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DOI: 10.1111/dme.12252

Research: Complications
Factors associated with diabetic ketoacidosis at onset of
Type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents

L. de Vries1,2, L. Oren1,2, L. Lazar1,2, Y. Lebenthal1,2, S. Shalitin1,2 and M. Phillip1,2

The Jesse Z and Sara Lea Shafer Institute for Endocrinology and Diabetes, National Center for Childhood Diabetes, Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel,
Petah-Tikva and 2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

Accepted 6 June 2013

Aims To identify risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents.
Methods In three time periods (1986–1987, 1996–1997 and 2006–2007) 75, 86 and 245 patients, respectively, aged
< 20 years were newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in one tertiary care centre. In this retrospective comparative
study, data of clinical characteristics, laboratory evaluation at diagnosis, as well as demographic data were retrieved
from the patients’ files. Comparative analyses were performed between patients presenting with or without diabetic
ketoacidosis and between the three time periods.
Results Patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis were younger (9.2  4.7 vs. 10.4  4.7 years; P < 0.02),
thinner (weight standard deviation score –0.59  1.2 vs. –0.25  1.1; P = 0.002) and less frequently had a first- and/or
second-degree relative with Type 1 diabetes compared with those without diabetic ketoacidosis at presentation (16.0 vs.
31.2%, respectively; P = 0.001). Children with diabetic ketoacidosis were less likely to have had relevant testing before
diagnosis than children without diabetic ketoacidosis. Children aged < 2 years presented more often with diabetic
ketoacidosis than the older children (85 vs. 32%; P < 0.001). Children of Ethiopian origin had a higher rate of diabetic
ketoacidosis at diagnosis than the rest of the cohort (57.8 vs. 33%; P = 0.04).
Conclusions Factors affecting the risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes may be
related to the degree of awareness of symptoms of diabetes among parents and primary care physicians. Prevention
programmes should aim at increasing awareness and consider the application of special measures to avoid diabetic
ketoacidosis in children aged < 2 years and high-risk ethnic groups.
Diabet. Med. 00, 000–000 (2013)

at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes and to analyse possible

changes in these factors over the past two decades, with the
Diabetic ketoacidosis is associated with significant morbidity aim to further lower the rate and severity of diabetic
and non-negligible mortality and constitutes the most com- ketoacidosis.
mon cause of hospitalization and death in children with
diabetes [1]. Moreover, diabetic ketoacidosis at presentation
Patients and methods
has been associated with decreased residual b-cell function
[2,3]. Diabetic ketoacidosis at disease onset in the paediatric
population has been reported to range from 12% to more
than 80% of cases at various sites in the world [4,5]. The study sample comprised 406 patients aged < 20 years
Although a recent study at our tertiary care centre found that diagnosed with new-onset Type 1 diabetes at a single tertiary
in the past decade there had been a decline in the rate of centre in three time periods: 75 diagnosed in 1986–1987
diabetic ketoacidosis in paediatric Type 1 diabetes onset [6], (period 1), 86 in 1996–1997 (period 2) and 245 in 2006–
the current rate is still 29.4%. We therefore undertook to 2007 (period 3). Of the 462 files retrieved, 56 cases were
identify the risk factors associated with diabetic ketoacidosis excluded because of any of the following: incomplete clinical
data, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, genetic defects of b-cell
Correspondence to: Liat de Vries. E-mail: function, drug- or chemical-induced diabetes, cystic fibro-

ª 2013 The Authors.

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DIABETICMedicine Factors associated with diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis  L. de Vries et al.

defined as a pH value of < 7.3 or bicarbonate < 15 mmol/l

What’s new? [4]. Severity of diabetic ketoacidosis was defined as follows—
mild: pH 7.2–7.3, serum bicarbonate 10–15 mmol/l; mod-
● Risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis did
erate: pH 7.1–7.2, serum bicarbonate 5–10 mmol/l; severe:
not change over two decades.
pH < 7.1, serum bicarbonate < 5 mmol/l.
● Children aged < 2 years and children of Ethiopian Standard laboratory methods in the clinical laboratory of
Jewish origin are at high risk for diabetic ketoacidosis the Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel were used
at diagnosis. to measure glucose and blood gases.
● Factors associated with lower risk were Type 1 diabe-
tes in a first- and/or second-degree family member, Statistical methods
screening tests for hyperglycaemia at the community
All analyses were carried out using the BMDP program [7]
clinic prior to admission, higher weight standard
and the results are expressed as mean  SD or number
deviation score and older age at diagnosis.
(percentage). Analyses were carried out for patients pre-
● Recognizing the risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis at senting with or without diabetic ketoacidosis for the entire
presentation would be the basis for a targeted preven- cohort and for the three time periods. For continuous
tion programme aimed at increasing awareness and variables, comparisons between groups were made using
knowledge of the clinical symptoms. analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni’s adjust-
ment for multiple comparisons. Discrete variables were
compared using Pearson’s v2-test or Fisher’s exact test, as
appropriate. For those variables that did not have Gaussian
distributions, or had a relatively small sample size, com-
sis-related diabetes, genetic syndromes associated with dia- parisons between groups were performed using the Mann–
betes and with insulin resistance or insulin deficiency. Whitney U-test (when comparing two groups) or the
The study protocol was approved by our Institutional Kruskal–Wallis test (when comparing more than two
Review Board. groups). For variables that were found significantly differ-
ent between the study groups, a comparison was also made
between patients presenting with and those without
diabetic ketoacidosis. Using the variables found to be
Our institutional diabetes registry consecutively records significant on univariate analysis, we applied a stepwise
every patient with new-onset diabetes referred to our clinic, logistic regression to determine those variables significantly
registering date of diagnosis, date of birth and gender. associated with diabetic ketoacidosis. Included in the
Demographic data extracted from the medical files of each logistic regression was also the period of diagnosis
patient included family history, ethnicity and documentation (group 1, 2 or 3). A P-value of < 0.05 was considered
of Type 1 diabetes in first- and second-degree relatives, as significant.
well as presenting symptoms, duration of symptoms and
estimated weight loss. Ethnic groups included Israeli Arabs,
Ashkeanzi Jews, Ethiopian Jews, Yemenite Jews and Middle
Eastern Jews. Clinical data included age, weight, height and
Rate of diabetic ketoacidosis by age and ethnic origin
pubertal stage (prepubertal: Tanner 1; in puberty: Tanner 2–
4; fully pubertal: Tanner 5) at diagnosis. Weight was Overall 33.7% of patients presented with diabetic ketoaci-
measured following full rehydration to avoid misinterpreta- dosis at diagnosis: 36.1% of the boys and 32.7% of the girls
tion of fluid loss as weight loss. Weight standard deviation (P = 0.47). For the entire cohort, the percentage of children
score (SDS) at presentation was calculated. Data of BMI and aged 0–4, 5–9, 10–14 and 15–20 years who presented with
BMI SDS are not shown as BMI was only determined in diabetic ketoacidosis was 40.5, 35.7, 38.4 and 23.6%,
children > 2 years of age. respectively, showing a significantly lower rate for the older
Tests performed at the community clinic (urine dipstick, age group (P < 0.02) compared with the rest of the cohort.
capillary glucose by portable glucose meter, laboratory These rates were similar when analysing by period of
urinalysis and/or serum glucose) before referral to the diagnosis.
hospital were documented. For all time periods, children < 2 years had a significantly
higher rate of diabetic ketoacidosis at presentation than the
older children (85 vs. 32%, P < 0.001); 34.6% had severe
Laboratory analysis
diabetic ketoacidosis, compared with 5.1% of the older
Laboratory data included blood glucose level, pH, bicarbon- patients (P < 0.001). These differences were observed in the
ate and HbA1c at diagnosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis was three time periods.

ª 2013 The Authors.

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Patients of Ethiopian Jewish origin had a higher rate of rate as well as by seasons, the diabetic ketoacidosis rate was
diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis than the rest of the cohort found to be similar all year round. Neither the number of
(57.8 vs.33%; P = 0.04). Such a difference was not observed children in the family nor the order of the child in the family
for the other ethnic groups. However, the rate of patients of (whether first, second, third, etc.) were associated with
Ethiopian origin presenting with severe diabetic ketoacidosis diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis.
was similar to that of the other groups (5.2%).
Presenting signs and symptoms
Duration of symptoms before diagnosis was similar for the two
Characteristics of patients presenting with diabetic
groups—those with and without diabetic ketoacidosis at
ketoacidosis at diagnosis (Table 1)
presentation—and no correlation was found between symp-
Patient characteristics tom duration and pH. The prevalence of the classical symp-
Patients presenting with diabetic ketoacidosis were younger toms of polydipsia, polyuria and nocturia was also similar.
(9.2  4.7 vs. 10.4  4.7 years; P < 0.02), weighed less As expected, the rate of patients who reported weight loss
(weight SDS –0.59  1.2 vs. –0.25  1.1; P = 0.002) and before diagnosis (78.8 vs. 66.8%; P = 0.01), as well as the
less frequently had a first- and/or second-degree relative with extent of weight loss (8.5  6.6 vs. 5.3  5.5% of body
Type 1 diabetes than those without diabetic ketoacidosis at weight; P < 0.001), were significantly higher among patients
presentation (16.0 vs. 31.2%, respectively; P = 0.001). In the with diabetic ketoacidosis than for the rest of the cohort.
group with diabetic ketoacidosis, the proportion of patients Significant differences between groups were observed for all
with a family history of an autoimmune disorder other than symptoms related to diabetic ketoacidosis, such as dyspnoea,
Type 1 diabetes tended to be lower than for the group abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.
without diabetic ketoacidosis (16.7 vs 24.6%; P = 0.07). The differences between those who presented with diabetic
The distribution of patients by gender and by pubertal ketoacidosis and those who did not were similar in the three
status was similar in both groups. Upon analysis by monthly study periods (Table 2).

Table 1 Characteristics of patients presenting with and without diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis No diabetic ketoacidosis

(n = 137) (n = 269) P-value

Age at admission (years) 9.2  4.7 10.4  4.7 < 0.02

Height SDS 0.15  1.0 0.15  1.0 0.9
Weight SDS 0.59  1.3 0.25  1.1 0.002
Pubertal stage (pre-/in puberty/post-) (%) 59/29/18 52/31/18 0.9
Polyuria (%) 94.7 90 0.1
Polydipsia (%) 95.5 90.8 0.1
Appetite loss (%) 26 8.5 < 0.001
Weight loss (%) 78.8 66.8 < 0.02
Estimated weight loss (% of body weight) 8.5  6.6 5.3  5.5 < 0.001
Nocturnal enuresis (%) 39.1 42.9 0.5
Constipation (%) 2.3 0.4 0.1
Fatigue (%) 37.6 17.8 < 0.001
Weakness (%) 57.1 20.1 < 0.001
Dyspnoea (%) 15 0.8 < 0.001
Fever (%) 27.6 18.5 0.05
Abdominal pain (%) 29.3 13.1 < 0.001
Vomiting (%) 33.1 7.3 < 0.001
Genital irritation/fungal infection (%) 4.5 5.8 0.6
Mental alteration (%) 19.4 0.8 < 0.001
Hospitalized (%) 98.5 74.2 < 0.001
Hospitalization duration (days) 4.6  3.1 3.3  2.5 < 0.001
Laboratory findings
Serum glucose (mmol/l) 29.1  9.7 24.9  11.0 < 0.001
HbA1c (mmol/mol) 109  7 100  8 0.02
(%) (12.1  2.8) (11.3  2.9)
pH 7.17  0.11 7.36  0.04 < 0.001
Bicarbonate (mmol/l) 11.5  5.4 22.4  3 < 0.001
Creatinine (mmol/l) 0.82  0.26 0.76  0.15 < 0.03
First- and/or second-degree relatives with Type 1 diabetes (%) 16.0 31.2 < 0.001
Glucose testing at primary care centre before referral (%) 57.1 78.3 < 0.001

*Data are mean  SD unless otherwise indicated.

ª 2013 The Authors.

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Table 2 Characteristics of patients presenting with and without diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis in three time periods*

Diabetic ketoacidosis No diabetic ketoacidosis

1986–1987 1996–1997 2006–2007 1986–1987 1996–1997 2006–2007 P for diabetic

(n = 30) (n = 36) (n = 72) (n = 45) (n = 50) (n = 173) ketoacidosis† P for group‡

Age at admission (years) 9.7  5.1 9.4  4.6 8.4  4.7 11.6  4.8 10.8  4.6 10.0  4.6 0.009 0.18
Weight SDS 0.91  1.2 0.37  1.2 0.57  1.3 0.67  0.98 0.27  1.3 0.14  1.1 0.05 0.02
Puberal stage
Pre-/puberty/post- 53/32/15 59/34/7 61/26/13 43/36/21 53/32/15 53/29/18 0.3 0.6
puberty (%)
Estimated weight 7.6  6.4 7.2  6.8 9.4  6.5 6.7  6.2 5.3  4.8 5  5.4 < 0.001 0.43
loss (% of
body weight)
Polyuria (%) 96 82 100 95 90 89 0.08 0.11
Polydipsia (%) 96 85 100 95 90 90 0.07 0.15
First- and/or second- 10.7 22.2 15.1 33.3 32.7 31.6 < 0.001 0.77
degree relatives with
Type 1 diabetes (%)
Glucose testing at primary 50.0 46.7 67.6 78.6 73.2 78.8 < 0.001 0.15
care centre
before referral (%)
Patients < 2 years (%) 14.3 8.8 12.3 0.0 2.0 1.2 < 0.001 1.2

*Data are mean  SD unless otherwise indicated.

†P-value for the difference between those with and those without diabetic ketoacidosis.
‡P-value for the difference between the three time periods.
No interaction was found for any of the variables.
Factors associated with diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis  L. de Vries et al.

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Table 3 Risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis

Characteristics of groups with high risk for diabetic
ketoacidosis at diabetes onset
Increased risk Not affecting risk Reduced risk
Compared with older children, children < 2 years of age
Age < 2 years Gender Age > 15 years
(n = 20) presented more frequently with vomiting (58 vs
Ethnic Ethiopian Year of diagnosis Family history of
14%; P < 0.001), dyspnoea (21 vs. 5%; P < 0.003) and origin Type 1 diabetes
fever (47 vs. 21%; P < 0.006), and less frequently with Weight loss Time of year Higher weight
Pubertal stage Screening tests for
weight loss (47 vs 72%; P < 0.02), with no difference for
rates of polyuria, polydipsia and fatigue. Nocturnal enuresis Number of siblings
was reported in 43% of older children and in the one child
younger than 2 years who had been toilet-trained before
diagnosis (P = 0.001). Duration of symptoms before diag-
nosis was significantly shorter in children younger than a lower weight at diagnosis. In contrast, children with a first-
2 years (12.8  13.9 vs. 28.1  43.5 days; P = 0.003) and or second-degree relative with Type 1 diabetes and those
they less frequently had screening tests for hyperglycaemia who had a preceding screening test for hyperglycaemia at the
before referral (25 vs. 69.9%; P < 0.001). community centre seemed less likely to present with diabetic
Children of Ethiopian Jewish origin (n = 19) were char- ketoacidosis. Gender, pubertal stage and time of the year did
acterized by a significantly higher proportion of female not affect the risk for diabetic ketoacidosis.
patients (78.9 vs. 50.7%; P = 0.01), and no family history of Our finding in the present study, that diabetic ketoacidosis
Type 1 diabetes in either a first- or second-degree relative in at diabetes onset was more common and more severe in
any of the patients, compared with 32.3% in the rest of the children younger than 2 years of age, is similar to observa-
cohort (P = 0.001). They were similar to all patients from tions reported by many others [8–13]. The short duration of
other ethnic groups in all other clinical and biochemical symptoms and high frequency and severity of diabetic
variables, except for the higher rate of diabetic ketoacidosis. ketoacidosis in this age group has been attributed to a more
Using stepwise logistic regression, we found that factors aggressive form of disease and a more rapid decline in b-cell
associated with diabetic ketoacidosis at presentation were function, further aggravated by the higher incidence of
age < 2 years [for < 2 years old vs. older, odds ratio 18.0, intercurrent infection precipitating acidosis [14,15], higher
95% CI 3.7–28.7; P < 0.001] and weight loss before diag- risk of dehydration in the young and a less developed
nosis [odds ratio 1.8 (95% CI 0.99–3.16); P = 0.05], while mechanism of metabolic decompensation [16].
factors associated with lower risk were Type 1 diabetes in a The higher rate of diabetic ketoacidosis may possibly also
first- and/or second-degree family member [odds ratio 0.28 be related to any of the following: (1) a delay in diagnosis
(95% CI 0.15–1.0); P < 0.001], screening tests for hyper- because of low awareness, as onset of Type 1 diabetes before
glycaemia at the community clinic prior to admission [odds the age 2 years is uncommon; (2) failure to recognize typical
ratio 0.35 (95% CI 0.21–0.59); P < 0.001], higher weight signs such as polyuria in an infant still using a nappy; (3) the
SDS [odds ratio 0.82 (95% CI 0.67–0.99); P = 0.05] and high rate of fever and/or acute infection that may have
older age at diagnosis [odds ratio 0.94 (95% CI 0.90–0.99); masked the symptoms of diabetes [17]. Indeed, the rate of
P = 0.03]. The area under the receiver operating character- reported nocturia and/or nocturnal enuresis in infants less
istics curve for these variables was 0.73. Similar results were than 2 years of age in our cohort was significantly lower,
found when performing logistic regression for each time simply because all except one had not yet been toilet-trained.
period separately. Although the rate of diabetic ketoacidosis The possibility of delayed diagnosis is supported by a
was significantly higher among children of Ethiopian origin, retrospective study of toddlers with diabetes, which found
we did not include ethnicity in the logistic regression, as our that parents were more likely to recognize symptomatic
cohort included patients diagnosed during 1986–1987 and hyperglycaemia in children older than 2 years [11].
most Ethiopian Jews immigrated to Israel only after 1990. In a previous study, we found that patients presenting with
The influence of the various factors studied on risk of diabetic ketoacidosis were less likely to have had prior
diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes is glucose testing in the community before referral than the
summarized in Table 3. patients without diabetic ketoacidosis (57.1 vs. 78.3%;
P < 0.001) [6].
The low rate of relevant laboratory tests performed in the
community before diagnosis in this young age group
This study sought to determine which factors are associated supports the assumption of a lower awareness of diabetes
with diabetic ketoacidosis in children and adolescents with by either caregivers or physicians. A study from Ontario
new onset of Type 1 diabetes. Found to be at highest risk recently reported that, although children presenting with
were children younger than 2 years, those of Ethiopian diabetic ketoacidosis more frequently had a medical encoun-
origin, those with a greater weight loss before diagnosis and ter before diagnosis than children with diabetes without

ª 2013 The Authors.

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DIABETICMedicine Factors associated with diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis  L. de Vries et al.

diabetic ketoacidosis, they were less likely to have had control at onset occurring spontaneously [23] or achieved
relevant laboratory testing before diagnosis [8]. Unfortu- by intensive insulin treatment has been shown to preserve
nately, we were unable to collect comprehensive data on the secretion of insulin. The Diabetes Control and Compli-
medical encounters prior to diagnosis as data were not cations Trial found that residual endogenous insulin secre-
computerized in the earlier years. It is therefore not possible tion predicted a 65% lower risk of severe hypoglycaemia
to know if the parents were unaware and did not seek help or [24] and a 50% lower risk of the progression of diabetic
if the physician was unaware and did not perform relevant retinopathy [25].
laboratory tests. Thus, the ultimate aim should be to decrease the rate and
Other than in the subgroup of children younger than severity of diabetic ketoacidosis, as well as to shorten the
2 years, there was no significant difference in the diabetic duration of symptoms. This would reduce morbidity and
ketoacidosis rate in the children aged 0–4, 5–9 or 10– mortality, as well as healthcare costs, and also result in a
14 years. These findings do not support those recently higher residual b-cell reserve. While a general educational
reported from Finland showing that adolescents aged 10– programme in Parma (Italy) has been reported to have
14 years were at increased risk of diabetic ketoacidosis [17]. resulted in a major decrease in prevalence of diabetic
The increased prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis among ketoacidosis at presentation [26], the literature contains no
Ethiopian Jews could be attributable to different genetics other reports of such dramatic reductions in ketoacidosis
[18] or to a lower socio-economic status and parental rates following publicity. In Wales, a publicity campaign did
education. Although the latter variables were not assessed in not have any effect on ketoacidosis rates at diagnosis of
our study, most of our Ethiopian patients are of low Type 1 diabetes [27]. Recognizing the risk factors for
education and socio-economic status, factors which have diabetic ketoacidosis at presentation would be the basis for
been shown to be risk factors for diabetic ketoacidosis [19]. a targeted prevention programme aimed at increasing
Interestingly, none of our patients of Ethiopian origin awareness and knowledge of the clinical symptoms. Such
reported a family history of Type 1 diabetes in first- or programmes should consider the application of special
second-degree relatives. This may have been a contributing measures to avoid diabetic ketoacidosis in high-risk groups.
factor to the lower awareness, resulting in a delay in The ‘target audience’ should include caregivers of babies and
diagnosis. young infants, such as team members of baby clinic centres.
Higher awareness and earlier recognition of the signs and In neighbourhoods highly populated with ‘high-risk’ ethnic
symptoms of hyperglycaemia could also explain our finding groups, the means of education should be in their language
of a higher rate of family history of Type 1 diabetes among (in the case of Ethiopian Jews, in Amhari) and should be
the patients without diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis. These adapted to their culture and beliefs.
findings are in line with a previous report on familial Type 1 The strength of the current study stems from the long-term
diabetes, showing that the diabetic ketoacidosis rate was follow-up in a single tertiary centre, as well as the detailed
lower in the second affected family member than in sporadic data. We were able to identify factors associated with
cases [20]. diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes in our
Weight loss before diagnosis is a typical sign of metabolic population and to show that these did not change over two
derangement, with a higher risk of onset of diabetic decades. The difference in the size of the three study groups
ketoacidosis. Therefore, the highest prevalence of weight stems mostly from the increase in the size of the Israeli
loss before diagnosis in children presenting with diabetic population over the study period and the increase in
ketoacidosis in our cohort is not surprising. This seems to be incidence of Type 1 diabetes.
the obvious explanation for the association between higher Unfortunately, we were unable to collect precise data on
weight SDS and lower risk for diabetic ketoacidosis. Yet, socio-economic factors such as family income or parental
higher weight SDS could be a protective factor by itself: education.
overweight in a child with evolving Type 1 diabetes could In conclusion, as diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of
result in insulin resistance [21] and hyperglycaemia, with an Type 1 diabetes is associated with a lower rate of partial
earlier appearance of symptoms while insulin secretion is still remission, the identification of risk factors for diabetic
sufficient to suppress production of ketone bodies. ketoacidosis is of utmost importance. Children aged
Children followed by the Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in < 2 years, children originating from specific ethnic groups
the Young, an observational study following children at and those without a family history of Type 1 diabetes are at
high risk for Type 1 diabetes by periodic testing in the USA, high risk for diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis. Thus, efforts
had a milder clinical course at diagnosis: they did not should be directed at increasing awareness in the general
develop diabetic ketoacidosis, were rarely hospitalized, had population, with specific programmes for high-risk groups.
nearly normal HbA1c values at diagnosis and significantly
lower requirements for insulin in the first year of illness [22].
Funding sources
This milder clinical course at diagnosis may have very
important long-term implications, as near-euglycaemic None.

ª 2013 The Authors.

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Competing interests 13 Szypowska A, Sk orka A. The risk factors of ketoacidosis in children
with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus. Pediatr Diabetes
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Acknowledgments new-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus. Clin Pediatr 2003; 42: 591–597.
15 Nimri R, Phillip M, Shalitin S. Children diagnosed with diabetes
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work was performed in partial fulfillment of the MD thesis 16 Rosenbauer J, Icks A, Giani G. Clinical characteristics and
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J Pediatr Endo Metab 2002; 15: 1137–1145.
17 Hekkala A, Reunanen A, Koski M, Knip M, Veijola R; Finnish
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ª 2013 The Authors.

Diabetic Medicine ª 2013 Diabetes UK 7

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