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THE BS-AC ’88 DECOMPRESSION TABLES Levels 1 to 4 Users of the BS.AC ‘88 Tables are reminded that participating in sport diving invalves ré to the sk ef decom ion sickness. Since thal exposure is affected by a number af factors, including some over which the diver has no cantvol, the authors and publishers of the BS-AC ‘24 Tables cannot guarantee risk-free diving to any user. Moreover, failure to adhere ‘rictly to the Tabies and the prescribed procedures for their use will necessarily Increase any "SK 10 which a user might otherwise be exposed 1 Copyright 1988, 1989 & 1990 British SutAgua Glut: The copying oF repradcing ol any part of these tables is expressly forbidden The Sribsh Sub-Agua Club and BS AG inter: siselem any and all responsitviies for the use of these lables and procedures, DEPTH The deepest depth reached during the dive, meaaured in metres, ASCENT CHECK DEPTH A point reached during the ascent where Dive Time is checked against the dive plan and appronriate decompression procedures are initiated. This depth may be Om if the planned dive involves in-water Stops ‘or Gm (5m for LEVEL 4) for NO-STOP DIVES. DIVE TIME The time elapsed trom leaving the surface to reaching fim (5m tor LEVEL 4) on the relumn to the surface In the case af multiple-stop dives, the time from leaving the surface to ariving at the deepest stop on the return to the surface, ASCENT TIME The time elapsed {rom leaving the bottom (assumed to be at the maximurn depth of the dive) to arriving alm (Sm FOR LEVEL 4). Itis calculated at a rate of 1m/minute, rounded up to the nearest minute and does not include decompression stops. DECOMPRESSION STOP The time to be actually spent at the decompression stop depth indicated SURFACING CODE The code describing the diver's tissue saturation state on surfacing froma dive SURFACE INTERVAL The time elapsed from leaving the water at the end at ane dive to leaving the surface at the beginning of the following dive, NO-STOP DIVE A.dive for which the Table indicates no need for an in-water decompression stop. DECOMPRESSION STOP DIVE A dive for which the Tabie indicates the need for an in-water stop or stops to be carried out. Adive with a SURFACING CODE of G (a few G code dives do not require an in-svater stop) DESCENT RATE The speed at which the diver descends, a maximum rate of 30m/ minute is allowed. ASCENT RATE The speed at which the diver ascends through tha wales. The maximum permissible rate is 1Sm/mninute, ‘upto 6mm (5m for LEVEL 4), On all dives, one minule should be taken t-aseend from 6m (5m tor LEVEL 4) to the surface: " ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE ‘The local almospheric pressure produced at a particular altitude by current weather conditions. A chart is provided to assist in appropriate LEVEL selection, LEVEL A range of ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURES covered by a particular set ol Tables, TRANSFER TABLE ‘(sable enabling a new CURRENT TISSUE CODE ta be obtained follawring increases ar decreases in the ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE experianced. LAST LEVEL The last ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Level dived at or experienced. NEW LEVEL The ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE Level at which anew TISSUE CODE is required. CURRENT TISSUE CODE The code produced by epplying a SURFACE INTERWAL (anda TRANSFER TABLE conversion it necessary) tO your last dive SURFACING CODE. It indicates the Table on which the diver can now dive. INTRODUCTION ‘The BS-AC "88 Decampression Tables incorporate new thinking on the avoidance of Decompression Sickness and promote saler dive. practices, particularly by encouraging slow, controlled ascent procedures. The complete Tables consist of four ATMOSPHERIG: PAESSURE LEVEL sets and a TRANSFER TABLE to move between the four Levels, Each Level set has seven Tables labelled Ato Gand a SURFAGE INTERVAL TABLE. in order to check the Level appropriate to a particular dive site or joumey with altitude changes, an Altitude Atmospheric Pressure Chart is. included. A submersible Dive Conduct Slate is provided for in-water dive control wath a sélection of common sea level dives on the reverse, STARTING A SERIES OF DIVES in onder to plan a dive your CURRENT TISSUE CODE must ba determined. This depends on your previous expasure to pressure. If no dives or changes in ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE have ‘occurred in the last 16 hours (10 hours at Levels 2.S.ar4), you are considered ta have a CURRENT TISSUE CODE of A and will use TABLE A for that Level. Should you have dived or experianced changes in ATMOSPHERIC. PRESSURE wathin this period, the procedures for planning second or Subsequent dives, or for alftude changes. should be followed. PLANNING A DIVE Find the Table comespanding te your CURRENT TISSUE CODE and ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE LEVEL. Look down the DEPTH column to the maximum depth you intend to reach during your dive. If that depth iS not shown then choose the next deeper depth. The DIVE TIME ‘section gives a range af times. Look along the target depth row to find the time which is equal to oF next greater than your planned OIVE TIME. 1 your DIVE TIME is ta the left of the No-stop line then na in-water decompression stops are /equired. Otherwise staged stops will be fequired as part of the ascent and these are indicated in the DECOMPRESSION STOP section below. Lock down the chosen time column to find the ting and depth of the required stops. Below this section you will find the SURFACING CODE section and you'shauld note the SURFACING CODE far the planned dive PLANNING A SECOND DIVE following any dive.always verify that the SURFACING CODE planned was achieved. ‘Knowing the elapsed SURFACE INTERVAL since the first dive, use the SURFACE INTERVAL table for the current Level to obtain your CURRENT TISSUE CODE. This cade gives the Table on which your second dive is to be planned and it should be used as outlined in PLANNING A DIVE above. Ita change in ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE occurs then the procedures for changing Level should be followed, - Note there is. one SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE for Level 1 and another SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE for Levels 2, 3 and 4, PLANNING SUBSEQUENT DIVES Subsequent dives are planned in exactly the manner of a second dive. Usa the SURFACING CODE of your previous dive, SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE and Level change as. apprapriate to obtain your CURRENT TISSUE ‘CODE. This CURRENT TISSUE CODE then indicates which Table should be used far dive planning. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CHANGES ‘Anny changes in altitude or local atmospheric pressure affect the gas saturation of your bad tissues. Ilis this saturation that determines which Level get of Tables should be used, Significant changes can be caused by flying in pressurised or unpressurised aircraft, travelling through hilly of mountainaus country or exlierne changes in weather ‘Local ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE is affected by both air pressure variations (due to current weather conditions) and altitude, A chart is provided to select the appropriate Level set of Tables, knowing altitude and forecast air ee at sea level (from a weather forecast). Incases of doubt, always choose a more punctive Level Table Set Ifyou have moved, or are going ta move from one Level to another the TRANSFER TABLE should be used to track your CURRENT TISSUE CODE To enter the TRANSFER TABLE your CURRENT TISSUE CODE must be known. This ay be given by a orevious dive SURFACING ‘CODE and SURFACE INTERVAL, may be a CURRENT TISSUE CODE of 4 obtained from an adequate period of stable oressure gonditions at a particular Level, or may be the result of a ‘ransition through various tevels during @ journey. continued... Knowing your initial CURRENT TISSUE CODE and LAST LEVEL, the teft hand column of the: TRANSFER TABLE can be entered and a Level row chosen. eee the right your new: CURRENT TISSUE GODE is found in the appropriate NEW LEVEL column. Always chonse the more canservative code in barderline cages. Hf na code is given (X is found), then itis not considered Safe 10 transfer to that NEW LEVEL until further decompression has Hocurred at the LAST LEVEL and a CURRENT TISSUE CODE that produces a transferable code is reached. The new CURRENT TISSUE CODE is used to indicate the Table to be used for diving at the NEW LEVEL. [tis alsa used when applying the SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE for that Level, ‘The derivation model for the '88 Tabies assumes ascents are provocative events and thus nenalises subsequent dives. The TRANSFER TABLE assumes instantaneous transter {o the NEW LEVEL, a situation that ‘copes with aircraft or ether fairy rapid ascents and descents. On overland journeys where specific times at particular Levels cannot be clearly defined, a worst case solution is advised. This means oresurning immediate transfer to the NEW LEVEL, ‘ollowed by giving no benefit for any SURFACE INTERVAL at that Level betore further Level changes are tracked Note tral the Level 1 fable set canal be used for sea level dives when the alrnosphenc pressure falls below 985 mb. LEVEL CHANGES BEFORE AND AFTER DIVING Establish your CURRENT TISSUE CODE at the ‘ime of your intended departure from your, present Level. Then find fram the TRANSFER TABLE your CURRENT TISSUE CODE at the NEW LEVEL. Gheck that shis procedure results ina valid code (Ata G) and aot X. If X is shown then it is unsafe to change Level until further decompression has taken place al your current Level. Do not ascend from this Level unt you can achieve a vald GURRENT TISSUE CODE Time spent at the NEW LEWEL is used as a SURFACE INTERVAL to track your CURRENT TISSUE CODE at this Level. ‘Your updated CURRENT TISSUE CODE js ther used to indicate the Table to be used for diving ‘at the NEW LEVEL, or as the starting information for further Level changes. eo = wn o Hote thai diving at sea fevel (Level 1) after fights of tess than 90 minutes in ees aureralt (Level 4), requires fable B (Level 1) to be used, unless a SURFACE INTERVAL of al feast 10 hours at Level 1 has elapsed after landing, Note aise that lying ina pressurised acralt folleveing a sea level dive demands a CURRENT TISSUE CODE af A or B (Level 1) Other situations should be resolved using the grocedures described earlier in the ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CHANGES: section. SAFER DIVING ‘Because of the wide variabons in human physialagy and the large number o! factors that can affect your Susceptibility to decompression sickness, no Table can guarantee ta protect you against all risk. Whenever diving, please take the following advice into account. The maximum recommended death for-sports diving is 50m and when carrying aut (0 or more dives in one day, perform the ceepest dive first. Itis recommended that no more than 3 dives be pedormed in any 24 hours and any dive series involving consecutwe days diving ta 30-+mn should pe limited to four days, after ‘which a 24-rour break should be taken [tis advisable to limit any diving within a 24-hour peried to dives requiting 3 total of 20 min in-water stops. Abyays be in control of your buoyancy, especially during the ascent, and observe the maximum recommended speeds—tm'min to Gm and then 1 min to the surface. Lis permissible to conduct slawer descents and ascents, whilst remaining within the dive profile envelope but multiple Sawiool ascents and descents should be avuded Be aware that smaking, aleghol consumptan, tiredness, age_ increased body fat and any medical condition affecting the respiratory or circulatory syslems are though! to increase your tisk of decampression sickness. So too can excessive physical exerban during or immediately after a dive. Example 1 Level} AM Git Level } 8/1 Fit 09:00 09:24 134 1605 Acclimatised at Level 1 (no dives or Level changes within previous 16 firs}, with a CURRENT TISSUE CODE of Af", so Tebie A is used, Planned dive is ta maximum depth 35m and back at Bm afler 22 min Dive Time, Allowing 2 min for ascent, 'eave bottom at 20 min A stop of 1 min at 6m is required, followed by a slow surtacing ascent teking a further 1 min This dive results in a SURFACING CODE of G/1 at 09-24, After a SURFACE INTERVAL of 6 hr 10 min a seoand give is plinned ta 17in. This dive chosen, The feach the surface at 18: ith a CURRENT TISSUE CODE of B/1 so Table 8/t is used and a Dive Time of 30 min ASCENT CHECK DEPTH af Gm is reached at 16.04 and a further 1 minis then taken 10. . with @ SURFACING CODE of Fit “ALT signities @ CURRENT TISSUE CODE of A at LEVEL 1. Example 2 Air Bressure 980mb (Level 2) AM | BIZ Sea Level Ale Gi2 66:00 T4100 14:22 ure weather system cf 980m at sea level means Level? Tables showid 20, Sasa ath a CURRENT TISSUE CODE ofA a transton to Level 2 gis 2 OUARENT TISSUE if BI2. = Ey 4 the low pressure has been experienced for more than 3 hr then the CURRENT TISSUE CODE bacomes A/2 and Table A/2 can be used for dive planning. ERY iT ‘ord. Ate to 28m vett a Dive Time of 20 min demands a1 min ‘St0p at 6m and gives a SURFACING CODE of G2 Nate that inland cive sites above sea level can need Level transitions for even mild love pressure Systems—check the site altitude, forecast air pressure ard use the ALTITUDE A TMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CHART. Example 3 Cl Fliphtat Level 4 Bi4 07:00 700 Acclimatised at Level 1, start fight with CURRENT TISSUE CODE of A/1 at 0700. In the aircraft, cabin pressure of Level 4, CURRENT TISSUE becomes Ci4, Enns After 4 fr flight CURRENT TISSUE CODE is Bi4. Onlanding CURRENT TISSUE CODE becames A, Use Table 4/1 for next Level Note sharter fights car result ve. in CURRENT TISSUE CODE being Bi 7 an tar Example 4 x Dia Flight at Level 4 1500 15-36 140 19-40 Oive at Level e . 20m for 36 min Dive Time, SURFACING CODE Fit at 18:36. HE Atter SURFACE (NTERVAL of 2 hr 4 min CURRENT TISSUE CODE is 01" Pignned take-ot/ at 17:40 but Transfer Table to Level 4 gives X—n0 valid code! En Wait af feast tor SURFACE INTERVAL of 4 hr belore take-otf, when CURRENT TISSUE CODE is B/1. eye! 4. aircraft cabin pressure, nel ith the ALTITUDE/ATMOSPHERIC IE CODES the fight may produce Then CURRENT TISSUE CODE de Di4, Note before tying in unpressurised aircratt after diving check 4 PRESSURE CHART and the Transfer lable the CURRENT TISS r Example 5 ; Bi2 B/2 GI2E2 08°00 10:00 11:30 12:10 18.00 ey at Level T wilh Tissue Spode A/1. Ascent is gradual and exact Level transitions ‘ct 50 assume worst case of instantaneous transition to highest jaumney paint, Level 2, 81 slart giving CURRENT TISSUE CODE of B/2 As time at Level 2 is unknown during journey and ascents are provocative events, penalise by alving no SURFACE INTERVAL credit~hold CURRENT TISSUE CODE a1 8/2 uni arial at cro site Dive site is also at Leve! 2 so no further Level transfer required and SURFACE INTERWAL can now be applied. However, minimum of 5 hr Slay required before relaxing to CURRENT TISSUE CODE of AY? Too long {0 wait, S0-vive is made using Table B/2 E I B le 4 Following dive, CURRENT TISSUE CODE is G2 After 40 min SURFACE INTERVAL Joumey back starts. tantaneous transifian but hoid the CUARENT TISSUE CODE of E72 until known Owing CURRENT TISSUE CODE of D1 Again assum artival at Level This CURRENT TISSUE CODE can be applied tothe Level 1 SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE to alan any further dives in this series, Example 6 G4 Fightarlevea Fi2level2 fci2 Claleveie Bi2 Giz 08:90 09.50 1:40 12:40 Dive at Level 2 with Tissue Code A/2. 30m for 18 min Dive Tine, SURFACING CODE of F/2 at 08:18, Alter SURFACE INTERVAL of 94 min, tako-ot! 950 with CURRENT TISSUE CODE ot al In aircraft cabin pressure of Level 4, CURRENT TISSUE CODE of Gi ; Ene ‘After SO min fight, CURRENT TISSUE CQOE of EM. On landing CURRENT TISSUE CODE of 72. Second dive at 12:40, atter SURFACE INTERVAL of 2 hr CURRENT TISSUE CODE of Bie. ‘9mm for DIVE TIME 20 min needs 1 min at Grn stop, gives SURFACING CODE of G2 11302 Example 7 FF Levels Bit Git 0830 «(10°50 15:00 ‘Dive at Level 1 with Tissue Code 8/1, 18m for 43 min Dive Time. imam ‘SURFACING CODE G/1 at 09: ‘After SURFACE INTERWAL of 95 min, CURRENT TISSUE CODE is C1 . 7 ‘Overland journey home invalves ascem 16 900m but weather forecast of SoOmb indicates the need to use Lavel 3. Ascent is gradual and exact Level Transitions difficult to predict so assume worst case of isteea ale ‘ransitian at joumey start. dourney peaks with CURRENT TISSUE CODE of F’3. mites As time at Levels 2 and 3 i unknawn and ascents are provocative, penalise by giving no SURFACE INTERVAL credit—hold CURRENT TISSUE CODE at Fi At end of fourney assume instantaneous Level 3 to ‘transition giving GURRENT TISSUE CODE of 0/1 to use further dives are planned ine Note (his is a worst case tealment afa situation because journey details are imprecise and accurate Level transitions unknows, In ail cases of doubt the greater penalty should be assumed, Using the Dive Conduct Slate Correct usage of the BSAC '88 Tables minimises decision making at Gepth, with the cancept of Dive Time being measured up to arrival at the ASCENT CHECK DEPTH, This means important checks and decisions should be made in relatively shallow and comfortable conditians. As always, to aid all undlety fecision making, it is imponant that as much planning as possible takes place before the dive. The Dive Cenduct Slate is designed to help in that process by providing a quick reminder of the planned dive.and a number of contingency guidelines should things not go to plan. tvdive has its own special requirements but an many the following contingencies are appropriate— a dive where the planned time is just exceeded —a dive where the planned maximum depth is just exceeded — a worst case where both are exceeded. Another worst case scenario is when a plan to dive on the top of a wreck fails and the sea-bed Is reached instead, PLAN JUST LONGER | JUST DEEPER WORST CASE sd Sea he Ta yore) utr] (mins) anes Dts ih Bd 165 wo ; ~ 36 166 590 = 1? 67 167 208-243 311928 336 348 356 363 370 376 / ~_ 100-87 404 Teele 18917? 183 783 192197 207 = 6 2% S464 74] 98-909 T8104 125 = £8" 78 8488 SURFACING CODE 21 | = 8 2 ot 59 65687275 7 24 rr 7 — 818" 21 “4 [ aged as a7 on 6 30 7 Ey ey raf rolns|mafnal 42 3 [ = 9 10 12 hate 2628 2 ae {4s 3 =__8 9 10 [792a 25 95. ar ay 0 a 3 = 6 9)" 18N81 23 24 € ASCENT RATE ~ 15 metres per minute, Take 1 minute from 6m to surface OVETIME —time from leaving surface to arr ving at 6m on return to Surface, or arrival at 9m on 25Si0p dives, The infinity in the Dive Time column Indicates that there is no time limit for a dive at that depth which produces the Surfacing Cade for that column, Whe Surfacing Code is in italic then there is no dive possible Producing this code, 1 which includes a valid Dive a5 ‘ange changes in decompression requirements 2nd extra caution ig needed, These Tables. are designed far Sports Diving and assume an a opmate activity level. More demanding dives, Invalving heavy wark or Particularly cold conditions or divers whose physical condition/habits are @.Concem require extra caution. a U3 at DIVE TIME (mins) (metres) uu] eS DSU Ded 6 (i) - 8 = 4 1 I = 2? 113 148 188/255 272 264 292 300 B07 314-321 — 4 2 67 84 Eu 137143 148 152 156 160 ea 9458 101 105 75 SURFACING GODE 21 24 gales T pala} na} no} na] 1 tos al S Sls 2 & oe ' a SURFACING CODE a2 3 | — [15517 (20 21 22-2324 45 | — [A618 19 ae 4% 3. - |e 7 8 9 2 51 3 SURFACING CODE 10 seas ON Su ec} ir) (mins) Arey rT DURST ry 6 a) 9 ie 9 1 79/116 (482199 211 220 227 234 247 248 3144) 7183-9095 100 104 108 112 17 24| 40548 54 57 6164. a7 70 5 a a7 60 SURFACING CODE 2 | 1 = 1 0 Mea aieinenear 24 2 8| 16223) 8 27 2 (318212225 26 30 2 — | 1116 19 ee aa 33 a — [10514162 47 180 19 a0 36 & = go i2 14516 17 Te 39 3 812 4 13 SURFACING CODE ASCENT RATE — 15 metres per minute. Take 4 minute trom 6m to surface, ONETIME —— time from leaving surface to arriving at 6a on return to surface, or arrival at 9m on 2 Stop dives. The infinity symbol so in the Dive Time column indicates that there is na time limit for a dive at that depth which produces the Surfacing Code for that column, ! the Surfacing Code is in italic then there is na dive possitte producing this code, The symbol-@ indicates that you must move to the Next column on the right Time. Small increases in Oive Time in such areas of the Table produce large ch. requirements and extra caution is needed These Tables are designed for Sports Diving and assume an appropriate activity level. More demanding dives, Involving heavy work or particularly cold conditions or divers whose physical condition/habits are a concem require extra caution. ludes a valid Dive langes in decompression i sail eda OS Tt Mutt) (uh) Coed Decompression Stop Dives 6 SE - | 9 i = 8 781 96 107 115 122 129 106 12 1 — 8/26 B38 42 45 51 15 t — PU 19923 eer 2a 30 18 1 =| 16 18 19 20 22 2 21 1 -|6 0 4 5 6 7 18 24 2 Os || 27 2 Eo 0 1 e 2 3 as 2 al S77 3 e DT © 2 a3 2 — be 39 e 2 3 ASCENT RATE ~- 15 metres per minute. Take 1 minute from 6m ta surface, 2 Stop dives. ‘which produces the Surfacing Code for that column. {the Surfacing Code is in italic then there is no dive possible producing this code. fequirements and extra caution is needed. aconcem require extra caution. DIVETIME — — time from leaving surface ta arriving at 6m on retum to surface, or arrival at 9m on The infinity symbol ee in the Dive Time column indicates that there is no time limit for a dive at thet depth The symbol @ indicates that you must move to the next column on the right which includes a valid Dive Time. Small increases in Dive Time in such areas of the Tabla produce farge changes in decompression ‘These Tables are designed fer Sports Diving and assume an appropriate activity level. More demanding ‘Gives, involving haavy work or particularly cold conditions or divers whose physical condition/habits are ha a Ma mur M9) aft a es DIVE TIME (mins} Cus) Puy est cd SR Ly ‘SURFAGING CODE Pes ee gag] TABLE F Ni pes DIVE TIME (mins) Cr) Cutie) Org PT See cy =s6 mien 6 8 7 8 -— 7 @ 8 metres l 3 i 12-5 18 c DEF] 8-6 GGG 6 Bk} Dh ee UV TSR tS) alr) (mins) yy Ue UR Bea 9 2 6 9 2 = 6b ts On | SURFACINGCODE 8 OC UD UE UF(G6 GG G6 6 OG OG Note there are some dives passible on Table G that produce a SURFACING CODE of G but require 00 decompression stop: This SURFACE INTERVAL TABLE shows how your body tissues sgracualy felease excess gas over periods of time, whilst you remain at LEVEL 1, Enter the left hand column with the SURFACING CODE from your last dive and move right along that row for your SURFACE INTERVAL and your CURRENT TISSUE CODE is indicated. __ last Dive SURFACING CODE 4 Be Ree He S&S S&S 8&8 2 2 2 Vedi ps DIVE TIME (mins) Mua) Cul} No-Stop Dives TT Tes Rael ies a 22120 6 iD Se 9 1 = 14 520127 156190 [244 258 267 273 279 284 280 203) 2 1 — Fe 7T 92 [12v a3 140 145149153157. 160. 15 i = 18 39. 47 55/75 8591 95 99 102 105 108 18 1 = 72 60 66 69 75 78. 80 SURFAGING CODE Ea a ee qi 2 i = [a 46 61 54 56 8 ft 24 2 =e | m2 8 a5 aT AG 6t a 2, = 18] -26 32-36 38 40) 41 43. 30. 2 2.2 BM B38 33 2 = 9 227 8 1 2 35 36 | = 7 22 24 26 a 20 80 39. 3 | a: 6 21923 25 26 7) 28 CDE GG: 56) 2 a ee eee | ~ 8/16 7 20.21 22 23 2a 1 7 19 20 21 2 2a bE “8 1718. 18 ot [___ SURFACING CODE ASCENT RATE — 15 metres per minute. Take 1 minute trom 6m ta surface. DIVE TIME surface to arriving ai 6m on retum to surface, or arrival at 8m on The infinity symbot co in the Dive Time column indicates that there is no time limit for a Give at that depth which produces the Surfacing Code tor that column, It the Surfacing Code is in italic then there is no dive possible producing this cade. The symbol @ indicates that you must move to the next column on the right which includes a valid Dive ‘Time, Smail increases in Dive Time in such areas of the Table produce large changes in decompression Tequirements and extra caution is needed ‘These Tables are designed for Sports Diving and assume an appropriate activity level, Mare demanding dives, involving heavy work or particularly cold conditions or divers whose physical condition /habits are @ concern require extra caution. 6 Ht 0 an) ulus Troe ne 43 4547 es aT 33 36 38 39) SURFACING CODE Ss = 16 21 amas 36 2 = 1618 19 20 a 39 3 =| 4445 18 19-20 aT a a Boia 7 i 6 z 213 6 16 i 18 48 3 -[1 8 1 i « W 51 3 ‘SURFACING CODE -| 10 72.13 14 15 @ 16 LEVEL 2 (899-984 millibar) TABLEC DEPTH pss a go) Custis) ru) Cd tS ya 6 | = 25 04 we 9 183 ir 86: 6 55. 8 3 21 31 24 26 27 22 EY 20 nT DECOMPRES: a SURFACING CODE G | 2 -[10- 4 @ 15 fon 3 id 4 e 15 wre || 3 = [0 3 @ 14 6 | 3 =|) 9 2 © 13 i aa z [- =| 8 1 « 2 Al 3 —|[S8 S100 11 DECOMPRESSION STOPS (mins) at Imeires Te at G metres oe ree ecm SURFARING CONF a o£ Fl[G 6 GG 6 OG ASCENT RATE — 15 metres per minute. Take 1 minute trom 6m to surface. DIVETIME — — time from leaving surface to arriving at Gm on return to surface, or arrival at 9m on 2 Stop dives The infinity symbol eo in the Dive Time column indicates that there is no time lint for a dive at that depth which produces the Surfacing Code for that column, lithe Surfacing Code is in italic then there is no dive possible produc code. The symbol @ indicates that you must move to the next column on the right which includes a valid Dive ‘Time. Smal increases in Dive Time insuch areas af the Table produce large changes in decompression requirements and extra caution is needed. These Tables are designed for Sports Diving and assume an appropriate activity level, More demanding dives, involving heavy work or particularly cold conditions or divers whose physical condition/habits are a concern require extra caution, tt ee ult CUI} te Beg ee uh TABLE D DIVE TIME (mins) CST eu Decompression Stop Dives — 202 «| [ a[ 58 69 77 83 68 92 97 i [ — 6) a #7 31 3 36 38 40 42 — [128 16° 19 at 22-23 35g -[7s2 4 6 6 718 19 n = To nN 2 a e WS --8 0 1 6 2 = Tee 0 et 2] = 8.6 3 e 0 c __a =f ta #-9— | = 7 eB #6 metres oe ee] BoC DEW FLG #6 G 6 G & &. & 9 mates 6 metres 2 15 SURFACING CODE Ue (metres) Cute) Brae RTL] ph ta tC) ts DU ce uns LDes SURFACING CODE eae ee een TABLE F cate ua} or pied Oya i) Preuss LES DD d 8) 9) m/s at G metres L ¢ 6 9 @ BC DE FIG G 6 GGG GG LEVEL 2 (899-984 millikar) prt tai Yt ee DIVE TIME (mins) tus] (eins) Ube in i ee eT ETL g 3 tl [| 48 20 5} i } = = = 5 Fi 8 10 to surface. IM On return to surface, or arrival Tables are designed for S| 8s, involving heavy work of 2 CONCEM require extrac UU ESR Ths Lal abe Re yer easy bi

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