De Guzman - Reflection Paper 3

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De Guzman, Andrea G.


Public International Law: “Build Trust”

As Monica Pinto tackles the evolution of international society, an exposition

on how the law of nations being simply a former set of rules to becoming a
dynamic set of principles and rules in our modern society, was done. Public
international law provided coherence for laws that shall resonate and govern
among cooperating countries. Public international law, did not in any way deleted
the notion of the sovereign state principle. Through which cooperating States have
no capacity to intervene on affairs relating to other States however subject to
certain exceptions. From here, we can conclude that Public International Law also
provided instances through which States during wars have peace treaties, league of
nations, and military tribunals. Having said that States are sovereign equals, this
principle does not, however, negates the applicability of the law of nations on
regulating the will and of the necessities of the society in general. As mentioned in
the video, “public international law was shaped by the States in order to have
common language of communication”. Nothing, under the principle of sovereign
state provides for isolation of one State from the other. Moreover, public
international law also expanded not just for peace and security purpose, but also
for trade and economic development.

In year 1648, series of treaties were shaped, Roman empire being

independent. Different modes of acquisition and possession of territory are
realized. In year 1758, it was emphasized that freedom and independence attached
to States as they do to men. From here, it can be said that in this stage where
international law was still developing, collaborating countries have that liberty to
move. Not just for the welfare of the people, but also for the benefit of the
majority. This notion shall be in accord with the present principles established
during the period. It is also important to note that even before the evolution of
international law up to this modern society, independence was not removed from
each State. There is no absolute separation per se amongst nation. As stated in the
video, wars started to flourish. From this, with the presence of public international
law, it gave rise to an international system. This system has been the great
equalizer in global activities. Regard and devotion to international law have
preserved peace and fixed differences. International law has given equal voice to
states irrespective of political, economic or military status.

However, there are still those who believe that the law of nations does not
apply to them. Moreover, there are still people who think that they have
De Guzman, Andrea G.
unrestrained power to dominate other states. Public international law pursues to
refuse this view. Truly, no man is an island. This principle can also be attached to
States. Just like other countries, Philippines faces a lot of difficulties in terms of
internal conflicts, and a decline on economic affairs. Under Public International
Law, our country as part of international organizations, can seek help from other
able nations. Truly, under this law of nations, we can achieve peace and security.
Independence does not connote total separation of one nation from the other
nation. Countries still have their own rule-making powers to govern their territory
and their people. Incorporating public international law, countries tend to have
more legal bases to relate to their domestic laws. Public international law is not
imposed upon but simply adopted by states as a common rule of action among

The Philippines has prioritized the assumption of bilateral labor agreements

with labor-receiving countries, such as Middle East, in the field of protecting the
rights and safety of Filipino workers overseas. Our country also embraced the
Global Compact on Migration, a voluntary international framework that will
manage migration and provide better treatment for millions of migrants worldwide.
The Philippines entered into several agreements. Among these are: 1) the Paris
Agreement on Climate Change, 2) Defense Cooperation agreements with the
Czech Republic and the Russian Federation, 3) a Memorandum of Understanding
with the Republic of Korea under the Employment Permit System, 4) a
Memorandum of Cooperation between the Philippine Coast Guard and the Japan
Coast Guard, 5) a Protocol to the asean Charter on Dispute Settlement
Mechanisms, and 6) a Protocol on the Legal Framework to Implement the asean
Single Window. Relative to environmental issues, our country also became a
became a State Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Since then, three
protocols have been adopted under the CBD, on Biosafety, Access and Benefit-
sharing, and on Liability and Redress. The Philippines ratified the Cartagena
Protocol, and acceded to the Nagoya Protocol. Being a country having natural
resources, we also give relevance to environmental laws to take care of the same.
From here, for incorporating some other international laws, our country’s sense of
protection to our natural resources tend also to expand.

Bottom line, Public International Law in general helped every nation to

build more of what they currently have. This is not to meddle with matters not
concerning outside affairs, but with matters that necessitate the help from other
neighboring countries. International laws, did not just reduce the risk of wars due
to unending proving of who is more powerful, but it also increased the confidence
of one country to trust other states.
De Guzman, Andrea G.

“Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines Regarding the Treatment of
Republic of the Philippines Personnel Visiting the United States of America:
GOVPH.” Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, October 9, 1998.


VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY. Accessed March 13, 2021.

“United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law.” United Nations.

United Nations. Accessed March 13, 2021.

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