Unit 1, Lesson A:: 1. Vocabulary

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

Unit 1, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. teacher  2. David  3. Smith  4. Mr.
B. 1. 7  2. 4  3. 0  4. 8  5. 2  6. 1
C. 1. Student  2. First name  3. Last name  4. Email address  5. Female

2. Conversation
A. 1. 4, 1, 2, 3  2. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5  3. 3, 1, 4, 2
B. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. is  2. is  3. am  4. are  5. are
B. 1. Her name is Mrs. Lee.  2. Your first name is Linda.  3. His last name is Diaz.  4. My ID number is 25199.  5. It’s my nickname.
C. 1. She’s my classmate.  2. It’s an ID card.  3. I’m your teacher.  4. He’s a student.  5. You’re in my class.

Unit 1, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. a  2. e  3. c  4. d  5. b  6. g  7. f
B. 1. Yes, it is.  2. No, it isn’t. It’s RSan@*comm.com.  3. Yes, it is.  4. No, it isn’t. It’s Frank.  5. No, it isn’t. It’s basketball. 
6. Answers will vary.  7. Answers will vary.

2. Reading and Writing

B. 1. No, it isn’t.  2. Yes, they are.  3. Yes, it is.  4. No, it isn’t.  5. Answers will vary.
C. 1. Bob or Rob  2. Mike  3. Chris  4. Sue  5. Liz, Lizzy, Beth, Bess, or Betty  6. Cathy
D. 1. is  2. calls  3. He’s  4. His  5. address  6. music
E. Answers will vary.

Unit 2, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. Turkey  2. Brazil  3. Chinese  4. Peru  5. Korean  6. Australian
B. 1. British  2. Japanese  3. Mexican  4. Spanish  5. American  6. Portuguese
C. 1. a  2. c  3. d  4. b

2. Conversation
A. 1. 1. from  2. I’m  3. Spain  4. isn’t  2. 1. are you from  2. Is Tokyo the  3. of Japan  4. it is  3. 1. Where are you from?  2. I’m Chinese. I’m
from Shaghai.  3. Is Shanghai the capital of China?  4. No, it isn’t. Beijing is the capital.
B. 1. c  2. e  3. d  4. a  5. b

3. Grammar
A. 1. c  2. b  3. a  4. c
B. 1. in  2. from  3. from  4. at  5. in
C. 1. Who  2. Where’s  3. at  4. Who’s  5. in

Unit 2, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. Answers will vary.
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. is  2. isn’t  3. aren’t.  4. are.  5. isn’t

2. Reading and Writing

A. 1. New York City  2. Brasília  3. Oxford  4. Rome
B. Answers will vary.
C. Spelling mistakes: capatal capital, beutiful beautiful, croded crowded, friendley friendly, rilaxing relaxing, intresting interesting
D. Answers will vary.

W o r l d L i n k I n t r o W o r k b o o k A n s w e r K e y    T233

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

Unit 3, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. f  2. c  3. b  4. a  5. e  6. d
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 1. No problem.  2. Is this your wallet?  3. Thanks for the gift.  4. Are these your headphones?  5. Thanks so much. 
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. F  2. I  3. I  4. F  5. I  6. I

3. Grammar
A. 1. notebooks  2. countries  3. cameras  4. cell phones  5. dishes  6. dictionaries  7. watches  8. keys  9. bus passes 
10. women  11. people  12. wives
B. 1. knives  2. tomatoes  3. men  4. children  5. photos  6. classes
C. cities, watches, people, friends, women, pictures
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 3, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. unimportant  2. clean  3. uncomfortable  4. cheap  5. throw out  6. easy
B. 1. Are these  2. Is that  3. Are those  4. Is this  5. Is this  6. Are those
C. 1. That is an expensive gift.  2. This is a good cell phone.  3. These are excellent headphones or These headphones are excellent.  4. That is
terrible music. or That music is terrible.
D. Answers will vary.

2. Reading and Writing

A. 1. headphones  2. watch  3. cell phone  4. camera
B. 1. F, The LC-009 is easy to use.  2. F, The BT-333s are comfortable.  3. F, The WX-240 is cheap.  4. T  5. F, DC-1000 pictures are excellent.
C. 1. camera  2. product  3. easy  4. expensive  5. excellent
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 4, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. watch  2. listen  3. talk  4. text  5. exercise  6. drink  7. eat  8. study
B. 1. for  2. Ø  3. Ø  4. Ø  5. on  6. to  7. to  8. Ø
C. 1. listening  2. eating  3. watching  4. talking  5. drinking  6. going

2. Conversation
A. 8, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
B. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. Carlos is writing emails.  2. They are listening to music.  3. Mindy is talking on the phone.  4. We are eating French food.  5. Rio is
watching TV.
B. 1. He is not sleeping.  2. You are not studying hard.  3. Sara is not talking to her teacher.  4. We are not watching baseball. 
5. I am not texting my brother.
C. 1. Is John playing tennis?  2. Is she listening to hip-hop?  3. Are Mr. and Mrs. Sosa exercising?  4. Are you watching a movie? 
5. Are we studying English?
D. 1. He’s answering letters.  2. Yes, he is.  3. She’s talking to new students.  4. They’re meeting with Mr. Pak.  5. No, he’s not. / No, he
isn’t.  6. Ahmed is answering the phones.  7. No, she’s not. / No, she isn’t.  8. She’s working at the computer.

Unit 4, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. nursing  2. math  3. tourism  4. history  5. hospitality  6. law  7. art  8. business  9. engineering  10. science
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. am visiting (these days)  2. is starting (these days)  3. are watching (right now)  4. is talking (right now) 
5. am studying (these days)

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

2. Reading and Writing

B. Hiroko, Japanese, information technology, English, tennis 
Felix, German, nursing, math, science, and English, music 
Gisele, Brazilian, art, two art classes, yoga
C. 1. drinking  2. eating  3. listening  4. watching  5. studying  6. going  7. taking  8. shopping
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 5, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. spaghetti  2. sandwich  3. chicken  4. soup  5. steak  6. salad
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 1. Sue: Are you hungry? Alex: Yes, I am. Do you like Chinese food? Sue: Yes, I love it. Alex: Let’s go to China Garden. They have great food.
2. Anna: Let’s go to Pizza Paradise for dinner. Pilar: Well, I don’t really like pizza. Anna: That’s OK. They have chicken and pasta, too. Pilar:
Sounds good!
3. Hiroshi: I’m hungry! Ken: I’m hungry, too. Let’s have dinner. Hiroshi: Do you like tacos? Ken: Yes, I like them a lot. Hiroshi:
Then, let’s go to Tito’s Mexican Restaurant.
B. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. have  2. exercises  3. do  4. go  5. drinks  6. studies
B. 1. I don’t eat breakfast every day.  2. Carmen doesn’t study Japanese.  3. We don’t like tests.  4. Young-Mi doesn’t drink coffee.  5. My
friends don’t watch TV.  6. I don’t sleep in class.
C. Answers will vary.

Unit 5, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. bad for you  2. snack  3. skip  4. energy  5. vitamins  6. taste good  7. junk
B. 1. Does your mother cook every day? No, she doesn’t.  2. Do your friends take vitamins? Yes, they do.  3. Does cheese taste good? Yes, it
does.  4. Do you eat junk food? No, I don’t.  5. Does Andrea skip meals? No, she doesn’t.
C. Answers will vary.

2. Reading and Writing

A. 2, 1, 3
B. Ali Aslan, Turkey, fried chicken, cookies, cake, spinach, and beans. They’re delicious. They taste good 
Kenji Ono, Japan, vegetable soup, rice, and fish. He needs to lost weight. He’s on a diet. 
Row 3: Marta Diaz, Mexico, salads, smoothies. She wants to be healthy. They taste good. They’re good for her.
C. 1. eat  2. don’t skip  3. don’t drink  4. exercise  5. play  6. don’t eat  7. love  8. sleep  9. take  10. is  11. doesn’t take 
12. doesn’t exercise  13. skips  14. doesn’t eat  15. eats  16. studies  17. sleeps
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 6, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. Male: father, grandfather, uncle, brother 
Female: mother, grandmother, aunt, sister 
Male or female: parent, grandparent, cousin
B. 1. d  2. a  3. g  4. h  5. b  6. e  7. c  8. f
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 1. Who is this person?  2. That’s my father’s sister.  3. What are your brothers’ names?  4. Their names are Jason and Matt. 
5. What are your parents’ names?  6. My mother’s name is Sally and my father’s name is Paul.  7. What’s your sister’s name? 
8. Her name is Emma.
B. Answers will vary.

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

3. Grammar
A. 1. the Parks’  2. Charles’s  3. The Parks’  4. Shelly’s  5. Charles’s  6. Shelly’s
B. 1. James’s, Kayla’s  2. Jeff’s, Sarah’s / James’s  3. Carol’s / Jeff’s, Sarah’s / James’s  4. Carol’s, Annie’s, Kayla’s
C. 1. His house is small.  2. Her name is Akiko.  3. His parents are doctors.  4. Their names are Cathy and Wendy. 
5. I’m his cousin.  6. This is their car.

Unit 6, Lesson B
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. married  2. single  3. divorced  4. boyfriend  5. dating someone  6. girlfriend
B. 1. seventy-seven  2. eighty  3. forty-six  4. twenty-five  5. thirty-two  6. sixty-four  7. eighteen  8. fifty-eight
C. 1. ‘ve got  2. ‘s got  3. ‘s got  4. ‘ve got
D. 1. How old are you?  2. I am 23 years old.  3. Are you single?  4. No, I’ve got a wife.  5. Do you have any children? 
6. I have two children.

2. Reading and Writing

A. Answers will vary.
B. 1. sister  2. mother  3. son  4. father  5. brother  6. daughter
C. 1. Michael’s  2. Michael’s  3. Cameron’s  4. Kirk’s  5. Cameron’s  6. Diandra’s  7. Kirk’s 
8. Michael’s
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 7, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. 1:28  2. 1:30  3. 3:05  4. 10:15  5. 8:01  6. 3:45  7. 5:00  8. 9:05
B. 1. b  2. f  3. a  4. e  5. d  6. c  7. h  8. g
C. morning, afternoon, evening, night
D. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. Possible answers: 1. Let’s watch that new horror movie.  2. Let’s go swimming.  3. We could eat at Cafe Colombia.  4. We could watch The
Evening News at 7:00.
B. Possible answers: 1. I don’t really like basketball. or I don’t really want to watch TV.  2. I don’t really like to play tennis.  3. I don’t really like
Jennifer Lawrence. or I don’t really want to go to the movies.  4. I don’t really like to eat at Joe’s Restaurant.  5. I don’t really like to shop.
C. 1.  Possible answers: 1. Let’s  2. really want to go there  3. We could get  4. That  5. good.
2.  Answers will vary
D. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. on, at, in  2. in  3. at, in  4. On, at  5. on  6. at, on
B. Possible answers: 1. She works in the morning on Mondays and the afternoon on Wednesdays.  2. She works in the afternoon on
Tuesdays.  3. She works in the morning and afternoon on Saturdays.  4. He works in the evening on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and
Saturdays.  5. He works in the afternoon on Thursdays.  6. He works in the morning on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
C. 1. from, to  2. in  3. at  4. from, to  5. on
D. 1. When is your piano lesson?  2. When is the test?  3. When is the party?  4. When is Jim’s dance class?

Unit 7, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. go: shopping, swimming;  go to: Spain, school, the movies;  go for: a walk;  go out with: friends, classmates
B. Answers will vary.
C. 1. What do you do on weekends?  2. Where do you live?  3. Who do you go dancing with?  4. When do you go to the gym? 
5. Where do you go to school? 

2. Reading and Writing

A. 1. Where do you live?  2. Who do you live with?  3. What do you do in your free time?  4. What do you do in the evenings? 
5. What do you do on Saturdays?  6. When do you relax?
B. 1. F, Wade relaxes on Sundays.  2. F, He spends time with his parents on Sundays.  3. T  4. F, He lives with his dog, Racket.
C. 1. in  2. at  3. On  4. at  5. on  6. In  7. In  8. on
D. Answers will vary.

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Unit 8, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. May  2. March  3. June  4. July  5. August  6. November  7. February  8. April  9. September  10. January  11. October 
12. December
B. 1. February sixteenth  2. August twenty-third  3. November ninth  4. October first  5. April fifth  6. July fourth 
7. June twenty-seventh  8. March tenth
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 3, 6, 4, 1, 7, 2, 5
B. 1. We have the day off.  2. It’s the last Friday in June.  3. What do people do on this day?  4. It’s a long weekend. 
5. It’s a holiday here in the US.
C. 1. c  2. a  3. b
D. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. in  2. in  3. on  4. on  5. in  6. on  7. on  8. in  9. in  10. on
B. 1. Our vacation is in (the) summer.  2. Our party is on New Year’s Day.  3. Labor Day is in September. 
4. Valentine’s Day is in (the) winter.  5. Christmas is on December 25.
C. 1. C  2. I, My English class is on Wednesdays at 8:00 in the evening.  3. I, In the summer, I go swimming; in the winter, I go skiing.  4. C  5. I,
My grandmother’s birthday is on July 12th. She was born in 1927.  6. C

Unit 8, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. attend  2. place  3. annual  4. event  5. compete  6. traditional  7. celebrate
B. 1. c  2. a  3. d  4. b
C. 1. When  2. How long  3. When  4. How long  5. How long
D. 1. for  2. at  3. from, until / to  4. on  5. in  6. for

2.  Reading and Writing

A. 1. c  2. a  3. b
B. 1. Karin Schmidt, Germany, Christmas, She loves the Christmas tree.  2. Park Kyoung-Mi, Korea, Chuseok, She sees her cousins. 
3. Paulo Amaral, Brazil, Carnival, He loves the traditional clothes and music. 
C. 1. holliday holiday 2. palce place  3. anually annually  4. preform perform  5. atend attend  6. parad parade  7. traditionel traditional  8.
evint event
D. Answers will vary.

Unit 9, Lesson A:
1. Vocabulary
A. 1. do  2. make  3. do  4. make  5. makes  6. do  7. makes  8. does
B. 1. do  2. makes  3. makes  4. do  5. am doing  6. am doing
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 1. I’m sorry about that.  2. Don’t worry about it.  3. I’m really sorry.  4. That’s OK.  5. That’s all right.
B. Apologizing: I’m sorry about that. I’m really sorry.  Responding to an apology: Don’t worry about it. That’s OK. That’s all right.
C. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. Wording may vary.  1. Matt often drinks coffee often.  2. Matt and Tim always eat breakfast.  3. Anya is usually a good student.  4. Tim and
Anya never drink coffee.  5. Anya and Matt are sometimes late for class.  6. Jai never eats breakfast.  7. Jai is hardly ever late for class.  8.
Tim often gets up early.
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

Unit 9, Lesson B:
1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. g  2. c  3. a  4. e  5. b  6. d  7. f
B. 1. Where  2. Where  3. How long  4. What  5. Where  6. What  7. How long  8. Where
C. 1. Where do you go after class?  2. What do you eat for lunch?  3. What do you do for fun? 
4. Where do you go to school?  5. How long is your English class? 6. Who lives with you? Responses will vary.

2. Reading and Writing

A. Answers will vary.
C. 1. Eliana Santos lives in Brazil.  2. Catherine is a waitress at a restaurant.  3. Becky lives in Miami, Florida. 
4. Eliana works in an office.  5. Ayako likes music, cartoons, and shopping.  6. Becky and Eliana like sports. 
7. Eliana is a good match. They both like reading, music, and movies.
D. Name: Min Song-Gyu, Age: 20, Email: songgyu@*han.com, Hometown: Seoul, Korea, Hobbies: music, basketball, and drawing, Daily life: I
study during the week. I work in a dance club on weekends.
E. Answers will vary.

Unit 10, Lesson A:

1. Vocabulary
A. 1. d  2. g  3. i  4. h  5. b  6. e  7. c  8. f  9. j.  10. a.
B. 1. closet  2. sink  3. air conditioner  4. window  5. table  6. refrigerator
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. Possible answers: 1. Come  2. It’s a  3. It’s only  4. Really? / Are you serious?  5. No way. / You’re kidding.  6. It’s a  7. There’s 
8. There’s no
B. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. Is there; Yes, there is.  2. Are there; Yes, there are.  3. Is there; Yes, there is.  4. Are there; No, there aren’t. 
5. Is there; Yes, there is.  6. Is there; Yes, there is.
B. Answers will vary.
C. Responses will vary. 1. How many people are there in your family?  2. How many pages are there in this book? There are 73 
3. How many students are there in your class?  4. How many windows are there in your bedroom?  5. How many units are there in this book?
There are 12.  6. How many shirts are there in your closet?  7. How many chairs are there in your kitchen?

Unit 10, Lesson B:

1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. green  2. blue  3. brown  4. dark gray  5. pink  6. orange  7. gray  8. orange  9. light pink  10. yellow
B. 1. C  2. He’s too excited to sit down.  3. She got a very / really good grade on the test.  4. C 
5. The baby is very / really young.  6. C  7. They’re too young.  8. I’m too busy to go.

2. Reading and Writing

A. 1. Bruce Fieldson  2. Emily Lawson  3. Pamela Geer
C. 1. blue  2. dark blue  3. decorators
D. Rooms: living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen  Colors: bright yellow, dark blue, red, white, bright red, dark green, light blue, white, white,
bright yellow
E. sAnswers will vary.

Unit 11, Lesson A:

1. Vocabulary
A. 1. shirt  2. dress  3. pullover  4. jacket  5. coat  6. scarf  7. blouse  8. sweater  9. uniform  10. suit
B. For your head: hat 
For your feet: boots, heels, sandals, sneakers, socks
For your legs: jeans, pants, shorts, skirt 
For your hands: gloves
C. Answers will vary.

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World Link Intro Workbook Answer Key

2. Conversation
A. Answers will vary.
B. Possible answers: 1. 1. Can I help 2. please 3. looking 4. we have 5. are they 6. about it 7. take it  2. 1. help you 2. thanks 3. looking
for 4. we have 5. are they 6. about it 7. I’ll take them
C. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. He has a new T-shirt.  2. They want to go to the mall.  3. He doesn’t want new shoes. 
4. Does she want to pay $20 for that hat?
B. 1. want to  2. has  3. want  4. have  5. want to  6. doesn’t want  7. don’t have to  8. has to  9. wants  10. doesn’t want to
C. Answers will vary.

Unit 11, Lesson B:

1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. f  2. b  3. h  4. i  5. e  6. g  7. a  8. c  9. d  10. j.
B. 1. N  2. C  3. C  4. N  5. N  6. C  7. N  8. C
C. 1. —  2. a  3. an  4. —  5. a  6. a

2. Reading and Writing

A. 1. b  2. e  3. c  4. d  5. a
B. 1. X  2. a  3. a  4. X  5. a  6. X  7. X  8. X  9. a
C. Answers will vary.

Unit 12, Lesson A:

1. Vocabulary
A. 1. doctor  2. lawyer  3. nurse  4. telemarketer  5. programmer  6. hairstylist
B. 1. delivery person  2. businessperson  3. police officer  4. hairstylist  5. nurse  6. telemarketer  7. flight attendant 
8. lawyer  9. web designer  10. doctor  11. programmer
C. Answers will vary.

2. Conversation
A. 7, 3, 5, 1, 6, 9, 2, 4, 8
B. 1. What’s your name?  2. do you work?  3. I work at  4. do you do?  5. Do you like your job?  6. What are
C. Answers will vary.

3. Grammar
A. 1. What’s that like?  2. What’s he like?  3. What’s she like?  4. What’s that like?  5. What are they like?
B. 1. What are they like?  2. What’s he like?  3. What’s she like?  4. What’s that like?  5. What’s that like?

Unit 12, Lesson B:

1. Vocabulary and Grammar
A. 1. d  2. f  3. e  4. b  5. a  6. c
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary.
D. 1. What  2. Can you  3. can  4. little  5. Can you  6. can  7. little  8. can’t  9. well  10. Can  11. can cry

2. Reading and Writing

A. Can you speak Spanish?  Can you play any instruments?  Can you swim?
B. 1. yes  2. a little  3. yes  4. no  5. yes  6. yes  7. yes  8. a little
C. 1. live  2. I’m  3. speak  4. can  5. love  6. play  7. can’t  8. Do  9. work  10. practice
D. Answers will vary.

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