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KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KUMASL INSTITUE OF DISTANCE LEARNING BSc. (Engineering), Mid Semester Examination, May, 2015 TE 384: SWITCHING ENGINEERING Third Year ‘MAY 2015 TIME: 1 HOUR moexno 61668 . Attempt all questions Fos Section A (18 marks) Circle the correct answer on the question paper, all calculations must be done in the answer booklet provided. Submit both the question paper and the answer booklet. 1. Initially all communication networks ‘Message switched 2. Which of the following is an exariple of a packet-switched network me ac-ec 10. imap tvcony is the first digit of countries in the former Soviet Union? A 3 5 é ~ 12, AnB3 is equi valent to .....,«. voice cireuil oe ‘voice circuits B. 48 © 480 D. 120 13, A Time Slot Interchanger with time slots is equivalent to A dby4 ® sys © iby 16 D. 64 by 64 14. The operation ofa crossbar switch depends on energizing. A. Two horizontal lines B. Two vertical lines © A vertical line and a 1D. Two diagonal lines 15. Fora folded matrix, to support 50 subscribers the numberof cross points needed is 50 Pie A D, 1,225 16, What isthe PERCENTAGE reduetion in cross points when a single stage 50 by 50 switch is replaced by a two stage 10 by 10 switches? A. 60 B. 80 "40 . 50 17. A mixing stage in a multistage network keeps the overall switch size the same but can reduce blocking by... Ineensng he nu of outlets Increasing the number of inlets . Adding multiple path through the switeh D. Decreasing redundancy 18. Ina TSI the capacity for the speech store for an B1 is. m4 & 30 C. 32 D. 8,000 or 5 19. What combination switching does AXE 10 employs? A. TST B. TSTST © tsssst D, TSTS 2a. RomlngGecisions are mada inftally when a connection trade, whch typ of wing fa A. Packet Switching B. Data Switching Message Switching D. Circuit Switching 21, The basic measure of performance of a pure loss system is @® Waiting time B, Call arival rate dé €. Call holding time D, Blocking probability 22. An exchange serves 1,000 subscribers. I the average busy hour ealing atempt is 5,000 and the CCR is 50%, caleulateyfe average busy hour calling rate A 15 i @® 25 30 Das 5 23, In a wireless network each subseriber generates three calls per hour on the average and @ ‘typical call holding time is 120, “What is the traffic intensity in Erlangs? A. 0.25 @ 0.10 C. 0.01 D. 015 24, Consider a TSI with the mapping: TS1 ~+ PS3,7S2 ~ TSS, 783 ~ P84, 784» TS1,7S5 > 752? What will Be the output it EDCBA is applied atthe input ofthe TSI? ‘A. ABCDE | B. ACBDE | © seared | D. BEACD Section B (14 marks) Answer this section in the answer booklet provided. ‘Question 1 (2) What is multiplexing? Distinguish between FDM and TDM (©) A three stage switching structure is to accommodate N = 64 inputs and 64 outpet terminals. For 8 first stage and 8 last stage, determine the mumber of cross points for non blocking. | (©) Design 64 by 64 two-stage switch by using 8 by 8 primary and scoandary switches. i, Whatis the total mumber of cross points forthe two-stage network fi, Ifa mixing stage is added to the two-stage network, what ere the mumber of cross points inthe network and the number of altemate paths. What is the overall size ‘of the switch? (@ Consider a group of 2,000 subscribers with the following call profile; 1,200 of subscribers generate 400 calls during the busy hour with an sverege holding time of 2S ‘minutes. The remaining subscribers gencrate 185 calls during the busy hour with an average bolding time of 4 mimutes. What isthe offered trafic in ( — Erlangs Gi) ccs KAP. AGYEKUM

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