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Intra-arc extension and magmatic evolution in the central

Aleutian arc, Alaska

Bradley S. Singer,* James D. Myers
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071


New geologic, petrologic, and Sr isotope data from Seguam Island, Alaska, reveal sub- MODERN CENTRAL ALEUTIAN ARC
stantial variation in the composition of magmas of the central Aleutian arc. The data indicate VOLCANIC CENTERS
that variable magmatic processes occur along the strike of the arc. Seguam is situated on Modern, post-5 Ma volcanic centers of the
extended arc crust and has erupted voluminous basalt and dacite. In contrast to basalt from central and western Aleutian arc are built upon
adjacent volcanic centers atop unextended crust, which evolved by polybaric open-system a narrow Eocene to late Miocene ridge that rests
crystallization, Seguam lavas crystallized at shallow levels under closed-system conditions. upon oceanic lithosphere of presumed Creta-
Seguam basalt therefore better reflects the character of its source materials than basalt erupted ceous age (Cooper et al., 1975; Geist et al.,
through unextended arc crust. We conclude that along-arc differences in the nature of crystal- 1988). Seismic-refraction data indicate that the
lization were facilitated by changes in the thermal and density structure of the subarc litho- crust of the central Aleutian arc is 26 km thick
sphere caused by intra-arc extension. and the subarc lithosphere is probably 80 km
thick (Grow, 1973). The subducting Pacific
plate contains three north-south-trending frac-
INTRODUCTION tributed to the relatively low temperature of the ture zones; the most bathymetrically prominent
Kay et al. (1982) first advanced the idea of crust of the Aleutian arc. A new structural syn- is the Amlia fracture zone, which was subducted
broad tectonic controls on magmatic evolution, thesis for the central and western Aleutian arc obliquely beneath Seguam ca. 1 Ma (Fig. 1A).
suggesting that tholeiitic magma ascends rapidly (Geist et al., 1988) indicates that the segmenta- Aleutian trench sediment is 1 to 2 km thicker
through extended Aleutian lithosphere at arc- tion model proposed by Kay et al. (1982) is an where the Amlia fracture zone intersects the
segment boundaries, whereas calc-alkalic mag- oversimplification. We hypothesize a relation be- trench (Scholl et al., 1982).
ma ascends slowly through arc segments under tween crustal extension and variable magmatic Bathymetry and seismic-reflection data indi-
compression. Kay et al. (1982) related both processes operating beneath the central Aleutian cate that the central and western Aleutian arc is
magma series to a common parent magma crys- volcanic axis. We present new geologic, petro- fragmented into several structural blocks (Geist
tallized at either shallow (tholeiitic) or deep logic, and Sr isotope data from Seguam Island, a et al., 1988; Fig. 1 A). Accelerated clockwise ro-
(calc-alkalic) levels. In contrast, Baker's (1987) volcanic center built upon strongly extended tation of these blocks commenced ca. 5 Ma,
experimental results suggest that most Aleutian crust in the central Aleutian arc (Fig. 1). The extending the upper arc crust, resulting in the
magma crystallized at deep levels, which he at- data indicate that differences in depth (polybaric formation of trailing-edge basins within the arc
vs. isobaric) and in physical processes (open- vs. crest, the largest of which are the Amlia and
closed-system behavior) distinguish crystalliza- Amukta basins, which together define an arc-
*Present address: Department of Geological Sci-
tion beneath adjacent volcanic centers on unex- parallel half graben 180 km long and 30-50 km
ences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. tended and extended crust of the Aleutian arc. wide (Geist et al., 1987,1988; Fig. 1, A and B).
The Amlia and Amukta basins began subsiding
in the late Miocene and have filled with 3 to 5
km of Pliocene to Holocene sediment (Geist et

Figure 1. Tectonic setting of central Aleutian arc (after Geist et al., 1988). A: Arc is fragmented into Near, Buldir, Rat, Delarof, and Andreanof
blocks. Dashed line represents northern limit of deformation associated with block rotation. F.Z. = fracture zones in Pacific plate. B: Relation
between modern central Aleutian volcanic centers and Amlia and Amukta basins.

1050 GEOLOGY, v. 18, p. 1050-1053, November 1990

al„ 1987). Composite volcanic centers we exam- composed o f - 7 0 % basalt and basaltic andesite, vine and host basalt compositions (Roeder and
ined include Kanaga, Adak, and Great Sitkin, -10% andesite, and - 2 0 % dacite. The large vol- Emslie, 1970) reveals that Adak olivine pheno-
each of which grew atop unextended crust; ume and high SÍO2 content of the dacite were crysts are too Fe rich to be in equilibrium with
Atka, which grew on incipiently extended crust; previously undocumented in the central Aleu- their host basalt. In contrast, Mg-rich Atka and
and Seguam, which grew atop extended arc tian arc (Fig. 2). East-west alignment of vents on Seguam olivine phenocrysts could have crystal-
crust and divides the Amlia and Amukta basins Seguam reflects the extensional environment, lized from their host basalts under equilibrium
(Fig. IB). contrasting with the randomly distributed vents conditions. Seguam basalts are higher in MgO
of Kanaga, Adak, Great Sitkin, and Atka. and lower in FeO* and T i 0 2 than the majority
MODERN PHASE OF CENTRAL Adak basalt contains phenocrysts of plagio- of Adak or Atka basalts; however, the most im-
ALEUTIAN ARC MAGMATISM clase (Ang5_9o), olivine ( F 0 7 0 ) , augite, and ul- portant contrast is the different abundances of
Virtually no basalt has erupted at Kanaga, vospinel (Myers et al., 1985; Kay and Kay, incompatible elements and Sr (Fig. 3). Seguam
which is instead dominated by andesite (Fig. 2) 1985); Atka basalt contains phenocrysts similar basalt has low concentrations of incompatible
erupted from five central vents (Coats, 1952). in composition to those in Adak basalts, but is elements and Sr compared to Adak and Atka,
Although some basalt has erupted at Adak, it is less porphyritic (Myers et al., 1985). Seguam and N a 2 0 , K 2 0 , P 2 0 5 , Rb, Ba, and Y each
also dominated by andesites (Fig. 2) erupted basalt commonly contains calcic plagioclase define a pattern of decreasing abundance with
from Mount Moffet and Adagdak volcanoes (An75_96, mean Anc»o), Mg-rich olivine (Fo71_g7, increasing degree of extension (Fig. 3).
(Coats, 1952). Ultramafic and mafic xenoliths mean Fo82), and augite phenocrysts and less Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios of 7 Seguam basalts range
from modern Adak lavas are interpreted as hy- commonly ulvospinel phenocrysts or ground- from 0.70362 to 0.70368 and are identical
bridized cumulates crystallized within the lower mass pigeonite. Fe-Mg partitioning between oli- within analytical precision; 17 Atka basalts have
crust and upper mantle (Conrad and Kay, ratios from 0.70319 to 0.703 41, and the ratios
1984). Great Sitkin is a large central-vent vol- of 4 Adak basalts are between 0.70319 and
cano that erupted andesite and dacite, but no 800 0.703 30 (Fig. 4). 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios from Seguam
basalt (Fig. 2). More than 90% of Atka consists are the highest yet measured from modern Aleu-
+ ii * Í
of basaltic shields upon which small volumes of S »600 tian lavas, with the single exception of a basaltic
andesite and dacite erupted from 14 vents (Fig. andesite from Vsevidof volcano ( 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr =
¡400 *
2; Marsh, 1980). Our field and geochemical 0.70369; Kay et al., 1978). Basalt through da-
data indicate that volumetrically, Seguam is
3.0 1 200
cite lavas at Seguam have virtually identical
Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios (Fig. 4). In contrast, lavas from
O 4.5 Atka are slightly heterogeneous with respect to
34 ¡5 3.5
tí 87
Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios, and the degree of isotopic het-
69 0 10 erogeneity for Adak lavas is large (Fig. 4).
10 Z 5

t QU In a pseudoternary projection, Adak and
. Illll... 1.5 0 Atka basalts define elongate arrays displaced
O 1-2 450' F T from the 1 atm plag + cpx + ol cotectic (Fig.
15 cd 5A). In contrast, Seguam basalt occupies only a
45 £ m
10 bo +
+ g 250
í small volume of compositional space at the
c O. quartz-rich end of the Adak and Atka arrays.
cu 5 a,
co •llll Liiillii-. . Although the position suggests that Seguam ba-
>. 0.0 50 salt may be evolved, relatively refractory pheno-
5 0.4 20 + crysts, high MgO, low abundances of incompa-
K tible elements, and different 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios
10 preclude its derivation from Adak or Atka ba-
bo 0.2 0
•Q « — — — . . . IX salt. Atka basalt glasses that equilibrated with
E P.
50 ATKA plag + ol + cpx at 8 kbar define a high-pressure
3 0.0
82 'Adak Seguam 'Àdak Seguam cotectic (Fig. 5B). It is evident that many Adak
- Atka Alka
and Atka basalts crystallized at pressures of
Figure 3. Variation of selected major 8 kbar or higher, and compositions displaced
..I I •I-*«— 1 and trace element abundances in central toward the 1 atm cotectic suggest that polybaric
27 g SEGUAM Aleutian basalts with increasing degree of
crystallization has been important at Adak and
extension (see Fig. 1B; data sources in
Fig. 2). Atka. In contrast, Seguam basalt projects to

0.7036 -i—n—i—r~1—r i Q i i i i r
« 0
S i 0 2 (wt%)
0.7034 A
Figure 2. Histograms of number of lava u IE B
analyses vs. Si0 2 content for five cen-
tral Aleutian volcanic centers. Vertical K
« i Figure 4. 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr vs. Si0 2 con-
line separates basalt (<52% Si0 2 ) from tent of Adak, Atka, and Seguam
W 0.7030 lavas. Error bar is two standard
other lava; total number of analyses
from each center in upper right. Data Seguam e " errors of external analytical pre-
sources—J. Brophy (unpublished); Atka A cision of NBS SRM987. Seguam
Adak B . data obtained in University of
Coats (1952); Myers et al. (1985,1986);
0.7026 I 1 I i 1—L_ Wyoming isotope geology lab-
Marsh (1976 and unpublished); Kay et
al. (1982); Kay and Kay (1985); Simons 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 oratory. Adak and Atka data
and Mathewson (1955). SiOi sources in Figure 2.

GEOLOGY, November 1990 1051

Figure 5. Adak, Atka, and
Seguam basalts in oxy-
gen-normalized pseudo-
ternary projection of Walk- basalt
er et al. (1979). Fe-Ti pl«4 + m t (+plaf+ol+cpx)
oxides allotted to spinel projection
component, Fe 2 + /Fe 3 + ra- OCOOO SEGUAM
tios determined at 1200 °C BASALTS BASAIT
(QFM buffer) with Kilinc et i 52% SiO, 3 - 6 kb
al. (1983) model. Experi- QOOQO SEGUAM
ments of Walker et al.
(1979) and Grove et al. AAAAA ATKA
(1982) define 1 atm cotec-
tics. A: Adak, Atka, and
Seguam basalts relative to
1 atm cotectics and reac-
tion boundaries (data
sources in Fig. 2). Un-
certainty reflects analyti-
cal precision. B: Interpre-
tation; basalts relative to 8
kbar experiments. Cotec-
tic of 8 kbar is linear-regression fit to Atka basalt glass compositions of Baker and Eggler (1987). Di = diopside, Qtz = quartz, Ol = olivine, plag =
plagioclase, mt = magnetite, pig = pigeonite, opx = orthopyroxene.

the low-pressure side of the 8 kbar cotectic, fractionation processes to operate at shallower fractionation in the evolution of Seguam basalt.
indicating that it became multiply saturated at depths in extended lithosphere. Another effect of Sr isotope data from Seguam are consistent with
a lower, more uniform pressure of ca. 3 to extension is the replacement of upper crust by closed-system fractional crystallization produc-
5 kbar (Fig. 5B). low-density sediment during crustal thinning. ing a wide range of liquid compositions, from
The attendant reduction of lithostatic load above basalt through dacite (Fig. 4); there is no evi-
INTEGRATED STRUCTURAL AND the upper crust-lower crust density interface fa- dence that Seguam basalt crystallized under
PETROLOGIC MODEL cilitates eruptions requiring less hydrostatic head open-system conditions. The paucity of basalt at
Any petrologic model must address (1) the (Glazner and Ussier, 1989). The central Aleu- Kanaga, Adak, and Great Sitkin reflects the in-
paucity of basalts erupted through unextended tian upper crust (2.6 g/cm 3 ; Grow, 1973) is ability of basalt to overcome the lithostatic load
crust, (2) the relatively refractory equilibrium probably an effective barrier to buoyancy-driven and ascend through a cold and thick upper-
phenocryst assemblage in Seguam basalt vs. dis- magma ascent. In regions of extension, magma crustal lid (Fig. 6). At Seguam, attenuated, hot,
equilibrium phenocrysts and xenoliths in Adak ponded at the upper crust-lower crust boundary and highly fractured upper crust assures that
basalt, (3) decreasing abundances of incompati- would readily evolve the hydrostatic head neces- both basalt and dacite are readily erupted. Varia-
ble elements with increasing degree of crustal sary to overcome the reduced lithostatic load tions in source composition might account for
extension, (4) high-pressure, polybaric crystalli- and erupt through a thin, fractured upper-crustal some of the isotopic differences between the
zation of basalt erupted through unextended lid (Glazner and Ussier, 1989; Fig. 6). Basalt Adak, Atka, and Seguam basalts. The Amlia
crust vs. low-pressure, nearly isobaric crystalliza- ponded beneath relatively cold and thick unex- fracture zone may have introduced an unusual
tion of basalt erupted through extended arc tended upper crust is less likely to evolve the measure of sediment component into the mag-
crust, and (5) elevated and uniform 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr hydrostatic head to erupt. ma source region beneath Seguam, which could
ratios of Seguam lavas relative to those of Atka explain the high 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios of Seguam ba-
and Adak. Interpretation of Central Aleutian Data salt. In any case, high 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios survived
Adak basalt undergoes polybaric disequilib- in Seguam basalt because there was little or no
rium crystallization, is enriched in incompatible chemical interaction between the ascending ba-
Role of Extension
elements, exhibits variable 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios, and salt and mantle peridotite or lower-crustal mafic
Rapid extension unroofs deep hot rock, car-
contains hybrid xenoliths of upper-mantle and granulite.
ries it closer to the surface, and steepens the
crustal geotherm (England and Jackson, 1987). lower-crustal ultramafic and mafic rock; it there-
Intracontinental basins geometrically similar to fore reflects open-system interaction between CONCLUSIONS
the Amlia and Amukta basins apparently re- ascending fractionating basaltic magma and sur- The thermal and density structure of the litho-
quire compensation by asthenospheric upwell- rounding mantle and lower crust, as suggested sphere of the central Aleutian arc is variably
ing, with the net effect of compressing isotherms by Conrad and Kay's (1984) mineralogic study modified by crustal extension. Basalt composi-
and steepening the geotherm throughout the of Adak xenoliths. The low 8 7 Sr/ 8 6 Sr ratios at tions correlate with the degree of intra-arc exten-
lithosphere (Royden and Sclater, 1981; Keen, Adak and Atka (Fig. 4) are consistent with as- sion because of differences in magmatic proc-
1987). Magma ascending through hotter ex- similation of unradiogenic upper-mantle perido- esses along the volcanic axis that result from
tended lithosphere should undergo reduced heat tite or lower-crustal mafic granulite by a these thermal and density changes. Basalt
loss and remain above its liquidus temperature relatively radiogenic parent magma (Myers et erupted through unextended crust (Adak) un-
over a longer depth interval (Singer et al., 1989). al., 1985), perhaps similar in isotopic composi- dergoes polybaric open-system crystallization in
Thus, basaltic magma ascending through ex- tion to Seguam basalt. the upper mantle and lower crust. Basalt erupted
tended lithosphere would not crystallize until The refractory equilibrium phenocryst as- through strongly extended crust (Seguam) un-
reaching shallow depths, compared to basalt as- semblage, low abundances of incompatible ele- dergoes closed-system crystallization at shallow
cending through colder, unextended lithosphere ments, and restricted compositional space occu- levels and better reflects its source characteris-
(Fig. 6). The shallower liquidus intersection re- pied in the basalt pseudoternary system (Fig. tics. The unusual volume of high-Si02 dacite at
stricts crystal fractionation and assimilation- 5A) argue against a major role for crystal Seguam evolved by shallow-level crystal frac-

1052 GEOLOGY, November 1990 1051

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roxene from 1 atm to 8 kbar: Application to the sion, crustal density, and the evolution of Ceno- rose Grant and University of Wyoming Geology and
volcanic center of Atka: American Mineralogist, zoic magmatism in the Basin and Range of the Geophysics scholarship (Singer) and by National
v. 72, p. 12-28. western United States: Journal of Geophysical Science Foundation Grant EAR 86-07324 (Myers).
Coats, R.R., 1952, Magmatic differentiation in Ter- Research, v. 94, p. 7952-7960. We thank the U.S. Coast Guard for logistical support,
tiary and Quaternary volcanic rocks from Adak Grove, T.L., Gerlach, D.C., and Sando, T.W., 1982, Jim Brophy for unpublished Kanaga data, Bruce
and Kanaga islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Origin of calc-alkaline series lavas at Medicine Marsh for Atka data, Carol Frost for access to the
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 63, Lake Volcano by fractionation, assimilation and University of Wyoming isotope geology laboratory,
p. 485-514. mixing: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrol- and Kathy Cashman and Dave Scholl for critical
Conrad, W.K., and Kay, R.W., 1984, Ultramafic and ogy, v. 80, p. 160-182. reviews.
mafic inclusions from Adak Island: Crystalliza- Grow, J.A., 1973, Crustal and upper mantle structure
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primary magmas and crustal evolution in the America Bulletin, v. 84, p. 2169-2192. Manuscript received March 8,1990
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p. 88-125. Sr isotopes in volcanic rocks from the Aleutian Manuscript accepted June 8, 1990

GEOLOGY, November 1990 Printed in U.S.A. 1053

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