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What is a Travel Advisory?

• The Travel Advisories are travel and
health notices of foreign destinations
published by several government Case of study: Chile
entities of each country. On the U.S, • At the end of 2019th Chile had a public
the Department of State is the entity order situation that led to a change
in charge of releasing these types of on the country Travel Advisory, the
alerts. Department of State add a risk
indicator: civil unrest.
• The Travel Advisory does not have a
• Nevertheless, Chile overcome this
strict update date. For this reason,
situation on the beginning of 2020th,
the conditions of the destinations
the civil unrest indicator is still in Chile’s
may vary and in some cases these
2021 travel advisory.
changes are not reflected on the
official notices.

Why Colombia is currently at category 4 (do not travel)?

• Colombia’s Travel Advisory have been affected with the COVID-19'S public
health situation. On March 2020 Colombia went from Category 2 (exercise with
increased caution to Category 4 (do not travel) this was a consequence of the
Global Health Alert that the Department of State issued.

• On October 2020 Colombia went from category 4 to 3 (Reconsider travel)

because the restrictions related with transportation and logistics for business
operations were lifted on the country.

• Current situation: on April 2021 as 80% of the countries, Colombia went from
category 3 to 4, consequence of a new global health alert. On May, a risk
indicator was added, ‘’Civil unrest”, caused by a particular public order situation
that the country was having. However, today the National Government is
maintaining public order and the security for all citizens in the national territory.

We are ready to receive you.

• Colombia seeks to build trust by promoting
responsible, sustainable, reliable and high-
quality tourism. For this reason, Colombia in
2020 became the first country in the region
to launch a biosecurity seal (Check in
certified, COVID-19 biosafe) with the
endorsement of the World Tourism
Organization and the World Travel & Tourism
• More than 490 Colombian companies
throughout the chain have been certified
among airlines, airports and tourist
attractions, among others.

Our vaccination program is moving forward.

• The National Government has advanced in a program in which it has privileged
the negotiation of vaccines with different pharmaceutical companies and
logistical preparation, the acquisition of ultra-low freezers and training of medical
personnel and volunteers who will be at the forefront of mass vaccinations
throughout the country.
• In 2021, 35.2 million Colombians (70% of the population) will be vaccinated, also
seeking herd immunity throughout the territory.

Colombia is the Most Welcoming Place

• April 2021 marked the date to launch the tourism, exports and investments
campaigns evolution into one unique across industries manifesto that reflects
the most characteristic trait of the country. This milestone has coincided as
well with the launch of the new 6 Macro Regions, that differ from the
traditional 5 geopolitical regions of the country in the sustainable approach
to live a unique experience in those regions. Visit Colombia, the most
welcoming place.

What’s the most welcoming place on Earth? It's definitely Colombia! -

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