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| 1191380 ‘The Privacy Act Statement for information on this torm is contained in PERSONAL AWARD NAVMC Form 14000, Privacy Act Statement for Marine Corps Personnel RECOMMENDATION ‘and Pay Records. FROM: (Tile and Address) To: (awarding Authority) DET 208 CO ISB FIG MARFORRES: Battalion Commencer INTEL SPT BN HOTRS MARFORRES 2033 BARNETT AVE Y 14. EXP. OF ACTIVE DUTY: IF RETIREMENT, NUMBER OF YEARS: QUANTICO VA 1171872019 22134 5101 4. SOCIAL SECURITY #: 2, DESIGINEC MOS: 45. EST, DETACHMENT DATE: 06/16/2021 O22 Retirement Terminal Leave X_Transter Impact Award 3. NAME (Lact first. al): 4. COMPONENT [16 NEW DUTY STATION (Home aderese If separation anticipated} REITHVAER, NICHOLAS C {USNUSMC ete.): USMC 6. GRADEIRANK: _|17, UNIT AT TIME OF ACTIONISERVICE: 18. DUTY ASSIGNMENT: SSGT DST 5 DS CO [SB FHG MARFORRES INTELL GENCE CHIEF 6. WARFARE DESIGNATOR (Navy Only): 7 RUC: 19, PREVIOUS PERSONAL DECORATIONS AND PERIOD 114806 RECOGNIZED: 8. RECOMMENDED AWARD: 9, SPECIFIC ACHIEVEMENT: NC - 02/24/2018 NA -02/18/2017 NA. 11/08/2014 NA“NAYY AND MG ACHEVEMENT 8 xine NA -obteme 30. TYPE: Heroic Heroic Posthumous [ [ma X Meritorious Meritorious Posthumous 11, NUMBER OF AWARD OF RECOMMENDED MEDAL 20, PERSONAL AWARDS RECOMMENDED-NOT YET APPROVED: 4 12, ACTION DATE/MERITORIOUS PERIOD: 21, OTHER PERSONNEL BEING RECOMMENDED FOR SAME ACTION: 11132018 -os/16/2021 13, GEOGRAPHIC AREA OF ACTIONISERVICE: SOMES 22 cerity tat the foots contained in the sunmary af action we Xlknown tome LJa mater of record NAME, GRADE. TITLE OF ORIGINATOR IGNATURE DATE owes Baiz0o1 75. FORWANDING ENDORSEMENTS BY VA ADDRESSEE(S). VIA CONIHAND IRECOWWENDED |COMBAT"V" SIGNATURE GRADE DATE FWD aca 2470 BE COMPLETED BY AWARDING AUTHORITY DISPOSITION OF exsic — |cowBaTw" | EXTRAOROWARY [SIGNATURE GRADE,TITLE DATE APPROVED RELOMMENDATION een NA. NAVY AND MC ves Dino [Ives oapa0e1 ROADEEN? LE Brera Dreoe bation carnaer NAVM 11933 (EF) PET NA approved as NA on 04/23/2021 08:27:44 PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENT IN THE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIES WHILE SERVING AS INTELLIGENCE CHIEF FOR DIRECT SUPPORT TEAM 5, DIRECT SUPPORT COMPANY, INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT BATTALION, FORCE HEADQUARTERS GROUP FROM NOVEMBER 2019 TO MAY 2021. STAFF SERGEANT REITHMAIER PIONEERED THE USE OF VIRTUAL COLLABORATION PLATFORMS ENABLING THE DETACHMENT TO SEEMLESSLY DRILL ACROSS FIVE STATES DURING A PERSISTENT PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENT. HIS PLANNING AND COORDINATION AHEAD OF EACH DRILL PERIOD SUSTAINED THE UNIT'S READINESS ABOVE, 90% ACROSS ALL METRICS. HIS LEADERSHIP AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE PROVED CRITICAL TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF DIRECT SUPPORT TEAM 5. STAFF SERGEANT REITHMAIER'S EXCEPTIONAL PROFESSIONALISM, UNWAVERING PERSEVERENCE, AND LOYAL DEVOTION TO DUTY REFLECTED CREDIT UPON HIM AND UPHELD THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE MARINE CORPS AND THE UNITED STATES NAVAL SERVICE. NAVMC 11533 (EF) PEELE Staff Sergeant Nicholas C. Reithmaieris enthusiastically recommended for the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for professional achievement that clearly exceeded the norm while serving as the Intelligence Chief of Direct Support Team 5 (DST-5), Direct Support Company, Intelligence Support Battalion, from November 2019 to May 2021. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier’s industriousness, careful attention to detail, and superior work ethic are the hallmark of a premier SNCO. Throughout this penod, Staff Sergeant Nicholas Reithmaier led his Marines to achieving high levels of readiness and MOS proficiency. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier’s professionalism and dedication to duty were especially exemplary as he led and trained his Marines uring uncertain times in a persistent pandemic environment. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier navigated the detachment of over 35 Marines through an unprecedented persistent pandemic environment caused by the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-18). The COVID-19 pandemic forced the detachment into a perpetual virtual environment where unit personnel teleworked from their Home of Record; an unprecedented situation not covered by existing policy nor procedure. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier coordinated with the Inspector and Instructor (I&!) staff to achieve deployment readiness consistently over 90% despite the COVID-19 environment. Additionally, with minimal guidance, he designed and executed comprehensive intelligence training for the junior Marines. His many noteworthy accomplishments include the following DST-5 Support to Global Operations: Staff Sergeant Reithmaier facilitated the training and readiness of the most deployed detachment in all of Intelligence Support Battalion. Throughout his time as Intelligence Chief, over 10 Marines mobilized to deploy in support of multiple Global Force Management (GFM) requirements ranging conventional deployments, interagency support, and special operations units. Marines from DST-5 deployed to CENTCOM, AFRICOM, PACOM, and SOUTHCOM supporting the full range of operations from combat ‘operations to theatre security cooperation, to garrison employment. He also recommended and processed personnel to support active duty operational support (ADOS) opportunities through the National Geospatial- intelligence Agency (NGA). DST-5's ability to achieve and maintain a high level of global impact as a Reserve Unit is in no small part due to Staff Sergeant Reithmaier's leadership and commitment Fostering a Productive Telework Environment: Staff Sergeant Reithmaier rapidly adjusted DST-5's conventional weekend training plans to make them compatible for virtual/telework when restrictions related to COVID-19 altered the operating environment. He received intent and guidance from the detachment officer-in-charge (OIC) and created content to fit parameters, He quickly familiarized himself with seldom used Marine Corps Program of Record equipment ' Defense Collaboration Service (DCS). DCS's capabilities allowed the detachment to ‘communicate via phone and screen-share from five different states while maintaining the detachment's ability to process and share Unclassified // For Official Use Only information (Ui/FOUO) securely. He worked with the OIC ahead of the first virtual drill to provide guidance to detachment personnel, including devising communications backup plans and troubleshooting technical issues. Further, his lock-step coordination with leadership and ability to clearly communicate saw DST-6's deliverables consistently recognized as the standard across the company. Moreover, the execution of training the detachment in this unknown environment set the precedent for Direct Support Company as a whole. This effective style of management enabled DST-5 Marines to train and learn whie simultaneously enabling the detachment's leadership to focus on planning and liaising with pertinent lateral and higher entities. Ensuring High Detachment Readiness: Staff Sergeant Reithmaier facilitated the increase and maintenance of detachment readiness over 90%, throughout the period despite working in a remote status. Of his own volition and while in @ non-drilling status, he converted training and readiness requirements into customized telework logs for at least 35 individual Marines, disseminating documents ahead of each drill period to clearly outline what training Marines were responsible for completing, the venue required to complete il, and when the training was being held if instructor-led. He included the website links and course nomenclature for computer-based training, and conference numbers/passcodes for phone-based training. The anticipatory dissemination of individualized training schedules and telework logs saved detachment personnel countless time, reduced confusion and increased efficiencies by eliminating the need to sift through rosters to determine what training was required by whom, and then plan daily telework schedules. He regularly solicited feedback from DST-5 personnel and leadership to refine processes, and adjusting where necessary. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier's efforts in reducing uncertainty and providing a structured training environment allowed DST-5 to maximize drill periods and focus on meeting company and battalion commander's intent despite the nontraditional circumstances. Developing Innovative Intelligence Training: Staff Sergeant Reithmaier spent countless off duty hours developing customized intelligence training plans for the detachment to fit the new virtual environment. For every virtual drill period, Staff Sergeant Reithmaier developed a reading selection from lists endorsed by the Director of Intelligence, Marine Corps University, and Training and Education Command to learn about intelligence as a warfighting function. These readings explained the structure of the Intelligence Community (IC), the roles/missions/capabilities of each IC member, and described the intricacies of each intelligence discipline. For August and September's hybrid virtual/in-person drill periods he developed training curriculum that focused on real-world applications of intelligence across the range of military operations. Each detachment member was charged with selecting a Joint Publication for a mission type thai Department of Defense (DoD) conducts, researched how intelligence supports that mission, created a short period of instruction, then presented their research to the detachment. This training taught detachment personnel how to navigate official doctrine and allowed them to practice with a problem set they might be called to support. Integrating Real-World Experiences: Throughout his tenure, Staff Sergeant Reithmaier led guided discussions NAVMC 11533 (EF) eet tt et eee pe ee eee te fe eee) Peet ee EL tae intelligence training. He incorporated real-world case studies on intelligence and discussed with the detachment how the case study used each of the intelligence disciplines. These guided discussions encouraged the detachment to bring forward their own professional experiences acquired through their civilian careers in the IC. This top-down emphasis on sharing unique knowledge and experience strengthens each member's individual toolbox. This training fostered an inclusive, intellectually challenging environment that allowed the Marines to not only learn using materials but from each other providing them insight and familiarization with resources and concepts that will be useful when forward deployed. Staff Sergeant Reithmaier was a critical component of DST-5's high level of readiness during his time as DST-5's intelligence Chief, leveraging his technical skills and planning abiliies to maintain detachment readiness above 90% in a persistent pandemic environment. He invested countless hours off duty to develop curriculum and plan efforts that prepared DST-8 Marines to be ready to deploy across the globe supporting combat missions and other operations of national-level importance. His innovative training curriculum, and integration of real-world experiences increased the intelligence proficiency of the entire detachment. His communication and professionalism directly impacted mission accomplishment, serving as a positive example for Junior Marines while meeting company and battalion commanders’ intent. For these reasons he is well deserving of and enthusiastically recommended for the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal: NAVMC 11533 (EF) DEPARTMENT OF THE N THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY HAS AWARDED THE Vv NAVY AND MARINE CORPS ACHIEVEMENT MEDAL GOLD STAR IN LIEU OF FOURTH AWARD TO STAFF SERGEANT NICHOLAS C. REITHMAIER UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RESERVE FOR PROPPSSIONAL. ACHIEVEMENT IN THE SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTIPS WHILE SERVING AS INTPLI.IGENCE CHIEF FOR DIRECT SUPPORT TEAM FIVE, DIRECT SUPPORT COMPANY, INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT BATTALION, FORCE HEADQUARTERS GROUP FROM NOVEMBER 2019 TO MAY 2021. STAFF SERGEANT REITHMAIER PIONEERED THE USE OF VIRTUAL COLLABORATION PLATFORMS ENABLING THE DETACHMENT TO SEAMLESSLY DRILL ACROSS FIVE STATES DURING A PERSISTENT PANDEMIC ENVIRONMENT, HIS PLANNING AND COORDINATION AHEAD OF EACH DRILL PERIOD SUSTAINED THE UNIT'S READINESS ABOVE 90% ACROSS ALL METRICS. HIS LEADERSHIP AND PERSONAL INITIATIVE PROVED CRITICAL TO THE OVERALL SUCCESS OF DIRECE SUPPORT TEAM, FIVE, STAFF SERGEANT REITHMAIER'S EXCEPTIONAL PROFESSIONALISM, UNWAVERING PERSEVERANCE, AND LOYAL DEVOTION TO DUTY REFLECTED CREDIT UPON HIM AND UPHELD THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE MARINE CORPS AND THE UNITED STATES NAVAL SERVICE. GIVEN THIS 23RD DAY OF APRIL 2021 LIEUTENANT COLONEL, USMCR COMMANDING OFFICER

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