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Intelligent Diagnostics in Robotics and

Integrated Manufacturing Systems

James H. Graham and Jian Guan

Speed Scientific School, University of Louisville

Louisville, KY 40292

probability updating.
Sections I1 provides an overview of diagnostic
reasoning in deep and shallow forms. Section 111 discusses
Traditional approaches to diagnosis of the hybrid diagnostic model as applied to computer
manufacturing systems have yielded to artificial integrated manufacturing and Section IV discusses the
intelligence approaches over recent years, as system learning features of the model. Section V covers
complexity has increased; but results have been mixed. implementation issues in creation of the prototype
Expert systems, using symptom-based (shallow reasoning) diagnostic system and presents data from a case study.
approaches have been too limited, while structural-based Section VI summarizes the conclusions from this work and
(deep reasoning) approaches have required excessive offers suggestions for future research directions.
computational resources. This paper presents a hybrid
model for diagnostics that is computationally efficient,
and at the same time incorporates the potential to 11. Overview of Knowledge-Based Diagnosis
improve its performance with use through a two-phase
learning scheme. Most knowledge-based diagnosis systems can be
classified as either operating from a deep-knowledge
(functional) basis or a shallow-knowledge (symptom
I. Introduction recognition) basis. Shallow reasoning is typified by a rule-
based system that attempts to match observed symptoms to
The large scale automation and integration of fault causes by using a short series of inferences with the
manufacturing systems, which has become possible with symptoms as inputs [l]. This is the traditional diagnostic
the development of low cost digital computers and expert system, which is easy to implement but which has
communications networks, permits more efficiency and essentially no knowledge of the structure of the domain.
flexibility in meeting production schedules and can The advantages of this approach are that general purpose
potentially lead to lower cost and higher quality products. inference engines are readily available as commercial
However, an integrated system is very dependent upon products, and the speed of reasoning is usually sufficiently
the trouble-free operation of all of its component parts; fast to appear to act in real time for most small diagnostic
when a failure occurs it is critical to isolate the causes as problems.
rapidly as possible and to take appropriate corrective
action. By contrast, the deep-reasoning expert system
attempts to construct a frame of inference that takes
This paper describes a system for the monitoring advantage of known functional relationships in arriving at
and diagnosis of manufacturing systems which can best be a diagnosis [2-71.When the observed behavior of the
described as a knowledge-based diagnosis system that uses system does not match the correct operating behavior, then
a hybrid combination of symptom-based and functional an inferential process is invoked to determine the system
reasoning. In this research we have used the functional components which can explain the abnormal behavior.
hierarchy of the manufacturing systems, defined in terms Several approaches have been suggested including the use
of strata, as the backbone for the deep reasoning. Sets of of probabilistic reasoning [5],set covering [6],and theorem
production rules, classified in terms of echelons, are the provers [7].
basis for the shallow reasoning. An entropy-based cost
function is used as the basis for selection of the next Both the shallow reasoning approach and the deep
component t o be examined. Two types of learning have reasoning approach have limitations which restrict their
been investigated to improve the performance of the applicability. The shallow reasoning approach knows
shallow knowledge component: rule learning and essentially nothing about the domain beyond the explicitly

1050-4729/93 $3.000 1993 E E E
coded information in the rule base. It is generally of functional decomposition of the system. Each terminal
incapable of dealing with situations which lie beyond node would be associated with a physical subsystem of the
these hard coded conditions. Shallow knowledge systems manuafacturing process and would have an associated
thus tend to be somewhat brittle unless exceptions are shallow knowledge base. The shallow knowledge
carefully programmed. In contrast, the deep reasoning component is represented in multiechelon form. Note that
approach can handle a wider range of input conditions, in this case, decision-making may occur at each rule, thus
but typically requires extensive development time, and the nodes are interconnected by two-way arrows. The
consumes excessive computational resources in creating diagnostic system identifies and isolates a fault by searching
a diagnosis. Recently, hybrid diagnosis systems have been first the deep knowledge base, and then a specific shallow
created for use in complex systems. These systems tend knowledge base appropriate to the observed symptoms.
to combine both the ability to perform a rapid diagnosis The steps in the diagnostic process are given below.
and the ability to make use of functional information to
avoid brittleness [%lo]. Step 1: Construct a functional hiearachy of the system.
(Note - this is typically done off-line)
Although machine learning has been investigated
for some time, the literature on applications of learning Step 2: When a symptom is observed, an appropriate
techniques to diagnostic reasoning systems is relatively function from stratum 1 is selected.
scarce. Pazzani [ll] discusses an application of failure-
driven learning to the construction of a diagnostic Step 3: A best first search using the failure probability is
knowledge base. Koseki [12] describes a model-based conducted and the most unreliable branch is selected.
diagnostic system which uses explanation based learning
to generalize from single training samples. The AQll Step 4: Continue the search until the lowest stratum is
program of Michalski [13] demonstrated the ability to reached and a terminal node is selected.
learn the rules for diagnosis of soybean disease from
training samples. Step 5: Using the shallow knowledge base associated with
this terminal node, select the rule with the lowest entropy.
111. Hybrid CIM Diagnostic Algorithm
Step 6: Test the ‘consequent’ part of the rule found in the
The representation of a diagnostic model can be previous step. If the consequent matches, then return the
described from a variety of viewpoints, depending on the diagnosis. Else backtrack to the next lowest entropy
underlying system. This research has concentrated on a condition.
heirarchically intelligent manufacturing system, broken
into three levels of physical control, coordination, and In step 5 of the hybrid diagnosis algorithm, the cost
executive. The lowest level in the hierarchy is the physical weighted entropy criterion is used to choose the next part
hardware control level, which comprises a set of sensors of the shallow knowledge base to activate. This entropy
and actuators which control and monitor the producion criterion gives the maximum fault discernment per unit
of the physical product. This level is controlled, in a cost, and is defined by the following equations:
typical manufacturing system, by a mid-level coordination
and control computer, often implemented by a
programmable logic controller (PLC), because of the
simplicity of programming and relatively low cost of such L
units. Unfortunately, PLC’s do not typically have good
user interface capabilites. Because of the limitations of
the PLC, the task of monitoring and diagnosis is often
given to an independent computer, often a industrial
version of the personal computer, which interfaces both IV. Learning Capabilities
with human operators of the manufaturing cell, and with
plant-wide information systems. 4.1 Conversion of a diagnostic case into rule form

In this section we will use the notation of A confirmed diagnostic case is represented as
Mesarovic 1141 to describe the organization of the hybrid D(S,C), where S = {s/s is a subdevice sensed to be
diagnostic system. The functional hierarchy of the abnormal) is the set of symptoms; and C = {c/c is a
manufacturing system represented as a multistrata form, subdevice whose failure has been confirmed} is the set of
in which each level in the hierarchy represents a new level

causes or subdevices whose collective failure has caused number of misting consequent of SI.
the occurrence of the symptoms in S.
3) The consequent of the new rule Cl is the same
' b o types of rules can be extracted from a as the consequent of an existing rule; and the antecedent SI
diagnostic case D(S, C). The first type of rule has the of the new rule is different from the antecedent of the
following form: existing rule. Let the new rule be :
If {sl,s2,...,sn) then c I f s 1 then Cl
where n = IS/,/C/ = 1, and C = {c}. In this case one and the existing rule be :
failed subdevice c caused all the symptoms; i.e. there is I f s 2 then C2
only one failure source. The experience or heuristic Then
expressed by the rule says that if the sensors or alarms Cl = C2 and SI 6 {a/If a Then C l is an existing
attached to subdevices sl through sn go off, then possibly rule}
the subdevice c is the failure source. In this case the heuristic contained in the new
rule is integrated with the existing knowledge as follows:
In the second case there are multiple failure a. A = A u s 1 i f s 1 BA
sources or IC/ > 1. The rule extracted takes the b. d(S1) = { { C l } }
following form: c. L e t p = 1.0 for the new@ established rule.
If {sl,s2,...,sn} then {cl,c2,...,cm}
where n = IS/ and m = / C / . This rule says that if 4) Neither the antecedent nor the consequent of the new
subdevices sl through sn are sensed abnormal, then rule can be found in the existing rule base. Let the new
possibly subdevices cl through cm are the failure sources. rule be
I f s 1 then Cl
4.2 Integration of a new rule into the knowledge base SI b A and C l b B
In this case the rule
This is the most important step in the process of Ifs1 then Cl
automatic diagnostic knowledge acquisition. The following is added to the rule base as follows:
four cases are considered: a. A = A us1
1) The new rule already exists in the current knowledge c. d(S1) = { C l }
base. In this case the probability associated with the rule d. L e t p = 1.0 for the new@ established rule.
in the knowledge base is adjusted to reflect the fact that
the rule has been reinforced so that more weight should
be given to it in future diagnosis. This has a bearing on 4.3 Updating Rule Probabilities
interpreting results of shallow reasoning when several
rules fire at the same time, or the same set of symptoms Whenever the rule leads to a correct diagnosis, the
leads to several different sets of failure sources. This is probability of applying that rule should be reinforced;
discussed in more detail in section 4.3. otherwise the probabilities of other applicable rules
should be reinforced. The reinforcement equations are:
2) The antecedent of the new rule SI is the same as the
antecedent of an existing rule; and the consequent Cl of pl(k+l)= p i ( k )+ X ( k + l ) [ Y , ( k ) -P, (k)1
the new rule is not the same as the consequent of the
existing rule. Let the new rule be : where Y(k) is one if the component is faulty and zero
I f s 1 then Cl otherwise.
and the existing rule be :
I f s 2 then C2 These equations have the format of classical
Then stochastic approximations, and it can easily be established
SI = S2 and Cl ir C2, that, if the series X obeys the Dvoretsky conditions, the
In this case the heuristic contained in the new p's will converge to the true probability values with
rule is integrated with the existing knowledge as follows: probability one. Thus as the system runs, the diagnosis
a. B = B uC1 ifC1 bB. efficiency will increase, because the entropy cost values
b. d(S1) = d(S1) uC1. become more accurate in directing the diagnostic system
c. Update Pb for i = 1, n + 1, where n is the toward the component most likely to be faulty. Also, if

there is a change in the system, such as an update of Several simulations were conducted of a typical
one component to make it more reliable, the system knowledge-based diagnostic search for a problem with
will automatically begin to update that component the material handling system. A search through the deep
failure probabilties to reflect this change. knowledge base leads to the E32 strata which is a
terminal deep knowledge node. Shallow knowledge base
R l l l is activated at this point, and the cost weighted
V. Manufacturing System Case Study entropies are computed for the R211 and R212. Now
addition of new rules and update of the probabilities can
5.1 Implementation be performed.

The object-oriented programming approach was Figure 3 shows the integration of the modified
chosen for the implementation of the diagnosis system rule
for several reasons. The hierarchical nature of the If ( ~ 2 1s22)
, Then {sll, 313)
deep-reasoning diagnosis network was a natural for the into the rule base of Figure 2, using the procedures from
class inheritance features of the object-oriented section 4.2. This illustrates the augmentation of an
approach. The failure probabilities and associated cost exisitng rule with an expanded consequent. Figure 4
values were easily stored as slot values in the units shows the integration of the new rule
representing the associated components. The If (349, s48) Then (37, sl8)
computation of the entropy-based cost functions were into the rule base, demonstrating the case of finding a
performed by attached procedures (methods) as new set of symptoms for a previously known failure
required. Finally, the modular structure of the mode. Finally, Figure 5 shows the integration of a
resulting software is highly flexible and adaptable to completely new failure mode given by the rule
other diagnostic tasks. Although the initial If (s43, s49) Then (317)
implementation was done in KEE, other object- into the rule base. Repeated application of these
oriented languages such as C++ could be used for procedures, and the updating of rule probabilities, will
commercial implementation of this system. thus capture the experiential knowledge acquired through
the diagnostic process.
Member slots Q and NO-OF-CHILDREN
store values which are used to select the next functional The system output produced during the search by
branch to search. These slots will be inherited by all the KEE implementation of the hybrid diagnostic
descendents of FOO. The branch selection process is procedure provides a very detailed description of the
performed by the method BREADTH-SEARCH which search process; much more detailed, in fact, than what is
resides in the FIND-BRANCH slot, and is activated by really needed by plant operating personnel. Eventually
sending a message to the appropriate unit (initially the output from the diagnostic expert system will be
FOO). Method UPDATE-PROBA is used during the routed to a user friendly CIM monitoring display system
backtracking operation, and the method ENTROPY- that has been specifically designed for use on the
CALC which resides in the slot COMPUTE- manufacturing floor. This display system is called
ENTROPY, computes the cost weighted entropy CIMView, and is described in [SI.
associated with the next rule selection.
VI. Conclusions and Future Directions
5.2 CIM System Case Study
This paper has described a methodology for
A typical computer integrated manufacturing hybrid diagnostic search in computer integrated
system will include machining, assembly, material manufacturing systems with a two phase learning system
handling and inspection operations. The CIM testbed to update the rule-based component. Initial testing with
at the Factory Automation Laboratory at the University the KEE prototype indicates that the approach is both
of Louisville includes a Bridgeport Machining Center, a effective and efficient. Future work will involve creating
Cincinnati Milacron lathe, a GCA SCARA robot, a an implementation of the deep and shallow knowledge
General Electric P50 process robot, and a Scantek models to link with the CIMView screen display
conveyor system. This testbed allows the investigation interface. Also additional refinement and testing of the
of a wide range of manufacturing cell configurations for learning features will be pursued, as there appear to be
metalworking and/or assembly. Figure 1 shows a block several additional learning possibilies within the hybrid
diagram of this system, and figure 2 shows a typical framework that can be investigated.
portion of the shallow knowledge base.

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(521, ~ 2 2 ) {s45. s4G. s47) ( ~ 1 5 s26)
. (s21. s31) ( ~ 1 9s31)


Figure 3 - Updated Rule Base: Expanded Consequent

(s21. s22) (s45, s46, s47) (s15. s26) {s21. s31) (s19. s31) (s49. s48)

Figure 4 - Expanded Rule Base: New Failure Symptoms

Figure 5 - Updated Rule Base: New Failure Mode


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