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Stabilisation Targets, Technical

Change and the Macroeconomic

Costs of Climate Change Control
Valentina Bosetti, Carlo Carraro
and Marzio Galeotti


CCMP – Climate Change Modelling and Policy

Valentina Bosetti, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

Carlo Carraro, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Marzio Galeotti, Università di Milano and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

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Stabilisation Targets, Technical Change and the Macroeconomic Costs
of Climate Change Control
The issue of greenhouse gas (GHG) stabilization stands on three critical open questions.
Namely, what are the impacts deriving from different levels of climate change and their
distribution. What are the levels at which GHG concentration should be stabilized in
order to avoid unacceptable impacts. And, finally, what are the costs and what are the
instruments available to reach such stabilization targets. In the present paper, we address
the latter question, in the specific attempt of shedding some light on the debated role of
technological progress in lowering the costs of GHG stabilization. In particular, we use
an optimal growth climate-economy model, where technical change is endogenously
driven by learning by researching and learning by doing. In the model, when an
ambitious stabilization target has to be reached, some additional technological
innovation and diffusion is induced. The magnitude of this induced effect substantially
affects the costs of stabilizing greenhouse gasses and may even make a well-designed
climate policy a win-win strategy. A sensitivity analysis on the model crucial
parameters is performed to account for structural and parametric uncertainties on
learning effects, on the relationship between knowledge accumulation and the energy
and carbon intensity of the economic system, and on the crowding out of investments in
the energy sector R&D with respect to other research fields.

Keywords: Climate policy, Environmental modelling, Integrated assessment, Technical


JEL Classification: H0, H2, H3

This paper is part of the research work being carried out by the Climate Change
Modelling and Policy Research Programme at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and has
been prepared for the 2004-2005 ESRI Collaboration Project. Comments and support
from Barbara Buchner and Francesco Bosello are gratefully acknowledged.

Address for correspondence:

Valentina Bosetti
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Magenta 63
20123 Milano
Phone: +39 02 520 36983
Fax: +39 02 520 36946
1. Introduction

Technological change (TC hereafter) is a major force in a country’s economic growth.

Since before the industrial revolution, economies and societies have evolved as a result of
technological change. This evolution has been largely beneficial, even though asymmetrically
distributed within and across societies. However, the economic growth fostered by technical
changes has had and still has a large impact on natural resources and the global environment.
Among these impacts, the release of large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere is certainly
a potentially damaging one, at least in the long-run. The scientific consensus is that these
emissions will contribute to changing the earth’s climate, with the consequent expected
effects on e.g. average temperature, sea level, precipitation patterns, and consequently on
agriculture production, coastal zone urban settings, biodiversity, vector born diseases, and so
Controlling the influence of human activities on climate is not an easy task. The
international agreements that have so far come into force have only had and will have a very
small impact on greenhouse gas (GHG) atmospheric concentrations. Stabilizing these
concentrations at, for example, twice the pre-industrial levels requires per capita global
emissions to peak and then decline to (at least) half their 1990 value by the end of the twenty-
first century.1 This seems to be feasible only through drastic technological change in the
energy sector, i.e. technological innovation is increasingly seen as the main way of
reconciling the current fundamental conflict between economic activity and environmental
No one really believes or is ready to accept that the solution to the problem of climate
change is to reduce the pace of economic growth. Instead, it is believed that changes in
technology will bring about the long awaited de-coupling of economic growth from the
generation of polluting emissions. There is a difference in attitude in this respect, though.
Some maintain a faithful view that technological change, having a life of its own, will
automatically solve the problem. Others express the conviction that the process of
technological change by and large responds to impulses and incentives, and therefore has to
be fostered by appropriate policy actions.
Technological change generally leads to the substitution of obsolete and dirty
technologies with cleaner ones. It must be borne in mind, however, that technical change is
not per se always environment-friendly, as it can lead to the emergence of new sectors and

See Bosetti, Galeotti, and Lanza (2004) for a detailed analysis.

industries with new kinds and degrees of pollution problems, like the generation of new
harmful pollutants. There are therefore no substitutes for policy in directing the innovation
efforts toward fostering economic growth and helping the environment at the same time (see
the evidence in Galeotti, 2003).
All the above remarks are reflected in climate-economy models, the main quantitative
tools designed either to depict long-run energy and pollution scenarios or to assist in climate
change policy analysis. Indeed, these models have traditionally accounted for the presence of
technical change, albeit usually evolving in an exogenous fashion. More recently, however,
models have been proposed where technology changes endogenously and/or its change is
induced by deliberate choices of agents and government intervention. Both bottom-up and
top-down models, a long standing distinction in energy-economy-environment modelling,
have been recently modified in order to accommodate forms of endogenous technical change.
As it turns out, the bottom-up approach has mostly experimented with the notion of Learning
by Doing (LbD henceforth), while a few top-down models have entertained the notion of a
stock of knowledge which accumulates over time via R&D spending.
We do not intend to review here the recent literature on the role of TC in the
economics of climate change and on the endogenisation of TC in climate-economy models.
This has been done elsewhere (see, for instance, Carraro and Galeotti, 2002, 2004; Löschel,
2002; Sijm, 2004).2 Our intention here is rather to identify the main features that a model of
technological change should possess (see Clarke and Weyant, 2002, for a similar exercise)
and then develop a new climate-economy model in which most of these features are taken
into account.
In the new model, dubbed FEEM-RICE v.3, that will be presented and tested in this
paper, changes in technology affect the economy and climate through modifications of both
the energy intensity of production and the carbon emission intensity of energy consumed. The
driver of these intensity ratios is a new, crucial variable, deemed Energy Technical Change
Index (ETCI), which is a convex combination of two stocks, an abatement-based one and an
R&D-based one. These stocks are designed to capture the two main modes of endogenous
TC, Learning-by-Doing (LbD) and Learning-by-Researching (LbR). We hypothesize that
these two sources of technical change cannot easily substitute one another.
As there is basically little guidance to the calibration of the crucial TC parameters, in
particular in the context of a regional climate-economy model of the world economy like the

A very recent exercise is the Innovation Modelling Comparison Project (IMCP), the results of which are
summarized in Edenhofer, Lessmann, Kemfert, Grubb, and Köhler (2005).

one proposed in this paper, we carry out a number of optimisation runs in which the key TC
parameters are modified and their impacts on the energy and carbon intensity in different
regions of the world are quantified. This sensitivity analysis will enable us to test the
robustness of the model, and to identify which parameters drive our main results.
After having described and tested the model, this paper focuses on a few policy
exercises designed to assess the effects and costs of measures aimed at stabilising GHG
concentrations. In this paper we concentrate on the specific target of stabilizing CO2
concentrations.3 Article 2 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) had established the central goal of “stabilization of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
concentrations in the atmosphere” In its Third Assessment Report the IPCC, the scientific
advisory board to the UNFCCC laid out various long-term stabilization scenarios for GHG
concentrations with associated ranges of expected increases in global mean temperature
(IPCC, 2001).
In the light of these institutional endorsements, we follow the bulk of the literature and
adopt in this paper a concentrations target.4 Because of the uncertainty characterizing long-
term stabilisation targets, we consider three alternative numerical values corresponding to
more and less ambitious goals.
The remainder of the paper is as follows. Section 2 briefly surveys the recent literature
on endogenous and induced technical change in climate-economy models, and identifies the
main features that an ideal model should possess. Section 3 presents the FEEM-RICE v.3
model and provides a technical discussion on how TC has been modelled. Section 4 discuss
the model calibration procedure, while Section 5 tests the sensitivity of our formulation of
technical change to changes in its main parameters. Section 6 presents the main results of our
analysis of different stabilization scenarios and outlines the macroeconomic costs of
alternative policy measures. Some concluding comments and suggestions for further research
close the paper.

Let us stress that this is not the only target that could be selected. As a matter of fact, alternative goals could be
adopted along the climate cycle. Different targets present advantages and shortcomings as thoroughly discussed
by, for instance, Pershing and Tudela (2003) and Bosetti, Galeotti e Lanza (2004). In general, focusing on earlier
stages (such as production or emissions) means having more precise information on what the required effort
should be, but it may not produce effectively the desired effects, mainly because of the loose relationship
between actions and climate damages. The reverse is true for targets imposed on later stages.
See the papers forthcoming in the special issue of the Energy Journal (Edenhofer, Lessmann, Kemfert, Grubb,
and Köhler, 2005).

2. Modelling Endogenous Technical Change: A Brief Overview

Endogenous TC does not involve the mere passage of time, but it stems from
deliberate research and the innovation decisions of economic agents. These decisions are
influenced by a variety of economic factors, that are not limited to the changes in relative
prices. In other words, endogenous TC refers to both shifts of the production isoquant, and
shifts along the production isoquant. Policy measures adopted at the local, national or
international level may play an important role in stimulating these technological changes.
As noted by Clarke and Weyant (2002), theoretical work on endogenous TC is
comprised of essentially two strands: innovation theory and endogenous growth theory.5
Innovation theory has a microeconomic focus, looks at individual firms and industries, and
stresses the incentives and the inefficiencies that result from the failure to share the benefits of
the innovation activity. Endogenous growth theory has a macroeconomic focus, and analyses
how investment in innovation by private agents can be a source of aggregate economic
Climate-economy models typically try to combine aspects of both theories. They both
stress the importance of knowledge as being a public good and highlight the importance of
spillovers, as the incomplete appropriability of the benefits from innovation by private firms
creates positive externalities. Spillovers cause underinvestment in innovation. Most
theoretical work shows and empirical work confirms that markets do not invest efficiently in
innovation and that underinvestment is significant enough to warrant attention by policy
makers. This situation is known as “innovation market failures” and should represent an
essential aspect of endogenous TC modelling.
It is a useful exercise to consider the main ingredients of endogenous TC and the
various aspects of innovation market failures. Consideration of these elements will provide a
sort of checklist that can be used against the climate-economy models incorporating
endogenous TC that have appeared in the recent literature. And, above all, it will be useful to
identify the main features of the new model that will be described below.
Let us therefore summarize the main features that an ideal climate-economy model
with endogenous TC should possess (see Clarke and Weyant, 2002):
• Because spillovers are a fundamental source of economic growth, they ought to be
incorporated in any model aiming to model the long-term process of TC. A full

This is not to say that theorizing in the field of TC is limited to these two areas only. Innovation and
endogenous growth are the two areas most directly relevant for modeling endogenous TC in climate-economy

accounting of spillovers in climate-economy models is probably asking too much, as they
occur within industries, across industries within countries, and across countries. Clearly,
however, to account for intersectoral spillovers a model must be disaggregated by sector,
while to account for international spillovers the model must include regional
• The difference between private and social returns associated with innovation activity
ought to be acknowledged. Private returns to R&D tend to be appreciably smaller than
social returns, in proportions of 20-30% to around 50% according to the empirical studies
• Climate-economy models with endogenous TC must specify the mechanism through
which technological change takes place and the way it alters technology. The two
mechanisms that have been considered to date are research and development spending and
experience building. An advantage of the LbD approach is its simplicity and its reduced
calibration requirements relative to the R&D approach. The latter, on the other hand,
allows for more room for policy maneuvering (energy/environmental R&D can be
subsidized or stimulated) and additional control variables to rely on. Clearly, neither
approach is a complete picture of what goes on in reality, so models based on one or the
other formulation inevitably miss something important. While no model can closely
approximate the real world, the question is whether and at what modeling cost it is
possible to account for both varieties of endogenous TC in a satisfactory manner.
• Besides the choice between R&D vs. experience drivers, it is also important to specify
where and how those drivers actually bring about a change in technology. One distinction
is between energy and non-energy sector. Our modeling strategy is to start with
endogenous TC in the energy industry, leaving other TCs as exogenous. While, as
previously noted, it is true that intersectoral spillovers are important, it would probably be
too complex to include the complex interrelations between energy technologies and other
techonlogies. The resulting model would be too abstract or too cumbersome to be of any
• It is worthwhile considering two sources of energy-saving or carbon-saving
improvements: decarbonization of energy services and reduction in the energy intensity of
economic activities. The second source is more complicated to account for since it
involves R&D in sectors other than the energy industry. In the light of the previous

remark, modelers may consider assumimg that the evolution of the energy intensity of
non-energy technologies is exogenously generated.
• There are complementary sources of technological advance. One is public sector R&D:
publicly financed research will accompany subsidies to private R&D in the form of TC
fostering policies. Another source is intersectoral spillovers, already mentioned above.
The final source of TC is major innovations and breakthroughs. What do these
complementary sources tell us about modeling TC? The implication is that ultimately
some technological progress must remain exogenous.
• Technological heterogeneity is an important issue. One potential implication is
discontinuous TC. Even if innovation is continuous and incremental in individual
technologies, the aggregate production function’s response to innovation investment may
be non-linear and exhibit discontinuities. What do endogenous TC models miss when they
aggregate technologies? Aggregate models are not able to account for the relevance of
emerging technologies and the associated notion that the allocation, not only the absolute
level, of innovation is important. Models can in principle account for heterogenous
technologies. Bottom-up models are best suited for the purpose, whereas top-down
models can probably at most distinguish between carbon-intensive and non-carbon-
intensive technologies.
• TC is an uncertain process. Uncertainty affects both the rate and direction of TC. It also
characterizes the potential for new technologies, that is the extent to which individual
technologies will respond to R&D or experience, and the heterogeneity and discontinuities
in technology development. Essentially these are “parameter” uncertainties, where the
parameters refer to the response of technology to innovative effort or R&D. The
uncertainties can be addressed by basing that response on expected values of uncertain
parameter distributions.
• Innovation takes time and is risky. To the extent that markets have different preferences
for risk and time than society preferences, markets will invest in innovation differently
than would be socially optimal. Risk aversion and discounting start to play a role when we
consider technological heterogeneity, and emerging environmental technologies in
particular. This aspect can be then best addressed by bottom-up models which are capable
of distinguishing between more mature and newer technologies, and between more and
less competitive technologies. The deviation of private risk aversion and time preference
from socially preferred values can however also be captured, though in an ad hoc fashion,

by bottom-up models that arbitrarily increase the price of R&D resources or adjust the
spillover parameter(s) upward.
• Not all investment activity can be captured by models assuming rational behavior.
Entrepreneurial spirit can also guide innovation choices. While climate-economy models
are likely to face serious difficulties in explicitly accounting for this aspect, they can
nevertheless allow for an implication of quasi-rational, or routine-based behavior (as in
evolutionary theories): the tendency to undertake research efforts on technologies already
in use will bias private sector behavior toward dominant technologies. The effect is
therefore similar to the one made in the previous point .
• The very essence of evolutionary economics and historical evidence suggest that
technological change evolves with a lot of inertia. It is, in other words, characterized by
path dependence. This implies that the rate, and especially the direction, of TC may
respond sluggishly to economic stimuli relative to the no-friction standard neoclassical
models. More problematically, it also implies that what we do today affects how the
economy will respond in the future, i.e. today’s actions redirect the future path of TC.
Incorporating path dependence into climate-economy models is probably prohibitively
complicated, unless perhaps if we resort to adding time lags to the process of technology
• A final point refers to technology diffusion as opposed to technology innovation. One
obvious way to account for this aspect is the introduction of time lags. This strategy does
not do justice to the importance and implications of technological diffusion vis-à-vis
technology development, but it may represent a reasonable shortcut, an acceptable
compromise to make especially in top-down models.
To date the literature includes only a few examples of climate-economy models where
TC is explicitly endogenised. The list is however expanding (see Edenhofer, Lessmann,
Kemfert, Grubb, and Köhler, 2005). As said above, we do not review these various models
here. We simply mention these models and refer to Table 1 below for a picture showing
which of the above ideal aspects each individual model does or does not address.

Table 1: Induced TC Features of Some Climate Models

Private/social R&D
ITC in Energy Carbon
Technology returns to R&D complemen Technological Technological Path
R&D Learning non- saving saving Diffusion
Spillovers Opportunity tary heterogeneity uncertainty dependence
energy ITC ITC
cost of R&D sources of
R&DICE yes no no yes no no yes yes yes no* no no
ETC-RICE yes yes yes no yes no yes yes no no no no
Demeter 1 no yes no no no yes yes yes yes yes no no
MERGE no yes no no no yes yes yes yes no** yes yes
no yes no no yes yes no no yes yes
Barreto & yes no
yes yes no no yes yes no no yes yes
Entice yes no no yes no no yes yes no no no no
Demeter 2 yes yes no no no yes yes yes yes no no no
Entice-BR yes no no yes no no yes yes yes no no no
WIAGEM yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes no no no
FEEM-RICE yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes no no

Uncertainty on technology is however discussed in Nordhaus, W. D. and Popp, D. (1997), “What is the value of Scientific Knowledge? An application to global
warming using the PRICE Model”, The Energy Journal, 18-1, 1-44
Uncertainty on technology is however discussed in Manne, A. S. and Richels, R.G. (2003), “Stabilizing Long-Term Temperature”, Working Paper, Stanford University

The models considered are, in the bottom-up energy systems class, versions of the
multi-regional MESSAGE-MARKAL model (Messner, 1997; Barreto and Kypreos, 2002a;
Criqui, Klaassen, and Schrattenholzer, 2000; Miketa and Schrattenholzer, 2002; Barreto and
Kypreos, 2002b, 2004). These are dynamic linear programming models of the energy sector
that are generally used in tandem with MACRO, a macro-economic model which provides
economic data for the energy sector (Manne, 1981; see also Seebregts, Kram, Schaeffer,
Stoffer, Kypreos, Barreto, Messner, and Schrattenholzer, 1999; Manne and Barreto, 2004).
These models yield the optimal choice between several different technologies using given
abatement costs and carbon emission targets. In addition, they feature a learning or experience
curve describing technological progress as a function of accumulating experience with
production (LbD for manufacturers) and with use (learning-by-using – LbU – for consumers)
of a technology during its diffusion.
Among top-down models, we consider Manne and Richels (1992)’s MERGE model, a
regional intertemporal growth model which combines a top-down perspective on the
remainder of the economy together with a bottom-up representation of the energy supply
sector. In a recent version of the model (Manne and Richels, 2002), one of the previous two
electric backstop technologies, the low-cost one, is replaced by a LbD process. Another model
which exploits the notion of LbD to endogenize technical change is DEMETER, a global
model proposed by van der Zwaan, Gerlagh, Klaassen, and Schrattenholzer (2002) (see also
Gerlagh and van der Zwaan, 2000; Gerlagh, van der Zwaan, Hofkes, and Klaassen, 2000;
Gerlagh and van der Zwaan, 2004). A macroeconomic (top-down) model is specified which
distinguishes two different energy technologies, carbon and carbon-free. The costs of the
latter are dependent upon the cumulative capacity installed. Thus the model is expanded with
learning curves previously used in energy system (bottom-up) models.
A recent evolution of DEMETER is the partial equilibrium model of energy supply
and demand elaborated by Gerlagh and Lise (2003). DEMETER-2E, as it is called, entertains
two energy technologies for the production of a carbon-rich and a carbon-poor input. R&D is
combined with LbD: R&D-based knowledge is combined with capital and labour in a
technology which produces more and more energy input over time thanks to LbD.
An example of multi-region, multi-sector integrated assessment model with
endogenous TC is Kemfert (2002)’s WIAGEM. In this recursive dynamic computable general
equilibrium model, R&D spending affects the productivity of the energy input in the
production process. More R&D therefore results in increased energy efficiency. It is to be

noticed that R&D enters the model as a flow, whereas most of the other R&D-based models
adopt the stock of knowledge, accumulated through R&D investments, as the driver of TC.
Finally, there are models of endogenous TC that extend the Nordhaus’ RICE/DICE
family of models. In particular, we consider the optimal growth (regional) RICE model
elaborated by Buonanno, Carraro, Castelnuovo, and Galeotti (2000) and Buonanno, Carraro
and Galeotti (2002). This model, called ETC-RICE, extends Nordhaus and Yang (1996)’s
RICE model to allow for a R&D-based formulation of endogenous TC. In the vein of Goulder
and Mathai (2000), in subsequent work Castelnuovo, Galeotti, Gambarelli, and Vergalli
(2005) specify a version of the ETC-RICE model that features instead an experience-based
endogenous TC.
The new version of the RICE/DICE model (Cf. Nordhaus and Boyer, 2000) is used by
Nordhaus (2002) to lay out a model of endogenous innovation brought about by R&D efforts.
Nordhaus’ work is extended by Popp (2004a) with his ENTICE model. As in Nordhaus, R&D
is four times more costly than physical investment, to account for the divergent social and
private rates of return associated with R&D. In addition, the author assumes that 50% of other
R&D is crowded out by energy R&D, thus raising the opportunity cost of the latter.6 In a very
recent variation, dubbed ENTICE-BR, Popp (2004b) extends the ENTICE model to also
include an energy backstop technology. Finally, Popp (2004c) uses the ENTICE model to
study the role of government subsidies to climate-friendly R&D. These are found to
significantly increase R&D, but to have little effect on climate damages.
As it can be seen from this brief overview – and above all from Table 1 – existing
models fall short of addressing the ideal features of endogenous TC that were outlined at the
beginning of this section. This is why, in the next section, we will present a new model of
endogenous TC that we hope will prove more satisfactory than previous ones.

3. Modelling Endogenous Technical Change: The FEEM-RICE v.3 Model

The FEEM-RICE v.3 model is an extended version of the RICE 99 model by Boyer
and Nordhaus (2000).7 RICE 99 is a Ramsey-Koopmans single sector optimal growth model
suitably extended to incorporate the interactions between economic activities and climate.
There is one such model for each of the eight macro regions into which the world is divided:

As stated, unlike Nordhaus’ R&DICE model, Popp’s ENTICE model does not impose zero substitution
possibilities between energy on the one hand and capital and labor on the other when research is endogenously
RICE 99 is an extension of the RICE 96 model described in Nordhaus and Yang (1996).

USA, Other High Income countries (OHI), OECD Europe (Europe), Russia and Eastern
European countries (REE), Middle Income countries (MI), Lower Middle Income countries
(LMI), China (CHN), and Low Income countries (LI).
Within each region a central planner chooses the optimal paths of two control
variables, fixed investment and carbon energy input, so as to maximize welfare, defined as the
present value of per capita consumption. The value added created via production (net of
climate change) according to a constant returns technology is used for investment and
consumption, after subtraction of energy spending. The technology is Cobb-Douglas and
combines inputs from capital, labour and carbon energy together with the level of technology.
In RICE 99, population (taken to be equal to full employment) and technology levels grow
over time in an exogenous fashion, whereas capital accumulation is governed by the optimal
rate of investment.
The production function of the original RICE 99 model is (n indexes regions, t time

Q(n, t ) = A(n, t )[ K F (n, t )1−γ −α n CE (n, t ) α n L(n, t ) γ ] − p nE CE (n, t ) (1)

where Q is output (gross of climate change effects), A the exogenously given level of
technology and KF, CE and L are the inputs from physical capital, carbon energy and labour,
respectively, and pE is fossil fuel price. Carbon emissions are proportional to carbon energy,
that is:

E (n, t ) = ζ (n, t ) CE (n, t ) (2)

where E is industrial CO2 emissions, while ς is an idiosyncratic carbon intensity ratio which
also exogenously declines over time. In this way, Nordhaus and Boyer (2000) make the
assumption of a gradual, costless improvement of the green technology as time goes by. This
treatment of technical change appears inadequate for a model designed to study issues related
to climate change and climate policy. This is why we developed an extension of RICE 99 in
which technical change is endogenous and responds to climate policy as well as to other
economic and policy incentives.

In FEEM-RICE v.3, we consider simultaneously both LbD and LbR as inputs of

endogenous and induced technical change and we focus on the effects of technical change on

both the energy intensity of production and the carbon intensity of energy use. These features
of the model allow us to address both energy-saving and energy-switching issues. To clarify
this aspect it is perhaps useful to refer to a time-honoured concept in environmental
economics, namely the Kaya’s identity, which in the present specific case reads as follows:

⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
⎜ E (n, t ) ⎟⎜ CE (n, t ) ⎟⎜ Q(n, t ) ⎟
E (t ) = ∑ ⎜ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ L(n, t ) (3)
n ⎜
⎝ CE (n, t ) ⎠⎝ Q(n, t ) ⎠⎝ L(n, t ) ⎠

where E is world emissions, CE is carbon energy, and L is population. Hence, world

emissions are a product of two ‘forces’: techno-economic forces, given by carbon intensity
(E/CE) and energy intensity (CE/Y), and socio-economic forces, given by per capita output
(Y/L), as well as demographic dynamics L. In addition to socio-economic forces – income and
population – which are commonly modelled in endogenous growth models, our model allows
us to endogenise both techno-economic forces, namely energy and carbon intensity.

The main novelty of our new formulation hinges on the relationship between technical
change and both Learning-by-Researching and Learning-by-Doing at the same time. We
assume that energy-saving and climate-friendly innovation is brought about by R&D
spending which contributes to the accumulation of the stock of existing knowledge.8 In
addition to this Learning-by-Researching effect, the model also accounts for the effect of
Learning-by-Doing, now modelled in terms of cumulated abatement efforts. Thus, our index
of technical change, ETCI (Energy Technical Change Index), is defined as a convex
combination of the stocks of knowledge and abatement:

ETCI (n, t ) = K R (n, t ) c ABATs (n, t ) d (4)

where K R (n, t ) is the stock of knowledge and ABATs represents the stock of cumulated

abatement, in turn defined as:

Therefore, the focus is on energy-related R&D. It has to be pointed out that analysing R&D expenditure is
complicated because (i) R&D is not always amenable to measurement and (ii) there is a great deal of uncertainty
in the ability of R&D to generate technological change. These words of caution should be therefore borne in
mind by the reader when going through the paper.

ABATS (n, t + 1) = δ A ABATF (n, t ) + (1 − δ B ) ABATs (n, t ) . (5)

ABATF the abatement flow, δ A the learning factor, i.e. the amount of abatement which
translates into a learning experience, and δ B being the depreciation rate of cumulated
experience. The stock of knowledge K R (n, t ) accumulates in the usual fashion:

K R (n, t + 1) = R & D (n, t ) + (1 − δ R ) K R (n, t ) , (6)

where δ R is the depreciation rate of knowledge. Without loss of generality, we assume that
How does our index of energy technical change affect the rest of the economy? The
variable ETCI is assumed to affect both energy intensity (i.e., the quantity of energy required
to produce one unit of output) and carbon intensity (i.e., the level of carbonization of
primarily used fuels). As seen in equation (1), the factors of production are labour, physical
capital and carbon energy. Let us first consider the effect of technical progress on factor
productivity (the energy-intensity effect). In our model, the production function (1) is
replaced by the following equation:

Q(n, t ) = A(n, t )[ K F (n, t )1−α n ( ETCI )−γ CE (n, t ) α n ( ETCI ) L(n, t ) γ ] − p e (n, t ) CE (n, t ) (1’)


α n = α n [ ETCI (n, t )] = (7)
2 − exp[− β n ETCI (n, t )]

and θ n and β n are region specific parameters, calibrated to have -in the base year- α n exactly
as in the original formulation of the production function. Thus, an increase in the
endogenously determined ETCI reduces – ceteris paribus – the output elasticity of the energy
input. It is worth noting that in (1’) A(n, t ) , the Hick’s neutral component of technological
progress, accounts for a fraction of technical change which evolves exogenously, thus
following an explicit suggestion by Clarke and Weyant (2002).

Let us now turn to the effect of energy technical change on the carbon intensity of
energy consumption. As shown in (2), effective energy results from both fossil fuel use and
(exogenous) technical change in the energy sector. In our model, we assume that ETCI serves
the purpose of reducing, ceteris paribus, the level of carbon emissions. More precisely,
equation (2) is replaced by:

⎧ ⎫
⎪ 1 ⎪
E (n, t ) = h[CE (n, t ), ETCI (n, t )] = ς(n, t )⎨ ⎬CE (n, t ) . (2’)
⎪⎩ 2 − exp[−ψ n ETCI (n, t )] ⎪⎭

Again, parameters in equation (2’) have been calibrated in order to replicate the base year in
the original formulation. Here an increase in ETCI progressively reduces the amount of
emissions generated by a unit of fossil fuel consumed. Finally, we recognize that R&D
spending absorbs some resources, that is:

Y (n, t ) = C (n, t ) + I (n, t ) + R & D(n, t ) , (8)

where Y is output net of climate change effects, C is consumption, I is gross fixed capital
formation and R&D is research and development expenditures.
In order to account for the difference between private and public return to investments
in R&D, we follow Popp (2004a) and model the positive externality of knowledge creation by
assuming that the return on R&D investment is four times higher than the one in physical
capital. At the same time, the opportunity cost of crowding out other forms of R&D is
obtained by subtracting four dollars of private investment from the physical capital stock for
each dollar of R&D crowded out by energy R&D, so that the net capital stock for final good
production becomes:

K(n, t + 1 ) = K (n, t )(1 − δ ) + (I(n, t) – 4*λ*R & D(n, t ) ) , (9)

where λ , the crowding out parameter, represents the percentage of other R&D crowded out by
energy R&D.
The optimal dynamic path of all variables of the model is determined by solving an
intertemporal optimisation problem. Control variables (physical investments, R&D investments and
energy demand) are computed within a game-theory framework. Each country plays a non-cooperative

Nash game in a dynamic setting which yields an Open Loop Nash equilibrium. This allows us to
account for externalities and spillovers and to analyse how policy measures are then influenced. In
particular, the strategic underinvestments in R&D that were emphasised by Clark and Weyant (2002)
(see Section 2 above) can be captured by our model.

4. Calibration of the Baseline

To further clarify our formulation of endogenous and induced technical change, let us
highlight the dynamic interrelationships between the different variables and their role in the
model. First of all, let us notice that R&D is a control variable, whereas the stock of
knowledge and cumulated abatement are state variables. Therefore, R&D can be used
strategically by regulators in each region of the model, whereas LbD is an output of the
regulator’s strategic behaviour. This is quite clear at the beginning of the game (see Figure 1).
At stage one, only LbR through R&D investments occurs. This modifies our index of energy
technical change ETCI and yields some amount of abatement, i.e. some abatement experience
which becomes LbD. Both LbR and LbD then affects ETCI in the subsequent stages.
Figure 1: The Structure of Technical Change in FEEM RICE v.3

In short, the fundamental driver of technical progress is R&D investment. This induces
knowledge accumulation and experience in emission abatement in various regions of the
world. In turn, these variables move technology towards a more environment-friendly
dynamic path.
Our quite general solution to account for endogenous and induced technical change
comes obviously at a cost. Basically, little information to calibrate the model parameters is
available. The best strategy we can follow is to calibrate parameters in order to replicate, in
the baseline, emissions of the SRES B2 scenario (IPCC, 2000), which are also the baseline
emissions in the original RICE 99 model by Nordhaus and Boyer (2000).
Given the high degree of freedom characterizing the calibration process, there exist
many distinct baseline models representing different interpretations of what role the
exogenous and endogenous components should play in the baseline.
We emphasize this fact by using two versions of the FEEM-RICE v.3, called FAST
and SLOW FEEM-RICE. The two versions primarily differ in the value of the learning factor,
δA, defined as the rate at which accumulation of past abatement becomes effective experience.
Therefore, it represents the effectiveness of Learning by Doing. In particular the FAST
version of the model assumes a 10% learning factor as opposed to the 5% learning factor of
the SLOW version. In addition to this, the two versions of the model differ in the magnitude
of the crowding out effect of investment in energy R&D on other research investments, which
in turn controls for the profitability of R&D investments. In particular, looking at (10) we set
λ=0.25 in the FAST version and λ=0.5 in the SLOW version of the model respectively.
Differences in these two key features imply a substantially different contribution of the
exogenous versus the endogenous component of technical change in the baseline (see Table
4). A comparison of the two versions – also with respect to the original RICE 99 model and
with respect to FEEM-RICE without endogenous technical change – is shown in Tables 2 and

Table 2: Contributions of Different Technical Change Components to Lowering Carbon
and Energy Intensity in the FAST version of FEEM-RICE v.3 - 1995-2105
cumulated effects
Nordhaus FEEM-RICE v.3 FEEM-RICE with only
Baseline FEEM-
RICE 99 with Exogenous TC Learning by Researching
RICE v.3
Energy/Production -2.74% -10.59% -26.92% -10.79%
Energy -66.52% -40.77% -66.14% -49.01%

Table 3: Contributions of Different Technical Change Components to Lowering Carbon

and Energy Intensity in the SLOW version of FEEM-RICE v.3 - 1995-2105
Cumulated Effects
Nordhaus FEEM-RICE v.3 FEEM-RICE with only
Baseline FEEM-
RICE 99 with Exogenous TC Learning by Researching
RICE v.3
Energy/Production -2.74% -6.83% -13.76% -7.13%
Energy -66.52% -51.59% -59.47% -54.29%

A few remarks are in order. TC – whether exogenous or endogenous – affects carbon

intensity more than energy intensity. Thus, mostly carbon switching rather than energy
saving. This feature is striking in the original RICE 99 model. The situation is less extreme in
the FEEM-RICE models, especially in the FAST version, where more learning and less
crowding out of R&D enhance the reduction of energy intensity relative to that of carbon
Another aspect to note is that the exogenous component of TC remains prevalent. It
accounts for between 60% and 80% of the whole effect. Moreover, the endogenous
component is larger in the FAST version of FEEM RICE v.3 than in the SLOW version (see
Table 4). The reason is the enhanced effectiveness of energy technical change in the FAST
version, where energy R&D crowds out a smaller amount of other types of R&D and where
LbD is faster.

Table 4: Exogenous and Endogenous Share of Total Energy Technical Change
Measured as the Effect on the Carbon Intensity Index in the Baseline Scenario

Baseline Exogenous TC Endogenous TC

62% 38%
RICE v.3
87% 13%
RICE v.3

Finally, notice that the effects shown in Tables 2-4 refer to the baseline scenario
without any stabilisation target and/or climate policy. More relevant effects on and of
technical change will be shown in the next section, where the control variables will be
optimised to achieve a stabilisation target and to maximise welfare. In this new context, more
technical change will become optimal (namely more R&D investments). Therefore, the
endogenous component of energy technical change will be integrated by an induced
component (which therefore reduces the share of the exogenous component. See Table 5
below). The FEEM-RICE v.3 model enables us to disentangle the three components of
technical change and to quantify the induced (additional) R&D investments in new energy
technologies that it would be optimal to carry out in order to achieve a given stabilisation

5. Induced Energy Technical Change and the Macroeconomic Cost of GHG Stabilisation

The model described above has been used to analyse the macroeconomic implications
of stabilising GHG concentrations at three different target levels: 450, 500 and 550 ppm in
2100.9 We consider three different concentration levels owing to the uncertainty surrounding
quantitative targets set in a distant future. In this section, we present selected results for the
SLOW version of the model, which is less optimistic with respect to the future evolution of
technical change, thus providing more conservative insights.

We start by assessing how technical change reacts to the introduction of more

stringent policy objectives. From Table 5 and from Figure 2 it appears that more ambitious
targets imply an increasing investments in R&D and a greater incidence on the endogenous
and induced components of energy technical change. In particular, the share of induced

The reader is reminded that the model is not a multi gas model and therefore accounts for CO2 emissions only.

technical change becomes 13.8% in the 450 ppm scenario, whereas the endogenous
component (including the induced one) doubles with respect to the one in the baseline
Table 5: Exogenous, Endogenous and Induced Share of Total Energy Technical Change
Measured as the Effect on the Carbon Intensity Index in the Three Stabilisation
Scenarios (1995- 2105) - SLOW FEEM-RICE v.3

SLOW FEEM-RICE Exogenous TC Endogenous TC Induced TC

450 ppm scenario 74.8% 11.4% 13.8%
500 ppm scenario 75.9% 11.6% 12.5%
550 ppm scenario 79.4% 12.1% 8.5%

Figure 2: The Dynamics of ETCI in the Three Stabilisation Scenarios


Our index of energy technical change ETCI strongly increases as a reaction to the
stabilisation target. ETCI reaches a peak after the mid of next century as a consequence of the
large R&D investments that countries find it optimal to carry out from 2020 to 2050. Figure 3
shows the time profile of the stock of knowledge induced by the three targets. Note the hump
shape that gets more pronounced as the target becomes more stringent. This is also the case of
induced LbD as revealed by Figure 4.

Figure 3: The Dynamics of Induced Knowledge in the Three Stabilisation Scenarios

Induced Knowledge (% wrt Baseline)


300% 500



1995 2005-2015 2015-2025 2025-2035 2035-2045 2045-2055 2055-2065 2065-2075 2075-2085 2085-2095 2095-2105

Figure 4: The Dynamics of Induced LbD in the Three Stabilisation Scenarios



Induced LbD (% wrt Baseline)




1995 2005-2015 2015-2025 2025-2035 2035-2045 2045-2055 2055-2065 2065-2075 2075-2085 2085-2095 2095-2105


Even though the model takes into account crowding-out effects in R&D investments
and even though the focus is only on energy R&D and the related knowledge accumulation,
the path of technical change which is necessary to stabilise GHG concentrations at 450 ppm
does not seem realistic. Also notice that between two-thirds and three-fourths of the change in
ETCI is induced by the imposition of a stabilisation target (see Table 6). This again shows
that R&D investment three to four times larger than those in the baseline would be necessary
to achieve a stabilisation target (see figures 2-4).

Table 6: Endogenous and Induced Share of Total Energy Technical Change Index.
Percentage Variation Between 1995 and 2105 - SLOW FEEM-RICE v.3

SLOW FEEM-RICE Endogenous TC Induced TC

450 ppm scenario 24% 76%
500 ppm scenario 29% 71%
550 ppm scenario 37% 63%

If we look at mitigation costs, the impact of stabilisation targets does not seem to be
high, at least when costs are measured in terms of GDP losses: see, for example, Figure 5 for
the more ambitious and costly target. There are two reasons. First, in the model GDP losses
are lowered by the positive effects of stabilisation on the environment (in our model lower
concentrations imply lower GDP losses). Second, losses in terms of consumption are
compensated by an increase of investments, in particular investments in R&D. Similar
conclusions can be shown when costs are defined in terms of welfare losses. In Figure 6 we
present the percentage reduction in welfare for all three targets, both when ITC is allowed for
and when it is not. The role of ITC in contributing to lessen the negative impact of
stabilisation targets on welfare clearly emerges.

Figure 5: The GDP Cost of Stabilising GHG Concentrations at 450 ppm with and
without Induced Technical Change

Figure 6: Welfare Cost of Stabilising GHG Concentrations at 450 ppm with and without
Induced Technical Change - SLOW FEEM RICE v.3

NoITC 550

NoITC 500

NoITC 450




-0.40% -0.35% -0.30% -0.25% -0.20% -0.15% -0.10% -0.05% 0.00%

Welfare Measure % Changes wrt to Baseline

Figure 7: The Dynamics of Emissions in the Three Stabilisation Scenarios



Emissions (in Gton C)

8,000 550
NoITC 450
NoITC 500
6,000 NoITC 550



2005-2015 2015-2025 2025-2035 2035-2045 2045-2055 2055-2065 2065-2075 2075-2085 2085-2095 2095-2105

Figure 7 reports the time profile of emissions as implied by the stabilisation targets.
Relative to the ever-increasing baseline emissions, the constrained paths share a couple of
common features: (i) the difference between ITC and no-ITC is always very small; (ii) a
hump shape characterizes all patterns. Here the turning point comes earlier for the more
stringent target, at around 2020-2025 in the 450 ppm case. Between 2045 and 2065 emissions
start declining in the two remaining cases.
Finally, given the uncertainty concerning some crucial parameters of the model, we
carried out an extensive sensitivity analysis that helped us to check the robustness of the
model and of the conclusions we drew. Due to space limits we focus on the main parameters
that define our specification of endogenous technical change. In particular, with the parameter
c we control the role of researching vs. learning in the process of technical change, whereas
with parameters β and ψ we control the impact of technical progress on energy intensity and
carbon intensity respectively (see Figure 8). Again we show results only for the SLOW
version of FEEM RICE v.3. The initial values of the main parameters are shown in Table 7

Figure 8: The Crucial Parameters of the Induced TC Model

Learning by Doing d Technical Progress β Energy Intensity

(ETCI Index)

c ψ
Learning by Carbon Intensity

Table 7: Initial Parameter Values for the Technical Change Module of the Model

Parameter β(n) ψ(n) c δP δA δB d

Value (0.1-0.2) (0.9-1.2) 0.5 0.05 0.05 0.05 1-c

Extensive sensitivity analysis has been performed on the parameters β , ψ and c. The
results are shown in Tables 8-10. The most important conclusion is the high sensitivity of
R&D expenditure with respect to the three coefficients. The less effective is technical change
in reducing GHG emissions the higher the increase in energy-related R&D expenditure which
is necessary to stabilise GHG concentrations.

Table 8: Sensitivity With Respect To Energy-Saving Effect Controlling Parameter

β − 0.05 + 0.05 + 0.1
Atmospheric concentration of carbon (GTC) in 2100 1.29% - -1.30% -3.18%
Atmospheric temperature (deg C) in 2100 0.94% - -1.13% -2.78%
R&D Expenditure as % of GPD -6.75% - 45.22% 116.05%

Table 9: Sensitivity With Respect To Fuel-Switching Effect Controlling Parameter

ψ - 0.4 - 0.2
+ 0.2 + 0.4

Atmospheric concentration of carbon (GTC) in 2100 2.69% 1.29% - -1.16% -2.21%

Atmospheric temperature (deg C) in 2100 1.86% 0.94% - -0.92% -1.81%
R&D Expenditure as % of GPD -15.58% -6.75% - 5.18% 9.15%

Table 10: Sensitivity With Respect To Different ETCI Formulations

c = 0.0 c = 0.25 c = 0.50 c = 0.75 c = 1.00

Atmospheric concentration of carbon
(GTC) in 2100 -2.52% -0.90% - 1.27% 0.27%
Atmospheric temperature (deg C) in 2100 -2.25% -1.05% - 1.00% -0.29%
R&D Expenditure as % of GPD -99.77% -57.39% - 61.66% 316.60%

6. Concluding Remarks

This paper has presented a new climate-economy model with a detailed formulation of
the process of endogenous and induced technical change. In the model, both Learning by
Researching and Learning by Doing are explicitly accounted for through an index of energy
technical change. This index of technical progress affects both the relationship between the
variables of the macro-dynamic model and energy intensity and the one with carbon intensity.
R&D investments induce the developments of environment-friendly technologies through
which GHG emission abatement can be undertaken. At the same time, these abatement
activities increase experience and produce learning, which enhance the effectiveness of
environment-friendly technologies in reducing GHG emissions. The emission reduction takes
place through both energy-saving and fuel-switching effects. In the model, the different
components of technical change have a differentiated impact on both effects.
The model has been used to assess the economic costs of achieving different
stabilisation targets. Our results suggest that these costs can be small, if adequate R&D
investments can be financed and undertaken. Therefore, models in which technical change is
exogenous and/or stabilisation targets induce no change in the optimal trajectory of energy-
related innovation are likely to over-estimate the actual stabilisation costs.
An extensive sensitivity analysis with respect to the main parameters of our 2x2
formulation of technical change has been carried out. This sensitivity analysis has shown the
robustness of the model when parameters are changed around the calibrated values and the
consistency of the results when large changes in the parameters are imposed.
Clearly our model together with its new formulation of technical change is not an
ending point. The research agenda is rich. In particular, it would be useful to extend the model
in order to include a non-energy sector, thus making it possible to have a better representation
of fuel-switching dynamics. Second, the possibility of a growing effectiveness of carbon
sequestration technologies could be accounted for in the model. Finally, and most

importantly, stochastic components of the process of technical change – and therefore
uncertainty – should be modelled to develop a more realistic analysis of climate policy.


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Other Model Equations

In this appendix we reproduce the remaining equations that make up the whole model. These
equations are reported here for the sake of completeness and are the same as the ones found in the
original RICE 99 model.

In each region, n, there is a social planner who maximizes the following utility function (n indexes the
world’s regions, t are 10-year time spans):

(A1) Wn = ∑ U [C n (t ), Ln (t )]R (t ) = ∑ Ln (t ){log[c n (t )]}R (t )

t t

where the pure time preference discount factor is given by:

R(t ) = ∏ [1 + ρ (v)]
v =0
and the pure rate of time preference ρ(v) is assumed to decline over time.

The maximization problem is subject to:

(A3) { }
Qn (t ) = Ω n (t ) An (t ) K n F (t )1−γ −α Ln (t ) γ CE n (t ) α − p nE (t )CE n (t )
C (t )
(A4) c n (t ) = n
Ln (t )
(A5) K n F (t + 1) = (1 − δ K ) K n F (t ) + I n (t + 1)
(A6) Qn (t ) = C n (t ) + I n (t )
(A7) E n (t ) = ς n (t )CE n (t )
(A8) p nE (t ) = q(t ) + markup nE
(A9) [ ]
M AT (t + 1) = ∑ E n (t ) + LU j (t ) + φ11 M AT (t ) + φ 21 M UP (t )

(A10) M UP (t + 1) = φ 22 M UP (t ) + φ12 M AT (t ) + φ32 M LO (t )

(A11) M LO (t + 1) = φ33 M LO (t ) + φ 23 M UP (t )
(A12) { [
F (t ) = η log M AT (t ) / M AT PI
− log(2) + O(t ) }
(A13) T (t + 1) = T (t ) + σ 1 {F (t + 1) − λT (t ) − σ 2 [T (t ) − TLO (t )] }
(A14) Ω n (t ) =
1 + θ1,nT (t ) + θ 2,nT (t ) 2

List of variables:
W = welfare
U = instantaneous utility
C = consumption
L = population
R = discount factor
Q = production

Ω = damage
A = productivity or technology index
KF = capital stock
CE = carbon energy
pE = cost of carbon energy
I = fixed investment
E = carbon emissions
MAT = atmospheric CO2 concentrations
LU = land-use carbon emissions
MUP = upper oceans/biosphere CO2 concentrations
MLO = lower oceans CO2 concentrations
F = radiative forcing
T = temperature level
q = costs of extraction of industrial emissions

List of parameters:
α, γ = parameters of production function
δK = rate of depreciation of capital stock
ζ = exogenous technical change effect of energy on CO2 emissions (carbon intensity)
φ11, φ12, φ21, φ22, φ23, φ32, φ33 = parameters of the carbon transition matrix
η = increase in radiative forcing due to doubling of CO2 concentrations from pre-industrial levels
σ1, σ2 = temperature dynamics parameters
λ = climate sensitivity parameter
markupE = regional energy services markup
θ1, θ2 = parameters of the damage function
M AT = pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentrations
O = increase in radiative forcing over pre-industrial levels due to exogenous anthropogenic causes
ρ = discount rate
TLO = lower ocean temperature

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Paper Series
Our Note di Lavoro are available on the Internet at the following addresses:


Anna ALBERINI: Determinants and Effects on Property Values of Participation in Voluntary Cleanup Programs:
SIEV 1.2006
The Case of Colorado
Valentina BOSETTI, Carlo CARRARO and Marzio GALEOTTI: Stabilisation Targets, Technical Change and the
CCMP 2.2006
Macroeconomic Costs of Climate Change Control

CCMP Climate Change Modelling and Policy (Editor: Marzio Galeotti )
SIEV Sustainability Indicators and Environmental Valuation (Editor: Anna Alberini)
NRM Natural Resources Management (Editor: Carlo Giupponi)
KTHC Knowledge, Technology, Human Capital (Editor: Gianmarco Ottaviano)
IEM International Energy Markets (Editor: Anil Markandya)
CSRM Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Management (Editor: Sabina Ratti)
PRCG Privatisation Regulation Corporate Governance (Editor: Bernardo Bortolotti)
ETA Economic Theory and Applications (Editor: Carlo Carraro)
CTN Coalition Theory Network

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