Effects of Sprint Interval Training and Body.24

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Exercise Science Department, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut 06515

ABSTRACT aerobic cycling performance. However, the treatments were not

Lunn, WR, Finn, JA, and Axtell, RS. Effects of sprint interval effective as combined interventions, as there was no significant
training and body weight reduction on power to weight ratio in change in either PPOan:Wt or APOan:Wt in SIT + WR.
experienced cyclists. J Strength Cond Res 23(4): 1217–1224, KEY WORDS Wingate Test
2009—The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
supramaximal sprint interval training (SIT), body weight reduc-
tion, and a combination of both treatments on peak and average INTRODUCTION

anaerobic power to weight ratio (PPOan:Wt, APOan:Wt) by naerobic and aerobic power output relative to
manipulating peak and average anaerobic power output body weight (power to weight ratio; Wkg21) has
(PPOan, APOan) and body weight (BW) in experienced cyclists. been a popular, anecdotal measure of ability
Participants (N = 34, age = 38.0 6 7.1 years) were assigned among competitive cyclists. Success in sustained,
endurance cycling efforts has been predicted most commonly
to 4 groups for a 10-week study. One group performed twice-
using aerobic power to weight ratio (15–17,20,21,28,39), but
weekly SIT sessions on a cycle ergometer while maintaining
the anaerobic ratio has also correlated positively to enhanced
body weight (SIT). A second group did not perform SIT but
aerobic performance (1,11,13). Theoretical maximization of
intentionally reduced body weight (WR). A third group simu- the power to weight ratio can be accomplished by singularly
ltaneously performed SIT sessions and reduced body weight employing (a) training technique to increase aerobic or
(SIT+WR). A control group cycled in their normal routine and anaerobic power output, (b) body weight reduction, or (c)
maintained body weight (CON). The 30-second Wingate Test a combination of both interventions.
assessed pretest and posttest POan:Wt scores. There was High-intensity interval training involves repeated bouts of
a significant mean increase (p , 0.05) from pretest to posttest submaximal, maximal, and supramaximal efforts, and so the
in PPOan:Wt and APOan:Wt (Wkg21) scores in both SIT physiological indexes affected by this type of training can
(10.82 6 1.71 to 11.92 6 1.77 and 8.05 6 0.64 to 8.77 6 be categorized as aerobic (longer bouts; submaximal and
0.64, respectively) and WR (10.33 6 2.91 to 11.29 6 2.80 and maximal efforts) and anaerobic (short ‘‘sprint’’ bouts; supra-
maximal effort). When the submaximal and maximal efforts
7.04 6 1.45 to 7.62 6 1.24, respectively). PPOan and APOan
are applied, high-intensity interval training has improved
(W) increased significantly only in SIT (753.7 6 121.0 to
aerobic power output (25,26,29,43) and aerobic time trial
834.3 6 150.1 and 561.3 6 62.5 to 612.7 6 69.0, respec-
performance (7,26,27,29,43) in cyclists. Supramaximal sprint
tively). Body weight (kg) decreased significantly in WR and interval training, often referred to as SIT, has enhanced both
SIT + WR (80.3 6 13.7 to 75.3 6 11.9 and 78.9 6 10.8 to aerobic (36) and anaerobic (9,10,13) power output. Addi-
73.4 6 10.8, respectively). The results demonstrate that cyclists tionally, anthropometry appears to have a significant con-
can use SIT sessions and body weight reduction as singular tribution to enhanced performance, as cyclists with less body
training interventions to effect significant increases in anaerobic weight (BW) experienced decreased race times (15,20,28)
power to weight ratio, which has been correlated to enhanced and increased aerobic power to weight ratio (30,33). Because
aerobic adaptations and performance similar to those achieved
with traditional high-volume, low-intensity training have been
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement of the observed using SIT that effects increased anaerobic power
product by the authors or the NSCA. (13), a new training dogma that offers significant training
Address correspondence to William R. Lunn, wlunn25@comcast.net. volume savings has emerged. Therefore, characterizing the
23(4)/1217–1224 SIT form of high-intensity interval training as ‘‘anaerobic’’ may
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research be irresponsible, given the apparent increase in reliance on
Ó 2009 National Strength and Conditioning Association aerobic bioenergetics as a SIT workout progresses (34).

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1217

Effects of SIT and BW Reduction on Power to Weight Ratio

It logically follows that not only sprint-oriented compet- following study groups to facilitate investigation of singular
itive cyclists but endurance competitors also would desire and combined effects of sprint training and body weight
a large anaerobic power to weight ratio. Theoretically, they reduction on POan:BW: (a) train for power with SIT while
could singularly employ SIT or reduction of BW, or combine maintaining body weight (SIT), (b) reduce body weight
the interventions to effect the improvement. However, while maintaining power output (WR), (c) simultaneously
engaging in SIT while reducing BW may be difficult for train for power with SIT while reducing body weight
cyclists; the ability to increase anaerobic power output can be (SIT+WR), and (d) a control group that maintained power
compromised if lean tissue is lost with weight (32). A less output while maintaining body weight (CON). Eligibility for
physiologically stressful approach may be (a) reducing BW the body weight reduction groups depended on the following
through dietary intervention while power output is main- minimum percent body fat values: 10% for males and 15%
tained or reduced slightly or (b) enhancing power output for females, based on observations of diminishing sports
through training practices while maintaining BW. performance with low body fat values (42). Therefore,
To our knowledge, there have been no published studies participants matched for weight reduction based on percent
investigating the individual and combined effects of SIT and body fat were randomly placed into any of the 4 groups. If
anthropometry on anaerobic power to weight ratio. The ineligible for weight reduction, participants were randomly
research results give the competitive cyclist statistical evidence placed into SIT or CON. Because of the repeated measures
for guidance in training techniques for performance enhance- study design, groups were not intentionally matched for
ment. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the gender or any power output variable. Participants were
effect of each of SIT and BW reduction and a combination of excluded from the study if unable to reach a pedal cadence of
both treatments on peak and average anaerobic power to body 80 rpm at peak power output during the Wingate pretest.
weight ratio (PPOan:BW, APOan:BW, in Wkg21) in experi-
enced cyclists.
Healthy, experienced, nonelite, competitive male and female
cyclists (body mass index = 23.5 6 2.4 kgm22, n = 34, age =
METHODS 38.0 6 7.1 years) were recruited from the local bicycle racing
Experimental Approach to the Problem community. Participants included 29 men and 5 women:
All training and testing in the study was performed in the 20 road cyclists, 12 triathletes/duathletes, and 2 mountain
Human Performance Laboratory at Southern Connecticut cyclists. All participants met the eligibility criteria of average
State University. The study duration was 10 weeks and was riding time at least 5 hwk21 ‘‘in season’’ (racing) and 2–3
mutually exclusive among and scheduled individually for each hwk21 ‘‘off season’’ (base training); all were competitive
participant, spanning the months of July through March. The cyclists and during the calendar year normally followed a
study was started and completed with a pretest and posttest, racing period (7–9 months), followed by a rest and base
respectively, each of which included determination of body training period (3–5 months). For physical measurement data,
composition (percent body fat, fat mass, and fat-free mass), body see Table 1. All participants were informed of potential
weight (BW), and a 30-second Wingate Test that determined experimental risks involved and gave voluntary informed
peak and average anaerobic power output (PPOan, APOan) and consent for the investigation, which was approved by the Insti-
anaerobic power to weight ratio (PPOan:BW, APOan:BW). tutional Review Board for use of human subjects at Southern
After the pretest, the participants were placed into one of the Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut.

TABLE 1. Physical measurement data of participants.*†

SIT (n = 8) WR (n = 8) SIT + WR (n = 7) CON (n = 11)

Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest

Age, y 37 6 7 — 43 6 5 — 37 6 7 — 36 6 8 —
Height, m 1.77 6 0.1 — 1.77 6 0.1 — 1.79 6 0.1 — 1.74 6 0.1 —
Body 69.8 6 5.3 69.9 6 5.4 80.3 6 13.7 75.3 6 11.9 78.9 6 10.8 73.4 6 10.8 67.3 6 8.1 67.5 6 8.5
weight, kg
BMI, kgm22 22.3 6 0.8 22.3 6 0.9 25.4 6 2.9 23.8 6 2.5 24.5 6 1.9 22.7 6 1.7 22.3 6 2.1 22.4 6 2.2
*BMI = body mass index.
†Data are means 6SD.

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Procedures set (Monark Exercise AB, Vansbro, Sweden). The technician

Body Composition Protocol. At the pretest and posttest, percent adjusted seat height, seat fore/aft position, and handlebar
body fat was determined on all participants using skinfold height to the participant’s comfort. Fit adjustments were
determination. Participants were first weighed on a Detecto made so that the participant’s knee angle with ergometer
439 physician scale calibrated to 60.1 kg (Cardinal Scale crank arm at 180° was approximately 30° flexion with
Manufacturing Co., Webb City, MO) for body weight (BW) a goniometer. The greater trochanter, lateral epicondyle,
in air. Skinfold determination involved the Jackson-Pollock fibular head, and lateral malleolus were used as anatomical
3-site method (chest, abdomen, and anterior thigh for men; landmarks for the measurement. All fit measurements were
triceps, suprailiac, and anterior thigh for women), using Lange recorded to ensure reproducibility throughout the study. A
calipers (Beta Technology Inc., Cambridge, MA) calibrated Wingate Test protocol similar to that described by Inbar et al.
to 61 mm. A total of 3 measurements were made at each site, (22) was used. The flywheel force was kept constant at 0.095
median values of each site were recorded, and the sum of the kg(kg BW)21. The warm-up protocol involved 5 minutes of
median values was used to determine body density with the low-workload (25–100 W) cycling above 60 rpm, inter-
formulas for male (23) and female (24) participants. Percent spersed with four to five 5-second supramaximal sprints
body fat was calculated from body density using the formula at the prescribed force (which were considered familiariza-
by Brozek et al. (6). Participants were measured with dry skin tion to the Wingate Test itself ), separated by 30–45 seconds
and were instructed not to have exercised the day before of low-workload cycling. The participant then cycled at
measurement and to be well hydrated the day of measure- a comfortable, self-selected cadence above 60 rpm at minimal
ment. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) were deter- power (25–100 W) for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes, the
mined from percent body fat. technician gradually and quickly added the prescribed force
onto the weight pan as the participant increased pedaling
Weight Reduction Protocol. WR and SIT+WR participants were cadence to near maximum. Once the complete weight was
asked before week 1 of the study to compile a 7-day food log added to the pan, the technician gave a verbal command for
detailing type and specific amount of food eaten through the the participant to begin pedaling as fast as possible. The
entire day. These participants also provided a 7-day activity elapsed time from beginning to end of the acceleration period
log detailing daily exercise. The food and exercise logs and was no more than 5 seconds.
participants’ physical data were submitted to a registered Each participant cycled against prescribed force for 30
dietitian, who calculated total daily calorie needs using the seconds at highest possible pedal cadence while remaining
basal metabolic rate (BMR) formula and the Harris-Benedict seated. Verbal encouragement was provided to encourage the
equation for very active individuals: participant to work at supramaximal effort throughout the
BMRmen ¼ 66 þ ð13:7 3 BW½kgÞ þ ð5 3 height½cmÞ entire test. Computer software (Monark Anaerobic Test
 ð6:8 3 age½yearÞ Software version 2.2) calculated PPOan, APOan, PPOan:BW,
and APOan:BW throughout the 30-second test. To cool
BMRwomen ¼ 655 þ ð9:6 3 BW½kgÞ down, the participant cycled at low to moderate aerobic
þ ð1:8 3 height½cmÞ  ð4:7 3 age½yearÞ workload (25–100 W) for 2–3 minutes.
Harris  Benedict veryactive ðtotaldailycaloriesÞ
¼ BMR 3 1:725 Sprint Interval Training Protocol. For 10 weeks, SIT and SIT +
WR participants completed twice-weekly SIT sessions on the
The dietitian constructed a daily meal plan similar to the
meals described in the food log and subtracted 250–500 daily
calories from the Harris-Benedict result to elicit a rate of
weekly BW loss of 0.25–0.5 kg for each participant. Partici-
pants were encouraged to maintain their weekly exercise/ TABLE 2. Schedule of sprint progression for twice-
weekly SIT sessions.
training/racing routine from the activity log throughout the
10-week study. WR and SIT + WR participants reported to Sprints per Recovery between
the laboratory weekly during the study to monitor BW and Week session sprints, min
rate of BW loss or were allowed to monitor weekly BW
1 2 3
remotely using their home or fitness club weight scale for 2 4 3
convenience if time constraints prevented weekly laboratory 3 6 3
visits. Only the pretest and posttest BW measurements were 4,5 7 3
required to be made in the laboratory. 6,7 8 3
8,9 9 3
Wingate Test Protocol. Each participant was fitted comfortably 10 10 3
onto a Monark Peak Bike Ergomedic 894Ea cycle ergometer
with friction-loaded flywheel and factory-calibrated weight

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1219

Effects of SIT and BW Reduction on Power to Weight Ratio

cycle ergometer to enhance

PPOan and APOan. Training
sessions consisted of multiple,
20-second supramaximal
sprints separated by 3 minutes
of active recovery cycling
at low-workload power output
(25 W). Each participant re-
mained seated during the
sprints. Verbal encouragement
was offered during every sprint.
The warm-up protocol, sprint
efforts, and ergometer fit meas-
urements were similar to those
used in the Wingate Test. The
number of sprints increased
weekly as shown in Table 2.
Training sessions were con-
ducted on nonconsecutive days
with at least 48 hour between
sessions to allow the sufficient
recovery of participant. Each
participant’s sessions were
Figure 1. Results of mean PPOan:BW (Wkg21) comparing pretest and posttest for each group. Error bars are scheduled for the same time of
6SD. *Significant difference from pretest (p , 0.05).
day throughout the 10 weeks.
SIT and SIT + WR participants
were instructed not to exercise
before the training session on
each training day. All group
participants were instructed to
maintain their weekly exercise/
training routine from the activ-
ity log throughout the 10-week
study but not to engage in
supramaximal sprint efforts out-
side the study training sessions.
None of the study participants
normally engaged in supramax-
imal sprint training in their
normal training routine.

Statistical Analyses
Test-retest reliability of the
Wingate Test was assessed us-
ing the split-half technique to
determine the reliability coeffi-
cient with the Spearman-
Brown prophecy formula for
each of PPOan:BW and
APOan:BW. A 2-way analysis
of variance with repeated meas-
ures was used to determine if
Figure 2. Results of mean APOan:BW (Wkg21) comparing pretest and posttest for each group. Error bars are differences existed from pretest
6SD. *Significant difference from pretest (p , 0.05). and posttest conditions be-
tween the 4 treatment groups
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for each of PPOan:BW, APOan:BW, PPOan, APOan, BW,

percent body fat, FFM, and FM. Factors were trial (pretest,

753.7 6 121.0 834.3 6 150.1† 794.6 6 284.2 857.0 6 278.9 922.1 6 286.7 931.5 6 265.2 667.4 6 190.8 650.5 6 206.0

561.3 6 62.5 612.7 6 69.0† 544.5 6 162.6 527.0 6 170.8 639.6 6 144.9 643.4 6 142.7 493.8 6 135.2 479.9 6 136.8
posttest) and physical intervention (sprint interval training,

APOan value obtained over 30-second Wingate test divided by body weight. FM is body fat mass determined by multiplying Jackson-Pollock 3-site skinfold body fat percent by total
*Data are means 6 SD. PPOan:Wt is highest running average PPOan value over 1 second obtained over 30-second Wingate Test divided by body weight. APOan :Wt is average
9.6 6 2.2

7.1 6 1.4
67.5 6 8.5
12.3 6 5.3
8.3 6 3.6
59.2 6 8.6
weight reduction). In the event of a significant F ratio, means
Posttest were compared using Tukey’s studentized range post hoc
CON (n = 11)

test. Alpha level was set at 0.05.

The Spearman-Brown prophecy reliabilities were high for
9.8 6 1.9

7.3 6 1.3
73.4 6 10.8† 67.3 6 8.1
12.0 6 5.1
8.0 6 3.4
59.3 6 8.4

each of PPOan:BWand APOan:BW on the Wingate Test (R1 =

0.97 and R1 = 0.98, respectively). There was a significant
increase (p , 0.05) in PPOan:BW (Figure 1) and APOan:BW
(Figure 2) in the SIT and WR groups from pretest to posttest.
PPOan and APOan significantly increased to effect the change
11.4 6 2.5†
8.4 6 2.0†
12.5 6 2.0

8.7 6 0.8

65.1 6 9.9

in the SITgroup (Table 3). There was no significant change in


absolute power data in the WR group; however, the signifi-

SIT+WR (n = 7)

cant decrease in body weight caused the increase in PPOan:BW

and APOan:BW. The WR group also experienced a significant
decrease in percent body fat and FM (Table 3). No significant
75.3 6 11.9† 78.9 6 10.8

change was found in PPOan:BW and APOan:BW (Figures 1

11.5 6 2.6

8.1 6 1.3

15.5 6 2.4
12.3 6 2.9
66.5 6 8.6

and 2) in the SIT+WR group despite a significant decrease in

each of BW, percent body fat, and FM (Table 3). None of the
dependent variables changed significantly in the CON group
from pretest to posttest (Table 3).
11.3 6 2.8†

7.6 6 1.2†

14.9 6 4.5†
11.3 6 4.4†

64.0 6 9.7

body weight. FFM is fat-free mass determined by subtracting fat mass from total body weight.

The major findings of this study were that there was a sig-
nificant increase in PPOan:BWand APOan:BW from pretest to
WR (n = 8)

posttest in both the SIT and WR groups. Supporting data

reveal that the SIT group experienced a significant increase in
80.3 6 13.7

65.5 6 11.0

PPOan and APOan, whereas the WR group had a significant

10.3 6 2.9

7.0 6 1.4

18.4 6 5.5
14.8 6 5.6

loss of body weight. Therefore, the SIT and weight reduction

interventions acted to singularly effect enhancements in
PPOan:BW and APOan:BW in the SIT and WR groups,
respectively. Although the importance of power to weight
TABLE 3. Power and anthropometric data of participants.*

ratio to cycling has been noted in the literature, this is the first
11.9 6 1.8†

8.8 6 0.6†

study to specifically investigate the effects of manipulating

69.9 6 5.4
9.9 6 2.7
6.9 6 1.8
63.0 6 5.5

the ratio’s operands.

The capacity for improvement for experienced endurance
†Significant difference from pretest (p , 0.05).
SIT (n = 8)

athletes is small (18). While not elite cyclists, all participants

in the present study were experienced, and most were
seasoned competitors who train and race vigorously during
PPOan:Wt, Wkg21 10.8 6 1.7

8.1 6 0.6
69.8 6 5.3
10.1 6 2.8
7.1 6 2.1
62.7 6 4.9

most months. Large improvement in PPOan:BW and


APOan:BW scores, therefore, may seem unexpected. How-

ever, none of the participants in the present study had ever
engaged in supramaximal sprint interval training. The
literature indicates that such training can still yield small
APOan:Wt, Wkg21

yet important improvement in power output in highly

Body weight, kg

trained cyclists (10), so it is not surprising that the SIT group

Body fat, %

significantly improved anaerobic power output. What is

APOan, W
PPOan, W

interesting is that the SIT group also experienced a slight but

FFM, kg
FM, kg

nonsignificant increase and decrease in FFM and FM,

respectively. Although there is no statistical significance to
show empirical evidence, sprint interval training serves to
increase FFM. Thomas et al. (40) correlated anaerobic leg

VOLUME 23 | NUMBER 4 | JULY 2009 | 1221

Effects of SIT and BW Reduction on Power to Weight Ratio

press power to FFM, and McCartney (32) demonstrated maintained percent body fat values well above the minimum
a positive relationship between peak anaerobic power and threshold recommended by sports medicine professionals
thigh muscle volume. However, both studies were performed (5–7% for males, 10–12% for females) for sport performance
on healthy but noncyclist subjects, and because the effects of maintenance (42). Because body composition data were not
SIT apparently cause only a modest hypertrophy of types 1 provided in the study of Fogelholm et al. (12), it is curious
and 2 skeletal muscle fibers (a much lesser effect than whether the wrestlers used in the intervention maintained
resistance training) after several months of SIT (36), it is the threshold given their reputation to have very low percent
impossible to say if the relationship of sprint interval training body fat.
to increased FFM is causal. The observed increases in APOan:BW and PPOan:BW in
The enhancement of PPOan:BW and APOan:BW in the the WR group are consistent with published data demon-
WR group was due to significant decrease in body weight strating a negative correlation between body weight and
(there was a slight but nonsignificant increase in each of relative physiological measures, namely peak and average
PPOan and APOan). It should be noted that of the weight lost, aerobic power to weight ratio (15,28,30,33). However, none
the slight loss of FFM was nonsignificant, whereas body fat of these studies assessed anaerobic power output, nor were
percent and FM reduced significantly. The WR group did not any weight reduction interventions applied–the correlations
engage in sprint interval training, yet continued their normal were made to either independent groups subjects of different
cycling routine during the 10-week intervention. That FM body weight within the study (28,30,33) or to the same group
comprised the contribution to the weight loss is paramount using different measures of performance (15). Addressing the
to the idea that activities stimulating peak anaerobic power issue of assessing aerobic vs. anaerobic power output in
output are not prophylactic to FFM loss during calorie endurance cyclists, the authors of the present study feel
restriction, when considering the result of the SIT + WR confident using the anaerobic index, given the recent
group. The possibility that SIT combined with weight observations that multi-day, multiple-week supramaximal
reduction would result in significantly heightened POan:BW sprint interval training, similar to that employed in the
was not realized. Although the SIT + WR group experienced present study, resulted in aerobic adaptations similar to
a significant body weight loss similar to WR, there was traditional endurance-type training (8,13). As for the weight
a nonsignificant increase in each of APOan and PPOan in loss intervention, it is difficult to compare results with other
SIT + WR. This result demonstrates that weight reduction studies that did not include body weight reduction; however,
alone cannot sufficiently enhance physiological power 2 studies that assessed body composition demonstrated
measures relative to body weight while the athlete is higher power to weight ratio with significantly less body
engaging in supramaximal sprint training. Other investigators weight and percent body fat in mountain bikers vs. road
have found muscular performance decrements (41) in cyclists (28) and in climbers vs. time trialists (30). Those
subjects placed on a hypocaloric diet while concurrently anthropometry and power output results compare favorably
participating in strength training. The Walberg study (41) with those in the WR group in the current study.
determined that normal dietary protein intake in a calorie- Finally, the findings by Gibala et al. (13) that supplant
deficient diet did not sufficiently provide body protein traditional long-duration training bouts with SIT to effect
retention during weight loss. It is then easy to see the similar aerobic improvements deserve attention because the
difficulty in producing significant increases in anaerobic goal of the present study was to investigate effects of SIT on
physiological measures, as the importance of FFM (40) and a physiological measure traditionally endeared by endurance
muscle volume (32) to anaerobic power output has been athletes. Translation of brief, supramaximal 20-second bouts
demonstrated. in a sprint interval training session, as was performed in the
However, there are data contradictory to the idea that peak present study, to endurance enhancement may seem
power cannot be enhanced with concomitant body weight counterintuitive; 80% of available energy is provided by
reduction. The results from the SIT + WR group from the the immediate and fast glycolytic bioenergetic systems
present study refute the findings by Fogelholm et al. (12), who during a single supramaximal effort (34). However, the
found a significant increase in APOan:BW from a 1-minute efforts may become more aerobically driven as a multiple-
Wingate test in wrestlers who reduced body weight. sprint workout progresses. Peak power in subsequent sprints
Although the athletes in the study of Fogelholm et al. (12) during repeated, supramaximal sprints cannot be maintained
lost their weight over a brief time period relative to the from the initial sprint, even when allowed several minutes
present study, the weight loss procedure (calorie deficit) and of recovery (3–5,31,34). There are 2 contributing factors
total body weight lost (6%) were similar to those in the limiting peak power recovery: (a) phosphocreatine (PCr)
present study. Indeed, a 6% loss in body weight does not regeneration (3–5) and (b) muscle pH recovery from post-
appear to have a detrimental effect on physiological indexes sprint acidosis (19). Although PCr can be regenerated to
in anaerobic cycling; in fact, with respect to measures relative 85–90% of initial value within 6 minutes of recovery (3,19),
to body weight, weight loss seems to enhance those indexes. muscle pH remains significantly depressed after several
It is noteworthy that the athletes in the present study still minutes post-sprint (19). The post-exercise proton efflux rate
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