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Chicken ovalbumin (OVAL)

Molecular weight: 42911.26 g/mol = 42.9kDa

Amino acid composition:

Ala (A) 34 Glu (E) 33 Met (M) 17 Tyr (Y) 10
Arg (R) 15 Gly (G) 19 Phe (F) 20 Val (V) 31
Asn (N) 17 His (H) 7 Pro (P) 14 Pyl (O) 0
Asp (D) 14 Ile (I) 25 Ser (S) 38 Sec (U) 0
Cys (C) 6 Leu (L) 32 Thr (T) 16
Gln (Q) 15 Lys (K) 20 Trp (W) 3

Approximate Molar Absorption coefficients at 280 nm:

- Assuming all pairs of Cys residues form cystines
o Molar Absorption coefficient 31775 M-1 cm-1
- Assuming all Cys residues are reduced
o Molar Absorption coefficient 31400 M-1 cm-1

Bovine a-Chymotrypsinogen (a-CTGN)


Molecular weight: 31496.81 g/mol = 31.5kDa

Amino acid composition:

Ala (A) 26 Glu (E) 6 Met (M) 4 Tyr (Y) 5
Arg (R) 7 Gly (G) 29 Phe (F) 8 Val (V) 24
Asn (N) 16 His (H) 4 Pro (P) 12 Pyl (O) 0
Asp (D) 11 Ile (I) 14 Ser (S) 36 Sec (U) 0
Cys (C) 11 Leu (L) 26 Thr (T) 27
Gln (Q) 10 Lys (K) 15 Trp (W) 9

Approximate Molar Absorption coefficients at 280 nm:

- Assuming all pairs of Cys residues form cystines
o Molar Absorption coefficient 57575 M-1 cm-1
- Assuming all Cys residues are reduced
o Molar Absorption coefficient 56950 M-1 cm-1

Bovine serum albumin (BSA)

Molecular weight: 69323.44 g/mol = 69.3kDa

Amino acid composition:

Ala (A) 47 Glu (E) 59 Met (M) 5 Tyr (Y) 21
Arg (R) 26 Gly (G) 17 Phe (F) 30 Val (V) 38
Asn (N) 14 His (H) 17 Pro (P) 28 Pyl (O) 0
Asp (D) 40 Ile (I) 15 Ser (S) 32 Sec (U) 0
Cys (C) 35 Leu (L) 65 Thr (T) 35
Gln (Q) 20 Lys (K) 60 Trp (W) 3

Approximate Molar Absorption coefficients at 280 nm:

- Assuming all pairs of Cys residues form cystines
o Molar Absorption coefficient 49915 M-1 cm-1
- Assuming all Cys residues are reduced
o Molar Absorption coefficient 47790 M-1 cm-1

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