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Abu Bako
Copyright © 2021 Abu Bako

All rights reserved under the international copyright law. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without the express, written permission of the publisher or the author. The exception is reviewers, who
may quote brief passages in a review.

Christian Living Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 7584
Largo, MD 20792 USA
We bring your dreams to fruition.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible. Scripture quotations
marked AMP are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman
Foundation. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright
© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

DISCLAIMER – This 2021 publication is not an official publication of the Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership
Resource Development. The publication was derived from raw transcriptions of multiple recordings from 8th April 2020
to 3rd January 2021. Transcriptions are subject to what the transcriber assumes is being said and may not accurately reflect
the encoded message the speaker was trying to communicate. The Publisher does not warrant that the information con-
tained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use.
With respect to editing a transcription, several issues must be understood by the reader.

First, the determination of where punctuation should be introduced is subject to what the editor believes the speaker is
communicating. It is plausible that the determination by the editor may not always accurately reflect the message the
prophet was conveying. For this reason, it is good for the reader, in addition to this document, to listen to the actual
audio-visuals for themselves. Recordings can be purchased at the Headquarters of the Logos-Rhema Foundation for
Leadership Resource Development.

Second, raw transcriptions do not contain headings, subheadings and paragraph divisions. These breaks have been intro-
duced for ease of reading, referencing and quotation. It is plausible that in some instances, breaks may be poorly placed
and as a result divide content that should flow together. It is important to also note that for ease of contextualization, the
prophecies have been grouped together as they pertain to specific subject matter under specified headings and sub-headings.
As such they are arranged chronologically within the context of these headings. For the above reasons, as you read, be led
by the Holy Spirit into all truth and also listen to the original recordings.

Third, information in square brackets as well as footnotes are not the original words of the speaker but introduced for
readability and understanding purposes. In the interest of speedily making the document available to the general public,
some spelling errors may have escaped editors. Prophetic words are interspersed with scriptures given for proclamations
during the year 2020, which were added to illuminate the prophetic word.

Finally, the publication is a not-for-profit endeavour.


About the Vessel��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14

CLASH OF POWERS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Psalm 97������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
NEW PORTALS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
WARNING AGAINST DESTROYERS OF NATIONS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
THE RELEASE OF THE PROPHETIC������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
INCREASE IN HUMAN AND ANGELIC COLLABORATIONS��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Angels camping around the helpless and weakest����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Angels assigned to timetables and activities������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
THE FALL OF BIG TREES������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
THE SUPERNATURAL MEETING THE NATURAL������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
LIVING IN THE NOW WITH GOD������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
KEY PSALMS FOR THE YEAR 2021: PSALMS (65, 108 AND 37)������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
SCRIPTURES TO MEMORISE THIS YEAR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
RULING OF COURT CASES IN FAVOUR OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD������������������������������������ 23
FOUR (4) IMPORTANT WORDS THAT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR 2021���������������������������������� 24
HEALING FOR PEOPLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 24
RECALL, THE SEVEN DISCIPLINES TO OBSERVE����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
NEWNESS OF LIFE����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26
RESET FOR NATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27
SIGNS IN THE WATERS, LAND AND VEGETATIONS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 28
NO ROOM FOR EXCUSES��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28
THE HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT-ORIENTED DIET��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Spirit-led feeding���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
STRATEGIC SEASON���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Timing/Purpose in Accurate Divine Programming����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
Speed and Accuracy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 31
LEGACY OF WEALTH������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
DECADE OF THE EAGLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 32
WALKING IN ABUNDANCE�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
RESTORATION OF GOD’S ORIGINAL PATTERN�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
INCREASED ANGELIC ACTIVITIES��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Angelic sentinels of nations/continents��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Angels of settlements��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34
Prayer for the rolling out of Wisdom Houses, Councils, Halls, Courts and Chambers� 35
Vision of war about demons vs angels������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36
The three demons������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Release of a horde of angels����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Who dictates the war?����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
REALIGNMENT OF NATIONS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
HEALING FROM HAEMORRHAGE����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
EXPOSURE AND IMPRISONMENT OF PEOPLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
THE RISE OF YOUTH������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
TELLING ON EACH OTHER FOR EXPOSURE�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
THE REWARD OF TROUBLERS OF NATIONS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
TRANSLOCATION OF VARIOUS PEOPLE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 40
BOLDNESS AGAINST INTIMIDATORS IN NATIONS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
NAKEDNESS BEING EXPOSED�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
DEPLOYMENT OF GOD’S SECRET WEAPONS����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40
PEOPLE GOING TO HIDING PLACES.............................................................................................................................................................. 41
RESTORATION OF STOLEN THINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 41
WEEKS OF NATURAL DISASTERS............................................................................................................................................................................ 42
NO HALF-WAY YEAR ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
WALKING IN LOVE AND EMBRACING GOD’S BLESSING .................................................................................. 43
EXPRESSION OF THE GLORY OF GOD........................................................................................................................................................ 44
EXPRESSING & DEPLOYMENT OF THE SCEPTRE ............................................................................................................... 44
GOD’S PROMISES FOR THE SEASON ............................................................................................................................................................... 44
AGRICULTURE, WATER, HEALTH CARE DELIVERY AND FASHION ............................................. 44
THE LIVING STONE............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
REJOICING & CELEBRATION VS WEEPING & GNASHING OF TEETH .................................. 45
GOD SHOWING HIS MIGHT ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
FUTURISTIC LIFESTYLE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Time To Arise .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
RECALL, DECADE OF LIVING CREATURES ....................................................................................................................................... 47
BACK TO GENESIS MOVEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48
EXPOSURE OF EXPLOITERS OF PEOPLE ................................................................................................................................................. 49
ANTIDOTE TO EVIL DOERS IN THIS TIME ....................................................................................................................................... 49
BRIDGING EVERY BREACH.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49
URBAN-RURAL MIGRATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
AFRICA .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50
AfCFTA ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Healing and release of nations ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Popping up of nations....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Africa as a bastion..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Word to African Presidents about borrowing ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Word to looters of Africa and the role of the sons of Africa ............................................................................................ 52
Djibouti And Lesotho ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53

Mali, Burkina Faso And Niger ........................................................................................................................................................... 54

COMOROS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
EGYPT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
LIBYA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
MALI .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
MOROCCO ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
GHANA EMPIRE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55
GHANA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56
NIGERIA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
GHANA, NIGERIA AND SOUTH AFRICA ................................................................................................................................... 58
Advice to twelve (12) different Presidents/Heads of State of Africa................................................................... 59
ASIA .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
CHINA ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
PHILIPPINES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
EUROPE........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
BELGIUM ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
GERMANY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 60

MIDDLE EAST .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

THE AMERICAS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
CANADA ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
USA ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
AFRICA AND CHINA............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
ISRAEL ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
GATES OF SOCIETY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Kingdom secrets for the Gates of Society ........................................................................................................................................................ 65
The release of God’s speed.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Changes in the Gates of Society ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
FAMILY AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
Give your family its rightful place................................................................................................................................................................................ 66
The time of divine intimacy with God and one another....................................................................................................... 66
Individuals and families pursuing God��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
The family as one unit���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66
Learning from every member of the family������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67
One of the best years for families���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68
Restoration of the foundation of family in Europe������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 68
BELIEF SYSTEM���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
A changed world, harvest in Europe, the Middle East, and India������������������������������������������������������������������������ 69
Middle East��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Re-ordering of priorities���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Time to return to Acts 2:42-47 cf. 4:32-37������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
The season of Haggai 2:6-9, Isaiah 60 cf. Isaiah 40 (27-31) cf. Hebrews 12:27-29��������������� 70
Advice for compromising people of God��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
Abundance of harvest in waves������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 70
Occupying the room prepared for you���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
God honouring the word of His ministers���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
God is dealing with Man������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
Restoration of lost ground in Europe��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
Oneness of heart����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71
Release of the prophetic expressions������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
Bubbling forth of God’s word��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 72
2021 will be the year of unrestrained soaring on the wings of the wind as Eagles!����������������� 73
The Body of Christ providing solutions to national challenges��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
Shift in the spirit���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73
The Gospel breaking through Pakistan and Afghanistan������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 74
Recovery of lost ground in the Netherlands����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
2021, a productive and specific year in the Body of Christ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
New breed of believers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Respect to the Body of Christ and elders��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Standing strong with the Lord������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 74
Eight (8) things to do with the Scriptures.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
[In summary, the eight (8) things to do with the scriptures (testi-
mony to the Word of God) are]:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Going back to God for times of refreshing in His presence�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Ceasing from anger and forsaking wrath���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
A year of rapid growth���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
The fulfilment of Proverbs 4: 18������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Encountering God���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75
Dwelling in the secret place of the Most-High�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
Season to be bold and do good continually������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
The re-enactment of the days of Noah.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76
The Rebuilding of nations’ walls and the Re-enactment of the days
of Nehemiah and Haggai������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 76
Divine alignments for divine assignments������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 77
Convocation and congress of eagles�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
Unity in the Body of Christ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
Manifestation of Ephesians 6:16������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 77
Idleness, forbidden in the body of Christ�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
No room for excess baggage���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
You and the Rhema������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77
Changes of Mindsets, Perceptions, Worldviews and Dispositions����������������������������������������������������������������������� 78
Turning on of the main switch������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 78
A new Body of Christ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 78
Your disposition for 2021����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 78
Solution-oriented mentality���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
What to do with the scriptures������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79
Assurance of our victory���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79
Mystery of the secret place of the Most-High God������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 79
Divine Awakening, Quickening, Calibrations, Reconstitutions and Reconstructions������ 79
Recovery and Restoration����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Carrying seekers of the Lord along����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Fear seizing invaders����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 80
The victory of the nobodies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81
God scattering His enemies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81
The judgment of the mother of harlots, the mother of whoredoms,
the queen of heaven������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 81
Looking unto Jesus��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81
Back to the roots movement�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
The Body of Christ rising to take her position��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Razor-sharp accuracy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Waiting for the appointed time and never comparing yourself to others������������������������������������������������� 82
Our challenges with prophecies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
Seeing the faithfulness of God�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 82
The way God’s prophecies/promises work in our lives�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Change of mindset in the LGBTQ Community������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
Manifestation of Psalm 2������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
The return of The Philippines and Singapore to the Lord�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83
GOVERNMENT, GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
Indigenous investment in agriculture��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
Leaders realigning with God�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 84
AFRICAN UNION���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Warning against leaders of Nations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Light arising for nations that sat in darkness��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Vision about America and 7 other nations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Nations being released by the NATION of God������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85
Convulsion of nations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Sheep nations vs goat nations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Intensified shakings and rumblings of nations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
Advice for leaders of Africa������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 86
U.N. (UNITED NATIONS)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
Governments of Africa being targeted by the enemy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 87
Shelter and Security������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 87
Real estate development���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
Research findings��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87
Word to people in leadership������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 88
Encouragement to presidents standing for the truth������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
Desecration in the USA and Ghana (Capitol & Parliament)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 88
EDUCATION TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Change of the educational landscape of Africa�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 90
Organic growth of global transformation������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
Sankofa Educational Projects������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
Governance, Government and Leadership���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
Educational agendas to cover all the eight (8) gates of society������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 91
Economy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 92
Science and Technology����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
Education, Training and Development��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92
ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Agriculture������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 93
Doing business God’s way��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Africa and the Isaiah 19 high way nations����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
The transfer of wealth������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 93
Abundance of fruitfulness, harvest������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 93
Predictions of famine, failure, crop failure and the way forward���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93
Becoming a blessing to the world��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
Rapid strategic alliances����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
No lone rangers�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
A year of 100-fold return������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
Secret to discoveries������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
The truth behind vaccines and the role of the body of Christ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 94
Agriculture������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 95
The plan of the enemy to neutralise economies and the role of the Body of Christ�������������� 95
Being timely, timeous and consistent��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Assurance of streams of income���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
Love, the mindset in business���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 96
The way to be the best in your field of expertise��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
New ways of doing business��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Antidote to the world, the New World Order, the New Economic Order�������������������������������������������� 98
Investing in the welfare of man����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Get your receptacle(s) ready��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 98
Key to success�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 99
ARTS, SPORTS AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Cultural changes�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
Convergence of ancient and new technologies����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
Music therapy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
New breed of singers and new beats of music�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
Secret to discovering new things���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������101
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102
Counterattack to evil technologies��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
Solutions from the Body of Christ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
Holistic medical practice����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
Warning against takers of adrenochrome ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������102
New discoveries����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
Restoration of abandoned things�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
Warning against evil programmers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������103
Covid-19 and the attitude to be observed��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
Judgment against Big Pharma and fertilizer giants����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
Music and traditional therapies������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������104
Kingdom academy of sciences����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
Beautetics and Cosmetology����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
Strategic minerals����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������105
Precious metals and stones����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106
Word for Bill Gates and others��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������106
Water production projects�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
COVID 19 and the lock downs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������107
Waiting on the Lord for the way forward���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
Scientific confrontations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������108
Advice to Scientists and Technologists�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
Back to the roots������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������109
MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 110
Prophetic and apostolic media practitioners�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������110
Exposure in the Media of Communications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111
Societal concretization������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111
Information dissemination���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111
A call to Media of Communications practitioners����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������111
The rise of Devorahs and Esthers�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������112
Viable alternatives��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������112
TEACHING ON HOW TO EXPERIENCE THE PROPHECIES������������������������������������������������������������������������� 112
09 Jan 2021: A triumphant family��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������112
10 Jan 2021: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – A triumphant family���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������116
16 Jan 2021: Numbers 6: 24-26 – The blessing of the Lord�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������118
17 Jan 2021: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – A triumphant family���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������121
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 123
APPENDIX A������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124
Previous Prophecy Directives��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������124
APPENDIX B������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126
Publications of Dr. Abu Bako������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������126
APPENDIX C������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 129
Fasts and Scriptures for the year and decade������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Corporate Fast for 150 days in 2021�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Corporate Fast for 144 days in 2022�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Foundational Scriptures According To Days Of The Week�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������129
Foundational Scriptures For The Season Of Years 2020-2022/2023�����������������������������������������������������������129
Foundational Scriptures For The Decade 2020s [2020-2029]�������������������������������������������������������������������������������130
Foundational Scriptures For The Year 2021��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������130
Foundation Meeting Days Jan - Dec 2021�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������130
Foundational Scriptures For The Months���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������130
Foundational Scriptures According To Gates���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������131
APPENDIX D������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 132
Scriptures of the Year for Nations and Continents (Psalm117)����������������������������������������������������������������������������132
Scriptures For Nations�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������132
Scriptures For Continents������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������132
APPENDIX E������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133
The Non-Stop Series������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������133
2021. THE NON-STOP SERIES [All times are in GMT]���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������133
2022. THE NON-STOP SERIES [All time are in GMT]������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������134
APPENDIX F�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 135
INSTITUTES 2020������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������135
COSTrAD AND INSTITUTES 2021�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������135
BIBLIOGRAPHY������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 137

D r. aBu Bako is a man sent from God (John 1:1-6) and functions in many capacities across
the globe. He occupies the offices of a Prophet and Apostle. He is also the Founding
President & CEO of the Logos-Rhema Foundation for Leadership Resource Development –
a Non-Governmental Organization registered in Ghana. The Foundation is a multi-faceted
organization committed to serving as a leadership resource base.
He serves as the Global Coordinator of the Global Apostolic and Prophetic Network
He is also the Founding President of the College of Sustainable Transformation and
Development (COSTrAD) which focuses on the training and development of the human
resource base of leadership with the aim of recovering best practices for sustainable living, as
well as reviving structures that have been neglected and rendered obsolete, but
which are still useful and relevant.
The skills, knowledge and abilities of this servant of God are multi-
faceted and multi-disciplinary in nature, global in their reach, and kingdom-
centered, kingdom-focused and kingdom-driven. He lives to help individuals
and corporates discover fully and recover their destinies in God.
He is an Economist by profession – a former lecturer in Economics and
Senior Researcher in Agricultural Economics.
All the above notwithstanding, Dr. Abu is primarily a people-builder, help-
ing people to discover and recover their destinies in God. He equips and
develops quality leaders at all levels of public and private life in the eight
(8) influence spheres (domains, gates, sectors) of society, namely:

1. Family and Future Development

2. Belief systems/Mindset Transformation
3. Government, Governance and Leadership
4. Economy and Development Projects

14 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
5. Education, Training and Development
6. Media of Communication
7. Science and Technology
8. Arts, Sports and Cultural Development

He is a consultant to governmental bodies, as well as other leaders and organizations in these

spheres, serving on various boards, including the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public

A b o u t t h e V e s s e l   15

P eople Who have Been bold to speak for the dragon and its surrogate spirits would have
to be confronted by the people of God. The time has come for God’s people to speak
loud and clear and not be timid any longer. (08 April 2020)

Psalm 97
From now on, everywhere you enter, you will be a terror to the terrorists.

The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the
whole earth. (Psalm 97:5)

This is the type of the visitations of God, the explosions of His Almightiness, the ‘energemata
dunameon’ [ἐνεργήµατα δυνάµεων] of God that will cause the whole earth to tremble. Not

16 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
only of the physical trembling which will be seen quite a bit this year, but people will tremble
in their souls, hearts, minds, emotions, and wills. Their intellects will be challenged, their
consciences and dispositions will not only be pricked and shifted, but they will [also] end up
with situations where they will begin to have a different worldview, seeing things differently
with different perspectives, and having a different mentality; because God will change the way
things work. It is going to happen because the time of this confrontation is here. They are going
to end up with the understanding that the Lord reigns, and they shall begin to relate to God,
some of them out of fear because of what is coming. Men’s hearts might fail – therefore do not
be too surprised or shocked when you hear of some of the so-called high and mighty ending
up hearing a piece of information which caused their hearts to fail them so that they gave up.
Some of the so-called high and mighty will end up experiencing Psalm 49, which is what
I heard clearly on 25th December 2020. These luciferians have been offering human sacrifices
for the last two hundred and fifty (250) to three hundred and sixty (360) years, according
to the revelation received; and some of them think that they have fortified their altar. But
what they did not know is that the altar that we minister from is the one that is linked to
the golden altar before the throne of God, and also linked to the altar that was before the
foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8). Whatever has been sacrificed over the years is too
late. When there are ancient altars, they override new altars. That is why the ancient Altar is
speaking, and that Altar shall silence every other altar in the name of the Lord Jesus.

The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the
whole earth. (Revelation 13:8)

Lord, let the harmony, symphony, and unity of Your voice through our voices be released all
over the nations of the world. There is this convocation and congress of the eagles in this time
of divine realignment, so that divine alignments for divine assignments will happen by reason
of these expressions that are of this year, and of the strategic operations that require strategic
co-operations. We send forth a clarion call – let the angels that come with announcements
in the heavens begin to announce right now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Lord, we link the speaking of this altar with the golden altar before the throne, so that
everything can be released right now according to Your original plan and purpose. Let the
altars of our hearts be connected to that Altar right now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Every altar will speak, including the altars you have established in the various cities,
including the city of New York, which is the reason why some people keep power not only

C L A SH O F P O W E R S  17
from the Statue of Liberty, but also that which has to do with the African woman there that
they do not even talk about and all the other issues there.
Lord, today let the blood of the Lamb visit everything buried in the ground. In the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ, we declare that their defences have departed from them. Let God
Himself arise, let His enemies be scattered, let them that hate Him flee before Him. As smoke
is driven away, so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at
the presence of God.
In the case of the statue that has to do with the African woman, it is not by revelation, it
is by someone telling me physically. But what I am going to say now is by revelation: there
are certain things that were put in the waters around Manhattan that had been speaking over
the years, but God is about to silence them. I see now the angels that are supposed to go and
silence those things, so that the power base of that Pharaoh, that particular monster of the
sea that had been using pharaonic anointing on the people of the earth [can be dealt with].
And they have spoken about the ‘class prefects’ [hegemons] and have not been doing things
from the right perspective, but rather people who are using mammon are in control… Today,
we declare your defences begin to depart from you, and your sceptre departs from you! In
the name of the Lord Jesus, hear the word of the Lord, “From this day, your sceptre departs
from you!” From today, let there be a hatred of evil in your system and body according to
God’s original plan and purpose! (10 Jan 2021)

18   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

G od is aBout to open new portals to people and will begin to unleash so much revelation
which will be coming, that one [some people] will think that it is in the form of some
showers and at the same time as if a whole pipe was opened. (08 Apr 2020)


destroYers of nations are going to be destroyed. (08 Apr 2020)


this is the time for the release of the prophetic to the whole world at unprecedented levels so
that one can hear God as one has never heard before. One doesn’t have to wait for a prophet
somewhere. This is the time for anyone who wants to hear from Him (God) will hear from
Him. NB: make it a point to praise God on a daily basis. Proverbs 15:15 (08 Apr 2020)

N e W P o RtA l s 19

W e have entered the decade of unprecedented release and manifestation of the

supernatural in this decade of the living creatures. There is an increase in human and
angelic collaborations. This is the decade for it, because that is what I saw. I saw a lot of
innovations, discoveries and inventions during the 2020s that will make the past one hundred
years look like child’s play within one decade. (08 Apr 2020 & 21 Nov 2020)

Angels camping around the helpless and weakest

This is the time we will have angels camping around those that seemingly are helpless, the
weakest possible nobodies. They will begin to experience angelic visitations, sightings, assis-
tances, and regulations of the things that otherwise could not be regulated by man. Regulators
of nations were going to almost lose it, but with the help of angels, they will be able to help
those they were helpless against before. (02 Jan 2021)

© Stefan Keller

20 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Angels assigned to timetables and activities
Let the angels that have been assigned according to the timetable of God for our lives, families,
lineages, ancestries, communities, neighbourhoods, clans, tribes, cities, nations, continents,
any part and leadership of the body of Christ worldwide, let every angel that had been assigned
to any part of that timetable be activated right now! We decree from today in the name of
the Lord Jesus that each one of us has entered into the place where we will begin to operate
with accurate divine programming. (10 Jan 2021)


Before the end of 2020, some big trees will fall. NB: it doesn’t matter how mighty seemingly
somebody seems to be; it is time for us to see them as mere men. Because whoever has God
in him is stronger than every other person put together. I see three. I see quite a number of
trees that are falling definitively within the next six (6) weeks. Not necessarily only in Africa,
for I see some of them in the Americas, some in Europe about two big trees (one is not nec-
essarily European but was raised there). (O8 Apr 2020 & 07 Dec 2020)


This is the time that the supernatural is meeting the natural. God showed that there is a
meeting point of the natural and supernatural, so much so that when someone needs to be
in a place, God can take the person to that place supernaturally even before the person gets
there physically. We are going to experience the days of Philip on the way to Azotus. (06
May 2020). Every iota of deafness that has been in your system is leaving this season. In this
season, you will see things you never thought you would see. The season has come where
God’s people who are truly seeking Him will no longer be despised. From today people will
begin to see. The season to hear and see God has come. From today, things that you have
never heard, you will begin to hear. Things that you have never seen, you will begin to see.
This is the season of unprecedented expression of the supernatural. (01 Jan 2021)

22   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

D o not [earnestlY] rememBer the former things; neither consider the things of old.
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know
it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the
desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19) Do not remember the former things, be it success or failure, because
God has taken the remembrance of them away. We are in the season of the new. (09 Sep 2020)

psalm 65 is the psalm that the heavens will be proclaiming through 2021 and your spirit
will witness here on earth. Psalm 108 is for your soul and 37 for the physical. (31 Dec 2020)


2 corinthians 2:14-17, isaiah 60, Psalm 65, Psalm 34 or Psalm 37 depending on which
one is applicable to you. (31 Dec 2020)


thank You, lord, for three landmark court cases that will be decided within the next 48
hours. Thank You, for we declare those landmark court cases decided in favour of the Kingdom
to Your glory. We thank You because I saw the courts sit and I saw all kinds of manipulations,
but I saw an angel of the Lord come with one particular document that had been sought for
how long now, literally for months because this whole thing started about three years ago
but then it was only in the last two (2) months that things got heated up and then in the last
one month, there had been all kinds of manipulations and documents disappearing, but I
saw an angel bring the document, I am grateful to You, because it is done to Your glory . . .
Thank You Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus. (31 Dec 2020)

lIVING IN the NoW WIth GoD 23


I saW literallY, emissaries that came to take away challenges that you carried over the years,
particularly challenges that had to do with bones and hearts. I saw angels picking things
out of people’s bodies, and wherever you are in the world, God is touching you. Everything
that had held you down is being removed. Chains are being broken for individuals, families,
communities, cities, nations and continents. You are entering a new season. It has nothing
to do with the Gregorian calendar - it is a shift within the shift. There are things that had
been planned to disenfranchise and disinherit nations, which God is breaking right now.


There is only one name

With power to save.

Our God, He is Champion

He reigns forever more
Forever more
God You reign Hallelujah.

Atmosphere shifts now

Chains being broken, break now.

Holy Spirit, come down

Heaven open, heaven open.
(31 Dec 2020)

24 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

1. Discipline in the word of the Lord (Graphe, Gramma, Logos, Rhema) – The Word of
the Lord will help in all. The Logos is the embodiment of the revealed Word, Will, Way,
Person, Nature and Character of God. The Logos is not all contained in the Graphe
because the Graphe is the testimony to the Logos of God (John 5:39).

2. Discipline in hearing the voice of God – You should not just be reading Scriptures - you
should actually begin to practice them until you can hear God clearly.

3. Discipline in obedience – After hearing the Word or voice of God, you obey what you
have heard.

4. Discipline of Prayer – In your obedience, you must partner with God in building
according to the pattern that He has shown you and that is the reason why you have
to be the one that exhibits the nature of the horse.

5. Discipline in exercise – After you have prayed, you should learn to exercise with both
spiritual and physical exercises, for quite a number of us are out of shape.

6. Discipline in fasting – Fasting is part of righteousness.

7. Discipline in practicing the presence of God – live in the consciousness of God (Numbers
10: 35-36). You can get the book ‘Practicing the presence of God’ by Brother Lawrence
(31 Dec 2020)

R e C A l l , t h e s e V e N D I s C I P l I N e s t o o b s e RV e 25

Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance
of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon
you. “For in fact, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness will cover the peoples; But
the Lord will rise upon you [Jerusalem] And His glory and brilliance will be seen on you.
“Nations will come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. “Lift up your
eyes around you and see; They all gather together, they come to you. Your sons will come
from far away, And your daughters will be looked after at their side. “Then you will see and
be radiant, And your heart will tremble [with joy] and rejoice. Because the abundant wealth
of the seas will1 be brought to you, The wealth of the nations will come to you. 18 “Violence
will not be heard again in your land, Nor devastation or destruction within your borders; But
you will call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise [to God]. “The sun will no longer be
your light by day, Nor shall the bright glow of the moon give light to you, But the Lord will
be an everlasting light for you; And your God will be your glory and splendor. “Your sun will
no longer set, Nor will your moon wane; For the Lord will be your everlasting light, And
the days of your mourning will be over. “Then all your people will be [uncompromisingly
and consistently] righteous; They will possess the land forever, The branch of My planting,
The work of My hands, That I may be glorified. “The smallest one will become a thousand
(a clan), And the least one a mighty nation. I, the Lord, will quicken it in its [appointed]
time. (Isaiah 60:1-5, 18-22 AMP)2

We have entered the season of newness of life. (09 Sep 2020)

1 Isaiah 60:5 Lit fall upon.

2 Isaiah 60:13 The specific kinds of trees are uncertain.

26 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

G od told me BetWeen 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. GMT of 17th September 2020 that this is the
season of reset for nations and individuals to recover grounds that have been lost. Thank
You Father, because there is so much that you are going to release into the nations. I see that
the reset for nations has come. Though the enemy meant to do something between the 15th
and 24th of November 2020 to reset the nations, to bring all kinds of things that they had
started from the 23rd of September 2020, I see these three (3) that were linked to these five
(5) that were linked in turn to these thirteen (13) that were controlling things even beyond
the things that I saw on the 4th of October, 2020. These ones happen to be the brains behind
everything. I declare that whatever they had planned and put in place is now being turned
and overturned in line with Your word in Ezekiel 21. The sons of the Kingdom who are the
light of the world will rise to their rightful place. Wherever darkness has gained an upper
hand, it loses its grounds right now!
You are also to count off seven Sabbaths of years for yourself, seven times seven years, so
that you have the time of the seven Sabbaths of years, namely, forty-nine years. Then you shall
sound the ram’s horn everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month (almost October);
on the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout your land. And you shall
consecrate the fiftieth year and 3proclaim freedom [for the slaves] throughout the land to all its
inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee (year of remission) for you, and each of you shall return to his
own [ancestral] property [that was sold to another because of poverty], and each of you shall
return to his family [from whom he was separated by bondage] (Leviticus 25: 8-10 (AMP)

Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years
amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the
tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout

3 Leviticus 25:10 The quote on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia is from this verse and reads, “Proclaim liberty
throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.” (18 Sep 2020 & 17 Oct 2020)

R e s e t F o R N At I o N s A N D I N D I V I D uA l s 27
your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its
inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and
to your own clan. (Leviticus 25: 8-10 AMP)


God is changing the constitution of leadership and of those who dictate the direction of
the way the world must go, so position yourself strategically as you allow God to position
you. There is the recalibration of nations. (28 Sep 2020)


I replied, “Ah, LORD God! Look, I don’t know how to speak, because I’m only a young man.”
Then the LORD told me, “Don’t say, ‘I am only a young man’, for you will go everywhere
I send you, and you will speak everything I command you. Don’t be afraid of them, because
I am with you to deliver you, declare the LORD. (Jeremiah 1:6-8) Excuses are not allowed
in this decade. (30 Sep 2020)

28   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

Y ou must be holistic development-oriented in your diet (spiritually, in your soul and

physically). When you read, what do you read? How does that help you to be holisti-
cally developed? There are people who are so well developed in spiritual matters, but their
souls are not developed. When it concerns the issues of the heart, they are not developed
to accommodate everything that God wants them to accommodate to be able to deal with
whatever needs to be dealt with. (28 Sep 2020)

Spirit-led feeding
Even when it comes to spiritual feeding, we will go as led by the Spirit, meaning, He (God)
will tell you where to go, what to eat, what not to eat, what to drink, and what not to drink
(spiritually, in the realm of the soul, then physically). In the physical He (God) is going to
show you the best way to go about feeding the way He (God) wants you to feed, nothing
outside of that. As concerns feeding in the realm of the soul, we will begin to read and expose
ourselves to study and do things that are led by the Spirit of God, nothing else, for He (God)
is the Master Spirit who knows all things, who knows the secret and the secret place of the
Most High, and He (God) will be the best Person to lead us therein. (02 Jan 2021)

We are required to be more strategic in this season:

1. Strategic in Approach to matters

2. Purposely/purposefully equipped (Proverbs 22:6, Jeremiah 1:5-12/Ephesians 1:4)
3. Prioritized Engagement with the rest of Creation (Matthew 6:33, 1 Corinthians
4. Obedient and Disciplined Life (Isaiah 1:19-20/1 Samuel 15:22-23, 1 Corinthians 9:24-
27) NB: don’t just go for anything.

Timing/Purpose in Accurate Divine Programming

1. Timetable, Timeframe, Timescale, Timeline (Ecclesiastes 3:1-17)

2. Timing/Purpose (Ecclesiastes 8:6)
3. Accurate Divine Programming (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Speed and Accuracy

1. Divine Speed (Romans 9:28, Hebrews 4:12 cf. Ecclesiastes 10:10)

2. Know, Purpose and Reason for design (Genesis 25:22-23 cf. Psalm 139:13-17)
3. Accuracy (1 Chronicles 16:11/Psalms 16:11, Hebrews 12:1-2 cf. (2 Timothy 4:7, Acts
20:24, Joel 2:1-11.) (30 Sep 2020)

St rat e gic S e a s o n  31

G od is chanGinG the narrative concerning lives. Some of you were born in poverty,
but you will leave a legacy of wealth. Wealth is changing hands. and it will be evident
to all because God is shifting things. (30 Sep 2020)


deploYinG the eaGle Within you is deploying the Christ-like nature in you as far as it has
to do with the characteristics of the eagle. (1 Chronicles 16:11/Psalms 16:11, Hebrews 12:1).
There is room for human counsel, but listen to God principally, because you are accountable
to God not man [example of Abraham, David, Daniel, Paul]. (30 Sep 2020)

BY the end of February 2021 God will reveal some things to show that indeed He is causing
His people to walk in abundance. (14 Oct 2020)


in this period of reset, the original pattern for the world and for the nations is being restored.
Lord we thank You and we recover all lost grounds right now. (17 Oct 2020)

32 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

T hank You for that which you are showing concerning the ring of fire, and you are
going to show signs of blood around the sun and around the moon. As you release the
ring of fire, let that which is supposed to circle the earth and burn up every chaff that has
been accepted as the real thing, be released. We declare that which has been accepted as the
norm and standard, is exposed as such - it is rejected, and becomes nauseating and repulsive
to the people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (17 Oct 2020)



T here Will Be shakinGs here and there in 2021, but the strength you need is also released
because the angel that strengthened Jesus on His day of temptation will strengthen you.
(04 Dec 2020)

Angelic sentinels of nations/continents

Deuteronomy 32:8 cf. Daniel 4:17; 10:13,21; 12:1, Matthew 18:10, Genesis 18 (Hebrews
13:2) (21 Nov 2020)

Angels of settlements
Human Settlement
Settlement of Disputes
Settlement of Discrepancies in terms of
1. Allocation (Dislocation, Misallocation, Reallocation and Relocation)

34 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
2. Position/Positioning (Reversal of any swaps and order of occurrences and recurrences)
Exodus 23:20.
3. Information dissemination and Deliberate misinformation to mislead to a different

Settlement of Debts due to

1. Identity theft
2. Disinheritances
3. Robbery: daylight and other forms of robberies . . . Proverbs 6:30,31
4. Offenses (and the resultant loss of connection) Ephesians 4:26-28 cf. Romans 13:8

Also Angels of settlements in charge of:

1. Wisdom Houses
2. Wisdom Councils
3. Wisdom Halls, Courts and Chambers

Prayer for the rolling out of Wisdom Houses, Councils, Halls, Courts and Chambers
Father, let the wisdom houses be rolled out now. Let the portions that have to do with these
ones not be denied them, and let the wisdom councils be rolled out. Let them sit in council
in the name of Jesus. Let the wisdom halls be opened and let the wisdom courts and chambers
be opened and rolled out in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Let this year of truth, where the TRUTH of GOD will confront the lies of the enemy, of
man, the world systems, and of the dragon and all of his surrogate spirits - let that truth be
released. Let that Spirit of truth take over your people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I declare from today, that simple solutions to complex and intractable problems coming
through the sons of the Kingdom are hereby released. Receive the ability to see those solu-
tions for complex problems in the name of the Lord Jesus! Receive the injection of ability
for rapidity of growth, not that which will lead you to premature exposure but rapidity of
growth so that you can counter the strategies that have been devised and developed over the
last thirty to fifty years by the sons of the wicked.
The year 2021 is the year of rapid growth of the truth. Sons of the Kingdom are to pursue,
surely overtake, and without fail, recover all . . . We declare that established in your life in the
name of the Lord Jesus. Like God said: ‘the days of Noah’ as it were, figuratively in a picture
form, are upon us. Let him that has an ear hear what the Spirit is saying. Let the discerning
take heed and act, move in the wisdom of the righteous and just. Receive that wisdom of the

I N C R E A SE D A N G EL I C A C T I V I T I ES  35
righteous and of the just, right now, in the name of Jesus Christ. We decree that established
and we declare it done according to God’s original plan and purpose in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ. (21 Nov 2020 & 31 Dec 2020)

Vision of war about demons vs angels

I saw a horde of demons that have been released following three like generals/captains that
were going to war amongst demons. I asked: “Lord what is going on?” All of a sudden, I saw
a horde of angels. When the angels began to deal with certain things, I was so astonished
because I don’t know how to describe that. I have never seen anything like that. If it were
in the physical, I would say it was a bloody war but because I don’t know spiritual blood, I
cannot describe all the details. The war was with all kinds of instruments/weapons, some of
them looking like swords that were spears yet happened to have some nails, and some had
other high-tech things that I have never seen before. I saw something like a blood bath but
it was only on one side, the demonic side.

The three demons

The first is fear and intimidation. The second is deception. The third is witchcraft that is
going to try to use manipulation and intimidation at the same time to enslave families and
nations using the following witchcrafts (economic, political, technological). (31 Dec 2019)

Release of a horde of angels

This is the time the Lord is releasing a horde of angels to help stop all the demonic hordes
that had been released into the nations. They were literally going to take the nations, because
they want nations to lose their sovereignty. I saw that clearly because for that journey of three
(3) hours the situation was serious. (02 Jan 2021)

Who dictates the war?

The enemy never dictates the war to God. It is God who dictates the pace, the direction and
everything that has to do with the war. So, it is time for the people of God to rise up, step
up to the plate, and be bold and defend the cause of the Kingdom, the territory, the estate
of their Father, and be able to speak boldly and not to be afraid, for there will be a lot of
attempts to intimidate the Body of Christ. But the time has come where the Body will be
the one that will rise up and intimidate its intimidators. (02 Jan 2021)

36   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
This is the season we need to call on the Lord and activate the angels of all the nations. If
there has ever been a time when the angels of nations needed to be activated, it is now. (02
Jan 2021)

I see God realigning nations within a period of twenty-four (24) months with His original
blueprint. Ancient accounts are being settled, and unbalanced ancient accounts have been
balanced. Ancient discrepancies, deficiencies, shortcomings, and shortchanges will be cor-
rected in these next eleven (11) to twelve (12) months. (05 Dec 2020)


I see three different cases of hemorrhage, and yet two others that have to do with nations.
For the nations, it could be economic hemorrhage or educational hemorrhage or both. Yet,
for two others, you dreamt and saw that you had been shot by an arrow, and since that time,
your issue has to do with your monthly period, where you end up bleeding until you are
weak. Today, we declare that arrow pulled out, broken, and destroyed by the power that is
invested in the name and blood of Jesus. (06 Dec 2020)


Serious exposures in December 2020, January and February 2021. There will be expo-
sures galore. God will expose some people, and some of those who will not stop committing
iniquity will end up being put away. Few may die, more will end up being imprisoned. (30
Nov 2020 & 08 Dec 2020)

I N C R E A SE D A N G EL I C A C T I V I T I ES  37

I see a lot of youth rising in many places, and exposing those who used them for their own
purposes before. There is a new breed of youth that will see through all satanic machina-
tions, sorceries and divinations, manipulations, orchestrations and all satanic programming
will end up being exposed. Those youths will begin to stand for truth, humility, and the fruit
of the spirit. Those youths will value things that are godly as against what satan has decided
to do, including the crypto-currency satan decided to use. I see the fact that satan has been
hopping on greed... but God is raising a breed of youths that will not be sold to satan’s greed.
There will be angelic assistance to protect the youths. (07 Dec 2020)

38   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

I see all of a sudden some people have begun to expose each other, that is, those that have
conspired to create confusion in Israel, America, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Kenya,
Somalia, Uganda, Sudan, Morocco, Côte d’Ivoire, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein. I see God
is beginning to cause satan to expose the things that some so-called world leaders that came
from Georgia just next to Russia, did to mess things up. I see that God is exposing them, and
He (God) is going to use some of you in these nations where they have hidden some secrets.
I see like papers concerning Panama, and there are very big exposures coming, some from
Central America, but not Panama and some of the tax havens. Some things are about to be
unveiled right now. I see two nations from the southern hemisphere and five nations from the
northern hemisphere through which these exposures will come. (07 Dec 2020)


i see seven different troublers of nations, including one that has been troubling the nation
of Ghana, another, the nation of Nigeria, another, the nation of South Africa, and four others
troubling the continent of Africa, which are being troubled by the Lord right now. (07 Dec

tellING oN eACh otheR FoR eXPosuRe 39


T his is the time where you will be taken to your location in God, in life, in this season,
and in this generation. (07 Dec 2020)


those that have made up their minds to corrupt people so that they can manipulate them,
including those that are manipulating and trying to control things in America, even those
of you that are currently included in the government of America that are being intimidated
and threatened by certain things, God is going to give you the boldness to defend yourselves
and be protected. I see others . . . five (5) in European countries, two in the Middle East
countries, and some in Asia that God is beginning to raise; who will be bold against those
who intimidate and threaten them. (07 Dec 2020)


God is aBout to take out some people who are misleading communities within the next
nine to eleven months. Communal leaders that were leading people in the wrong direction,
some of you who have been planted in governments of nations - God is going to expose you
and take you out, and people will stop following your advice. (07 Dec 2020)


2021-2023, God Will send you on very interesting assignments for which He has fashioned
you, because you are His secret weapons in the next twenty-four (24) months. (07 Dec 2020)

40 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

I see people GoinG to hiding places and being rejected by their own friends such as in the
case of Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga [Mobutu Sese Seko] president
of Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo) from 1965 to 1997. (07 Dec 2020)


this is the time to quietly return whatever you have stolen. To do so, otherwise you are
going to run into serious trouble by being exposed, no matter your place of occupation in
the nation. (07 Dec 2020)

PeoPle GoING to hIDING PlACes 41


I see some events happening in the next twenty-four (24) weeks that people will call natural
disasters, but they will actually be targeted judgments and arrows of God. (07 Dec 2020)

Those who are not honourable will be seen and disgraced, because it is a year that there
will be no half way. God is going to deal with some things very clearly. The demarcation of
that which is of Him and that which is not of Him will be continuous as He started in 2020.
You are going to see the flood of God as seen in Psalms 29 cf. psalms 125. (08 Dec 2020)

42   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

2 021 is a Year to walk in love. It will be the time that people will embrace the blessing
of the Lord that makes wealthy and has no sorrow added to it. The blessing of the Lord
will be expressed through physical beings and vessels. Many people are going to see that you
are a blessing. (08 Dec 2020)

W A l K I N G I N loV e A N D e M b R A C I N G G o D’ s b l e s s I N G 43

2 021 Will Be the year of the greatest expression of the glory of God, both the tangible
and other forms. (08 Dec 2020)


2021 to 2023 Will be for the expression and deployment of the sceptre. You are to take your
place in God, in this generation and history so that you will be able to exercise your authority.
Within the next six (6) to eight-and-a-half (81/2) months, you will hardly recognise some
people that you will see, because they would have executed a lot of things that God has spoken
to them [Psalms 45:6]. 2024 will be for the deployment of the sceptre. (08 Dec 2020)


proverBs 30:5 and proverBs 21:1, 30-31 are God’s promises for us in this season. (08 Dec


aGriculture, Water, health care delivery, and fashion and the arts, will be very important
areas in 2021. (08 Dec 2020)


this is the season of living stones, who are about to rise to God’s glory. (08 Dec 2020)

44 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

2 021 is GoinG to be a time of rejoicing and celebration for quite a number of people,
but at the same time, it will be a time of weeping and gnashing of teeth for other people.
(08 Dec 2020)


this season for the Lord to show His might, to show up in a special way, has come. Psalm
34 will be a very key psalm for Africa in 2021, 2022, maybe even 2023, because of all kinds
of conspiracies around the world against Africa in particular, but they are not limited only
to Africa but to other parts of the world as well, especially the Isaiah 19 highway nations and
those nations that want to stand for truth. But Africa is going to rise, because the time for
Africa to rise more than ever before has come. (02 Jan 2021)

R e J o I C I N G & C e l e b R At I o N Vs W e e P I N G & G N A s h I N G o F t e e t h 45

I f you want to make progress, live in the future, using the present as the starting point.
Stated differently, live in your present with the future as your reference point. Because,
after all, you actually should end up living in the future because true history is the future. You
make history by living in the future, but you write history by recounting what had already
been accomplished. (01 Jan 2020)

Time To Arise
Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Though
darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people, the Lord has arisen over you and
His glory shall be seen over your life. So, arise, this is the season. That is why every month of
the year 2021 will be filled with the proclamation of Isaiah 60. It is advised that every child
of God worldwide that is really serious will memorize Isaiah chapter 60 and proclaim it as
often as possible. (02 Jan 2021)

• Face of a Lion
• Face of an Ox/Cherub
• Face of a Man
• Face of an Eagle

The years 2020 to 2030 is the decade of the living creatures, so this is the time to understand
every living creature and its characteristics and how that applies to you, your family, lineage,

ancestry, community, city, nation, region, and then of course, your continent and the world
at large. But this is especially for the Body of Christ, so we know how to lead the rest of the
world in the direction God is leading us and saying we should go. It is important to under-
stand the token of each one of these living creatures. (02 Jan 2020Ω

R e C A l l , D e C A D e o F l I V I N G C R e At u R e s 47

T he next five (5) to seven (7) years will be a time that will place demand upon mankind
to have a Back to Genesis movement, a Back to the Roots kind of movement, which
requires going back to the origins where we will begin to think of originality in terms of
cures, Genesis cures, practices, functions, etc. including the Adam gene. This will require
understanding of originality, of productivity models, of creativity models originally designed
for the purpose of being able to know how to make things and move forward and increase
efficiency and efficacy of impact. What did people eat to be able to live almost a thousand
(1000) years even after the fall?” And I said: “You know”, and He said: “it is good that I know
but I am asking you”. This means that, if you are out there as part of the Body of Christ,
God wants you to ask Him for the cures that are in your own locality. Because it is becoming
very serious - the people are desperate to try and force things down the throats of men and
women. It is time for people to arise and defend the territory that God has put them in. All
over the world, in every continent, let the men/women of God, let the sons of God, arise in
this season, because who will you have to preach to after they have been manipulated? They
are doing all kinds of things to try to manipulate. They are doing things in the realm of the
spirit, technologically, with satellites, militarily, using pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical
giants, using vaccines, using the media of communications, governments, using the economy,
using banks. And that is going to change because the people of God will arise. (02 Jan 2020)

48 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

G od Will expose all the people that had pretended to be helping people while they
were rather exploiting people. You are going to see a quite bit of that this year because
quite a number of things are going to change. (02 Jan 2021)


it is amaZinG hoW people who are doing the wrong things - killing in the name of the dragon
and his surrogate spirits and all the agents - are bold to declare all kinds of things, but the
people of God are going into hiding. It is time for the Body of Christ to rise altogether. In
fact, if the nations will arise and say no to these few people, they will not be able to force
anything on anyone. (02 Jan 2021)


this is the season of bridging every breach, every gap, and every breach also of protocol. It
is reassuring that when you are bridging the gap in any area, you are not compromising. You
breach the gap without compromise, and the Lord will help you with the help of wisdom
and accuracy in the name of the Lord Jesus. (02 Jan 2021)

e X P o s u R e o F e X P lo I t e R s o F P e o P l e 49

T his is the era of urban-rural migrations. Won’t you prefer living in your village if you
have all the amenities as against living in a city with all the pollutions? (17 Jan 2021)

God is cominG to strengthen the hand of Africa. This is the season that Africa will be the
beacon of hope for the whole world – it is becoming more glaring. Whatever looks impos-
sible, whatever the so-called developed world was going to use, such as military might, all

50 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
of you including America – from now on, if you don’t stand on the Lord’s side, you will see
what He (The Lord) will do in Africa. It is important for you, especially for the continent,
and the nations of Africa, to understand that God is about to give you the wherewithal; and
that all the intervening things and interferences are being set aside by God if the people who
are called by God’s name will do that which God wants. (08 Apr 2020, 14 &17 Oct 2020)


We shall see the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) grow in leaps and bounds
within the next three years but most especially within the next eighteen (18) months, it will
be evident to many people. (17 Oct 2020).
One of the things that the enemy has decided to do is to scatter this AfCFTA. They really
targeted that it would not take off, and when it finally took off, they decided to destroy
everything else. And then, because of one world government, new international economic
order, one world currency, some people quickly went in and tried to mess up the Eco Cur-
rency. (02 Jan 2021)
I was praying for mercy on 25th or 26th of December, 2020 for AfCFTA to take off, because
I know how much people are afraid of AfCFTA, and let me address some of you that are
afraid - it is for your good, Africa will end up in the position to feed you. If Africa had fed
the world before, then this wouldn’t be the first time. In the time of Joseph, Africa fed the
world. All it takes is for the Josephs to arise in this season and as many as are ready to wait
on the Lord, and He (God) will show them specific things to do. (03 Jan 2021)

Healing and release of nations

God is healing many nations, especially the nations of Africa. Things are being broken in the
Eastern Coast, and the Northern part of Africa. Changes are coming to Rwanda, Burundi,
Seychelles, Comoros, Mauritius, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia.
Changes are coming to the Great Lakes region: Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo

U R B A N - R U R A L M I G R AT I O N S   51
Brazzaville, and also Central African Republic, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, Libya, Algeria,
Tunisia, Morocco. (08 Sep 2020)

Popping up of nations
I see nations popping up, including some obscure nations. I see Djibouti and Equatorial
Guinea beginning to pop up to the glory of God. (14 Oct 2020)

Africa as a bastion
One of the things I saw was like a bastion that was a fort (a fortified place) that people were
trying to batter but they could not penetrate. I asked the Lord: “What was that?” The answer
was: “Africa is the last one that must not fall so that it will be the hope for the world.” (17
Jan 2021)

Word to African Presidents about borrowing

Africa, this borrowing is enough! Every African President, please don’t say to me: “Well
because I don’t really know the reality.” What is the reality? If we decided that we were going
to exchange our goods amongst ourselves, are you telling me that we will not have more than
enough? We certainly do and will have more than enough! (17 Jan 2021)

Word to looters of Africa and the role of the sons of Africa

Every year just between two (2) nations, they take over US$ 1 trillion out. France over [US$
500,000,000,000] and the United Kingdom (UK) through some companies in 37 nations
of Africa, which take over [US$ 600,000,000,000]. Just two nations before you talk about
the rest. Some of these nations, you know in that particular forest in Democratic Republic
of Congo, you land your Boeing 747s to collect all kinds of things such as diamonds, gold,
etc., and fly out. This is the time you need to repent and ask God for mercy. The challenge

52   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
we have as people of Africa is that we are meant to be the blessing but have not arisen to be
the blessing that we are. We can’t be people that are begging when we have all the wealth!
The kingdom of Buganda 4was the one that introduced the scalpel that is still used for surgeries
today. Africa is the way she is because the sons have not arisen to marry the land and say:
“From now, nobody will rape you because we are here. You will become productive and
people will not come and steal (Isaiah 65:21-22)”. (17 Jan 2021)

Djibouti And Lesotho

I see God rising in even so-called small nations like Djibouti and Lesotho. (14 Oct 2020)

4 The Kingdom of Buganda is situated in the Central region of the country known today as Uganda. It is right in
the heart of Africa astride the Equator and in the North West shores of Lake Victoria and it’s also the source of the
great river Nile. Buganda Kingdom is the home to the nation’s political and commercial capital city Kampala as
well as the country’s main International airport Entebbe.

U R B A N - R U R A L M I G R AT I O N S 53
Lesotho Recovering The Feminine Expression Of God
Lesotho, you are recovering the feminine expression of God (women). That level of grace
and honour is being restored. The loss of revenue due to violence against women has come
to an end. The loss has come to an end, Lesotho. We close the gates of the nation of Lesotho
to those spirits of violence. If you are in Lesotho, God will have you go around the borders
and border towns of Lesotho to close the gates to every violence. If you are a leader, God will
show you what to do. You can use Isaiah 60:18-22. (14 Oct 2020)

Mali, Burkina Faso And Niger

Change is coming for Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. They are going to become fruitful fields.
The whole Niger [river Niger] Valley that was supposed to be around these areas that were
looked down upon, is about to be restored and [the country] Niger is going to experience
that. There were things that [the country of ] Niger is going to do that she never thought she
would be able to do, such as the reclamation of the desert within the next eighteen (18) to
twenty-six (26) months. I see the fact that there is a re-digging of old wells and the Ghana
Empire is about to see some things that we had not seen before. Your glory is about to be
seen at such unprecedented levels that people never thought they would see in their lifetimes.
(14 Oct 2020)

Revival is breaking out of Comoros within the next few months to two (2) years, maximum.
(08 Sep 2020)

Egypt seems to have been targeted by some people just like it was with three (3) nations of
Africa that had been targeted and they have not given up. They are trying to push vaccines
to these nations (Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa). This is not the time for you to go after
their vaccines, if there is anything that God wants us to do, we will do. But it is not time to
go after them for all that they have planned as part of their conspiracy, and that is based on
what I heard clearly from God. I don’t make any apology from what I hear from God. (31
Dec 2020)

Certain things are being restored in Libya in the next three (3) years. (08 Sep 2020)

54 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Things are going to be restored. Mali, being the one that has understanding of empires, is
coming. The educational heritage is coming, not only as it pertains to Sankore5. (08 Sep 2020)

Morocco, you have this particular university that has been there for well over 900 years
unbroken. The whole experience is still there - let it be released. (08 Sep 2020)


The Ghana Empire is beginning to see some things that it has not seen before. Some glorious
things are about to happen that people never thought they would see in their lifetimes. (14
Oct 2020)

5 Sankore Mosque and University is the oldest continuously-operating institution of higher education in
Sub-Saharan Africa. It is believed that the mosque and university were erected in the 1100s C.E. (Twelfth
Century) by Berbers who settled in the Timbuktu region of modern-day Mali.

U R B A N - R U R A L M I G R AT I O N S 55
Ghana, first of the great medieval trading empires of Western Africa (fl. 7th–13th century)
It was situated between the Sahara and the headwaters of the Sénégal and Niger rivers, in an
area that now comprises southeastern Mauritania and part of Mali. Ghana was populated
by Soninke clans of Mande-speaking people who acted as intermediaries between the Arab and
Amazigh (Berber) salt traders to the north and the producers of gold and ivory to the south.
The empire should not be confused with the modern Republic of Ghana. An unconfirmed
tradition dates the origins of the kingdom to the 4th century CE. Nothing is known of the
political history of Ghana under its early kings. The first written references to the empire are
those of Arabic geographers and historians from the 8th century, and it seems certain that, by
800, Ghana had become rich and powerful. Called Wagadu by its rulers, it derived its more
familiar name from the king’s title of ghāna. The king was able to enforce obedience from
lesser groups and to exact tribute from them. Much of the empire was ruled through tributary
princes who were probably the traditional chiefs of these subject clans. The Ghanaian king
also imposed an import-export tax on traders and a production tax on gold, which was the
country’s most valuable commodity. According to the 11th-century Spanish-Arab chronicler
Abū ʿUbayd al-Bakrī, the king welcomed to his capital many of the northern African traders
of the Sahara, who, after the Arab conquest in the 8th century, had been converted to Islam.
In the course of Ghana’s history the capital was moved from one place to another: that of
the 11th century has been tentatively identified by archaeologists as Kumbi (or Koumbi
Saleh), 200 miles (322 km) north of modern Bamako, Mali. The principal raison d’etre of
the empire was the desire to control the trade in alluvial gold, which had led the nomadic
Amazigh peoples of the desert to develop the western trans-Saharan caravan road. Gold was
secured, often by mute barter, at the southern limits of the empire and was conveyed to the
empire’s capital, where a Muslim commercial town developed alongside the native city. There
the gold was exchanged for commodities, the most important of which was salt that had been
transported southward by northern African caravans. As Ghana grew richer it extended its
political control, strengthening its position as an entrepôt by absorbing lesser states. It also
incorporated some of the gold-producing lands to its south and such south-Saharan cities
to the north as Audaghost, a famous market that has since disappeared. (Encyclopædia Bri-
tannica, 2020)

From November 2020 to February 2021, there will be occurrence of landmark transforma-
tional changes. I see the fact that there is this angel that raised his hand over Ghana. We

56 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
are therefore saying every controversy is about to be settled in Ghana. We say to you now,
Ghana! Ghana! Ghana! Hear the word of the Lord! Every single planting of the dragon and
the enemy is uprooted right now and burned by the fire of the Lord! Let those who are to
take positions in Ghana, take their positions in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those
who are occupying positions that they are not supposed to occupy, we declare them removed
and replaced! (14 & 17 Oct 2020)

Oh Nigeria! Nigeria! Nigeria! Hear the Word of the Lord! Your time of visitation, habitation,
recalibration, reconstitution and reconfiguration has come. (17 Oct 2020)

Regrouping of the leaders of the body of Christ in Nigeria

Nigeria, hear the word of the LORD: Those that have sat upon your revival are being now
reconfigured, some even leaders of the Body of Christ are going to stand on the right side,
others are going to be set aside. There will be 3 groups.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Those to be set aside Those to be reconfigured Those that will be brought in
(17 Oct 2020)

Advice for people in authority

Those in authority, political authority and other areas of authority including those that have
messed up Nigeria economically and politically. God says that some of you, if you would
not repent, are going to lose your lives! Some of you think that you are immovable, and
that you are people that nobody can do anything about. God is going to remove you. It is
only a matter of twenty-four (24) months - it will be evident. God is going to give a sign
within the next two (2) weeks and three (3) months. If you don’t repent, then you will be
cut off very rapidly [Proverbs 29:1]! God is giving a sign within the next two (2) weeks and
three (3) months. You will see the things that will happen clearly. Like God said some things
concerning Ghana on the 4th of October 2020, we were praying that God will have mercy
and we have seen some of the things that have happened already. It is not His will that any
should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But if you would not repent, this is
Proverbs 29:1. So, if you do not repent, God will cut you off very rapidly! (17 Oct 2020)

U R B A N - R U R A L M I G R AT I O N S 57
If you are one of those people in the position of authority, just let him that thinks that he
stands, take heed lest he falls. That is what I will say to you because of the things God says
will come to pass. (03 Jan 2021)

I see a mega shaking coming to South Africa and this is a part of the shakings God talked
about which were twenty-four (24) days, twenty-four (24) weeks and twenty-four (24)
months, such that there will be a settling of the dust by the end of November 2020. I see
some things that are about to change from the 4th to the 16th of December 2020 in South
Africa. (14 Oct 2020)
One of the things that God said about two (2) years ago, and this year I said to myself: “I
don’t think it was clear to people”, that with the coming of Mandela, there would be three
(3) to prepare the ground, and after that it would now have a David that would come. So,
you have had Nelson Mandela (1994-1999), Thabo Mbeki (1999-2008), Kgalema Motlan-
the (2008-2009), Jacob Zuma (2009-2019), and then Cyril Ramaphosa (2018-). If you are
in South Africa and you love the Lord, and are ready to do the purpose of God, with due
respect to you - I am not saying that I am better than you, I am just acting as God’s mouth-
piece – this is the time to pray the David into position, and when the David comes, don’t
start worshiping the David – worship the God of the David. This is very important because
that is one of the challenges we have. The David comes, then we want to worship the David
- everything is about the David. (09 Jan 2021)


Thank You for the fact that You said You are going to cause some rumblings in the nations.
And You said that as You shake the nations, the desire of all nations should come. You said
that repeatedly. But there were certain things that were about to change for the continent of
Africa that were being held back that You were releasing through Nigeria, Ghana, and South
Africa. Those of you that have been messing up the inheritance of the Lord in Ghana, Nige-
ria, and South Africa, just watch out because your judgment is hanging over your heads! It
is important that you take heed to the Word of the Lord because no one can stop the Lord.
It doesn’t matter your positions. It is not only the exposure that is going on, because some
of you, if you would not repent, He would have to set you aside including physically. If you
need to be removed, He will remove you! And it is not only in terms of removing you from
your position. You might be removed from the earth. So, if I were you, I would repent!

58 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Even what has been released against Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa and the war drums
that we had already silenced that some people want to re-enact, we declare they will end up
actually being sunk in the pit of miry clay if they continue. We decree that in the name of
the Lord Jesus.
You are going to see within the next forty-eight (48) to seventy-two (72) hours, at least
clear signs of them for these nations that I have mentioned including America, we decree
that established. (17 Oct 2020 & 31 Dec 2020)

Advice to twelve (12) different Presidents/Heads of State of Africa

I saw that there are about twelve (12) different presidents/head of states that had signed all
kinds of covenants with their western allies to enslave their own people and God says: “this
is the time for you to abandon them!” Because if you don’t, I saw that at least two (2) will be
removed and end up in disgrace! Twelve (12) African heads of states would have to part ways
with their ‘Western masters’ and break their agreements to pursue the welfare of their people,
otherwise trouble. Three (3) of these might end up being disgraced out of office before the
end of 2021. (31 Dec 2020)

China will begin to go down when it decides to push the dragon. God helps you with your
economy but if you are not going to give Him glory, then they will be going down and some
others will begin to rise. (06 May 2020)

The Philippines, you have been targeted within the next eighteen (18) months to really be
messed up, but we activate your angels right now. (02 Jan 2021)

U R B A N - R U R A L M I G R AT I O N S 59

S ome people are saYinG that Europe is gone, that it is too late. But it is not too late! If
the people of God will arise, they will beat back the advance of the dragon. The time has
come for Europe to go into a back-to-God movement at a level that had never been before,
because, if left to certain people, they want to fast track the taking of Europe into that place
where she will not recover but will just do the bidding of the dragon. But God will change
that. I saw some people that had given up – they threw their hands in the air, saying, “Well
it is finished – there is nothing we can do about Europe, it is finished!” God says: “It is not
finished!” I saw some nectar in the grapes, so go right now to the cluster of grapes, and you
will see that the outer parts look like they are all withered. You need to come to the Lord, so
that the remnant will bring restoration. (31 Dec 2020 & 09 Jan 2021)

If you are a child of God, and are in Belgium, you better begin to intercede for Belgium
because God says: “It is time for Belgium to make reparations otherwise her judgment is
here!” (02 Jan 2021)

Berlin and how it has been used to fight the Holy Spirit and as a result some of the things
that were done, were seen. It is like three (3) streams/waves of fighting God, fighting the

60 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Holy Spirit and fighting what God wanted to do concerning Isaiah 19. That is why the
Berlin conference of 1844 ended up with all the challenges that you heard about, including
the issues that have to do with the balkanization of Africa. (02 Jan 2021)

Germany and the covid-19 vaccines

Germany has been used to oppose God in certain ways - that is why the so-called technology
for vaccines from Pfizer and German BioNTech are the first to be released. If you understand
the world you will know how some things are happening. They try to use anywhere the
dragon operates, the red dragon firstly, then they go to that nation, to a place that opposes
the Holy Spirit. The Lord Himself will arise! One of the visions that I saw was that, the Lord
rose up like somebody waking up from sleep, from a drunken state and began to beat back
the enemies. (02 Jan 2021)

i see thinGs poppinG up in Saudi Arabia and all over the Arabian Peninsula area. (06 May


china had Been BrouGht to a place to be used by God, so that the United States of America
will humble herself under the mighty hand of God, after which God will raise up the United
States of America. Fortunately, or unfortunately, God initially did that especially with Donald
Trump coming into office. He was initially humble, until a certain time, (look at this great
Babylon that I Nebuchadnezzar have built), Let us not get into that error of thinking [I, I
have arrived]. And some of it is caused by us believers; especially men/women of God. For
example, I heard from God clearly and I shared from 2013-2014 and repeated in 2015 that
Trump was going to be like a Cyrus. The challenge or danger here is hero worship. It is the
same thing with Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. At some point in Ghana, because he says
the battle is the Lord’s, which is like a mantra according to Eastern belief systems, everybody
was like, “yes this is the one.” It should be, your Excellency, now that the Lord has brought
you in, to ensure that whatever you are doing is done under the mighty hand of God in
humility. Don’t go and start doing things for your own aggrandisement or your little group.
Same thing with Trump, and it is not just Trump, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo or the
Muhammadu Buhari, and all the others of this world. (09 Jan 2021)

euRoPe 61

i see thinGs poppinG up in the Americas.

Revival in Canada
Within the next three and half (31/2) months, there will be massive revival in Canada and
Psalms 119:105 will become a reality. I see people popping up and some of them from other
nations of the world that are about to begin a revival at a new level in Canada. I see some
things happening within the next three and a half (31/2) months, which is 105 days. I see
some things happening where we will see Psalm 119:105 becoming a reality. There will be
more exposures of the dragon and his agents. I see an intensification of the exposures before
the 15th and 16th of December 2020. (17 Oct 2020)

Canada, the back-up of the United States of America

God was using the United Stated of America to do certain things but some people using
all types of agendas have tried to invade. However, they do not know that there is a backup
in Canada. Also, they have tried to mess some things up even in Canadian systems - that is
why we see the cycle where they make gains, then they are beaten back. If the men/women
of God will arise, this is the season God is going to begin to beat back the enemy, even for
the whole of North America. And that will lend some strength to those in the United States
of America, because they seem to be overwhelmed left, right and centre, and the Body of
Christ needs to be helped because of the things that God is about to release. This is literally
like a fight between light and darkness. (02 Jan 2021)

The USA Election
Though God used some of us to prophesy about Donald Trump in 2016 as Cyrus, God says
He does not like hero worship. There is so much that is being sucked in by election campaigns

62 P RtohPeh eACY
RAe s
62e s 2021
where people are beginning to hero worship, instead of focusing on the purpose of the Word
and the agenda of the Lord. We declare, Oh Lord, that people will begin to receive an awak-
ening on the continent of North America including Canada, that You are beginning to do
new things. (30 Sep 2020 & 17 Oct 2020)

Rapidity of exposures in America

For the next three (3), maximum five (5) days, there will be such rapidity of exposures in
America that lies will be shown to be lies. Things that had been hidden, by falsehood and
deception shall no man prevail, even that which seems to have prevailed will not anymore.
(31 Dec 2020)

The USA being controlled by some European nations

Concerning the aspect of some of the European nations that seem to have been controlling
America, if the Body of Christ will do what they are supposed to do, that stranglehold that
has been over America for over two hundred (200) years will be broken. Because France is
the one you see as the mother of the nations, the Statue of Liberty, and most of the things
are from England. Therefore, you will know what is in Italy. I don’t remember whether it was

THE A M E R I C A S  63
in 2019 or 2020 that America had a situation where Jeffrey Sachs was talking about climate
change and he said that there was a need for the Vatican to do something, and let there be
an alliance with certain people around the world so that they could stop what Trump was
doing, and I took note of that. He believed Trump was messing things up. What I was happy
about [though], (and if Jeffrey Sachs happens to see this, so that he knows that I did not
misunderstand), was also that he said such things had been there since 1992, if I heard him
right, but Trump was the one that stood and pushed the agenda further concerning America’s
stand on that. (09 Jan 2021)

Portion of the vision between 24th and 26th of December 2020

Between 24th and 26th of December 2020, in particular, God showed me some things and
those things that have gone wrong in the United States of America and were affecting the
world; some from the Vatican, some from Germany, and some from Italy. There are some
things that have to do with Rome and Italy that have affected the United States of America
and the rest of the world over the years, including the Philippines and the Philippino eagle.
What God was showing me was the things about the entries and so many people that would
want to mess things up, drawing from things from France, the United Kingdom, Belgium,
Italy, the Vatican in particular, Rome, and Sicily, to do some things in North America, espe-
cially in Mexico and in the United States of America. (09 Jan 2021)


God is about to change the narrative concerning the relations between China and Africa
within the next fourteen (14) to maximum nineteen (19) months. Some major shifts are
coming. God is releasing the necessary wisdom upon the leaders to enable the growth and
grant access for the blessing. (14 Oct 2020)

We know that You (God) had spoken about the restoration of covenant relationships for
Israel which we have seen throughout the years, and you had also spoken to many other
servants of Yours, including Shmuel Suran. Let that which You have desired and designed
for this time be released. There were certain things that in AD35 were in Israel that God is
going to renew within the next sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) months. (17 Oct 2020)

64   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

G ates are ports of access for the purpose of entry and exit. They can either be visible
or invisible. The most important gate in your house might not be your door, or your
physical gate - it might be something else that had been there before your house was built,
e.g. a covenant, an altar, etc. Sometimes, the most important gates might even be invisible,
and it is only God that can reveal them to you. We can classify gates by location, or the realm
in which they occur; the realm of occurrence can be physical, spiritual or relate to the soul.
Gates of the soul relate to the mind, will, emotions and the heart.

Kingdom secrets for the Gates of Society

God is unfolding Kingdom’s secrets for the Gates of Society. Watch out for glory, power,
favour, and things you were looking for, which are going to look for you in this season. (27
May 2020)

The release of God’s speed

Things that would have taken you twenty to forty years to accomplish, you will be able to do
in months and for some of you in a year, in a maximum of three years. God is going to bring
you to a place of sharpness of spirit that you can pick up the faintness signals with utmost

G At e s o F s o C I e t Y 65
precision. Some of you are going to hear from God so easily from now on. There are some
things that have been difficult, intractable challenges that God is going to open up the clear
secret to some people very soon. (30 Sep 2020)

Changes in the Gates of Society

Changes are coming in all the eight (8) gates of society. In thirty-four (34) months, there will
be evidence all around the world about the resetting in that respect. In seven (7) to nine (9)
months we will see the first sign of technological changes that will be released through your
people, including areas that seem to have been monopolized by people on the other side of
the spiritual divide which is changing. And in just seven (7) to nine (9) months we would
see it clearly. (17 Oct 2020)


Give your family its rightful place
Give your family its rightful place. One of the things God told me was: ‘I have to make sure
that I spend time with the family’. This is the time you must listen with your spirit/inner
ears to try and hear where the other person is coming from, and be sensitive to the spirit.
(31 Dec 2020)

The time of divine intimacy with God and one another

This is the time of divine intimacy with God and with one another, so that you can hear
each other. There are some of the things you have fought about over many years and possibly
decades, they will be resolved within a short time because you will finally hear each other.
There were demonic filters that had been applied to certain people’s ears. I saw some people
whose ears had been plugged with wax. This is the time to release those angels to de-wax those
people’s ears. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we declare that settled! (31 Dec 2020)

Individuals and families pursuing God

I saw individuals and families pursuing God as never before, and as they do that, even ancient
covenants that have kept their families bound, will be broken in no time. (31 Dec 2020)

The family as one unit

In this season, don’t leave any member of your family behind, unless God tells you that He
wants to deal with you alone. However, it doesn’t mean that you should be bound by their

66   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
speed. Families have to come together like never before in seeking the Lord and their common
destiny and the common destiny of the family and that of their members. (01 & 02 Jan 2021)

Learning from every member of the family

Isaiah 58:12 [raising up foundations of many generations] will become so real to families this
year. This is the year that you will learn from every member of the family from the aspect of
Ephesians 4:16. There is no single child that you cannot learn from this year. There are some
solutions you have been looking for and you have not gotten yet, and your child will be the
one bearing them, your grandchild might be the one bearing them - what you have to do is
to listen. Because families will be strong, cities, communities, and constituencies are going to
end up being formidable, especially for those on the continent of Africa; but also everywhere
else. For those in the Body of Christ, this is the time to strengthen the family bond, have times
of study together, time for reading together even if it is once in a week, worst case scenario,
once a month. The scriptures that are the foundations of the year should be read at least
once every month, at the beginning of the month, and if you can, twice a month. The ones
that are for the months, read them at the beginning of each week if possible. (03 Jan 2021)

One of the best years for families
This will be one of the best years for families. Therefore, this is the season to understand the
time and know what you should do. 1 Chronicles 12:32. (03 Jan 2021)

Restoration of the foundation of family in Europe

I see God restoring the foundations of the family in three (3) European nations right now. I
see Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. God has started a work in Poland and Hungary.
I see the Czech Republic being touched right now in terms of the healings of the family.
There are a lot of things that had been done to erode the whole fabric of society through the
family and God is changing that. (17 Jan 2021)

68   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

A changed world, harvest in Europe, the Middle East, and India

The world has changed - it will never be the same again. There is a mind-set change to reflect
the God says there is a fast tracking of the harvest. From Europe and the Middle East, watch
out for the millions of believers in Him that are coming. There is a window of two and half
(21/2) years in which there will be a conversion faster than ever before, including Southern
Germany. Millions are coming to the Lord in Europe and India. (06 May & 30 Nov 2020)

Middle East
The Middle East is about to finally turn to the Lord the way they should. People will start
acknowledging the Owner of this world and the Creator of the universe as the One who is the
rightful owner of the earth and the world system and they that dwell therein. (06 May 2020)

Re-ordering of priorities
God is causing people to begin to set and re-order their priorities. God showed me a reset
button that has been pressed. (06 May 2020)

From grasshopper mentality to boldness

The body of believers has ended up seeing and making themselves as grasshoppers. People
who intimidated them, who came and spoke as though they were tin gods, are going to look
like mere men before all men. (O8 Apr 2020)

b e l I e F sYst e M 69
Time to return to Acts 2:42-47 cf. 4:32-37
The Body of Christ has to do away with things that are man-made that are self-promoting
and self-projecting, and begin to promote Jesus instead. It is time to return to Acts 2:42-47
cf. 4:32-37 where there was unity in the body [and elimination of poverty]. They were not
thinking about denominations or what would profit them, but thinking about Christ and
His work. (06 May 2020)

The season of Haggai 2:6-9, Isaiah 60 cf. Isaiah 40 (27-31) cf. Hebrews 12:27-29
We have entered the season of excitement, of the glory of God to come. God is making the
difference between His and those who are not His. God is bringing a clear demarcation
between that which is light and that which is darkness. He is starting with the body of
believers where He is making the difference between that which is genuine and that which
is fake, that which is truly of God and that which is fluff, that which is substance and that
which is chaff. (27 May 2020)

Advice for compromising people of God

It is time for you men/women of God to repent, to reposition yourselves for proper operation,
because on May 16, 2020 at 03:36 p.m. GMT God told me to stop whatever I was doing
and go to Ezekiel 32, and He told me that this is the time He (God) was going to deal with
the monster in the sea within the waters in a space of three (3) years.

3 waves of shaking
1 wave
2 wave
3rd wave
May 16, 2020 Jun 9, to November 24, November 24, 2020 to November 24,
Lasts 24 days 2020. Lasts 24 weeks 2022. Lasts 24 months
(27 May 2020)

Abundance of harvest in waves

God is bringing abundance of harvest in waves. People coming to the Lord in droves; a hun-
dred (100) million coming from just one religious system. Don’t be surprised if you have a
billion souls that are saved within the next three (3) years. (27 May 2020)

Occupying the room prepared for you

This is the season to enter the room that God has prepared for you, and the grace to occupy
it has been released. This is the time that people will see the manifestation of the Word in
their daily interactions with men. (08 Sep 2020)

70   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
God honouring the word of His ministers
God said, “This is the season that He is going to honour the word of His ministers as never
before”. As a son of God, you need to declare things that you have never declared before.
Days of being hidden are over (Proverbs 28:27 cf. Psalms 18:28), The time that the Body of
Christ is going to come to the fore and begin to run things in nations has come. (08 Sep 2020)

God is dealing with Man

We have entered another season where God is dealing with man, especially the Body of
Christ. That is the reason for the shakings you see around the world including America and
the elections. People are not sure of the outcome of the elections, but once you do what
God asks you to do, you will win. When the body of believers does what they are supposed
to do, they will rise above this whole confusion and then they will see clearly. From now on,
people have to rise above the storm because doing so is the nature of the eagle. (30 Sep 2020)

Restoration of lost ground in Europe

Nations are about to receive restoration of grounds that had been lost. I see that God is
about to bring revival all over the world and it will happen so fast. I see certain things that
have to do with the wind of revival which was held back beginning to blow, especially in
Europe, God told me that at least some 100 million are going to get saved on the continent
of Europe within the next five to ten years. Something is about to break within the next three
(3) years that will cause the whole thing to have exponential impact and effect. Yes! There
are certain prophecies that Europe is supposed to fulfil but before that is done, it cannot be
before the appointed time. Let the harvest that must come in, come in right now! We call it
in! (17 Oct 2020)

Oneness of heart
This is the time for the Body of Christ to really get its act together in oneness in terms of
focus, speech, mindset and what it is that God wants, because we have one Father who is
speaking and will say what must be said, and He is not only speaking to the Body of Christ
in Ghana, but also to the Body of Christ in Africa and these other nations, being Israel and
the United States of America. I know that God has spoken to a number of His servants in
all these nations, so I am just being used to confirm. It is time for us to do what God says
must be done. (17 Oct 2020)

Release of the prophetic expressions
This is the season that all the prophetic expressions that have to be released in and through
His people are going to be released, because there are His nations [sheep nations] that will
become evident, and are going to be the ones that will rise and begin to lead all the other
nations. It doesn’t matter what anybody says about the various nations that seem to be lead-
ing right now - it is only the nations that God originally meant to lead in the now that are
going to pop up one after the other and they will lead for the next five (5) to ten (10) years
maximum, after which others will start coming in. (17 Oct 2020)

Bubbling forth of God’s word

This is the season of bubbling forth of God’s word as rivers, fountains, wells.

Rivers bubbling forth

For those that have been yielded over the years

Fountains bubbling forth

For those who just started yielding

72   P RBEL
C T  I V72
ES 2021
Wells bubbling forth
For those who happen to be getting into it now
There would be so much of the glory of God in manifestation. (17 Oct 2020)

2021 will be the year of unrestrained soaring on the wings of the wind as Eagles!
1. Recovery of ALL lost grounds
2. Reversal of ALL Exchanges and Transactions that are based on false pretenses
3. The Glory of the LORD resting upon His own at unprecedented levels of expression
4. Sweet and sour and some even bitter, because the LORD will sit as Judge over long-
standing unresolved matters Revelation 5:11,12. (21 Nov 2020)

The Body of Christ providing solutions to national challenges

The Lord showed me clearly that about 75% of solutions for nations are going to come from
the Body of Christ and if we get it right, it will be as high as 98%. NB: God asked me if
His people will be positioned for the harvest. Lord, help us to be positioned. (17 Oct 2020)

Shift in the spirit

Things that had defied prayers have finally bowed to prayer. I see a lot of changes coming to
a lot of people. Those that have literally been bound in poverty have been released and they
are ushered into prosperity. I see the warfare using resources and finances that had been
fought against the Body of Christ is ended [Isaiah 40:1-2]. I see family angels that had gone
to war right now. (30 Nov 2020)

The Gospel breaking through Pakistan and Afghanistan
I see some of the ancient giants that seem to have stood against the Gospel entering into
nations such as Pakistan and Afghanistan are beginning to open their gates to welcome the
Gospel. (02 Dec 2020)

Recovery of lost ground in the Netherlands

Certain places that have gone to the dogs are being recovered. Some of the things that hap-
pened over 120, 102, 112 years ago in Holland/the Netherlands that seemed to have been
completely snuffed out in terms of the revivals of God will experience a recovery of lost
ground. (02 Dec 2020)

2021, a productive and specific year in the Body of Christ

2021 will be one of the productive and specific years in the Body of Christ in our dealing
with issues of life, for those that will take Him (God) seriously, those that will wait on Him,
obey Him and take His instructions. (04 Dec 2020)

New breed of believers

God is raising a new breed of believers who will be strong and do exploits, and will be able to
confront lies with the truth of the word of God. They will be able to confront every intim-
idator with the boldness of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. They will be able to confront
those who are deceivers with the light of the glorious Gospel, and show the darkness to be a
lie because darkness will disappear. NB: In 2021, do your best to become the expression of
the fullness of God. (08 Dec 2020)

Respect to the Body of Christ and elders

This is the season of restoration of respect to the Body of Christ, amongst men and for the
elders [Leviticus 19:32]. God is about to pour so much blessing upon the Body of Christ.
The way you will qualify for blessing, that it might be well with you and you live long in
the earth, is when you honour your father and your mother which will actually lead you to
deal well with those that are older than you or have gone before you in one area or other.
(08 Dec 2020)

Standing strong with the Lord

This is the time to stand strong with the Lord (more time in prayer, with the Word, and
fellowship with God, meditation etc.)

74   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
Eight (8) things to do with the Scriptures.
1. Read the Scriptures minimum ten chapters per day,
2. Listen to the Scriptures,
3. Study the Scriptures,
4. Memorize the Scriptures,
5. Confess and proclaim the Scriptures,
6. Meditate on the Scriptures,
7. Practice or do [walk and work] in obedience to the Scriptures,
8. Share the Scriptures through your life - Ephesians 5:1-2 cf. 1 Timothy 5] (points 5,6,7,8
are all found in Joshua 1:8))

[In summary, the eight (8) things to do with the scriptures (testimony to the Word of God) are]:
Reading, Listening, Studying, Memorizing, Confessing/Proclaiming, Meditating, Practicing,
Sharing. (08 Dec 2020)

Going back to God for times of refreshing in His presence

It is important for the Body of Christ to go back to God for times of refreshing in His presence,
so that there will be a resetting of the buttons to the original. God says, “It is the time to go
back to the original”. In fact, this refers to the Back-to-Genesis movement. (31 Dec 2020)

Ceasing from anger and forsaking wrath

This is the time to cease from anger and forsake wrath. If I were you, and I have wrath in
my bosom, I forsake it and command it to go! (31 Dec 2020)

A year of rapid growth

This is a year of rapid growth of the true sons of the Kingdom to pursue, surely overtake,
and without fail, recover all. (31 Dec 2020)

The fulfilment of Proverbs 4: 18

The Holy Spirit whispered to me the fulfilment of Proverbs 4:18 on weekly basis, or on
monthly basis at least. (31 Dec 2020)

Encountering God
The encounter has already occurred - we will see more of that - for everyone encountering
You and You (God) encountering them wherever they are in the world, because those blessed
by You (God) have inherited the earth. It shall be realised by the end of 2021 for some, 2022

for others, and 2023 for the majority of those that truly trust in You; because by 2024, the
rest of the world will have to come to us for help. God will cause His face to shine upon you
in this season. (31 Dec 2020)

Dwelling in the secret place of the Most-High

Dwelling in the secret place of the Most-High from where you will begin to flow with the
miraculous and the boldness of the Lion of the tribe of Judah who has become the Lion
of the universe, and for that matter, we will have the expression of the fruit of the Spirit at
unprecedented levels. (31 Dec 2020)

Season to be bold and do good continually

When you see things happening, do not fret. There will be the temptation not to do good
to some kinds of people, but trust in the Lord. It is not about man, continue to do good.
Delight yourself in the Lord. (31 Dec 2020)

The re-enactment of the days of Noah.

The re-enactment of the days of Noah means when all kinds of things are happening, because
you are going to have so-called disasters, you will end up being in the ark, and some people
you have never known will come to you for safe cover. (31 Dec 2020)

The Rebuilding of nations’ walls and the Re-enactment of the days of Nehemiah and Haggai
Just like it was with Nehemiah with the building of the walls, the walls of nations are about
to be rebuilt within the next fifty-two (52) days from now. God is about to cause nations to
realign with Him and begin to take their rightful positions. I see that one of the nations that
will be shaken and realigned is Nigeria. Although Nigeria is one of the nations that God talked
about, there are certain things He is doing, not only with the youth, but also, other people
in secret that have not come out for the last two (2) to three (3) years. I do not know them
physically, but that is what I heard from the Lord. May God cause you to see that which He
wants you to see. (17 Oct 2020).
With reference to the season of the day of the re-enactment of the days of Nehemiah and
Haggai, I saw the members of the Body of Christ literally being on like a wall, each with
one hand carrying the weapons and the other hand carrying the building equipment. He
(God) said to me, “That is the reason why the Global Altar Watch will be on-going, but I
will give you projects and the pattern that will make it possible for you to do all at the same
time”. (31 Dec 2020)

76   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
Divine alignments for divine assignments
This is the season of the continuation and exponential expansion of divine alignments for divine
assignments, which will include global alignments for global assignments. (31 Dec 2020)

Convocation and congress of eagles

There will be various forms during this season of convocation and congress of eagles, which
will have oneness because we will be fighting a common enemy. If you see a lot of serpents,
don’t worry it is a meal being prepared for the convocation of the eagles; “Let him that has
ears, hear what the spirit is saying to the Ecclesia”. (31 Dec 2020)

Unity in the Body of Christ

The Body of Christ will begin to come together in unity as one to show the enemy the power
of One with God, Who is the majority. (31 Dec 2020)

Manifestation of Ephesians 6:16

This is the time for the measure of the true manifestation of Ephesians 6:16, another level.
(31 Dec 2020)

Idleness, forbidden in the body of Christ

The days of being idle in the body of Christ are over - don’t be a spectator. Use whatever
you have no matter how little, and God will employ it, and you will see the manifestation
of the results. (31 Dec 2020)

No room for excess baggage

This is the time to get to the place where there is no room for excess baggage, because you
have to move as fast as God ordains for you. Release whatever is contrary to God in your
life. (01 Jan 2021)

You and the Rhema

You need to understand how to receive a rhema and know how to run with it. Because if you
don’t know how to run with it,, you will almost end up with unnecessary challenges. This
year, if you will take seriously every rhema that God has given you, He will crown this year
with so much of His goodness. (01 Jan 2021)

Changes of Mindsets, Perceptions, Worldviews and Dispositions
This is the time that God is going to bring changes in terms of mind-sets, perceptions, worl-
dviews, and dispositions, because this year you have to make up your mind - you are not
continuing with business as usual. You are going to say this year, “I am the difference that will
make the difference.” Don’t let life happen to you – you must happen to life! (01 Jan 2021)

Turning on of the main switch

You are going to experience things that you never thought of. God is causing all that is sup-
posed to cooperate with His purpose in the universe to get active; because I see activation
going on. I see a main switch just being turned on that had to do with various aspects of lives.
There is a new level of inspiration for perspiration. The working out of the internal deposit
is going to be your disposition. (01 Jan 2021)

A new Body of Christ

The world is going to experience a new Body of Christ, because there will be so many projects
that only the lazy ones will not be working. No laziness or idleness is allowed. (01 Jan 2021)

Your disposition for 2021

‘Lord what are we doing today?’ should be your disposition this year. (01 Jan 2021)

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Solution-oriented mentality
You should be the solution, always looking for problems to solve. See problems as challenges
and take up each challenge that comes, but don’t complain about problems. It is those who
look for solutions that are responsible for progress in history, and there can never be progress
without process. (01 Jan 2021)

What to do with the scriptures

Look for Jesus in the scriptures whenever you read the scriptures. As you are reading and
listening, identify the key ideas and study them later. Consistency is key. Observation (Note
down all details), Interpretation (What does it mean? What did it mean to the original
speaker? What did he intend to say? What did it mean to the original hearers?), Correlation
(How does it relate to the rest of the Bible, the rest of the passage, the rest of the chapter?) and
Application (What should you practice? You look for the verbs to be and to do – it is good
to know chapter and verse but it is much better to know how the chapter and verse apply to
your day to day life and living, and how it applies to every sphere of society). Observation,
Interpretation, Correlation and Application are the four (4) parts of Bible Study. (01 Jan 2020)

Assurance of our victory

I have been called from the womb. I was actually chosen before the foundation of the world
according to Ephesians 1:4 in love, therefore nobody that came after the world had already
been formed, meaning, no human being, can stop what God wants. And since He (God)
chose me before time itself began, there was a secret wisdom destined for my glory accord-
ing to 1 Corinthians 2:7. Nothing that exists in time has the right to stop God from doing
whatever He (God) wants to do with me. (02 Jan 2021)

Mystery of the secret place of the Most-High God

This is the time to understand the mystery of the secret place of the Most-High God. (02
Jan 2021)

Divine Awakening, Quickening, Calibrations, Reconstitutions and Reconstructions

This is the time for everyone to get back into that place of divine awakening, quickening,
calibrations, reconstitutions and reconstructions of our spirit and of our soul to align with
His original blueprint for this time and season, because, as the coming of the Lord draws
near, we are to all look up for our redemption is drawing near. (02 Jan 2021)

Recovery and Restoration
This is the time for recovery and restoration in every sense of the word. (02 Jan 2021)

Carrying seekers of the Lord along

This is the time to ensure that we carry along as many as possible, that is, those who are ready
to seek the Lord. (02 Jan 2021)

Fear seizing invaders

This is the time God will make sure to put fear in the hearts of those that will dare to try to
join themselves to us but are not really of Him, for He will have to add to the ekklesia daily
such as should be saved. Therefore, not all those fifth columnists will be able to now invade.
This is the time that God will be working in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
It is also the season that we will see God at work so that the glory goes to Him. He will be the
one at work, not us and it will be His doing, which is marvelous in our eyes. (02 Jan 2021)

Keeping in step with the Holy Spirit

This is the time to keep in step with the Holy Spirit more than ever before in the light of
Galatians 5:25. We will see the Holy Spirit directing us as to what is best for us, to eat and

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all that; because not only will we have the miraculous at unprecedented levels of expression,
unprecedented levels of healing for those who have been affected with types and strains of
viruses, parasites, pathogens and all kinds of plan-demics and all kinds of things that will be
thrown at us. But the Holy Spirit will also help us to know what to eat, what to drink and
other things, the kinds of exercises and all that, because I see the Lord beginning to show us
what ought to be done according to His original blueprint for a time such as this. (02 Jan

The victory of the nobodies

It will be a year where the nobodies will be winning over the somebodies by the Lord’s help
and strength as we look unto the Lord, because it will not be by might, nor by power but by
His Spirit. (02 Jan 2021)

God scattering His enemies

This is the time God Himself is arising and scattering all His enemies, so Lord, go ahead,
we are grateful. (02 Jan 2021)

The judgment of the mother of harlots, the mother of whoredoms, the queen of heaven
This is the period of the judgment of the mother of harlots. God says He is judging the
mother of harlots. I saw spiritual war where there were three (3) spirits:

1. The spirit of fear and intimidation

2. The spirit of deception and falsehood,
3. The spirit of witchcraft.

This is also the period of the judgment of the mother of whoredoms, the queen of heaven that
has messed up many nations, that enslaves nations and families by her witchcraft [Nahum
3:4], taking them captives, and enslaves families and cities. Many will be released; many cities
and nations will be released, including even this continent (Africa) and including others.
(02 Jan 2021)

Looking unto Jesus

This is the time to look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith like never before.
(02 Jan 2021)

Back to the roots movement
This is the season of the back-to-the-roots movement where individuals and families have to
get very serious with God. (02 Jan 2021)

The Body of Christ rising to take her position

This is the time that the body of Christ will rise and take her position. This is the day that
the Lord has made - let us arise, rejoice and be glad in it, for the Lord has made us glad. (02
Jan 2021)

Razor-sharp accuracy
This is the time of razor-sharp accuracy in terms of hearing from God. (02 Jan 2021)

Waiting for the appointed time and never comparing yourself to others
This is the season to never compare yourself to another - believe in the vision shown to
you. Every time, have a listening ear, “God what is going on? What would you have us do?
Where are we supposed to be next?” Clarify your vision on a daily basis. Habakkuk 2:1-3, 2
Corinthians 10:12. (03 Jan 2021)

Our challenges with prophecies

Our challenges with prophecies are their interpretations. Oftentimes, we receive a dream,
vision, trance, or word. However, if we try to interpret to fit our soulish desire, we will miss
it. It can happen to everyone, including me, if you do not ask God: “God, what are you
saying exactly? What would you have me say?” When God says something to everyone and
any one of you, He gives you a dream, vision, revelation, or trance. Make sure you don’t try
to twist it to align with what you have always desired. Let it be what God wants! I am saying
that deliberately as it pertains to politics, business, religion, three (3) areas in particular that
we are prone to twist. (09 Jan 2021)

Seeing the faithfulness of God

God is reassuring us that we are going to see His faithfulness if we just believe and keep in
step with His Spirit. We humble ourselves under Your mighty hands. You will exalt us in
due time and this is the year you will show the difference between those who serve you and
those who do not serve you. It would be said the righteous are still rewarded in the land of
the living, and it will be evident to all that You have taken back your estate. You are saying
to us to not worship positions, possessions, men, or things. We should not worship any

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particular phenomenon; we should just worship You and then all these other things would
be added unto us. (09 Jan 2021)

The way God’s prophecies/promises work in our lives

Every prophecy/promise of God is conditional upon the recipient. Not conditional from
God’s point of view, but it is conditional upon you the recipient. If you do not do what you
are supposed to be doing, then forget it. For example, somebody asked me: “is Trump going
to have a second term?” I said: “it depends on him”. How does it depend on him, didn’t you
say that he was a Cyrus? I don’t know what he (Trump) has done. What I was able to see
was that which has to do with Israel and Africa I haven’t seen that clearly enough, but I don’t
know what is in his heart. If he is ready to do what God wants him to do, definitively, if he
is ready to humble himself under the mighty hand of God, God will exalt him in due season.
If you allow yourself to be actually puffed up then God resists the proud. (09 Jan 2021)

Change of mindset in the LGBTQ Community

Within the next three (3) to five (5) years, we are going to see where people who had been
advocates for transgender, gender change and all those, will become the people who will
speak against it. Because they are going to see the reality of what God is saying. (10 Jan 2021)

Manifestation of Psalm 2
This is the year of the manifestation of Psalm 2, it will last for three (3) years (2021 to 2023).
(10 Jan 2021)

The return of The Philippines and Singapore to the Lord

The Philippines and Singapore have decided to come back to the Lord, that is one of the
reasons why God gave them the sign of the eagle and lion. (10 Jan 2021)


Indigenous investment in agriculture

This is the season to ask God to show you indigenous ways of doing things agriculturally.
Therefore, you are to look for the various places that have the best of certain products and
begin to assist them. It is time to assist the vulnerable in society. (08 Apr 2020)

Leaders realigning with God

I see leaders realigning with God. I see them in their closet saying: “God, I missed it before,
but now I am coming back to you”, including spiritual leaders. (06 May 2020)

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Thank You (God), for the things that you are doing with AU (African Union) next year in
April/May of 2021. Thank You (God), for the fact that You are going to reconfigure some
things so that AU would now have their glory restored. (14 Oct 2020)

Warning against leaders of Nations

God showed me some things about leaders of nations, including Ghana, South Africa, not
only the exposure that is going on in South Africa but some of you if you will not repent,
God would have to set you aside including, if necessary, being physically removed. God will
remove you, and it is not only removing you from your position, in some cases you must be
removed from the earth. So, if I were you, I will repent because after all, it is not man. (17
Oct 2020)

Light arising for nations that sat in darkness

Light arising for those that sat in darkness, many nations that seem to have been in darkness,
that have been deceived, manipulated for too long are about to be released by God in 2021.
(08 Dec 2020)

Vision about America and 7 other nations

I saw this morning, December 2, 2020, between 08:00 GMT and 08:20 GMT, America
like a bag of various things being turned over and various items coming out of the bag and
thrown on the floor. The one who threw the contents on the floor began to pick the good
things back into the bag and the bag’s worthless things were thrown out. I saw that it was a
sign for seven (7) different nations. There are certain nations that God is going to do that
with. Seven (7) nations around the world and it will have bearing on both their elections and
their economies. The next six (6) weeks are going to be interesting, but it will go all the way
to probably the end of February, maybe middle to the end of March 2021. (02 Dec 2020)

Nations being released by the NATION of God

Nations will be released by the NATION of God, this is like 1 Peter 2:9. It is the Ecclesia, the
assembly of God’s people, the national assembly of God that will take over, it will begin to
lead nations back to their place in God, in life, in this season, history, as per God’s timetable,
God’s time frame for each one of them as seen in Acts 17:26. (31 Dec 2020)

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Convulsion of nations
Until 2023 where the sheep nations become the envy of others, it is the time of the convul-
sion of nations. But the good thing is that only that which is to be shaken is shaken out, and
that which is supposed to remain will remain. So, if you see convulsion of nations don’t worry,
life givers are the ones to be called upon to rise. (31 Dec 2020)

Sheep nations vs goat nations

The difference between the sheep nations and the goat nations will become very stark in 2021,
2022 and 2023 after which the sheep nations will be the envy of all the others. (31 Dec 2020)

Intensified shakings and rumblings of nations

It is time for the shakings of nations, for the rumblings. All the things that normally happen
with the shakings and rumblings will intensify because God has to show the difference
between that which is His and that which is not, so that that which remains will be the one
that is standing because He (God) is shaking all things. He will shake the heavens and the
earth and shake the land and the sea. He will shake all nations then of course the desire of
all nations will come. (31 Dec 2020)

Advice for leaders of Africa

For the leaders of Africa, it is time for you to say no to those who decree unrighteous decrees
before you end up being swept along. (02 Jan 2021)

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There are things that God said concerning nations, continents but even for the United Nations.
Zephaniah 3 is one scripture, and He (God) says that there will be further recalibration of the
balance of power and then the intensification of the shaking and recovery of the U.N from
long standing hostage takers during the next fifteen (15) months period left in the window that
He (God) had created. There is a five (5) year window that God had given to us to do certain
things. Because for the man of sin, definitively you will see the man of sin at the appropriate
time, you might not be there but the man of sin will come. Within this decade, there is a five
(5) year window, if we get it right, we might end up pushing a few things. (02 Jan 2021)

Governments of Africa being targeted by the enemy

Governments of Africa have been targeted; they want to neutralise governments and some of
the people unfortunately because they joined certain groups, and their masters are out there
in the West, even some are here in Africa. They have been made to sign things [agreements]
on behalf of Africa, though it was not the whole of Africa that was brought there. They went
stealthily and signed things. God saw you when you were signing, God is going to beat back
all these invasions and invaders in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (02 Jan 2021)

Shelter and Security

We need to give attention to the area of shelter and security, because people know about cyber
security, food security and other forms of security but there is a very important aspect that
people have not understood which is the area of bio-technology and bio-convergence that
people are going to try to use: biological warfare, bio-technological warfare, technological
advanced warfare, even using logic bombs in the next three (3) years. (02 Jan 2021)

Real estate development

This is the time that governments need to go back to the original. What was it that was
working, that stood for thousands (1000s) of years? How do we now replicate that? We thank
God for some of the people that have started trying to use traditional building methods,
traditional building materials. I understand that there is a company like that now in Ghana,
that is doing that, and has built just a few houses, not up to ten (10) yet. (02 Jan 2021)

Research findings
It is time for governments to begin to work with those researchers and developers of various
solutions, and let them do that, which is supposed to be done. (02 Jan 2021)

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Word to people in leadership
Even those of you that have been trained that would lead various things this year, if you are
not watchful pride could come in. Any prophet, apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher that thinks
that they have arrived and don’t need God anymore, that is the beginning of their undoing.
Any businessman/woman who relies on their acumen rather than God and the wisdom of
God, and the instructions of God as well as what God has given as the specific patterns in
His word, such a person is about to fail. (09 Jan 2021)

Encouragement to presidents standing for the truth

I see a president that wants to stand for truth about to give up, I declare you will not give
up. You shall stand strong and fight until we see the result in the name of the Lord Jesus.
(10 Jan 2021)

Desecration in the USA and Ghana (Capitol & Parliament)

I am praying that God will have mercy on us in Ghana, that God will let His mercy under-
take for the desecration of the chamber that is supposed to have that level of sanctity as an
altar of priesthood. Because according to Malachi 2:7 “For the priest’s lips ought to preserve
knowledge, because he is the messenger of the LORD Almighty and people seek instruction
from his mouth” (NIV) So the legislators are supposed to be priests and the legislature is
supposed to be the altar of service. That is why in every legislature people treat the chief leg-
islator of that particular nation almost like God. It is almost sacrilegious, but it is so because
with limited understanding people say “that is what is supposed to be”. God is the One who
determines the kind of sacrifices that should be brought to the altar, but we ended up with
the situation where things happened and whatever was supposed to be presented before You
(God) and to the people seemed to have been breached.
LORD, we ask for your mercy, let Your mercy undertake for us in the name of the Lord
Jesus, not only for Ghana, but also for the United Stated of America. At the end of the day,
You know all the people including those that were caught on cameras; the key point here is
there seemed to have been a desecration, let Your mercy undertake, let Your mercy undertake
in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, if this is part of Your process, because sometimes
the ark needs to fall so that it can be carried the right way by the right people, then we yield
to Your process.
Whoever is there that is not put there by You, that has not been serving Your purpose,
because it is not whether or not they are called by the name of the Lord, as You can put a

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Cyrus,, a Nebuchadnezzar, or any of the people on Your own throne to rule for You when
they are ready to do Your will right before they are formed in the wombs of their mothers.
So, Lord, whoever is there that is not supposed to be there, Lord begin to remove them,
and replace them in the name of the Lord Jesus. And Lord for those that are supposed to
be there representing You that have compromised, have mercy on them and let them come
to the place of repentance in the name of Jesus Christ. Even for those that cannot be there
anymore, help them as they reflect on their lives to repent, because what shall it profit a man
if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Help everybody to see the importance of their
souls in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We pray for Donald Trump, for Joe Biden, for everyone. Lord, whatever becomes the
final outcome by the 20th of January 2021, let it be only the way You want in the name of
the Lord Jesus and let each person humble himself/herself under Your mighty hand in the
name of the Lord Jesus.
We declare for this moment all the angels of the nations activated right now, that which
You said concerning Canada being a backup be released into operation at this time even for
the United States of America.
Let that which You said You were doing from Africa to be able to preserve the breath of
nations also be deployed now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray also for Nana
Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and John Mahama and everybody, so that they will do only Your
will. Anybody that is not doing Your will, Lord, help them to humble themselves, if they will
not, it will be unfortunate . . . we give You praise, we give You glory!
Lord, like You said concerning that chamber where people did all kinds of things that are
unheard of, unthinkable, Lord, let Your mercy undertake, and we ask that You will help them
to do things that will bring You glory in the name of the Lord Jesus. Not only as it pertains
to people like Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, but also as it pertains to people here in Ghana,
whether it is Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu or Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, any one of them,
that everything will be exactly what You want, nothing else other than that.
Lord, whatever happens within the next thirty (30) to maximum forty (40) days, let it
be evident that it is Your doing and it is marvellous in our eyes. In the case of the United
States of America, we believe from what You said, it would be concluded much earlier than
we hear, do Your own thing Your own way and bring glory to Your name in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. (09 Jan 2021)

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W e need to Be overhauled and look out again, and download divinely inspired systems
such as STEADY/X. (02 Jan 2021)

Change of the educational landscape of Africa

God is going to educate, train and develop people through His own agents and agencies,
and because of that God is unleashing a lot of educational efforts through many people.
(08-April-2020 and 06-May-2020)
I see God changing the educational landscape of Africa. Education angels are being released
like a Cavalry [of soldiers] riding through Africa bringing specific scrolls and releasing to
various nations. God is opening a whole store of scrolls to some of us, so we can enter and
begin to see as they are being unrolled. It is, so we can see what it is that God wants for the
continent of Africa and the world at large. God has changed the narrative concerning Edu-
cation, Training and Development in the world. But I (God) am going to outdoor quite a
few things through Africa. Not only things that people know about, but things that they are
yet to see. I (God) am going to outdoor that within the next nine (9) months, it will be so

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clear to all men that I have outdoored them, then it will grow to maturity by 2024 March
– April, it will be very clear to the whole world that Africa is the go-to place. (14 Oct 2020)

Organic growth of global transformation

There will be producers of organic growth of global transformation. (02 Jan 2021)

Sankofa Educational Projects

Sankofa6 educational projects, that means go back to the roots. Hybrid of most efficient-pro-
ductive systems, flip classrooms and micro-climates, music for educators, things like that.
Creation of systems, which promote creativity and adaptivity, as most futuristic competency
where the focus is on developing the individual. We will emphasize more on the practicality
of the knowledge being shared and relevance to the environment. (02 Jan 2021)

Governance, Government and Leadership

For example, how many people have gone to school to learn the Art, Science and Technology
of Governance, that they are taught right from day one (1), from childhood? When it comes
to Governance these are the things to look for, as a citizen and somebody occupying any
office. How many of you went to schools like that? Even at the aspect of leadership, have you
been taught how to take responsibility anywhere you go? (02 Jan 2021)

Educational agendas to cover all the eight (8) gates of society

The time has come for educational agendas to cover all the eight (8) gates of society, so that
the focus will be such that, where people need to learn family life, they will be taught family
life. Educational curricula will address not only family life but also issues that have to do with
mind-set or mental infrastructure. There are people who are trying to manipulate people,
manipulating their mental infrastructure from the cloud, but God has come to release us
through our educational systems, so we will need to look at that very closely. That is the kind
of thing that God wants and God will help us develop such curricula. It will be an important
thing that everyone needs to have.

Content of such curricula: mental infrastructure in place, governance models, and the right
ones for the purpose of being able to meet the needs of people and empower people, make
them the best productive citizens. (02 Jan 2021)

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Things that have to do with the aspect of the economy - economic models, how to manage
resources. Even basic budgeting as a child - how to manage your money - if they give you
pocket money, how to manage it. Economy and development projects, children will be taught
at various levels, at the level they can understand. (02 Jan 2021)

Science and Technology

Every child will begin to discover new ways of doing things, new ways of making things.
Having understood first how things work, how the environment works, how to interact
effectively with the environment. (02 Jan 2021)

Education, Training and Development

What education is all about? Drawing out the best in man, meaning it will be so individual-
tailored, individualistic and at the same time corporate. So that whatever is the best in you,
that is to help for us to build our nation, build our corporate entity will be what we will
try and make sure is included. Educational curricula will be also personal and diverse; there
will be individuality, diversity, multiplicity of roles as against just conformity. (02 Jan 2021)

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Bees are going to be important in integrated agriculture. God is about to introduce new
technologies, where bees will be used by farmers to begin to see something at levels that they
have never seen before. (O8 Apr 2020)

Doing business God’s way

We are to do business God’s way. Make sure that you are standing right and are doing things
out of compassion, out of empathy with people. This is the season of renewal of covenant. I
saw new ways of doing business being unveiled to people. People were downloading so many
things, so fast and there were exponential growths that no one has ever dreamed of. There
were responses to many people that they ended up being baffled themselves as to the results
that they were experiencing. I saw recalibration economically. (08 Apr & 06 May 2020)

Africa and the Isaiah 19 high way nations

I see things popping up that have to do with the economy. (14 Oct 2020)

The transfer of wealth

The next six (6) to seven (7) months will be time for the release of abundance of wealth to
the Body of Christ. It is the time of transfer of wealth. (01 Dec 2020)

Abundance of fruitfulness, harvest

This is the year that you are going to see abundance of fruitfulness, harvest. Believe it or
not, even when you don’t have necessarily the best medium, though I will say - get the best
medium - because we will go into dense nutrient food production. (31 Dec 2020)

Predictions of famine, failure, crop failure and the way forward

Many predictions of famine, failure, crop failure, if the people of God will listen to God, this
is the year that we will be the hope for the world. Africa will be the one that will feed many

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nations, but it has to do with the people of God rising to do what He (God) asks them to
do. (31 Dec 2020)

Becoming a blessing to the world

It is not about me, it is about God and His purpose. So, our focus should be God. God is
going to choose some people in this place that will be a blessing to the world, but it is going
to take the fact that now it is not about me, it is about God. You will stop designating yourself
in terms of you are a millionaire, billionaire; that is for those who are counting. You will get
to a place where they won’t know what to call you. (31 Dec 2020)

Rapid strategic alliances

You should look for strategic alliances, because of what they have done over the years. In
case you have forgotten 1999 was the year they were talking of Y2K, and they had meant
to take over the world and they had told you that they were announcing the introduction
of the new world order. Some even gave that in their speeches. Somebody said ‘by 2000, I
will take over the world’ he is still struggling. Some are trying to use vaccines now and the
WHO, GAVI and all those. (31 Dec 2020)

No lone rangers
No lone rangers, less you end up being devoured as prey in the wild. The temptation will be
‘if some people are not coming along let’s forget them’ No. God will tell you who to partner
with, that is why it has to be strategic. (31 Dec 2020)

A year of 100-fold return

This is a year of 100-fold return in the same year unless it was not God I heard, if you will just
keep in step with the Spirit. Because of that, every debt will finally be settled. (03 Jan 2021)

Secret to discoveries
God told me to tell His people to start asking Him about things that He (God) made that
they don’t know about yet, that they are yet to discover. (01 Jan 2021)

The truth behind vaccines and the role of the body of Christ
These people planned this many years ago, they wanted to do it in 2000, it didn’t work.
They tried it in 2020 - it didn’t quite work. And they declared 2010 to 2020 the decade
of vaccines, it didn’t quite work but they developed quite a few things. And they began to
do their investments into vaccines and one of them in 2019 at the Davos World Economic

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Forum said if you invested ten billion dollars (US$ 10,000,000,000) you would get two-hun-
dred billions dollars (200,000,000,000) in return, because it would be twenty to one. The
tragedy is that the Body of Christ that is supposed to be the one in charge of the estate of
their Father, actually wants quick fixes, we are not taking our time to do some strategizing,
to think through everything and look at the best way to bring transformation, recovery and
restoration. But God has changed the narrative, and we are going to rise. The Body of Christ
is arising and we are shining for our light has come and the glory of God is risen upon us,
though darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people, the Lord has risen over us,
His glory shall be seen over our lives in the name of the Lord Jesus. (02 Jan 2021)

This is the year to do something about agriculture. In terms of agriculture, God will help us
with agricultural projects; and products that will help us to produce nutrient-dense foods
that will include animals and plants. We will end up consistently and systematically creating
agri-business companies that He (God) will raise through His people. Even if you are not
into agriculture, if possible, plant something in your backyard. You will thank God for my
life when the time comes that you need it. Learn different ways of farming including vertical
ways of farming. Compost things and all the other things because what the enemy will try
to do this year is to collapse the economy of the world. For those in leadership, especially on
the continent of Africa, [remember, the sons of the wicked] (they) want to collapse every-
thing - [you must rise to the occasion, as true preservers of the breath of humanity]. (02 &
03 Jan 2021)

The plan of the enemy to neutralise economies and the role of the Body of Christ
This is the year the enemy has meant by April, latest June to neutralise economies and come
out with the one world currency. That is the reason behind the crypto currency revolutions,
digital currencies, the various governments have meant to implement. If the Body of Christ
will rise and do what we are supposed to do, even if they try, it will not work fully.
That is why they are doing everything to have you become like a moving machine for them.
Many people are talking about 5G, 6G that has already been tested as far back as December
2017 openly, then some people started using 8G and 10G for the Internet service long ago.
What you need is what you can use to deal with whatever they are bringing.
They want to put an end to sovereignty of currencies, then once they withdraw your
currency, you don’t have sovereignty any more. It is their currency that they will be using

and you will have no choice but to use their currency. But the Lord Himself will defend His
cause over His inheritance, especially on the continent of Africa in the name of the Lord
Jesus. Does it mean we should have nothing to do with digital currency? I didn’t say that. I
am just saying that is part of their plans, so you will end up with that level of control where
everything is being controlled from a central place and if they say that all that you have in
your account is wiped out, then it is wiped out and then you have to come to them. During
the lock down, quite a number of companies collapsed. After that it is the government that
is supposed to be giving you some things.
China has already started - they are hoping that by the middle of the year there will no
longer be notes and coins. The reason why they even tested the vaccine instigator called
coronavirus in Wuhan is because that is a controlled environment, controlled economy,
controlled government system that controls their citizens. So, they will see how it works in
a controlled environment, because they want to control the world. In the same vein they are
trying the aspect of the digitization and digitalization.
All the scientists and technologists in the Body of Christ need to rise up and step up to
the plate and ask God questions and download specific things that will counter these things.
We are not saying the time will not come for the world order but it is not time now, there is
the final harvest first. (02 Jan 2021)

Being timely, timeous and consistent

Being timely, timeous in your dealings will also be an important thing that you need to do.
Some of us have been failing the standards in terms of timing; it is not because we have not
moved but it is the timing, and timing is key. [This is] very important and consistency is
also very important. (03 Jan 2021)

Assurance of streams of income

God is going to show you many streams of income; certain families will have between twen-
ty-one (21) and forty-nine (49) streams of income by the end of the year if you get it right.
(09 Jan 2021)

Love, the mindset in business

If you don’t have the mindset of love, forget all the things that you are talking about. If you
don’t do business out of love for what you want to accomplish in the lives of people, love
for God and love for the people, forget it. It is just a matter of time; you will fail. The world
system is to be in a competition, and when you are in a competition you want to outdo each

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other. But God says, let there be cooperation. That is why even the world right now has
changed from competition to co-petition. How many believers do you know that are actually
partners? Do you know up to 10% of the believers you know, wherever you are [located], in a
love partnership for their businesses? It is a shame; it is unfortunate that we the believers are
the last to come together… in the book of Acts 2: 44 [All who believed were together, and
had all things in common]. You do business because of God, as you are deputizing for him.
Whatever you are doing becomes a receptacle and platform for God, a platform of expression,
so that God can show Himself Mighty on your behalf; He says He will put you on display
as part of the jewels in His crown [Zechariah 9:16]. Don’t let the darkness of position and
possession blind you. (09 Jan 2021)

The way to be the best in your field of expertise

You cannot be the best businessman/woman if you don’t love your customers. You can’t be
the best broadcaster if you don’t love the people you are broadcasting to. You can’t be the
best pastor if you don’t love the people God has made you under-shepherd over. You cannot
be a successful politician if you do not love the people. You cannot be a successful teacher
if you do not love the students. After all it is not about the people, it is about God, so you
do it as unto the Lord. If that person you are going to do whatever for, was God standing in
front of you, how would you do it? That’s the way God wants you to do it. (09 Jan 2021)

New ways of doing business

One of the things you are going to see this year 2021, is new ways of doing business. God is
going to show you some very simple ways to go about things that will produce more results
than any other way. It is very important, if we don’t get that, we could actually end up missing
God. God wants some of us to get to the place where whatever we have known in the past
will look like nothing compared to what He is about to reveal to us, so that strategic moves
in the work of our hands, in our endeavours in life will be such that we will say: “No man
could have thought of it this way, it has to be God.”
God will help you with the right moves in your business, in the work of your hands, in your
endeavours in life; because this is the year of that level of strategic operations and as a result stra-
tegic co-operation. You need to ask God how to go about it, because sometimes there might be
someone who does not look like the most important person, he might be the Egyptian servant
that you need. That servant became the key for David, yes David enquired of God but only

God knows who might be that particular piece of the puzzle you need, that human being. There
is one man/woman, boy/girl that you might need, that strategic key to finally break through.
So, make sure that you are asking God, and don’t look at things with your natural eyes,
because the Kingdom of God does not come by observation; say not here it is, there it is.
Sometimes, we end up observing and saying “oh this one is loaded with money, he can help
me” it might not be that person. The piece you need has nothing to do with money, it might
be something else that will actually make that person you are looking up to look like a small
boy, that he/she will rather come to look for you thereafter. (09 Jan 2021)

Antidote to the world, the New World Order, the New Economic Order
There are things that had been planned by the world, the New World Order [NWO], the New
International Economic Order [NIEO]; that is the reason why even for ways of trading in
the area of the economy, you need to look for creative ways of transacting business including
mediums of exchange. If you leave everything just to money, you will end up being controlled
by mammon and that is what has happened. That is why if you didn’t understand anything in
2020, that was what God was shaking; that your reliance, faith and dependency on mammon
will be shaken. For 2021, God wants us to come with creative ways of beginning to transact
business with Him and with one another. Money as a medium of exchange is good but not
nominal money, which is what we seem to have used. What will be the medium of exchange?
What will be that store of value? What will be that particular standard of measure that you
will need to use? Those are the ones that are necessary, that we should look at. (09 Jan 2021)

Investing in the welfare of man

Those who will be concerned about human welfare are going to make it big time. God will
prosper all that has to do with the welfare of man. God will begin to fight anything that will
undermine the welfare of man. (09 Jan 2021)

Get your receptacle(s) ready

God wants you to present a receptacle, because the blessing will make the thing prosper. In
case you are waiting for something new, it might be something God has already laid on your
heart, but you were waiting until certain things could all be gathered; start, start somewhere
- that work, start now. It is time to buy lands, have cattle. (17 Jan 2021)

98 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Key to success
After the declaration or prayer, walk the talk, move. “Success or genius is 1% inspiration, but
99% perspiration” – Thomas Edison. It doesn’t matter how much knowledge you have, it is
action that will succeed, not your knowledge. It is when you have worked and there is more
than enough now, and you have storehouses then the LORD will command his blessing.
From today, stop praying for blessing, pray for divine enablement and begin to operate there;
then the blessing will automatically come. I didn’t say you should not cause the LORD to
be relied upon; get the difference.
Question: What was the last instruction that the Lord gave you concerning your home,
business, ministry, trip, spouse, parents, children, siblings, etc? It is obedience to the instruc-
tion that will bring the prosperity, the wealth, that level of honour, glory, blessing, power,
wealth, wisdom and strength. (17 Jan 2021)

e C o N o M Y A N D D e V e lo P M e N t P R oJ e C t s 99

Cultural changes
I see many changes coming in many cultures for the sake of unleashing the youths and the
children. NB: There is a seat reserved for you for this time and season. Take your seat in the
realm of the spirit, soul and the various areas that God ordained for you to take. (06 May

Convergence of ancient and new technologies

This is the time of the convergence of ancient and new technologies in music for example,
but in the arts in general. This is the time to ask God to show you some ancient technologies
that have not been discovered that will be necessary for now. Proverbs 22:28, Jeremiah 18:15
(01 Jan 2021)

Certain technologies in music – not only in terms of sounds, because there are new sounds
that you are going to hear that you never heard before – but technologies in music produc-
tions, technologies that God will begin to open up to people that had never been discovered
but it is the people of God that have to receive that. (01 Jan 2021)

Music therapy
When it comes to music therapy, there will be new ways that God will give you. Not only
the key of David, but various specific keys that will automatically cause certain types of
pathogens to literally disappear. (01 Jan 2021)

New breed of singers and new beats of music

I see [pause all the other things that will come] verses that will be flowing out of the mouths
of certain people, they are not verses that they are singing, they are being spoken and people
will wonder “how did they put that together and everything is rhythmic?” It will be the Lord’s

100 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
doing and it is marvellous in the eyes of people. Not only that, I [also] see some people that
God is raising from the place of not having the voice that they could really say that they
could sing, but just making a joyful noise. Some of them are now going to become the best
singers. There will be new beats of music that have to do with certain movements of body
(dance, drama). (01 Jan 2021)

Secret to discovering new things

The secret to knowing more is to ask questions. The more inquisitive, curious you become,
the more influential, impactful you become in God, in life, in your season, generation, in
history. We have the example of the curious prophet Zachariah. Look for questions and you
will see the answers. From today begin to ask questions; that is how you will end up with the
type of technologies that God is talking about. Even when it comes to painting, drawing,
there are things that God wants you to learn. Show me anybody who is an artist who doesn’t
observe nature, I will tell you that that person is a bankrupt artist. (01 Jan 2021)

A RTS , S P O R TS and C ULTU R A L D E V ELO P M E N T  101


Counterattack to evil technologies

God is about to unfurl like a banner of technology that will be a shield against other destruc-
tive technologies. (O8 Apr 2020) God will show His people what to do to counterattack
what the enemy has been working on the past thirty (30) to fifty (50) years; because I see
something that has been prepared during the past thirty (30) to fifty (50) years that God
is going to make them lose all the ground that they have gained. God is about to open the
eyes of His people to see the antidotes to various things that they are trying to push, even
the necessary viable alternatives to vaccines. (07 Dec 2020)

Solutions from the Body of Christ

The sons of the wicked want to provide a solution that enables them to control the world
but God is going to show them that He (God) is wiser and stronger than them because He
(God) is going to give solutions that will be more sustainable through the Body of Christ.
(O8 April 2020)

Holistic medical practice

Medical practice is now becoming more holistic (holistic approach to health restoration
delivery). (O8 Apr 2020)

Warning against takers of adrenochrome 7

The takers of adrenochrome will take their own blood. Children disappear because you want
fresh blood to exchange your life with theirs, God will expose you and make you dry up like
a tree if you don’t stop. (O8 Apr 2020)

7 Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of
adrenaline (epinephrine). Chemical formula: C9H9NO3

102 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
New discoveries
In the next three (3) years, there will be so many new discoveries like a discovery and down-
load galore, such that people will say: “how come we never thought of this?” It will be the
operations of the spirit of revelation knowledge. I see the manifestation of the sevenfold spirits
of God upon the continent of Africa, in Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei and
India. India is about to recover lost grounds. (01 Nov 2020)

Restoration of abandoned things

Things that were abandoned are being restored. Farming methods are being restored in Africa,
South America, the Caribbean and North America where things the Red Indians were doing
before they were killed by the immigrants who invaded their lands are about to be restored.
There will be so much restoration. Within the next three (3) years, the world will come to
the point where they will say: “this is the only way to go otherwise, we would self-destruct”.
I declare that released into manifestation. (01 Nov 2020)

Warning against evil programmers

If you are one of those planning using all kinds of programming: all the monarch program-
ming, moraya, including psychographic predictive programming. And those of you that met

S C I E N C E and TE C H N OLO GY   103

on 21st of December 2020 - hear the word of the Lord: You have to repent, if you do not,
you are going to be one of the casualties. What they thought will be perpetuated for their
own ends will not be, because God told me something that He (God) will be doing for the
next fifty (50) months and that is how they will be beaten back. (31 Dec 2020)

Covid-19 and the attitude to be observed

I am not saying now that, go and be careless because it is not about coronavirus. There are
other sicknesses and diseases, viruses, pathogens that hygiene is to be observed to avoid them.
Do whatever is good to do; but it shouldn’t be that you are operating in fear, panic, hysteria
and all the other things that we are being fed. (31 Dec 2020)

Judgment against Big Pharma and fertilizer giants

God will begin to judge the Big Pharma and fertilizer giants for a window of about five (5)
years. NB: if I were you, I would create alternatives. (08 Dec 2020)

Music and traditional therapies

It will be important that we have music and traditional therapies. (02 Jan 2021)

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Kingdom academy of sciences
This is the time for Kingdom Academy of Sciences made up of Arts Science and Technology.
(02 Jan 2021)

We need to give attention to energy where God will begin to show us how to have unlimited
energy in many respects, including that which has to do with biomass - on grid and off grid
models that He (God) will show. (02 Jan 2021)

Beautetics and Cosmetology

It is will be important in Beautetics and Cosmetology to make healthy edible cosmetics. That
what you apply will be something that you can eat - that is one. Two, they will be healthy;
they will be both medicinal and otherwise - health-driven toiletries. (02 Jan 2021)

Strategic minerals
It will be important to look at the area of strategic minerals, especially those that will aid
agricultural productivity. It is because you will need such an abundance of harvests this year
to be able to stem the tide of all the famines people are proclaiming into the world, some by

S C I E N C E and TE C H N OLO GY   105

design through the lock downs. Those minerals have to do with things like lime, rock dust
and all the others that are used. (02 Jan 2021)

Precious metals and stones

Ask God to show you areas of precious metals and stones because they will be important in
this season. (02 Jan 2021)

Word for Bill Gates and others

Bill Gates, you were speaking on YouTube, and saying things like “we are trying to help
humanity, to save humanity”. Who are you? Are you God? When did you become God? You
don’t have what it takes to save humanity. If you try to put yourself in the pathway of God,
God will deal with you. I am speaking as one that is a mouthpiece of the Most-High God, you
don’t have what it takes to now say you are the one to save humanity. Who are you? Who do
you think you are? You don’t have what it takes, God is the only one that can save mankind.
Did you create anybody? Can you even save yourself? Can you save your wife and children?
Hear the word of the Lord, if you stand on the way of the Lord, the Lord Himself will
judge you. It is not time for people to come and try to become God. Who made you God?
All these things about trying to force things down the throats of people in Africa. Anyone

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that will arise because of Isaiah 19:23-25, God Himself will arise and fight. As we speak,
the angels have heard the words, they are going to work. Every other person, including the
Soroses of this world and others, let them know that there is a God who is sovereign over
the affaires of men. (02 Jan 2021)

Water production projects

Listen to God, and He will show you what to do, and various things that are supposed to be
done to help with the body to really become what it should be. For African governments and
other governments, especially in the developing world, this is the time to give attention to
village water and agricultural water solutions. Water supply generally, yes. But village water,
where you don’t need to just depend on boreholes, God will show you what to do. And vil-
lagers will show you certain plants that you can use to purify the water. (02 Jan 2021)

COVID 19 and the lock downs

It is important for governments not to go into lock down, unless it is clear that that is the
only way out, and there are many ways out. Even in terms of solutions, there many solutions
that people know and some of them are already well known. Some of them are even three
(3), four (4) weeks old because some of you have seen the Senate’s hearing of one of those

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scientists in the United States of America where he talked about Ivermectin and all of those
being very useful; he even called it miraculous. Some even have produced solutions along
with vitamin C, Zinc and D3, all that combined and they are already selling them. It is time
for government to think of prophylactics. We are far from the oppression of the vaccines and
the globalists’ attacks. (02 Jan 2021)

Waiting on the Lord for the way forward

As many as are ready to wait on the Lord, He (God) will show them specific things to do,
not only as it pertains to agriculture and agricultural technologies, bio-technology and other
kinds of technology including that which has to do with bio-warfare and technological warfare
in general as well as how to have the answer to logic bombs. (03 Jan 2021)

Scientific confrontations
I want you to look out for the next 2 to 3 months there will be a lot of confrontations scien-
tifically because of the exposures that will come. All the false science will be shown for what
it is, cooked up results will begin to be found, if you hear scandals upon scandals, it is all
part of what God is doing. (10 Jan 2021)

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Advice to Scientists and Technologists
Scientists and Technologists. It is time to go into the secret place of the Most High, He will
show you solutions that will last generations. For our scientists, wherever you are, just get
in touch with us and we will see how best to call you for a private meeting; that will be the
beginning of solutions for the world because they are planning to destroy a lot of things using
science and technology, but God has a solution already. (17 Jan 2021)

Back to the roots

God is taking us back to the roots, and we will discover how to package things that were local
and they will become solutions worldwide. Just like it has happened with moringa oleifera,
it is going to happen much more with some of the things that are even more exclusively ours.
For example, miraculin in West Africa; it does not do well everywhere else, people have tried
to do it in Japan, Florida and California in the USA, and they have testified that it is not the
same as the one here, because the original is here. When it is God, it is God; there will be
solutions that God will show and there are some that we have already seen. (17 Jan 2021)

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M edia of communication Will become a very key gate this year and that is why the
people of God need to come together and get thgs right. (02 Jan 2021)

Prophetic and apostolic media practitioners

There will be prophetic and apostolic media practitioners. The prophetic will see things
ahead of time and the apostolic in laying new foundations for the way things should be done.
Prophetic directions and apostolic patterns. (06 May 2020)

110 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Exposure in the Media of Communications
There are certain media of communication so-called tycoons, heavyweights that are about to
be exposed for who they really are, and they will lose that influence within the next fifteen
(15) months. (17 Oct 2020)

Societal concretization
We thank You (God), because the Media of Communication would begin societal concreti-
zation that would say, it is a “Back to God Movement”, “Back to the Garden Movement” or
“Back to the Original Foundation for Mankind”. You will cause an Agricultural Revolution
to sweep through like a mighty wind. I see that revival within the next year to three years.
(01 Nov 2020)

Information dissemination
Information dissemination has to become more effective and most strategic, more targeted.
When it comes to information dissemination, we have to look for ways of ensuring we don’t
end up with all kinds of filters where people misconstrue whatever it is and then dish it out
there. (02 Jan 2021)

A call to Media of Communications practitioners

There will be the need for specific projects, everyone that God has spoken to in the area of
Media of Communication needs to rise at this particular point in time, because there has
been so much lying, falsehood and deception that has been spewed out there; that God is
nauseated and He (God) is asking: ‘where are my people?’ It is time for His people to rise;
there are a few people that have tried to rise, to even bring alternatives to social media. But
God wants the release of the expression of Psalms 68:11. This is the season for Psalms 68:11
to become a reality in every sense of the word; that everyone will begin to see that in expres-
sion and manifestation. (02 Jan 2021)

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The rise of Devorahs and Esthers
There will be women that will become like Devorahs and Esthers in many nations and will
rise. Where men do not rise, God will raise women in the next two (2) maximum three (3)
years, you will see women that will rise and speak. More Devorahs and Esthers will rise for
the salvation of the people. (02 Jan 2021)

Viable alternatives
God will begin to provide viable alternatives to the dominators of the current Media of
Communications landscape. Further exposures will be observed. (02 Jan 2021)


09 Jan 2021: A triumphant family

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh
manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14 KJV)

Thanks (Grace, Charis) be unto God, our response to the outpouring of His blessing that
we do not even merit. Our response to His giving us everything that is necessary to live
life according to His original design and desire be unto Him, that is what we are saying.
Your focus must be on God, and you must also remember that you are not the one making

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yourself. It is the Lord who causes you to triumph in Christ Jesus. It is time more than ever
before to rely on God, more than relying on selves. We talk about the triumphant family,
business, and mindset.

The mindset to have

In terms of the kind of mindset that you should have, it should be that “it doesn’t matter what
comes up against me, because it is not about me. It is about God; then it will not defeat me,
it will be defeated because of the God that is in me. Greater is He that is in me than he that
is in the world, for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that
overcomes the world, even our faith (1 John 5:4, 14-15). Never think that once you have
prayed then it has to be your way, no it has to be His way. Let there be that kind of mindset
that makes you rely on God with that level of confidence in God so that you will begin to
experience the reality that He is in charge.
Some of you may say that this is basic, exactly because God says this is the year of going
back to the roots, to Genesis. Your understanding should be: “what is God talking about
when He says we should ask everything according to His will?” It means when it comes to
my life, I want His will not what I want. If it comes to my marriage, I want His will, not
what I want. If it comes to the business, the work of my hands, I want His will… Lord what
will you have me do? What next? Where are we going next? Because there is a tendency to
actually want to deify the work of your hands, or the results.

The attitude to have with God’s blessing

If you really want to see God at work where He will pour so much blessings that you will not
have room for it, because He did say this year will be the year of unprecedented levels of harvest,
recovery, restoration of all lost grounds etc. Yes, but don’t end up with your success destroying
you, because success could be more of a danger than even failure. Because there is a tendency
to quickly go to God when you fail but when you seem to succeed it’s a different story.

Our love for God and for one another

1 Corinthians 8:1-3 cf. 1 John 4:20-21
The danger of knowledge is that it puffs up. We are about to enter a certain place of unprec-
edented level of outpouring of downloads from God but if you are not watchful, that could
be your undoing. Even in terms of strategies for business, the works of your hands, ministry,
wealth, may that not be your case in the name of the Lord Jesus. You are only known by God
when you love Him, otherwise forget it.

M E D I A O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N   113
Question: How would I know that I love God?
Answer: 1 John 4:20-21. If you don’t love your brother/sister the way you love God, you are
a liar.

Questions: Why are you doing the business that you are doing? Why are you in the employ-
ment that you are in? Why are you doing the job that you are doing? Why are you serving
where you are serving?
Answers: Is it because you want to please God and you love the people, you want to serve the
people to empower them or is it about rather trying to do something for yourself?

If you don’t serve the Lord for who He is, you don’t know how to love the Lord, and love
your brother/sister like never before; then you have missed it. John 13:34-35 cf. 1 John 4:7-8,
1 John 2:8-15.
Loving each other is not a choice; it is a must unless you want to disobey God. If you
want to love God, there is a way God wants you to love your fellow brother/sister. How did
Jesus love? He loved by laying down His life for others. It is not how much knowledge you
have. It is not how many demons you cast out. It is not how much spiritual power that you
have. It is not how many prophetic assignments you have done. It is not how many places
you visited on earth. It is about this one thing - LOVE.

He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with
all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)

Remember if you don’t love the brother/sister you see, you are a liar, you cannot say: “I love
God”. Loving God with all your heart means you actually love God so passionately that you
want to obey and do His will, and His will has also to do with His purpose for your life;
everything that He wants you to accomplish that He sent you on earth to do. It requires your
knowing His will for your life and discovering His purpose for your life, and as you do that,
ensuring that every affection, everything that the heart represents as the one that is the seat
of administration of your soul, whatever the heart represents, you will be giving your love
to God. Meaning, you would pursue His purpose for your life with everything you have got
- with your emotion, will, intellect, conscience, disposition, worldview, mentality/mindset,
perception, understanding, relational skills. Each time you will be evaluating them in the
light of how they are enhancing your fulfilling the will of God, your serving God’s purpose
for your life. Acts 13:22, 36. What is God’s testimony about you? One of the greatest dangers

114   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
is becoming an Aaron. Whether you are a businessman, politician or whoever you are, love
the Lord with all your heart. Find the purpose for God sending you there into what you are
doing, in that activity, that particular pursuit and make sure everything is being aligned and
channelled to fulfil that.
• Loving God with all your soul means to bring your uniqueness to bear, to ensure that
you fulfil God’s purpose
• Loving God with all your strength means to make sure that what you eat, drink, wear,
your exercises, your fitness level - the hard work you put in - is all geared towards fulfilling
God’s purpose
• Loving God with all your mind means the ability to develop structures and systems to
fulfil God’s purpose
• Loving your neighbour as yourself means to help him/her love God with his/her heart,
soul, strength and mind

If I were you, I would say: “I am a passionate lover of God, therefore I am a passionate lover
of the brethren” in the name of the Lord Jesus!

Expressing the fruit of the Spirit

Have you noticed that quite a number of believers are not as kind as they should be? That
is a fallacy of contradiction. How can you be a believer and not be kind? Whom are you
believing in? You believe in God yet you are not kind? Have you noticed that people seem
to be least kind when it comes to politics?
I don’t understand why we are not good to each other as believers. Who should be doing
better? Is it not the sons of God? Are you not supposed to be godly? Are you not supposed
to be God-like? Are you not supposed to have the nature, function, character of God? And
it should not only be to those in the household of God. He says we should actually be kind
to each other, but especially to those of the household of faith; meaning it should be to every
human being, but especially to other believers.
Everyone needs to be found faithful. We actually think that about God and we sing about
Him., It is true that He is faithful but He is saying “a faithful man who can find?”

What impresses God

God is not impressed with your gifts; He is impressed with your love. You will only impress
God by the level of fruitfulness in the spirit, soul, physical that we see in your life. The fruit

M E D I A O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N   115
of your spirit is a result of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, and the first thing that
covers all the other components of that one fruit is the skin. And that skin is called LOVE.

10 Jan 2021: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – A triumphant family

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ and through us diffuses
the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV)

Every family member will carry the fragrance of God in the name of the Lord Jesus. Let the
original fragrance that is put in there by God begin to come forth, that God meant for your
family to carry, today I declare it activated. Let every family member that is meant to be a
thought leader, a community champion, an opinion leader; begin to carry the fragrance of
the mind of Christ into those think-tank meetings, those strategic meetings. I declare from
today the release of the glory of God like never before.
I declare every family member that is supposed to carry that sweet fragrance into the area
of governance shall not be kept out in the name of the Lord Jesus. Right from the cradle
you will end up being one that is already beginning to see things in the Spirit that have to
do with governance, by the time you start walking you will be able to talk about governance

116   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
with such wisdom that people will wonder “where is this coming from?” In the name of the
Lord Jesus. By the time you come to the place of bar-mitzvah you will end up being one like
Jesus at twelve (12) being able to speak to the Sanhedrin and they are wondering where you
got the wisdom from, I release that in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I declare from this day not only will you deal with political leaders but economic leaders,
from today the fragrance you must carry to the economy I declare activated in you right now
as a family member in the name of the Lord Jesus. I declare every family redemptive gift,
and the redemptive gifts of the individuals within the family will be outdoors from today.
We call it forth, we declare it sharpened, we declare it deployed, we declare it lands on target
and it will accomplish the desired end result from the Most-High God in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
We declare the fragrance you must carry as a member of the family into the area of Edu-
cation, Training and Development, today you will carry it in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Every family that has the redemptive gift of Education, Training and Development, today
be activated in the name of Jesus, and individuals within families that might not necessarily
have that as a redemptive gift for the entire family, but has that redemptive gift we activate
you right now. We say “you will carry the fragrance of the development of nations through
Education, Training and Development” in the name of the Lord Jesus.
We declare every family member that is meant to carry the fragrance into the area of Science
and Technology you receive the necessary know-how scientifically to solve all the difficult
problems with such simplicity in the name of the Lord Jesus because it will be downloaded
directly from God. In the name of the Lord Jesus.
I declare from today every family member that is supposed to carry the sweet fragrance
into other areas like the Media of Communication, from today you will be the one that will
bring sanity back; by falsehood and deception shall no man prevail anymore. Falsehood in
the Media of Communication from today we declare all exposed, in the name of the Lord
Jesus, let the fragrance be brought in there.
Every family member that is supposed to bring the fragrance in the area of the Arts, Sports
and Cultural Development, today you receive the ability in the name of the Lord Jesus. We
release our designers, sports men and women, painters, artists, musicians, composers, singers,
instrumentalists. We release every art including the dancers, the dramatists. We release them,
come forth from the families in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
We give You praise and glory O LORD, because we know it is done.

M E D I A O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N   117
Then I looked, and, behold, in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims
there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a
throne. And he spake unto the man clothed with linen, and said, Go in between the wheels,
even under the cherub, and fill thine hand with coals of fire from between the cherubims,
and scatter them over the city. And he went in in my sight. Now the cherubims stood on
the right side of the house, when the man went in; and the cloud filled the inner court.
 (Ezekiel 10:1-3)

You can dwell in the secret place but others outside might just see a cloud. People will tremble
in their souls.

16 Jan 2021: Numbers 6: 24-26 – The blessing of the Lord

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy
way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise
thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for
thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. Let the
people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her
increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends
of the earth shall fear him. (Psalm 67)8

God be merciful to us and bless us means everything that...

The blessing of the Lord is the good will of the Lord toward you. The blessing is not lim-
ited to things, positions, possessions, but all these follow His blessing. The blessing of the
Lord makes wealthy. When God causes His face to shine upon you then automatically you
will have peace. Numbers 6:24-26 – proclaim this scripture over your family and the work
of your hands for one week from this very day [16-01-2021]
All nations are all identifiable groups. The salvation of the Lord is coming to all nations.
When you are glad, sometimes you don’t realise you are singing and that is what is going to
happen to nations.
God’s judgment is about to be seen in the earth and that is going to happen very soon.
When we say God is coming, He is not leaving His throne in heaven, He is coming through
you. That is the reason why when God is going to judge, He is going to use His people to
govern the nations on earth. Even in the area of the economy or thought patterns, we are
going to mould the thinking of people from now on. Hitherto there were people who were

118   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
framing your thinking in a certain pattern and you just obeyed and became like dumb sheep
being led to the slaughter. If they say everybody mandatory you must take vaccines, in spite of
the fact that the vaccines up to today are not fool proof, and I challenge anybody to show me
where they have been able to follow children through for twenty (20) years after vaccinating
them and the ones that were not vaccinated because they were in some bush or village, and
by comparison saw that those vaccinated lived much longer than the non-vaccinated. Me, I
am a village boy; in our village we didn’t get vaccination. Smallpox came and within a week
all those things ended up leaving. I don’t know maybe there were some people who ended
up dying, but I didn’t see one. I am not saying: “don’t get medical care, or whatever”. What I
am saying is that sometimes the things we have given to vaccinations actually came because
of better dietary practices, better lifestyle, and greater knowledge; you were drinking cleaner
water... Have you noticed that people in the villages don’t get as sick as people in the cities?
Those of you that have been over-industrialised, please go ahead and do your own thing, but
don’t bring it to some of our villages.
The Lord will govern the nation in the area of family life, He will govern using the struc-
ture and the system of the family that is kingdom based, that is heavenly. He will govern the
nations using the mind of Christ, He will govern the nations using the economy.
This is the time that people ought to be praising God. This year the earth will yield its
increase and that is why everything the Lord gives you, you need to take a part of it as praise
and thanksgiving to God. If I were you, I would want to give it all to Him and say “Lord,
which one do you want to apply here, and apply there?” so that even the things you buy for
yourself will be what He will say “I am giving this to you out of that.”

Until the blessing of the Lord in your life makes the ends of the earth fear Him, it is
not good enough yet. Receive that level of blessing in expression.

A Song of Praise to God Coming in Judgment O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing
unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the Lord, bless his name; shew forth his salvation
from day to day. Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. For
the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods
of the nations are idols: but the Lord made the heavens. Honour and majesty are before
him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary. Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the
people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his
name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. O worship the Lord in the beauty of

M E D I A O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N   119
holiness: fear before him, all the earth. Say among the heathen that the Lord reigneth: the
world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righ-
teously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fulness
thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood
rejoice. Before the Lord: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge
the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth. (Psalm 96)9

This is the year that God will confront the lies of the dragon, men and the world system
with His truth.
Praise for the Lord’s Mercies (Psalm 103)10

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul: means bless the LORD, O my emotions, will, intellect, con-
science, disposition, worldview, mentality/mindset, perception, understanding, relational
skills, and relationships.
And all that is within me: means whatever is within you is supposed to bless the LORD,
that means it includes your thoughts because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth
speaks, the ears interpret and the eyes see and interpret and the hands and feet move. All that
is within you will lead you to the right places.
And forget not all His benefits: just recount all the benefits that you have enjoyed. In case
you don’t remember His benefits, the first thing is “He forgives all iniquity”. In the record
of heaven, you have not sinned this year.
There will be debts in the nations that will be cancelled and they will not be able to con-
trol those nations. For the last three (3) year, God said we should buy gold; most of you did
not take it seriously. If you did you would have multiplied it by at least five (5) times now.
Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies: it means you are going to be
crowned, that is how you are going to reign with lovingkindness and tender mercies. You
will end up being the expression of the goodness and kindness of God.

9 Psalm 96:3 Gentiles

Psalm 96:7 Ascribe
Psalm 96:8 Ascribe
Psalm 96:10 Gentiles
Psalm 96:10 shaken
Psalm 96:11 all that is in it
10 Psalm 103:14 Understands our constitution
Psalm 103:16 not
Psalm 103:21 servants

120   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
Who satisfies your mouth with good things: Lord satisfy the mouths of your people and
nations and deliver them from thinking just about food. It means the right word, direction,
and the right kind of laws, so fill our mouths with what is most strategic. (Psalm 108)11
Let the dawn meet you singing. Our nations will praise You amongst other nations.

17 Jan 2021: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – A triumphant family

A triumphant family is not a sinless perfect family, because I am yet to see a family like that.
For example, the Adam family loved to have children and yet one killed the other! That
didn’t change the fact that God made them triumphant; that is why there was a Seth that
made the difference and there will be a Seth in your own family too. Jesus came through
the most complicated family background. From today everyone that has spoken about your
family being the worst family in the world, repent and declare “my family is a blessing, from
today our family is a blessing, every member of the family is a blessing including those that
seemingly have been deviant it is just for a short while and they are restored like it was with
the prodigal son in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

Genesis 12:1-3
Question: What is the blessing of the LORD?
Answer: The blessing of the LORD is not wealth, riches, positions, possessions. The blessing
of the LORD is what brings all these things into being. The blessing of the LORD is His
Goodwill, which makes you wealthy, rich, influential. The blessing of the LORD brings
impact through your life, it gets you connected; it networks with other blessings... The blessing
of the LORD makes you a blessing, until you become a blessing you are not blessed, your
blessing is still not at the level that God ordained it to be.

The easiest way to bless nations is to proclaim with meaning Numbers 6:24-26

Numbers 6:24
Question: What does it mean to say the LORD bless you and keep you?
Answer: Ephesians 1:3, the blessing of the LORD includes everything mentioned in Deu-
teronomy 18:2-13

When the Lord keeps you, it means He is your shade at your right hand.

11 Psalm 108:4 skies

Psalm 108:6 Lit. answer
Psalm 108:8 Lit. protection

M E D I A O F C O M M U N I C AT I O N   121
The LORD’s blessing commanded for nations.
Question: What are nations?
Answer: nations are not countries; nations are people (Acts 17:26). Men are the nations, but
the inheritance of the nation according to Deuteronomy 32:8 is lands and countries with
boundaries. For example, you can have the nation of Nigeria all over the world, but there is
only one country that is the inheritance of that nation that is called the country of Nigeria.
See Deuteronomy 28:1-14.

To see the expression of the blessing of God in your life you have to be diligent in obedience.
Consistency is key in your obedience to God and His word.
It is the blessing that makes wealthy. Does the making not require any effort? There is effort
involved. Let me see anybody in the world that has made it in life that did not do any work.
When you are trained, helped, led by the best in your business for example, you say: “by
the grace of God, I am what I am today because I was trained by the best.” Even Paul said
“I studied under Gamaliel” Now the very best of the very best is the Lord God Himself, and
He is giving you instructions, obey.
Deuteronomy 28:3, means there was a locational blessing. Elijah, go to the brook Cherith
for I commanded the ravens to feed you there (1 Kings 17:2-5). So, every location has the allo-
cation for that location; mind you each time it wasn’t because Elijah didn’t have food to eat.
It was in a transition period just like this transition period that we are in. From today, because
you obey God even the seemingly impossible will be done by you, the people who are least
expected to do it. Did Elijah know the ravens? When the allocation was exhausted, God
said: “move to the next location . . . This time I commanded a widow” (1 Kings 17:7-24).
Blessed shall be the fruit of your body: Because you are using the allocation, it will be
fruitful in your body and the works of your hands. The fruit of your body means every part
of your body including the fruit of your tongue - death and life are in the power of your
tongue [Proverbs 18:21]).
The fruit of your body will also make the location fruitful - the produce of your ground
and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.
Sonship has to do with maturity, it has nothing to do with gender. Become a son [that
builds] because you don’t give an inheritance to someone who does not build, but depletes
it; nobody does that and God is certainly wiser than everybody else.
NB: Live [and work] as though today is your last day, but [plan the] work as though you
have 100 years that you are laying a foundation for.

122   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

T his Book Would not be possible without our Father, God, who helped immensely to
bring this document to fruition.
We recognize God’s vessel and mouthpiece, Dr. Abu Bako, for his faithfulness, dedication
and consistency every year.
We acknowledge all those who contributed through the production of visual and audio
recordings. We recognize the efforts of all those who passionately contributed through the
production of transcripts from these audio-visual materials. We acknowledge those who
coordinated different activities to make this document possible.
We thank those who donated in various forms to make this final product.
Finally, we thank you, dear reader.

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God and Father of us all, who has
made this project and others possible, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
(1 Timothy 1:17)

Aka Konin

ACKNoWleDGMeNts 123

Previous Prophecy Directives

The Prophecy Directives magazines are released yearly to give directives and directions about
what is awaiting us in the present and near future seasons.

124 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

Publications of Dr. Abu Bako

We are in a strategic time and season therefore we all need tools to navigate through life. Each
person is born a success but most often happenstance makes you think or feel otherwise.
We all came from the Light and need to understand how to operate as light in life.
Abu Bako’s books and teachings are going to unveil to you your real identity and how to
live a victorious life influencing and impacting your generation and the entire universe at
large. You may have unanswered life’s questions, or still be asleep as opposed to having a life
fully lived. If this is the case or you want more in life then Abu Bako’s books and teachings
are the right tools needed to change everything that you want to see changed.

We hear of birthday, anniversary, indepen-

dence celebrations and other celebrations. We
partake of them without knowing their sig-
nificance. The book PRAYING THROUGH
THE GATES OF TIME gives you a deep
insight of the mentioned observations.

126 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021
Ever tried eating oranges when they are out of season? Notice that they have more chaff
than juice? This is what happens to some of your prayers when not prayed through the gates
of time. Did you know there are four watches in the day and four watches in the night?
Do you notice that Jesus Christ, the apostles, the prophets, often made strategic interces-
sions at specific watches? Do you often read statements like, “At the hour of prayer...?” Do
you know that the productivity of your prayers is determined by how effectively you pray
through these gates of time? Have you ever considered the relevance of praying appropriately
through each day of the week? This is the first volume of 2 publications. In it, Abu Bako
attempts to bring greater understanding to the Body of Christ on the subject of praying
through each gate of time.

You have been hearing of different

types of Jubilees and always thought
that you could only enjoy such a
privilege when you turned 50 years
of age. But this book enables you
understand that you can enjoy your
Jubilee daily from the time you gain
the understanding.

This book ‘Enter Your Jubilee’ is the second in the series on the Festivals of the LORD.
The Jubilee is both the foundation and cap of the necessary kingdom festivals instituted by
the LORD. The reason we are calling them the feasts or festivals of the LORD is, they are
not feasts initiated by Jews or Christians. They are the LORD’s feasts. He is the one who
instituted them. The Sabbath is, simply put, the basis for life. It means that for yours to be
a life worth living, there have to be principles for replenishing, restoration, restitution and
resurrection in case of death. The Sabbath provides this basis.

APPeNDIX b 127
When children start speaking, they are
curious and keep on asking questions
of their parents or whoever takes care of
them. Because most often the carers lack
understanding, they stop those children
from asking questions and those gifts of
greatness become dormant in children.
There are key questions that everyone
has to ask and find responses to in order
to awaken these gifts of greatness.

This book is meant to help you discover your original identity in God, your
location and positioning in God. It will help you to know the reason and purpose
for your being here on earth, how to set goals for your life and the processes of
achieving them within a specified period. When you answer these Fundamental
Questions, you will be able to make the kind of difference and impact that must
be made, to leave that indelible mark on the sands of history and also in the
records of Heaven. Finding answers to these questions will enhance the quality
of your life and set you on the road to success and fulfillment.

128 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

Fasts and Scriptures for the year and decade

Corporate Fast for 150 days in 2021 Corporate Fast for 144 days in 2022
40 Days [January 01 – February 09] 40 Days (January 1 - February 9)

30 Days [March 19 – April 17] 24 Days (March 1 - March 24)

10 Days [May 24 – June 02] 7 Days (July 31 - August 6)

08 Days [August 01 – August 08] 48 Days (September 7 - October 24)

50 Days [September 07 – October 26] 3 Days (November 7 - November 9)

12 Days [December 01 – December 12] 10 Days (December 12 - 21)

Foundational Scriptures According To Days Of The Week

First Day – Sunday Psalms 65, 9, 108 and 19.

Second Day – Monday Psalms 78, 11, 15 and 117.

Third Day – Tuesday Psalms 16, 27, 37 and 124.

Fourth Day – Wednesday Psalms 22, 13, 36 and 68.

Fifth Day – Thursday Psalms 127, 34, 48 and 126.

Sixth Day – Friday Psalms 18, 2, 35 and 145.

Seventh Day - Saturday Psalms 125, 24, 90 and 144.

Foundational Scriptures For The Season Of Years 2020-2022/2023

Psalm 103 and Isaiah 40

Foundational Scriptures For The Decade 2020s [2020-2029]
Revelation 4 & 5; Ezekiel 1 & 10

Foundational Scriptures For The Year 2021

Psalms 67, Psalm 108, Psalm 103, Psalm 37, Isaiah 40

Foundation Meeting Days Jan - Dec 2021

First Day 15:00 – 18:00 FAMILY & FUTURE DEVELOPMENT

Second Day 15:00 – 18:00 GOVERNANCE & ADMINISTRATION/



Fourth Day 15:00 – 18:00 MEDIA OF COMMUNICATION

Fifth Day 15:00 – 18:00 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY




Foundational Scriptures For The Months

January Psalms 45, 82, 110, 47 and Isaiah 60.

February Psalms 40, 67, 133 and Isaiah 60.

March Psalms 46, 48, 99 and Isaiah 60.

April Psalms 89, 124, Isaiah 40 and 60.

May Psalms 121, 54, 49 and Isaiah 60.

June Psalms 64, 125, 20 and Isaiah 60.

July Psalms 90, 145, 138 and Isaiah 60.

August Psalms 62, 49, 113 and Isaiah 60.

130   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021
September Psalms 117, 92, 126 and Isaiah 60.

October Psalms 124, 97, 27 and Isaiah 60.

November Psalms 99, 77, 100 and Isaiah 60.

December Psalms 124, 148, 150 and Isaiah 60.

Foundational Scriptures According To Gates

Family Psalm 128 and Genesis 28:14 [First Day]

Governance Psalms 97, 29 and Isa 9:6-7 [Second Day]

Education, Training & Development Psalms 45, 112, Proverbs 22:6 [Third Day]

Media of Communication Psalm 68, John 1:1-16, Hebrews 11:3 and 2 Tim-
othy 3:16-17[Fourth Day]

Science & Technology Psalm 19 and III John 2. [Fifth Day]

Arts, Sports +Cultural Development Psalms 115 and 145. [Sixth Day]

Economy and Development Projects Psalms 25 and 34. [Seventh Day Morning]

Belief Systems Psalm 21. [Seventh Day Evening]

A P P E N D I X C   131

Scriptures of the Year for Nations and Continents (Psalm117)

Scriptures For Nations

Nigeria Psalms 2 and 18.

Ghana Psalms 21 and 67

South Africa Psalms 34, 65 and Ezekiel 21:27

Egypt , The Sahel/N-W Africa Region Psalm 37, 7.

Israel Psalms 14, 124 and Deuteronomy 28.

Saudi Arabia and Assyria Ezekiel 21:27 (18-27)

United States Psalm 12

United Nations Zephaniah 3

Scriptures For Continents

AFRICA Psalms 34, 126, 67, 79 and Isaiah 66:1-2.

ASIA Psalm 84 and 99.

EUROPE Psalms 74 and 97.

MIDDLE EAST Psalm 29, Joel 3 and Ezekiel 21:26-27.

NORTH AMERICA /ARCTIC Psalm 12 and Zephaniah 3.


SOUTH AMERICA Psalm 63 and Zephaniah 2:11

132 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

The Non-Stop Series

January 29 – November 30, 2021. 19th Anniversary
Purpose of The Non-Stop Series Praise and Worship, Bible Reading and Prayer is for Recov-
ering, Reviving & Restoring the Tabernacle of David.

2021. THE NON-STOP SERIES [All times are in GMT]

HOURS Starting Date Starting Time End Times

Twenty-Four (24) January 29 – January 30, 2021 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) May 28 – May 29, 2021 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) July 30 – July 31, 2021 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) October 29 – October 30, 2021 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

One Hundred and October 31 – November 06, 2021

Forty- four (144)

January 28 –November 30th 2022. 20th Anniversary

Purpose of The Non-Stop Series Praise and Worship, Bible Reading and Prayer is for Recov-
ering, Reviving & Restoring the Tabernacle of David.

APPeNDIX e 133
2022. THE NON-STOP SERIES [All time are in GMT]
HOURS Starting Date Starting Time End Times

Twenty-Four (24) January 28 – January 29, 2022 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) April 29 – April 30, 2022 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) July 29 – July 30, 2022 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Twenty-Four (24) October 28 – October 29, 2022 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

One Hundred and October 31 – November 06, 2021

Forty-four (144)

134   P R O P HE CY D I R E C T I V ES 2021

COSTrAD & INSTITUTES 2021 Schedule

Jan 25 - Nov 20, 2021 10th Anniversary


JAN 25 – JAN 30, 2021 FEB 15 – FEB 20, 2021



MAR 08– MAR 13, 2021 APR 12 – APR 17, 2021 MAY 10 – MAY 15, 2021

MAY 07– MAY 12, 2021 JUN 28 – AUG 31, 2021 AUG 16 – AUG 21, 2021

SEP 13 – SEP 17, 2021 OCT 11 – OCT 16, 2021 NOV 15 – NOV 20, 2020

136 P R o P h e CY D I R e C t I V e s 2021

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