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VERIFICATION OF SCHEDULED GRADUATION pe Form Avproved (Tif subjct tothe Pevacy Act of 1974. Use Blake! PAS. AF Form 493) |!9 FEB 2021 JPETURN yourform 0 the above address Return typed and completed form lo addrass Isted in tam 8. |v ¥0 (eoege or Unies 7 FRO (Rearing Once) se Seine Petersburg College - Health Education Center - % 7200 6th Sweet Nort om ng Of Pinetse Park, FL 3373 Jz WANE OF APPLICANT Cast Ps naa ial) Reithmaicr, Nicholas Chay Js APPLICANT FOR [D_ofricer TRaNNs scHoot (ors) ‘OTHER COMMSSIONING PROGRAM (Speciyy MSC ‘The above Ingviaual ls an applicant or an US Air Force commissioning pogram. Inorcer to complete this Inviouars applcaton,reqUes you ‘urneh te infomation below [o-SGNATURE OF RECRUITING OFFAL REAR Thee autora be leat of eqs brat, na ee ee ick Restherai maven eRe) FR Cage a Unroraiy a. Suita Cope Heth Econ Cer Aru ice 5am 6ak Seca Non Fon Pac FL Ta, 1 SEREERLED DAE OF RRB AREOT BERET BE AAR TO BEF 2021 08 17 Caria (3 ered hours al 1 acadrie yer) TERRIER [3 EOMUUATHE GRADE PORT AVERRGE——] a CXS EDO ‘Health Care Services (GPA) 4.00 (certificate program GPA)| Good academic standing 0 -SOUREES REGUIRED FON COMLTION OF DEGREE a a Taeot [set no aaa aT asc |i [esmmiasoftunen aemyanarenicngy | 4 tnt 10 [ativan Pevimane tapovenet 2 sa 001 imeptesiont Tear Base Heth 2 3E BGNATORE OF RELEASING OFFIGAL (Pienza ovpait wll Rogar Seah ‘AFRS FORM 1413, 20071101 PREWGUSEDITION 5 O8SOLETE

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