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(c) 1990-1998 IMSL Software

CASIF/Win is a Windows-based communications and data management program

for the CASIO Digital Diary palmtops. It works with all Casio Digital
Diary models (including the SF-5x80/5x90 Illuminator models, and the
SF-A10/A20/A30 models), and all Casio-PC interface adaptor/cables.
Why use CASIF/Win?
1) CASIF/Win is a Windows program which takes full advantage of Windows
capabilities to exchange data easily with other Windows programs
2) CASIF/Win is a full-featured Casio interface program which supports
all the Casio functions and data types, including the those of the
latest models
3) CASIF/Win is designed to work with your own favourite PC data
management and personal organizer programs instead of replacing them
4) It's shareware - try before you buy!

CASIF/Win is a proprietary commercial software package, distributed as

shareware by IMSL Software.
You may download or otherwise obtain a copy CASIF/Win and make your own
personal evaluation of it freely. If you wish to continue to use it
beyond a brief evaluation period (i.e. maximum 30 days), then you must
register with IMSL Software and pay the current registration fee to
obtain a license and registration number. Instructions for registration
are contained in the accompanying file REGISTER.TXT. You are encouraged
to copy and distribute CASIF/Win, but you must include this notice and
the file REGISTER.TXT.
This is Version 1.9e of CASIF/Win. See the included Help file for a
complete description of CASIF/Win V1.9e, including new features and
changes from previous versions.
For more information on CASIF/Win or IMSL Software, point your web
browser at:
or contact IMSL Software via Email at:
BRASIL: Pode conseguir uma guia breve em Portugues se voce registra. Por
favor visita ou
envia uma mensagem para Pode escrever em Portugues.

CASIF/Win comes in two parts.
The CASIFW19.ZIP file includes:
README.TXT - this file
REGISTER.TXT - instructions for registration
CASIFW.EXE - the program
CASIFW.HLP - the Help file
CASIFW.INI - standard parameter file
GRID.VBX - Visual Basic custom controls required by
A separate file CASIFWEX.ZIP (available from the web site) includes:
README2.TXT - instructions for installing external database access
EXTERNAL.TXT - Microsoft external database information
MSAJT110.DLL - Microsoft libraries required to support external
MSAES110.DLL database access
MSAJT112.DLL - compatibility layer for Access V2.0
ACCESS2.TXT - instructions for installing compatibility layer
You do not need CASIFWEX unless you plan to access external databases
(i.e. existing databases in formats such as dBase III/IV, Access,
Paradox, Btrieve etc.). If you are upgrading from an earlier version, a
separate smaller zip file is available from the web site with just the
Access 2.0 components.
Not included with the distribution files:
CASIFW.DOC - printable manual in MS Word format, available
separately from IMSL Software
VBRUN300.DLL - Visual Basic V3.0 run-time DLL, available from
most online services, Internet archives, and local
bulletin boards if you don't already have it
There is no SETUP program - simple installation is described below.

1. Create directory CASIFW (or whatever other directory name you want
to use)
2. UnZip CASIFW19.ZIP into the CASIFW directory (and CASIFWEX if you are
going to use CASIF/Win with external databases)
You will need a utility like PKUNZIP or WINZIP or some other
equivalent to extract the files from the Zip archive. This can
be obtained from the web or an online file archive if you don't
already have one.
3. Make sure you have VBRUN300.DLL on your system. This Visual Basic
library file is NOT included in CASIFW19.ZIP (see the note above if
you need it). You would normally find VBRUN300.DLL in your
4. Windows 95: Create a program icon for CASIFW.EXE by locating
the EXE file in Explorer and dragging it into a folder or onto
the desktop to create a shortcut. You can rename the shortcut
to CASIF Win if you prefer.
Windows 3.1: Create a program icon for CASIFW.EXE by locating
the EXE file in File Manager and dragging it into a program group.
5. Windows 3.1 only: with the CASIFW program icon selected, select
Properties from the Program Manager File menu and make sure
that the Startup directory is set to C:\CASIFW (or whatever other
directory you placed CASIFW.EXE in). Make sure your that CASIFW.INI
file is in this startup directory. You can also change the program
description if you want, e.g. to "CASIF/Win".
Installation of CASIF/Win makes no other modifications to system files
or directories. The program can be uninstalled by simply deleting the
files and deleting the icon.
Location of DLL and VBX files:
The DLL and VBX library files required by CASIFW.EXE can be placed
either in the same directory as CASIFW.EXE, or in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM
directory. You may already have copies of these common files in your
WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. If so, you do not need to keep separate
copies in your CASIFW directory. However, if you have problems using
the existing shared libraries in WINDOWS/SYSTEM (the error messages
"Outdated Library Version" or "Invalid Property Value" are typical
symptoms), you may want to keep separate copies of the versions
distributed with CASIF/Win in the CASIFW directory. In particular
the file GRID.VBX sometimes has compatibility problems, so it is
recommended that you keep the version of this file distributed with
CASIF/Win (dated 4/28/93) in your CASIFW directory.

Click the "Getting Started" button after starting CASIF/Win to read
introductory information from the Help file. If you get the message
"Cannot open Help file", check that file CASIFW.HLP is present in your
CASIFW directory, and that you didn't drag the EXE file to a different
location instead of creating a shortcut in Win 95 (or that you didn't
skip step 5 above if you are using Win 3.1).
SF-5x80/5x90 users, make sure that you select your model number under
Settings/Data Format before you try to communicate with your Casio
diary, and please read the special section in the Help file on the
SF-5x80/5x90 models.
SF-A10/20/30 users, same instructions regarding setting the model
number before you try to communicate.
The problem you are most likely to encounter is the message
"Transmit Error" on the diary when you try to send data to CASIF/Win,
meaning that there is no communication. It is very common to have
configuration problems the first time you try to use your external
IN THE HELP FILE! A lot of effort has gone into describing the
possible problems and symptoms there, and what you should do about
them. In particular, if you have COM port configuration problems and
you aren't sure how your ports should be configured, here is the
recommended configuration:
COM1: external serial port for Casio diary
COM2: serial mouse (or internal modem if no serial mouse)
COM3: internal modem (if any)
Don't leave a gap in your COM port numbers, e.g. using COM4 without
a COM3.
If you have a home-built or non-Casio-standard serial cable, and you
have communication problems, be sure to read the Help file section on
RTS/DTR power settings.
Go ahead and ask IMSL software any questions you have about CASIF/Win,
but please read the documentation and check the Help file first - 90%
of the typical questions are already answered there.
Please report any problems you find with CASIF/Win, even if you are not
a registered user (we won't ask you to register first!). Before
contacting IMSL software, you should try to verify that the problem is
with CASIF/Win (not with the Casio diary or some other system
component), and you should try the troubleshooting procedures in the
Help file. It is very helpful if you can describe how to repeat the
problem, the exact symptoms of the problem, and the exact text of any
error messages you are getting.
Feel free request any new features or changes you would like to see
- you won't get them if you don't ask!

Users of CASIF/Win versions previous to V1.9e, please read these
release notes:
The communications timing in CASIF/Win has been updated to work
optimally with fast Pentium PCs. It should now transfer data slightly
faster, and have fewer problems with transmit startup synchronization.
If you do encounter a problem transmitting from the PC to the diary,
first try including the parameter RELAXFACTOR=8 in the CASIFW.INI
file. If that doesn't work, try dropping back to 4800 baud, and
report the problem to IMSL Software.
CASIF/Win now supports the SF-A10/20/30 series diaries, which are
a different family with a unique communications protocol and data
The newer SF-5x90, SF-4700L, and SF-4900L models are listed in V1.9e.
CASIF/Win does not yet support the Sync feature of the SF-5x90SY
models. The SF-5x90SY models come with the FA-128 software package
and a cable which uses a larger 3.5mm plug.
Separate character translation tables are available from IMSL
Software for the SF-5x80/5x90 models and the SF-Axx models. CASIF/Win
now supports swapping character tables when you select a new diary
model using the SUBSFILE parameter in the INI file.
Display and editing of Calendar colors is supported for the CSF and
NX models.
Display and editing of sketch files is supported for the NX models.
Some minor additions have been made to the ToDo data type to better
support the CSF and NX models.
If you do not substitute carriage-return to \, then individual row
height in tables will automatically be adjusted to show multi-line
Some new options have been added to CSV text file import/export, and
the number of fields allowed has been increased to better support
data exchange with Lotus Organizer and Act!.
Help/Internet Help invokes your default browser and loads a CASIF/Win
Help page with links to the IMSL Web site and email address.
Multiple numeric character codes are now allowed in SUBS parameters
of the form [c,nnn...], e.g. [A,13,*,10]
No <SCH TYPE> prefix line is output for SF-5x80 schedule items if
the corresponding Schedule Type is set to null string

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