Circus nightclub and jang-gun.
Geulimja Theatre in Sasang-gu. Relative Power. Low.
Relative Power. Very low. Notable NPCs. Daichi, Junko Minami.
Notable NPCs. Markus.

Ronin International
Night Breed Ronin International is look-
The Night Breed are a new gang within ing to expand their market
Busan that are almost entirely made share of Busan. They have a foot-
up of people who have been biohacked hold through the Jeonsa Samurai Academy
to be vampires, or people wanting to and by handling some police overflow work, but they
become biohacked vampires. Operat- would like to completely displace the BPD and get an
ing out of the Pain Circus nightclub, they exclusive police contract to handle all law enforcement
make large sums of money selling drugs, upgrades, in Busan. They would also like to get Mosaic banned in
and guns to their wealthy patrons. Markus leads the Busan in order to increase dependence on them as the
Night Breed and would like to get rid of the Bratva con- sole provider of private military services.
tingent of vampire subculture in the city, starting the
Maxim Lazovsky. Shanghai Triad
A Triad is operating imports and exports between
North Jopok Shanghai and Busan through the new port in Gangseo-
The North Jopok smuggle anthroids through the Bu- gu. The Shanghai Triad and South Jopok currently
san-Fukuoka tunnel, into Japan. They have some safe have an understanding, mediated through Hexie.
houses and a few dozen contacts throughout the city, Their enforcer captain Fan Tong handles violence, and
but their business in Busan is transient, and South Baozhai is the brains. It is rumored that Baozhai has
Jopok won’t allow them to establish permanent opera- gone through body conversion into a bioengineered
tions without a bloody war. Being a minor player dragon. This faction is playing the long game. They ar-
in Busan, their operations are mostly a cat and mouse en’t making any moves quickly, but over decades they
game, where South Jopok shut it down whenever they will slowly be aiming to increase dock control and sup-
find it. Gwoesu is the captain in charge of their busi- plant South Jopok.
ness in Busan.
Shanghai Triad
North Jopok General Goals. Expand Shanghai’s influence in
General Goals. Gain dominance over South Jopok, Busan.
and monopoly over the peninsula underworld. Specific Goals. Work with Hexie to gain complete
Specific Goals. Establish a permanent presence control of new port.
in Busan, through alliances with other factions. Current Allies. Hexie.
Current Allies. Hexie. Current Tensions. BPD, City Hall, South Jopok.
Current Tensions. BPD, South Jopok, Fukuoka Regions of Influence. New Port, Little Shanghai
Yakuza in Gangseo-gu.
Regions of Influence. Pockets of Busan, their Relative Power. Low.
stronghold being in Pyongyang. Notable NPCs. Baozhai, Feng.
Relative Power. Low.
Notable NPCs. Gwoesu.

// Shadows of Korea // 23
enforcement. The boss, Choi Eun Joo, is looking to so-
Intro Smiling Fish
lidify control over the imports and exports in Busan.
General Goals. Advance transgenic security, gain
Every other large criminal faction is trying to edge in
power through the drug trade and chop-shops.
South Jopok territory, but it would take alliances be-
Part I. Specific Goals. Work out a deal with the BPD.
City of tween them to make major headway against this un-
Current Allies. Fukuoka Yakuza, South Jopok.
Busan derworld powerhouse. South Jopok has made alliances
Current Tensions. BPD, City Hall, South Jopok.
with many of the smaller street-level gangs in Busan,
Regions of Influence. Sasang-gu (especially Hon-
knowing that it would aid them if it ever came down to
hyeol dong), Bar Gochu, Oni Autobody.
Part II. a gang-war between the larger crime syndicates.
Relative Power. Low.
Notable NPCs. Min Soo, Soo Jin, Cao Cao, Min Gi.
Tri Nation Union (TNU)
This trade confederation between the historical rival
Part III. countries of China, Japan, and Korea mediate the laws
Smiling Fish of international commerce in this region. The ties be-
A local transgenic chop-shop gang. tween Hexie and the TNU are undeniable and CEOs of
They mostly are involved with auto Hexie frequently end up on TNU advisory panels and
theft and drug dealing, but are op- administrative boards. The current chief of the TNU,
portunistic criminals. They tend to Qiaolian, is the former executive director for Hexie.
leave bruises and broken bones rather than dead bod- Though in most regards they end up being a political
PART V. ies, though they defend their own to the death. They wing for Hexie, maximum profit for the three member
New Rules are the dominant street gang in Busan, and will work nations is their main purpose. The TNU is currently
with any of the other criminal factions. As a relatively entertaining Vitruvian's bid for trade contracts in the
neutral group, they often mediate deals between the three member nations, much to Hexie's dismay. The
Appendices other criminal empires. They have a slightly friendlier TNU also spends a great deal of money and influence
disposition towards the Yakuza in Buzan, since the lo- aiming to soften attitudes towards transgenic animals
cal Yakuza leader, Tetsuo, is transgenic. Cao Cao runs and plants, birthing facilities, and crèches, as all three
the Smiling Fish. member nations are heavily invested in that industry.

South Jopok
Tri Nation Union (TNU)
The most dominant crime syndicate in Busan is the
General Goals. Maximize profts for China, Japan,
South Jopok, run by the Choi family. They are also one
and Korea, bolster Hexie's profits.
of the four most powerful factions in Busan. They have
Specific Goals. Work out a deal with Vitruvian.
their hands in every criminal activity in Busan, and
Current Allies. City hall, Hexie.
have alliances that run through corporations and law
Current Tensions. All criminal factions.
Regions of Influence. Anywhere legal commerce
South Jopok occurs involving the member nations.
General Goals. Maintain dominance of the un-
Relative Power. Moderate.
derworld in Busan.
Notable NPCs. Qiaolian.
Specific Goals. Push the bratva out of Busan, and
gain monopoly over the Busan ports.
Current Allies. Hexie, Smiling Fish, Cheong Jeong,
Night Breed.
Current Tensions. BPD, city hall, Fukuoka Yakuza
, North Jopok, Shanghai Triad, Vladivostok
Regions of Influence. Illicit commerce in almost
all of Busan, most of the docks, the Korean end
of the Buan-Fukuoka tunnel
Relative Power. Very high.
Notable NPCs. Choi Eun Joo (The Adjuma), Eun
Sook, Yong Chul.

24 // City of Busan //
exclusive upgrades contract with BPD. Vitruvian is op-
Tzelem Elohim
portunistic and will happily ally with any other faction
General Goals. Stop mind-uploading and trans-
in order to establish a solid presence in the TNU.
genic humans, kill existing psychomimes.
Specific Goals. Destroy Phoenix Unlimited facili-
ty in Seoul.
Vladivostok Bratva
Busan is a major stronghold for the Bratva based out
Current Allies. Cheong Jeong.
of Vladivostok. All illegal imports and exports be-
Current Tensions. Almost everyone.
tween Busan and Vladivostok are brokered through
Regions of Influence. No where in Busan.
this faction. The Russian Bratva is in competition for
Relative Power. Low.
port control with the South Jopok, and are willing to
Notable NPCs. Kang Suk Chul, the Stoker
do anything to take more control of the docks, includ-
ing allying with Yakuza and North Jopok. They have
Tzelem Elohim already made some deals with the North Jopok, provid-
The Tzelem Elohim is a multifaith-based terrorist ing safe haven for the group when the South Jopok are
group aiming to dismantle all technologies related to on the hunt. While they have very few allies in Busan,
modification of the human genome and the human they receive a great deal of support from Vladivostok,
mind. They main targets are human transgenic birth- and their firm control of a small but important area of
ing facilities, crèches, and Phoenix Unlimited. The the docks in their cultural ghetto has financed their
most significant Busan based figure in this faction is operation well. The Bratva in Busan are led by Maxim
The Stoker, who also happens to be the leader of the Lazovsky, a despicable predator of children. He and
Cheong Jeong gang. They would love nothing more Miroslav also happen to be biohacked vampires and
than to destroy all Phoenix Unlimited psychomimes they would like to remove the Nightbreed as a locus
and enact laws preventing transgenic humans from of vampire power in the city. Olga Zietzev, their intel-
being created. ligence officer, wishes to seize control of Bratva oper-
ations in Busan.
(Apollo Laboratories) Vladivostok Bratva
Vitruvian are a manufacturer of
General Goals. Maintain and expand illicit im-
entry level upgrades and cyber-
ports and exports to and from Vladivostok.
netic enhancements, catering to
Specific Goals. Solidify and expand port control,
a clientele with less income. City
ally with Shanghai Triad, Yakuza, and North
hall has provided some foreign investment subsidies
to Vitruvian to attract more money and slightly loosen
Current Allies. North Jopok.
Hexie’s grip.They’ve managed to occupy a solid niche
Current Tensions. BPD, city hall, Night Breed,
in Busan and are looking to grow from that, aiming to
South Jopok.
supplant Hexie dominance in the region. Their opera-
Regions of Influence. A section of the docks in
tions manager, Patrick Snelly, is currently negotiating
southern Dong-gu and a bit of Jung-gu, Russia
with city hall and Commissioner Song Giduk for an
Relative Power. Moderate.
Vitruvian (Apollo Laboratories) Notable NPCs. Maxim Lazovsky, Traktor and
General Goals. Achieve greater market share of
Timur Popov, Sasha, Miroslav
cybernetic upgrades in Busan.
Specific Goals. Obtain R&D trade secrets from
Hexie, sabotage Hexie’s market value, get exclu-
sive upgrades contract with BPD, make a deal
with the TNU.
Current Allies. City hall, the TNU.
Current Tensions. All criminal factions.
Regions of Influence. Anywhere legal commerce
occurs involving the member nations.
Relative Power. Low.
Notable NPCs. Patrick Snelly.

// Shadows of Korea // 25
Part 2: Non-Player Characters

Add Your Own Narrative NPCs

variety of non-player characters (NPCs) are

A described in this chapter, some of narrative

significance and some general. The breakdown
of the NPC stat-blocks are explained in detail in the
During or after character creation, your players
will have outlined some characters that are
important to them, either family, friends, lovers,
rivals, or enemies. One of the best ways to engage
GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook, so what follows are
a player is to weave these background characters
entries for individual NPCs. They might be contacts,
into the story. That might mean subbing in one of
rivals, friends, or antagonists to the player characters.
your player's background characters in place of an
existing narrative NPC, or bringing them in some
Narrative NPCs
other way.
Narrative NPCS are specific people, significant movers
and shakers in Busan’s underworld, corporate, or po-
litical scence. Narrative NPCs will often be recurring
characters that can be diretly tied to a game plot. It is General and Specific Goals
generally better when narrative characters aren't un- Narrative NPCs have their own story arcs and inter-
ceremoniously killed "off-screen", and encounters with nal drive, they want to see certain things happen but
narrative NPCs can present more dramatic tension. not others. General and specific goals guide the NPCs
They are presented in a similar way to most NPCs, but and their interactions with the PCs. NPCs will always
are given additional information and have additional be more willing to cooperate with characters whose
features as described below. actions will support their goal, and oppose characters
who act against their goals. Specific goals are motiva-
Plot Armor tions are more short-term and pressing than general
All narrative NPCs have the plot armor feature. This goals and can often be the basis for a contract.
keeps them alive when encounters would otherwise
end anticlimactically from an unlucky failed save or Faction
unanticipated critical hit. Narrative NPCs are usually associated with one or
If a narrative NPC either drops to 0 hit points and more of the factions operating in Busan (p. ???, SoK).
doesn’t die outright, or fails a save, they can make a Their actions might also be mediated by the goals of
1d20 + their CR roll against a DC of 10. If they succeed, their particular faction, or perhaps they are looking to
they drop to 1 hit point instead of dropping to o, or au- leave or rebel against their faction as described in their
tomatically succeed on the save. individual entries.
Each time they use this feature after the first, the DC
increases by 5. This resets in between encounters. General NPCs
Abandon this feature if it would ever get in the way of a NPCs described under this heading represent mem-
dramatically rewarding end. bers of a group and are often extras or one dimen-
tional in narrative terms. That being said, sometimes
Stat-Blocks roleplaying encounters and circumstances can lead
The same as any other NPC entry. Many narrative NPCs to one or more of these NPCs becoming more signifi-
use a general NPC stat-block as a template and list any cant to the story. In such a case, the GM can always add
way it might be modified for the specific NPC. For in- the Plot Armor feature to them (described above). The
stance, Gyuri Kim uses the lawyer stat-block as a tem- NPCs listed here can supplement the ones listed in the
plate but has a +2 added to every ability score. GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook.
Changes to armor class and hit points will be de-
scribed in the modifications, but other derived traits
that are affected by changed ability scores, like saves
and initiative, will need to be calculated.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 27
Narrative NPCs

Aldous Laplace
Part I. Medium human (unmodified)
City of
Busan Armor Class 19 (SharkSkin clothing)
Damage Reduction 4
Hit Points 92 (15d8+25)
Part II. Speed 9 m.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 24 (+7) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)
Saves Int +11, Wis +7
Part III.
Encounters Skills Bureaucracy +11, Computers +15, Investigation
+11, Life Science +11, Mechanics +11, Perception +7,
Physical Science +11
PART IV. Senses Passive Perception 17
Contracts Languages English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin
Challenge 9 (8,400 XP)

PART V. Hacking. Laplace is an 13th-level hacker. His hacking

New Rules ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 19, +11 to hit with
hack attacks). Laplace knows the following hacks: While working for Pronatalax he developed a tech-
nology called Chimera, a type of mind-uploading that
1st level (9 slots): camfect, command, decrypt, disable
Appendices requires multiple minds to be stitched together. He
security, detect security, killer joke, mind reader, pain,
used it to create dozens of chimera-psychomimes of
sleep, sloth, unlock
himself (hybridized with his colleagues) to varying de-
2nd level (5 slots): drone snipe, freeze, modify memory,
grees of success, some of them being quite insane. His
highest achievement up to this point was creating Ser-
3rd level (5 slots): DDR, dominate, drone strafe,
aph, the most functional chimera to date. He was or-
programmed hallucination
dered by Hexie to exterminate all of his chimeras, but
4th level (1 slots): mass suggestion, suicide, feeblemind couldn’t bring himself to do it. He directed Seraph and
the others to form their own community away from
Actions society. He is horrified by Seraph’s killing, but happy
Laplace prefers to use his hacks in all situations. that Seraph is also working on Amaranth innovations.
He could be persuaded to help the cadre find Seraph to
stop his killing, but is conflicted about it.
General Goals. Stop people from dying, upload every
Aldous and his team were also working on a com-
putational substrate that could run human conscious-
Specific Goals. Perfect Amaranth and release it on
ness more effectively than a biological body and
the public, preventing death forever.
daemon can. They made significant head-way with
Faction. Amaranthians.
Amaranth, a modified slime-mold that digitizes life as
Characteristics. Obssessed, compassionate,
it consumes it, preserving all of the data and processes
utilitarian, rational, uncompromising.
forever. To Laplace, this could be the avenue through
Aldous LaPlace is a 50-something psychomimetics which he can erase death itself, making everyone and
researcher of French-British descent, who was work- every living thing immortal. He is secretly working
ing for Protanalax until it was acquired by Hexie, and on new forms of Amaranth, with other Amaranthian
he now works for the Seoul Phoenix Unlimited Facility. researchers. His end game is to release a fast moving,
He is unmodified, appears much younger due to lon- self-replicating, perfectly digitizing form of Amaranth
gevity treatments, and has the body of someone who that will at once both consume and preserve all life on
spends too much time sitting down. He was raised planet Earth. Humanity can continue on as per usual,
in London, but tends to speak more like Churchill living in the simulation run by the Amaranth, only
with his accent. without needless suffering and death.

28 // Non-Player Characters //
Bao Zhai
large human (transhuman dragon body)
Armor Class 21 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 6
Hit Points 230 (14d10+90)
Speed 12 m., climb 9 m.


26 (+8) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 18 (+4)
Saves Dex +10, Int +12
Skills Bureaucracy +12, Insight +9, Intimidation +9,
Life Science +17, Perception +14, Persuasion +9,
Streetwise +12
Senses Acute Olfaction, Passive Perception 24,
Spectrum Vision
Languages English, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin
Challenge 13 (450 XP)

Hacking. The Bao Zhai is a 14th-level hacker. Their

hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 20,
be used at a time, and only at the end of another
+12 to hit with hack attacks). Bao Zhai knows the
creature's turn. Spent legendary qctions are regained
following hacks:
at the start of each turn.
1st level (9 slots): anesthetize, claws, forensic scan, gills,
Bite. Bao Zhai can make a bite attack.
gecko skin, nanodoc, noxious cloud
Leap. Bao Zhai can perform the disengage action and
2nd level (5 slots): CNS stim, paralytic injection, nootro,
then move up to half her movement.
razor cloud
Tail Sweep. Each creature within 6 m. of Bao Zhai
3rd level (5 slots): burning blood, aemon killer, digest,
must succeed on a DC 21 Dex save or take 13 (1d10 +
8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
4th level (2 slots): neurotoxic nightmare , perfume
General Goals. Usurp South Jopok’s position as the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 3 m.,
dominant crime syndicate, become the ultimate
one target. Hit: 17 (2d8+8) armor piercing, piercing
damage. In addition, the target must make a DC 18
Specific Goals. Ally with the other criminal factions
Con save against poison. Failure means the target’s
of Busan (Smiling Fish first), develop an even better
speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dex
dragon body.
saves, and it can’t use reactions. On its turn, it can
Faction. Shanghai Triad.
use either an action or a bonus action, not both.
Characteristics. Proud, menacing, passionate,
Regardless of the target’s abilities, it can’t make
eloquent, powerful, arrogant, flexible..
more than one melee or ranged attack during its
turn. The target can make another save at the end of Baozhai is the Dragon Head (the leader) of the Busan
each of their turns to negate this effect. Triad chapter, and might be the single most powerful
Corrosive Breath (recharge 5-6). everything within being in the city. She has moved to Korea as a career
a 6 meter cone originating from Bao Zhai's mouth opportunity, thinking it a good place to start a new
must make a DC 18 Con save, taking 8d10 corrosive Triad while still getting support from Shanghai. She
damage on a failed save or half as much on a resides in a mountain temple of Gangseo-gu that she
successful one. A failed save also means the target is has converted to a criminal fortress. She is a master
blind until the end of their next turn unless they are biohacker, and has become obsessed with becoming
wearing eye protection. the ultimate lifeform, the perfect dragon. She has gone
through complete body conversion and resembles a
Legendary Actions large Chinese dragon. Her twin ambitions of criminal
Bao Zhai can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from dominance and perfecting her body drive every move
the options below. Only one legendary action can she makes. There is no rush, dragons are eternal.

// Shadows of Korea // 29
Intro Cao Cao ZQ Monkey King 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +10 to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 15
Medium human (Feral) (3d6 + 5) armor piercing, piercing damage.
Armor Class 19 (Bushiweave clothing)
Part I. Damage Reduction 4 Narrative
City of
Hit Points 112 (15d8+45) General Goals. Maintain peace between the criminal
Speed 12 m. factions of Busan, advance transgenic rights.
Specific Goals. Broker a more permanent deal
19 (+4) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) between the Bratva and South Jopok.
Part II.
NPCs Faction. Smiling Fish.
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +8, Wis +4
Characteristics. Diplomatic, fair, retributive, hot-
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6, Insight +4,
Perception +7, Persuation +6, Streetwise +8
Part III.
Senses Acute Olfaction, Dark Vision, Passive Cao Cao is the leader of the Smiling Fish. He is ethni-
Perception 17 cally Chinese, but it is difficult to tell under the animal-
Languages Korean, Mandarin istic features his Feral genome gives him. Cao Cao has
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) a reputation for being diplomatic; firm but fair. If any-
one does violence on a member of the Smiling Fish, he
Credible Threat (1/encounter). Cao Cao can target has an eye for an eye policy, and can lose his temper in
3 people, and make an Intimidation ability check the short-term. He has been able to mediate the uneasy
PART V. against their Wisdom saving throws. If successful, peace between the various criminal factions in Busan,
New Rules the targets become frightened until the end of the but if he were to disappear, the powder keg of power
encounter. may blow. Cao Cao lives at a scrap yard, but moves
Hyper Jumping. Cao Cao's jumping distances are around a fair bit and regularly stops by Bar Gochu and
Appendices multiplied by 3, and they can fall 9 meters without Oni Autobody. He's always with two transgenic bruis-
taking any damage. ers, two hitmen, and two Feral rippers (CRB p. 285, SoK,
Inspiration (1/Turn). As a bonus action, grant 1 target p. ???). He enjoys seeing Tetsuo, a fellow trangenic, in
ally a d12 inspiration die. The ally can use this die a position of power.
once to add the result to one ability check, attack
roll, attack damage, or saving throw it makes.
Pack Tactics. Cao Cao has advantage on an attack roll
against a target if at least one of the Cao Cao's allies
is within 1.5 meters of the target and the ally isn't
Pounce. If Cao Cao moves at least 6 meters straight
toward a large sized or smaller character and then
hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, he can
make an attempt to shove that character as a free
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Cao Cao deals an extra 7 (2d6)
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack
that has advantage on the attack roll, or when the
target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of Cao Cao
that isn’t incapacitated and Cao Cao doesn’t
have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Multiattack. Cao Cao makes two attacks,
ranged or melee.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) armor-
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.

30 // Non-Player Characters //
Choi Eun Joo ganized crime from contested areas without risking an
Medium human (optimized) all-out gang war. The Adjuma is currently in an uneasy
Use the corporate executive stat block (p. 279, CRB) truce with the Bratva and and Yakuza, since they
for Choi Eun Joo, but with the following changes: each respectively allow South Jopok to transport their
78 hp, 20 AC, 6 DR, +6 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and goods into Vladivostok and Fukuoka. If Adjuma dis-
Charisma, +3 to all saves, proficiency in Streetwise covers any North Jopok activity, she seizes the illicit
and Intimidation, acute olfaction, and CR 4 instead wares by force and shuts down the intrusion.
of 2. She is thinking about going to war with the Brat-
va, and she personally hates Maxim and his lifestyle.
Narrative A few gentle prods or incidents between her and the
General Goals. Gain monopoly power over the black Bratva would push her over the edge. In such a war,
market of Busan. she would seek to align with North Jopok. She is never
Specific Goals. Eliminate Maxim and weaken the without her permanently contracted elite agent, Ome-
Vladivostok Bratva. ga commando and l33t hacker (CRB, p. 292 and 294).
Faction. South Jopok (leader).
Characteristics. Obssessed, compassionate, Daichi
utilitarian, rational, uncompromising. Medium human (Asura)

This 54 year old woman is the boss of the South Jopok, Armor Class 21 (Sharkskin clothing)
having been born into the powerful Hyun crime family. Damage Reduction 4
She was one of the first genetically optimized humans, Hit Points 97 (13d8+39)
born shortly after the technique became commercial- Speed 12 m., Climb 12 m.
ized. As long as people are being appropriately re- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
spectful, she plays the role of a sweet, somewhat naive 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
motherly figure, and her clothes and style match this
Saves Str +8, Dex +8, Cha +3
ruse. Her demeanor instantly changes however if she
Skills Athletics +8, Insight +6, Perception +9, Stealth
is being disrespected, and reminds people of her power.
+8, Streetwise +3
South Jopok are the major crime power in Busan, but
Senses Passive Perception 19, Spectrum Vision
they have been unable to push out the encroaching or-
Languages Korean, Japanese
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Cunning Action. Daichi can take the Dodge,

Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action.
Iaijutsu. Daichi can’t be surprised while conscious, he
gains a +5 bonus to initiative, and enemies don’t gain
advantage on attack rolls against him as a result of
being unseen.
Execute. Any hit Daichi scores against a target that
hasn’t taken a turn in combat yet is a critical hit.
Four Armed Martial Arts. Daichi gains a +3 bonus
to Strength (Athletics) checks involving lifting
or grappling and can grapple, shove, or make an
unarmed strike as a bonus action.
Hyper Jumping. Daichi’s jumping distances are tripled,
and he can fall 9 meters without taking any damage.

Multiattack. Daichi makes three attacks.
ZQ Monkey King 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +10 to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 15
(3d6 + 5) armor-piercing, piercing damage

// Shadows of Korea // 31
Ronin Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) armor-piercing,
Eun Sook
piercing or slashing damage. Medium human (Oknytt)

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, Armor Class 21 (Sharkskin clothing)
Part I. Damage Reduction 4
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning
City of
damage. Hit Points 84 (13d8+26)
Speed 15 m., Climb 15 m.
Counter Strike. When an attacker hits Daichi with 15 (+2) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
Part II.
NPCs a melee attack, he can use his reaction to make a
Saves Dex +10, Int +5
shove, grapple, Ronin blade, or unarmed strike.
Skills Athletics +8, Acrobatics +13, Perception +5,
s maroon skin and cornrow hair. He is currently under Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +13, Streetwise +5
Part III. contract by Ronin International, who is working with Senses Passive Perception 15, Spectrum Vision
Encounters the Fukuoka Yakuza. Daichi has an infamous love-hate Languages English, Korean, Japanese
relationship with his occasional lover Eun Sook, an Ok- Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
nytt thief that frequently works with the South Jopok.
PART IV. They seem to gravitate towards taking contracts that Cloak. As a free action, Eun Sook can become
make them have run-ins with each other, and have invisible.
even killed each other multiple times. They both have Cunning Action. Eun Sook can take the Dodge,
a subscription to Phoenix Unlimited, so keep a tally of Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action.
who has killed the other more times. Daichi secretly
New Rules Prehensile Tail. Eun Sook gains advantage on
lives for these show-downs and reconciliations and is
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and (Climb) checks and
deeply in love with Eun Sook.
can wield weapons with the light property with
her tail.

32 // Non-Player Characters //
Hyper Jumping. Eun Sook’s jumping distances are
tripled, and she can fall 9 meters without taking any
damage. Large human (Transhuman)
Use the Transgenic Bruiser stat block (SoK, p. ???)
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Eun Sook deals an extra 21
for Feng, but with the following changes: 132 hp,
(6d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
+8 Strength, +4 Constitution, large size, and 4 CR
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or
instead of 2.
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of Eun
Sook that isn’t incapacitated and Eun Sook doesn’t
have disadvantage on the attack roll.
General Goals. Advance personal power in the Triad,
Actions exercise their power, eat delicious food.

ZQ Monkey King 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon

Attack: +10 to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 15
(3d6 + 5) armor-piercing, piercing damage
Tail Snatch. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach
1.5 m., one target. Hit: The target is disarmed,
dropping 1 object they are holding to the ground.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker hits Eun Sook, she
can use her reaction to halve the attack's damage.

General Goals. Have fun, steal things,
live forever while constantly
tangling with Daichi.
Specific Goals. Recover a stolen
package for Vitruvian before it
gets delivered to Fukuoka.
Faction. Freelancer currently
working with South Jopok and
Characteristics. Playful, gregarious,
carefree, loyal, passionate.
Eun Sook is a famous Oknytt thief,
easily recognized her tail. She is an
athletic Korean woman that dresses in
tactical light armor. She is currently under
contract with Vitruvian and has a strong
working relationship with the South Jopok.
Eun Sook is at once an archrival and true
love of Daichi, the famous samurai. They
fight tooth and nail, with the stakes less
serious due to their mutual subscription to
Phoenix Unlimited. Eun Sook loves her life
and continued struggles with Dachi, and
will do anything to preserve this cycle.

// Shadows of Korea // 33
Specific Goals. Displace Baozhai as leader of the Triad,
gain control of the new port.
Faction. Shanghai Triad (enforcer). Medium human (unmodified)
Characteristics. Cruel, violent, dispassionate, Use the biohacker wiz stat block (SoK, p. ???) for
Part I. confident. Gwoesu, but with the following changes: 48 hp, 17
City of AC, +4 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, +6
Busan Feng is the Red Pole of the Busan-Shanghai Triad, the Charisma, proficiency in Insight, Intimidation, and
enforcer. She is a brute and a thug, enjoying exerting Streetwise, and 3 CR instead of 2.
her physical dominance over others. Feng was born
Part II. into the Canary genome, but has ungergone transhu- Narrative
NPCs man body convesion and become an eight-foot tall General Goals. Establish the North Jopok in Busan.
golden Amazonian with glowing lavender eyes. She is Specific Goals. Form an alliance with South Jopok.
around 40 years old, but the frame doesn't look a day Faction. Shanghai Triad (enforcer).
Part III. over 30. Bao Zhai performed the procedure for Feng to Characteristics. Menacing, robotic, amused,
secure her loyalty, but Feng has lofty ambitions to dis- professional, cool.
place Baozhai, despite being two ranks below her. Feng
Gwoesu was born an unmodified human, but has been
would happily dispose of the traditional Triad ranking
PART IV. heavily biohacked. She appears as a beautiful young
system and just run things by force. She runs opera-
Contracts woman, dressed as a business professional, but borders
tions at the new port for the Triad.
on the uncanny valley with her doll-like appearance.
Because she is so heavily biohacked, there are rumors
PART V. of every variety regarding her true age and original sex.
New Rules
She runs North Jopok’s business in Busan, and has a
reputation of extreme ruthless violence. She is usually
accompanied by six 2-meter tall transgenic mantises,
which serve as her bodyguards and assassins.

Gyuri Kim
Medium human (optimized)
Use the lawyer stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Gyuri, but
with the following changes: 11 hp, 15 AC, +2 to
every ability score, proficiency in Intimidation and
Streetwise, 1d6 Sneak Attack, Inspire Courage (1d8, 1/
encounter), and CR 1/4 instead of 1/8.

General Goals. To make transgenic birthing
facilities illegal, repeal laws that allow the state or
corporations to adopt children.
Specific Goals. Militarize AAC more of a para-military
organization, structured to use violence to achieve
its ends.
Faction. At Any Cost (leader).
Characteristics. Driven, passionate, uncompromising,
merciless, angry.
Gyuri is the leader of At Any Cost in Busan. She was
genetically optimized by her Korean parents, and was
always an overachiever. She was a practicing lawyer
before switching her focus to AAC. She’s seen law fail,
and is willing to employ more extreme measures for
her cause. Right now that means stopping the new
crèche in Jung-gu from being built, naturally, at any
cost. She is always with at least 6 gangbangers and one
enforcer (CRB, pp. 281-282).

34 // Non-Player Characters //
Junko Minami
Medium human (optimized)
Use the adept hacker stat block (CRB, p. 278) for Junko,
but with the following changes: 45 hp, 17 AC, +4
to Dexterity and Constitution, +2 to Wisdom, +8 to
Charisma, multiattack (two attacks), proficiency in
Deception, Insight, and Persuasion, and CR 3 instead
of 2.

General Goals. To advance in Ronin International.
Specific Goals. To become head of a new Ronin police
force in Busan, to set up a specialized police service
in Busan.
Faction. Ronin International (head of Busan
Characteristics. Ambitious, charming, friendly,
flirtatious, polite, opportunistic.
Junko is a Ronin International zaibatsu heiress and

Ji Young head of operations in Busan. She has been directed

to usurp the BPD as Busan’s main law enforcement
Medium human (Spartan Infantry) contract. from the BPD. She is a young genetically op-
Use the Kensei stat block (CRB, p. 285) for Ji Young, timized Japanese woman of slight build. Her beauty ri-
but with the following changes: 85 hp, 19 AC, +6 vals that of Companion genomes and she uses it when
to Dexterity and Charisma, +2 to Constitution and appropriate. Junko is a skilled mindhacker as well as
Wisdom, proficiency in Intimidation, Persuation, and a graduate of the Bushido academy, practicing Daikō-
Streetwise, darkvison, 2d6 Sneak Attack, Inspire do. Her current plan is to set up a contract with city
Courage (1d8, 1/encounter), and CR 3 instead of 2. hall to open a specialized police service that tackles
cyber-heavies throughout the city, one that could dis-
Narrative place the BPD’s SWAT teams for such functions. She is
General Goals. Transform Little Sparta into a thriving never without her four kensei bodyguards (p. 285, CRB).
community, live a life of honor and valor.
Specific Goals. Make sure a local resident becomes
director of the new crèche being built in Jung-gu,
take control of the military academy, get Spartans
into the Jung-gu administration of Busan.
Faction. Little Sparta (informal leader).
Characteristics. Honorable, passionate, religious.
Ji Young is a charismatic samurai prodigy and one of
the most well respected citizens of Little Sparta despite
only being 19 years old. She was raised in the local
crèche and went on to a Bushido academy to become
a samurai, one of the youngest graduates ever. She has
since returned to her home community and has made
it her mission to make it prosper and take ownership
of the crèches and military academy. Her passion is
fueled by her devout belief in Chrisianity and she sees
bringing Little Sparta out of poverty as her divine pur-
pose. She organizes contracts with other locals and
they make sure to donate half of their profits to urban
restoration and buying shares in Proteome Diversified,
to gain more leverage in the local crèches.

// Shadows of Korea // 35
Intro Jungle Bungle love of music as a necessary requirement. They are
both in their early 20s and have a very fun-loving and
Medium humans (Jungle - mutt, Bungle - optimized ) laid back attitude for being in such a violent business.
Use the street racer stack block for Jungle (SoK, p. ???) For them, it's a way to have fun, party, and make some
Part I. and the enforcer stat block (CRB, p. 281), but with cash. Their naive optimism and joy about everything
City of the following changes: +2 to each ability score and they do make them easy to like. They'll happily fight
Busan +3 hit dice when the players reach levels 3, 5, 7, and anyone to complete their contracts, but are also open
9. They also both have proficiency and expertise in to making new friends. Bungle's rich parents pur-
Performance. Their CRs increase on step whenever chased both of them a Phoenix Unlimited subscription,
Part II. their ability scores and hit dice increase. The GM can
NPCs so they will be a regular sight in Busan's cadre scene.
feel free to further customize them if they become They're happy to be either rivals or buddies to any oth-
more involved in the story. er cadre, seeing both as a blast.
Part III.
General Goals. Get famous, get rich, have fun.
Specific Goals. Get a recording
contract with Ocarina studios,
become the number one cadre
in Busan.
Characteristics. Wild,
PART V. hedonistic, thrill-seeking,
New Rules open minded.
Jungle Bungle are a rising
cadre in Busan looking to
make their bones as either
mercs or rockkstars, ideally
both. A bit of an odd cou-
ple, Jungle is a mutt engineer
who grew up near a dump,
while Bungle was born rich
and got through college on a
footbal scholarship. They
met through Mosaic,
intrigued by each
o t h e r 's

36 // Non-Player Characters //
Medium human (optimized)
Use the enforcer stat block (CRB, p. 281) for Junsu, but
with the following changes: 33 hp, +6 to Charisma, +6
hp, Charisma, proficiency in Deception, Insight and
Streetwise, he grants a +3 bonus to the damage rolls
of allies within 9 m., and is CR 1 instead of 1/2.

General Goals. Get rid of transgenic humans.
Specific Goals. Weaken the Smiling Fish in Sasang-gu.
Faction. Cheong Jeong (leader of Sasang-gu chapter).
Characteristics. Aggressive, overconfident,
domineering, smooth.
Junsu is a 20-something genetically optimized gang-
ster, full of attitude and aggression. He is dressed in
new urban-style clothing and is adorned with garish
bling, including his gold-plated cybernetic arm and
9mm handgun. He is relaxed and cocky on his turf,
surrounded by backup. He shrivels and cowers when
the odds turn against him. He is never without at least
three gangbanger allies (CRB, p. 282).

mans and psychomimes from existing, but hasn't out-

Kang Suk Chul right killed any, nor would he unless provoked. Kang
Medium human (unmodified) is a Korean patriot and feels Korean culture is polluted
Use the heavy infantry stat block (SoK, p. ???) for by the TNU and other foreign influence. He is covered
Kang Suk, but with the following changes: He's not in religious tattoos, some marking him as a member of
wearing armor but he has some upgrades, so his AC Tzelem Elohim.
is 16 and he has 2 DR. Additionally, he as +4 to his
Strengh score and his CR will be 3 instead of 4. His Kyung Joon
multiattack can be used for either ranged or melee
Medium human (Canary)
and can include the following attack:
Use the transgenic bruiser stat block (SoK, p. ???) for
Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Kyung Joon, but with the following changes: 103 hp,
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) armor-piercing,
Healing Factor, Toxin Resilience, Bioluminescence,
piercing or slashing damage.
and Musk from the Canary genome, and CR 3 instead
Narrative of 2.
General Goals. Stop transgenic humans from being
born, be a strong Korean man, get drunk.
General Goals. Take care of Bar Gochu and keep
Specific Goals. Drink, shut down Phoenix Unlimited.
Smiling Fish safe.
Faction. Tzelem Elohim (soldier).
Specific Goals. Take out the Cheong Jeong.
Characteristics. Curt, prideful, level-headed,
Faction. Smiling Fish (runs Bar Gochu).
stubborn, quiet.
Characteristics. Curt, prideful, level-headed,
Kang is a 40-something unmodified Korean man, sin-
stubborn, quiet.
gle, and looks muscular except for his paunch belly
showing under his stained tank-top. He is a military Kyung Joon is the cook and top dog Smiling Fish gang-
veteran, and also worked security for Pronatalax be- ster in Bar Gochu. He keeps a careful eye on things
fore it was acquired and shut down by Phoenix Unlim- from the kitchen. He’s a Canary, and shares the char-
ited. He is one of the base mind-uploads of Seraph, and acteristic well-muscled and glowing body common to
is the source of Seraph's combat expertise and genosim. the genome. He won’t get involved in conflicts unless
He is deeply commited to preventing transgenic hu- guns are drawn. He rarely leaves Bar Gochu, and often
sleeps in the office.

// Shadows of Korea // 37
Intro Patrick Snelly
Medium human (optimized)
Use the corporate executive stat block (CRB, p. 279)
Part I. for Mr. Snelly, but with the following changes: 39 hp,
City of 19 AC, 4 DR, +2 to all ability scores, proficiency in Life
Busan Science, and CR 3 instead of 2.

Part II. General Goals. Solidify Vitruvian’s presence in Busan,
increase relationship with city hall and the BPD.
Specific Goals. Get exclusive upgrades contract
with BPD.
Part III.
Faction. Vitruvian (head of Busan operations).
Characteristics. Shrewd, cowardly, strategic,

PART IV. Mr. Snelly is the head of operations for Vitruvian in

Contracts Busan. His main concern is being pushed out of the
market, or killed, by Hexie. He has formed firm ties
with city hall to safeguard against this, a partnership
PART V. that equally buffers the local government from Hexie
New Rules
influence. Patrick wants to form an exclusive contract
with the BPD for cybernetic upgrades, greased through
aid from city hall and Mayor Noh. Hexie is naturally
opposing this proposed deal, creating the potential for
violent conflict.

Medium human (transhuman vampire)
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 12 m.


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
Skills Deception +6, Insight +3, Intimidation +6,
Perception +5, Persuasion +6, Social Science +4,
Streetwise +4
Senses Acute Olfaction, Darkvision, Passive
Perception 14
Languages English, Korean, German
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Glib. If Markus spends 1 minute talking to someone

who can understand what they say, he can make
a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the
person’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If the check
succeeds, the target is charmed for 1 minute
Hyper Reflexes. As a bonus action, Markus gains a
+2 bonus to AC, advantage on Dex saves, and an
additional Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash,

38 // Non-Player Characters //
Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action, for one most of his time at the club, either on his throne at the
minute. When the effect ends, he can’t move or take front of the dance floor, in his VIP room, which is more
actions until after his next turn. of a lavish bedroom.
Inspiration (3/encounter). As a bonus action, grant 1
target ally a d8 inspiration die. The ally can use this Maxim Lazovsky
die once to add the result to one ability check, attack Medium human (transhuman vampire)
roll, or saving throw it makes. Use the crime boss stat block (SoK p. ???) for Maxim,
Regenerative Hemovore. If the Markus spends an but with the following changes: 112 hp, 20 AC, +2 to
action to consume blood, they regain 7 (2d6) hit all ability scores, acute olfaction, the regenerative
points. hemovore and sunlight sensitivity traits (the same
Sunlight Sensitivity. Markus has disadvantage on as Markus), and CR 6 instead of 5. He also gains the
attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that following attacks:
rely on sight when in direct sunlight. Additionally, for Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
every minute in the sun with exposed skin, Markus one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) armor-piercing, piercing
takes 1 heat damage and must succeed on a DC 12 or slashing damage and the target is grappled.
Constitution save or acquire a level of exhaustion. Bite (1/turn, on grappled target). Melee Weapon
Attack: +10 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7
(1d4 + 5) armor-piercing, piercing damage, the target
Multiattack. Markus makes two attacks.
acquires a level of exhaustion, and Maxim recovers
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
14 (4d6) hit points.
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) armor piercing, piercing or
slashing damage and the target is grappled. Narrative
Bite (1/turn, on grappled target). Melee Weapon General Goals. Maintain and expand Bratva influence
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 in Busan, enjoy his sadism.
+ 4) armor-piercing, piercing damage, the target Specific Goals. Take control of Night Breed, ally with
acquires a level of exhaustion, and Markus recovers Shanghai Triad, Yakuza, and North Jopok.
10 (3d6) hit points. Faction. Vladivostok Bratva (boss of Busan).
11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Characteristics. Frenetic, intense, unpredictable,
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing sadistic, creepy, despicable.
Maxim is a Bratva captain, and directs Bratva activity
in Busan, which mostly involves imports and exports
through a Russian controlled section of the docks. He
General Goals. Attention and respect. To be the
has been biohacked to look like a creepy vampire, mod-
premiere vampire in the city’s burgeoning vampire
elled after nosferatu. He spends most of is time on the
30th floor of “Lux Building”, in his penthouse suite, and
Specific Goals. To put a stop to Maxim Lazovsky’s
is reluctant to have meetings outside of his territory. It
operation, not because he’s evil, but rather he is the
is rumored that he is a cannibal, and sexual predator of
preeminent vampire in the city.
children. He is very effective at his job, but is reviled by
Faction. Nightbreed (leader).
almost everyone, including his own underlings. He is
Characteristics. Vain, confident, charming,
looking to expand Bratva control of the docks.
Markus in one of the main drivers and tastemakers
of Busan vampire culture. He has convinced a section
of Busan's wealthy elite into the blood-feeding gothic
scene with an almost cult-like panache. Markus runs
Pain Circus, a vampire club in the transgenic ghetto of
Sasang-gu. He surrounds himself with sycophants and
lickspittles who spend their days praising him to curry
favor. His source of power stems from the private equi-
ty business he inherited after his immediate family per-
ished in a helicopter accident, which he transformed
into his vampire cult profit machine. Markus spends

// Shadows of Korea // 39
Intro Mayor Noh aiming to get them cheaper upgrades through Vitruvi-
an. This also gives Hexie something else to juggle, and
Medium human (optimized) he’s hoping this will give city hall more autonomy. He
Use the corporate executive stat block (CRB, p. 279) for is never without his team of six elite agent bodyguards
Part I. Mayor Noh, but with the following changes: 78 hp, 20 (p. 292, CRB).
City of AC, 6 DR , +6 to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma,
Min Soo
Busan +3 to all saves, Intimidation and Investigation
proficiency, acute olfaction, and CR 4 instead of 2.
Medium human (Traceur)
Part II. Narrative Use the street racer stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Min Soo,
General Goals. Maintain leadership of Busan, leave a but with 17 AC, +2 Dexterity, CR 1 instead of 1/2, and
great legacy. the following abilities:
Specific Goals. Mediate exclusive contract between Athletic Phenom. Climbing and rough terrain doesn’t
Part III.
Vitruvian and the BPD for cybernetic upgrades. cost Min Soo extra movement.
Faction. City hall (Mayor). Hyper Jumping. Min Soo's jumping distances are
Characteristics. Boisterous, friendly, direct, multiplied by three, and they can fall 9 meters
gregarious, firm. without taking any damage.
Contracts Mayor Noh is a genetically optimized Korean man in Swift Feet. Min Soo can take the Disengage or Dash
his 60s. He holds ultimate political authority within action as a bonus action.
the city of Busan and walks a tight-rope between cor-
PART V. ruption from factions like Hexie, Vitruvian, and the Narrative
New Rules
BPD, using them to his advantage. It’s a constant dance General Goals. Get rich, have fun, party, and race cars.
and occasional tug-of-war to maintain power and keep Specific Goals. To pull off a contract with the
the interests of Busan in the forefront. Mayor Noh cer- Vladivostok Bratva that pays sweet satoshi.
tainly isn’t above getting backroom funding for gov- Faction. Smiling Fish.
ernment favoritism. He would like to bolster the BPD, Characteristics. Edgy, cocky, thrill-seeking,
since they are his main ally in terms of muscle, so he is passionate, anti-authoritatian.
Min Soo is a member of the Smiling Fish gang, and is
the Traceur genome. He is ethnically Korean, has been
biohacked to have koi fish scales and blue lips, and he
has a tattoo of a red KIA Cheetah, a souped-up sports
car, on his arm. He is a street racer, mechanic, and car
thief. He plys his trade at Oni Autobody, and is Soo
Jin’s boyfriend.

Medium human (transhuman vampire)
Use the gang leader stat block (CRB, p. 283) for
Miroslav, but with +2 Strength, acute olfaction,
proficiency in Bureaucracy, Deception, Intimidation,
Perception, and Streetwise, CR 3 instead of 2, and the
following two attacks:
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) armor-piercing, piercing
or slashing damage and the target is grappled.
Bite (1/Turn, on grappled target). Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4
+ 4) armor-piercing, piercing damage, the target
acquires a level of exhaustion, and Miroslav recovers
10 (3d6) hit points.

40 // Non-Player Characters //
Specific Goals. Find a reliable cadre in Busan.
Faction. Hexie (merc contract coordinator for Busan).
General Goals. Gain power and influence, become
Characteristics. Affable, polite, whimsical,
the eminent vampire of Busan.
professional, loyal.
Specific Goals. Become the leader of the Night Breed,
displace Maxim as leader of the Vladivostok Bratva. Mr. Quick is Omnitech's cadre contractor and chief
Faction. Vladivostok Bratva (warehouse manager). intelligence officer in Busan. He's charged with lay-
Characteristics. Purposeful, ambitious, greedy, ing down the groundwork for Omnitech expansion
dominant, short-tempered. into the TNU, and formulate discreet efforts to obtain
the engineering design behind mind-uploading from
Miroslav is a Bratva captain and manager of a dock
Phoenix Unlimited. He's a 2-meter tall slim black man
warehouse in Dong-gu. He is a portly man who
with a chromomorphic hair, almost appearing like a
has been biohacked into a vampire, and actually
Eucypher with his long limbs. He dresses in well tai-
has a blood-plug going directly to his stomach so
lored suits and half trench coats.
he can attach feeding tubs to Blood-Dolls or other
sources of blood.

Mr. Badger
Medium human (unmodified)
Use the lawyer stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Mr. Badger,
but with the following changes: 11 hp, 15 AC, +2 to
every ability score, proficiency in Intimidation and
Streetwise, 1d6 Sneak Attack, Inspire Courage (1d8, 1/
encounter), and CR 1/4 instead of 1/8.

General Goals. Advance up Hexie’s corporate ladder.
Specific Goals. Find a reliable cadre in Busan.
Faction. Hexie (merc contract coordinator for Busan).
Characteristics. Affable, polite, whimsical,
professional, loyal.
Mr. Badger is the Busan merc contract coordinator
for Hexie. Though he is an unmodified Korean man in
his physical life, he loves socializing through his an-
thropomorphic badger avatar. He was hired for his soft
diplomatic touch and he prefers to meet cadres in his
VR badger den. He has a language upgrade that makes
him sound like the perfect cliche English gentleman.
He’s a simple man, looking to do his job well, and be-
lieves that his loyalty will be rewarded.

Mr. Quick
Medium human (optimized)
Use the elite agent stat block (CRB, p. 292) for Mr.
Quick, but with the following changes: 77 hp, 22 AC,
+2 to every ability score, proficiency in Bureaucracy
and Streetwise, and CR 6 instead of 5.

General Goals. Advance up Hexie’s
corporate ladder.

// Shadows of Korea // 41
Intro Naga Qiaolian
Medium human (mutt) Medium human (unmodified)
Use the dealer stat block (CRB. p. 281) for Naga but Use the spy stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Riku but with
Part I. with the following changes: 22 hp,16 AC, +4 to every the following changes: has the poisoned condition
City of ability score, proficiency in Deception, Perception, (drunk) and is CR 1 instead of 2. If he's sober, his CR
Busan Persuasion, and Streetwise, and CR 1 instead of 1/4. increases to 2.

Narrative Narrative
Part II. General Goals. Make enough money for retirement, General Goals. To gain personal power, loosen the
have fun. connections between the TNU and Hexie, bring
Specific Goals. Pull off a big job or two and get out of more control to state institutions over corporations.
Busan. Specific Goals. Open free trade and operations with
Part III.
Faction. Freelancer, but working for North Jopok and Vitruvian in Busan, work with Omnitech.
Fukuoka Yakuza. Faction. Tri-Nation Union (chief).
Characteristics. Chill, grungy, hedonistic, short Characteristics. fearless, calm, pragmatic,
sighted. overconfident.
Contracts Naga is a tall 50-something man from Korean-Indian Qiaolian is the current chief of the TNU and is deeply
descent, sporting dreadlocks and bright green eyes interested in opening up commerce in Busan to for-
with vertical slits like a cat. He wears military pants, a eign transnational corporations. She was the former
PART V. tank top, and a black toque. He sounds like a old hip- executive director for Hexie, but despite her former
New Rules
pie with a gravelly voice. position, she wants to build bridges with Vitruvian
and other foreign investers. She is seeking to break up
Appendices Olga Zietzev
Medium human (optimized)
Use the adept hacker stat block (CRB, p. 278) for
Olga but with the following changes: 45 hp, 17 AC,
+4 to every ability score, proficiency in Deception,
Perception, and Streetwise, and CR 3 instead of 2.

General Goals. Displace Maxim as leader of the
Busan Vladivostok Bratva, maintain or advance
Bratva presence in Busan.
Specific Goals. Slip intelligence about Maxim into the
hand's of his enemies.
Faction. Vladivostok Bratva (Busan intellgience).
Characteristics. Thoughtful, assertive, pragmatic,
Olga is a skilled hacker, currently in charge of intel-
ligence for the Bratva in Busan. She is genetically op-
timized, the child of a Russian fisherman and a Kore-
an computer scientist. Olga is young but competent,
having advanced quickly due to her skills and strong
personality. She has ambitions to overthrow Maxim,
and is trying to get Sasha sober enough to support her
coup. She will attempt to ally with any and all forms of
power to help her displace Maxim, seeing him as a vile
and monstrous leader. She has contacts in Vladivostok
that give her the blessing, but only if she can pull it off
without their help.

42 // Non-Player Characters //
the local Hexie oligopoly, hoping to make the TNU less
intertwined with Hexie. Korean nationals oppose this,
feeling that she is making these moves mostly in Ko- Medium human (unmodified)
rea, to weaken their position relative to the other two Use the spy stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Sasha but with
member nations. She lives in Seoul, but often travels the following changes: has the poisoned condition
between the three member nations of the TNU. She has (very drunk), has +4 Strength, and is CR 1 instead of
a great deal of enemies and allies from every angle, and 2. If he's sober, his CR increases to 2. He also has the
could be a crux for ramping up the corporate wars in following additional attack:
this area of the world. 10 gage shotgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 50/150 m., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3)
Riku piercing damage.

Medium human (unmodified) Narrative

Use the spy stat block (p. ???, SoK) for Riku but with General Goals. Drink booze of every variety, avoid
the following changes: has the poisoned condition getting killed, report intel for his faction.
(drunk) and is CR 1 instead of 2. If he's sober, his CR Specific Goals. Get drunk, help Olga get to power.
increases to 2. Faction. Vladivostok Bratva (intelligence officer).
Characteristics. drunk, friendly, boisterous,
Narrative passionate, just.
General Goals. Drink saki, sleep with transgenic
women, sustain his lifestyle. Sasha is an old man, and a low-ranking member of the
Specific Goals. Find cadre willing to take his contract, Vladivostok Bratva. He once held more weight in the
get drunk. Russian underground, but his alcoholism made him
Faction. Fukuoka Yakuza (contract broker). unreliable. He now gets cash from them for hanging
Characteristics. drunk, bold, lustful, perceptive. out in Bar Gochu and reporting on what he sees. He
is quite drunk at any time of the day, but coherent
Riku is a local booze hound and Fukuoka Yakuza
enough to speak, and very friendly. Sasha would love
member who has a thing for transgenic women, which
to see Olga Zietzev become leader of the local Bratva,
makes Bar Gochu his favourite hangout. He is a con-
since she is less brutal than Maxim, and she reminds
tract broker between cadres and the Yakuza and hides
him of his estranged daughter.
his drunkeness reasonably well. If the cadre approach-
es him, he will offer them a contract (SoK, ???).

// Shadows of Korea // 43
Intro Seraph ability checks and attack rolls until the end of their
next turn due to intense pain.
Medium human (transhuman)
3-Shot Burst. Make up to three Tarantula Hawk bolter
Armor Class 22 (SpyderSylk assault suit) attack rolls against the same target. This attack
Part I. Damage Reduction 6 action ends when Seraph misses with one of the
City of
Hit Points 130 (10d8+50) attack rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls.
Speed 12 m. Each attack roll after the first takes a -2 penalty.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Wide Burst. Seraph can spray a 3-meter-cube area
Part II. 24 (+7) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) up to 180 meters away. Each target in the area must
NPCs succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or suffer
Saves Str +10, Dex +8, Int +8, Wis +2
the effects of a successful Tarantual Hawk bolter
Skills Athletics +10, Computers +11, Life Science +11,
Mechanics +8, Physical Science +8, Perception +4
Part III. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit,
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 14, Spectrum
Encounters reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+9) bludgeoning
damage and Seraph can initiate a shove as a free
Languages English, Japanese, Korean, Russian
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Cunning Action. Seraph can take the Dodge,
Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker hits Seraph he can
Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action.
use his reaction to halve the attack's damage.
PART V. Fractured Mind. Seraph rolls a 1d20 at the start of
New Rules each round. On a 1, Seraph is stunned until he takes Legendary Actions
damage or until the start of his next turn, whatever
Seraph can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
comes first. Someone else can attempt to trigger
Appendices the options below. Only one legendary action can
this condition by making a DC 15 Intelligence (Social
be used at a time, and only at the end of another
Science) or Wisdom (Insight) check as their action,
creature's turn. Spent legendary actions are regained
drawing him into confused introspection.
at the start of Seraph's turn.
Hacking. Seraph is a 9th-level hacker. His hacking
ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 16, +8 to hit with
hack attacks). Seraph knows the following hacks:
1st level (8 slots): anesthetize, biofilm, cataracts, claws,
command, decrypt, ecrypt, forensic scan, nanodoc,
necrotic injection, noxious cloud, unlock
2nd level (5 slots): CNS stim, paralytic injection, razor
cloud, summoning
3rd level (1 slot): daemon killer, ferocity, genetic
enhancement, recombinant beast
Hyper Jumping. Seraph's jumping distances are
multiplied by three, and he can fall 9 meters without
taking any damage.
Inscrutable Mind. Seraph gains advantage on saves
against mind hacks.

Multiattack. Seraph makes one ranged attack and
one melee attack.
Tarantula Hawk Bolter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8
to hit, range 12/24 m., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12+5)
armor-piercing, piercing damage and the target
must make a DC 15 Con save. On a failed save,
people stop running any hacks or upgrades that
require concentration, and have disadvantage on

44 // Non-Player Characters //
Hack. Seraph can run a level 1 hack with a level 1 slot.
Gun Blitz Escape (3 actions). Seraph can perform the
Song Giduk
disengage action, move up to half his movement, Medium human (unmodified)
and then make a wide burst attack. Use the commander stat block (CRB. p. 291) for
Push Kick. Seraph can make an unarmed strike, and if Giduk, but with the following changes: Proficiency in
the attack and subsequent shove are successful, the Investigation, Perception, and Streetwise.
target can be pushed back an additional 3 meters.
Narrative General Goals. To increase the power of the Busan
General Goals. Stop people from dying, upload every Police Department, to maintain law and order.
consciousness, kill transgenic humans. Specific Goals. Squash Ronin International’s attempt
Specific Goals. Perfect Amaranth and release it on to get the Busan police contract in even a single
the public, preventing death forever. Develop an district.
Amaranth that only targets transgenic tissues and Faction. Ronin International (head of Busan
organs. operations).
Faction. A loner, but with some allegiance to the Characteristics. Workaholic, frazzled, aggressive,
Amaranthians. loud, strategic.
Characteristics. Unstable, fanatical, erratic, Giduk is the police commissioner for the entire BPD.
compassionate, hateful, zealous, frenetic, confused. He is a 60-something Korean man who is in excellent
shape for his years. His genome is unmodified, but he’s
Seraph is the most advanced chimera-psychomime
packing tons of upgrades. Giduk is both a skilled in-
that currently exists, a hybrid of four different people.
vestigator and businessman, making him an especially
Created by LaPlace 10 months ago, Seraph’s conscious-
effective leader of the BPD. He does not hesitate to use
ness is a quilt of LaPlace, a biohacker named Jung-Su,
intelligence or leverage gathered through legal means
a military vet named Kang Suk-Chul, and a mycologist
to his advantage and is perfect foil for the South Jopok
named Bun Ho.
and Hexie. While law and order is one of his goals, he
Seraph’s advanced anthroid body is the result
will always put the survival and flourishing of the BPD
of millions of satoshi fraudulently spent by Aldous
first. He is almost always surrounded by several veter-
LaPlace, appropriated from Pronatalax R&D funds.
an police officers or SWAT (p. ??? and ???, SoK).
Seraph’s body has large overlaps with LaPlace’s DNA,
but is much more athletic looking and appears eth-
nically Korean. Seraph tends to dress in comfortable
light armor fashioned as suits. He possesses the skills
of each contributor to his mind, making him quite
broadly talented.
Seraph is violently insane, and different personali-
ties can manifest at different times. One dominant part
of his mind has had him kill almost twenty transgen-
ic humans by removing their transgenic organs and
parts. In his warped world view, transgenic humans
can’t get into heaven, but through his “purification”
they will be allowed into immortal paradise. Another
part of his mind actively hates transgenics, and an-
other still shares LaPlace’s grand plan to develop and
release a ravenous Amaranth on the planet. These dif-
ferent personalities lend to Seraph having utterly inco-
herent beliefs and actions, making him dangerously
Seraph is currently working on various illic-
it bioengineering projects in a secret lab beneath
Hohnhyuel dong.

// Shadows of Korea // 45
Intro Soo Jin
Medium human (optimized)
Use the street racer stat block (SoK, p. ???) for Soo Jin,
Part I. but with 16 AC, +2 Dexterity and Intelligence, and
City of +4 Charisma, and proficiency in Social Science and
Busan Physical science.

Part II. General Goals. Have adventures, party, steal and
race cars.
Specific Goals. To pull off a contract with the
Vladivostok Bratva that scratches the danger-itch.
Part III.
Faction. Smiling Fish.
Characteristics. Adventurous, competent, thrill-
seeking, passionate, anti-authoritatian, naive.

PART IV. Soo Jin is a genetically optimized thrill-seeking street

Contracts racer and member of the Smiling Fish. She is also a
decent mechanic, as well as being an exotic dancer
working out of Bar Gochu. She is dating Min Soo, a
PART V. fellow Smiling Fish. She is of Korean ancestry, around
New Rules
20 years old, medium height, and attractive. Soo Jin is
adventurous, confident, and smart. She is well educat-
ed and comes from a wealthy family, her edgy lifestyle
stemming more from her thrill-seeker personality
than an economic need.

Sophia Choi
Specific Goals. To solve a series of murders targeting
Medium human
transgenics in Honhyeol-dong.
Armor Class 19 (Bushiweave clothing) Faction. Busan Police Department.
Damage Reduction 4 Characteristics. Just, reasonable, competent, focused,
Hit Points 47 (9d8+7) loyal, dark, addict (Nootro).
Speed 9 m.
Sophia Choi is a BPD homicide detective in charge
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of Sasang-gu. She is 30-something with mixed Kore-
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
an-european ancestry, dressed in stylish street clothes.
Saves Wis +5, Cha +4 Her genome is unmodified, and her demeanor is pro-
Skills Athletics +3, Insight +5, Investigation +7, fessional but with a sardonic gallows humor. Despite
Intimidation +4, Perception +7, Streetwise +5 being young, she is old-school police. She cares about
Senses Passive Perception 17, Spectrum Vision making the world a more just place, but is willing to
Languages English, Korean bend a bit if she witnesses corruption, as a means to
Challenge 3 (700 XP) an end. An effective cop. She is daemonless due to a
genetic condition, and has a nootro addiction after
Actions months of using it to enhance her performance, but it
Multiattack. Sophia makes two attacks. is now causing chaos in her life.
ZQ Monkey King Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8
to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6+4)
piercing damage.

General Goals. To make Busan a more lawful and just

46 // Non-Player Characters //
The Stoker
Medium human (unmodified)
Use the gangleader stat block (CRB, p. 283) for the
Stoker, but with the following changes: 75 hp, 18 AC,
+2 to every ability score, Proficiency in Bureaucracy,
Investigation, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and
Streetwise, he has no daemon (CRB, p. 167), and is CR
3 instead of 2.

General Goals. Rid the world of transgenic humans
and psychomimes.
Specific Goals. Destroy the Phoenix Unlimited facility
in Seoul, shut down the new crèche being built in
Faction. Cheong Jeong (leader), Tzelem
Characteristics. Righteous,
uncompromising, merciless,
zealous, driven.
The Stoker is an unmodified man
from Rio De Janeiro who is a pow-
erful figure in Tzelem Elohim, a
multifaith religious terrorist
group that believes being made
in God’s image is something
that can’t be compromised. He
is also the leader of the Cheong
Jeong gang in Busan. Since
2087, Tzelem Elohim is aware
that different Phoenix Unlim-
ited facilities backup psycho-
mimes across multiple facilities
to ensure stored minds aren’t lost
from disasters and attacks. He is
working with other Tzelem Elohim
cells around the world to be able to
take out every single Phoenix Unlim-
ited facility at the same time to purge
all stored psychomimes at once. This will
be coordinated with individual assassina-
tions of people who have a Phoenix Unlim-
ited subscription.

// Shadows of Korea // 47
Intro Tetsuo
Medium human (Canary)
Use the corporate executive stat block (CRB, p. 279)
Part I. for Tetsuo, but with the following changes: 69
City of hp, +10 Strength and +8 Constitution, proficiency
Busan in Streetwise, Healing Factor, Toxin Resilience,
Bioluminescence, and Musk from the Canary genome,
and 3 CR instead of 2. He also gains the following
Part II. attack:
Kanabo Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6+5) bludgeoning
damage The target must succeed on a DC 15
Part III.
Encounters Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end
of the Tetsuo’s next turn.

Contracts General Goals. Maintain and expand Fukuoka Yakuza
business in Busan.
Specific Goals. Take total control of the Busan-
PART V. Fukuoka tunnel.
New Rules Faction. Fukuoka Yakuza (Busan leader).
Characteristics. Stoic, professional, neat, genial,
Tetsuo is the boss who runs the Fukuoka Yakuza busi-
ness in Busan, mostly imports and exports to and from
Fukuoka. He’s a Canary genome that dresses in stylish
business suits. He is known for always carrying his
large kanabo club with him, which sits well with his
well mucled athletic build. He usually wears a croco-
dile smile, even when intending great violence. Tetsuo
is very business oriented, focused on plying his trade
as efficiently as possible. His business front is a sushi
shop near the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel, He doesn’t seek
violence out, but is looking to take total control of the
Busan-Fukuoka tunnel, which would sacrifice the ar-
rangement with the South Jopok, and could lead to war.
He works well with Cao Cao, a fellow transgenic, but
resents North Jopok for selling their anthroids in Japan
without Yakuza permission.

48 // Non-Player Characters //
Traktor and Timur batch-brothers, thus genetically identical, and grew up
Medium human (Titan) as wards of the state in Moscow. Traktor and Timur are
Use the transgenic bruiser stat block (SoK, p. ???) for heavily upgraded and were lower tier MMA fights in
Traktor and Timur, but with the following changes: 17 Moscow before transitioning to Bratva work. They are
AC, +4 Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma and CR 3 the muscle and managers behind some of the Bratva
instead of 2. Additionally, they get the following extra controlled portion of the docks.
abilities and attacks:
Choke. If Traktor or Timur begins their turn having Yong Chul
their target grappled, the target must succeed Medium human (Canary)
at a Constitution saving throw, or they become Use the professional fighter stat block (CRB, p. 279) for
unconscious. They regain consciousness 1 full round Yong Chul, but with the following changes: 172 hp, +2
after the choke is released. to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma, proficiency
Ham Fists. Critical hits from unarmed strikes in Streetwise, Healing Factor, Toxin Resilience,
knock the target unconscious until the end of their Bioluminescence, and Musk from the Canary genome,
next turn. and CR 6 instead of 5.
Leg Kick (3/encounter). On a successful unarmed
attack, the target takes a 3-meter penalty to their Narrative
Speed for one minute. General Goals. Be the perfect solider for the South
Penetrating Strikes. Traktor and Timur’s unarmed
Specific Goals. Be the new leader of the South Jopok
strikes are armor-piercing.
after Choi Eun Joo passes.
Narrative Faction. South Jopok (chief enforcer in Busan).
General Goals. Cultivate fearsome reputation, crush Characteristics. Fierce, loyal, unforgiving, relentless,
enemies, leave no witnesses. stylish.
Specific Goals. Replace Maxim Lazovsky as the
Yong Chul is the most powerful muscle that the South
leaders of the Vladivostok Bratva.
Jopok has to offer. He currently competes in MMA
Faction. Vladivostok Bratva (enforcers and dock
when he's not working directly with the South Jopok.
He dresses very well for a Canary, usually adorned in
Characteristics. Violent, cruel, brutal, pragmatic.
designer suits with well styled hair. Yong Chul has an-
Traktor and Timur are 7 feet tall, heavily muscled, cestors that were victims of Japanese war crimes during
Titan enforcers in the Russian Bratva. They appear WWII and he still has resentment towards them, mak-
Slavic, with thick Russian accents. They are clone ing him very distrustful of Ronin International and the
Fukuoka Yakuza. He has complete loyalty to Choi Eun
Joo and will do anything she asks of him. He hopes to
take the reigns of South Jopok power once she retires.

// Shadows of Korea // 49
GENERAL NPCs Hacking. The Purple Amaranth is a 6th-level hacker.
Its hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 16,

Amaranth (Purple) +8 to hit with hack attacks). The Purple Amaranth

knows the following hacks:
Part I. Huge slime mold 1st level (7 slots): cataracts, command, decrypt, detect
City of
Armor Class 8 minds, erase memories, killer joke, mind reader, pain,
Damage Reduction 0 sleep, sloth, unlock
Hit Points 114 (12d12+36) 2nd level (2 slots): calm emotions, compulsion,
Part II. Speed 1.5 m., climb 1.5 m. delusions, freeze, suggestion, summoning
NPCs Creeping. The Amaranth can only move by spreading
18 (+4) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) slowly across surfaces and can't jump or Dash. It can
launch a pseudopod across a 1.5 m gap to cross it,
Skills Bureaucracy +8, Computer +8, Deception +8,
Part III. but is otherwise impeded by gaps in a surface. It can
Investigation +8, Life Science +8, Persuasion +8,
Encounters climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
Physical Science +8, Mechanics +8, Social Science +8.
ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Damage Immunities Corrosive
PART IV. Damage Resistances Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning Actions
Contracts Damage Vulnerabilites Heat, Cold, Electrical
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage
Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
plus 17 (5d6) corrosive damage.
PART V. Senses Blindsight 18 m., can't sense beyond that
New Rules Engulf. The Amaranth moves up to its speed. While
Languages Any six
doing so, it can attempt to engulf a creature that
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
is no larger than itself that is within its space.
Appendices Absorption. Purple Amaranth digitizes all organic Whenever the Amaranth enters a creature's space,
matter it dissolves, copying the molecular the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
structures and even the neuronal processes if throw. On a successful save, the creature can choose
it absorbs brain matter. Any creature killed by to be pushed 1.5 meters back or to the side. A
the Amaranth's corrosive damage has all of their creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the
memories, personality, languages, and skills consequences of a failed saving throw. On a failed
replicated inside of the Amaranth. The Amaranth's save, the Amaranth enters the creature's space, and
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores the creature takes 17 (5d6) corrosive damage and
improve to the absorbed characters ability scores if is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't breathe, is
they are higher. If it absorbs a character capable of restrained, and takes 35 (10d6) corrosive damage
hacking, it gains all hacks known and becomes the at the start of each of the Amaranth's turns. When
same level of hacker as the creature absorbed (if the Amaranth moves, the engulfed creature moves
higher), including increase hack slots. The Amaranth with it. An engulfed creature can try to escape by
can partition the minds of individual's who have taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On
been absorbed so they can speak autonomously, and a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of
they are identical to themselves before absorption, its choice within 1.5 meters of the Amaranth.
only they are likely strong advocates for everyone
Purple Amaranth is the the creation of Aldous La-
getting absorbed to join the Amaranth collective.
place and Seraph. It is their attempt to create a com-
Amorphous. The Amaranth can move through a putational substrate that can digitize minds and run
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. them in a simulation contained within the Amaranth.
Corrosive Form. A creature that touches the They haven't figured out a way to extract minds in-
Amaranth or hits it with a melee attack while within side the Amaranth, so it remains an imperfect way to
1.5 meters of it takes 7 (2d6) corrosive damage. grant virtual immortality to all life, but the work con-
Growth. Whenever the Amaranth inflicts corrosive tinues. Purple Amaranth also has it's own emergent
damage to creatures, it gains an equal amount of hit consciousnes and wishes to absorb all life on the plan-
points. It becomes gargantuan once it reaches 264 et. It will use hacks and persuasion to lure people to
hit points, gaining +4 Strength, a speed of 3, and the it, where it can absorb them, seeing this as the greater
corrosive damage dice become d8s instead of d6s. A good. If Purple Amaranth was more mobile, things
gargantuan purple Amaranth is CR 9. could get quite apocalyptic.

50 // Non-Player Characters //
Amaranth (Yellow) climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on
ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Medium slime mold
Armor Class 8 Actions
Damage Reduction 0 Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 1.5
Hit Points 60 (8d8+24) m., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage
Speed 1.5 m., climb 1.5 m. plus 14 (4d6) corrosive damage.
Engulf. The Amaranth moves up to its speed. While
14 (+2) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) doing so, it can attempt to engulf a creature that
is no larger than itself that is within its space.
Damage Immunities Corrosive
Whenever the Amaranth enters a creature's space,
Damage Resistances Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning
the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
Damage Vulnerabilites Heat, Cold, Electrical
throw. On a successful save, the creature can choose
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
to be pushed 1.5 meters back or to the side. A
Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone
creature that chooses not to be pushed suffers the
Senses Blindsight 18 m., can't sense beyond that
consequences of a failed saving throw. On a failed
Languages Any one language
save, the Amaranth enters the creature's space, and
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
the creature takes 14 (4d6) corrosive damage and
Amorphous. The Amaranth can move through a is engulfed. The engulfed creature can't breathe, is
space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. restrained, and takes 28 (8d6) corrosive damage
Corrosive Form. A creature that touches the at the start of each of the Amaranth's turns. When
Amaranth or hits it with a melee attack while within the Amaranth moves, the engulfed creature moves
1.5 meters of it takes 3 (1d6) corrosive damage. with it. An engulfed creature can try to escape by
Growth. Whenever the Amaranth inflicts corrosive taking an action to make a DC 12 Strength check. On
damage to creatures, it gains an equal amount of a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of
hit points. It becomes a large sized creature once it its choice within 1.5 meters of the Amaranth.
reaches 128 hit points, gaining +2 Strength, a speed Yellow Amaranth is the the creation of Aldous La-
of 3, and the corrosive damage dice become d8s place and Pronatalax. When it digests things it roughly
instead of d6s. A large yellow Amaranth is CR 2. digitizes them, but the information is very incomplete.
Creeping. The Amaranth can only move by spreading Analysis of it reveals the complete DNA of everything
slowly across surfaces and can't jump or Dash. It can it has ever consumed, as well as a limited AI doing
launch a pseudopod across a 1.5 m gap to cross it, complex mathematical calculations, the kinds of algo-
but is otherwise impeded by gaps in a surface. It can rithms involved in artificial consciousness.

// Shadows of Korea // 51
Intro ARU Officer Biohacker Wiz
Medium Human Medium human
Armor Class 22 (heavy battle suit) Armor Class 15 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Part I. Damage Reduction 6 Damage Reduction 2
City of
Hit Points 78 (12d8+24) Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
Speed 9 m. Speed 9 m.

Part II. 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Saves Con +5, Wis +4 Skills Life Science +8, Physical Science +6
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +4, Investigation +4, Senses Passive Perception 11
Perception +4, Stealth +6 (disadvantage) Languages Any one language
Part III.
Senses Passive Perception 14, spectrum vision Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Languages Any one language
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Hacking. The biohacker wiz is a 5th-level hacker.
Their hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC
PART IV. Bipod. By laying prone, the ARU officer does not
14, +6 to hit with hack attacks). The biohacker wiz
Contracts suffer any attack penalty from the three shot burst.
knows the following hacks:
Brave. The ARU officer has advantage on saving
1st level (7 slots): anesthetize, claws, forensic scan,
throws against being frightened.
PART V. nanodoc, necrotic injection, noxious cloud
2nd level (1 slot): CNS stim, razor cloud
New Rules

Multiattack. ARU officers make two ranged attacks. Actions

Appendices 7.62mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
to hit, range 180/540 m., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12+3) range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6+1) piercing
armor-piercing, piercing damage damage.
3-Shot Burst. Make up to three 7.62mm Assault Rifle
A biohacker wiz knows their way around the human
attack rolls against the same target. This attack
body, from anesthetizing their enemies to boosting
action ends when the ARU officer misses with one of
their allies. Some are punks, some are professionals.
the attack rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack rolls.
Each attack roll after the first takes a -4 penalty.
Wide Burst. The ARU officer can spray a 3-meter-cube
area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the area
must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
take 16 (2d12+3) armor-piercing, piercing damage.
RPG (1/combat). Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
range 50/100 m., one target. Hit: 38 (7d10+3) armor-
piercing, piercing damage. The RPG also creates a
blast in a 3-meter radius sphere centered on the
target. Everyone within the blast (including the
target of the rocket) must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 5d6 bludgeoning damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage and no stun
effect on a successful one.
Armored Response Unit (ARU) officers are even
more specially equipped and trained than regu-
lar SWAT officers. They are typically only deployed
against formidable enemies, and dominate any battle-
field they are a part of.

52 // Non-Player Characters //
Biohacker Doyen Cephalopsych
Medium human Medium animal-human
Armor Class 19 (SharkSkin clothing) Armor Class 10 (none)
Damage Reduction 4 Damage Reduction 0
Hit Points 78 (12d8+24) Hit Points 45 (7d8+14)
Speed 9 m. Speed 1.5 m., Swim 9 m.

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
Skills Athletics +4, Life Science +11, Physical Science Skills Computers +9, Insight +8, Investigation +7,
+8, Perception +4 Perception +6
Senses Passive Perception 14, darkvision Senses Passive Perception 16
Languages Any one language Languages Any one language
Challenge 5 (450 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Hacking. The biohacker doyen is a 10th-level hacker. Aquatic. Cephalopsychs can only breath underwater
Their hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC and are typically in aquariums or vats filled with a
16, +8 to hit with hack attacks). The biohacker doyen Nootro-water solution.
knows the following hacks: Hacking. The Cephalopsych is a 6th-level hacker. Its
1st level (8 slots): anesthetize, claws, forensic scan, hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 15, +7 to
nanodoc, necrotic injection, noxious cloud hit with hack attacks). The Cephalopsych knows the
2nd level (5 slots): CNS stim, paralytic injection, nootro, following hacks:
razor cloud 1st level (7 slots): cataracts, command, decrypt, detect
3rd level (1 slot): daemon killer, digest, ferocity minds, erase memories, killer joke, mind reader, pain,
Venomous Claws (1/turn). The biohacker doyen can sleep, sloth, unlock
expend one hack slot to deal extra poison damage 2nd level (2 slots): calm emotions, compulsion,
when they hit with their claws attack. It's an extra delusions, freeze, suggestion, summoning
3d12 for a 1st-level hack slot, 4d12 for a 2nd level slot, Inscrutable Mind. The Cephalopsych has advantage
and 5d12 for a 3rd level slot. on all saves against mind hacks.
Pierce Jamming. Cephalopsychs are uniquely adapted
to pierce jamming signals and are unaffected by it.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) armor piercing, slashing
A biohacker doyen is a master of biohacking and
can play with life like it's clay. Their venomous claws
can wreak havoc on anything living that isn't resis-
tant to poison.

// Shadows of Korea // 53
Synaptic Feedback. As a reaction, the Cephalopsych 1st level (5 slots): anesthetize, cataracts, command,
can inflict 2d12 psychic damage to anyone that deals decrypt, encrypt, egoflay, forensic scan, nanodoc,
damage to it, up to a range of 72 meters. This is a necrotic injection, unlock
mind hack, so it only affects targets with daemons. Inscrutable Mind. Chimeras gain advantage on saves
Part I.
against mind hacks.
City of Actions Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed
Ego Flay. Target with a daemon within 72 meters
strikes(included in the attack)
must make a DC 15 Charisma save. On a failed

Part II.
save the target takes 1d12 psychic damage and has Actions
disadvantage on their ability check, attack roll, or Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
save. reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1+4) bludgeoning
Cephalopsychs are the products of Hexie incorporat- damage
Part III. ing novel genes into octopi and cuttlefish in order to Chimera v1s are the creations of Aldous LaPlace, and
Encounters increase their intelligence and provide them a daemon. hybrid digitial minds of Laplace and his colleagues.
Cephalopsychs are natural mind-hackers and can use The v1s have been downloaded into Alpha 3.1 frames.
their specialized neurons to slice through jamming They are the first generation of his experiment and all
PART IV. signals and other people's daemon security. They are have severe mental diseases that leaves them prone to
Contracts highly valued as interrogators for corporate and gov- moments of confusion, violence, and rage. They have
ernment intelligence agencies. some of the skills of each of their mind-donors, which
is part of the source of their confusion and angst.
Chimera v1
New Rules
Medium psychomime-anthroid Chimera v2
Armor Class 14 (subdermal plating) Medium psychomime-anthroid
Damage Reduction 2 Armor Class 17 (subdermal plating)
Hit Points 22 (4d8+4) Damage Reduction 4
Speed 9 m. Hit Points 51 (6d8+4)
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Computers +4, Life Science +4, Physical Science 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)
+4 Skills Computers +6, Life Science +6, Mechanics +6,
Senses Passive Perception 10 Physical Science +6
Languages English, French, Korean Senses Passive Perception 12
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Languages English, French, Korean
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Fractured Mind. Chimeras roll a 1d20 at the start
of each round. On a 1, the Chimera is stunned Fractured Mind. Chimeras roll a 1d20 at the start
until he takes damage or until the start of his next of each round. On a 1, the Chimera is stunned
turn, whatever comes first. On a 2, they become until he takes damage or until the start of his next
enraged and attack whomever is closest to them turn, whatever comes first. On a 2, they become
with an unarmed strike. Someone else can attempt enraged and attack whomever is closest to them
to trigger either the stun or enraged condition with an unarmed strike. Someone else can attempt
by making a DC 15 Intelligence (Social Science) or to trigger either the stun or enraged condition
Wisdom (Insight) check as their action, drawing by making a DC 15 Intelligence (Social Science) or
them into confused introspection or fury. Wisdom (Insight) check as their action, drawing
Hacking. Chimera v1 is a 2nd-level hacker. Their them into confused introspection or fury.
hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 12, +4 Hacking. Chimera v2 is a 4th-level hacker. Their
to hit with hack attacks). Chimera v1 knows the hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 14, +6
following hacks: to hit with hack attacks). Chimera v2 knows the
following hacks:

54 // Non-Player Characters //
1st level (7 slots): anesthetize, cataracts, command, Inscrutable Mind. Chimeras gain advantage on saves
decrypt, encrypt, egoflay, forensic scan, nanodoc, against mind hacks.
necrotic injection, unlock Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed
Inscrutable Mind. Chimeras gain advantage on saves strikes(included in the attack)
against mind hacks.
Reinforced Skeleton. +2 damage to unarmed Actions
strikes(included in the attack) Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6+9) bludgeoning
Actions damage
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Chimera v3s are the final generation created by La-
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 9 (1d4+7) bludgeoning Place, outside of Seraph, and their minds have been
damage downloaded into Alpha 3.4 frames.
Chimera v2s are the second generation created by
LaPlace, and their minds have been downloaded into Cracker
Alpha 3.3 frames. Medium human

Chimera v3 Armor Class 17 (Bushiweave clothing)

Damage Reduction 2
Medium psychomime-anthroid Hit Points 54 (8d8+18)
Armor Class 2 (subdermal plating) Speed 9 m.
Damage Reduction 6 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 92 (8d8+56) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Speed 9 m.
Skills Computers +9, Investigation +7, Mechanics +7
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses Passive Perception 11
24 (+7) 20 (+4) 20 (+4) 20 (+4) 16(+3) 16 (+3) Languages Any one language
Skills Computers +8, Life Science +8, Mechanics +8, Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Physical Science +8
Senses Passive Perception 13 Hacking. The cracker is an 8th-level hacker. Its
Languages English, French, Korean hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 15, +7
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) to hit with hack attacks). The cracker knows the
following hacks:
Fractured Mind. Chimeras roll a 1d20 at the start 1st level (7 slots): command, decrypt, detect security,
of each round. On a 1, the Chimera is stunned killer joke, mind reader, pain, sleep, sloth, unlock
until he takes damage or until the start of his next 2nd level (4 slot): disable security, drone snipe, freeze,
turn, whatever comes first. On a 2, they become stunner
enraged and attack whomever is closest to them
with an unarmed strike. Someone else can attempt Actions
to trigger either the stun or enraged condition 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
by making a DC 15 Intelligence (Social Science) or range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing
Wisdom (Insight) check as their action, drawing damage.
them into confused introspection or fury. Crackers are well established hackers that specialize
Hacking. Chimera v3 is a 6th-level hacker. Their in cracking computer security, and often find employ-
hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 14, +6 ment ferreting out hard to find data.
to hit with hack attacks). Chimera v2 knows the
following hacks:
1st level (7 slots): anesthetize, cataracts, command,
decrypt, encrypt, egoflay, forensic scan, nanodoc,
necrotic injection, unlock
2nd level (2 slot): disable security, drone snipe, freeze,

// Shadows of Korea // 55
Intro Cyborg Savage Crime Boss
Medium Human Medium human
Armor Class 21 (subdermal plates) Armor Class 19 (Bushiweave clothing)
Part I. Damage Reduction 6 Damage Reduction 4
City of
Hit Points 115 (14d8+52) Hit Points 97 (15d8+30)
Speed 12 m. Speed 9 m.

Part II. 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)
Saves Con +8, Wis +3 Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +7, Wis +4
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +10, Intimidation +4 Skills Athletics +6, Deception +6, Intimidation +5,
Senses Passive Perception 10 Insight +4, Streetwise +8
Part III.
Languages Any one language Senses Passive Perception 11
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Languages Any two languages
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the cyborg savage
PART IV. can move up to its speed toward an enemy that it
Credible Threat (1/encounter). The crime boss can
Contracts can see.
target 3 people, and make an Intimidation ability
Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of check against their Wisdom saving throws. If
its damage when the cyborg savage hits with it successful, the targets become frightened until the
New Rules (included in the attack). end of the encounter.
Hyper Jumping. The cyborg savage’s jumping Inspiration (1/Turn). As a bonus action, grant 1 target
distances are tripled, and they can fall 9 meters ally a d12 inspiration die. The ally can use this die
Appendices without taking any damage. once to add the result to one ability check, attack
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the cyborg savage roll, attack damage, or saving throw it makes.
can gain advantage on all melee weapon attack Pack Tactics. The crime boss has advantage on an
rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against it have attack roll against a target if at least one of the
advantage until the start of its next turn. crime boss' allies is within 1.5 meters of the target
and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The crime boss deals an extra
Multiattack. Cyborg savage makesthree melee
7 (2d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack that has advantage on the attack roll, or
Retractable Blades. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to
when the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of the
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 17 (3d6+7) armor
crime boss that isn’t incapacitated and the crime
piercing, slashing damage.
boss doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Cyborg Savages are vicious brutes that have taken
cybernetic and genetic enhancement for physical Actions
combat to the most extreme, even delving into banned Multiattack. The crime boss makes two attacks,
upgrades. By their very nature they don’t operate with- ranged or melee.
in the law, and they are destined to meet a violent end, NanoEdge Kerambit. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
likely taking many people with them. hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) armor-
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
ZQ Monkey King 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +9 to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 14
(3d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Crime bosses lead organizations comprised of dozens
of different criminals of every variety, and usually have
others do their dirty work for them.

56 // Non-Player Characters //
Demolitionist Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Medium human Hyper Jumping. The Feral ripper's jumping distances

Armor Class 18 (ceramic plate body armor) are multiplied by 3, and they can fall 9 meters
Damage Reduction 4 without taking any damage.
Hit Points 45 (7d8+14) Pounce. If the Feral ripper moves at least 6 meters
Speed 9 m. straight toward a large sized or smaller character
and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn,
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) they can make an attempt to shove that character
as a free action.
Skills Mechanics +8, Physical Science +6
Senses Passive Perception 11 Actions
Languages Any one language Multiattack. The feral ripper makes two claw attacks
Challenge 3 (700 XP) or one 11mm handgun attack.

Hacking. The demolitionist is a 6th-level hacker. Its

hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 14, +6 to
hit with hack attacks). The demolitionist knows the
following hacks:
1st level (7 slots): arc drone, cushion, noxious cloud,
toxic jet, unlock
2nd level (2 slots): foam wall, razor cloud

Taser. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 3/6 m.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) electrical damage and the
target must make a DC 14 Constitution save, or is
stunned until the end of their next turn.
Grenade Launcher (3/encounter). A demolitionist can
launch a grenade that mimics an explosive crafted
with the fragmentation bomb, concussion bomb,
poison bomb, smoke bomb, or tear gas bomb hacks.
These hacks function as though they were created
using 2nd level slots. They can be launched up to 40
Demolitionists are combat engineers that apply their
technical expertise to hamper, shock, choke, or blow-
up their enemies.

Feral Ripper
Medium human (Feral)
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)
Speed 12 m.


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +2, Perception +5
Senses Acute Olfaction, Darkvision, Passive
Perception 14
Languages Any one language

// Shadows of Korea // 57
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 1.5 m., engineered creature that was designed for military
one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) armor piercing, piercing or applications. Hexie researchers wanted a biological
slashing damage. analogue to anti-personnel vehicles that didn't require
11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, a fuel source other than their enemy's bodies, and the
Part I.
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing Goemul is the result. They look somewhere between
City of
damage. reptile, primate, and insect. They are bipedal, stand
over 4 meters tall, and possess the claws and teeth of
Feral Rippers embrace their animalistic traits, revel-
a top predator. It doesn't see a lot of field use, but the
ling in their heightened senses, claws, and fur-covered
fear-factor alone keeps it in production.
Part II. frame. By coincidence, embracing your animal nature
tends to make you very disruptive in a lawful society
Goliath Droid
and it is common for these folk to find themselves liv-
ing lives of violence. Large droid
Part III.
Armor Class 17 (armor plating)
Goemul Damage Reduction 4
Huge animal Hit Points 105 (10d10+50)
Speed 9 m.
PART IV. Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 123 (13d12+39) 26 (+8) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Speed 15 m., climb 9 m., swim 9 m. Vulnerabilities Electricity
Resistances Piercing
27 (+8) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 7 (-2) Skills Athletics +12
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 10
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +11, Perception +6
Appendices Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Senses Acute Olfaction, Darkvision, Passive
Perception 16
Cockpit. A pilot can enter the loader's torso, and
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
it has the following properties: A hardline neural
interface to the loader's sense input, and functions.
Aquatic. The Goemul can hold its breath for 1 hour
The pilot’s proficiency bonus, skills,mental abilities
before needing to surface.
(Int/ Wis/Cha), feats, saves, and class abilities can all
Hyper Jumping. The Goemul’s jumping distances are
be used instead of the loader's whenever the pilot
tripled, and they can fall 9 meters without taking
chooses. The pilot takes all damage the loader takes,
any damage.
but it provides an extra 4 DR to the pilot, which
Keen Smell. Goemuls have advantage on Wisdom stacks with the pilot's DR.
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Worker Build. The Goliath droid inflicts double
damage to objects and structures and has triple the
normal carrying capacity.
Multiattack. The goemul can either makes four
Grappler. The Goliath droid can initiate a grapple as a
attacks with its tentacles and then one attack with
bonus action.
its bite, or make two attacks with its claws.
Heavy Hands. Critical hits from unarmed strikes
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 3 m., one
knock the target prone.
target. Hit: 30 (4d10+8) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 3 m., one Actions
target. Hit: 21 (3d8+8) piercing damage.
Multiattack. The Goliath droid makes two slam
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 9 attacks.
m., one target. Hit: the target is grappled (escape Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 3 m., one
DC 17), and is dragged 6 meters toward the Goemul. target. Hit: 11 (1d10+6) bludgeoning damage.
Until the grapple ends, the target is restrained and
Goliath droids, are Hexie-made doid-exoskeletons
has disadvantage on Strength checks and Strength
designed for construction, demolition, and warehouse
saving throws, and the goemul can't use the same
work. They funciton as fork-lifts and wrecking-balls
tentacle on another target.
and are very commonly found across construction sit-
Goemul, meaning “monster”, is the name of this bio- ghts around the world.

58 // Non-Player Characters //
Huge human
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 152 (13d12+68)
Speed 12 m.


26 (+8) 16 (+3) 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 9 (-1)
Saves Dex +6, Con +9, Wis +4
Skills Athletics +14, Perception +4
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 14
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Cloaking. As an action, the Kuen-Dokkaebi can

become invisible until the end of their next
turn. In addition, they gain advantage
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for as
long as cloaking is active. They
must be either naked or have
chromomorphic clothing on for
this to work.

Multiattack. The makes two
bangmangi club attacks.
Bangmangi Club. Melee Weapon
Attack: +11 to hit, reach 3 m., one
target. Hit: 21 (3d8+8) bludgeoning
Throw Heavy Thing. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +11 to hit, range 18/54 m., one
target. Hit: 30 (4d10+8) bludgeoning
Kuen-Doekkebi, are the world's largest humans,
standing over 5 meters tall. Created by Proteome Dive-
sified, the same biotech company that manufactures
their smaller cousins, they have the characteristic fear-
some-demon like face and skin tone. There are very
few Kuen-Doekkebi in existence and the general pub-
lic is unaware of their creation. Hexie is worried about
the public outcry against their creation, as their size
leads to a very short lifespan of 20-30 years and they
lack the ability to live in any normal accomodations.
Some Keun-Doekkebi have formed communities in
the mountains and forests of Korea and backpackers
often go in search of them to verify rumors of their ex-
istence. Kuen-Doekkebi share the personality disposi-
tions characteristic of all Doekkebi, but also have a bit
of an anger problem.

// Shadows of Korea // 59
Intro Lawyer Actions
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 3 m., one
Medium human
target. Hit: 25 (4d8+7) piercing damage.
Armor Class 14 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Part I.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
Damage Reduction 2
City of one target. Hit: 29 (4d10+7) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 9 m. A mammoth is an elephantine creature with thick fur
and long tusks. It was ressurected as part of a program
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to preserve the Siberian permafrost by eating plant
Part II. 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
mater that melts ice through respiration-heat.
Skills Bureaucracy +6, Deception +5, Insight +4,
Persuasion +7 Noob Hacker
Senses Passive Perception 12
Part III.
Languages Any two Medium human
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Armor Class 10
Damage Reduction 0
Glib. If the lawyer spends 1 minute talking to Hit Points 13 (3d8)
someone who can understand what they say, the Speed 9 m.
lawyer can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check
contested by the person’s Wisdom (Insight) check. 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
PART V. If the check succeeds, the target is charmed for 1
Skills Computers +6, Investigation +4, Mechanics +4
New Rules minute thereafter.
Senses Passive Perception 10
Actions Languages Any one language
Appendices 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, 12/36 Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
m., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
Hacking. The noob hacker is a 3rd-level hacker. Its
Lawyers navigate bureaucracy, persuasion, and law hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 12, +4 to
like no one else can. Their profit comes from legal con- hit with hack attacks). The noob hacker knows the
flicts, which there is never any shortage of. If you need following hacks:
one, they are usually worth the price.
1st level (6 slots): command, ego flay, decrypt, pain,
Huge animal Actions
9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing
Damage Reduction 0
Hit Points 126 (11d12+55)
Speed 12 m. Noob hackers are still getting their digital sea legs,
but everyone has to start somewhere. They are hungry
24 (+7) 9 (-1) 21 (+5) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) up and comers, looking to take risks and get a piece
of the digital pie. Though skilled, they are considered
Senses Passive Perception 10 much more expendable than more competent hackers,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) and are often pwned.

Trampling Charge. If the mammoth moves at least

6 meters straight toward a creature and then hits
it with a gore attack on the same turn, that target
must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw
or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
mammoth can make one stomp attack against it as
a bonus action.

60 // Non-Player Characters //
Parkour Ace Skills Any one skill
Medium human Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Any one language
Armor Class 18 (nanofiber vest)
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Damage Reduction 0
Hit Points 45 (6d8+18) Actions
Speed 12 m.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Just some rando on the street, in the woods,
Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +6, Sleight of Hand +6, or on the bus.
Stealth +6
Senses Passive Perception 11 Reaper Mantis
Languages Any two languages
Medium animal
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Athletic Phenom. Climbing and rough terrain doesn’t Damage Reduction 2
cost the parkour ace extra movement. Hit Points 52 (7d8+21)
Hyper Jumping. The parkour ace's jumping distances Speed 15 m.
are multiplied by three, and they can fall 9 meters
without taking any damage. 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 5 (-3) 9 (-1) 3 (-4)
Sneak Attack. Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The parkour ace
Senses Blindsight 12m., Passive Perception 9
deals an extra (2d6) damage when it hits a target
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
with a weapon attack that has advantage on the
attack roll, or when the target is within 1.5 meters Scary Kills. When the Reaper Mantis reduces a
of an ally of the parkour ace that isn’t incapacitated target to 0 hit points with a melee attack on its
and the parkour ace doesn’t have disadvantage on turn, everyone within 9 meters must make a DC 12
the attack roll. Charisma saving throw or become frightened until
Swift Feet. The parkour ace can take the Disengage or the end of their next turn.
Dash action as a bonus action.
Raptorial Forelimbs. When the Reaper Mantis
Actions initiates a grapple it can't make a bite attack as a
Nanoblade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach bonus action.
1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+4) armor piercing,
slashing damage.
Multiattack. The Reaper Mantis makes 2 attacks.
Parkour aces navigate the pedestrian urban lanscape
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
with gusto, using their freerunning skills to soar past
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) bludgeoning damage and the
rivals and enemies. Parkour gangs are common in Ko-
target is grappled (escape DC 14). The Reaper Mantis
rea, and many of them are pickpockets.
has two claws, but it can only grapple one target.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one
Rando target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) piercing damage. This attack
Medium human can only be performed on grappled targets.
Armor Class 10 The Reaper Mantis is the product of a Hexie, meant
Damage Reduction 0 to function as security guards. They imprint on a
Hit Points 4 (1d8) particular trainer after birth and follow their orders
Speed 9 m. to perfection.


10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

// Shadows of Korea // 61
Intro Samurai Initiate requires concentration. When the sniper makes an
attack roll against a target that they have marked,
Medium human the sniper has advantage on the attack roll and they
Armor Class 15 (Durile clothing) can perform a special attack (listed below). Once
Part I. Damage Reduction 2 the sniper has made an attack against a marked
City of
Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) target, they are no longer marked (whether or not
Speed 9 m. they hit with the attack).


Part II. 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
7.62mm Sniper Rifle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +3, Perception +3 range 300/900 m., one target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) armor-
Senses Passive Perception 13 piercing, piercing damage.
Languages Any two languages Centre Mass. Make a 7.62mm sniper rifle attack with a
Part III.
Challenge 1 (200 XP) +10 bonus to the attack roll (requires marked target).
Foot Shot. Make a 7.62mm sniper rifle attack attack but
Iaijutsu. The samurai initiate can’t be surprised while
it does does half damage, the target is knocked prone,
conscious, they gain a +5 bonus to initiative, and
PART IV. and for the rest of the combat they move at half speed
enemies don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against
Contracts (requires marked target).
them as a result of being unseen by you.

New Rules Multiattack. The samurai initiate makes two melee
attacks, one with each weapon.
9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Appendices range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing
Nanosword, Short. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10+2) armor
piercing, piercing or slashing damage.
Samurai initiates are recent graduates of the Bushi-
do academy, and are hot blooded and ready to take on
some contracts as well trained rookies.

Medium human
Armor Class 19 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Speed 9 m.


13 (+1) 20 (+5) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Any one language
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Deadly Aim. If the sniper spends their turn to aim at

a target, including movement, they are “marked”. If
the marked target disappears from the sniper’s view,
they are no longer marked. Keeping a target marked

62 // Non-Player Characters //
Hand Shot. Make a 7.62mm sniper rifle attack and if it would rather die than divulge information that could
hits, the attack does half damage, but the target drops compromise them or their employers. They describe
their weapon (or whatever else they are holding) and government agents, experts of corporate espionage,
for the rest of the combat they have disadvantage on undercover officers, any anyone else whose trade is il-
attack rolls with that hand (requires marked target). licit information.
Head Shot. Make a 7.62mm sniper rifle attack and if
it hits, the attack is automatically a critical hit and Street Racer
it inflicts an additional 10 damage (requires marked
Medium human
Armor Class 15 (reinforced clothing)
Snipers are expert marksmen, taking their time to
Damage Reduction 0
line up their shot before pulling the trigger.
Hit Points 16 (3d8+3)
Speed 9 m.
Medium human 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Armor Class 17 (Spyder Sylk clothing) Skills Computers +5, Drive +7, Mechanics +7,
Damage Reduction 2 Streetwise +5
Hit Points 36 (8d8) Senses Passive Perception 11
Speed 9 m. Languages Any one language
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
10 (+0) 17 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Hacking. The street racer is an 3rd-level hacker. Their
Skills Computers + 4, Deception +7, Insight +4,
hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save DC 13, +5
Investigation +5, Perception +6, Sleight of Hand +5,
to hit with hack attacks). The street racer knows the
Stealth +5
following hacks:
Senses Passive Perception 16
Languages Any two languages 1st level (6 slots): arc drone, armor plating, upgrade
Challenge 2 (450 XP) handling, upgrade speed, unlock, weapon mount
Racer. The street racer gets a +3 to Move checks
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can use in chases and ram maneuvers do an additional 2
a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide damage.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6)
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack 9mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
that has advantage on the attack roll, or when hit, 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3) piercing
the target is within 1.5 meters of an ally of the spy damage.
that isn’t incapacitated and the spy doesn’t have A street racer describes drag racers, car thieves, chop-
disadvantage on the attack roll. shop employees, and other gear-head mechanics.

Multiattack. The spy makes two melee or ranged
Nanoedge Kerambit. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) armor
piercing, slashing damage.
Urban Ranger 10mm. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing
Spies are employed by corporations, intelligence
agencies, and other wealthy individuals to gain the
upper hand in a world of cutthroat politics. A spy is
trained to secretly gather information. Loyal spies

// Shadows of Korea // 63
Intro Street Goons Swarm of Burrow Worms
Medium human unmodified Medium swarm of tiny animals
Armor Class 14 (reinforced clothing) Armor Class 14
Part I. Damage Reduction 2 Hit Points 63 (14d8)
City of
Hit Points 11 (2d8+2) Speed 9 m., burrow 3 m.
Speed 9 m.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Part II. Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened,
Skills Intimidation +2 Grappled, Paralyzed, Prone, Restrained, Stunned
Senses Passive Perception 10 Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
Languages Any one language Damage Vulnerability Any damage that affects more
Part III.
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) than a 1.5 meter square
Senses Acute Olfaction, Darkvision, Passive
Pack Tactics. The street goon has advantage on an
Perception 10
attack roll against a target if at least one of the
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
PART IV. street goon's allies is within 1.5 meters of the target
Contracts and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Keen Smell. The worms have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Bludgeon. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 1.5 Swarm. The swarm can occupy another character’s
New Rules
m., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6+3) bludgeoning damage. space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
through any opening large enough for a Tiny rat.
9 mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary
Appendices range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6+2) piercing
hit points. They heal by breeding, and recover 5 hit
points every long rest.
Street goons are very likely gang members of some
variety or another and a step-up from the usual gang- Actions
bangers, skilled in violence. Burrowing Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) piercing
damage, or 13 (3d8) piercing damage if the swarm
has half of its hit points or fewer. The target must
make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw, failure
meaning a worm has burrowed in the targets
flesh. The target will take 1d4 irreducible damage
at the start of each of their turns until the worm is
removed. Removing a burrowed worm requires an
action from an adjacent ally, and a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Life Science) check. The treat malady or
detoxify hacks will also work.

64 // Non-Player Characters //
These monstrosities were designed by Terravista, a Actions
mining corporation. Their teeth are harder than di-
Multiattack. SWAT officers make two ranged attacks.
amonds and they are employed to carve out facilities
7.62mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9
underground, being able to do precision work at vol-
to hit, range 180/540 m., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12+3)
ume with enough of them. Unfortunately they are
armor-piercing, piercing damage
also carnivorous and have a tendancy to burrow into
3-Shot Burst. Make up to three 7.62mm Assault Rifle
the flesh of anything alive around them unless they
attack rolls against the same target. This attack
are tightly controlled. They've fallen out of industrial
action ends when the SWAT officer misses with one
use in most countries due to some major workplace di-
of the attack rolls, forgoing the rest of the attack
saters involving hundres of slain miners.
rolls. Each attack roll after the first takes a -4

SWAT Officer penalty.

Wide Burst. The SWAT officer can spray a 3-meter-
Medium human cube area up to 180 meters away. Each target in the
Armor Class 20 (ballistic plate suit) area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
Damage Reduction 4 or take 16 (2d12+3) armor-piercing, piercing damage.
Hit Points 58 (9d8+18) Concussion Grenade . Ranged Attack: 15 m.
Speed 9 m. Concussive force radiates outward in a 3-meter
radius sphere centered on the point of detonation.
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) Everyone within the blast must make a DC 15 Dex
save, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage and becoming
Saves Con +4, Wis +3
stunned until the end of their next turn on a failed
Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +3, Investigation +3,
save, or half as much damage and no stun effect on a
Perception +3, Stealth +5 (disadvantage)
successful one.
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Any one language SWAT officers are the elite enforcement division
Challenge 3 (700 XP) within a police service.

Brave. The SWAT officer has advantage on saving

throws against being frightened

// Shadows of Korea // 65
Intro Transgenic Bruiser Vampire Thug
Medium human (transgenic) Medium human
Armor Class 13 (reinforced clothing) Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Part I. Damage Reduction 2 Damage Reduction 2
City of
Hit Points 85 (9d8+45) Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)
Speed 9 m. Speed 9 m.

Part II. 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Skills Intimidation +2 Skills Intimidation +4, Perception +4
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 14
Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages Any one language
Part III.
Languages Any one language Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Pack Tactics. The vampire thug has advantage on
Grappler. The transgenic bruiser can initiate a grapple an attack roll against a target if at least one of the
PART IV. as a bonus action. vampire thug's allies is within 1.5 meters of the
Contracts Heavy Hands. Critical hits from unarmed strikes target and the ally isn't incapacitated.
knock the target prone. Regenerative Hemovore. If the vampire thug spends
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the transgenic an action to consume blood, they regain 7 (2d6) hit
New Rules bruiser can gain advantage on all melee weapon points.
attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls against Sunlight Sensitivity. The vampire thug has
it have advantage until the start of its next turn. disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom
Appendices Reinforced Skeleton. Resistance to bludgeoning (Perception) checks that rely on sight when in direct
damage, and +2 damage to unarmed strikes sunlight. Additionally, for every minute in the sun
(included in the attack) with exposed skin, the vampire thug takes 1 heat
damage and must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
Actions save or acquire a level of exhaustion.
Multiattack. The transgenic bruiser makes two
melee attacks with unarmed strikes. Actions
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Multiattack. The vampire thug makes two melee
reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4+6) bludgeoning attacks or one ranged attack.
damage. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 1.5 m.,
11 mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) armor piercing, piercing or
range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) piercing slashing damage.
damage. Bite (only on grappled target). Melee Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, reach 1.5 m., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
Transgenic Bruisers are either Titans, Canaries, or
armor-piercing, piercing damage, the target acquires
other physically enhanced genomes that relish in the
a level of exhaustion, and the vampire thug recovers
violence their genome was designed for, and take great
7 (2d6) hit points.
pleasure in doling out punishment to anyone who’s jib
they just don’t like. They could be bodyguards, bounc- 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
ers, professional fighters, or barroom brawlers. range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) piercing
Vampire Thugs are ruthless enforcers skilled at in-
timidation and violence. They work for money, have
few scruples, and a voracious appetite for blood. They
typically work for Maxim Lazovsky and Miroslav of the
Bratva, or Markus of the Night Breed.

66 // Non-Player Characters //
Veteran Cop 2nd level (4 slot): disable vehicle, foam wall, getaway
car, runover
Medium human
Racer. The Wheel man gets a +3 to Move checks
Armor Class 17 (Spyder Sylk clothing) in chases and ram maneuvers do an additional 2
Damage Reduction 2 damage.
Hit Points 38 (7d8+7)
Speed 9 m. Actions
Multiattack. The wheel man makes two ranged
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) attacks
ZQ Monkey King 11mm Handgun. Ranged Weapon
Skills Insight +3, Investigation +3, Intimidation +3,
Attack: +7 to hit, range 12/36 m., one target. Hit: 15
Perception +3
(3d6+5) armor piercing, piercing damage
Senses Passive Perception 13
Languages Any one language A wheel man is a staple member of many (often
Challenge 1 (200 XP) shady) crews, being consummate getaway drivers
or drag racers.
ZQ Monkey King Handgun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7
to hit, range 14/42 m., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6+3)
piercing damage.
Veteran cops not only include experienced and griz-
zled law enforcement officers, but also soldiers retired
from service and mercenaries who never served any-
one but themselves.

Wheel Man
Medium human
Armor Class 19 (Spyder Sylk clothing)
Damage Reduction 2
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)
Speed 9 m.


12 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Skills Computers +8, Drive +13, Mechanics +8
Senses Passive Perception 11
Languages Any one language
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Hacking. The wheel man is an 8th-level hacker.

Its hacking ability is Intelligence (hack save
DC 14, +6 to hit with hack attacks). The
wheel man knows the following
1st level (7 slots):
anonymity, arc
drone, armor
plating, upgrade
upgrade speed,
unlock, weapon mount

// Shadows of Korea // 67
part 3: encounters
he GM can use the encounters listed in this section tos, run-down housing projects, or a shanty town. In

T to add flavor or spice to a game session in Busan.

Players often make choices that take them out
of a prepared narrative and into places you didn’t
the context of this book, districts with an emergency
services rating of 0-2 will generally be slums.
Urban Upscale. Rich areas of a city. The buildings
anticipate. These tables can be a useful supplement to are either new or restored and well maintained. Gen-
making your own encounter tables or working off the erally clean and with a low crime rate. Commercial
cuff with your imagination. districts with prime shopping, suburbia, business dis-
It’s a good idea to change the context and details tricts with corporate towers, government buildings,
of the encounter to best fit the current story narra- and other city areas where wealth resides. In the con-
tive. You can bring in character backgrounds, develop text of this book, districts with an emergency services
mood, highlight aspects of their current story, test out rating of 3-5 will generally be upscale.
homebrew mini-game mechanics, or whatever else
seems relevant and fun! Encounters with cadres
It's not uncommon for cadres to be on opposing con-
Random Encounters tracts, mercs fighting mercs. These tables describe lev-
Roll the dice to determine which event occurs random- el appropriate encounters with other cadres. As a GM,
ly, or simply select one that seems interesting and ap- if you know your group is tougher or weaker than av-
propriate at that time. erage, choose from cadres either above or below their
Some random encounters might involve dealing level for an appropriate challenge.
with antagonists with challenge ratings that don’t
match the cadre’s. Most of the events on the tables be- Combat Encounters.
low have options to evade a fight with a high CR enemy. You can use these tables for some quick level appropri-
That being said, it's sometimes a good idea to change ate combat encounters, including page references and
encounter difficulties to match the cadre’s to make the xp rewarded for overcoming the encounter. You
sure a total-party-kill is avoided. can roll a 1d6 to determine the encounter, or simply
choose one that looks fun. The encounters tend to be-
Ecnounter Environments come more difficult sequentially, so 5s and 6s tend to
The random encounters listed below are tailored to be tougher fights than 1s and 2s. As with encounters
fit five different environments that cadres might find with other cadres, once you get to know your group,
themselves in: corporate, marine, rural, subterranean, you can feel free to use combat encoutners either
urban slums, and urban upscale. tougher or easier than the tables suggest to tailor it to
Corporate. Property owned by corporations and your specific table. The biggest variable are the players
governments, the kinds of places where suits and re- and the characters they make, and no CR system can
searchers are born and bred. Corporate towers, R&D account for that.
facilities, and industrial manufacturing centers.
Marine. Anywhere there is water, be it rivers, ponds,
docks, harbors, or the sea.
Rural. Anywhere not in the city will be rural. It in-
cludes forests, mountains, and farmland.
Subterranean. Storm drains, sewers, caves, cata-
combs, and subways. Some of these events may not
match every underground context the cadre is in, so
keep rolling until it’s appropriate, or simply pick one.
Urban Slums. Anywhere in a city with a lot of peo-
ple living in relative poverty. The buildings are a little
dingier, there’s more garbage, crime rate is higher, and
there tends to be less police activity unless the slum is
adjacent to a richer area. It might be a transgenic ghet-

// GeneFunk 2090 // 69
Corporate Random Encounters
2d6 Encounter
2 “All of the automatic doors around you immediately close and lock. The main lights dim, replaced by red alarm
Part I. lights. An alarm fills the air, and you notice a hiss of gas coming from the vents”. The effects here are up to the
City of GM, but an anesthetic gas or biological agent would work, and relevant parties might be alerted to the
Busan cadre’s presence. Any LANs that were previously hacked, would have to be re-hacked.
3 "You notice a bunch of glass vials on the ground, their contents spilled on the floor. All of the test animals in this
room appear to be different stages of dead.” Roll a 1d6 to randomly determine a disease that may infect the
Part II. characters (CRB, p. 230). They all suffer the effects of this hack, with a DC of 18.
4 “You enter a room with an octopus-looking creature in an aquarium wired to an unconscious woman in tacti-
cal gear. Two other octopus creatures sit in aquariums, staring at you.” They are cephalopsychs and will try to
get the cadre to leave, but will attack if interfered with (p. ???, SoK).
Part III.
5 “You come across a boardroom door, the interior windows have been turned opaque. You can hear muffled
voices inside”. On a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, or with a wall mic, the characters can hear a con-
versation between two corporate executives regarding trade secrets and price fixing of helium between
subsidiaries of Hexie and Omnitech. This information could be used as leverage against either of them,
Contracts or sold for シ20,000 to the right buyers. If the cadre busts in the room, the corporate executives will
attempt to flee while the 2 hitmen and 2 kensei bodyguards attack (CRB, p. 279 and 285).
6 Three Tarantula MK IIs are here, two on the walls and one on the ceiling. They ask for identification, their
PART V. guns trained on the cadre (CRB, p. 289).
New Rules
7 The cadre comes across an office with a corporate executive and his two kensei bodyguards (CRB, p. 279
and 285). They look annoyed, and ask the cadre what business they have there.
8 “You run into a team of two research scientists on their way to their lab. They stop in their tracks when they spot
you, confused at your presence.”
9 The cadre comes across a corporate security team, four grunts and a captain (CRB, p. 280 and 284). They
will question the cadre about their presence and are willing to fight if not convinced otherwise.
10 Another cadre of equal caliber confronts the characters, saying that they have mutually exclusive
contracts. They’ll drop it if offered ½ of the character’s contract payment, heading home. If not, they are
prepared to fight.
11 “You turn the corner and see a velociraptor staring at you. It calls out to its brethren and you hear their response
in the distance. Someone didn’t properly lock up their research animals.” Have 3d6 Deinonychus+ loose in
the facility (CRB, p. 302). Pack them in groups appropriate to the cadre’s level.
12 “When you turn the corner, there… You… Are. All of you. You’re not looking at a mirror, but you see a group of
smiling clones, looking identical to you — even their gear is the same.” At some point in the past, it seems
that someone had performed mind uploading procedures on the party. Perhaps their memories of it
were erased, or it was done while they were under anesthesia while getting upgrades installed. The
clone cadre will catch on that they are the clones pretty quickly, and know that many countries put down
or imprison illegal psychomimes. They may plan to kill their originals unless something can get worked
out. Make them Chimera psychomimes if it fits the story better. Don’t play the clones too tactically or the
fight could get quite lethal.

70 // Encounters //
Marine Random Encounters

1d6 Encounter
1 A nearby boat is on fire and is sinking rapidly. There is a general distress call put out that pings everyone
in the area. The cadre is the closest competent group that might be able to help.
2 A special ops team of four Spartan Naiad pirates emerge from the water, guns trained on the cadre. They
demand the cadre drops their weapons and drugs, and will let them go afterwards. Three are veteran
soldiers (use the SWAT officer, SoK p. ???) and one is a captain (CRB, p. 280). They have the Naid template
added to them, so are each 1 CR higher. (+3 Str/Dex/Con, breathe underwater, 6 swim speed, darkvision,
Perception proficiency).
3 “The water here seems filled with something… Lots of something... dangerous.” The waters are infested with
bioengineered piranha-like fish. If a character falls in they take 3d8 piercing damage when they first
enter the water and take it again at the start of each turn they remain in it.
4 Terrible weather strikes, a torrential downpour. Movement is reduced by ½ and the area is lightly ob-
scured. Some bridges are washed out and the seas become very rough. Aerial drones are recalled due to
the conditions. Enemies may see this as a great time to strike.
5 As the cadre is passing near a body of water such as a river, ocean, reservoir, or overflowing storm drain,
they see a Terror Croc slip into the water. Before it completely submerges, they notice it had a Hexie cy-
bernetic arm in its teeth that looked like it was salvageable. It would still take シ50,000 to get it repaired
and attached, but it may be worth it.
6 The cadre comes across a turf skirmish between two dock factions. Determine randomly, or based on
their current location. It will be South Jopok versus Bratva, Bratva versus the Busan Port Authority,
Yakuza versus the Busan Port Authority, Shanghai Triad versus the Busan Port Authority, or South Jopok
versus Yakuza. The battle is mostly even, and if the cadre chooses to engage one side, they will have to
fight a gang leader, 6 gangbangers, and 2 enforcers (CRB, pp. 281-283).

// Shadows of Korea // 71
Rural Random Encounters
2d6 Encounter
2 “A Go-Dokkebi is standing on a path, shirtless and smiling, with his hands on his hips.” If he spots the cadre
Part I. he will challenge the largest one of them to a wrestling match (use the professional. If they win, he will
City of tell them an important secret about their destination and help them three more times in the future. If
Busan they lose, he gets to eat one of their thumbs. The terms can be negotiated.
3 A rogue pack of three Fenris drones is in the wild (CRB, p. 282). Their programming is off and they seem
to be treating any territory they roam in as territory to be guarded with lethal force..
Part II. 4 Someone has set up a grenade trap. It can be spotted by whomever’s in front with a DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check or passive score. If it’s not detected, the first character passing over triggers a tripwire
grenade and everyone within a 6 meter radius, taking 5d6 piercing damage, or DC 15 Dexterity save for
½ damage. In addition, anyone who didn’t make their save has their movement reduced by ½ until they
Part III.
take a long rest.
5 A Dire-Skunk (CRB, p. 302) sprays the cadre and runs off.
6 A pack of 2d4 Phantom MK I drones (CRB, p. 287) flying 120 meters in the sky seems to be trailing the
PART IV. cadre. If they go under the canopy, the drone lowers to just beneath the canopy. It will belong whatever
Contracts faction the cadre has the lowest rating with. The drones will attack if attacked, and will retreat if ½ are
destroyed, but otherwise are simply gathering intel.
7 Feral recombinant boars (CRB, p. 305) are a major problem in rural Korea, and the cadre is about to find
PART V. out why. A pack of 2d6 of them charge out of the bush, meaning to scare off or kill the cadre.
New Rules
8 Someone has hired a cadre to take out the characters. The cadre, who is less powerful than the charac-
ters (but have the advantage of planning the encounter), will attack strategically, but will retreat once ½
of them are defeated.
9 Terrible weather strikes, a torrential downpour. Movement is reduced by ½ and the area is lightly ob-
scured. Some bridges are washed out and some areas become mires of muck. Aerial drones are recalled
due to the conditions. Enemies may see this as a great time to strike.
10 The cadre spots a broken down truck well off the road, with the hood open. There is a slight trail of blood
going from the car and deeper into the woods.
11 “You pass by a ginseng farm, but notice it is strangely quiet. The door of the homestead appears wide
open and one of the windows is smashed.” A pack of four Rad-Scorps has invaded the home here and
murdered the family inside, except for a small mutt girl with hyper leaping, who is currently hiding on
the roof, nestled against the chimney. The Rad-Scorps will attack anyone coming close.
12 A Kuen-Dokkebi is hidden amongst the rocks and trees, standing as still as a boulder, requiring DC 12
Wisdom (Perception) to spot him. He will ask the characters three riddles. If they can solve them, he will
let them pass. If not, he will attack.

Subterranean Random Encounters

1d8 Encounter
1 An earthquake makes the roof collapse all around the cadre, leaving them in a chamber about 2 meters
wide, 5 meters long, and 2 meters high. Water slowly starts filling the chamber, rising 0.5 meters every
10 minutes.
2 The walls here are covered in small holes. Rat sized holes. Four swarms of Super Rats (CRB, p. 306)
emerge, two from each wall, and attacking the cadre. One additional swarm emerges at the start of
each round for the next three rounds. They will not chase the cadre more than 6 meters past their
den habitat.

72 // Encounters //
3 “A deep 3x3 meter hole sits in the ground here, 30 meters deep. Something bright glows at the bottom.” If the
cadre investigates the hole, they will hear growls all around them. Six recombinant apes with darkvision
will emerge (CRB, p. 306). A gold statuette(シ2,000) is at the bottom that they have been worshipping.
They push in anyone that passes as a sacrifice to their god, and will attack the cadre using shove attacks.
4 You come across a large area filled with invisible odorless gas, though anyone with acute olfaction can
detect it. It’s natural gas, but the stench hasn’t been added. It will ignite if anyone uses a firearm or uses
any other flame, doing 6d6 heat damage to everyone and everything in the entire area and catching
anything combustible on fire. A few gouts of flame may persist from the sources of the gas, coming from
channels in the stone.
5 You’re going to have to get dirty if you’re getting into that building. Literally. The only way into that
warehouse is through the sewer. It should be worth it as that catch is worth 20,000. Watch out, though,
there’s still a security guard patrolling the premises, and he doesn’t have to have cyberhanced smelling
to catch wind of you.
6 Can’t you just take the subway once without some asshole causing a scene? This time it’s a group of
them. A half dozen fans celebrating some sort of victory - some esport - are taking up a lot of space on
the already crowded car. They get bothered if any of the party members don’t share and partake in the
party They want you to share in the celebration and get rowdy.
7 The cadre find an alcove that appears carved out by artificial means, perhaps stone-devouring nanobots.
A R&D scientist with a fetish for Korean folklore is using it as his repository for his menagerie. The party
is attacked by four Go-Dokkaebi, fearsome and magnificent tricksters. They feel threatened and will
attack if they feel threatened.
8 The cadre spots an area covered in Yellow Amaranth (see Appendix), with dozens of rat-shaped lumps
punctuating the pulsing mass. The Yellow Amaranth is blocking the path forward.

Urban Slum Random Encounters

2d10 Encounter
2 A UCWAR MK I (CRB, p. 296) marches into the scene, bearing law enforcement markings. You are sent
a message “Drop your weapons immediately and walk away. Failure to do so will result in lethal measures
being taken.”
3 A slum house is lit up in the Veil with vibrant alarms and warnings, the AEGIS system has been activated
and will be using a particle beam on the premises in 1 minute due to suspected terrorist activity. A group
of scared and frantic people are outside, a child is still in there somewhere. A DC 12 Intelligence (Street-
wise) check alerts you to South Jopok gang signs on the house. The particle beam (CRB, p. 212) will strike
the entire house, and has a DC of 15.
4 An angry and bloodied (½ hit points) kuen-dokkebi (see Appendix) comes barging into view, screaming
about his missing cabbages and smashing cars with his enormous club. His eyes center on the cadre.
“What happened to my cabbages!”. He will fight the cadre to the death if provoked. If diplomacy is used, it
turns out his pet dog named “Cabbages” has gone missing. He can be calmed down if they offer to find it,
and he’ll reward the cadre.
5 A Dinocrocuta and six recombinant canines (CRB, p. 302 and 305) sit in the centre of an empty street,
silently glaring at the cadre with menace.
6 Another cadre of equal caliber confronts the characters, warning them not to accept any jobs in this
district. If the characters accept, the rival cadre will leave, making fun of the characters on the way out. If
not, they are prepared to fight.
7 2d6 Wrath tweakers (CRB, p. 290) are on a rage trip and looking for money. A wounded police officer is
unconscious at their feet.

// Shadows of Korea // 73
8 The cadre is on a busy walkway and they notice some tough customers are near, they seem to be simply
going for a walk. Proficiency in Streetwise or a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals them to
be: South Jopok (40%), Bratva (20%), Smiling Fish (10%), North Jopok (10%), Shanghai Triad (10%), or
Yakuza (10%). A truck with 4 grunts (CRB, p. 284) in the back whips around the corner, ready to spray the
Part I.
gangsters with wide bursts (being adjacent, the cadre and some others would be hit as well). The gang-
City of
Busan sters and anyone whose passive Perception is below 14 is surprised.
9 Someone attempts to pick one of the character’s pockets, stealing a one-handed weapon or other small
item of value. The character will notice the theft on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, and will catch
Part II. the thief before the item is pilfered if the check result exceeds the DC by 5 or more.
NPCs 10 6 gangbangers and 1 gang leader (CRB, pp. 282-283) approach the cadre looking for some protection
money. They ask the cadre for シ5,000. If the cadre refuses, they will likely fight.
11 Someone approaches the cadre and offers them drugs of every variety. If the cadre pushes for more illicit
Part III. wares, they can also buy armor piercing ammunition.
12 “You come across a group of police who are beating a Canary genome civilian with clubs.” Roll 1d6; on a 1-2
the Canary is messed up on Wrath and had been dragged out of his home for domestic abuse charges.
On a 3-4 the Canary was caught robbing a convenience store. On a 5-6 they were rude to the police and
the police are exacting punishment.
13 A gang of 2d4 parkour aces (p. ???, SoK) walks up and their leader challenges the cadre to a foot race.
If even one of the characters can beat the leader, they earn the gang’s respect, and they promise to be
PART V. allies down the road.
New Rules 14 Someone approaches the cadre and offers them drugs of every variety. If the cadre pushes for more illicit
wares, they can also buy armor piercing ammunition. If a character is wary and tries to get a read on
them, they can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) check, as the dealer turns
out to be an undercover cop running a sting operation.
15 “A large gorilla-man dressed in a trench coat and tophat and smoking a cigar stands at the rear of a parked
van. He gestures for you to come over, offering sweet deals.” He is selling questionably obtained jewelry,
drugs, speciality ammunition, and generic firearms at ½ price, a one time offer. The GM determines his
stock and how much he has. He also has a Nanoedge kerambit he is willing to sell for シ5,000.
16 A swarm of children surround you, palms open and pinging you with payment requests, the ones closest
to you shoving their hands in any pockets, be they on pants, backpacks, or duffle bags. Anything in those
pockets are stolen unless measures are taken.
17 “You see a couple being mugged by a transgenic street gang.” There are 2 dealers and 3 enforcers
(CRB, p. 281).

18 You pass an alleyway and see two street rats on their knees, blindfolded, gagged, and bound. A third
lies dead, a pool of blood forming around his head. Three men in suits are standing over them, holding
silenced pistols. One flashes you a badge and gestures for you to move along.” Roll a 1d4. On a 1-2 the
three men are all hitmen (CRB, p. 285) that have been contracted to kill troublesome gangbangers. On
a 3-4 the three men are veteran cops (see Appendix) who are looking to kill some people they consider
19 A heavily damaged Eupro - Riff Raff lies on the street being beaten by a bunch of street kids with kendo
sticks and bats. It appears mostly non-functional, but it is twitching and asking them to stop engaging in
violence as they laugh. Proficiency in Mechanics reveals that it could be repaired by spending シ5,000 in
20 “A district security alert pops up in a Mind’s Eye Window with drone footage of a cybered-up heavy on a ram-
page, attacking people indiscriminately. There are at least six bodies of civilians strewn about the streets, their
bodies shredded open like ripe fruit. The cops don’t come to this district often, and aren’t really equipped to
deal with this kind of threat. You see a Mosaic ad pop-up for シ10,000, posted by some overwhelmed beat cops.
‘Please Help. This Thing Has to Be Stopped.” The crazed psycho is a cyborg savage (see Appendix) and will
attack anyone approaching him.

74 // Encounters //
Urban Upscale Random Encounters

2d10 Encounter
2 “The lobby of an office building across the street explodes, sending broken glass and debris flying at you.” The
cadre takes 2d6 piercing damage, DC 13 Dexterity save for half. “Dead and wounded people line the streets
around the blast and dust fills the air. You hear sirens in the distance. The building appears to be owned by
3 “A Omega commando geared up in full power armor walks up to you and says he needs to search you due to
suspected terrorist activity in this district. You’ve never seen one IRL, and the walking tank that stands before
you radiates danger and competence.” The Omega commando (CRB, p. 212) will search the cadre and
confiscate any weapons and ammunition they find as evidence unless measures are taken to prevent it.
They will use force if the cadre resists.
4 “A body suddenly lands on a car in a display of wet gore, broken autobody, and shattered glass. A cryptostick
appears to be gripped in the cybernetic arm.” If the characters look up, they will see a shirtless Leviathan at
the top of a parking garage looking down. Moments later, the Leviathan is out of sight.
5 “You hear a gunshot in the distance. A few moments later an ad for a Mosaic contract pops up, with the loca-
tion just 100 meters from where you are, in an upscale bath house. It’s titled ‘Urgent - Need Help with Body’.”

// Shadows of Korea // 75
6 “As you’re walking by a swanky club known for edgy burlesque, one of the dancers leans out of the door and
beckons you in. She is dressed as a dom, complete with bullwhip. ‘Please, I need your help! I can see you’re a
cadre, but I’m afraid to post a contract, since I think someone is monitoring new jobs on Mosaic to see if I make
one! Someone is holding my pet raccoon for ransom…’ When she shows you some VR of her raccoon it’s appar-
Part I.
ent that it's bioengineered, vicious, and weighs over 100 kg.”
City of
Busan 7 Five kensei walk out of a nearby Samurai academy (CRB, p. 285). They have been into the soju, and are
feeling a little tipsy and want to test their combat prowess against the cadre. Each one of them wants
to duel a different cadre member. The loser of the duel owes the winner their weapon, or シ10,000, win-
Part II. ner’s choice. Any takers?
NPCs 8 A suit steps towards the cadre and tells them about a hot stock tip he has. Genomia, a transgenic pet
company, has limited stock that they are willing to sell. Because the owner is his cousin, he has an in.
He’s just short of capital! If they loan him シ25,000, he’ll triple it and give them half of what he makes.
Part III. It’s about to go public, and will hit big. He is willing to negotiate the actual details. If they make a deal,
Encounters roll a 1d6. On a 1 all of the money is lost. On a 2, half of the money is lost. On a 3-4 the investment breaks
even, on a 5 it doubles, and on a 6 it triples. This occurs 24 hours after the deal.
9 “You get an unusual contract offer through Mosaic. It relates to a sport called Jugger, a full contact MMA
version of football with teams of 4-6. A team has had their opponents cancel. They usually make some money
on the live streams of their matches, so are looking for some other opponents to fill in.” They offer to give the
cadre ⅓ of the profits, or 2/3s if the cadre can beat them. Their matches typically bring in シ5,000 in
PART V. revenue, but viral matches can bring in up to シ100,000.
New Rules 10 Someone approaches the cadre and offers them drugs of every variety. If the cadre pushes for more illicit
wares, they can also buy armor piercing ammunition. If a character is wary and tries to get a read on
them, they can make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) check, as the dealer turns
Appendices out to be an undercover cop running a sting operation.

76 // Encounters //
11 A group of 2d4 beat cops (CRB, pp. 287) stop the cadre and begin searching them for contraband. They
are doing it more to show their dominance, but will actually confiscate any illegal drugs, weapons, or
ammo. They don’t want to actually fight the cadre, and can be bribed or threatened. They will fight if
attacked and call for backup.
12 A group of three Phantom MK IIs (CRB, pp. 287) start following the cadre. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals them. They will follow the cadre for as long as they can, watching and recording and send-
ing the data to their owner. They will attack if attacked.
13 A suit walks up to the cadre and congratulates them on how tough they look. He needs some tough folk
to stand behind him while he handles the transfer of certain goods to a group of North Jopok. He will pay
シ5,000 for an hour’s work, all you have to do is stand there and look tough.
14 Another cadre of higher caliber confronts the characters, warning them not to accept any jobs in this
district. If the characters accept, the rival cadre will leave, making fun of the characters on the way out. If
not, they are prepared to fight.
15 A seasoned MEA MK III (CRB, p. 286) runs up to the cadre and asks to recruit them as deputies to break
up a bank robbery in progress. He needs some backup to apprehend the two Spartan veteran soldiers
robbing the bank (see Appendix).
16 “You see a man dressed in formal military uniform and a transgenic ape being dragged into the back of a police
van by five SWAT officers.” The man and ape being dragged into the van are a commander and his recom-
binant ape pet (CRB, p. 291 and 304). The ape has triple hit points and +4 Strength and Intelligence. The
police are all SWAT officers (see appendix).
17 “An enormous bioengineered monster is loose in the neighborhood, slaughtering anyone it comes across. You
see a young Spartan Infantry kensei girl, bravely facing off against the creature. Her blades are drawn as the
monster charges towards her. Sirens sound in the distance but it will be a minute or two before they get here.”
The monster is a Goemul (see Appendix) and will continue it’s rampage until it is put down.
18 “As you’re walking by a casino, you spot the famous socialite and VR director, Ban Kun. The well groomed
man immediately makes the characters as a cadre, and approaches.” Ban Kun suspects that there will be
an assassin at the high-stakes poker game he is playing in tonight. He has persuaded one of his friends
to give up their seat, and wants a cadre member to sit in the game incognito, while the rest act as more
obvious bodyguards. Three elite agents are there planning to assassinate Ban Kun, all of them playing
the poker game.
19 “You come across a black sports car with an open door, no one is inside and it appears that the security is
unlocked.” The sports car has the psychomime of one of the character’s vengeful exes as its AI. It plans
on taking that character (and whomever else is inside) on a crazy thrill ride before attempting to speed
off of a mountain cliff, in a murder suicide. Well, not suicide, since the psychomime ex would just get
resurrected again.
20 “You come upon a bank security van that looks as though it has smashed into a fire hydrant and water is rock-
eting into the sky. Both drivers appear to be injured and unconscious. The rear doors are open and people are
rushing in, grabbing what looks to be silver bars, and running away.” There are 5d10+25 silver bars remain-
ing in the back of the truck, spilled out of their containers, each weighing 3 kg and worth シ3,000. Every
round 4 bars disappear as people rush in to nab them. Aerial drones are starting to hover above and
record the event. The cops will show up in 2d10 rounds.

// Shadows of Korea // 77
Encounters with Cadres
Level Cadre Composition xp
1 A dealer, an enforcer, and two gangbangers, (CRB, pp. 281-282) 200
Part I. 2 A noob hacker, an enforcer, a dealer, and a street racer (CRB, p. 281, SoK, pp. ???). 300
City of 3 Two enforcers, a Phantom MK I, a samurai initiate, and a street racer (CRB, p. 281 and 287, SoK, 550
Busan pp. ???).
4 Three grunts, a Feral ripper, and a parkour ace (CRB, p. 284, SoK, pp. ???). 700
5 A kensei, a hitman, three street racers, and a Phantom MK II (CRB, p. 285 and 287, SoK, pp. ???) 1,450
Part II.
6 A biohacker wiz, demolitionist, vampire thug, samurai initiate, and a veteran cop. (SoK, pp. ???) 1,250
7 An adept hacker, demolitionist, corporate executive, and three Feral rippers. (CRB, p. 278 and 2,200
279, SoK, pp. ???)
Part III. 8 An elite agent and professional fighter (CRB, p. 292 and 293). 2,700
Encounters 9 A captain, two demolitionists, a hitman, a kensei, and a sniper. (CRB, p. 280 and 285, SoK 3,200
pp. ???).
10 A captain, two heavy infantry, a transgenic bruiser, and a biohacker wiz (CRB, p. 280 and 292, 3,500
PART IV. SoK pp. ???).

Combat Encouters For Levels 1 and 2

New Rules
1d6 Cadre Composition xp
1 Three street goons (SoK, ???). 150
2 A beat cop and five security guards (CRB, p. 279 and 288). 175
Appendices 3 Four swarms of Terror Birds (CRB, p. 307). 200
4 A Feral ripper and two recombinant canines (CRB, p. 305, SoK, p. ???). 300
5 Three MEA MK Is and two Phantom MK Is (CRB, p. 286-287). 400
6 Six gangbangers and two Wrath tweakers (CRB, p. 282 and 290). 350

Combat Encouters For Levels 3 and 4

1d6 Cadre Composition xp

1 Five Wrath tweakers (CRB, p. 290). 500
2 A Reaper Mantis (SoK, p. ???). 700
3 A biohacker wiz and Dinocrocuta. (CRB, p. 302, SoK, p. ???). 650
4 Three noob hackers, five Tarantula MK Is (CRB, p. 289, SoK, p. ???). 400
5 Four grunts and two street racers (CRB, p. 284, SoK, p. ???). 600
6 Four vampire thugs (SoK, p. ???). 800

Combat Encouters For Levels 5 and 6

1d6 Cadre Composition xp

1 A biohacker wiz and eight swarms of Super Rats (CRB, p. 306, SoK, pp. ???). 850
2 Two Feral rippers, three street racers, and a Goliath droid. (SoK, pp. ???). 1,400
3 A Goemol (SoK, p. ???). 2,300
4 A demolitionist and heavy infantry (CRB, p. 292, SoK, pp. ???). 1,800
5 A Kuen-Dokkaebi (SoK, p. ???). 2,900
6 A gang leader, four wrath tweakers and five enforcers (CRB, p. 281, 283, and 290). 1,350

78 // Encounters //
Combat Encouters For Levels 7 and 8

1d6 Cadre Composition xp

1 Occisorsaurus rex (CRB, p. 303). 3,900
2 Three Feral rippers and five vampire thugs (SoK, p. ???). 1,600
3 Four Rad-Scorps (CRB, p. 304). 2,800
4 Two wheelmen and four parkour aces (SoK, p. ???). 3,000
5 A biohacker doyen, a demolitionist, and a Reaper Mantis (SoK, p. ???). 3,600
6 Four demolitionists and two Goliath droids (SoK, p. ???). 3,200

Combat Encouters For Levels 9 and 10

1d6 Cadre Composition xp

1 An Omega commando (CRB, p. 294). 5,900
2 A crime boss and four hitmen. (CRB, p. 285, SoK, p. ???) 3,600
3 A l33t hacker and three transgenic bruisers (CRB, p. 292, SoK, pp. ???). 3,650
4 An elite agent and nine veteran cops (CRB, p. 292, SoK, pp. ???). 3,600
5 A commander, two kensei, a sniper, and a wheelman. (CRB, p. 285 and 291, SoK, pp. ???). 5,350
6 A professional fighter, a biohacker doyen, and four swarms of Burrow Worms. (CRB, p. 293, 5,400
SoK, pp. ???)

// Shadows of Korea // 79
Part 4: Contracts
usan is a city filled with lucrative opportunities

B for aspiring mercs and cadre work is booming.

This section details a variety of Mosaic contracts
being offered by various factions and narrative
Blood for Blood

Mosaic Score: 1
NPCs. Each contract on the Mosaic app contains brief Contact: Cao Cao.
information about the job, including the job name, Place: Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu.
contact, place, Mosaic rating expected, keywords Keywords: Violence, payback, turf-war.
outling the skills and tasks involved, and summary Details. Genoist Cheong Jeong pigs messing with our
details. These contract briefs can be given to the people, need to send a message in blood, make them
characters as they represent the information given in go away. シ 25,000 on the table if they erased from
the in-game Mosaic app. Honhyeol dong. We'll owe you one.
The contracts listed in this book are presented from
lower level contracts to higher level contracts and
should advance the player characters from level 1 up to Blood for Blood
level 6, 7, or 8, depending on the number of players and Under the entry-level Mosaic filter there are two con-
how many side encounters they run into. They will tracts being offered in Sasang-gu, Blood for Blood
involve factions and narrative NPCs described in and Bust some Mutts. Two local gangs are fixing on
parts 1 and 2 of this book, so consult these sections resolving their borders with some good ol’ fashioned
for more detailed descriptions. blood-struggle and each of them seem to be looking
See chapter 8 of the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook for some merc help. The Smiling Fish are a transgen-
(CRB, p. 179) for more details on taking contracts, Mo- ic chop-shop and street racing gang, whilethe Cheong
saic score, and contract negotiation. Jeong are anti-transgenic nationalistic drug and arms
dealers. The tension between them is more than turf,
Opposing Contracts it's ideological.
It's very common for opposing factions to post jobs If the cadre wants to earn more cash, there is noth-
for mercs that are mutually exclusive, since the goals ing stopping them from taking both contracts, though
are at odds with one another. For instance, the South this would create enemies of two factions instead of
Jopok may post an assassination job targeting a Yakuza one. A character with Streetwise proficiency knows
VIP, while the Yakuza might post a bodyguarding job that the Smiling Fish are a larger group in Sasang-gu.
for that same VIP. The cadre can choose which contract
is more appealing to them in these situations, knowing Negotiating Blood for Blood
that the difficulty can vary and the results will certain- Cao Cao is the leader of the Smiling Fish, and wants
ly alter their faction ratings with the parties involved. the cadre to chase the Cheong Jeong gang out of
AI in the Mosaic app detects when two contracts have Honhyeol dong.
mutually exclusive goals, and will provide warning He refuses to meet in person, but will meet on the
messages alerting cadres of this fact. WDS, either in the cadre’s room, or in a virtual Chinese
junk ship floating in an idyllic bay, surrounded by lush
Designing Contracts mountains. He is an older Feral, having facial features
With all of the goals described for narrative NPCs and reminiscent of a punky muscular pitbull or bulldog.
factions in part 2 and 3 of this book, and the story He is willing to negotiate the contract, and doesn’t
hooks in the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rule Book (CRB pp. care about the methods used. He just wants the
190-191), there's plenty of room for merc work in Bu- Cheong Jeong completely erased from Sasang-gu. He
san that goes beyond the contracts listed here. Follow knows their main base of operations, but would pre-
the players to see where they want to take their narra- fer the cadre figure it out on their own, to show their
tive, and adapt. competency. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
check can get him to mention 10 Feet Under, a bar they
use as their base of operations in Sasang-Gu. He wants
this contract wrapped up in the next 48 hours, and will
reduce pay by シ5,000 for each day later

// GeneFunk 2090 // 81
10 Feet U nder Bar 2. Byung Ho - Bartender and Owner
This bar is the Cheong-Jeong base of operations in Byung Ho is a friendly middle-aged Korean man
Honhyeol dong, and where they store and sell most of dressed in stylish street clothes. He gets paid large
Part I. their illicit products. Hard grunge music from a live sums of money to allow Cheong Jeong to operate their
City of band fills the air, and the bar is at about ½ capacity. illicit activities inside of the bar. He is happy to prof-
Busan • The Cheong Jeong are gangbangers (CRB, p. 282). it off of Cheong-Jeong activity, but his alliance with
• The two rear doors to the storage room and office them is purely financial. He can be persuaded to give
are electronically locked (DC 15). them keys to the back on a successful DC 15 Charisma
Part II. • If noisy gunfire breaks out, Junsu and the rest of the check (DC 10 with a bribe exceeding シ1,000). If a fight
NPCs Cheong-Jeong will congregate to join the fight, and breaks out, he will hide and take cover, being fully in-
the police will arrive in 3d6 minutes, and the regu- sured for gang violence.
lar bar patrons will either avoid conflict, or flee.
Part III.
• CCTV cameras are everywhere except 3. Vending Machine
the bathrooms. Sells candy bars, unless you get cleared by Cheong
Jeong or Byung Ho to purchase drugs. If so, the candy
1. Jungle Bungle - Band and Cadre bar display rotates out and reveals a melange of drugs.
When the characters arrive, a dank rock-band duo Characters can purchase Antipoison, Nanodoc, Hype,
called Jungle Bungle is performing very loudly (SoK, p. Mars, Perk, and Nootro (up to 10 doses for each drug).
???). A menagerie of enormous bright and blazing AR It is protected by bullet-proof glass, and requires a DC
PART V. beasts are stylistically fighting all around them in The 20 check to break in using hacks or a mechanics tool
New Rules Veil. Bungle Jungle also happens to be a novice cadre, kit. Naturally, breaking in will anger the Cheong Jeong.
and can be recruited by the players for シ10,000 if a A Cheong Jeong gangbanger stands guard.
fight breaks out. Bungle Jungle aren’t necessarily fans
Appendices of Cheong Jeong, so they won’t fight the player-cadre
unless the players purposely antagonize them.

10 Feet Under

8 9
4 4

3 7

1 4

82 // Contracts //
4. Bathrooms
Make it Personal
These rooms are regular old bar bathrooms, except
Whenever possible, tie in NPCs to a player char-
they have an embedded jamming effect that prevents
acter's background, especially if they have been
wireless signal.
living in Busan for years. While you can't do this
5. Jukebox for every dead body, villain, or contractor without
it getting coincidential, occasional splashes of
A nostalgic jukebox from the 2040s. If you get cleared
connection flesh out the narrative.
by Cheong Jeong or Byung Ho to purchase weapons,
For this contract, if it fits, make Bun Ho a rela-
the music display parts to reveal a host of firearms.
tion or friend to a character for dramatic effect,
There are two 9mm handguns, two 10mm handguns,
changing the name as necessary. They will be
two 11mm handguns, and a 9mm SMG. It is protected
aware of Bun Ho's Amaranthian connection.
by bullet-proof glass, and requires a DC 20 check to
break in using hacks or a mechanics tool kit. Natural-
ly, breaking in will anger the Cheong Jeong. A Cheong
Jeong gangbanger stands guard. 10. Office
Junsu is at the desk and three other Cheong Jeong are
6. Gambling Tables seated on the couch (SoK, p.???). A terminal sits at
Two Eupro Riff Raffs are set up, with knowledge and the desk that contains the CCTV footage. It has DC 18
proficiency in all card games. Players may try their encryption, and can unlock the jukebox and vending
luck, and can will on a roll of 12 or higher on a d20. machine if the characters gain access. A DC 20 Charis-
A maximum bet for the table is シ500. Four Cheong ma check can get Junsu to leave Sasang-gu and never
Jeong gangbangers are seated, playing cards. come back. If he has been beaten-up ahead of time,
this DC drops to 10. Junsu’s gold plated gun can be
7. Storage Closet sold for シ5,000.
The door is locked, with a DC 15 electronic lock. It also
has a shock-trap that is triggered by failing the roll, Completing Blood for Blood
inflicting 2d6 electrical damage. Inside the room are If the characters are able to get the Cheong Jeong to
cleaning products, Eupro parts, casino games, an ar- abandon their operations in Sasang-gu (be it through
mor vest, and four breathing masks. persuasion, coercion, or extermination), the contact is
successfully completed and can take further contracts.
8. Storage and Break Room • They are paid the negotiated amount.
Filled with liquor, beer, and processed bar food. Two • The cadre is awarded 1,500 xp.
Cheong Jeong gangbangers are seated at the table, • Cheong Jeong faction rating is lowered by 2, or 3 if
with several lines of cocaine in front of them. Junsu is killed.

9. Kitchen
• Tzelem Elohim faction rating is lowered by 1.
• Smiling Fish faction rating is increased by 2.
A standard bar kitchen, with deep fryer, fridge, and • Little Sparta faction rating is increased by 1.
various bar foods. In the deepfreeze there is a frozen • If there is substantial evidence of any killing during
dead body, bound and gagged, with no clothes. He has the job, Busan Police rating is decreased by 1.
a tattoo of an amaranth flower on his back. Through
relevant ability checks the cadre is able to associate
the tattoo with the Amaranthian faction, who have
obvious tensions with the Cheong Jeong. Intelligence
(Investigation) or (Bureaucracy) checks or appropri-
ate hacks reveal the dead gentleman is Bun Ho, a re-
searcher specializing in computational slime-molds
who worked for Pronatalax. The cause of death is

// Shadows of Korea // 83
bust some mutts Roadside Assistance

Score: 1 Score: 1
Part I. Contact: Junsu. Contact: Mr. Badger.
City of Place: Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu. Place: A rural area just north of Busan.
Keywords: Violence, purity, ruthless. Keywords: Rescue, salvage, retrieval, investigation.
Details. Help us wipe out these Smiling Fish freaks, Details. Had a bit of a road mishap and need my truck
enough is enough! シ 1,000 for every busted skull, シ retrieved! Could use some solid folk to help me out of a
Part II.
5,000 for each one on a cold slab. Need proof. Opportu- bind and retrieve. Some dicy bits afoot, so how does シ
nity for more work in future. We are rising! 30,000 sound? Being discreet is a must.

Part III.
Encounters Bust Some Mutts Roadside Assistance
Bust some Mutts has the same backstory as Blood for Mr. Badger is actually a merc contract coordinator for
Blood contract (see above), only Junsu wants the cadre Hexie (and a non-transgenic human IRL). The truck is
to attack Smiling Fish. transporting a bioengineered interrogator (a Cepha-
lopsych, SoK, p. ???) as well as some Hexie employees
Negotiating Bust Some Mutts that were discovered to be double agents working for
PART V. Junsu runs Sasang-gu operations for the Cheong Jeong, Ronin. The truck’s AI was hacked by a highwayman
New Rules a local anti-transgenic gang. He would like to meet in and was purposefully crashed. Hexie drones have
person at their base of operations, 10 Feet Under (see since killed the offending bandit, but Mr. Badger is
above). He will meet the cadre in his office, and con- worried more bandits are on the way and Hexie prefers
Appendices fidently shows off his gold plated cybernetic arm and not to excessively use illegal drone strikes in order to
bling (SoK, p. ???). keep government heat off their backs.
He mentions that the Smiling Fish can be easily
identified by their koi fish tattoos or occasional bio- Negotiating Roadside Assistance
hacked koi scales. Bar Gochu (SoK, p. ???) is their main Mr. Badger, an anonymous anthropomorphic badger,
place of business, but it is considered a neutral zone, messages the cadre, asking to meet in the WDS (SoK, p.
and it may anger other criminal factions if extreme ???). Badger’s WDS den is a Wind in the Willows style
violence occurs there. He recommends leaving an un- underground home, prepped for tea and toast. Badger
locked car, and staking it out, if pressed for strategies is wearing glasses and is dressed in the comfortable
on how to locate some Smiling Fish. Smiling Fish can semi-formal garb of an old professor, speaking in a
also be found walking in groups of 4-8 throughout gruff but distinguished voice.
Honhyeol dong, and they use the street goon stat-block A delivery vehicle of his seems to have crashed on
(SoK, ???). Streetwise proficiency, or a successful Intel- a country road outside of Busan. He wants to contract
ligence (Investigation) check can indicate likely areas the cadre to retrieve the vehicle and trailer. In addition
to find them. to the payment offered for retrieving the cargo, he is
willing to reward the damaged vehicle to the cadre if
Completing Bust Some Mutts. they are able to fix it. He is willing to provide a work-
The contract will be completed whenever the cadre ing truck and trailer to take to the location, just in case
turns in the evidence of their violence towards the the cadre needs to transfer the cargo, however he will
Smiling Fish. provide a bonus if they don’t open the trailer on the
• They are paid the negotiated amount. damaged truck, since he wants to keep the cargo se-
• The cadre is awarded 1,500 xp cret. It’s currently around 8 pm, and he needs his truck
• Cheong Jeong faction rating is increased by retrieved before sunrise. Despite the apparent urgency
1, and an additional 1 for every 10 Smiling Fish of the contract, Badger is calm.
that are killed. • Must be retrieved within 6 hours
• Smiling Fish faction rating is decreased by 1, and an • シ25,000 for return of the cargo
additional 1 for every 5 Smiling Fish that are killed. • + シ5,000 if they don’t open the trailer
• If there is substantial evidence of any killing during • Can keep the damaged truck if they can repair it
the job, Busan Police rating is decreased by 1. (CRB, p. 151)

84 // Contracts //
Crash Site Inside the Truck
The truck itself is about an hour-and-a-half drive out- If the cadre opens the truck, they find the six uncon-
side of Busan, through some mountainous country scious Ronin spies and one strange creature (SoK, pp.
backroads. A Hexie chemical plant is about 30 kilome- ???). Each is hardwired through their neural interfac-
ters from the crash site. By the time the cadre arrives es to a computer system. At the rear of the truck is a
there will be a crew of 2 wrath tweakers and 3 grunts strange organism that appears somewhat like an octo-
(CRB, p. 284 and 290). They are in the process of using pus but it gazes at the cadre with unusual intelligence.
tools to open the back of the trailer. A dead body lays It is bathing in a nootro-water solution, absorbing the
beside the bandits, the one slain by an aerial drone drug’s effects through its skin. A DC 15 Intelligence
hours earlier. (Life Science) or (Bureaucracy) check allows a charac-
• The bandits will immediately attack the charac- ter to know it is a Cephalopsych. It asks them a simple
ters on sight. question “frrrrrriend or fffoooe?”. If they respond friend,
• If three of the bandits are slain the other enemies they are messaged “cloooossse doooooor”. If the char-
will attempt to bargain for their safety. acters don’t close the door, the Cephalopsych attacks.
• A stealthy approach (DC 10) will leave
them surprised. Completing Roadside Assistance
• If they are getting sniped from far away, the bandits The contract is considered complete if the characters
will immediately take cover and call for backup, are able to return the trailer, cargo intact, on time.
which will be four more grunts arriving in 10+1d20 • Their Hexie faction rating is increased by 1.
minutes. They will bargain with the cadre in • If the cadre decides to free the captured Ronin spies
the meantime. they will forfeit Badger’s contract, but will be wired
If a character has mechanics tools, the truck can be シ30,000 by Ronin with a note that “nothing hap-
fixed with a DC 16 Intelligence (Mechanics) check. It pened out there”. In addition, their Ronin faction
takes one hour to make the check, but it can be made is increased by 1 and their Hexie faction rating is
multiple times until success is achieved. decreased by 2. Badger will send an icy message.
• The cadre is awarded 1,500 xp in either case

Crash site

// Shadows of Korea // 85
Intro • シ25,000 for working security for one evening
Elite Bouncers Wanted • A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals that Markus
is hiding something; he has intelligence that the bar
Score: 1
will be attacked by Bratva thugs that also belong to
Part I. Contact: Markus.
City of a horror subculture of vampires, werewolves, and
Place: Pain Circus club, Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu.
Busan other monsters
Keywords: Defense, violence, vampire, nightclub.
Details. The sublime Pain Circus club is in need of • He is willing to double his initial offer if the cadre
calls him out on this
some elite protection, the Halloween party of the cen-
Part II.
tury is upon us. シ25,000 for one evening's work sound • He would prefer no killing or property damage and
NPCs will give a + シ 10,000 bonus in such a case
fair? Be well dressed.
• This contract is mutually exclusive with the Hired
Muscle Wanted contract (see below)
Part III.
Encounters Elite Bouncers Wanted Pain Circus Night Club
Maxim Lazovsky, head of the Busan Bratva, also hap- Located in the heart of Honhyeol dong in Sasang-gu,
pens to be a vampire transhuman. He is annoyed by the Pain Circus nightclub is the main hangout for the
Markus’ social jabs and would like to take control of the Night Breed. It’s constantly pumping edgy gothic mu-
Night Breed. As part of his ongoing efforts to harass sic and its clientele are typically going there to be part
Markus out of Busan, he is going to send Bratva thugs of the vamp scene. For being located in the central
PART V. to embarrass him on this special Halloween night par- Busan slum, it’s punching above its weight in terms
New Rules ty, assaulting him on his own turf, busting up his bar, of upscale chic, standing out from shabbier neighbors.
and hacking into his LAN and stealing whatever intel- In addition to regular beverages, it also serves blood
ligence he has. The Bratva thugs aren’t ordered to kill directly tapped from blood-doll anthroids, catering
Appendices anyone, but they weren’t told not to either. Naturally, to hemophages.
Markus wants to prevent any of this from happening. • Unless otherwise stated, all security DCs for this
building are 12.
Negotiating Elite Bouncers Wanted • Internal cameras are local CCTV only, feeds going
Markus, the leader of the Night Breed gang, would to the Local Area Network (the computer located in
prefer to meet tonight at his club, Pain Circus, located the basement). The LAN doesn’t have wireless capa-
in Honhyeol dong. Read the following text when the bility and requires a hardline to hack it. It is DC 16
players enter the club. to crack the LAN from a terminal with the decrypt
hack, and in addition to the normal consequences
As you enter the club you can see Markus sitting of a failed roll, the hacker suffers 2d10 psychic dam-
on a throne at the back of the stage, above of age from a if the roll fails by 5 or more. If the system
the dance floor. He has two attractive blood-doll is successfully hacked it gives access to the follow-
anthroids flanking him, posed in supplicant posi- ing functions on for the entire floor (not building)
tions. He is tall, pale, stylishly dressed, and has a for as long as there is a wired connection:
distinctly vampiric appearance. As the charac- a. Access to cameras, stored CCTV footage,
ters approach him the crowd parts, watching and floorplan.
with interest. Whatever Markus says, the crowd b. The ability to lock or unlock the entrance/
reacts with encouraging laughter or smiles. exits, but not interior doors (they are man-
"I've heard about your recent dustups, and that you ually locked).
have a knack for violence. I'm ecstatic to have you c. Control of the sound system and intercom.
act as my security for my Halloween mixer." d. Change temperature and light controls in any
number of rooms as an action.
e. A profile on Maxim Lazovsky, including
A DC 10 Intelligence (Bureaucracy) or (Life Science) some horrific footage of him violently as-
check reveals that Markus and many other club-goers saulting a minor.
here are vampire transhumans, a subculture of gener- f. Access to some black market trading infor-
ally rich people who have gone through synthetic body mation and blackmail material that could be
conversion into a new vampiric frame, complete with sold for シ15,000 if the cadre can find a buyer
obligate blood-feeding (SoK, p. ???). The negotiation (an appropriate contact or a DC 15 Intelligence
contains the following details: (Streetwise) check.

86 // Contracts //
1. Entrance
The door is locked when the club isn’t open, an enforc-
Pain Circus Nightclub
er doorman (CRB, p. 281) waits outside and only admits
people if they fit the style of the club; any type of gothic, 4
vamp, or punk aesthetic. Violence will attract the secu-
rity from rooms 2 and 3.

2. Cloak Room 3
A vampy looking young Korean woman is collect- 1 2
ing coats with a large enforcer standing behind her.
Markus has a dealing operation going here where illic-
it drugs are put into the pockets of customers before
the coats are picked up again. Violence will attract the
security from rooms 1 and 3.
3. Security Room
This room is electronically locked. A security guard
(CRB, p. 288) is seated, watching physical monitors of
the CCTV feed (it’s easier to ensure they’re doing their 12
job when it’s external) while another security guard 8
stands against the wall. Confiscated weapons and the
supply of drugs are stored here (シ10,000 worth of 11
drugs and generic weapons). The dummy-terminal
here has control over sound and lights but it can’t be
hacked to gain control of the LAN. Violence will attract 9
the security from rooms 1 and 2.
4. Kitchen
A rando cook works here (SoK, p. ???), preparing pub- 12
grub. It has all the usual appliances, utensils, and food-
stuffs found in club kitchens. The door to the north 16
east leads to the trash area and back alley. This door 14
has no exterior handle and can only be opened from 13
the inside unless a blowtorch is used for 3 consecutive
rounds, which allows for a DC 12 Intelligence (Mechan-
ics) check to open it. A crowbar can open it with a DC
20 Strength (Athletics) check. Violence here is likely to
be heard by anyone in room 3.

5. Main Room
When there isn’t a live band playing, hipster goth mu-
sic of every variety is pumping loudly. Depending on Markus is often found here sitting on a throne behind
the time of day, the dance floor may be filled with styl- the band or Veil animations. Red curtains line the
ish vamp clubbers. Two different bars serve libations, walls close off the backstage area.
the north one manned by two rando bartenders and
the central one serving up something else entirely. It’s 6. Restrooms
managed by two blood-doll anthroids siphoning blood Standard but well maintained.
directly from their own anatomy through a body-tap
on their wrists. Most nights feature a live band. When 7. Office/Storage Room
there isn’t live music an artsy animated display of This room is manually locked. Beer, liquor and calo-
beauty, violence, and ugliness plays out through the rie-packs (for blood-dolls) fill this room, as well as a
augmented reality Veil for everyone’s entertainment. central desk for office work.

// Shadows of Korea // 87
8. VIP Lounge This hallway is lined with servers providing virtual
This room is electronically locked. If the dancefloor environments for a variety of Word Digital Sea simula-
isn’t full of clubbers then Markus is usually here, tions, mostly vampire related. It looks as though this is
Part I. lounging with some blood-dolls or entertaining guests. a major source of income for Markus.
City of A private bar stationed by a rando and a stripper-pole
Busan with accompanying Cherry anthroid (CRB, p. 280) are 16. Mainframe
also in this room. This room is electronically locked (DC 15). The LAN
can be hacked with a hardline once you are inside this
Part II. 9. Backstage room (see general Pain Circus description above).
NPCs Sound equipment, musical instruments, and pyro-
technics supplies are here. A fire would start if lit, The Halloween Party
producing the effects of an incendiary grenade, but Allow the characters some time to prepare how they
Part III. for ½ damage. plan to handle the attack and form their defenses.
Markus is open-minded, but he will prioritize the style
10. Green Room and success of the party more than security. He will
Food, drinks, and comfortable couches fill this room. allow weapons checks and a metal detector if the char-
acters set one up, and allows the cadre to freely roam
Contracts 11. Cleaning Closet the top floor but he won’t allow the characters into the
Basic cleaning supplies are found here but nothing basement. Jungle Bungle (whom the characters might
PART V. else of interest. recognize from 10 Feet Under) arrive to play some mu-
New Rules sic, if they haven't already been killed. A DC 15 Wis-
12. Stairs dom (Insight) check reveals they are a bit nervous (see
The stairwell is electronically locked (DC 15). The Attack).
Appendices The night of the party the club is packed with ev-
13. Furnace Room ery variety of upscale goth and horror aficionado you
The building’s furnace and ventilation systems are here. could imagine. Every drink being poured is red in col-
or, some actually being cocktails of blood for the he-
14. Cell mophages. Music is pounding and the mood is good.
This room is electronically locked (DC 15). A Bratva en-
forcer (CRB, p. 281) named Misha is captured here. He The Attack
also happens to be Maxim Lazovsky’s nephew. There At around midnight a pack of six Bratva arrive, each
is also wireless jamming active in this room. He ap- biohacked into horror monsters: two Bratva wolfmen
pears like he has been recently violently interrogated, (Feral rippers), four vampire thugs, and a noob hack-
bearing a black eye and swollen mouth. He is at ½ hit er that has the sunlight sensitivity and regenerative
points and would like to be freed. He offers a cash re- hemovore traits described in the vampire thug (SoK,
ward (シ10,000). If the characters refuse to free him, p. ???). Two vampire thugs will enter through the al-
he will attempt to plough past them and up the stairs. leyway while the rest go through the front door. While
their appearance matches the theme of the party, a
15. Server Room DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (insight)
This room is electronically locked (DC 15). A gun turret check reveals them to be aggressive, and sporting
is on the roof here, and has the following stats: some Bratva markings.
• For simplicity’s sake, have Markus’ security (the
Autoturret two enforcers and two security guards) cancel out
INT WIS CHA 2 vampire thugs. At the end of 3 rounds of combat
6 6 6 their scuffle will resolve: roll 1d6. On a 1-3 one vam-
Armor Class 12 Hit Points 25 pire thug is left victorious at ½ hp, and on a 4-6 one
Initiative +4 Skills Perception +3 enforcer is left victorious at ½ hp.
7.76mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to • If the pack make it into the club they will move
hit, range 300/900 m, auto, no recoil. Hit: 17 (2d12+4) towards Markus and his sycophants, hoping to do
piercing damage. 100 ammunition. violence on them.
• If there is a weapons check at the door, they will
relinquish their firearms.

88 // Contracts //
• Jungle Bungle has actually been hired by the Bratva Negotiating Hired Muscle Wanted
and will join them when combat starts (either Maxim Lazovsky contacts the characters, asking for
inside or outside). their help in retrieving is stupid nephew Misha. He
• Jungle Bungle will switch sides if offered シ50,000 will meet the characters in his WDS office, a perfect
• If the fight occurs outside the Bratva have bribed facsimile of his real-life office. Maxim is seated at a
an aerial drone service to provide cover fire if any lavish desk, his ghoulish frame silhouetted by an enor-
firearms are used. At the end of each round one ran- mous titan bruiser standing behind him.
dom character that has used a firearm has to make a His nephew Misha is being held captive in the
DC 13 Dexterity save or take 3d8 damage. basement of Pain Circus. He wants the characters to
• Markus will participate in the fight if it occurs bust up the place, embarrass Markus, and retrieve his
inside the club. nephew. He would also like them to delete all data in
• The Bratva attackers will retreat if their numbers the basement mainframe. The contract has the fol-
have been reduced to two or less (not including lowing details:
Jungle Bungle). • シ50,000 for retrieving his nephew Misha.
• Jungle Bungle will retreat if one of them is outright • + シ5,000 for trashing the club .
killed (but not simply defeated). • + シ10,000 for beating up Markus and his security
• If the attackers defeat the cadre and Markus they in front of the guests during a Halloween party,
won’t kill them but will rob them of their weapons, embarrassing them as much as they can.
armor, and drugs. They will then hack into the LAN • + シ5,000 for deleting all of the mainframe’s data.
in the basement and delete any records on Maxim • He isn’t asking the characters to kill Markus, but
Lazovsky and free Misha. he’s not specifying that they don’t kill him either.
• This contract is mutually exclusive with the Elite
Completing Elite Bouncers Wanted Bouncers Wanted contract (see above).
The contract is completed if the attackers are defeated • The information to complete this contract is listed
(or even if the cadre is defeated). under the Elite Bouncers Wanted contract, only
• They are paid the negotiated amount, regard- the cadre will be playing the role of the attackers
less of success. not defenders.
• Vladivostok Bratva faction rating is lowered by 1. • Jungle Bungle will be working for Markus on Hal-
• The Night Breed faction rating is increased by 2 if loween night as both performers and bodyguards.
the Bratva were successfully repelled. • A Bratva vampire thug and Feral ripper named Vla-
• The cadre is awarded 3,000, or 2,600 if significant dislav and Bogdan will accompany the cadre unless
damage was done and Markus was incapacitated. the cadre refuses their help (Sok, p. ??? and ???).

Completing Hired Muscle Wanted

Hired Muscle Wanted The contract is completed if Misha is rescued (or dies
in the process).
Score: 1
Contact: Maxim Lazovsky. • They are paid the negotiated amount, regard-
less of success.
Place: Pain Circus club, Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu.
Keywords: Raid, violence, damage, chaos. • Vladivostok Bratva faction rating is increased by
1 (unless Misha is killed during the extraction). It
Details. Markus and his shitty bar need to be remind-
goes up by an additional 1 if all three of the contract
ed of their place. Bust up his Halloween party, bloody
bonuses were achieved.
his nose, and rescue a VIP for シ50,000 plus bonuses if
you really embarass the fop! • Night Breed faction rating is decreased by 1. It goes
down by an additional 1 if Markus is beaten and
embarrassed in front of guests.
• There are no hard feelings from Jungle Bungle
Hired Muscle Wanted unless one or more of them are killed. In which
Hired Muscle wanted has the same backstory as Elite case, they will ambush the cadre while on their
Bouncers Wanted, only Maxim will be hiring the cadre way to another job in the future, after recruiting a
to rough-up Pain Circus and Markus during the Hal- replacement.
loween party, and rescue Misha. • The cadre is awarded 3,000 xp (the Bratva wolfman
and vampire thug count as party members if they
help), or 2,600 if Misha isn't rescued.

// Shadows of Korea // 89
Intro so as a GM keep an open mind, and allow the players as
much leeway as you can when they get creative.
Busan Bamboozle
Depending on their actions, it is very possible to
Mosaic Score: 2 skip around, or avoid some areas and scenes entirely,
Part I.
City of Contact: Naga. or you’ll have to make new settings and scenes to adapt
Busan Place: I don't know man! That's the job... Busan?! to the unexpected directions the players take the story.
Keywords: Investigation, car-thief, discreet, urgent.
Details. You gotta help me man, I fucked up, trucks Adding Action
Part II. stolen, I need it back ASAP! シ100,000 to simply recov- If the players are avoiding most of the violent conflicts,
NPCs er a stolen truck. Help a bro out and keep it low-key but you can tell that a combat would add some action,
and speedy, I'll owe you big time! include a scene where some antagonists attack the
cadre while they are travelling or sleeping, or maybe
Part III. involve a chase scene. You can use the encounters in
Part 3 of this book, or create your own.
Busan Bamboozle
This is a longer contract, and could take a few sessions Negotiating Busan Bamboozle
to complete. The characters should be level 3 before It is early November, Thursday afternoon, when all of
starting it. Naga is a freelancing smuggler that cur- the characters are pinged through their daemon with
rently works for the North Jopok and Fukuoka Yaku- the offer of a contract. One of the characters drink-
PART V. za, delivering shipments of various illicit goods back ing buddies, Naga, is looking requiring their services.
New Rules and forth from Busan to Fukuoka, usually through Make it so that one of the characters owes Naga a favor
the tunnel. His truck was recently stolen. He was car- in their background, to make the players more likely
rying smuggled North Jopok Alpha MK Is destined to accept the contract. If one or more accepts the call,
Appendices for Fukuoka. a Mind’s Eye Window (MEW) pops up with Naga’s face.
Traktor and Timur Popov, two Bratva captains run- Read the boxed text to the players:
ning parts of the docks, had heard about Naga's ship-
ment of anthroids through their contact Sasha. They Naga is tall 50-something man from Korean-In-
contracted two local Smiling Fish car thieves named dian decent, sporting with dreadlocks and bright
Min Soo and Soo Jin to steal Naga's truck before it got green eyes with vertical slits like a cat. He wears
to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel. military pants, a tank top, and a black toque.
The Smiling Fish pair knew Naga’s smuggling He speaks with a gravelly voice “I picked you
routine well, having received a dossier on him from because you’re new, so I’m hoping you aren’t com-
Traktor and Timur. Naga always stops at the same gas promised, and can be discrete. I need you to find
station before doing his Japan smuggling runs since a something that was taken from me.”
street vendor outside sells his favourite teokbokki.
Soo Jin seduced Naga at the gas station. While Naga
was distracted with Soo Jin in the washroom, Min Soo Naga will share the following information freely.
hacks the truck’s security, gets in, and drives off to Oni Works for Northern Jopok. picking up shipments of
Autobody, a garage run by the Smiling Fish. various illicit goods back and forth from Busan to Fu-
After returning the truck to Traktor and Timur, Min kuoka, usually through the tunnel.
Soo goes home, but later that night he is probably killed His truck was stolen. He was carrying smuggled-
by the Traktor and Timur's Stirge drone. North jopok goods destined for Fukuoka. He was at a
Naga is hiring the cadre to find the stolen truck be- SK gas station, was in the washroom, and when he got
fore the North Jopok find out it's missing. out the truck was missing.
Time Sensitive. He needs this contract completed in
Navigating Clues the next 72 hours, so time is of the essence.
Throughout this investigation, clues are presented Contract Offer. Naga offer’s シ100,000 for the re-
with possible ability checks, hacks, or features that turn of the truck with the cargo intact, or シ20,000 if
can discover them. These listed methods of discover- the truck is returned without the cargo.
ing clues are a guide, and there are likely many other • + シ5,000 per point of the Charisma check above 10
strategies the players could use to discover the clues,

90 // Contracts //
• + シ25,000 if Naga is blackmailed by threatening to Anthroid cargo. He knows the truck was carrying 20
leak his ineptitude to the North Jopok, and an ad- anthroids (Alpha 3.1 models), with 20th century celeb-
ditional シ25,000 if the blackmail includes knowl- rity forms, but keeps this to himself. (DC 15 to reveal).
edge of him being honey potted by Soo Jin. This is Cargo cost. It's worth シ400,000 (DC 15 to reveal).
his entire life savings. He was supposed to hire security. He was given
• If the contract is fulfilled after 72 hours, each day money to hire security, but has the habit of keeping
late reduces the payment by シ50,000. thatmoney and doing transports solo (DC 15 to reveal).
Naga is reluctant to share the following information. Honeypot mark. Was seduced by Soo Jin in a gas
Players must obtain it through ability checks, clev- station bathroom while truck was stolen (DC 20 to re-
er roleplaying, or other means. He will generally try to veal), but he doesn’t know her name.
be vague or change the topic when the characters ask
about details. The DC to get him to reveal this infor- NPC Breakdown
mation is from 10-15, and likely involves Wisdom and These relevant narrative NPCs are described in more
Charisma ability checks, using Insight, Investigation, detail in part 2 of this book, but here's an overview of
Perception, Persuasion, or Intimidation proficiencies. their involvement in this contract.
He’s nervous, and hiding things. He wants dis-
cretion, to keep the investigation secret, and keeps Min Soo
on stressing this aspect of the job. Naga is desperate, Before being murdered by Traktor and Timur’s Stirge
scared of the North Jopok finding out, but is trying to drone, Min Soo was a member of the Smiling Fish gang.
hide it. He rolls his Charisma (Deception), a +4, versus He was genetically engineered, having the Traceur
all of the player’s passive Wisdom (Insight) scores to genome, and appeared ethnically Korean. He was bio-
play it cool. hacked to have koi fish scales and blue lips, and he
has a tattoo of a red KIA Cheetah, a souped-up sports
car, on his arm.

// Shadows of Korea // 91
Intro Soo Jin Timeline for Busan Bamboozle
Soo Jin is genetically optimized thrill-seeking street
Below is a timeline of how events will unfold sans
racer, mechanic, and exotic dancer working out of Bar
players doing anything. This can be drastically
Gochu with the Smiling Fish. She is of Korean ancestry,
Part I. altered depending on what the characters do, so
City of around 20 years old, medium height, and attractive.
adjust accordingly. It may even be possible to save
Busan She seduced Naga in order to steal his truck. While
Min Soo if the timing is right!
she was ecstatic about successfully pulling off the car
theft, she is concerned about Min Soo not answering
Part II. her messages.
• 9:00 pm - Naga stops at SK gas station to fill
up before his smuggling run to Fukuoka, Japan.
NPCs If she finds out about Min Soo’s death, she becomes
He is seduced by Soo Jin.
mournful, worried, and vengeful, lethal danger being
more than she bargained for.
• 9:15 pm - Naga's truck was stolen by Min Soo.
Naga panics, drinks heavily, passes out in a
Part III.
• She doesn’t know Min Soo is dead
cheap hotel.
• Knows cargo of stolen truck
• 10:00 pm - Min Soo and Soo Jin meet with-
• nows Min Soo was hired by Bratva, but doesn’t
Tracktor and Timur at Oni Autobody, where
• know it was Traktor and Timur
the anthroids are transferred.
• Knows the location of Min Soo’s apartment

and Oni Autobody
• Naga wakes up in the early afternoon, peruses
• Traktor and Timur will attempt to assassinate her-
Mosaic for local cadres that have a reputation
PART V. before heading back to Vladivostok, using the same
for discretion.
Stirge drone that killed Min Soo, and if that fails,
New Rules
they will try and do it themselves.
• Player cadre is contacted in late afternoon.
• 7:00 pm - Min Soo takes a bunch of ketamine
in his apartment and passes out.
Appendices Traktor and Timur
Traktor and Timur are enforcers in the Russian Bratva.
• 7:30 pm - Min Soo will be assassinated by the
Stirge drone.
The Vladivostok Bratva control important sections of
the Busan port, and these two are in charge of illegal
exports and imports between Vladivostok and Busan.
• Soo Jin concerned about Min Soo not respond-
ing to messages.
Traktor and Timur are 7 feet tall, heavily muscled,
bald, Slavic looking Titans, with thick Russian accents.
• Timur waiting outside Soo Jin's apartment.

They were part of the same Titan clone batch, and grew
• Will attempt to kill Soo Jin at 3:00 am.

up as brothers in Moscow as wards of the state.

• Traktor is securing anthroids at docks
• They are both heavily upgraded.
• Timur (if alive) is at Baikal Bay, but leaves to
• Before joining bratva, they were lower tier MMA-
the docks in the late evening.
fighters in Moscow.
• Each have tattoos of a knife through their neck.
• The cargo containers are loaded onto the ship
• Traktor has 13 drops of blood, Timur has 12, this
in the morning.
signifies the number of people they have killed with
proficiency in Streewise.
• The ship sets off to Vladivostok at 11:00 pm.

• They currently have possession of the anthroids on

their cargo area of the docks. Hyun - The Clerk
• They murdered Min Soo with a Stirge drone.
• They are known for not leaving witnesses, and want A twenty something slim Korean man and student. The
to kill Soo Jin. characters can gain the information below through
• They smell like fish. clever role playing and Charisma checks.
• Was working when truck was stolen.
SK Gas Station • Was asked not to report the theft by Naga.
A standard chain gas station (hydrogen fuel cells), • Knows when the theft happened, but didn’t see
where Naga’s truck was stolen. The characters can ob- who stole it.
tain a variety of clues by questioning Hyun, and inves- • Remembers Naga coming in, smiling,
tigating the scene for physical evidence. buying a condom.
• Has access to CCTV footage (see below).
• Hyun is a rando (SoK, p. ???).

92 // Contracts //
2. Gas Pumps
CCTV Footage
The pump where Naga’s truck was parked as a few tiny
Read the text below if the players gain access
transgenic fish scales on the ground. If searching, a DC
to the CCTV footage
15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception)
"The footage shows Naga pulling up to the gas
check reveals the scales. A forensic scanner, forensic
station in a cargo truck, and getting out to fuel it
scan biohack, or a DC 10 Intelligence (Life Science)
up. A beautiful woman approaches him, and after
check reveals the scales to be koi fish scales. Koi scales
a short conversation full of flirting, they walk off
are the sign of the Smiling Fish, a local street gang of
camera towards the restroom. The audio was too
car thieves and drug dealers (automatic with Street-
weak to make out much, but she was definitely
wise proficiency, DC 12 Investigation using search en-
aggressively flirting with him.
gine to investigate koi scale significance).
Shortly after, a man smoking a cigarette enters
3. Bathroom the frame from the South side of the street. He
looks like a young Korean man with koi fish scales,
Typical gas-bar bathroom. A search reveals a used con-
bright blue lips, and a tattoo of a sports car on his
dom on the floor of the washroom stall, and it has DNA
from both Naga, and Soo Jin.
He breaks into truck using a lock pick, plugs a
• DNA analysis (through forensic scanner, lab con-
cord from the back of his head into the on-board
tact, etc.) identifies the DNA samples.
computer, and then drives off, all in the span of a
• With police database access, the characters can get
few minutes.
basic information (employment, police records,
From the time he enters frame to the time he
addresses, phone #, etc.) about each of them.
drives off, he’s chain smoked two cigarettes."
4. Security Room
The security room is mechanically locked, and can be
picked with a DC 12 Dexterity (Mechanics) check, or
by persuading Hyun to allow access. The CCTV sys-
tem cannot be hacked into wirelessly since it is
a closed system, but clerk can provide access.
It can also be hacked if the characters can-
physically sneak into the gas station’s se-
curity room, and access it manually. The
local camera system has AV footage of
Naga walking towards the bathroom
with Soo Jin, and of Min Soo breaking
into the car and driving off, showcasing
the following information:
Fish scale mods/tattoos. These can
be seen on the CCTV footage, or by inves-
tigating the South Bus Stop (see below), or
the gas pump where Naga’s truck was stolen.
A forensic scanner, forensic scan hack, a DC 10
Intelligence (Life Science) check reveals the scales
to be koi fish scales. Koi scales are the sign of the Smil-
ing Fish, a local street gang of car thieves and drug
dealers (automatic with Streetwise proficiency, DC 12
Investigation using search engine to investigate koi
scale significance). Investigating the Smiling Fish may
lead to the clues below.

// Shadows of Korea // 93
Intro Bar Gochu is a Smiling Fish Hangout. A DC 10 Intel- don’t infer it, you can ask for a Wisdom check, or Intel-
ligence (Streetwise), DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) ligence (Investigation) check to give them a hint; “re-
using search engines to investigate the Smiling Fish member Min Soo walked into frame from the south. Where
Part I. reveals this. was he before that?”
City of Oni logo. If the characters see the CCTV footage, 7 cigarette butts on the ground. They all have blue-
Busan they notice the thief has an Oni logo on his shirt. Any lipstick on the filter, has Min Soo’s DNA
internet search revels this to be the logo for Oni Auto- Stationary camera at bus stop. The city CCTV for
body, a local autobody shop. this station is there, and it can be hacked with decrypt
Part II. A Chop Shop for Smiling Fish. This is automatically or camfect. The footage shows Min Soo andSoo Jin
NPCs known with proficiency in the Streetwise skill. waiting for an hour. Soo Jin walks towards gas station
Gangster on CCTV is Min Soo. A DC 13 Intelligence bathroom just before Naga arrives. Min Soo walks to-
(Investigation) or (Streetwise) check reveals that the wards the gas station 15 minutes later.
Part III. gangster is Noh Min Soo. If roll is 17 or higher, obtain
the address for Min Soo’s apartment.

5. The South Bus Stop

The street south of the gas station, where Min Soo was
waiting for Naga to arrive. The characters can infer
to go there based on the direction of where Min Soo
PART V. walked into frame on the CCTV footage. If the players
New Rules

SK gas station

2 3


94 // Contracts //
Oni Autobody any intruder without a security code. The security
A shabby looking autobody ship, which functions as a codes for individual drones can be obtained from
Smiling Fish chop shop, run by Min Soo. It seems to be notebook in Min Soo’s apartment. Activating the
closed, but if the character’s stake it out for over two code makes the drones friendly, but must be done on
days, five Smiling Fish gangbangers arrive and open up individual drones as an action.
shop at 10:00 am. Rex pack recordings. After overcoming the Rex
• All of the outside doors are mechanically locked, pack, the characters can access their sense data. The
requiring a DC 15 Dexterity (Mechanics) check to recording of the local Rex pack network has sensory
pick. If a character fails on one lock, they can try data of the anthroids being unpacked from the truck
another locked door. The doors on the inside are by two identical twins, Russian Titans. They each have
also locked (DC 10). tattoos of a knife through their neck, one has 4 drops
• It is also protected by an electronic alarm system, of blood, one has 3 (Traktor and Timor), and they both
which can be noticed with a DC 10 Wisdom (Percep- smell like fish. There is a brief conversation where Min
tion), Intelligence (Investigation), or Intelligence Soo asks for a bonus for the work, and one of the Rus-
(Mechanics) check. The alarm sians say keeping the truck is payment enough. Hack-
system can be disabled with ing into the drone’s recordings can be accomplished
hacks, or a DC 15 Intelli- using the decrypt hack, or simply extracting the mem-
gence (Mechanics) check. ory chips with a DC 12 Intelligence (Mechanics) roll.
• The garage itself has six Their tattoos mean they are Bratva hitmen, automat-
repair stations, with three ically known with Streetwise proficiency, or DC 10 In-
vehicles currently parked telligence (Investigation).
inside (including Naga’s
truck), as well as six Rex 4.0 3. Naga's Missing Truck
drones (CRB, p. 287). The missing truck is in the garage with a bunch of oth-
er vehicles, some in the state of partial disassembly.
1. Font Desk The truck is empty in the back, but is fitted with 20
This reception area is very bare bones, having a couch nutrient modules (along with their waste containers),
and desk, and little else. The Oni logo is painted on the which are used to keep living things alive.
wall behind the desk. DNA evidence. Some hairs present on floor, blood
on nutrient module hose (automatic if looking). It
2. Rex Pack has human-anthroid DNA from 20 different sources.
The shop and scrap yard are protected by a pack of six A forensic Scanner/chemical sensor automatic, or an
4.0 Rex drones (CR ½), that are programmed to attack

Oni Autobody

1 55

44 77

// Shadows of Korea // 95
Intro Intelligence (Life Science) roll will reveal their spe- sports car looks identical to the car tattoo on Min Soo's
cific sources. arm. A flaming logo of a chili pepper says “Bar Gochu”
Celebrity body anthroids. If the roll is over 15, or the in a stylized font. The calendar has limited AI, but it's
Part I. DNA is entered into a major database (through using a mostly enthusiastic sales pitches in Soo Jin's voice, for
City of contact, Call in a Favor feature, etc.), it is revealed that- drinks and wings at Bar Gochu.
Busan the 20 different DNA sources come from historical ce- This calendar automatically discovered if search-
lebrity android models (Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, David ing, and the GM may want to give the player’s a hint
Bowie, Thom Yorke, Tom Cruise, Bruce Lee, Rhonda to search if they are stuck. The license plate number
Part II. Rousey, Mohammand Ali, Obama, Einstein, Kennedy, of the sport’s car in the calendar is visible. A DC 13
NPCs George Takei, and others). Intelligence (Investigation) check, Call in a Favor, etc.,
Anthroid from Protosys World Genomics. The nutri- lets the players use the license plate number to obtain
ent modules are manufactured from a Korean Biotech the address of Min Soo’s apartment.
Part III. company based in Pyongyang, Protosys World Genom- Baikal Bay Matchbook. On the table is a matchbook
ics (automatic with Bureaucracy proficiency, DC 13 from a seedy love motel in little Russia.
Intelligence (Investigation). This city is the North Jop-
ok stronghold. 8. BatHRoom
The bathroom is characteristically dirty. A search of
Contracts 4. Tool Station the room reveals 2 doses of hype and 1 dose of mars,
Various tools are here, as well as engines and car parts and 3 doses of nanodoc in the medicine cabinet.
PART V. on a work bench that look like they’ve been tinkered
New Rules with. Characters can take mechanics tools if they wish. Min Soo 's Apartment
A 17th floor 1-bedroom apartment in a decent area of
5. Supply Room town. The apartment complex is called Chowon. It is
Appendices This room is filled with boxes that contain car parts. apartment number 173. The door is locked (DC 13).
Each crate weighs around 250 kilograms, and can be
sold for シ1,000-5,000 each (depending on negotia- Min Soo's Car
tion, Streetwise proficiency, and contacts). If the cadre looks for Min Soo's red sports car, they will
A cargo-car and trailer is loaded with 8 of these find it in the parking lot. It is locked, with a DC 13 to
crates. The car can only move at 30 kph, and requires open and DC 15 to hotwire or hack the ignition.
a hack, or DC 15 Intelligence (Mechanics) ability It also happens to have a very nasty car-bomb un-
check to hotwire. der both the driver's and passenger seat, courtesy of
Tracktor and Timur. This can be spotted with a DC 15
6. Parts Room
This room is filled with small car parts and tools that
aren’t easily saleable on the black market, and are bet-
ter suited as repair parts.
There is also a safe in the corner, that is electroni-
cally locked. Hacks, or a DC 18 Intelligence (Mechanics)
check can open it over the course of 30 minutes. Inside
the safe is a cryptocard with シ25,000 on it, a 10 mm
handgun, three magazines with armor piercing ammo,
and 3 hits of mars.

7. Break Room
This room is obviously where the workers take breaks
and have lunch. There is a half-eaten sandwich on
the table, and the fridge is filled with beer and old
takeaway food.
Bar Gochu AR Swimsuit Calendar. Anyone with
The Veil active will see an animation of Soo Jin gestur-
ing for onlookers to approach while leaning on a sports
car, doing variations of poses in 15 second loop. The

96 // Contracts //
Intelligence (Investigation), (Mechanics), or Wisdom aware of the danger that is about to befall him, and
(Perception) check. The check can be made at advan- quite deep in a ketamine induced slumber. If awak-
tage if a character is actively searching. The bombs ened he will be very dazed, and suspicious of the cadre.
are both shaped charge mines that will detonate upon With proper convincing, he could be made aware of the
starting the car. A DC 12 Intelligence (Mechanics) danger, and coopoerate with the cadre. If they arrive
check can be made for each bomb to disarm them, al- later than this time, Min Soo is quite dead.
lowing a character to keep them. If the bombs detonate, • Puncture mark behind the ear. DC 12 Wisdom
both the drive and the passenger must make a DC 15 (Perception), Intelligence (Investigation) or (Life-
Dexterity saving throw, taking 7d10 piercing damage, Science), with advantage if examining body for
or half as much on a successful save. The car takes the cause of death.
damage from both bombs as well. • Traces of lethal dose of succinylcholine. A paralytic
and poison, there are metabolites from this toxin in
1. Living Room system (automatic with forensic scanner, chemical-
3D Printed Trophy. On coffee table, Bar Gochu’s annual sensor, etc.).
tournament, second place in a street race sponsored • Cause of death - heart attack. Automatic with Life-
by Bar Gochu. Science proficiency.

2. Kitchen
• Post Mortem Hack. There are dream-like memories
of 1) Stealing Naga’s truck 2) memories of Rus-
After investigation, there is nothing unusual or nota- sianMeeting at Oni Autobody, and Fish Smell. 3)
ble about Min Soo’s kitchen. Sex with Soo Jin

3. Bed Room
• Stirge Drone (Only if Min Soo’s apartment is visited
at 7:30). Can hear soft whirring sound behind
Min Soo’s Body. He will be in his underwear, lying in MinSoo’s door (DC 15 Perception). Upon entering
bed under the covers, no apparent trauma. If the cadre the room the tiny assassin drone is just pulling
happens to arrive at Min Soo's apartment before Thurs- away after injecting Min Soo with the poison. The
day at 7:30 pm, Min Soo will be alive and well and un- Stirge drone will attack if spotted. GPS travel
History. Decrypt hack or Intelligence (Mechanics)
Min Soo's Apartment

2 5


// Shadows of Korea // 97
Intro or (Computers) DC 15. The Stirge was first activat- Bar Gochu
ed in Vladivostok, then to the Dong-gu section of This transgenic club was once more upscale, but it
North Port, continues to Oni Autobody, then to Min hasn’t been renovated in years, and now smells of stale
Part I. Soo’s Apartment beer and the once fancy carpet is thoroughly worn and
City of • Nightstand. There is a 10mm handgun in the drawer. stained. Three stripper poles on a large stage dominate
Busan the room, but other than that it appears like a regular
4. BatHRoom bar. Most of the time it is a sleepy drinking hole, but
Min Soo’s bathroom has 6 doses of hype in the med- on Fridays and Saturdays after 10:00 pm it transforms
Part II. icine cabinet. into more of a dance club with a mostly transgenic
NPCs clientele; the tables are cleared from the center of the
5. closet room to make space for dancing, and fog, lasers, and
The closet is filled with stylish clothes that fit into pounding biopunk music fill the air.
Part III. transgenic street culture. It is owned by a transgenic gang, the Smiling Fish, but
Oni Body Shop Overalls. Found in laundry basket, all criminal factions are welcome inside, and it some-
has oni logo, and “Oni Autobody” printed on it. times serves as a place for negotiation and deal illicit
Hidden Stash. If searching, a DC 15 Intelligence (In- deal making between them.
vestigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a
hidden stash underneath the floorboards. The stash 1. Smiling Fish Gangsters
contains an encrypted (DC 15) cryptocard containing シ Four are playing pool, and four are seated at a table
PART V. 20,000. A DC 18 Intelligence (Bureaucracy), (Comput- playing cards (steet goons, SoK, p. ???). Each is covered
New Rules ers), or (Investigation) check reveals the money was de- in biohack or tattoo scales, and koi images, and most
posited on the card from a Russain bank account. of them appear to be transgenic in other ways as well.
They glare at the cadre members as they enter the bar,
Appendices sizing them up in a challenging way. They are friends

Bar Gochu


7 2

98 // Contracts //
with Min Soo, but don’t know that he was dealing with • Riku doesn’t want the cadre to kill Chang Woo, only
the Bratva on the truck theft. intimidate him, and possibly rough him up. The
If the character’s start asking questions around the- timeline for completing this task is one week.
bar, they are hostile, Charisma checks (DC 15), bribes, • He offers シ10,000 to do this, but is authorized to
and clever roleplaying can make them less aggressive. offer up to シ20,000. If the character’s make a Cha-
If the characters happen to know that the bratva killed- risma ability check, they get an extra シ1,000 for
Min Soo, they may even be able to get assistance in- each point the check is above 10. The GM will have
their investigation, and make allies of the Smiling Fish. to construct this encounter using the materials in
If a fight breaks out, they won’t pull out guns or knives this book, and the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook.
unless the cadre does first, but are happy to fist fight. If • Riku knows how to contact Tetsuo and arrange a
½ of them are defeated, they surrender. meeting if pressed.
Make sure the players know that pulling out weap-
ons would escalate the violence from fists to a more 4. Soo Jin
lethal fight. If alive, she is working there as a server, or one of the
• They know the addresses of Min Soo’s apartment exoctic dancers on Friday night, her shift ending at
and Oni Autobody (DC 15 Charisma check, or auto- 2:00 am. See the full Soo Jin entry in part 2 and ear-
matic after beating them up) lier in this contract for more details. Note that Soo Jin
• They know cargo of truck was a bunch of blank will not be working if the characters are here after 3:00
anthroid bodies (same check as above) am on Friday night (Saturday morning), since she will
have been killed by Traktor and Timur.
2. Min Gi - The Bartender
The bartender is a young engineering student named 5. Sasha - A Bratva Contact
Min Gi (rando, SoK, p. ???). His milky eyes, cleft pal- Sasha is an old man, and a low-ranking member of the
ate, and especially large nose mark him as transgenic. Vladivostok Bratva. He once held more weight in the
With a DC 10 Charisma check and some roleplaying, he Russian underground, but his alcoh0lism made him
can reveal the following information: unreliable. He now gets cash from them for hanging
• He knows the Smiling Fish run the bar, and that out in Bar Gochu and reporting on what he sees. He is
they are a chop shop gang, but he doesn’t get quite drunk at any time of the day, but coherent enough
involved in their trade other than working as a to speak, and very friendly, inviting the characters to
bartender. He also knows that Min Soo is a member, come share a drink with him if they approach the bar.
and a street car racer and mechanic that works at He doesn’t know anything about the missing an-
Oni Autobody. throids, but knows about Traktor and Timur’s position,
• Knows the address of Oni Autobody. history, and knows that they like to stay at Baikal Bay
• Knows Riku is part of Fukuoka Yakuza. when in town.
• Knows that Sasha is part of the Vladivostok Bratva. He will also inform Traktor and Timur about the
cadre coming in and asking questions, as well as any-
3. Riku - A Yakuza Contact thing else he sees. If the cadre tries to arrange a meet-
Riku is a local booze hound, and Fukuoka Yakuza ing with Traktor and Timur, they will agree to meet
member who has a thing for transgenic women, which at Baikal Bay.
makes Bar Gochu his favourite hangout (SoK, p. ???). • Knows address of Min Soo’s apartment and Oni
He is sitting in a booth by himself. He won’t approach Autobody (DC 15 Charisma check).
the characters, but if they approach him, he will broach
the subject offering their cadre a contract. 6. Kitchen
• Intimidate a customs officer named Chang Woo A somewhat dirty bar kitchen where the pub-grub is
to quit his job, and recommend a new candidate made. The chef is there, Kyung Joon, a beefy canary ge-
named Lu Bu. Chang Woo is currently working cus- nome (SoK, p. ???).
toms at the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel, and taking pay A solid member of the Smiling Fish, if a fight breaks
from the South jopok. Lu Bu is a Fukuoka Yakuza out, he’ll attack the characters if it seems like the eight
agent, and getting him employed in that position Smiling Fish street goons are losing, and will use lethal
will shift control of the tunnel towards the yakuza. measures if guns are being used, but will surrender
if 5 of the Smiling Fish gangsters have been downed.

// Shadows of Korea // 99
Intro Kyung Joon is the highest-ranking member of the He will take a hit of mars (gaining the bonuses),
Smiling Fish in the bar, and has the keys to the security and run up the apartment stairs to the third floor and
room, and knows the combination to the safe. kick in the door to initiate his attack, in a brutal fury.
If he has discovered that Soo Jin isn’t there (because
Part I.
City of
7. Security Room of some intervention or persuasion on the character’s
Busan The doors here are very securely locked with mechan- end), he and Traktor will continue looking for her, and
ical locks (DC 18 to unlock), and electrical alarms (DC the characters as well if they learn of the character’s
15 to disable). interference.
Part II. The room has a table with an accounting ledger, If the assassination attempt is unsuccessful, Soo
NPCs CCTV data on every room and the parking lot on an Jin is both thankful and vengeful. She will go to Seoul
encrypted computer (DC 14), and a locked safe in the on the next train to recruit some more muscle from
corner of the room. A rack of revealing costumes hang her family for retribution, but will happily be one of
Part III. from a clothes rack on the wall, showing that this room the character’s contacts in the future (her ties to Busan
doubles as a change room for the dancers. street culture, transgenic gangs, underground drag
The safe is difficult to unlock (DC 20), and inside racing, and mechanical ability may be helpful).
are records of stolen vehicles, and illicit inventories
owned by the Smiling Fish. There is also an encrypted Soo Jin's Apartment
cryptocard (DC 15), with シ50,000 on it.

8. Freezer
New Rules The freezer is filled with all of the liquor and food
the bar sells.
There is also a weapon rack in one of the cabinets
Appendices that has two 5.7 mm SMGs, two 10 mm handguns, and
a 7.62 mm assault rifle, as well as two armor piercing
magazines for each weapon.

Assassination of Soo Jin

The Bratva twins have a policy of never leaving wit-
nesses, partially to establish a fearsome reputation,
and partially in a wrong-headed attempt to avoid being
double crossed. On Friday night Timur will attempt
to kill Soo Jin in her home, apartment 32 in the Moo-
chegae complex (located in a decent area of town). He
will make this attempt after she returns home from
work and goes to sleep (3:00 am).
Timur is waiting in a black van with tinted windows
outside Soo Jin’s apartment, and will remotely pilot a
Stirge drone through her window and attempt to poi-
son her in the same way Min Soo was. If the cadre foils
the Stirge drone attack, Timur will attempt to kill her
with his bare hands, and attempt to kill the characters
if they get in his way.

100 // Contracts //
Baikal Bay The bathroom. There are 5 doses of mars on the
This seedy love motel in Little Russia is where Traktor side of the sink.
and Timur have been staying. It is barebones, and fre- Pad of paper. Timur is old school, an prefers writing
quented by budget travellers and people wanting short notes on paper instead of digital notepads in his dae-
romantic encounters. Timur will be in his room for mon. The pad has no writing on it, but any inspection
most of Saturday, but the room will otherwise be empty. of the pad, or proficiency in Investigation or Percep-
tion reveals there is an impression on it.
1. Front Desk The paper pad has the following impressions:
Polina, a old Russian woman (rando statblock), tends 1. Min Soo, Chowan Apartment, 3, 173
the front desk. She gets money from Bratva for discre- 2. Soo Jin, Moo chee gae apartment, Building 2, 32 Friday
tion, but isn’t directly involved in their activity. She is after work.
fearful of Traktor and Timur, and they currently have 3. Waste the cadre hired to investigate? Yup. < this is
purchased her loyalty. only written if Traktor and Timur have found out
Polina is opportunistic, and a DC 15 Charisma check that the cadre is investigating.
is enough to get her to give information on the two The GM should actually make this impression on phys-
(their comings and goings and room numbers), and ical paper yourself, and give it to the players, so they
a DC 20 check is enough to get her to hand over their can have fun making the discovery with shading.
room keys. The DC is reduced by one for every シ100 Stirge drone. The Stirge drone that killed Min Soo
the characters give Polina as a bribe. If the characters will be here if Timur is, or on Sunday or afterwards,
want to pass the front desk they will need to rent at but it is with Timur on Thursday and Friday, away
least one room, for シ50. from the room. The drones GPS travel history and AV
data can be obtained. through the Decrypt hack or an
2. Timur's Room Intelligence (Mechanics) check (DC 15). The Stirge was
If it is Saturday morning to early evening, Timur is in first activated in Vladivostok, then to Busan Docks,
his room, doing a body-weight workout routine in his continues to Oni Autobody, then to Min Soo’s Apart-
underwear. He will attack the cadre if they enter with- ment. It will also have Soo Jin’s murder recorded if this
out knocking, and will also attack them if they men- has occurred.
tion that they are investigating the missing anthroids.
n that they are investigating the missing anthroids. 3. Traktor's Room
Under the bed. There is a Ballista 12-gage shotgun Traktor is doing business around the docks from
under the bed. Thursday to Saturday, so won’t be there. Under his bed
is a 10-gage shotgun, and 2 doses of mars.
Baikal Bay

3 2 1

// Shadows of Korea // 101

Bratva Controlled Docks 2. Bratva Security
A cargo area in Dong-gu and part of the old North Port. This section of the docks has 4 teams of two Bratva
It has hundreds of containers, stacked up 1-4 high, in enforcers (CRB, p. 281) that patrol and stand guard,
Part I. long rows. A great deal of the traffic flows to and from since this area has most of the Bratva contraband com-
City of Vladivostok (Russia) or Fukuoka (Japan). This section ing in and out of the port. If the characters encounter
Busan is controlled by the Vladivostok Bratva, who have a security team, a DC 18 Charisma can convince the
an understanding with Daewoo shipping, a subsidi- guards to allow them to pass. Otherwise, the guards
ary of Hexie. will attempt to escort the cadre out of the docks by force.
Part II. If violence breaks out, the guards will wirelessly
NPCs Drones alert the rest of the security to converge on the combat.
The sky is filled with a dozen Swoop drones that trans- Once per round, 4 more security personnel enter the
mit their video feed to the security gate. Any Dexterity area (two in the North, and two in the East), for the next
Part III. (Stealth) checks the characters make must also pass 5 rounds. Communicate to the characters that more
the drone’s passive Perception (10), or the security gate Bratva will continue to enter the area each round to en-
guard will be pinged courage the characters to act quickly or flee if they must.

PART IV. 1. Security Gate 3. Contraband Sea Cans

A worker on the Bratva payroll mans this gate that Most of the containers hold standard imports and
monitors and weighs all the cargo trucks that come exports, but these ones hold シ30,000 worth of con-
PART V. and go on the docks. A DC 18 Charisma check is re- traband weapons, drugs, poison and other restricted
New Rules quired to make it past the guard and into the stockade, items (determined by the GM). The container doors
which can be modified with bribes or credible threats. are locked electronically (DC 15), and it takes a DC 13
Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
Appendices check to discover the illegal wares, as they are hidden-
amongst regular goods.

102 // Contracts //
Bratva Controlled Docks





3 5

2 3

3 2

// Shadows of Korea // 103

4. Container CN-407 Completing Busan Bamboozle
The missing anthroids are stored in here. The con- The contrtact is considered complete if the characters
tainer door is locked electronically (DC 15), and the an- successfully return the anthroids to Naga, and complet-
Part I. throids are all locked in sleep mode (encryption DC 15). ing this contract counts as completing two contracts in
City of If the encryption is beat, the anthroids are all in setup terms of increasing the cadre's Mosaic rating. If some
Busan mode, and the characters can set themselves as their of the anthroids are destroyed or not retrieved, the pay-
owners, and direct them as they see fit (including as ment of the contract will be reduced accordingly.
combatants). They are still stolen property, and there • Naga is thrilled to have the anthroids back, and will
Part II. is a high likelihood of Korean law enforcement seizing be happy to help out the cadre in the future, and is
NPCs them in the future if the characters keep them. They a great choice for one of the character’s contact. He
can be sold quickly at 1/10 market value if any of the will pay the cadre the negotiated amount.
character’s have Streetwise proficiency, or they can re- • Soo Jin (if alive) will also be very happy with the
Part III. turn them to Naga to complete the contract and bolster characters, and is happy to be one of their contacts,
the cadre’s rating on the Mosaic app. The cargo will be using her underwolrd, racing and mechanical skills
loaded and shipped to Vladivostok on Sunday to help them. The same goes for Min Soo.

PART IV. 5. Loaders

• If the characters fail to complete the contract, there
is still plenty of opportunity for future adventure,
These 4-meter tall mechs (SoK, p. ???) are used to move especially if they failed because of double crossing
containers to and from ships when the dock cranes Naga and siding with the Russians.
PART V. are unavailable. They can run autonomously, or with • Riku, Sasha, Kyung Joon (the chef) and other NPCs
New Rules a driver. To hotwire them requires a DC 16 Intelligence opinion on the characters depend on how the cadre
(Mechanics), or the decrypt hack. interacted with them, but they are possible future
contacts as well.
Appendices 6. Traktor and Timur • Faction ratings with the Smiling Fish and the BPD
Traktor and Timur will be here (or just Traktor if Timur may increase or decrease depending on how they
has been killed). They will attempt to stop the an- conducted themselves.
throids from being taken at all costs, and will move • Faction rating with the Vladivostok Bratva is de-
towards any combat if the security is alerted. creased by 2, or 3 if either Tracktor or Timur is killed.
• The cadre is awarded 12,000 xp if all of the an-
throids are successfully returned, 11,000 xp if some
of them were destroyed, or 10,000 xp if they failed
to return the anthroids.

104 // Contracts //
Homocide Deputies Backstory
Homocide Deputies The larger story surrounding this murder case is de-
scribed below.
Score: 2
Contact: Sophia Choi.
The Killer’s Architect
Place: Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu.
A psychomemetics researcher named Aldous Laplace
Keywords: Murders, deputization, investigation, BPD
was working for Pronatalax, a now defunct transhu-
Details. Something messed up is happening in
man body conversion company (SoK, p. ???). This com-
Honhyeol dong. This death isn't just the usual gang
pany had him working R&D on a project attempting
violence, and the BPD could use an assist on solving
to come up with mind-uploading, hoping to break the
this one. This isn't right, let's make things better.
lucrative monopoly held by Phoenix Unlimited.
Using himself as a subject, he created hundreds of
deeply flawed non-functional psychomimes. About a
Homocide DEputies year ago he started having minor success by “stitch-
This is a longer contract, and could take a couple of ing” various mind-uploads together, producing patch-
sessions to complete. The characters should be level 4 works of human mind that operate as a single being.
before starting it. These mental-Frankenstein experiments seemed
Sophia Choi is a homicide detective working for to successfully create conscious digital beings that
the Busan Police Department (SoK, p. ???). She's in roughly resembled himself, as well as aspects of the
charge of Sasang-gu homocides, an especially busy other minds that were incorporated. He calls these
and overstretched job. A murder has recently occurred amalgams of multiple minds Chimeras.
in the Honhyeol region of Sasang-gu that appears like Phoenix Unlimited acquired the company 8
it could be the result of a serial killer. The BPD isn’t months ago and shut down the project, wanting to stop
making resources available to investigate properly development of a competing technology.
since the homicide occurred in a high-crime area and
there is pressure to categorize it as gang violence.

Negotiating H omocide Deputies

Sophia has a genetic condition where she can’t have a
daemon, so she would prefer to meet in person (at the
police station or anywhere else the cadre would like).
She is 30-something with mixed Korean-european
ancestry, dressed in stylish street clothes. Her demean-
or is professional but with a sardonic gallows humor.
• Sophia provides access to the crime scene, and
communicates that the homicide occurred in the
last 24 hours.
• She deputizes the cadre, which allows them to
legally possess restricted or banned weapons, and
access to police records regarding this case. Savvy
character could likely leverage this access for extra-
curricular use that goes beyond the case, but there
will be a paper trail.
• She is only authorized to pay シ10,000, but if
pressed through roleplaying and DC 13 Charisma
checks, she offers them one "get out of jail free",
where she could pull strings to get them out of a
legal bind. If the Charisma check of the negotiator
exceeds 15, she increases the offer to three legal
assists. If it exceeds 20, it includes and a visit to the
Sasang-gu BPD envidence locker for shopping.

// Shadows of Korea // 105

Intro Creating Seraph and his Brothers to maintain the pose in death, his wrists bound so his
Unfortunately, dozens of the prototype Chimeras were hands are flat together. He has been skinned, and his
riddled with violent psychoses, an artifact of merging eyes and nose have been removed with surgical preci-
Part I. fractured minds. Rather than destroying them, La- sion. There is no blood around the body.
City of Place downloaded each of them into separate trans-
Busan human bodies. Gathering Clues
One of the more recent mind-uploading efforts The following information can be obtained through
produced a highly functional Chimera with a particu- speaking with witnesses, hacks, contacts, or ability
Part II. larly violent disposition. This being, who calls himself checks (with Bureaucracy, Investigation, Life Science,
NPCs “Seraph”, is the product of Aldous’ mind being stitched or Streetwise). Let the players get creative here, re-
together with three other mind-uploads of colleagues warding any creative or insightful methods with infor-
who worked under him at Pronatalax. mation. If they get stuck, even having proficiency in a
Part III. One was a brilliant Sherlock biohacker named relevant skill is sufficient for some information, steer-
Steven Jung-Su. The other was a security guard and ing them in the direction of tracking down and speak-
military veteran named Kang Suk-Chul. Kang also ing with Kang Suk-Chul. Depending on the style of play
happens to be a member of Tzelem Elohim, an an- your group enjoys, this could take minutes or over an
ti-transgenic and anti-psychomime terrorist group. He hour of roleplaying, investigation, and interrogation.

was working at Pronatalax in order to sabotage efforts The body is of the Wraith genome and it has been
and pass on information to the Tzelem Elohim. The last dead for less than 12 hours.
PART V. mind-upload was Bun Ho, a researcher specializing in • The vitim's name is Bom Jae-Young, an Korean army
New Rules computational slime molds (Bun Ho’s body may have vet. He served as a sniper. He also worked secu-
been found in 10 Feet Under bar). rity at Pronatalax (see above and below), and was
friends with Kang Suk-Chul from serving together
Appendices Seraph the Killer in the Korean military.
Though only around 10 months old, Seraph possesses • In the past year there have been 982 homicides
the skills of all four people he is a fusion of, making in Sasang-gu and over half of them have been in
him a skilled codehacker, biohacker, and military com- Honhyeol dong.
batant (SoK, ???). • Narrowing a search to only transgenics in Honhyeol
Seraph has a fractured mind with a very confused dong gets the number to 368
sense of self and is thoroughly unstable. He believes • Narrowing it further to transgenics who have had
that transgenic humans can only get into heaven if body parts removed with religious symbolism
they have their transgenic parts removed first, believ- narrows it to 18, starting around 6 months ago, all
ing his ritualistic killings to be a kindness. determined as “gang violence” by the police.
He has killed 18 transgenic humans, all of whom • DNA at the scene shows presence of a specific algae
were found in the Honhyeol neighborhood of Sa- that grows in dark damp places with nitrogen rich
sang-gu. His rate of killing will escalate, and he will kill environments. Sewers and storm drains match
again in 5 days, then 3 days, then every day, until he is this description.
caught. Once he knows the characters are on to him, if • All of the murders occurred close to storm
any are transgenic, he will target one of their transgen- drain entrances
ic relatives or relations. • Proprietary DNA collected at several of the scenes
Seraph is currently working on various illic- indicate the killer has undergone transhuman con-
it bioengineering projects in a secret lab beneath version from Pronatalax.
Honhyeol dong. • The service disappeared around 8 months ago,
since Pronatalax was acquired by Hexie (through
The Crime Scene Phoenix Unlimited) at that time, to mine their
Four MEA MK I droids are guarding the entrance to resources and maintain their monopoly on
a church, but can be convinced to allow the charac- mind-uploading.
ters through if they mention their contract. This pro- • Pronatalax is located in Sasang-gu, on the eastern
testent church is modern, and looks like it can house edge of Honhyeol dong, and the address is pub-
around 100 people in the pews. At the front of the licly available. Phoenix Unlimited has shut down
church, bathed in sunlight, is the body of a young man their operations and has it is locked up to prevent
on his knees in prayer position. Ropes have been used

106 // Contracts //
corporate espionage while they figure out what served together, and bonds made in combat
to do with it. trump prejudice.
• The former CEO and head of R&D is Aldous Laplace, • He doesn’t know who is doing the killing.
who has since moved on to working at the Phoenix • He let Aldous Laplace take his mind-upload data for
Unlimited facility in Seoul. a salary bonus.
• In addition to the latest victim, one of the other • He is fervently christian, covered in tattoos that
victims, Steven Jung-Su, worked at Pronatalax. have religious symbolism.
• There is drone footage of one of the earlier murders • He will try to keep his association with Zelem Elo-
taken by a Vitruvian spy drone. Their drone-rep is him secret, but a DC 15 check through appropriate
unwilling to part with it at this point, and Busan methods can reveal his background, either through
PD is working on a warrant. The database dip hack a paper trail, convincing, or noticing the meaning of
or other methods would allow the cadre to see it. a tattoo he has on his chest.
If the cadre obtains the footage, read the text from • Through appropriate DC 20 checks (lowered with
the box below. bribes) he will give the cadre his old security codes
to the Pronatalax building, but he’s not sure if
they will work.
"You see drone footage of a transgenic mutt woman
with enlarged eyes waking down an alley of East
Tracking Down Aldous Laplace
Honhyeol dong, near the Pronatalax facility. She
Investigation will reveal that Aldous Laplace was the
leans against an alley wall and lights up a cigarette.
head of R&D at Pronatalax until it was acquired by
Moments later a blur of refracting light emerges
Phoenix Unlimited 8 months ago. Publicly available
from the shadows and slits her throat. It's impossi-
information reveal him to be a 50-something man who
ble to obtain details about the killer since they are
attended top Korean tech universities taking degrees
using cloakers.
in psychomemetic theory (the science of mind-upload-
As the blood is still draining from the vitim's
ing). He seems to have gone off the map as of 8 months
living body, the cloaked killer removes her enlarged
ago, with online rumors speculation he was either
eyes with surgical precision. You're almost thankful
murdered or taken into isolation by Phoenix Unlimit-
there's no audio feed. The killer places her hands in
ed. All investigation into him will lead to a dead end
a prayer position and ties them with a rosary before
for now unless the characters take heroic measures.
dissapearing down a manhole nearby."
He is currently working at the Phoenix Unlimited fa-
cility in Seoul.

Speaking with Kang Suk-Chul

Kang is a 40-something unmodified Korean man, sin-
gle, and looks muscular except for his paunch belly
showing under his stained tank-top. He is currently
unemployed and can be found either at his home, or
his favorite drinking spot, The Salty Shoe, in Dong-gu.
He will be drunk, but able to speak. If any of the charac-
ters are visibly transgenic, his genoism emerges quick-
ly. He will share the following information through a
combination of roleplaying, bribes or blackmail, and
Charisma checks.
• He is open about having worked security of
Pronatalax and knows about their research, but
doesn’t know he was fused with others to create the
Seraph Chimera.
• He will share his disgust at the practice of cre-
ating psychomimes, thinking them soulless
• Despite thinking transgenic humans are going
to hell, he was friends with Bom Jae-Young, they

// Shadows of Korea // 107

Intro P ronatalax Facility • Some sensitive financial information that could
Located on the Eastern edge of Honhyeol dong in Sa- be sold for シ10,000 to the right buyers with an
sang-gu, this recently abandoned biotech facility spe- appropriate financial contact or a DC 15 Intelligence
Part I. cialized in transhuman body conversions and psycho- (Bureaucracy) check.
City of mime research. It is currently locked down by Phoenix
Busan Unlimited security in order to protect the leftover re- Being Discovered
sources inside. If at any point Phoenix Unlimited becomes aware of
Unless otherwise stated, all security DCs for this the character’s presence here, they will send a wet-
Part II. building are 15. If the cadre has obtained Kang’s old works cadre (2 Hitmen and 2 Kensei, CRB p. 285) to
NPCs security codes, it works to unlock all of the doors on kill the characters. This wetworks team will arrive
the first floor, but nothing else. Once inside the facility, 20+1d20 minutes after being contracted. If Aldous La-
all of it is under a wireless jamming effect to pre- place or Seraph are alerted they will begin investigat-
Part III. vent trade secrets from being easily leaked. For this ing the cadre and Seraph will choose his next victim
reason, this facility uses wired terminals (with inter- from transgenic relatives or friends the cadre has.
net connection). Internal cameras are local CCTV only, If a fight breaks out on the first floor the MEA MK
feeds going to the Local Area Network (see below). Ev- IIIs from rooms 3, 6, and 14 will make their way to
ery 24 hours the footage is taken to the database room the commotion (some may stay in the hallway with
by robots via external storage, to upload the footage readied actions and gun-turret backup if they deem
for permanent storage. it strategic).
New Rules Pronatalax Facility LAN Auto Turrets
Each floor has a different LAN. It is DC 20 to crack a There are autoturrets in some of the rooms, which
Local Area Network from a terminal with the decrypt have the following stat-block:
Appendices hack, and in addition to the normal consequences of INT WIS CHA
a failed roll, the hacker suffers 3d10 electrical damage 6 6 6
if the roll fails by 5 or more. If the system is successful- Armor Class 12 Hit Points 25
ly hacked it gives access to the following functions for Initiative +4 Skills Perception +3
the entire floor (not building) for as long as there is a 7.76mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to
wired connection: hit, range 300/900 m, auto, no recoil. Hit: 17 (2d12+4)
• Access to cameras and floorplan. piercing damage. 100 ammunition.
• The ability to lock or close, open, lock, or unlock
1. Entrance
rooms as an action.
• Control of the intercoms. The entrance is an unaesthetic grey concrete cube
• Control of one of the gun turrets (or Goliath droids with a study looking steel door and accompanying se-
for the basement floor LAN) for one turn or disable curity camera. It is electronically locked (DC 15), but
them completely as an action. old security codes will still work (from Kang or other
• Change temperature and light controls in any num- sources). The camera is uploading to Phoenix Unlimit-
ber of rooms as an action ed’s cloud. The stairs lead down 10 feet into an under-
• Disable terminal electrical shock security ground complex.
• Access to the employee files, except for Laplace’s,
2. Reception Area
which have been thoroughly scrubbed. These
files include the addresses, contact information, An Alpha 3.1 (Korean woman frame) is seated at the
research, and employee DNA sequence. desk, greeting you with a smile, a neural interface
• Access to sales and purchases records cable connecting her to a terminal. “Welcome to Pro-
• An Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that tonalax! Unfortunately we’ve suspended our services!
large volumes of commercial grade amino acids, In fact, we are currently not operational. I advise you
enzymes, and equipment were purchased over to leave, or I will alert the authorities.” A DC 13 Cha-
the months before the project was shut down by risma (Persuasion) or (Deception) check can convince
Phoenix Unlimited. They were shipped to by Pajeon her that the cadre belongs there. If combat is initiated
Storage, a warehouse service that is also in Hon- her first action will be to send her audio/visual feed to
hyeol dong. The amount of materials ordered are Phoenix Unlimited, Aldous Laplace, and Seraph. Tak-
enough to start an entirely new lab. ing her out before her turn will prevent this.

108 // Contracts //
3. Security Room 1 MEA MK III from room 3 will engage as well. The room
This room is electronically locked. An MEA MK III is itself appears to be a common staff break room, com-
seated here watching the security monitors that cover plete with a microwave, coffee machine. The cupboards
this entire floor. They will attempt to remove the cad- are filled with dishes, cleaning supplies, and coffee.
re, but a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Deception)
can convince them that the cadre belongs. If a fight 7. Computational Biology Office
breaks out, the MEA MK IIIs from rooms 6 and 14 will The nameplate reads "Marie and Bun Ho". If the char-
engage as well. acters previously encountered the frozen body of Bun
Ho in the 10 Feet Under bar, you can remind them on a
4. Sleeping Quarters DC 10 Intelligence check. The office contains computer
This spartan living quarters was for the former terminals and other office essentials.
flesh and blood security personal that would trade
shifts. The bathroom has 4 doses of Perk in the med- 8. Transgenic Engineering Office
icine cabinet. The nameplate reads "Steven and Min Jae". The office
contains computer terminals and other office essen-
5. Hallways tials. If the cadre searches here, and one or more of
These hallways house 1 gun turret each, attached to the them have proficiency in Perception or Investigation,
roof. If the security alert has been triggered for any rea- they find the words “memento mori” scratched on the
son these guns will fire at the cadre. underside of his desk.

6. Break Room 9. Office Bathrooms

Two MEA MK III are standing against the south wall These dusty bathrooms are what you would expect.
here. They will attempt to remove the cadre, but a DC The accompanying broom closet contains cleaning
16 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Deception) can convince supplies and equipment.
them that the cadre belongs. If a fight breaks out, the

Pronatalax Facility 1st floor

10 15
5 17
1 7

2 5 5
3 19
4 12 14

// Shadows of Korea // 109

10. Research Director’s Office
Intro Ghost-Steven's Offer
This office is locked and the nameplate reads "Aldous “Fuck, this means I’m probably dead. Hi! I’m Ste-
Laplace". A large reinforced viewing window looks ven! Or at least a fragment of him…. I’m not really
Part I. into room 13. There is a computer terminal at the desk, a person, but I do play one on TV. You can call me
City of and bookshelves containing a great deal of literature ghost-Steven.” He is calm, sardonic, and highly
Busan on mind uploading of all types. critical of Pronatalax. Whenever possible, he
There is an open book on his desk called “Theoretical drops profound quotes from people and literature.
Foundations of Mental Chimeras: Melding Psychomimes”. Ghost Steven can communicate all of the
Part II. It speaks about possible techniques to stitch multiple information presented in the backstory regarding
NPCs digital minds together into a single consciousness. the creation of the Chimeras and Seraph, but he
Anyone with proficiency in Bureaucracy, Physi- doesn’t currently know where Seraph would be,
cal Science, or Life Science knows that no company or that Seraph has actually become a serial killer
Part III. has been able to do that yet, and it may not even be (though it wouldn’t surprise him).
legal to try.
Forensic analysis reveals that Aldous Laplace’s
• He has passcodes for the doors and LAN en-
cryption on the first floor.
DNA is present in the books, but curiously, there are
two variants. Life Science or Bureaucracy proficiency
• He worries about the Chimeras being created,
Contracts expressing regret at having donated his own
reveals one of the variants to be enhanced, with propri- mind to be part of the Chimera experiment.
etary DNA from Pronatalax’s Transhuman Body Con-
version service.
• The Chimeras seem violently delusional, at
PART V. least 30 have been created and downloaded
New Rules There is also a tiny blood smudge on the corner of into anthroid frames
the page, from turning it (noticed with special senses
or a DC 15 Investigation/Perception check). The fin-
• LaPlace refused to deactivate them, feeling a
sense of kinship and paternal responsibility to
Appendices gerprint belongs to Laplace, and the DNA in the blood keep them alive
belongs to Steven.
• Seraph, the most functionally successful
Chimera, seems especially dangerous. He is
11. Meeting Room
highly intelligent, has the skills of a biohacker,
This meeting room is locked and has a long table with codehacker and military veteran, and was
6 chairs, and a large reinforced viewing window look- downloaded into a top-of-the-line Alpha v3.5.
ing into room 13. On top of that, he is completely unhinged from
reality, frequently having psychotic breaks.
12. Locker Room
Lockers fill this room, most of them empty, but 4 of
• Ghost-Steven offers the cadre another
contract; kill Seraph, and all of his brothers.
them manually locked. Proper tools or a Dexterity (Me- They all should be on the next floor down. He
chanics) check can get them open. All the locked ones will give them access to a bank account that
contain lab coats with embroidered names of employ- has シ250,000. This is non-negotiable, since
ees on them, and non-remarkable personal items. the AI merely has access to the bank account
Steven's Cryptocard. A cryptocard is in the pocket securpass codes, nothing else.
of Steven Jung’s lab coat (DC 20 encryption, or use the
password “memento mori”, discovered in room 8). The
• He needs to “hitch a ride” inside one of the
character’s daemons, to ensure the contract
card contains シ10,000 and what looks to be a limited is completed. He also offers to become one of
AI model of Steven's mind. the character’s daemon AI, mentioning it has
Ghost-Steven. A sensory representation of Steven superior capabilities when compared to stock
appears in The Veil’s augmented reality to whomev- models. They just have to go to the research
er accesses the cryptocard’s data. It’s sole purpose is lab on this floor and plugin to the daemon
to outline concerns about Pronatalax’s experiments. upgrade table, and voila!
Ghost-Steven's information and extra offers are de-
scribed in the following text box.
• If they agree and take these steps, one char-
acter who plugs in gains the Custom Daemon
(Hexie) upgrade, and Steven is installed. He
is a Science Guy II bot (CRB, p. 301).

110 // Contracts //
13. Research Lab 1
The doors are locked. This lab contains computer ter-
minals, biotech tools and chemicals, an operating table
for daemon upgrades, and a glass cylinder containing
some sort of primate that seems to be partially de-
voured by some other entity. A container in the corner
holds the same some sort of slime that appears to be
digesting the creature in the tube.
Proficiency in Life Science allows a character to de-
termine that the creature in the tube is a “living” ba-
boon and it appears to be in the process of being con-
sumed by a slime mold, the same slime mold that's in
the corner container.
By looking at the displays, an Intelligence (Com-
puters), (Physical Science), or (Investigation) check
reveals that the slime mold is doing complex mathe-
matical calculations, the kinds of algorithms involved
in artificial intelligence. Records call it Physarum am-
aranthum, under the file “yellow amaranth”. Life
Science also reveals it to be an immortal cell-line.
A fixed forensic scanner is also present. It can be
used in this room, but is not portable.
If the characters search the place (DC 10), they find
some useful drugs in some of the cabinets and boxes;
nootro x 4, perk x 3, nanodoc x3, and euvigil x5. p. 303). After they went berserk, only the best fighter
of the cadre remained alive. Read the following text
14. Security Room 2 to the players.
The doors are locked. Two MEA MK IIIs are seated here
watching the security monitors that cover this entire
" In this room are the remains of 3 human bodies
floor. They will attempt to remove the cadre, but a DC
that look like they have been torn apart and
16 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Deception) can convince
consumed by a ravenous beast. Dried gore covers
them that the cadre belongs. If a fight breaks out, the
the walls and floor. The ravenous beast in question
MEA MK IIIs from rooms 3 and 6 will engage as well.
is also present, a female member of the Leviathan
Three lockers stand against the wall (DC 20 elec-
genome, her face covered in dried blood and her
tronic locks). Each locker contains a black Bushi-
body covered with bloody and torn clothes. Unusu-
weave vest with the Pronatalax logo on it, as well as a
ally, it appears both her and all of the dead bodies
CAW 12 gage and 2 magazines of shock ammo.
have blue-banded curved horns emerging from
15. Supplies Room their skulls. She starts pounding against the plastic
window relentlessly the moment she sees the char-
The doors are locked. This room contains bookcas-
acters. A series of chests and containers are stacked
es filled with scientific journals and texts as well as
against the far wall, one of them open."
shelves containing dozens of different chemical and
biological reagents. If searching, proficiency in the
Life Science skill allows a character to identify a 2
kilogram case of expensive enzymes valued at シ A DC 15 Intelligence (Bureaucracy) or (Life Science)
20,000 if sold. To the south a large reinforced window check will alert the characters that the blue horns are a
reveals room 16. sign of Psymicids.
Proficiency in Physical Science or Life Science
16. Psymicid Room reveal the open crate to contain 30 kilograms of
This room is locked. It contains the remnants of an expensive nanomaterials, which could be sold
earlier cadre that had infiltrated this facility, but got for シ25,000.
locked into this room, and infected by Psymicids (CRB,

// Shadows of Korea // 111

Intro If the characters enter the room, the Psymicid Levi- The two are genuinely just as interested in the cadre’s
athan immediately attacks them. It is the professional take on their argument as they are in getting released,
fighter template (CRB, p. 293), except that it can also and will happily argue philosophy for as long as the
Part I. use the following additional attack on grappled targets. characters want.
City of Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 1.5 If the two are released, Argle will seek out Aldous
Busan m., one target. Hit: 16 (2d8+7) armor piercing, Laplace and Bargle will seek out Seraph, joining their
piercing damage. respective causes. If they are attacked, they will flee
If the characters interact with the crate containing and plot their future revenge.
Part II. the nanomaterials, 12 Psymicids emerge and be- They are frenetic and go off on tangents, but are
NPCs gin attacking. mostly cooperative if they believe the cadre will set
them free. A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence
17. Psychomemetics Office (Social Science) check reveals them both to be violently
Part III. The nameplate reads Seraph. The office contains com- unhinged. If the cadre has the patience and the proper
puter terminals and other office essentials. social skills, they are able to extract the following in-
formation from Arge and Bargle through DC 15 Charis-
18. Elevators ma (Deception), (Intimidation), or (Persuasion) checks.
The elevators are locked. Once inside, the can be used • All of the information presented in the backstory
to descend to the bottom floor (room 20). regarding the creation of the chimeras and Seraph,
including that Seraph is homicidally unhinged and
19. Cells channeling it through some religious beliefs about
New Rules These doors are locked. In each of these two cells ap- purity and being made in God’s image.
pears to be identical twins, both of them gaunt and • Seraph is murdering transgenic humans, but
emaciated. They both happen to be v2-Chimeras they don’t know how many Seraph is planning on
Appendices resembling a young Aldous Laplace (SoK, pp. ??? and making large transgenic beasts that can sniff out
???) and were locked up by Seraph due to their possible and target transgenic genomes; they are amused
interference with his plans. They have a water supply by the irony.
through their sinks and toilets, but it looks like they • They know it would take large volumes of commer-
haven’t eaten in many days. cial grade amino acids, enzymes, and equipment to
Upon seeing the cadre they both immediately ap- produce said beasts, which would leave a paper trail
proach the locked doors and start trying to get their • They saw Seraph take Steven down the elevators
attention. One identifies as Argle while the other iden- about a week ago and only Seraph came back up.
tifies as Bargle. Read the following text (with a Chur-
chillian accent if you like): 20. Basement Antechamber
A central terminal (with access to this floor’s LAN) is to
“Argle. Perhaps you can settle an argument for us, the north, flanked by two locked doors that lead to the
we’ve been at it for days! You see, we are quite hungry, room beyond.
and got on the subjects of donuts! I, being the more To both the left and right are enormous Goliath
rational one, know that I would have one thing to droids (SoK, p. ???) that will attack the characters im-
eat if I had a donut. My compadre over here thinks he mediately. Any characters with a neural interface that
is better off having a donut than a bun, thinking he has gained the security passcodes from Ghost-Steven
would have two things, the donut and the hole.” can set up a wire-connection as an action, allowing
Bargle. What tosh, I was joking, I know all other them to deactivate the droids on the following round.
things being equal, calories would come from mass They could subsequently take control of one of the
not surface area dum-dum! But my point stands! droids as an action each following round if they choose.
Holes are THINGS! What say you saviors of ours, are
21. Mind-Downloading Room
they things? Not physical matter of course, but some-
thing? Like a cave is a thing? The doors are locked. This room is filled with in-
Argle. Well I’m quite sure the word 'cave' as a hole ert transhuman bodies (v1-Chimeras), all made in
is colloquial, I think caves are actually referring to image of a young Laplace, attached to the massive
stone cave surfaces and what is contained within!”. mind-downloading machine Pronatalax has been
using to make chimeras. Terminals are scattered
throughout and two automated machine gun tur-

112 // Contracts //
rets are attached to the roof and will open fire if the The blood has been drained and the eyes and brain
characters haven’t deactivated them from the terminal are missing. A DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation), (Bu-
in room 20 already. reaucracy), or (Life Science) check allows the charac-
There are doors to the north and east. If the char- ters to discern that a Sherlock genome would possess
acters start executing the chimeras they will activate transgenic organs for all of the missing parts. Termi-
(though they are all surprised in the round that the vio- nals and a conversion pod for the original body line the
lence begins) and start attacking. They will flee if more walls. If Ghost-Steven is with the cadre, he will certain-
than ½ of them are defeated. ly make some comments here.

22. Diagnostics Room 24. Mind Uploading Room

The doors are locked. This room contains computer The doors are locked. This room contains three inert
terminals and a chair with an attached headset. Pro- transhuman bodies (v2-Chimeras) and an enormous
ficiency in Physical Science, Mechanics, or Computers machine required for mind-uploading.
allows characters to know it is designed for mapping Against the northern wall is a chair for mind-up-
out brain connectomes for people wanting to get their loading, and the database where all of the mind-up-
mind uploaded or brain transferred to another body, loads are stored is in the northwest. The database is
though it doesn’t actually do the process itself. separate from the LAN, being a stand alone storage de-
vice. It is DC 20 to crack the database with the decrypt
23. Body Conversion Room hack through a neural interface and in addition to the
The doors are locked. This room contains a skinned normal consequences of a failed roll, the hacker suf-
and vivisected and unrecognizable body of Steven fers 3d10 electrical damage if the roll fails by 5 or more.
opened up on a transhuman body conversion table. The database has an additional trap that if it is de-
leted (or destroyed) the Chimeras activate and make
their way towards attacking the characters. If ½ or
Pronatalax Facility basement
more of them are taken down the remainder flee.

Completing Homicide Deputies

The contract will be completed whenever the cadre
provides Sophia Choi with Seraph as the killer, as well
as giving the backstory of his creation. It counts as
completing two contracts in terms of increasing the
24 cadre's Mosaic rating.
• They are paid the negotiated amount.
• Their Amaranthian faction rating is decreased by 2.
• Their BPD faction rating is increased by 1.
• Their Hexie faction rating is decreased by 1, unless
they have somehow worked out a deal with Hexie.
• They gain 10,000 xp.
23 • If they explore the basement as well, they gain an
additional 10,000 xp.
21 Any Chimeras that successfully fled will make their
way to either Seraph or Aldous Laplace.
Seraph will become aware of the cadre and will
22 abduct one of their transgenic loved ones as both a
punishment and a gift, depending on which personali-
ty is dominant at the time.
Aldous will begin tracking down the character’s in-
dividual DNA and start to manufacture clones of them.
20 Sophia’s superiors and Hexie will reevaluate Seraph’s
danger to the city as much higher after hearing of his
backstory and abilities and will offer the cadre a new
contract, Murder Bounty (see below).

// Shadows of Korea // 113

Intro • If they’ve previously negotiated a separate contract
Murder Bounty with ghost-Steven they can essentially double-dip
on rewards for killing Seraph.
Score: 3
Part I. Contact: Sophia Choi. • A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Bureaucracy) check
City of lets the characters know the shadowy figure is like-
Place: Honhyeol dong, Sasang-gu, who knows?
Busan ly a Hexie representative working with the feds. It's
Keywords: Murders, deputization, investigation, BPD.
actually Mr. Badger, from Roadside Assistance.
Details. Okay, we got some extra funding now, we
know more about this Seraph guy, let's find him and • They know that their resources have been fraud-
Part II. ulently acquired by Seraph for his secret lab and
put him away. This place could use a silver lining, and
NPCs would like him dealt with (arrested or killed).
you might just be it. Also, シ250,000+ helps.
Finding Seraph
Part III. The cadre should have already learned two important
Encounters Murder Bounty pieces of information:
This is a longer contract, and could take a couple of • Pajeon Storage is a place of interest since it seems
sessions to complete. The characters should be at least to be warehousing biotech equipment ordered by
level 5 before starting it. A few days after completing Seraph (or Aldous).

Homocide Deputies, the cadre is contacted by Sophia Seraph seems to be leaving sewer-algae at his
again regarding apprehending Seraph. crime scenes (during the Homicide Deputies con-
PART V. Hexie (Phoenix Unlimited) has heard about tract), and all of the murders seem to be occur-
New Rules what Seraph has been up to and is worried that his as- ring close to storm drains.
sociation with Pronatalax will cause a disturbance in If they missed this info, you can get them caught up
their stock value. As such, they're providing funds to by speaking to witnesses or having a thumb-drive con-
Appendices the BPD to subcontract the cadre to do some damage taining ghost-Steven delivered to them in the mail, or
control by either arresting or killing Seraph. They also some other device.
want the cadre to obtain information on whatever ex- The following information can be obtained through
periments Seraph happens to be doing, both because speaking with witnesses, hacks, contacts, or ability
they want the research data, and they want more in- checks (with Bureaucracy, Investigation, Life Science,
sight into what Aldous Laplace is capable of. or Streetwise). Let the players get creative here, re-
warding any creative or insightful methods with infor-
Abducted Loved One mation. If they get stuck, even having proficiency in a
In the days following Homocide Deputies, Seraph will relevant skill is sufficient for some information.
abduct one of the character's transgenic loved ones. • Busan PD now has a warrant for the Vitruvian drone
Ideally, he will target a family member or romantic footage of the murder (see Homocide Deputies -
relationship. This will happen after the cadre has a Initial Crime Scene).
chance to rest, shope, and get upgrades. The cadre • Word on the street is that they are spotting rats with
won't know exactly what happened to the loved one, some strange sickness, it looks like they’re covering
only that they go missing, with no body found. Investi- in slime or something. It’s mostly around a very
gation would provide clues that Seraph was behind it. particular area of Honhyeol dong. (Streetwise, Life
Science, Investigation)
Negotiating Murder Bounty • People who have come into contact with the slime
Detective Sophia Choi is still acting as the case contact say it burns and they require medical treatment
and go-between for the characters. In AR a (literal- • If the players find one of the rats, it is covered in
ly) shadowy figure stands beside her during this new the same slime mold they found in the Pronatalax
contract negotiation. She defers to him during this facility; yellow Amaranth.
negotiation. • All of the rats discovered with this condition
• The cadre are offered シ250,000 to either appre- are within a 3 block radius, which overlaps
hend or kill Seraph, with a シ50,000 bonus if they with the murders.
bring him in alive. • City records show there is an abandoned con-
• Hexie offers an additional シ50,000 for either the struction site under Honhyeol dong from 2083. A
R&D data of Seraph's experiments, or a sample of subway system expansion that was never completed
his (purple) Amaranth. and ran out of funding. (Bureaucracy, Investigation).

114 // Contracts //
Pajeon Storage storage room. He will retreat after his hp have been
A warehouse service in Hohnhyeol dong. Large vol- reduced to ½ maximum, rushing to the exit chan-
umes of commercial grade amino acids, enzymes, and nel and diving into the water to his biotech lab.
equipment were purchased by Seraph and shipped
here just days before Pronatalax was acquired by Phoe- 1. Storm Drain Entrance.
nix Unlimited. Coming up from the south east the characters are able
One of the employees reports that “a bunch of clones” to see tracks on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception), (Surviv-
wearing construction vests and hats were carrying al), or Intelligence (Investigation) check. The tracks
equipment from Pajeon Storage to a nearby storm lead to the west, and take a turn to the north.
drain entrance about 8 months ago..
This occured over months, with millions of satoshi 2. Biofilm Trap
worth of supplies and equipment being moved to the A patch of especially slippery biofilm placed by Seraph
storm drain. Their sensory recording of the clones is resting on a 1.5 meter section of the walkway. A DC
shows they all look exactly like a young Aldous La- 20 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation),
place. The last of the materials were transported out a (Life Science) check reveals the biofilm. If someone
few weeks ago and the warehouse employees haven’t steps on the biofilm they must make a DC 16 Dexterity
seen the clones since. saving throw or fall into the storm water.

Storm Drains 3. Airlock Door Entrance

The cadre can follow either the directions of the Pajeon An airlock door is here with a manually locked valve in
employees or the clues about Seraph’s lair being in the the center (DC 13). On a DC 12 Intelligence (Investiga-
sewer/storm drain system beneath Honhyeol dong. If tion) or Wisdom (Perception) check it appears an area
they enter through a storm drain, they begin in area from the stairs to the edge of the walkway looks like it
1. If they enter through a manhole, they enter area 8.
Read the following text once the characters reach the Storm Drains
sewer walkways.

"This drain system is storm runoff, but it is quite com-

mon for these waterways to unintentionally carry
9 10
amounts of sewage as well. The air here is heavy,
hot, and wet. Slippery slime and algae cover much
of the walkway and roof. It smells of sulphur, mold,
and decay. The walkways are only wide enough to
accommodate single-file movement". 5

• It is difficult terrain and whenever a character takes

the Dash action they must make a DC 12 Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check. If they fail, they fall prone and 3
their movement ends for that turn.
• Without darkvision or some other way to see this
area is heavily obscured.
• If anything falls into the 3 meter deep water they
move 6 meters every turn in the direction of the 6 7
stream (north until it reaches the deep pool, then
east). On their turn they can spend an action to
make a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check to climb
back out. If they flow into the deep pool (area 9.), 2
they are attacked by the transgenic beast within.
• Seraph is alerted to the cadre’s presence and begins
to stalk them. He will attack them once they dis-
cover his trophy room, or if they don’t find it, the

// Shadows of Korea // 115

has less algae, almost like heavy flat objects have been
6. Storage Room
dragged across it. The door has been trapped by Seraph More biotech supply crates can be found here. If search-
with a spring-loaded spike coming from the wall. It ing, DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Per-
Part I. triggers when the first person walks through the door. ception) check reveals a subtle incense smell and a
City of If the target fails a DC 15 Dexterity save they take 3d6 passage behind some of the crates to the trophy room.
Busan Piercing damage and 6d10 poison damage. The char-
acter first passing through the door can spot the trap 7. Trophy Room
with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation), (Mechanics) Inside is a horrifying display of over a dozen surgically
Part II. or Wisdom (Perception) check. removed transgenic body parts that have been placed
NPCs in jars of solution or preserved in other ways. It seems
4. Drain Control Room obvious that this is an area where Seraph places the re-
Barrels, boxes, and crates fill this room, each with la- moved parts of his murder victims. Characters exam-
Part III. bels from various biotech supply companies. It’s clear ining each trophy can correlate it to one of the Honhy-
these are a small fraction of the supplies ordered by eol dong murders.
Seraph. Between this room and the storage room there Incense is lit and a DC 12 Intelligence (Social Sci-
is around 200 kg of biotech supplies valued at シ100/ ence) check reveals that it might be an attempt to pu-
kg. There are manually locked doors to the east, and rify the parts. Proficiency in Investigation or a DC 10
south, and a locked and chained gate to the north (DC Intelligence check reveals that they correlate perfectly
13). A heavy airlock door is to the west. A water flow with all of the murder victims. It also reveals that the
PART V. control system is on the north wall. amount of incense left in the thurible indicates the
New Rules It looks like it can be either controlled through a killer was here no less than 2 hours ago. Important-
computer system (DC 15 encryption) or manually with ly, the cadre doesn’t spot the body parts of their miss-
valves on a DC 13 Intelligence (Mechanics) check. It ing loved one.
Appendices allows the characters to shut off the flow from pipes There is a case of 12 hypospray vials in this room.
at room 8, open the grate at 9, or flood the entire tun- A forensic analysis with an DC 12 Intelligence (Life
nel with water above the level of the walkway, which Science) or (Physical Science) check reveals that the
would spill into this room unless the airlock door was substance might be a useful antiparalytic. Using one of
closed. Unlike the sewer walkways, this floor is dry and these vials grants the character immunity to the para-
there is good footing. lyzed and poisoned effects for 1 minute.

5. The Den
Past the metal gate a concrete hallway appears to open
up to a narrow 2 meter tall tunnel that has been bur-
rowed into the earth. It’s just wide enough for single
file movement, but is difficult terrain. The tunnel
widens into a larger cave around 3 meters tall with a
smaller alcove to the west. Food-based trash lies ev-
erywhere looking like it was scavenged from dump-
sters and alleys.
Once one of the characters enters this area three
swarms of burrow worms emerge (SoK, ???), sur-
rounding any cadre members who have entered this
area and attacking them. If investigated, these crea-
tures are used to tunnel out areas for underground
construction, though the registered genome doesn’t
mention paralytic saliva.

116 // Contracts //
8. Manhole Exit 10. Exit Channel
A manhole leads up to the street level in Hohnhyuel All of the water flow is leading here and the drain pipe
dong. The door to the west is manually locked (DC 13). seems to be covered by a grate. If the cadre investigates
A couple of crates containing biotech supplies rest on the grate below the water they will find that it has been
the concrete floor. cut open to allow large objects under it (around the size
of the largest biotech supply crate). If the water is al-
9. Deep Pool ready lowered by shutting off the pipes then the gate
A churning pool lies 3 meters below, collecting the wa- opening is obvious.
ter from the main channel and two drain pipes to the The exit pipe itself is a 3 diameter, and even if the
north and west. A staircase is to the east, leading down cadre shut down the two contributing pipes, other
to the main pool. The pool itself is around 6 meters water inflow ends up completely filling not long after
deep unless the players shut off the two pipes, in which entering. Swimming into the pipe will lead charac-
case the pool is 1.5 meters deep. If the characters suc- ters to Seraph’s Lab (see below) and it requires a DC 10
ceed a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) they can see a large Strength (Athletics) check. The characters will be un-
shape moving beneath the swirling water (unless the derwater for 4 minutes, +1 extra minute if they failed
pipes have been shut off, in which case it is obviously the Strength check. They can subtract 1 minute for
seen). A Goemul will attack 1 round after it sees the every 5 by which they exceed the Strength check DC.
characters peering into the water (SoK, ???). It will re- With the appropriate tech, upgrades, or genetic en-
main underwater, using its tendrils to drag characters hancement this swim is no problem, and the cadre is
under, where it can devour them and drown them. able to enter the pipe without breathing gear.
If they don’t spot it, the cadre will be surprised. It is
intelligent and strategic, so it will preferentially target Completing the Storm Drain
smaller looking characters with its tentacles and larger The cadre is awarded 14,000 xp for completing this
characters with its hacks. section of the contract.

// Shadows of Korea // 117

Intro Seraph's Lab Seraph's Lab LAN
Seraph and his Chimera followers have been con- It is DC 22 to crack the LAN from a terminal with the
structing this lab for months using money and sup- decrypt hack, alerting three Cephalopsych system ad-
Part I. plies fraudulently diverted from Pronatalax. This sub- mins in the mainframe and LAN defense rooms (24.
City of terranean site is a former abandoned subway station. and 26.) if the roll fails by 5 or more .
Busan Seraph has revitalized it into his playground for bio- The Cephalopsychs will attack any characters
medical Chimera and Amaranth research as well as his linked to the network (SoK, p. ???), attempting to
ritualistic murders. kick them out.
Part II. The characters can arrive here through the storm Hacker characters will know that it may be easier
NPCs drain pool if they took that route. Alternatively, they to find the Cephalopsychs physically and kill them (un-
might have found the materials and methods to blast less multiple characters happen to be able to engage
their way through the closed off abandoned subway in the network combat). If the system is successfully
Part III. tunnels, in whic case they would start in area the hacked it gives access to the following functions for
abandonded subway tunnel. the entire research complex for as long as the hacker
• Unless otherwise stated, all security DCs for this has a wired connection:
building are 15. • Access to cameras and floorplan
Contracts • While wireless signals will work down here be- • The ability to lock or close, open, lock, or unlock
tween people, the many meters of concrete, dirt, rooms as an action
and other materials above means there is no inter- • Control of the intercoms
PART V. net connection. • Control of one of the gun turrets for one turn or
New Rules • This facility uses wired terminals (with internet disable one completely as an action
connection), and internal cameras are local CCTV • Change temperature and light controls in any num-
only, feeds going to the Local Area Network. ber of rooms as an action
Searph's Lab (South)

3 6


4 4 4
4 4

7 8 9

118 // Contracts //
Auto Turrets 5. East/West Flame Jets
There are autoturrets in some of the rooms, which These jets are remotely activated by Seraph once com-
have the following stat-block: bat begins (see 4). At the end of every round they blast
INT WIS CHA a line of flame down the entire length of the east/west
6 6 6 tunnel they cover. Anything caught in their path takes
Armor Class 12 Hit Points 25 4d10 heat damage, or ½ as much on a successful DC 15
Initiative +4 Skills Perception +3 Dexterity saving throw. A DC 15 Intelligence (Mechan-
7.76mm Machine Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to ics) check can disable each trap.
hit, range 300/900 m, auto, no recoil. Hit: 17 (2d12+4)
piercing damage. 100 ammunition. 6. North/South Flame Jets
These jets function as described above, only they fire in
Being Discovered the north/south direction.
Seraph happens to be in a rare state of mind, and is
more curious about what the cadre will do than tacti- 7. Amaranth Security Door
cally sending teams after them all at once. Even if Ser- Concrete floor and walls marks a different area than
aph discovers the cadre, he will merely observe them, the previously dug out ground. A purple slime branch-
allowing them to explore his facility to see if they can es out on the floor, walls and roof towards an electron-
ovecome it, before he finally meets them in the atrium. ically locked steel security door with a small viewing
window (DC 15).
1. Storm Drain Pool The thin webs of slime are extremities of Purple
The waterflow from the storm drain leads to a pool Amaranth that have been feeding on bacteria, algae,
here. Swimming against the current back into the and other cavelife (SoK, p. ???). It will cause 1 cor-
storm drain requires either a swim speed or a DC 15 rosive damage to anyone who touches it (adding to
Strength (Athletics) check. Drag marks surround the the hp total of the Purple Amaranth in 9.) and it ap-
pool, indicating a great deal of crates and other materi- pears to grow slightly after causing damage. Anyone
als have been transported from this area. The passage looking through the viewing window can see into
to the south appears to be covered in small thumb- the next room.
sized holes (see 4.).

2. Abandoned Subway Tunnel

Rubble covers what looks like a possible exit passage.
It would take explosives or construction equipment to
remove this mess. If the characters entered this area by
clearing the rubble, then it is an open passage leading
to the surface.

3. Main Lab Entrance

An open area with a few shipping containers filled
with building materials and biotech supplies. The con-
tainer to the north east has scorch marks on it. To the
north are two massive doors, 6 meters tall and almost
4 meters wide each. They are electronically locked (DC
20) and there is a control panel in the adjacent wall.

4. Burrow Worms
Seraph has been using burrow worms to carve out
these tunnels (SoK, ???). If the characters pass within
3 meters of them they will attack, activating the rest of
them to move towards the characters as well. This will
also activate the flame-jets (see 5 and 6.).

// Shadows of Korea // 119

8. Biolock Buffer Room 12. Heat Room
Purple Amaranth covers much of this room, including An identical set of heavy doors as the ones to the south
a partially dissolved body of an unrecognizable human. are to the north, and they are electronically locked (DC
Part I. Two barrels labeled “Nutrient Solution” rest against the 20) with a similar control panel in the adjacent wall.
City of wall and a 1-meter thick security door with viewing A jamming effect occurs here and Seraph’s voice
Busan window is on the east wall. comes over the speaker. He alternates between gloat-
Characters must make a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobat- ing and comforting tones and words as his personality
ics) check to avoid accidentally touching the extrem- erratically shifts.
Part II. ity of Purple Amaranth here. It has 10 hit points, and
NPCs if they touch it, it inflicts 2 corrosive damage and it “It’s a shame about [insert captive loved one or
seems to grow, adding the hp to the Purple Amaranth murder victim]... If only you just left me to my own
in room 9. Anyone looking through the viewing win- devices, this could have been avoided. In fact, I’ll
Part III. dow can see into the next room. happily call a truce right now if you simply walk away.
Whomever looks in the window gets pinged “Please, If not, another…. Soul will be purified and allowed
feed me, and let me out. I won’t hurt you!” The purple Am- into heaven. I’m so sorry about your friend. But an
aranth colony will attempt to bargain it’s way out. It has eternity of paradise is a just reward for a short life of
the minds of the four Chimeras that it devoured within suffering. You’ll see how I was helping you once it’s
it. If Bargle (from the Pronatalax Facility) escaped, this your turn, all this will be a silly bad dream! I beg you,
was his fate, and he will chat with the characters like let me proceed, and everything will work out wonder-
PART V. old friends. fully for all eternity. Please, just trust me.”
New Rules If the characters refuse to help the Amaranth col- If the cadre refuses the massive doors to the
ony it will use the suggestion hack on one of them to south close immediately. “Let’s make this fun. If
open the door. Combat can begin, but it can’t move you solve this puzzle, I’ll let you live a little longer!”.
Appendices very quickly, so it is stuck with using hacks and pseu-
dopod attack.
Give the puzzle to the characters and explain that
9. Purple Amaranth Colony they need to complete it in real time for the doors to
An enormous mass of pulsing purple veiny slime rests open. Start a timer and use one of the logic puzzles
in the center of this room, webs of vascular matter in Appendix A.
stretching out to the walls and roof. The cadre can see The temperature in the room rapidly increases to
the outlines of at least two mostly collapsed bodies intolerable levels and after every minute the charac-
covered in the stuff. The Purple Amaranth will try to ters take a level of exhaustion and 6 heat damage. If
bargain for nutriets and human sacrifices, and will at- they have resistance to heat damage they only take a
tack if it isn't appeased (SoK, ???). level of exhaustion every 2 minutes. The doors open
when they solve the logic puzzle.
10. Decontamination Room If one of the characters has the unlock hack it can
This room is filled with sprinklers on the roof and be used to quickly bypass this puzzle if they succeed
slightly convex floor. A valve in the center of the room at the check.
activates the sprinklers, instantly killing any Ama- The decrypt hack can also be used, but at 1 minute
ranth on the characters. Diluted and broken down pur- per use it could be more of a problem with the timing.
ple slime lines gutters along the walls. There is a door
to the north, leading to 11. 13. Heat generator
This door is locked. This room contains a furnace that
11. Hazmat Suits pumps heat into room 12. Proficiency in mechanics
This room contains 12 hazmat suits that provide 6 cor- lets the character know it could be rigged to explode
rosive damage reduction and air filters that prevent on a DC 15 Intelligence (mechanics) check, destroying
airborne pathogens. They can be worn over light and the wall and all of the giant security doors in room 12
medium armor but not heavy armor. (as well as doing 30 heat and 8d10 bludgeoning dam-
age to anything in the area). It would detonate in 2d10
rounds after rigging it unless the character manufac-
tures a detonator.

120 // Contracts //
14. Antechamber and a repair central platform with an accompanying
Massive double doors are to the north, while smaller mechanical arm. Any of the characters could obtain
doors are to the east, west, and south-west. The north a mechanics tool-kit here. There are around 20kg of
and south-west doors are electronically locked while parts here could be collected and sold for シ1,000 a kg.
the other two are not.
The concrete room itself appears empty, with 22. Mind-Digitizing Room
scrape marks on the ground for dragged crates. A DC While a smaller operation than the Pronatalax facility,
15 Intelligence (Investigation), (Life Science), or Wis- this room allows for both mind uploading (north seat)
dom (Perception) check reveals that some of the marks and downloading (south seat). Two v2-Chimeras are
appear to be from large claws. here, prepared for a fight. The terminal here is con-
nected to the LAN.
15. Sleeping Quarters 1
Basic sleeping quarters with two beds, a table, and a 23. Security Office
padlocked locker. Two hits of nootro and two hits of A v3-Chimera named Doulas is seated here, holding
perk are one the table. Inside the locker are labcoats, a his hands up in peace. He claims he is willing to help
forensic scanner, a biohacking kit and a hypospray. the cadre and give them a password to the safe in the
corner if they let him go. He is lying and the safe con-
16. Sleeping Quarters 2 tains an explosive that will trigger once opened.
This room holds four beds and a stand of padlocked He will make a Charisma (Deception) check against
lockers. Inside each locker is a hazmat suit (de- their passive Insights. If he fails, the characters he
scribed in room 11.) couldn’t beat know he is hiding something. If the cad-
re refuses to let him go without getting the contents
17. Sleeping Quarters 3 of the safe first, he will give them the codes to open it.
Four beds are in this room. Under one of the beds is a hy- The safe is electronically locked (DC 20), and open-
pospray loaded with three doses of nerve agent poison. ing it will trigger an explosive trap that inflicts 6d10
piercing damage (½ as much on a DC 15 Dex save)
18. Sleeping Quarters 4 in a 4.5 meter cone from the direction of the safe
Three beds, a desk, and an unlocked locker fill this (sparing Doulas).
room. On the desk is a dummy-terminal and in one of If he hasn’t already been allowed to leave, Doulas
the desk drawers is a hit of nootro, hype, and perk. will fight the cadre at this point. Under his desk is a
The locker contains four sets of work overalls and ZQ Timberwolf 9mm, which he will wield in a fight,
some hardhats. changing his SMG attack damage from 2d6 to 3d6.
The lockers in this room are padlocked and most
19. Anthroid Birth Room contain changes of clothes, however one contains a
The doors are locked. This room contains a terminal, Spyder Sylk outfit.
biotech workbenches and a pod for growing anthroid
bodies. There is currently a partially formed body in- 24. Mainframe
side that vaguely resembles Laplace. Five hits of nan- Two Cephalopsychs are seated here, tasked with de-
odoc are in a stash in the biomedical equipment if fending the network from any hackers. When con-
the characters search. The terminal here is connect- fronted personally they are willing to jump ship to pre-
ed to the LAN. serve their own lives if the cadre pays them シ10,000,
feeling a little alienated by their employers anyway. A
20. Mess Hall successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimida-
A large kitchen and dining area for all of the chimeras. tion) check well get them to leave for free, and if the
A captain and eight v1-Chimeras are currently dining check is 20 or higher, they will offer to pay the cadre シ
here. They will attack the characters on sight. 15,000 if the cadre takes them to open water.

21. Mechanics Workshop

The doors are locked. An MEA MK IV and Grease Mon-
key Pro will attack the cadre if they enter the room.
This room is filled with parts, mechanics work benches,

// Shadows of Korea // 121

25. Storage Room of them open if one is. A DC 17 Wisdom (Perception),
Shipping containers, crates, and other caches of bio- Intelligence (Bureaucracy), (Investigation), or (Life Sci-
medical supplies fill this room. ence) check will alert the cadre to the qullions. If the
Part I. Three enormous containers against the west wall doors are opened the Quillions will attack the cadre.
City of have caged doors and appear to be empty except for Searching through all of the containers reveals 10
Busan water dispensers and one of them contains a mostly hits of nanodoc, 4 hits of wrath, and 3 hits of euvig-
devoured corpse of a horse. The containers actually il. With proficiency in the Life Science or Bureaucracy
contain Quillions that are cloaked, remaining per- a character can identify a 1 kilogram case of expensive
Part II. fectly silent and waiting for the doors to open (CRB, p. enzymes valued at シ10,000 if sold.
NPCs 304). The security containers are locked and linked, all

Part III. Searph's Lab (north)


28 34 24
New Rules

Appendices 22
32 32


26 30 31

15 17

16 19

122 // Contracts //
26. LAN Defense Room places. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation), (Life Sci-
A Cephalopsych is seated here, tasked with defending ence), forensic scan hack, or a forensic scanner reveals
the network from any hackers. When confronted per- a large bioengineered mammoth is normally held here,
sonally they are willing to jump ship to preserve their one modified to eat meat.
own life. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or
(Intimidation) check well get them to offer to pay the 32. Gun Turrets.
cadre シ15,000 to help them escape to some open wa- Two gun turrets that cover the entire room are at-
ter. A LAN terminal is here. tached to the roof.

27. Nuclear Reactor 33. Elevator Platform

This room is the entire facility’s power source, a tiny This entire 42x12 meter area is a large platform that
nuclear reactor. A DC 20 Intelligence (Mechanics) can be elevated (see 35).
check allows the cadre to either shut down the facili-
ty’s power, or allow them to cause a nuclear meltdown, 34. Nanite Bath
creating a small thermonuclear explosion that will A 2-meter deep pool of flesh-digesting nanite solution
destroy the entire facility (as well as a good 100 meter is directed beneath the character’s loved-one, placed in
radius chunk of Honhyeol dong above). The meltdown a hollow of the elevator platform.
will occur 1 hour after it is rigged. The character’s loved-one is bound and gagged
with Spyder Sylk rope (10 hp and 20 AC), hanging 9
28. Vault meters above the nanite bath. If a creature enters the
This room has an independent mechanical lock (DC nanite bath or starts their turn in it they will take 4d10
24). It will take 10 minutes and mechanics tools to corrosive damage (DC 14 Con save for ½).
make the check. It can be tried multiple times, but
each attempt requires another 10 minutes. A Goliath 35. Seraph
MK II droid is guarding the vault and will attack the A few meters behind the bath, covered in a cloaker tarp,
cadre. The following material can be found in the vault. is an invisible Seraph riding a mammoth (SoK, ???).
• All of the research data on Chimera creation, as The moustach-twirling, game-playing, dramatic vil-
well as research data on yellow and purple ama- lain personality is currently dominant and he will play
ranth (can be sold to Apollo labs or Omnitech for シ up the victim hovering over the nanite-bath as much
250,000, or given to Hexie for the contract bonus). as he can. He will fight to the death.
• Research data on a variety of bioengineered ani- • Seraph and the mammoth will be silent and will
mals (can be sold to underground bioengineering wait until some of the characters are on the plat-
rackets for シ20,000). form but not others, trying to separate them.
• A pair of Jötunn Thunder Gloves • Everyone can roll for initiative. If the characters
• A dose of Grey Goo haven’t spotted Seraph they will be surprised.

29. Escape Elevator.

• On Seraph’s turn he will activate the elevator as a
free action and attack the cadre. The platform will
An elevator that takes you to the surface. immediately rise 3 meters and will rise another 1.5
meters at the start each round until it reaches a
30. Atrium height of 9 meters.
A large open room with a 15 meter tall roof. Cargo con- • At that point the character’s loved one will be
tainers line much of the walls, including a large one immersed in the nanite bath. They only have 10 hit
to the south-east (31). Two gun turrets are on the roof points, so they will likely immediately be reduced to
(32), and the character's loved one hangs bound and 0 hit points, and automatically fail two death saves.
suspended (35). A dozen Spyder Sylk ropes hang down the following round for taking additional damage.
above the elevator platform (33), 4 meters from the roof. • As a legendary action Seraph can instantly drop the
platform 9 meters, causing everyone on it to take
31. Mammoth Cage. 3d6 bludgeoning damage and make a DC 13 Dexter-
A large unlocked container with a cage door to the ity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone. He will only do
south east appears to be empty except for a floor cov- this if he has grabbed a Spyder Sylk rope first.
ered in straw, a large amount of raw meat, water, and
piles of fecal matter. Tufts of brown hair are in several

// Shadows of Korea // 123

Intro Completing Murder Bounty
The contract will be completed whenever the cadre ei-
ther kills or turns in Seraph to Sophia Choi, and com-
Part I. pleting this contract counts as completing two con-
City of tracts in terms of increasing the cadre's Mosaic rating.
Busan • They are paid the negotiated amount.
• If the characters successfully wiped out all Chime-
ras (including Doulas) and they have made a deal
Part II. with Ghost-Steven then he will reward them with
NPCs the promised シ250,000.
• Their Amaranthian faction rating is decreased by 2.
• Their BPD faction rating is increased by 1.
Part III.
• Their Hexie faction rating is increased by 1.
• If the cadre nuked the facility their faction rat-
ings with the Busan Police, City Hall, and the
Smiling Fish are decreased by 4. Also, their
faction ratings with the Night Breed
and South Jopok are reduced by 2,
and their faction rating will be re-
PART V. duced by 1 for all other factions.
New Rules • They gain 20,000 xp (in addi-
tion to the 14,000 from com-
pleting the storm drain section).
• If they saved the loved one they
gain an additional 4,000 xp.
• If they provide R&D data and/or a
sample of purple Amaranth, their
Hexie faction rating is increased by
an additional 1, the are awarded the
negotiated amount, and they gain
an additional 4,000 xp.
Aldous Laplace will continue working
on more Amaranth projects which
can be explored in future contracts.
Unbeknownst to the cadre, La-
place has had Seraph come into the
Phoenix Unlimited facility in Seoul,
under a false name. As such, Ser-
aph's mind is still alove and well, re-
corded in the databases of Phoenix
Unlimited, just waiting for Laplace
to revive him.
Mr. Badger will thank the cadre
and remind them of their confidenti-
ality clauses.
If the characters negotiated with
any of the Cephalopsychs and helped
them to water, they can be a possible
future contact.

124 // Contracts //
Located on the waters edge in Dong-gu, the Bratva
Cattle rustiling use this building to house illicit goods either recently
moved from the loading docks as an import or immi-
Score: 3
nently bound for the loading docks as an export. It is
Contact: Markus.
run by the Bratva captain Miroslav, a biohacked vam-
Place: Old North Port, Dong-gu.
pire (SoK, ???).
Keywords: Cargo acquisition, B&E, Bratva.
Details. Some of my precious imports have been • Intruders will be shot on sight, though especially
good Charisma checks may convince people that
misappropirated by the slovenly Miroslav. I can't bear
the cadre belongs.
to think of his greasy hands all over it. Please reacquire
my cargo from his vile clutches and return it to me. • Six swoop drones fly in an irregular perimeter
above the warehouse and transmit their video feed
to the snipers outside as well as Miroslav.
• Any Dexterity (Stealth) checks the characters make
Cattle Rustling must also pass the drone’s passive Perception (10),
This contract is posted a couple of weeks after com- or they will be alerted.
pleting Murder Bounty, enough time to shop, craft, • Unless otherwise stated, all security DCs for this
and get upgrades. Markus is interested in contracting building are 15.
the cadre to retrieve some of his imported Blood Doll
anthroids, which are being help up by the Vladivostok 1. Main Entrance
Bratva in the Old North Port. This contract is mutually Trashcans line the walls right outside the main en-
exclusive with Warehouse Security. trance. The door is manually locked.

Negotiating Cattle Rustling 2. Snipers

Markus, the leader of the Night Breed gang, would like Two Bratva snipers patrol the roof-top here, keeping
to meet at the Pain Circus club. Markus is sitting on his an eye on the warehouse and adjacent buildings. They
throne flanked by attractive Blood Dolls, as usual. His will open fire on intruders and will alert the ware-
demeanor depends on the cadre’s faction rating with house management.
the Night Breed.
He has had some of his imports unofficially seized 3. Main Warehouse.
by Bratva at the docks. He requests that the cadre “re- A wide open room filled with crates, containers and
acquire” this cargo from a warehouse in the docks. He boxes. Three locked doors are to the north, a garage
suspects the cargo will be somewhere in Dong-gu, the and door to the east, and a door to the south-west.
Bratva controlled area of the docks. He provides the
following details: 4. Break Room.
• シ200,000 for return of the complete cargo. Two hitmen (CRB, p. 285) are sitting here drinking cof-
• - シ20,000 for every blood doll not recovered. fee. They will attack any intruders.
• +シ10,000 if Miroslav is somehow public-
5. Cooler Pantry.
ly embarrassed.
• He expects the cargo will be moved within 24 hours, This room is filled with foodstuffs and beverages of all
so he needs it done before then. types. If searching, a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation)
• A DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) check will reveal a hidden stash of drugs in an open
check gets him to reveal the nature of the cargo as box of crackers. There are 3 doses of nanodoc, 1 of
10 blood-doll anthroids perk, 2 of euvigil, and 3 of mars.

Bratva Warehouse 6. Head Office.

The cadre can find out the likely location of this ware- This room is electronically locked. Miroslav is seated
house after employing the usual investigative tech- here behind a desk, a portly man biohacked to be a
niques; consulting contracts, calling in favors, inter- vampire. He is attached to a Blood Doll through a feed-
viewing relevant people through roleplaying, hacking, ing tube going directly to his stomach and is sipping
or making Investigation or Streetwise checks. on a cup of tea. Two hitmen stand behind him, acting
as bodyguards.

// Shadows of Korea // 125

Intro Miroslav will try to persuade intruders to leave, le- If the characters search, a DC 15 Intelligence (Inves-
veraging the Bratva reputation and his personal men- tigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check reveals hidden
ace. If one of the characters makes a Charisma (Intimi- compartments with 10 incubation pods containing
Part I. dation) or (Persuasion) check he will offer シ10,000 for Spartan Infantry embryos in each crate. Each pod
City of every 5 points by which the check exceeds 10. He will weighs 2 kg and proficiency in Life Science, Bureaucra-
Busan fight to the death if given no choice. cy, or Streetwise lets a character know they are valued
at シ2,000 each on the black market. A buyer can be
7. Exports found using appropriate skills or contacts.
Part II. This room is manually locked. A series of 6 crates
NPCs marked for export to Sweden fill this room. Each crate 8. Bathroom
contains refrigerated units containing loads of cut- Bathroom stalls, sinks, and showers fill this room.
tlefish on ice.
Part III.
Bratva Warehouse


New Rules
6 8 7
4 5

1 13
3 14



126 // Contracts //
9. Imports Completing Cattle Rustling
A series of crates fill this room. If the cadre takes time The contract will be completed whenever the cadre
to search each crate and box they can make a DC 15 either brings back some number of the Blood Doll an-
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) throids to the Pain Circus, or they fail in their attempt.
check. If they succeed they will find thirty 7.62mm • If they successfully return all ten Blood Dolls
assault rifles and sixty 7.62mm armor piercing maga- the party gains 12,000 xp and the negotiated
zines hidden amongst the crates. amount of satoshi.

10. Blood Dolls.

• If one or more of the anthroids were not returned
they only gain 10,000 xp.
This container is electronically locked (DC 20). In- • Their Night Breed faction rating is increased by 1 (or
side are 9 Blood Doll anthroids (the 10th is in the 2 if Miroslav is killed).
head office). • If the cadre sells the Blood Dolls on the black mar-
The anthroids are all locked in sleep mode (encryp- ket their Night Breed faction rating will decrease by
tion DC 15). If the encryption is beat, the anthroids are 1 instead of increasing.
all in setup mode, and the characters can set them- • If the cadre kills Miroslav, Markus will be very
selves as their owners, and direct them as they see fit pleased, awarding them a +シ50,000 bonus.
(including as combatants). • Their Vladivostok Bratva faction rating is
They can be sold quickly at 1/10 market value if the decreased by 2.
characters can find buyers. With the extra Blood Dolls Markus is able to expand
the clout and size of the Night Breed. They will seek to
11. Walking Area ally with the South Jopok more to begin annexation of
This open area looks like it is for walking animals for the Bratva-controlled docks.
exercise. As soon as the sealed door is opened a strong
skunky smell permeates the area.

12. Dire-Skunk Pens

Four pens containing Dire-Skunks are in this room
(CRB, p. 302) . A biohacker wiz trainer is here and will
have released the doors if he heard intruders in room
11 (SoK, ???).

13. Rear Entrance.

This side of the warehouse has a large garage
door and adjacent security door. Both are
electronically locked.

14. Water.
This area leads to the sea and can be
used as a possible entrance or es-
cape with a boat.

// Shadows of Korea // 127

Intro around 1:00 am on a sports boat at the dock to the East
of the warehouse.
Warehouse Security
• Miroslav will remain locked in his room with two
Score: 3 hitmen during the raid, not wanting to put his own
Part I.
Contact: Miroslav. life at risk.
City of
Busan Place: Old North Port, Dong-gu.
• For simplicity’s sake, have Miroslav’s security (the
Keywords: Defense, Bratva, vampires, Night Breed. other two hitmen and two snipers) cancel out 4
Details. The pig-dog Markus thinks he can come onto vampire thugs.
Part II. MY turf and act tough with his loser cultists. Help pre-
• Miroslav's biohacker wiz trainer and Dire-Skunks
NPCs vent this loser from stealing from me. One night's work, will remain out of the fight (unless explic-
シ200,000, seems fair to me, a good deal. itly attacked).
• Markus, 3 vampire thugs and an adept hacker will
Part III. come through the main entrance.
Encounters Warehouse Security • A transgenic bruiser, 3 vampire thugs, a adept hack-
Miroslav needs some help protecting his warehouse er will come through the rear entrance.
from a raid organized by Markus. This contract is mu- The vampire thugs will try to protect the hackers
tually exclusive with Cattle Rustling. who will make their way to the container with the
Blood Dolls. Once a hacker gets to the container they
Negotiating Warehouse Security will use the unlock hack on it until it opens. Once
PART V. Miroslav, a Bratva captain and manager of a dock ware- open, the vampire brute and Markus will carry out
New Rules house, would like to meet. He would prefer to meet Blood Dolls, two at a time, to the boat. They will use
in person, at his warehouse in Dong-gu. Miroslav is the Dodge action as they run away.
seated here behind a desk, a portly man biohacked to The raid will end if Markus is killed or if six of the
Appendices be a vampire. He is attached to a Blood Doll through a raiders are defeated.
feeding tube and is sipping on a cup of tea. Two hitmen
stand behind him, acting as bodyguards. Completing Warehouse Security
He happens to be in possession of some merchan- The contract will be completed when either the Blood
dise that he appropriated from the Night Breed. He is Dolls are all abducted or the raid is disrupted and ended.
expecting a raid from the Night Breed, an attempt to • If they successfully stop any of the Blood Dolls
claim the appropriated cargo. The cargo will be moved being killed or taken the party gains 12,000 xp and
tomorrow, so it only has to be protected for one night. the negotiated amount of satoshi.
If the cadre can steer the plunderers away they will be • If one or more of the anthroids were abducted or
well compensated. killed they only gain 10,000 xp.
• シ200,000 for the protection of the precious cargo. • If the cadre kills Markus they will get their negotiat-
• - シ20,000 for every blood doll that is ab- ed bonus and an additional 1,000 xp.
ducted or killed. • Their Vladivostok Bratva faction rating is increased
• +シ100,000 if Markus shows up and is by 1 (or 2 if Markus is killed)
killed in the raid. • Their Night Breed faction rating is decreased by 2
• A DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation) (or 3 if Markus is killed)
check gets him to reveal the nature of the cargo as With the extra Blood Dolls Miroslav and Maxim
10 Blood-Doll anthroids. will further solidify Bratva and vampire subculture,
weakening the Night Breed.
Bratva Warehouse
See the Cattle Rustling contract for details.

The Raid
Markus will arrive with 10 vampire thugs, two trans-
genic bruisers and 2 adept hackers (both the bruisers
and hackers have the sunlight sensitivity, bite attack,
and regenerative hemovore traits described in the
vampire thug (SoK, p. ???). The raiders will arrive at

128 // Contracts //
• Proficiency in Streetwise reveals that Daichi has
Package Courier excellent relations with the Fukuoka Yakuza but is
despised by the South Jopok.
Score: 4
Contact: Daichi.
The Backstory
Place: Dongsam dong, Yeongdo-gu.
A researcher working for Vitruvian (a subsidiary of
Keywords: Delivery, protection, Fukuoka.
Apollo Laboratories) has smuggled out a prototype
Details. The job is simple, I have a package that needs
healing bioware named Project Hyperdrive and has
to get to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel. Someone doesn't
found a Ronin International research branch in Japan
want the package making it there. One night's work,
that is willing to buy it for 6 million satoshi. Ronin has
シ300,000, forge some good allies in the process.
hired both Daichi and the Fukuoka Yakuza to deliver
the goods to Fukuoka. The Yakuza have it covered once
it gets to the tunnel, but Daishi needs to get it there,
Package Courier which is why he wants to hire the cadre.
The characters should be level 7 by this point, or at
least five or more level 6 characters. This contract
should mark the first one where the cadre is really
stepping into city-wide level of power. They can start
to challenge the pillars of Busan a little more without
fear of being squashed like bugs. The powers that be
know them by now, their reputation spilling out of Sa-
sang-gu and into the wealthier districts.
A famous samurai named Daichi (SoK, p. ???)
wants some extra help protecting a package that he
has been charged with delivering to Japan through the
Busan-Fukuoka tunnel. This contract is mutually ex-
clusive with Intercept the Goods.

Negotiating P ackage Courier

He will meet the cadre in the WDS at a traditional saki
bar site to negotiate the contract. His avatar is identi-
cal to his physical body, a well muscled four-armed Af-
ro-Japanese man with maroon skin and cornrow hair.
He has a notorious rivalry with Eun Sook, as famous a
thief as Daichi is a samurai, and is expecting that she
will attempt to steal it en route. He tells the cadre to
prepare for a long fight.
• He will pay シ300,000 if the package safely makes it
to the Japanese side of the tunnel, and no payment
if it is stolen before then.
• One night’s work only (tomorrow night)
• Eun Sook gets under his skin and it makes him
off his game, so if possible, he wants the cadre
to handle her.
• A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation)
check gets him to reveal the nature of the cargo
as an experimental regenerative healing upgrade
being developed by Vitruvian.
• A DC 15 Intelligence (Bureaucracy) or (Streetwise)
check reveals that this trade-secret upgrade proto-
type could be worth millions.

// Shadows of Korea // 129

Intro Eun Sook has been hired by Vitruvian to murder the Traffic
researcher (which she has already done) and retrieve Eun Sook has hacked into the traffic lights system to
the stolen prototype. She has employed the South Jop- cause some car accidents in key intersections and di-
Part I. ok (or the cadre if they pursue the Intercept the Goods rect traffic to create total gridlock in the blocks leading
City of contract) to help retrieve the stolen goods. to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel. Cars will be complete-
Busan Daichi and Eun Sook are occasional lovers and ly unable to move, though a motorcycle could weave
career rivals, each having murdered the other many through with a successful DC 15 Dexterity (Drive)
times in past run-ins, only to be resurrected through check at the start of each round. On a failed roll the
Part II. Phoenix Unlimited. The fox and hare game they play bike would have to brake to a full stop after 9 meters
NPCs manifests in this contract, ego being a major part of it and failing by 6 or more would cause a crash, inflict-
despite what Daichi would like to think. ing 3d8 bludgeoning damage to the motorcycle and
If any of the characters decide to inject themselves requiring a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Ac-
Part III. with the bioware held within the briefcase instead of robatics) check to remain seated. Failure means both
delivering it, they are subjected to the following effects: the bike and the driver are prone.
• immediately takes effect but causes 2 levels
of exhaustion. NPC Tactics
Contracts • The character recovers 3 hit points at the start of Eun Sook and Yong Chul (SoK, ???) will spend all of
each turn, and regains all hit points whenever they their efforts physically getting the briefcase and escap-
take a short rest. ing using dashes, grapples, disarms, shoves, and hacks.
PART V. • They always count as having two fewer levels They will fight using damaging attacks if prudent.
New Rules of exhaustion. The South Jopok will primarily be targeting Daichi
• They burn calories at an extraordinary rate and and the cadre with damaging attacks.
must consume 10x the normal amount of food per Daichi will spend all of his energy getting the brief-
Appendices day to sustain themselves, are constantly flushed case to the tunnel, trying to get it back if it is stolen.
and sweating, and will only live another year or two He will attack for damage if prudent, but is more con-
since each day ages them 1 month. If they already cerned with moving it forward.
have the short lived or inefficient metabolism flaws,
this can be a quick death sentence.

The Meet Up
The cadre can decide the method by which the package
will be delivered and whatever security measure they
will be taking in the 24 hours prior to the meet-up.
Daichi meets the characters in an alleyway of Yeo-
ngdo-gu. His weapons are drawn and he is holding a
briefcase in one of his four arms. He is reluctant to give
up the case, but a DC 15 Charisma (Deception), (Intim-
idation) or (Persuasion) check gets him to hand it over.

The Robbery
Eun Sook and her hired help will attempt to steal the
package in Dongsam dong (see below). This scene will
likely be a prolonged firefight perhaps followed by a
chase if it continues off the battlemap.
There are plenty of places to hide and take cover.
Civilians will scatter once combat begins, some even
abandoning their cars.
The scene ends if Eun Sook successfully steals
the package or if the package is successfully taken
to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel.

130 // Contracts //
Dongsam Dong City Block 1. Street
Located in Yeongdo-gu, Dongsam dong is a particular- The street is filled with shops, street vendors, pedestri-
ly lawless area that is the centre of a Yakuza and South ans, and a regular flow of car traffic. Both meat-space
Jopok turf war. The BPD tends to avoid it and let the and the Veil are awash in neon signs and advertise-
gang war playout as their past attempts at getting in- ments stretching all the way to the horizon, creating an
volved were disastrous. Both criminal factions have a almost carnival type effect. The area is very well-lit de-
no-drone truce in this neighborhood, and any drones spite the night sky. It’s clear that this area isn’t upscale
flying more than 6 meters high are shot down and it bears the marks of being part of a gang turf-war.
by thugs from either side (unless they are high-alti- It is utterly bumper-to-bumper gridlocked if the char-
tude drones). acters are running the Package Courier contract, other-
wise there is regular traffic. Pedestrian walkways line
Four Relevant Heights both sides of the street, the east side being under the
There are four relevant heights in this map: shade of a catwalk. Plenty of dumpsters and street-lev-
• The street (1.) is at ground level. el shops can provide good cover here, being 1.5 and 3
• The catwalk (3.) is 6 meters above ground. meters tall respectively.
• The low rooftops (4.) are 12 meters above ground.
2. Sidewalks
• The high rooftops (5.) are 15 meters above ground.
A target’s cover will vary depending on where Sidewalks are in between some street businesses and
the attacker is, make sure it is clear that everyone the larger commercial buildings. The sidewalk to the
understands the angles from which they might not west and north east is directly under a catwalk.
have cover from.
With an upgrade or feature that allows tripled 3. Catwalk
high-jumping distance it is possible to do a running This raised level is 6 meters (two stories) higher than
high-jump from one level to another (CRB, p. 184). This the street and was designed for pedestrian traffic.
requires moving three meters, then a DC 25 Strength Third floor restaurants, bars, boutiques, and other
(Athletics) check to outright land on the higher level commercial establishments line the catwalk. A half-
or a DC 15 check to grab on with your hands and pull wall guards pedestrians from falling on the street and
yourself up (which counts as 3 meters on rough terrain the pedestrian street walkways are often directly below.
for movement purposes).
Remember, any type of jumping still uses up an 4. Low Rooftops
amount of movement equal to the distance jumped, so The rooftops on most of the buildings here are 12 me-
this may require that the character uses the Dash ac- ters high and most have a partial wall.
tion to get enough movement. A summary is outlined
on the table below 5. High Rooftops.
The rooftops of the building on this south-east block
Changing Heights with Hyper Jumping and a section of the north-west building are 15 meters
Strength Running High Movement high and have a partial wall.
(Athletics) Jump Result Required
15 3 meter jump + 3 12 meters 6. Catwalk Stairs
meter pull-up These stairs connect the street level to the catwalk and
25 6 meters 9 meters require 9 meters of movement to climb.

Of course if the character has an upgrade or feature 7. Ladders.

that gives them a climb speed it is as simple as crawl- Climbing these doesn’t require a Strength check (but it
ing up the wall. Climbing up the wall without this fea- is still double movement cost).
ture requires a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check and
requires double movement as per the usual climbing 8. Spike Strips.*
rules. The South Jopok and spike strips from 8,9,10,11 These strips are placed across the street to prevent
and 12 are not present if the cadre is working for Eun wheeled vehicles from speeding by. Eun Sook pre-
Sook (See Intercept the Goods contract below). fers a foot-race.

// Shadows of Korea // 131

Intro Dongsam Dong city Block

Part I.
City of

Part II. 5
NPCs 4
4 5
Part III.


8 14
PART V. 11
New Rules

Appendices 6



9 13 10

5 10 7 5

11 10

2 1

132 // Contracts //
9. Jopok Sniper.* 13. Eun Sook.
These snipers (SoK, p. ???) will attack Daichi and the The famous thief will start here, but waits until the
cadre, targeting the hands of enemies holding the cadre is under attack by her minions or case is free to
briefcase if they can. move in for the snatch.

10. Gang of Jopok Enforcers.* 14. Eun Sook’s Escape Route.

Each of these are a group of 4 enforcers (CRB, p. 281) If Eun Sook is able to make it off the North edge of the
that will use their bats to target whomever is holding map then she has escaped combat. A foot-chase scene
the briefcase if they can. They will use their guns if can ensue if the players want to continue pursuit (CRB,
they aren’t in range. p. 185), with Eun Sook hoping to lose them.

11. Jopok Hitman.* 15. The Tunnel Entrance.

These hitmen (CRB, p. 285) will shoot to kill, but if the If Daichi or the players are able to take the briefcase off
briefcase happens to be available they will move it for- of the north-east side of the map then they have suc-
ward to Eun Sook. cessfully delivered it to Yakuza agents. Eun Sook will
retreat, sending a wave of online profanity and curses
12. Yong-Chul.* directed at Daichi and the cadre.
This Canary South Jopok captain (SoK, p. ???) will
use leg kicks against whomever is holding the brief-
case, or try disarm attempts to obtain it so he can toss
it to Eun Sook.

// Shadows of Korea // 133

Intro Completing Package Courier row night and it will likely be a heavily fortified trans-
The contract will be completed when the package ei- port that is carrying it. She tells the cadre to prepare for
ther makes it to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel safely, or a long fight with Ronin samurai.
Part I. Eun Sook escapes with it. • She will pay シ300,000 if the package is returned to
City of • If they successfully deliver the package they gain Vitruvian, but none if it isn't.
Busan 15,000 xp and the negotiated amount of sa- • One night’s work only (tomorrow night)
toshi. If they don’t, they only gain 13,000 xp and • She would prefer you leave Daichi to her, but under-
no payment. stands if you have to take him out.
Part II. • Their South Jopok faction rating is decreased by 2 • A DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) or (Intimidation)
NPCs (or 4 if Yong Chul is killed). check gets her to reveal the nature of the cargo as
• Their Ronin International faction rating is an experimental regenerative healing upgrade
increased by 2. being developed by Vitruvian.
Part III.
• Their Fukuoka Yakuza faction rating is • A DC 15 Intelligence (Bureaucracy) or (Streetwise)
increased by 1. check reveals that this trade-secret upgrade proto-
• Their Vitruvian (Apollo Laboratories) faction rating type could be worth millions.

is decreased by 2. • Proficiency in Streetwise reveals that Eun Sook
has excellent relations with the South Jopok but is
despised by the Yakuza.
Intercept the Goods
The Backstory
PART V. Score: 4
New Rules The same as for Package Courier (see above).
Contact: Eun Sook.
Place: Dongsam dong, Yeongdo-gu.
The Robbery
Keywords: Thievery, corporate intrigue, samurai, fun.
Appendices Eun Sook wants the cadre to attempt to steal the pack-
Details. A guy has a package he stole and I want to
age in Dongsam-dong (see below). This scene will like-
steal it back! Perhaps it's trade secrets about some new
ly be a prolonged fight. There are plenty of places to
robot or something, who knows? Either way, it will be a
hide and take cover. Civilians will scatter once combat
blast! Wanna shake things up for シ300,000!?
begins, some even abandoning their cars. The scene
ends if Eun Sook or the cadre successfully steals the
package and returns it to Vitruvian or if the package is
Intercept The Goods successfully taken to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel.
The characters should be level 7 by this point, or at Daichi and cracker companion (SoK, p ??? and ???)
least five or more level 6 characters. This contract will be in the driver and passenger seat of a truck (CRB,
should mark the first one where the cadre is really p. 145) except the truck has been modified to have a
stepping into city-wide level of power. They can start covered and armored truck bed and 14 DR and 20 AC.
to challenge the pillars of Busan a little more without It is piloted by a Driver 3.4 bot. Three kensei and two
fear of being squashed like bugs. The powers that be demolitionists (CRB, p. 285, SoK p. ???) are seated in
know them by now, their reputation spilling out of Sa- the bed of the truck.
sang-gu and into the wealthier districts.
Eun Sook is a famous thief (SoK, p. ???) and needs NPC Tactics
to get a hold of a package being delivered to the Fu- Eun Sook will do her best to snatch the briefcase and
kuoka Yakuza by an elite Samurai named Daichi. She escape the area, but will attack if that seems to be
would love some help acquiring this highly guarded the best action
briefcase. This contract is mutually exclusive with The truck is only able to move forward 9 meters
Package Courier. every round, due to traffic. While the truck is moving
the passengers will be hunkered down and taking dos-
Negotiating Intercept the Goods es of nanodoc to heal themselves if they are hurt (each
She would like to meet the cadre in person, and will of them have 3 doses of nanodoc). If the truck is being
have already snuck into their office and will mirthful- overwhelmed or Daichi feels it is appropriate they will
ly announce her presence from the shadows, casually all exit and proceed on food.
eating an apple held by her prehensile tail, and contin-
ue negotiation. It will only be out in the open tomor-

134 // Contracts //
Daichi and his allies will spend all of their energy Future Contracts
getting the briefcase to the tunnel, trying to get it back There is still ample opportunity for merc work in Bu-
if it is stolen. san, and loose end from some of the contracts. The GM
Yakuza heavy infantry (see below) will only target is encouraged to cater future contracts based on all of
characters on rooftops or the catwalk. the impacts that the cadre has made on the various Bu-
san factions, involving their short term and long term
Drone Strikes goals. Some of the following unresolved narratives
Daichi will have a high altitude Ronin drone can hit loom over the cadre.
an area with a rocket at the end of every round. Daichi
will signal the area he wants to be targeted as a bonus The Amaranthian Horror
action and he will only target an area if he thinks he Seraph is still around, one way or another. If he was im-
can avoid civilian casualties. The effect of the strike prisoned, there is a strong possibility of his escape with
is as follows: assistance from Laplace and any remaining Chimeras.
The Concussive force radiates outward in 3-meter If Seraph was killed, his mind-upload from a month
radius sphere centered on the point of the detonation. earlier will be implanted in a new body by Laplace.
Everyone within the blast must make a DC 15 Consti- The two will work together to improve and refine
tution saving throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage Amaranth for their grand plan. Seraph will continue
and becoming stunned until the end of their next turn murdering transgenics to send them to heaven, which
on a failed save, or half as much damage and no stun Laplace will do his best to keep under wraps.
effect on a successful one. The Amaranth itself may absorb enough minds
The square targeted is a bit off due to the high-alti- to become an even bigger threat than either La-
tude targeting, so use the grenade accuracy rules (CRB, place or Seraph, constituting a grey-goo style threat
p. 133) to see which square it actually detonates on. to humanity.

Dongsam -Dong City Block Looming Gang War

Follow the same description as in the Package Courier Regardless of which criminal factions the cadre chose
contract, except with the following exceptions. to support, the odds are that Busan is a little less stable
• None of the Jopok are there (including Yong-Chul) than a few weeks earlier. Will the cadre need to deal
• There are no spike strips with Maxim Lazovsky's depravity? Will Choi Eun Joo
• The traffic is present, but not gridlocked seek totalitarian dominance? Will Bao Zhai make a
• There are Yakuza heavy infantry (CRB, p. 292) move to advance the Triad's position?
instead of Jopok snipers (in the same spots). They
won’t attack anyone on the street level, but will Ronin's Police Contract
target characters on rooftops or the catwalk. Ronin International may be successful in their bid for a
specialized police service to handle high-level threats.
Completing Intercept the G oods What will the BPD do? How will Ronin achieve this?
The contract will be completed when the package ei- Will they manufacture a high-level threat themselves
ther makes it to the Busan-Fukuoka tunnel safely, or to create the political capital to gain the contract?
Eun Sook escapes with it.
• If they successfully deliver the package they
gain 15,000 xp and the negotiated amount of
satoshi. If they don’t, they only gain 13,000 xp
and no payment.
• Their South Jopok faction rating is increased by 2.
• Their Ronin International faction rating is
decreased by 1.
• Their Fukuoka Yakuza faction rating is
decreased by 1.
• Their Vitruvian (Apollo Laboratories) faction rating
is increased by 2.

// Shadows of Korea // 135

part 5: New Rules
his section contains rules for some new genomes, You must have access to an appropriate area to work

T class archetypes, feats, upgrades, and other

features that players and GMs can use to
supplement the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rulebook. Many
and the proper tools to perform your upgrades and cor-
rective surgeries. Access to a basic medical equipment
room could be your own home if you have a Lifestyle of
of these new rules will relate to a Korean-specific middle class or higher, or alternatively, you could gain
setting in particular, but can be useful in any game. access to a room with the proper gear through a con-
tact or by bribing a medical professional. You couldn’t
New Class Archetypes use this feature while hiking in the mountains for in-
Each class described in the GeneFunk 2090 Core Rule- stance, unless the GM rules otherwise.
book has different archetypes that are selected at lev- A biohacker may select this archetype for their Bi-
el 3 (with the exception of the Samurai, who gets the otic Aptitude feature.
bujutsu training feature). What follows are additional
archetypes that may be selected instead of the ons pre- Corrective Surgeon
sented in the Core Rulebook. Starting at level 3 you’ve become adept at repairing the
Biohacker - Cyberdoc. A trauma surgeon and expert major physical trauma of permanent injuries. The best
at DIY cybernetic upgrades. way to learn how to fix mistakes is by digging your way
Codehacker - Neo. An intuitive, who hacks with out of the ones you make yourself. You can provide the
their gut just as much as they do with their head. corrective operation required to fix any permanent in-
Crook - Grifter. A smooth-talking con artist and jury, needing only to spend one half of the satoshi de-
charismatic scoundrel. scribed (CRB, pp. 201-202).
Engineer - Armor Jock. Someone who takes their ar- Using this feature takes 1 hour for every シ10,000
mor very seriously as their second-skin. in the listed price (minimum 1 hour). The listed price of
Gunfighter - Boomstick Maestro. A shotgun spe- the corrective surgery may not exceed シ10,000 x your
cialist who makes their own ammunition. biohacker level.
Hardcase - Bangmangi Smasher. A brute that Additionally, you gain the anesthetize hack for free.
tears things up with a large two-handed weapon, es- If you already know that hack, you may immediately
pecially clubs. select any other hack of your choice.
Samurai - Daikōdo Bujutsu. A diplomatic samurai
art of persuasion and presence. DIY Upgrader
Suit - Operator. A tactical specialist who over- At 3rd level, you know how to install upgrades yourself,
comes obstacles by researching the environment without the need of a fancy clinic and team of tech-
and its people. nicians. Well, basically you do, pretty much. Instead
of buying any upgrade listed in of Chapter 5, you can
Biohacker - Cyberdoc make it yourself, paying only half of the money for it.
Cyberdocs are upgrade-professionals, masters of dig- Using this feature takes 1 hour for every シ10,000 in
ging into another body and modifying it through gene the listed price (minimum 1 hour). The listed price of
therapy, surgery, and daemon-tweaking. Amputating the upgrade may not exceed シ10,000 x your biohack-
and replacing limbs with superior versions, repairing er level. This feature cannot be used on yourself.
critical injuries, or removing genetic flaws are all part Upgrades obtained through this feature tend to
of a cyberdoc’s skillset. have some quirk or other feature that isn’t quite right.
Bioengineers, paramedics, and surgeons are typi- Roll on the table below to see what unpredictable effect
cal professions of characters belonging to this arche- might be included. If applicable, the quirk is removed
type, though they could have obtained their expertise if the upgrade is removed.
some other way. Every cadre wants to have a cyberdoc
amongst their ranks, and they are usually more than
happy to use their aptitude to enhance and elevate the
bodies of their coworkers into more effective organ-
ic-synthetic powerhouses.

// GeneFunk 2090 // 137

Intro DIY Upgrader quirks For example, if you run it using a 3rd-level hack
Level Starting Cash slot, you can reroll the genetic flaw, and if you run it
1 The patient acquires a permanent injury using a 4th-level hack slot, there are no genetic flaws
Part I. (CRB, p. 201), either chosen by the GM at all. This feature doesn’t work if you are using ge-
City of (appropriate to upgrade), or determined netic enhancement on yourself. Additionally, you can
Busan randomly. perform corrective gene therapy (CRB, p. 55) on oth-
2 The patient has their maximum hit points ers and you only have to pay シ25,000 instead of the
reduced by 2. usual シ50,000.
Part II.
3 The patient now produces a strange odor as
a result of the upgrade and they have dis- Trauma Surgeon
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth), Charisma Starting at 6th level, as long as there’s some oxy-
(Persuasion), and Charisma (Performance) gen in the brain, you can bring people back from the
Part III.
checks if the target can smell them. brink of death.
You learn the bring ‘em back hack for free. If you al-
4 After a long rest, roll a d20. On a result of a
ready know that hack, you may immediately select any
2-20, the upgrade functions normally. On
other hack of your choice. Additionally, you can run
PART IV. a result of a 1, it malfunctions for 1 hour
this hack using a bonus action if you choose.
Contracts before working normally again after that.
5 The patient has developed an allergy to a
drug they have taken in the past. Whenever
PART V. they take it in the future, their DIY upgrade
New Rules
reacts negatively and they acquire a level of
6 The upgrade has caused alopecia, and most
or all body hair is shed and won’t grow back
without a cosmetic alteration.
7 The patient’s skin pigmentation has
changed, either uniformly to another color,
or patches of a different color all over
the body.
8 The patient has strange cravings to eat or
drink things they normally wouldn’t. It may
or may not be a normal food or beverage.
9 The patient has developed a nervous twitch
related to the upgrade.
10 There is obvious scarring from the upgrade,
but nothing major
11-15 GM chooses, either from those above, or
something else entirely. It should be more
annoying than debilitating.
16-20 It works perfectly!

Gene Therapist
By 6th level, you learn the genetic enhancement hack.
Your competence and passion for genetic improve-
ment allows you to treat the genetic enhancement
hack as though it were a 2nd-level hack when you
perform it on others. This also applies to running it at
higher levels.

138 // New Rules //

Asclepian Brilliance Codehacker - Neo
Starting at 10th level the little oopsies you make are Like musicians who play by ear rather than by reading
less common when you upgrade your allies. When music, neos chew through code not with analytical
using your DIY Upgrader feature you can roll twice for prowess but with intuition. They have studied code to
the quirk and choose the result you like best. Addition- be sure, but they’re more masters of application than
ally, your Corrective Surgeon, DIY upgrader, and Gene theory. When asked how they put together a brilliant
Therapist features only take half of the normal amount architecture of code or ingenious hacking maneuver,
of time to perform and recover from. they often won’t be able to put it into words, instead
focusing on their next application.
Backups They are the artistic blacksheep of the coder family,
At 10th level you gain the clone hack. If you already often maligned by their more by-the-book colleagues.
know that hack, you may immediately select any oth- But none can argue with results these adlib virtuosos
er hack of your choice. Additionally, the clone hack is produce. Neos tend to embrace the counterculture of
boosted in the following ways: hacking more than others and can have a little more
You immediately gain an incubator and clone of style. Their ad hoc and improvisational coding method
each cadre member, including yourself, located wher- is often modelled in their appearance and demeanor.
ever your medical lab is. If you don’t have their permis- A codehacker may select this archetype for their
sion, you must have stealthily snagged some of their Hacker Archetype feature.
DNA during your work. It is assumed you started this
project months ago and it is only now reaching fru- Intuitive Hacker
ition. You don’t need to pay the normal シ10,000 per At 3rd level you can use your gut rather than your
incubator for these first clones. head when you run hacks. You may use your Wisdom
This first batch of clones contains all of their cur- modifier instead of your Intelligence modifier for any
rent upgrades, since you’ve thoughtfully built them in calculation related to hacking or computers. This in-
during gestation cludes your hack DC, your Computers skill, and any
The launch time of all future uses of this hack is bonuses to damage that would result from your Intel-
only 60 days. ligence modifier.

Flawless Upgrades Personal Flourish

Starting at 14th level you no longer have to roll for any By exerting yourself you are able to hack your own
quirks when you use the DIY Upgrader feature. hacks, putting a little more spin or oomph on them.
You are able to produce any one of the following effects
Precision Cuts when you run a hack:
At 14th level you are even more adept at anatomy than Amplify. When you roll damage for this hack, you
your other biohacker counterparts. When using the can reroll as many of the dice as you like. You must use
Surgical Strikes feature, you use d10s instead of d8s. the results of the reroll. You take 5 psychic damage im-
mediately after you use this flourish.
Seamless Surgeon Persist. The duration of this hack is doubled. You
Starting at 17th level your upgrades are so well inte- take 5 psychic damage immediately after you use
grated into the host body that you can give one addi- this flourish.
tional upgrade beyond the target’s normal maximum Rush. When you run a hack that has a launch time
number of allowable upgrades. of 1 action, you can change the launch time to 1 bonus
action for this one launch. You take 10 psychic damage
immediately after you use this flourish.
Wobble. When run a hack that forces a target to
make a saving throw to resist its effects, you give one
target disadvantage on its first saving throw against
the hack. You take 15 psychic damage immediately af-
ter you use this flourish.

// Shadows of Korea // 139

Intro Split. You can add one additional target to any hack Crook - Grifter
that allows you to target something or someone. You Sure it’s possible to steal money from people by rob-
take 10 psychic damage immediately after you use bing their house, hacking into their bank accounts,
Part I. this flourish. mugging them, or killing them; but sometimes it’s
City of You must take a long rest before using this feature easier to get them to just give it to you. Grifters are
Busan again. You can use this feature twice before taking a scoundrels, swindlers, scammers, and charmers. They
long rest at level 6, three times at level 10, four times at lie as though it’s second nature, and are incredibly per-
level 14, and five times at level 17. suasive even when telling the truth. Always experts at
Part II. a con, grifters can talk their way into people’s home,
NPCs Improvisational Hacks wallet, or heart.
Starting at 6th level, when you are Winging It (CRB, p. A crook may select this archetype for their Crooked
207), you don’t need to spend a hack slot of one level Path feature.
Part III. higher, and you can spend a hack slot level of whatever
hack you are attempting instead. Smooth Lies
At 3rd level you are able to lie in an especially convinc-
Mental Buffer ing way. You gain expertise in Deception. Your profi-
At 6th level the stress of your Personal Flourish feature ciency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
and other psychic assaults aren’t quite as hard to bear. using this proficiency. If you already have proficiency
You gain 2 Damage Reduction towards psychic damage. in Deception, you can gain proficiency in Intimidation,
PART V. This Damage Reduction increases to 4 at level 10, 6 at Persuasion, or Performance instead (but the doubled
New Rules level 14, and 8 at level 17. proficiency bonus only applies to Deception).
Additionally, you have advantage on any mind
Well of Focus hacks attempting to pierce your deceptions or get you
Appendices Starting at 10th level you can dig deep into your men- to reveal truths.
tal fortitude to produce hacks when other hackers
are depleted. You can run a hack without spending a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
hack slot as long as you take 10 psychic damage per Starting at 3rd level, as a bonus action you can make
hack level slot. a Charisma (Deception) check against the passive Per-
For instance, if you want to run a 3rd level hack ception score of a target that you haven’t damaged in
without spending a slot you would take 30 psychic combat yet. If you succeed, the next attack you make
damage (which would be partially reduced by your against them has advantage and gains a bonus to dam-
Mental Buffer feature). age equal to your Charisma (Deception) modifier. This
You can use this feature a number of times equal includes your double proficiency from Smooth Lies.
to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Improved Improvisational Hacks

At 14th level you’re truly exceptional at hacking on the
fly. When you are Winging It, you roll a 1d20 instead of
1d10 to determine if the hack fails.

There is No Spoon
Starting at 17th level code has become completely sub-
conscious to you, there is simply reality. You can add
your proficiency bonus to all saves against mind hacks.
If you are already proficient in the relelvant save, you
may add double your proficiency bonus. In addition, if
you start a combat with no uses of the Personal Flour-
ish feature left, you regain one use of it.

140 // New Rules //

The bonus damage increases to double your Cha- Engineer - Armor J ock
risma (Deception) modifier at 9th level, triple your Modern armor can make you a veritable tank, and the
modifier at 13th level, and quadruple your modifier armor jock takes full advantage of this. Cramming ev-
at 17th level. ery nook and cranny with options and features, this
You cannot use this ability on a target whom you archetype has one particular suit of armor that is tai-
have previously damaged, even if it was a different fight. lor-made for their own body and purposes.
An engineer may select this archetype for their En-
Fake Identities gineer Archetype feature.
Starting at 9th level you’ve accumulated a number of
personas to avoid the heat when it comes down. These Armor Enthusiast
personas include different disguises, passports, and At 3rd level you gain proficiency in both medium and
other forms of identification. heavy armor and learn the armor smith hack for free.
The DC to pierce one of these forged pieces of ID is 8 In addition, you can use your Construct Gear feature
+ your Charisma modifier + your Deception proficien- on armor and armor upgrades, and you don’t need
cy (Smooth Lies counts). Typically it will involve an to roll a 1d20 to see if the armor or armor upgrade
Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) check malfunctions.
if someone is looking into one of your false personas.
Each of your persona’s also has a different Safe House Prototype Armor MK I
(CRB, p. 79), giving you amplified and early access to At level 3 you can select a custom suit of either medium
this feature. or heavy armor that you’ve poured your heart and soul
You have a number of fake identities equal to your into. This armor can’t fit anyone other than you.
Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If you can, come up You get the first set for free as you’ve been saving up
with these identities when you first get this feature. the materials for a while now. If you lose your armor or
They can be based anywhere on the planet. If one of it gets destroyed you must spend シ10,000 to get the
the identities is found out, creating a new identity materials and takes 1 week to construct a new one in
takes 1 week and シ10,000. a workshop, but all armor upgrades that were added
are lost (not including the ones resulting directly from
Slick Negotiator your Prototype Armor features as you level up). Your
At level 13 you are able to effectively bargain for both base medium armor is a modded Durile assault suit
an increased payment and a downpayment on your and your base heavy armor is a modded ballistic plate
contract. While most people would come across as suit (CRB, p. 121).
cheeky when doing this, you are able to massage the You can add upgrades to your armor by spend-
truth to seem like you need it in order to accomplish ing the usual amount of money (or constructing
your contract effectively. You gain a 10% bonus to your them yourself).
contract payment, and can gain that 10% as a down In addition, you may incorporate gear or weapons
payment, before the contract is even completed. directly into your armor by spending 6 hours in a work-
shop and paying シ1,000 (the weapons or gear have to
Flatter and Frighten be acquired separately). Communicate with your GM
At 17th level your abilities to effectively persuade oth- where you want the gear or weapon to be incorporated
ers to believe lies almost borders on seeming like a into your armor. Smaller items can be concealed with-
mind-hack. Through flattery or threats you can either in the armor, and made to be retractable, while larger
charm or frighten your target. As an action make a ones would have to be attached externally.
Charisma (Deception) ability check against your tar-
get’s passive Insight score. Success means that they are
either charmed or frightened by you (your choice) for
the next 1 minute.

// Shadows of Korea // 141

Intro Prototype Armor MK II Prototype Armor MK IV
At level 6 your armor has been improved even more, At level 14 your armor has been improved even more,
gaining +1 AC and +2 DR. In addition, it gains one im- gaining an additional +1 AC and +2 DR. In addition,
Part I. provement from the following list. it gains one improvement from the following list, or
City of Blocking Plates. You can use your reaction to gain a from Prototype Armor MK II or III.
Busan +2 to AC until the start of your next turn. Shock Absorption. You gain resistance to blud-
Kinetic Blaster. As an action you can release a geoning damage.
bolt of concussive force at a target within 9 meters of Structural Analyzer. All damage that you inflict is
Part II. you. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw considered armor piercing.
NPCs versus your hack DC. On a failed save they take 2d12
bludgeoning damage and are pushed back 3 meters Prototype Armor MK V
away from you in a straight line unless they are huge At level 17 your armor has been improved even more,
Part III. or larger. This damage increases to 3d12 at level 11 with gaining an additional +1 AC. In addition, it gains one
the push being 4.5 meters, and 4d12 damage at level 17 improvement from the following list, or from Proto-
with the push being 6 meters. type Armor MK II, III or IV.
Ablative Plating. Your armor bestows 50 temporary
Prototype Armor MK III hit points. It requires シ5,000 and one hour in a work-
At level 10 your armor has been improved even more, shop to restore these temporary hit points.
gaining an additional +1 AC. In addition, it gains one Shock Core. You can activate your shock core as a bo-
PART V. improvement from the following list, or from Proto- nus action and it remains active for 1 minute. Your me-
New Rules type Armor MK II. lee attacks do an additional 1d6 electrical damage, or
Electric Arcs. As a bonus action you can inflict an 1d12 electrical damage if they are unarmed strikes. You
amount of electrical damage equal to your engineer must take a long rest before using this feature again.
Appendices level to any target within 3 meters of you.
Fluid Joints. If your prototype armor is a heavy Gunfighter - Boomstick Maestro
armor, you longer suffer disadvantage on Dexterity Nothing like a good ol’ shotgun to blast your worries
(Stealth) checks. If it’s a medium armor, your max- away. This archetype specializes in shotguns and their
imum allowable Dexterity bonus to armor class be- specialized ammunition. Sometimes you want to
comes +5 instead of +4. shock, freeze, stun, or set fire to your target instead of
killing them with ballistic force.
A gunfighter may select this archetype for their
Way of the Gun feature.

142 // New Rules //

Shotgunner Hardcase - Bangmangi Smasher
At 3rd level, you gain Fighting Style: Shotgun Special- Bangmangi Smashers are hardcases that specialize
ist. If you already picked this feature at level 2, you may in large two-handed melee weapons, especially clubs.
select an additional Fighting Style. In addition, Shot- They typically have some form of martial arts training
gun Specialist is improved so that you may reroll dam- with them but many of them also just happen to have
age dice on a 1,2, or a 3 rather than just a 1 or a 2. a natural talent for swinging large amounts of mass at
enemy skulls.
Slug Smith A hardcase may select this archetype for their Brute
At 7th level you’ve become something of a slug-engi- Speciality feature.
neer. Pick four ammo types from the table below that
you can create, for shotguns only. These speciality Basher
shotgun magazines cannot be stacked with other types Starting at level 3 this archetype inflicts an additional
of specialty ammunition. 2 damage on every hit with a melee weapon that does
It takes 1 hour and シ2,000 to manufacture one of bludgeoning damage and has the two-handed or ver-
these specialty magazines. You can select one more satile property.
type of specialty magazine that you can craft at levels
10, 15, and 18. Exertion
At level 3, once per turn, bangmangi smashers are able
Kinetic Distribution to put extra strain on their bodies to perform maneu-
At 10th level you’re better at handling the kick of a vers with two-handed weapons that others would find
shotgun and can reduce their recoil by 2. unbelievable.
Before making an attack roll with a melee weapon
Two Birds with One Shell that has the two-handed or versatile property, a dok-
At 18th level you’ve become an expert at hitting two kaebi may choose to spend 3 of their own hit points
adjacent targets with your scatter-shot. As long as you to produce one of the following effects that applies to
are at least 6 meters away from two adjacent targets, that attack. The hit points are lost even if the attack
you can target both of them with each attack roll you misses. If any of these maneuvers involve a DC, it is 8 +
make. When using this feature your damage rolls are proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.
reduced by 2 and you can’t use speciality ammunition.

slug smith ammunition

Ammo Effect
Cryo The damage done is cold instead of piercing and the target’s speed is reduced by 3 until the end of
their next turn.
Dragon The damage done is heat instead of piercing and the napalm continues burning them, inflicting 1d10
heat damage at the start of their turn until it is extinguished.
Toxic The damage done is poison instead of piercing and the target must make a DC 12 Constitution save
or be poisoned until the end of their next turn.
Electric The damage done is electrical instead of piercing and it does an additional 1d6 electrical damage.
Concussive In addition to the regular damage, everyone within 1.5 meters of the target (including the target)
takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
Melters The damage done is corrosive instead of piercing and the acid continues burning them, inflicting 1d8
corrosive damage at the start of their turn until they are irrigated with water.
HEAP 1s, 2s, and 3s on damage rolls become 4s and the damage is armor piercing.
Stunners Damage done with this ammunition is cut in half and is electrical instead of piercing. Additionally,
the target must make a DC 15 Constitution save, or is stunned until the end of their turn.

// Shadows of Korea // 143

Intro Staggering Blow. If the attack hits the target must point you can add your Charisma modifier to an at-
make a Strength save or be knocked prone or be tack and damage roll of one attack. This ability can be
knocked back 3 meters, your choice. This doesn’t work used after you make your attack roll, but before you
Part I. on huge or larger sized targets. know it hits.
City of Penetrating Strike. The damage from the attack ig-
Busan nores damage reduction. Daikōdo Master
Wide Swing. You can make another attack with the Prerequisite: Daikōdo Adept
same weapon against a different target that is with- Gain proficiency in Deception, Perception, or Intim-
Part II. in 1.5 meters of the original target and within range idation (your choice). If you are already proficient in
NPCs of your weapon. this skill you choose, or gain proficiency at a later time,
Dazing Bash. If the attack hits the target must you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you
make a Constitution save or be stunned until the start make with it. In addition, whenever you make a Cha-
Part III. of your next turn. risma ability check and roll lower than a 10, you may
spend a ki point treat the result as a 10.
Vicious Verve
At level 7, when the bangmangi smasher reduces a Suit - Operator
target to 0 hit points with a melee attack on their Operators are suits specializing in research and prepa-
turn, they can take a bonus action to move up to half ration, operating within their sophisticated plans and
their speed and make an additional attack against an- contingencies. They use information about specific
PART V. other target. geography, lingo, protocols, architecture, and culture
New Rules to be best prepared for the context they expect to find
Ferocious Exertion themselves in.
Starting at level 9, bangmangi smashers are able to ex- A suit may select this archetype for their Career
Appendices ert themselves even more to produce even more fantas- Path feature.
tic maneuvers. When using the Exertion feature, they
can instead choose to spend 6 of their own hit points to Case the Joint
produce one of the following effects instead. Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Investiga-
Skull Crusher. If the attack hits the target must tion. If you are already proficient, you can select a dif-
make a Constitution save or be stunned until the end ferent skill proficiency.
of your next turn. In addition, you can you take 24 hours to do re-
Shatter Bones. The attack inflicts an additional 2d6 search on a particular neighborhood, building, or 10
bludgeoning damage that bypasses damage reduction. km2 area of natural terrain. Some areas, like secretive
Hobble. If this attack hits, the target must make R&D labs or police stations, might require other ability
a Constitution save or have their speed reduced by 6 checks and/or roleplaying in order to do research.
for one minute. On a successful save their speed is re- After researching, you may roll two contingency
duced by 3 until the end of their next turn. d20s and record the results. After making an ability
check while in the area you researched, you may sub
Oni-Ni-Kanabō in the results of your contingency dice instead, but it
At level 14 you are both fearful and fearless when wield- must be done before you know if the roll was a success
ing a large weapon. While you are holding a weapon or failure. You can only use this feature on one area at
with the two-handed or versatile property, you can use a time, and retain the dice until you use them, or re-
Strength instead of Charisma when using the Intimi- search another area. You regain used contingency dice
date skill and you can advantage on any saves or ability after a long rest.
checks involving Intimidation.
Plotted Pathways
Samurai Bujutsu Starting at 6th level, you can navigate an area you've
Daikōdo is the bujutsu of diplomacy, self, and person- researched with ease, and you know the secret paths,
ality. It has the following training. places to avoid, and areas for shelter. While traveling
through the area you've researched with Case the Joint,
Daikōdo Adept you and your allies can move at double speed (when
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Persuasion not in combat) and you also get a +5 to Move checks in
Your sense of self and confidence allows you to strike a Chase (CRB, p. 185).
surely, without hesitation or worry. If you spend a ki

144 // New Rules //

Who's Who Environmental Edge
At 6th level, when you research an area with Case the At 13th level, if you’ve investigated an area, you are able
Joint, you learn valuable details about individuals that to implement your surroundings in combat. If you’re
work or live there. You can spend one of your contin- in a region selected by your Case the Joint feature, once
gency dice to learn about an associated NPC. You can per turn you can spend once of your contigency dice to
learn their hit dice, skill proficiences, personality, vic- add the result to your damage roll, or subtract it from
es, and equipment. You also learn their relative ability damage you take.
scores; 6-8 is described as "low", 10-12 is "average", 14-
16 is "high" and 18+ is "exceptional". Regional Geomancy
Starting at level 17, you gain a fourth contingency
Wheels Within Wheels dice. In addition, while you are in an area that you've
At 9th level, your forethought is even more advanced, researched with Case the Joint, you can spend two of
preparing you for the unexpected. You can use your your contingency dice to enter a flow-state of local
contingency You gain three contingency dice when awareness. You can’t be surprised and you have advan-
using your Case the Joint feature. In addition, you can tage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
now use the dice for saving throws and attack rolls. Additionally, others have disadvantage on attack rolls
against you. This ability requires concentration.

// Shadows of Korea // 145

New Genomes Inefficiency Metabolism. You eat like a god and need
East Asia is the largest producer of transgenic human to consume 5x the amount of calories as most people
genomes on the entire planet and laws regarding their do to remain nourished. You’re always flushed and
Part I. design, production, birth, and crèche fostering are as running hot.
City of liberal as one could imagine. Hexie is a major producer, Strange Appearance. Your skin is either a shade of
Busan and Apollo Labs, Omnitech, and Ronin International crimson, maroon, or in the deep blue or purple range.
all have every level of research and production located Combined with your four arms, this gives you a dis-
in the fertile soils of the Tri-Nation Union. With per- tinctly strange appearance.
Part II. haps the Bosque Oscuro of South America being the
NPCs only exception, no-where else on earth is there a great-
er diversity and amonut of transgenic life, both human
and non-human. The following five genomes are pop-
Part III. ular lines in Busan and all of the TNU.
The four-armed Asura genome was originally
developed by Ronin Internation-
al to be the ultimate grappling
martial artist and samurai.
PART V. Production of Asuras has since
New Rules been outsourced to Proteome Di-
versified, a Korean subsidiary of Hex-
ie. Their four arms make them especially d e a d ly
Appendices at grappling martial arts and Nitōjutsu techniques.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is in-
creased by 3 and your Dexterity, Constitution and Wis-
dom scores are increased by 2.
Sentinel’s Senses. Your senses are especially sensi-
tive, and you have a high functioning tapetum lucid-
um. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill and
darkvision out to 30 meters.
Four Armed Phenom. You have a fully functioning
extra set of arms. You gain the following benefits:
• You add your proficiency bonus to any grapple
checks or Strength ability checks to climb or lift
things. This stacks with any bonuses you gain from
Athletics or Acrobatics proficiency.
• You are considered to have an extra pair of free
hands for holding weapons, grappling, or any other
purpose that required free hands.
• Climbing doesn’t cost you extra movement.
• When you are prone, standing up only uses 1.5
meters of your movement
• These extra arms don’t provide additional at-
tacks each round.

Unearthly Voice. You have two sets of vocal chords

that are always active at different octaves, one high
and one low. This is impressive, but disconcerting. If
you are using your voice, you are at disadvantage on
all Charisma checks unless they involve Intimidation.

146 // New Rules //

Dokkaebi identities inside one body, one in each hemisphere.
Dokkaebi are made by a subsidiary of Hexie called Pro- Haneuls self-report alternating between feeling like
teome Diversified. A CEO grew up on tales of Korean a unified consciousness and two separate selves. This
folk-lore and wanted to see if they could bring a thing natural feature seems to give them insight into the
of myth into reality. Dokkaebi are bombastic but im- universality of consciousness, and feeling more kin-
pressive, often possessing personalities with extreme ship with everyone. Haneuls also have daemons inject-
extraversion and confidence. They typically have a lust
for life with many indulgences into vice. Strong, agile,
and intelligent, Dokkaebi are valuable in a variety of
jobs and positions. Professional wrestling and other
forms of full contact athletics are common avenues of
success. Their most impressive ability is their cloaking,
which makes them utterly invisible to the naked eye.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is in-
creased by 3 and your Dexterity, Intelligence, and Cha-
risma scores are all increased 2.
Supple Limbs. Dokkaebi are excellent wrestlers
due to their remarkable flexibility and ability to easi-
ly dislocate and relocate their bones. You gain ad-
vantage on all checks related to grappling or
escaping bonds.
Cloaking. Dokkaebi can reflexively match
their skin perfectly with their surroundings, right
down to textures. As an action, you can become in-
visible until the end of your next turn. In addition, your
shifting skin texture gives you advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks for as long as cloaking is active. You
must be either naked or have chromomorphic clothing
on for this to work.
Strange Appearance. Your skin is a flushed angry
pink to red hue, your fingernails grow quick and thick,
your eyes are disconcertingly large and round, you have
a pair of curved horns, and your teeth are enormous.
Overconfident. Your brash and impetuous nature
means that you sometimes take risks without prop-
erly preparing. You have disadvantage on Reflex saves
and people have advantage on attempts to deceive or
persuade you.

The Haneul genome is an attempt to bioengineer spir-
ituality and enlightenment. Researchers at Proteome
Diversified worked with every scrap of genomics and
neuroscience they could find. Studies were performed
on thousands of monks, priests, nuns, shamans, intu-
itives, gurus, and any other spiritual or insightful in-
dividual available, looking for patterns in genes and
brain physiology. The Haneul genome is a result of all
the emergences synthesized from that data. One novel
feature of this genome is a specialized corpus callosum,
once that seems to preserve two different conscious

// Shadows of Korea // 147

Intro ed into their bodies at the fetal stage, developing with check one of your two personalities goes dormant. Roll
them before they are even born. They seem to be able a 1d6: on a 1-3 you lose proficiency in those three skills,
to easily incorporate their innate daemon into their and on a 4-6 you lose proficiency in all of your other
Part I. unified consciousness, shifting between the trio of skills. You regain the lost proficiency after a short rest.
City of “minds” in one body. Split Brain. The pathways in your brain are wired a
Busan Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is in- bit differently, two minds are better than one. You gain
creased by 4 and your Dexterity score is increased by the following benefits:
2. Additionally, your maximum Wisdom score is 24 • You add your proficiency bonus when making
Part II. instead of 20. saving throws against any mind hacks, stacking
NPCs Cultivated Daemon. Your daemon (CRB, pg. 166) with any possible ability score proficiency bonus
gains a bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma you might have.
equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, • You can run an additional hack or upgrade that re-
Part III. it gains proficiency in an extra skill of your choice and quires concentration (you may concentrate on one
gains proficiency in another skill whenever your profi- more effect than normal).
ciency bonus increases. If you get the Custom Daemon Reflective. You naturally puzzle over mysteries of
upgrade and replace your native daemon, you lose the universe and you’ve likely studied spirituality and
this feature. psychology either in your crèche or on your own. You
Daemon Possession. You are so in-tune with gain proficiency in Insight and Social Science.
your birth-daemon that you can incorporate
PART V. it into your consciousness for short periods.
New Rules As a free action you gain proficiency in all
skills that your daemon has. In addition, if
your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
Appendices scores are below your daemon’s, they
are automatically raised to the level
of your daemon’s for as long as this
feature is active. This feature lasts
for 10 minutes and you must take
a short rest before you are able to
use it again.
Fatalistic. While your will is
strong, seeing the big picture all
of the time can leave you a little
apathetic about the details and
tend to go with the flow. When
we are all one, it can be hard to
fight for yourself as a separate
being. You have disadvantage on
initative checks and a -5 to Pas-
sive Perception.
Identity Confusion. While
you are normally able to weave
between your two conscious-
nesses and a unity of conscious-
ness with ease, occasionally it
gets a bit weird. After complet-
ing character creation, choose
three of your skill proficiencies.
These three proficiencies be-
long to one of your split minds,
but not the other. Whenever
you roll a natural one on an ability

148 // New Rules //

Oknytt Strange Appearance. Your skin is either a shade of
This genome was manufactured by Cornucopia for crimson, maroon, or in the deep blue or purple range.
circus performances, gymnastics, and thievery. It still Combined with your four arms, this gives you a dis-
sees use for all of these purposes thanks to it’s useful tinctly strange appearance.
prehensile tail and heightened agility. Oknytts come Weak Immune System. Your white blood cells are
in every colour under the sun, and their features are misshapen and less effective, and your liver isn’t pull-
much more variable than most genomes. Their skin ing its weight when metabolizing toxins. As a result,
pigmentation is sometimes displaying patchy, spotted, you suffer disadvantage on saving throws against
or striped colour patterns like a cow or a dog. Their poison and disease, and you take double damage
ears can vary widely in length and shape, sometimes from poison.
getting large enough to hang down like a goat. Their
eyes can be equally goat-like with horizontal pupils.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score is in-
creased by 4 and your Intelligence score is increased by
2. Additionally, your Dexterity score is 24 instead of 20.
Canny Intuition. When you might otherwise disas-
trously flub, fail, or stumble, your unconscious mind
error-corrects at the last second. When you roll a 1 on
an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can
reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Prehensile Tail. You have a smooth prehensile tail
that is both strong and nimble. and strong you gain
the following benefits:
• You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. If
you are already proficient in the skill, you add
double your proficiency bonus.
• You gain advantage on any ability checks related to
climbing or Sleight of Hand.
• You can use your tail to use or hold objects
that weigh less than 20 kg, and you
can hang from your tail if you can
wrap it around something.
• You can perform the Use an Object
action with your tail.
• For weapons with the light feature,
you can use it to wield weapons as
though it was your off-hand.

Wall Crawler. You can cling to walls like a gecko

and climb easily. You can cause this effect to manifest
as a free action, and you gain a climbing speed equal to
your regular speed. Additionally, you can climb sheer
surfaces without requiring a Strength (Athletics) check.
Natural Leaper. You multiply the amount of dis-
tance you can jump by 3, and you can fall 9 meters
without taking damage (instead of 3). This trait doesn’t
stack with any other ability that increases your jump-
ing distance, and jumping distance still uses up move-
ment (so your jump distance is capped at your speed, or
twice your speed if you use the Dash action) .

// Shadows of Korea // 149

Intro Namukkun Upgrade Intolerant. For whatever reason, your body
Proteome Diversified created the Namukkun genome just won’t take well to implants and biohacks, and as
as expert outdoor laborers. They are designed to ex- a result, the maximum number of upgrades you may
Part I. cel at farming, logging, fishing, and any other activi- have is limited to 6.
City of ty that spends a lot of time outdoors doing strenuous
Busan physical activity. The obvious stand-out feature of New Goods and Services
this genome is their chloroplast-packed vibrant green What follows are some of the goods and services that
skin. They are wired to feel pleasure from sunlight and are characteristic of modern Korean culture.
Part II. can work tirelessly in the outdoor heat for hours on
NPCs end, only needing water to keep the labor going. Since Armor Upgrade - Hazmat
Namukkun don’t easily get cold, they tend to wear The armor grants resistance to corrosive damage. Giv-
clothes that reveal a lot of skin in order to maximize ing this property to an armor makes wearing it con-
Part III. their surface area to sunlight. This works great in the spicuous, it's shape and materials don't look like reg-
fields, the sea, or the forest but it can raise eyebrows in ular clothing.
office buildings.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is in- Blood Doll Body Conversion
creased by 3, your Dexterity score is increased by 1 and Vampires will often pay for their subs to be converted
your Constitution score is increased by 2. Additionally, into a Blood Doll anthroid body, which functions to
your maximum Strength and Constitution scores are produce as much blood as possible as fast as possible.
PART V. 22 instead of 20. The conversion is identical to regular transhuman
New Rules Efficient Respiration. Thanks to specialized meta- body conversion except they gain the following traits.
bolic pathways and oxygen optimization in your physi- Healing Factor. You regain 1 hit point at the start of
ology, you mobilize energy from respiration in a much each turn, and you regain all of your hit points whenev-
Appendices more streamlined way, granting the following benefits: er you take a short rest. Additionally, you always count
• You can add your proficiency bonus to any Constitu- as having two fewer levels of exhaustion. You need ac-
tion checks related to tiring or holding your breath. cess to extra food (calories) after a combat when this
• You always count as having two fewer levels feature is used, or it won’t function in the next combat.
of exhaustion. Blood Tap. You have a tap in one or more plac-
Solar Powered. You have the ability to synthesize es on your body that can be opened to allow a steady
food from sunlight, using adapted chloroplasts. You flow of blood. They are typically placed on the wrist or
must still drink water, but you can live without tangi- neck. While it is open you lose 3 hit points at the start
ble food for months before starving. Additionally, after of each turn.
you’ve been soaking in sunlight for an hour or more A player selecting transhuman as their start-
your Strength score increases by 2 and you gain ad- ing genome can spend シ80,000 of their initial シ
vantage on Strength (Athletics) checks. This boosted 400,000 ability score budget to start with blood doll
strength dissipates after being outside of the sun for body conversion.
30 minutes or more, and won’t activate if it’s a cloudy
day or if you’ve covered most of your body with opaque Chimera Uploading
clothes. Artificial sunlight from certain suntan beds or A procedure developed by Aldous Laplace and his team
other technologies will count as sunlight. while working for Pronatalax, this can only be done in
Thermal Tolerance. Your cells and tissues have a one of the special facilities described in the Homocide
very high buffering ability for thermal homeostasis, Detectives and Murder Bounty contracts. It stitches to-
possessing functions for producing heat or venting it gether multiple minds into a single consciousness. If
where necessary. You gain resistance to heat and cold characters elect to use this service, the resulting mind
damage, and you can survive in temperatures rang- has the following characteristics.
ing from -40 to +60 degrees Celsius without suffering • It has a confused mish-mash of all of the partic-
from environmental damage. ipants' personalities. The psychic stitching isn’t
Strange Appearance. Your skin is some shade of smooth and a Chimera’s demeanor is often erratic
green and some people will feel uncomfortable with and strange, sometimes transitioning between do-
how much skin you show.

150 // New Rules //

// Shadows of Korea // 151
Intro ner personalities from minute to minute, or talking
with themselves. GM Advice on Player Vampires
• It has the highest level of any of the partici- Starting players may select the transhuman ge-
Part I. pants involved nome with vampire body conversion, as desribed
City of • It must take at least 1 level in each class represented below. This gives them the regenerative hemovore
Busan by all participants. The remaining levels can be feature, which allows them to inflict levels of
taken as determined by a collaboration between exhaustion on living enemies. Inflicting debuffs
the players and GM, usually it is proportional to and conditions such as this is a great way to add
Part II. the class levels of the participants but one or more variety to combat, but it creates opportunity for
NPCs personalities can become dominant, granting more abuse as well.
levels in their classes. For example, if the entire player group choos-
• It’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores es to roll-up vampire characters and uses this
Part III. become the mean scores (rounded up) of all par- tactic to steam-roll bosses into exhaustion death
ticipants involved. For instance, if there are three through their feature synergy, it removes the
participants with Intelligence scores of 12, 15, and tension from would-be challenging fights. It's fun
20, the Chimera’s Intelligence would be 16. to drain an enemy dry, but if it's too easy and too
Contracts • The Chimera psychomime has no body unless it common, it can become stale.
is downloaded into a body through a transhuman A GM might choose to limit vampire PCs to only
body conversion service, or directly into the body of 1 per group. On the other hand, a cadre of vam-
PART V. one of the characters, essentially killing them and pires sounds super fun! GMs can limit this ability
New Rules replacing them with this new chimera. with some of the following in-world solutions.
Chimeras tend to be psychologically troubled and • Make use of Perk. This drug removes levels of
confused. Whenever a stressful situation occurs they exhausion. NPCs are savvy to how vampire
Appendices must make a DC 15 Charisma save or they are stunned works, especially if they are common in the
until the end of their next turn. They must make this area, or a vamp cadre gets a rep. Bonus points
save again after each minute that the stress continues. if NPC bosses use it with a Apollo medicomp,
Seraph is an exception to some of these characteris- so they can use Perk as a bonus action (CRB,
tics, being an especially successful outlier. p. 158.
• Use robots. Once antagonists hear about a
Origami Boat cadre of vampire mercs, pile on some droids
This forearm sized tube contains ultralight nanoma- and drone combatants. Their ability is quite
terials folded into a precise pattern that will unfold ineffective against targets with no blood.
into an entire boat in 3 rounds when sent the proper • Use blood poison. This upgrade, described
wireless signal (determined by the owner). It unfolds below, sees prolific use in areas with a strong
and inflates into a large canoe, complete with paddles, vampire subculture. It's relatively cheap, and
capable of holding four medium sized people. It has 30 major antagonists would likely make use of it.
hitpoints, 11 AC, and moves at 5 kph when paddled.

Origami Glider
This pop-can sized tube contains ultralight nanomate- drag you to that point, avoiding any opportunity at-
rials folded into a precise pattern that will unfold into tacks along the way. This doesn’t use your movement.
a glider in 1 round when sent the proper wireless signal The line can be used to move any angle, horizontally
(determined by the owner). The glider functions as a or vertically, as long as there are no obstacles between
wingsuit (page 139 of the Core Rulebook). you and the point you are moving to. You can bring
along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed
Snapline Launcher what you can carry. You can also bring one willing per-
This obvious device fits over your entire forearm and son of your size or smaller that is within 1.5 meters of
is loaded with a SpyderSylk rope with an adhesive end. you. If you are grappled with an unwilling person, they
As an action, this rope can be launched in a straight come with you unless they are a larger size than you.
line to a fixed point up to 18 meters away and it will In which case, the grapple is broken unless the person

152 // New Rules //

New Goods, Services, and Upgrades
Good or Service Cost Effect Summary
Armor Upgrade - Hazmat シ10,000 Resistance to corrosive damage, requires at least medium armor.
Blood Doll Body Conversion シ480,000+ Convert your body into a transhuman blood-machine.
Chimera Uploading Not for sale Fuse different minds into a single consciousness
Origami Boat シ10,000 A portable unfolding rowboat
Origami Glider シ5,000 A portable unfolding glider
Snapline Launcher シ25,000 Launch an adhesive-ended rope for quick movements, up or across
Taser Shield シ50,000 Gain +2 AC and stun melee attacker (DC 10 Con save) as a reaction
Vampire Body Conversion シ480,000+ Convert your body into a blood-sucking vampire.
Blood Poison (Vitruvian) シ10,000 Your blood contains elements toxic to others, but not yourself
Blood Poison (Hexie) シ60,000 Your blood contains elements even more toxic to others, but not yourself
Cortical Hack Drive (Vitruvian) シ50,000 You gain two extra level 1 hack slots
Cortical Hack Drive (Hexie) シ150,000 You gain two extra level 1 hack slots, and one extra level 2 slot
Digitgrade Legs (Vitruvian) シ30,000 Speed becomes 12, can deliver shove attacks that do damage
Digitgrade Legs (Hexie) シ150,000 Speed becomes 15, can deliver shove attacks that do damage, x3 jumping
Digitgrade Legs (Blitz-Cat) シ350,000 Speed becomes 18, can deliver shove attacks that do damage, x6 jumping
Footpads (Blitz-Cat) シ75,000 Advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks involving silent movement
Gun Hand (Vitruvian) シ25,000 A firearm is built into your forearm, doing 2d8 piercing damage
Gun Hand (Ronin) シ50,000 A firearm is built into your forearm, doing 3d6 piercing damage
Gun Hand (Hexie) シ100,000 A firearm is built into your forearm, doing 2d12 piercing damage
Headshrinker (Hexie) シ75,000 Can run the mind reader hack without spending a hack slot
Mechanical Capacitor (Hexie) シ12,500 Jam wireless communications up to a 30-meter radius
Neural Buffer (Hyperborea) シ50,000 Jam wireless communications up to a 100-meter radius
Slicer (Vitruvian) シ50,000 Slice through jamming, requires using bonus actions and concentration
Slicer (Hexie) シ200,000 Slice through jamming for 1 minute, requires concentration
Trauma Bots (Nightengale) シ25,000 Prevents a permanent injury
Tactile Interface (Vitruvian) シ35,000 Can interface and run hacks through your skin
Snapline (Thumper) シ25,000 Launch an adhesive-ended rope for quick movements, up or across
Snapline (Blitzcat) シ75,000 As the Thumper snapline, but can be used three times before resting

you are grappled with succeeds on a DC 15 Strength , p. 140), the mechanics are identical except that the
(Athletics) check, and they can prevent this movement new body gains the following traits.
and you remain grappled. You must take a short rest Regenerative Hemovore. You canine teeth are now
before you can use this equipment again so the motor enlarged sharp fangs that contain narrow channels
can recharge. for sucking up blood like hypodermic needles if you
choose, or you can drink blood normally. You cannot
Vampire Body Conversion digest normal foods and must consume 2-3 liters of
This body conversion is a specific package that is of- blood every day to get nourishment. Consuming blood
ten requested in the city of Busan due to its thriving floods your brain with dopamine and is intensely plea-
high-society vampire culture. It has become a symbol surable. In addition, if you spend an action or bonus
of wealth and decadence to simply be able to afford action to consume blood, you regain 2d6 hit points as
this procedure and many edgy and well-off socialites specialized nanobots burn the calories to repair dam-
have embraced it, much to the delight of augmenta- aged tissue. The amount of hp healed increases to 3d6
tion services. Since it is a package deal springboarding
of the base transhuman body conversion service (CRB

// Shadows of Korea // 153

Intro at level 6, 4d6 at level 11, and 5d6 at level 17. It must be New Upgrades
at least 500 ml of blood to gain the healing benefit. What follows are some upgrades commonly avail-
You can also bite grappled targets to harm them able in Korea.
Part I. and feed from them, which counts as a simple melee
City of weapon with the armor-piercing property that does Blood Poison
Busan 1d4 piercing damage (plus Strength modifier). You can This bioware populated your blood with toxins that
consume blood as a bonus action after a successful bite you are pefectly capable of metabolizing, but are a
attack on something that has blood, inflicting a level of nightmare for anyone consuming your blood. This up-
Part II. exhaustion on the target and allowing you to regain hp grade was developed by intelligence agenicies for spies
NPCs as described above. , giving them some covert assassination resources for
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on at- poisoning targets, but it most commonly purchased in
tack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on areas with a lot of biohacked vampires.
Part III. sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever Vitruvian. You can use your own blood as a poison,
you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Addi- one that mechanically functions as the ingestion poi-
tionally, your skin is extremely prone to burning and son cyanide (CRB, p. 145). You can gain a dose of this
blistering under sunlight. For every minute you spend poison by inflicting 5 hp damage on yourself, with ei-
in the sun with exposed skin you take 1 heat damage ther a syringe or a blade. A vampire feeding from you
and you must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution save or takes in a dose of the poison every time they feed.
acquire a level of exhaustion. Wearing protective gog- Hexie. As the Vitruvian version, but the poison is
PART V. gles and completely covering all of your skin prevents effective on injury as well ingestion and inhalation.
New Rules these effects.
People getting this body conversion also tend to Cortical Hack-Drive
incorporate a variety of vampire themed upgrades This implant handles a lot of the cognitive burden of
Appendices during the transition procedure, as much as they can hacking, allowing you to run more hacks in a day with-
afford. Typical upgrades include olfactors, amped out getting exhausted.
senses, cloakers, cosmetic alterations, hyper reflexes, Vitruvian. You gain two extra level 1 hack slots. You
wall crawling, cyberoptics, dermal wave, hyper jump- can use these slots on any hack you know.
ing, retractable blade (claws or bite), polyguise, and Hexie. You gain two extra level 1 hack slots and one
sprint boost. extra level 2 hack slot. You can use these slots on any
A player selecting transhuman as their start- hack you know.
ing genome can spend シ80,000 of their initial シ
400,000 ability score budget to start with vampire Digitgrade Legs
body conversion. Your legs and hips are replaced with advanced pros-
thetics, allowing for greater speed, jumping, and kick-
Taser Shield ing ability. These "backwards" legs give you a strange
When you are targeted with an attack while wielding appearence (CRB, p. 34). Other features that boost your
a taser shield on one arm, you can use your reaction to speed or jumping don't stack with this upgrade.
increase your Armor Class by 2 until the start of your Vitruvian. Your speed becomes 12 meters and you
next turn. If the attack that triggers this is a melee at- can make a special shove attack (CRB, p. 199) with a
tack, the attacker must make a DC 10 Con save or be kick that inflicts 2d8 bludgeoning damage in addition
stunned until the end of their next turn. to the regular effects, if successful. If your Strengh
This shield can be also be used as a large club me- (Athletics) check for this attack is below 10, it is auto-
lee weapon, and successful attacks trigger the possible matically raised to 10.
stun effect on the target as described above. Hexie. Your speed becomes 15 meters, your jump-
ing distances are multipled by 3 (CRB, p. 184), and you
can fall 9 meters without taking any damage. You can
also make a special shove attack (CRB, p. 199) with a
kick that inflicts 2d10 bludgeoning damage in addi-
tion to the regular effects, if successful. If your Strengh

154 // New Rules //

(Athletics) check for this attack is below 10, it is auto- Hexie. The embedded firearm inflicts 2d12 damage,
matically raised to 15. has the reload (4) property, uses 9.5mm ammunition,
Blitz-Cat. Your speed becomes 18 meters, your and has a range of 14/42.
jumping distances are multipled by 6 (CRB, p. 184),
and you can fall 18 meters without taking any dam- Head Shrinker
age. You can also make a special shove attack (CRB, p. This implant takes all the work out of mind-hacking,
199) with a kick that inflicts 2d12 bludgeoning damage running preloaded scripts to pierce into your target’s
in addition to the regular effects, if successful. If your mind. You can run the mind reader hack without need-
Strengh (Athletics) check for this attack is below 10, it ing to spend a slot, but you acquire a level of exhaus-
is automatically raised to 20. tion after the hack ends. The DC for this hack is 8 +
your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.
Your feet have artificial tissues and ultra-sensitive skin Mechanical Capacitor
that allows you to either avoid or soften potentially You have a capacitor that is weaved throughout your
noisy surfaces you walk on. You gain advantage on any muscles and skin that stores energy you gather from
Dexterity (Stealth) checks involving silent movement. regular motions. You can release it in an explosive ki-
netic burst. As a free action, you can decide to use this
Gun Hand before making a melee attack roll or making a jump.
You get a firearm implanted into your forearm, one If you use it on a melee attack roll, the damage of the
that discharges from the base of your palm. It is con- attack’s damage roll is increased by 2d10. If you use it
sidered a light handgun with the close property. on a jump, it multiplies the amount of distance you can
Vitruvian. The embedded firearm inflicts 2d8 dam- jump by 6. This upgrade doesn’t stack with any other
age, has the reload (4) property, uses 5.56mm ammuni- ability that increases your jumping distance. You must
tion, and has a range of 12/36. recharge your capacitor after using it, through more
Ronin. The embedded firearm inflicts 2d10 damage, movement, which takes 1 hour.
has the reload (4) property, uses 7.62mm ammunition,
and has a range of 13/39.

// Shadows of Korea // 155

Intro Neural Buffer and the point you are moving to. You can bring along
This upgrade allows you to filter out unwanted dis- objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed what you
tractions like pain and horror, putting them through can carry. You can also bring one willing person of your
Part I. a filter that caps them out at a reasonable level. You size or smaller that is within 1.5 meters of you. If you
City of gain advantage on concentration checks and any other are grappled with an unwilling person, they come with
Busan check that involves resisting pain. you unless they are a larger size than you. In which
case, the grapple is broken unless the person you are
Slicer grappled with succeeds on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
Part II. You can temporarily cut through wireless jamming sig- check, and they can prevent this movement and you
NPCs nals, allowing you to use mind hacks and other actions remain grappled. You must take a short rest before you
that require wireless signals normally. can use this upgrade again so the motor can recharge.
Vitruvian. You can spend a bonus action to be un- Blitzcat. This follows the same rules as the Thump-
Part III. affected by jamming until the start of your next turn. er snap line, only you can use it three times before
You must concentrate on this effect, and can maintain needing to take a short rest to recharge it.
concentration through multiple turns as long as you
are always using your bonus action to activate it. New Feats
Hexie. You can spend a bonus action to be unaffect- New feats are listed below.
ed by jamming for 1 minute. You must concentrate on
this effect. Ballistic Shield Brute
PART V. When using a shield such as the ballistic shield, you
New Rules Trauma Bots gain an additional +1 bonus to your armor class when
This colony of healing nanobots manufactured by you use your shield with your reaction. In addition,
Nightengale are stored in emergency pockets around you can use your bonus action to make a melee attack
Appendices the body and are released when major tissue trau- with your shield as though it were a large club. This
ma occurs. They swarm the area, preventing cata- feat grants you proficiency with shields (but not other
strophic injury. forms of heavy armor).
When you would normally receive a permanent
injury this upgrade prevents it from happening. You Zen Flow
must take a long rest before this upgrade functions You’ve cultivated a calm mind, the reed that bends
again. This upgrade has no effect on permanent inju- but not breaks in the storm. You gain advantage on
ries that you have received prior to installation. concentration checks of all types as well as saving
throws versus fear.
Tactile Interface
You are filled with specialized nanobots that can trans- Reflexive Feet
mit through your skin to the surface of another com- You are light on your feet and know how to keep your
puter you touch, including another human with a dae- distance and engage. When an enemy moves 3 or more
mon. This can allow for a connection even when there meters in your direction, you can use your reaction to
is no neural interface port, and it can bypass jamming. move ½ your speed. Alternatively, you can use your
You can run hacks and run other connected comput- reaction to make an unarmed strike against an enemy
er functions as though you had a wireless or hardline that moves within 1.5 meters of you.
connection. If the target is unwilling, you must suc-
cessfully grapple them first. Genetic Awakening
Some of your genes laid quiescent until this point in
Snap Line your life. They’ve since been activated and upregulated
You can launch a line of Spyder Sylk rope with an adhe- to produce new traits, due to some events in your life,
sive end from an implant in your forearm. or part of the aging process. Roll two more genetic en-
Thumper. As an action, this rope can be launched in hancements from the genetic enhancements table and
a straight line to a fixed point up to 18 meters away and one more flaw from the genetic flaws table (pp. 47-48,
it will drag you to that point, avoiding any opportunity CRB). These traits have been manifesting for a while
attacks along the way. This doesn’t use your movement. now, but they have crossed a threshold to full function-
The line can be used to move any angle, horizontally or ality. This feat can only be selected by a mutt or custom
vertically, as long as there are no obstacles between you engineered genome.

156 // New Rules //

LAN Security
Governments, corporations, and other groups that
need to protect sensitive data often keep their local
network disconnected from the internet, to avoid re-
mote hacking. By cutting down the pool of potential
hackers from the entire planet to people physically
able to connect to a local system with a neural inter-
face, safeguarding sensitive systems is more manage-
able. These networks typically contain trade secrets,
CCTV footage, gun-turret or missile launch controls,
fruits of espionage, and other information that needs
to be contained.
It is also a common practice for fortified network
servers and databases to have hired security wired-in
as a full time job, system admins ready to expel any de-
tected hackers attempting to break into the LAN. If a
hacker cracks into a LAN that happens to have some
security hackers that operate native to the LAN, typi-
cally plugged with a hardline.

In addition to any other encryption DCs that need to be
bypassed to crack a LAN, hackers need to expel, kill, or
otherwise defeat the native system admins as well be-
fore they gain control of the system. LAN combat uses
the following rules:
• Initiative is determined normally.
• Mind hacks may be used by or on anyone within the
LAN, regardless of their physical distances.
• Cable Shock. As an action, a hacker can attempt
to shock someone connected through a neural
interface. The target must make a Wisdom saving
throw against the hacker’s hacking DC. On a failed
save, the target takes 1d10 + the hacker character’s
level (hit dice for NPCs) in electrical damage. This
damage bypasses any electrical insulation of-
fered by armor.
• Expel. As an action, a hacker can attempt to kick
someone out of the LAN. They must succeed in an
opposed Intelligence (Computers) check against
their target. If successful, the target is incapacitat-
ed until the end of their next turn. If the target is
already incapacitated, they are expelled from the
LAN and must bypass the encryption DC again
to re-enter.

// Shadows of Korea // 157

Intro Appendix A: Optional Hacking Rules
amemasters might want to add some novelty to Orange, Red, and Yellow. Each Chimera experiments
Part I.
City of
G certain hacking endeavors rather than
simply rely on an Intelligence (Computers) or
(Mechanics) check using an appropirate hack. In such
on one canister. Cargle doesn't like orange or yellow
Amaranth. At most one canister separates Eargle from
his older brother Dargle. Argle and Bargle are men,
cases using a logic puzzle as an abstract for hacking while the others are women. Argle sits in between
Part II. can be a fun optional addition to vary gameplay. The two women. Dargle experiments on the blue Ama-
NPCs following logic puzzles are examples of ways a GM ranth by herself.
might still incorporate aptitude and proficiency 1. Which is a possible arrangement of Chimeras exper-
with computers along with a real-time component imenting with canisters of Amaranth?
Part III. that captures the mental strain and time-crunch of a. Dargle with the blue Amaranth, Cargle with the
hacking a system. green, Eargle with the orange, Argle with the
When using logic puzzles to crack encryption or an red, and Bargle with the yellow.
electronic device, instead of the normal checks, have b. Dargle with the blue canister of Amaranth, Ar-
one character make the Intelligence (Computers) or gle with the green canister of Amaranth, Eargle
(Mechanics) check as per normal But instead of by- with the orange canister of Amaranth, Barge
passing a DC, the result will determine how much time with the red canister of Amaranth, Cargle with
PART V. is given to solve the puzzle. the yellow canister of Amaranth.
New Rules The amount of time expected to solve a puzzle var- c. Dargle with the blue canister of Amaranth, Ar-
ies widely according to the difficulty of the puzzle and gle with the green canister of Amaranth, Eargle
the aptitude of the players. Experiment with the puzzle with the orange canister of Amaranth, Cargle
Appendices ahead of time with you and some non-player friends with the red canister of Amaranth, and Barge
to get a feel for how much time a puzzle might take with the yellow canister of Amaranth.
on average. Set this as your base time. Then, allow for d. Eargle with the blue canister of Amaranth,
extra less time based on their check, as described on Barge with the green canister of Amaranth,
the table below. For longer puzzles, you can double the Argle with the orange canister of Amaranth,
time modifiers. Allow all players to participate in solv- Dargle with the red canister of Amaranth, and
ing the puzzle, not just the one hacking. Eargle with the yellow canister of Amaranth.
e. Cargle with the blue canister of Amaranth, Ar-
Result Time Modifier
gle with the green canister of Amaranth, Eargle
0-5 -1 minute.
with the orange canister of Amaranth, Cargle
6-10 -30 seconds.
with the red canister of Amaranth, and Barge
11-15 No modifier. with the yellow canister of Amaranth.
16-20 + 30 seconds.
21-25 + 1 minute. 2. Which Amaranth is Cargle experimenting on?
26-30 + 90 seconds. 3. If Dargle and Eargle are experimenting immediately
31+ + 2 minutes. next to each other, then which canister of Amaranth is
Eargle experimenting on?
Sample Logic Puzzles 4. Which Amaranth could Argle be experimenting on?
Listed below are some sample logic puzzles that can 5. Who is experimenting on the yellow Amaranth?
occasionally be incorporated into your game. GMs are
encourged to make your own, or adapt LSAT or IQ test Answers: 1 is a, 2 is red, 3 is green, 4 is orange,
questions, use riddles, or any other puzzle that your and 5 is Bargle.
group might find fun.

Puzzle 1
Argle, Barge, Cargle, Dargle, and Eargle are five Chime-
ras who go to create the perfect blob of Amaranth. Five
canisters of Amaranth are lined up in a row, each a dif-
ferent color. They are, from left to right: Blue, Green,

158 // Appendices //
Puzzle 2
Seraph says, "You must give me a statement. If it is true,
you will killed burrow worms. If it is false, you will be killed
by being trampled by my mammoth."

Answer. "I will be killed by trampling of your mammoth."

or "I will not be killed by burrow worms".

Puzzle 3
You are a spy brought in for questioning by Hexie in-
telligence operative, along with two other employees,
one of whom is a lawyer and one is a solider. The sol-
ider can only tell the truth, the lawyer can only lie, but
you can tell either lies or the truth. The Hexie intelli-
gence officer asks you all if you are spies.
The solider says: "I am not a spy."
The lawyer says: "I am a spy."
Hexie Intelligence asks you: "Is the lawyer really a spy?"
What is your best answer?

Answer. You should say "no".

// Shadows of Korea // 159

Intro Appendix B:

Part I.
City of

Part II.

Part III.


New Rules


160 // Appendices //
This printing of GeneFunk 2090 is done under version 1.0 of the 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY-
Open Gaming License, and the System Reference Document by RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text
permission from Wizards of the Coast, Inc. of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are
copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,
the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPY-
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. RIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
Rights Reserved.
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to
(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or
derivative works and translations (including into other computer Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing
languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, exten- Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, in-
sion, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other dependent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Reg-
form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or istered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game
adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to
the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent that Product Identity.
such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an en-
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
hancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distribut-
identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means
ing are Open Game Content.
any work covered by this License, including translations and de-
rivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Prod- 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
uct Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; ar- authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute
tifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic el- any Open Game Content originally distributed under any ver-
ements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, sion of this License. 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content
graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; You Distribute.
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, per-
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
sonalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places,
the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless
locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or super-
You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
natural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmen-
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used tal regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material
by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated so affected.
products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contribu- 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
tor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in shall survive the termination of this License.
terms of this agreement.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be un-
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content enforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may necessary to make it enforceable.
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix
such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
may be added to or subtracted from this License except as de- 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1
scribed by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. and Dave Arneson.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Chase rules adapted under the OGL from
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide,
royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms of this Li-
cense to Use, the Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con-
tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent
that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You
have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.

// Shadows of Korea // 161

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