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Possessive case / Possessive Pronouns / Question Word: whose /

Clothes, footwear and accessories

Personal pronouns Short forms

Quando queres indicar que algo I pertence a alguém utilizasmine possessive case = nome + ’s +
item (ex.: Kate’s house. – A casa you
da Kate.). Se o primeiro nomeyoursfor singular, acrescentas ’s (ex.:
Peter’s cat). Se o primeiro nome he for plural e terminar em -s, hisacrescentas apenas o apóstrofo ’
(ex.: The boys’ cats). she hers
A palavra whose significa “de itquem” e utiliza-se em perguntas.
Os possessive pronouns indicam
we sempre posse e substituem
ours os nomes. Assim, nunca
aparecem antes deles. Deves memorizá-los
you para os aplicares corretamente.
they theirs

A. Write the words in the correct order. Use ’ ou ’s. There is one example.
(Escreve frases na ordem correta. Usa ’ ou ’s. Segue o exemplo.)

1. shoes / Patricia Patricia’s shoes

2. ball / the boys ____________________________________________________
3. car / my father ___________________________________________________
4. red cap / Tom ____________________________________________________
5. house / our parents _______________________________________________
6. coat / Mr Smith ___________________________________________________
7. boots / the girls ___________________________________________________
8. dress / Mrs Peterson ______________________________________________
2. the boys’ ball 3. my father’s car 4. Tom’s red cap 5. Our parents’ house 6. Mr. Smith’s coat
7. the girls’ boots 8. Mrs. Peterson’s dress

B. Read the questions and answer them. There is one example.

(Lê as questões e responde. Segue o exemplo.)

1. Whose cat is that? 3. Whose shirt is this?

It is Jack’s cat. (Jack) It is ___________________. (Jess)

2. Whose sweater is this? 4. Whose jacket is that?

It is ___________________. (Mary) It is ___________________. (Sarah)
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun. 2. Mary’s 3. Jess’s 4. Sarah’s
(Completa os espaços com o possessive pronoun correto.)

1. Mary has got a red skirt. It’s ________________________.

2. Kate and Paul have got dogs. They’re ________________________.
3. I have got a black cat. It’s ________________________.
4. Jack has got a new watch. It’s ________________________.
5. We have got a big house. It’s ________________________.
6. You have got blue trousers. They’re ________________________.
7. This is my new cap. It’s ________________________.
8. My parents have got a new car. It’s ________________________.
9. Paul and I have got a computer. It’s ________________________.
10. You and Tess have got a new pen. It’s ________________________.
1. hers 2. theirs 3. mine 4. his 5. ours 6. Yours 7. mine 8. theirs 9. ours 10. yours

D. Label the pictures. Use the words from the box.

(Legenda as imagens. Usa as palavras da caixa.)

1. _________________2. _________________3. _________________ dress

4. _________________5. _________________6. _________________

1. scarf 2. dress 3. boots 4. pyjamas 5. trainers 6. jeans

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