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CHE 465 Chemical Engineering
Laboratory 1
Experiment 2: Bernoulli’s
Theorem Demonstration









DATE OF SUBMITTED: 19tH October 2015

This experiment is about Bernoulli’s theorem. The objective of this
experiment is to demonstrate the Bernoulli’s theorem. This experiment use the
Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration Apparatus. The apparatus contains of many part
which are venturi meter, pad of manometer tube, pump, and water tank equipped
with pump water controller, water host and tubes. This experiment uses the venturi
meter to measure the fluid flow through a pipe. The venturi tube has converging
and diverging portion that function of increasing and decreasing the velocity of fluid
and lower and higher the static pressure respectively. The experiment is conducted
for three times with different flow rates starting the first after the level pressure of
each manometer A, B, C, D, E and F is equal and stable. The flow rate was taken as
the water indicator reached at 3 liters of water level. Level pressure of each
manometer is measured as head loss. From the experiment conducted, we observed
than when fluids moves from a region of higher pressure to lower pressure, the
velocity of the fluid increases. There are a little bit differences on the speed of the
flow and the pressure when we use Bernoulli’s equation and Continuity equation to
calculate velocity. Thus, we concluded that the Bernoulli’s theorem is accepted. The
experiment was a successfully and the objectives are obtained.

Reading 1: (Fast Flow Rate)

Velocity (Vib) = √ 2 × g ×(h−hi)

Area (Ai) = ( πD × D ¿ /4
Velocity (Vic) = Flow Rate (0.000458 m3/s) / Ai (m2)
Velocity Ratio (Vib – Vic) / Vic

Velocity (Vib) A = √ 2 × 9.81×(234−203)

= 24.66 m/s
Area A = 0.000531 m2
Velocity (Vic) A = 0.8625 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 27.59

Velocity (Vib) B = √ 2 × 9.81×(236−183)

= 32.25 m/s
Area B = 0.000366 m2
Velocity (Vic) B = 1.251 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 24.78

Velocity (Vib) C = √ 2 × 9.81×(234−36)

= 62.33 m/s
Area C = 0.000201 m2
Velocity (Vic) C = 2.279 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 26.34
Velocity (Vib) D = √ 2 × 9.81×(227−128)

= 44.07 m/s
Area D = 0.000314 m2
Velocity (Vic) D = 1.459 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 29.21

Velocity (Vib) E = √ 2 × 9.81×(224−150)

= 38.10 m/s
Area E = 0.00038 m2
Velocity (Vic) E = 1.2053 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 30.61

Velocity (Vib) F = √ 2 × 9.81×(221−174 )

= 30.37 m/s
Area F = 0.000531m2
Velocity (Vic) F = 0.863 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 34.19
Reading 2: (Slow Flow Rate)

Velocity (Vib) = √ 2 × g ×(h−hi)

Area (Ai) = ( πD × D ¿ /4
Velocity (Vic) = Flow Rate (0.000314 m3/s) / Ai (m2)
Velocity Ratio (Vib – Vic) / Vic

Velocity (Vib) A = √ 2 × 9.81×(190−176)

= 24.66 m/s
Area A = 0.000531 m2
Velocity (Vic) A = 0.591 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 40.72

Velocity (Vib) B = √ 2 × 9.81×(188−165)

= 32.25 m/s
Area B = 0.000366 m2
Velocity (Vic) B = 0.858 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 36.59

Velocity (Vib) C = √ 2 × 9.81×(188−86)

= 62.33 m/s
Area C = 0.000201 m2
Velocity (Vic) C = 1.562 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 38.90
Velocity (Vib) D = √ 2 × 9.81×(186−134)

= 44.07 m/s
Area D = 0.000314 m2
Velocity (Vic) D = 1.00 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 43.07

Velocity (Vib) E = √ 2 × 9.81×(185−145)

= 38.10 m/s
Area E = 0.00038 m2
Velocity (Vic) E = 0.826 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 45.13

Velocity (Vib) F = √ 2 × 9.81×(183−156)

= 30.37 m/s
Area F = 0.000531m2
Velocity (Vic) F = 0.591 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 50.39
Reading 3: (Medium Flow Rate)

Velocity (Vib) = √ 2 × g ×(h−hi)

Area (Ai) = ( πD × D ¿ /4
Velocity (Vic) = Flow Rate (0.000392 m3/s) / Ai (m2)
Velocity Ratio (Vib – Vic) / Vic

Velocity (Vib) A = √ 2 × 9.81×(225−195)

= 24.66 m/s
Area A = 0.000531 m2
Velocity (Vic) A = 0.738 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 32.41

Velocity (Vib) B = √ 2 × 9.81×(225−178)

= 32.25 m/s
Area B = 0.000366 m2
Velocity (Vic) B = 1.071 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 29.11

Velocity (Vib) C = √ 2 × 9.81×(221−48)

= 62.33 m/s
Area C = 0.000201 m2
Velocity (Vic) C = 1.950 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 30.96

Velocity (Vib) D = √ 2 × 9.81×(216−129)

= 44.07 m/s
Area D = 0.000314 m2
Velocity (Vic) D = 1.248 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 34.31

Velocity (Vib) E = √ 2 × 9.81×(214−149)

= 38.10 m/s
Area E = 0.00038 m2
Velocity (Vic) E = 1.032 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 35.92

Velocity (Vib) F = √ 2 × 9.81×(212−169)

= 30.37 m/s
Area F = 0.000531m2
Velocity (Vic) F = 0.738 m/s
(Vib – Vic) / Vic = 40.15

The objectives of this experiment is to investigate the validity of the Bernoulli

equation when applied to the steady flow of water in a tapered duct and to measure
the flow rates and both static and total pressure heads in a rigid convergent and
divergent tube of known geometry for a range of steady flow rates. This experiment
is based on the Bernoulli’s principle which relates between velocities with the
pressure for an in viscid flow.
To achieve the objectives of this experiment, Bernoulli’s theorem
demonstration apparatus along with the hydraulic bench were used. This instrument
was combined with a venturi meter and the pad of manometer tubes which indicate
the pressure of A until H but for this experiment only the pressure in manometer A
until F being measured. A venturi is basically a converging-diverging section (like an
hourglass), typically placed between tube or duct sections with fixed cross-sectional
area. The flow rates through the venturi meter can be related to pressure
measurements by using Bernoulli’s equation.
From the result obtained through this experiment, it is been observed that
when the pressure difference increase, the flow rates of the water increase and thus
the velocities also increase for both convergent and divergent flow. The result show
a rise at each manometer tubes when the pressure difference increases. As fluid
flows from a wider pipe to a narrower one, the velocity of the flowing fluid increases.
This is shown in all the results tables, where the velocity of water that flows in the
tapered duct increases as the duct area decreases, regardless of the pressure
difference and type of flow of each result taken.
From the analysis of the results, it can be concluded that the velocity of
water decrease as the water flow rate decrease. For slow flow rate (Reading 2), the
velocity difference at cross section A for water flow rate is (0.591 m/s), B (0.858
m/s), C (1.562 m/s), D (1.000 m/s), E (0.826 m/s), F (0.591 m/s). Also for medium
flow rate (Reading 3), the velocity difference at cross section A for water flow rate is
(0.738 m/s), B (1.071 m/s), C (1.950 m/s), D (1.248 m/s), E(1.032 m/s), F (0.738
m/s). At the same time, for fast flow rate (Reading 1), the velocity difference at
cross section A for water flow rate is (0.8625 m/s), B (1.251 m/s), C (2.279 m/s), D
(1.459 m/s), E (1.2053 m/s), F (0.863 m/s). So, it can be concluded that the
diameter of the tube will affect the differences in velocity as a bigger tube will cause
the differences in velocity become bigger while the smaller tube cause the velocity
differences between ViB and Vic to be smaller. The flow rate of the difference flow
also different. From the result, we can see that the flow rate of slow condition
(Reading 2) is 0.000314 m3/s, then for medium flow rate (Reading 3) is 0.000392
m3/s and lastly for the fast rate (Reading 1) is 0.000458 m 3/s. So we can conclude
that the fast flow rate is higher than slow flow rate.
There must be some parallax and zero error occurs when taking the
measurement of each data. The observer must have not read the level of static
head properly. Moreover, the eyes are not perpendicular to the water level on the
manometer. Therefore, there are some minor effects on the calculations due to the
Therefore, it can be concluded that the Bernoulli’s equation is valid when
applied to steady flow of water in tapered duct and absolute velocity values
increase along the same channel. Although the experiment proof that the Bernoulli’s
equation is valid for both flow but the values obtain might be slightly differ from the
actual value. This is because there is some error maybe happen during the
experiment is done. While taking the reading of themanometer, there might be
possibility that the eye position of the readers is not parallel to the scale.
Thus, this error will contribute to the different in the values obtained. Other
than that, the readers must take the accurate reading from the manometers. In
order to get the accurate value, the water level must be let to be really stable. Thus,
a patient is needed in order to run this experiment successfully because sometimes
the way the experiment is conduct may influence the result of the experiment.
The results show the reading of each manometer tubes increase when the
pressure difference increases. From the result obtained, we can conclude that the
Bernoulli’s equation is valid for convergent and divergent flow as both of it does
obey the equation. For both flow, as the pressure difference increase, the time taken
for 3L water collected increase and the flow rates of the water also increase. Thus,
as the velocity of the same channel increase, the total head pressure also increase
for both convergent and divergent flow.

1) Repeat the experiment several times to get an accurate result.

2) The eye of observers should be placed parallel to the scale of manometer to

get an accurate reading.

3) Make sure the bubbles in the manometer are completely removed by

adjusting the bleed screw.

4) The valve should be control slowly so that the pressure difference can be
i. Joseph B. Franzini. Fluid Mechanics. 10 th Ed. McGrawHill (2002)
ii. John F. Douglas. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications. 4 th Ed.
Prentice Hall (2001).
A. General Start-up Procedures
The Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration (Model: FM 24) is supplied ready for
use and only requires connection to the Hydraulic Bench (Model: FM 110) as
1. Ensure that the clear acrylic test section is installed with the
converging section upstream. Also check that the unions are
tighten (hand tight only). If necessary to dismantle the test
section then the total pressure probe must be withdrawn fully
(but not pulled out of its guide in the downstream coupling)
before releasing the couplings.
2. Locate the apparatus on the flat top of the bench.
3. Attach a spirit level to baseboard and level the unit on top of
the bench by adjusting the feet.
4. Fill water into the volumetric tank of the hydraulic bench until
approximately 90% full.
5. Connect the flexible inlet tube using the quick release coupling
in the bed of the channel.
6. Connect a flexible hose to the outlet and make sure that it is
directed into the channel.
7. Partially open the outlet flow control valve at the Bernoulli’s
Theorem Demonstration unit.
8. Fully close the bench flow control valve, V1 then switch on the
9. Gradually open V1 and allow the piping to fill with water until all
air has been expelled from the system.
10.Also check for “Trapped Bubbles” in the glass tube or plastic
transfer tube. You would need to remove them from the system
for better accuracy.
11.At this point, you will see water flowing into the venturi and
discharge into the collection tank of hydraulic bench.
12.Proceed to increase the water flowrate. When the flow in the
pipe is steady and there is no trapped bubble, start to close the
discharge valve to reduce the flow to the maximum measurable
flow rate.
13.You will see that water level in the manometer tubes will begin
to display different level of water heights. If the water level in
the manometer board is too low where it is out of visible point,
open V1 to increase the static pressure. If the water level is too
high, open the outlet control valve to lower the static pressure
14.Adjust V1 and outlet control valve to obtain a flow through the
test section and observe that the static pressure profile along
the converging and diverging sections is indicated on its
respective manometers. The total head pressure along the
venture tube can be measured by traversing the hypodermic
15.The actual flow of water can be measured using the volumetric
tank with a stop watch.

B. Experiment
1. Perform the General Start-up Procedures in Section A.
2. Check that all manometer tubings are properly connected to the
corresponding pressure taps and are air-bubble free.
3. Adjust the discharge valve to a high measurable flow rate.
4. After the level stabilizes, measure the water flow rate using volumetric
5. Gently slide the hypodermic tube (total head measuring) connected to
manometer #G, so that its end reaches the cross section of the Venturi
tube at #A. Wait for some time and note down the readings from
manometer #G and #A. The reading shown by manometer #G is the
sum of the static head and velocity heads, i.e. the total (or stagnation)
head (h*), because the hypodermic tube is held against the flow of
fluid forcing it to a stop (zero velocity). The reading in manometer #A
measures just the pressure head (hi) because it is connected to the
Venturi tube pressure tap, which does not obstruct the flow, thus
measuring the flow static pressure.
6. Repeat step 5 for other cross sections (#B, #C, #D, #E and #F).
7. Repeat step 3 to 6 with three other decreasing flow rates by regulating
the venturi discharge valve.
8. Calculate the velocity, ViB using the Bernoulli’s equation where;
Vi  √ 2 g(h 8 hi)
9. Calculate the velocity, ViC using the continuity equation where
Vi_Con = Qav / Ai
10.Determined the difference between two calculated velocities.

C. General Shut-down Procedures

1. Close water supply valve and venturi discharge valve.
2. Turn off the water supply pump.
3. Drain off water from the unit when not in use.

Reading 1: (flow rate: FAST)

Volume (L) 3
Average Time (min) 1
Flow Rate (LPM) 27.48

Cross Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Velocity

section equation Ratio
# h* = hH hi 2× g ׿ Ai = Vic = ViB - Vic
ViB = ¿
(mm) (mm) √¿ Di2 Q av Vic
4 Ai
(m2) (m/s)
A 203 234 24.66 0.000531 0.8625 27.59
B 183 236 32.25 0.000366 1.251 24.78
C 36 234 62.33 0.000201 2.279 2634
D 128 227 44.07 0.000314 1.459 29.21
E 150 224 38.10 0.00038 1.2035 30.61
F 174 221 30.37 0.000531 0.863 34.19

Flowrate(Q)=0.000458 m3/s

Reading 2: (flow rate: SLOW)

Volume (L) 3
Average Time (min) 1
Flow Rate (LPM) 18.85

Cross Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Velocity

section equation Ratio
# h* = hH hi 2× g ׿ Ai = Vic = ViB - Vic
ViB = ¿
(mm) (mm) √¿ D i2 Q av Vic
4 Ai
(m2) (m/s)
A 176 190 24.66 0.000531 0.591 40.72
B 165 188 32.25 0.000366 0.858 36.59
C 86 188 62.33 0.000201 1.562 38.90
D 134 186 44.07 0.000314 1.000 43.07
E 145 185 38.10 0.00038 0.826 45.13
F 156 183 30.37 0.000531 0.591 50.39

Flowrate(Q)=0.000314 m3/s

Reading 3: (flow rate: MEDIUM)

Volume (L) 3
Average Time (min) 1
Flow Rate (LPM) 23.50

Cross Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Velocity

section equation Ratio
# h* = hH hi 2× g ׿ Ai = Vic = ViB - Vic
ViB = ¿
(mm) (mm) √¿ D i2 Q av Vic
4 Ai
(m2) (m/s)
A 195 225 24.26 530.93 0.738 32.41
B 178 225 30.37 366.44 1.071 29.11
C 48 221 58.26 201.06 1.950 30.96
D 129 216 41.32 314.16 1.248 34.31
E 149 214 35.71 380.13 1.032 35.92
F 169 212 2.05 530.93 0.738 40.15

Flowrate (Q)= 0.000392 m3/s


1. Venture meter
2. Pad of manometer tubes
3. Hydraulic bench
4. Stop watch
5. Water
6. Water tank equipped with valves water controller
7. Water host and tubes.

Bernoulli theorem apparatus


The objectives of this experiment are:

1. To investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to the

steady flow
of water in a tapered duct.
2. To measure flow rates and both static and total pressure heads in a rigid
convergent or
divergent tube of known geometry for a range of steady flow rates


The well-known Bernoulli equation is derived under the following assumptions:

• The liquid is incompressible.

• The liquid is non-viscous.

• The flow is steady and the velocity of the liquid is less than the critical velocity for the


• There is no loss of energy due to friction.

Then, it is expressed with the following equation:

Where (in SI units):

p = fluid static pressure at the cross section in N/m2

ρ = density of the flowing fluid in kg/m3

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2 (its value is 9.81 m/s2 = 9810 mm/s2)

v = mean velocity of fluid flow at the cross section in m/s

z = elevation head of the center of the cross section with respect to a datum z=0

h* = total (stagnation) head in m

The terms on the left-hand-side of the above equation represent the pressure head

(h) ,velocity head (hv), and elevation head (z), respectively. The sum of these terms is known as
the total head (h*). According to the Bernoulli’s theorem of fluid flow through a pipe, the total
head h* at any cross section is constant (based on the assumptions given).

Pressure head is a term used in fluid mechanics to represent the internal energy of a fluid
due to the pressure exerted on its container. It may also be called static pressure head or simply
static head (but not static head pressure). It is mathematically expressed as:


ψ is pressure head (Length, typically in units of m);

p is fluid pressure (Force per unit Area, often as kPa units); and

γ is the specific weight(Weight per unit volume, typically N·m−3units)

ρ is the density of the fluid (Mass per unit volume, typically kg·m−3)

g is acceleration due to gravity(rate of change of velocity, given in m·s−2)

In this experimental, the centre line of the entire cross sections we are considering lie on
the same horizontal plane (which we may choose as the datum, z=0), and thus, all the ‘z’ values
are zeros.

Bernoulli's Principle is a physical principle formulated that states that "as the speed of
a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases. Bernoulli's
principle is named after the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli who published his principle in
his book Hydrodynamica in 1738.
Bernoulli’s Principle can be demonstrated by the Bernoulli equation. The Bernoulli
equation is an approximate relation between pressure, velocity, and elevation. While the
Continuity equation relates the speed of a fluid that moving through a pipe to the cross
sectional area of the pipe. It says that as a radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow
must increase and vice-versa.
However, Bernoulli’s Principle can only be applied under certain conditions. The
conditions to which Bernoulli’s equation applies are the fluid must be frictionless (inviscid)
and of constant density; the flow must be steady, and the relation holds in general for single
In general, frictional effects are always important very close to solid wall (boundary
layers) and directly downstream of bodies (wakes). Thus, the Bernoulli approximation is
typically useful in flow regions outside of boundary layers and wakes, where the fluid
motion is governed by the combined effects of pressure and gravity forces.
Bernoulli's principle can be explained in terms of the law of conservation of energy.
As a fluid moves from a wider pipe into a narrower pipe or a constriction, a corresponding
volume must move a greater distance forward in the narrower pipe and thus have a greater
At the same time, the work done by corresponding volumes in the wider and narrower
pipes will be expressed by the product of the pressure and the volume. Since the speed is
greater in the narrower pipe, the kinetic energy of that volume is greater. Then, by the law of
conservation of energy, this increase in kinetic energy must be balanced by a decrease in the
pressure-volume product, or, since the volumes are equal, by a decrease in pressure.
The Bernoulli equation:

kinetic energy + potential energy + flow energy = constant

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